HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070601Reply comments.pdfDONOV AN E. WALKER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO. 5921 " j" ,, ' 1 ' ' ;" :;, : 1: . iUJ' : " ;", 1831, Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, ID 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF STONERIDGE WATER COMPANY FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES AND CHARGES AND TO ) MODIFY RULES AND REGULATIONS CASE NO. SWS-O6- REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF On November 20, 2006, Stoneridge Water Company filed an Application for an increase in rates and charges and changes to its rules and regulations. On December 18 , 2006 the Commission issued a Notice of the Company s Application and authorized the use of Modified Procedure to process that Application. Order No. 30204. On February 16, 2007, the Commission established a comment deadline under Modified Procedure of April 27, 2007. On April 27, 2007, the Commission Staff as well as Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners Association, Inc. (Stoneridge Resort), the only intervenor in this case filed comments. On May 14, 2007, both the Company and the Intervenor filed Replies to the Comments of Staff. Based upon the Replies to its Comments, Staff is compelled to make certain corrections to its Comments filed on April 27 , 2007. Because these corrections have a rather large impact upon the Company s Revenue Requirement, a change in Staffs recommended rate design is also warranted. REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF JUNE 1 , 2007 CORRECTIONS TO RA TE BASE In the Company s Reply to Staffs Comments in this Case, the Company raises the issue that Staff failed to accurately consider investments made by the Company as part of the Company s rate base. After reviewing the information provided by the Company, Staff agrees that it failed to accurately consider some investments made by the Company, and failed to include an additional $52 373 of capital expenditures in rate base. The additional expenditures made by the Company were for items associated with capital improvements made as part of the previously described Phase I and Phase II improvements. Staff examined these expenditures and determined that the Company incurred these costs above and beyond the costs incurred and paid for with the Phase I and Phase II loan proceeds. Also, Staff recommends that these expenditures were reasonable and prudent expenditures for capital improvements that are currently used and useful in providing service. Staff is requesting that the Commission determine that the rate base amount Staff set forth in its Comments of $51 254 be increased by the $52 373. This will make the Company s total rate base $103 627. Staff also wishes to correct a typographical error from page 14 and page 20 of its original comments. The total monthly surcharge per customer for the Happy Valley Ranchos Phase I, interconnection loan repayment should be $16.83 as stated in the chart on page 14. The $16.64 amount stated in the text of page 14 and 20 is an error. When the corrected amount of rate base is used, the Company s revenue requirement should be increased by $8 002. Staffs original Comments stated that the total revenue requirement should be $132 350; now with the additional rate base, the new revenue requirement is $140 352. See Attachment A, which is meant to amend Staffs Exhibit 106. CORRECTIONS TO METER SIZES Staff s recommended rate design utilized a varying customer charge based upon meter size. This calculation uses a standard residential % inch meter as a base charge, and all other customer s minimum charges are set as a multiple of this base, using the flow area ratio as the multiplier. Staff continues to support and recommend this methodology. However, the Company has identified a number of changes and corrections to the actual meter sizes that are/will be installed on the system. The changes include reductions in both the number of meters and the size of several meters. Additionally, there was an error in Staffs spreadsheet calculation REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF JUNE 1 2007 utilized in Staff s original Comments. The net effect of these changes combined with the additional rate base revenue requirement is to create a revenue shortfall of $37 670, using the rates as proposed in Staff s original Comments. CLARIFICA TION OF THE RECONNECTION FEE (SEASONAL DISCONNECTS) Staff, in its filed Comments, proposed a reconnection fee of $65 for customers that are disconnected for periods greater than 30 days ($83.50 after hours). Staff believes that this fee is necessary to discourage seasonal disconnections, which undermine the company s revenue and therefore their ability to maintain facilities capable of delivering the peak water demand. Because commercial customers had not historically disconnected, Staff was focused on the residential customers but is now aware that larger customers, specifically referring to the golf course, might disconnect for the winter season. For the same reasons that staff proposed a varying customer charge based on meter size, Staff believes that the reconnection charge should also be proportional to the flow area of the meter, or proportional to the customer charge. The after hours differential should be $25 higher than the charge for normal working hours. Staffs original proposal: $65 reconnection fee for disconnects longer than 30 days Staff revised proposal:$65 for a standard %" meter and proportionately increase the fee based on the flow area of the meter. For example: 14"$65 $462 $4160 These rates are summarized in Attachment B. CORRECTED RA TE DESIGN Because of the accounting adjustment that increased the revenue requirement and the reduction in revenue that would result from the changes in meter size, the Staffs originally proposed rate design will no longer produce the necessary revenue requirement. The new revenue requirement is $140 352. Staff is proposing a customer charge of $24 for a standard % inch meter. Larger meters would be charged an increased rate in proportion to the area of the meter. This is the same methodology originally proposed by Staff. The commodity charge would be $0.79/1 000 REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF JUNE 1 , 2007 gallons for all customers and all usage except the golf course, which would receive a 10% discount in the commodity rate to $0.71/1 000 gallons because it has interruptible service and the ability to take service during off-peak hours. This is consistent with Staffs original comments where the commodity rate for the golf course was also set at a 10% discount. Staffs original proposal: $18.10/month for a %" meter and $0.53/1 000 gal. (10% discount to golf course) Staff revised proposal: $24/month for a %" meter and $0.79/1 000 gal. (10% discount to golf course) These rates and rate design are summarized in Attachment C. GOLF COURSE RA The Company has raised concern that if the annual cost to the Golf course exceeds about $45 000 they would opt for drilling their own well at an estimated cost of $100 000. Staff acknowledges that this is a valid concern and also notes that the Golf course is an interruptible customer. The annual cost to the golf course under Staffs proposed rates is $46 071. After communicating this to the Company s representative, the Company responded that Staffs rate design of $24.00 base charge on a %" meter, with a customer charge varying based upon meter size as set forth in Staff Comments, and a commodity charge of $0.79/1 000 gallons with an irrigation (golf course) discount of 1 0% is agreeable. CONCLUSION Based on the corrections set forth by Staff in these Reply Comments, Staff s Recommendations set forth in its original Comments should be modified as follows: 1 )Rate base is $103 627, not $51 254.19; Revenue Requirement is $140 352, not $132 350; The total monthly surcharge per customer for the Happy Valley Ranchos Phase I interconnection loan repayment should be $16., not $16.64; The base %" meter charge is $24., not $18.10; and the commodity charge is $0.79/1 000 gallons, not $0.53/1 000 gallons; The Reconnection Fee scales proportionately just like the monthly customer charge, as shown in Attachment B. REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF JUNE 1 , 2007 All of the remaining recommendations and rationale contained in Staffs original Comments which were not addressed in these Reply Comments, remain as stated in the original Comments. Respectfully submitted this 1 st day of June, 2007. Donovan E. Walker Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Joe Leckie Dave Schunke REPL Y COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF JUNE 1 , 2007 Stoneridge Water Company ICase No. SWS-O6- Rate Case Amended Revenue Requirement Calculation - Post Comments Rate Base 618,Attachment 105 903 Annual Expenses $116 072,Attachment 104 116 073 Depreciation 181,Attachment 101 181 Grossed-up Taxes 1,478,See Below 195 (See Calculation Below) Revenue Requirement $132 349,140 352 Calculation of Taxes Income from Return on RB 618 903 Less Interest Expense 210)210) Taxable Income 5,408 693 State Taxes ~ 7,411 889 Federal Taxes ~ 15%750 621 Net income after tax 247 184 Gross Up Multiplier: Beginning 100,0000% State Tax ~ 7,6000%f---Federal Taxable 92.4000% Federal Tax ~ 15%13,8600% Net After Tax 78,5400% Net to Gross Multiplier 127,3237% Tax Liability x Gross-up Factor (($411 + $750) x 1,273237)1,478 --= (($889 + $1621) X 1.273237)195 Amended Exhibi t 106 ATTACHMENT A CASE NO. SWS-06- STAFF REPLY COMMENTS6/01/07 C'O ..c: ;::., 5 "0'-0 t5 C'? Q) ..... c:: Q) c:: ~ ..... 00 ::::I c:: .,gQ) 0 a::.- OJt5 .Q) ~ c:: .....c:: 00 ~U - U) C'O :0 E ..... ..... 0 0'+- c:: I.!)CDONNOCJ)OCD..-CD CD N-.:t-.:tCDUT..- N -.:t t- 00..- UT UT UT UT ...: ...: -.,iUTUTUT 0t-0~~8~~~E ~~~Occi..fN~ ,- ::::I Q) -.:t N CD t- CD 00 00 I.!):!:: E OJN-.:t CJ)"-NC'? CD - ~ .- ro UT UT UT UT UT UT UT ..-Q) ,..c: a::~O ~ ~ c:: u:: :; .8 cry Q b C\i a:: u:: C'O ..... ~ -:e (J) ..... Q) E ~ . 000..-~8~8..- t- 0..- . ' ..- CD 00 -.:t..- -.:t t- ..- ..- N CDOCDI.!)-.:t ~CD-.:tOCD~~-.:t t- t- ..- CJ) oo""':C'?.fr-.:~~ 00000000I.!)ooooooot-o I.!) 0 I.!) 00 0O""':""':NNC'?.fcci A TT ACHMENT CASE NO. SWS-W-06- STAFF REPLY COMMENTS6/01/07 SW S W a t e r HV R R e s SR R e s Mo t o r C o a c h Co m m e r c i a l Go l f C o u r s e Ti m e S h a r e To t a l R e s u l t i n g R e v e n u e Ba s e M i n C h a r g e Co m m o d i t y R a t e Go l f C o u r s e c o m m o d i t y d i s c o u n t OH 1 ) ( ) :J : o o ... . . . . . . . . 1 - 3 : J : o o 1- 3 :J : o o ( J ) 1 - 3 f- ' t ' x j t t j :J : o o .. . . . . . . . . . t ' x j z: : r : ~: : a o : : s : tt j . tt j 'U Z L' ( J ) 1- 3 K: :: E : (J ) ( ) () :: E : :: s : I :s : a tt j m Z I 1- 3 f - ' (J ) Re v e n u e C a l c u l a t i o n R e s u l t s Re v . R e q r m n t = Cu s t o m e r C l a s s To t a l A n n u a l B i l l $3 5 69 8 . 4 6 $3 8 71 6 , $1 , 4 0 6 . $2 , 4 8 6 , $4 6 07 1 . $1 6 33 4 , $1 4 0 71 3 . $2 4 . $0 . 10 . $1 4 0 35 2 . Cu s t o m e r Mo n t h l y A v e r a g e I Bi l l nc r e a s e $2 9 . 4 5 83 % $2 8 . 88 % $2 . $4 1 . 4 4 84 % 83 9 . 65 % $9 . 54 4 % N/ A 76 % /m o n t h 71 % 00 0 G a l l o n 16 3 % CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 1ST DAY OF JUNE 2007 SERVED THE FOREGOING REPLY COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. SWS-06-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID TO THE FOLLOWING: WAYNE BENNER STONERIDGE WATER COMPANY PO BOX 280 BLANCHARD ID 83804 JOE M OLMSTEAD 11203 E ANTLER RD CHA TT AROY W A 99003 MAIL: jolmstead~windwireless.net JANET ROBNETT PAINE HAMBLEN COFFIN BROOKE AND MILLER LLP 701 FRONT AVE. SUITE 101 PO BOX E COEUR D' ALENE ID 83816-0328 CINDY THOMAS RESORT MANAGER AND SRCCOA ASSIST ANT SECRETARY STONERIDGE RESORT 250 CHATWOLD BLANCHARD ID 83804 ~~~\(~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE