HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070129Comment.pdfYt~1/0Jean Jewell /10 /10 Ct~ . H From: Sent: To: Subject: ejcjbalnis~earthnet.ws Sunday, January 28, 2007 7:42 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment/Inquiry Form A Comment from Edward Balnis follows: - - -- - -- - - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Case Number: SWSW0601 Name: Edward BalnisAddress: 53 Short Dr. City: Blanchard State: Idaho Zip: 83804 Home Telephone: 208-437-0258Contact E-Mail: ej cjbalnis~earthnet. Name of Utili ty Compa StoneRidge WaterAdd to Mailing List: Company Please describe your question or comment briefly:Re: Notice of application to increace rates. Of all the water users in 'Happy Valley Ranchos ' that I have spoken with none have contested a rate increase, only the exorbitant monetary amount of said increases. In addition, we are preplexed about why it took StoneRidge one and a half months to notify the ' users I about said application. Please be advised That the ' users ' in Happy ValleyRanchos and the ' users ' in Stone Ridge Resort are two very different entities. I StoneRidge resort' could be classified as Beverly Hills and I Happy Valley ' could be classified as Downtown Hollywood (Haves and have nots) . When I.U. approved the Merger in August 2003, part of the reason for that approval was you received 15 written comments plus a majority vote at our association meeting in favor,due to the higher water quality and that the combined water system would be at a cost similar to what we were then paying. I am not sure of the overall income level of theusers' in Happy Valley Ranchos, but a simple drive through this area will tell you that it is not far from the 'Have Nots . The dwelling charge has increased from $14.00 permonth to $38.00 per month and the commodity charge from thirty cents (.30) per 1000gallons used to sixty seven cents (.67) per gallon used per month. These increase percentages are outragrous! Had the Happy Valley Ranchos users known this might happen back when the merger was being considered, the vote would have been 98% to the negative.Shouldn t there be some sort of a cap on increased percentages? The ' Perception ' is that StoneRidge Water Company is trying to dupe I. P. U. C. by asking for increases in gargantuan form knowing that you will decrease those figures by a large amount then laugh all the way to the bank because they will have gotten much more than if they had asked for a reasonable increase. A wise man once opined: 'Perception is truth' Please, Please, before making your decision send a representative to drive through ' HappyValley Ranchos ' and absorb what is to be seen and then compare to the $500,000+ homes inStone Ridge Resort'. The difference is blinding! What's wrong with a 10% increase? That' still more than the increases in the cost of living that we on fixed incomes have a hard time managing anyway. Wi th Due Respect Concerned Ci ti zenEd Balnis The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.htmi IP address is -- - - - - ---- -- - -- ---- - - - -- --- - ----- --