HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070313Supplemental information.pdfJOE M. OLMSTEAD, P. Consulting Engineer 11203 E Antler Road Chattaroy W A 99003 March 9, 2007 509-292-2604 j 0 1mstead~wind wireless. net Attn: Donovan E. Walker, Deputy Attorney General C:\ajmollProjedslSRlStudieslIPUC 070229\IP~ tr.nsmitilL~O229.docc- c:=:o .-: , 5 ::l:-~. :=- ~~.. '; " "i:----;JJ ::) U: --.. ~B~~ ~, :::: '-R(0 .--' . . f' Idaho Public Utility Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 Subj: Stoneridge Water Company, Case No. SWS-06- Supplemental Information Dear Donovan: The StoneRidge Water Company would like to supply the following additional information. An original and seven copies of the information are provided for the Commission s use;- The information 1) more fully explains the proposed tariff, 2) provides additional data in response to the question of rate base, 3) corrects the meter sizes supplied in response to the first production request, and 4) provides new data showing the actual amount of water used by the golf course for irrigation in 2006. The first attachment, provided by Wayne Benner, describes the existing Tariff with the modifications that were presented as part ofthe request to amend Tariff No. 1 and the Rate Structure submitted November 7 2006. The attachment also presents additional information to be incorporated into the requested modifications providing further definitions of the Connection and Service Classification s for the Water System. The second attachment, provided by Dean Allara, provides the backup detail for the rate base that was provided in response to request #8 of the First Production Request. The third attachment corrects the meter size that was supplied in response to request #24 of the First Production Request. The changed information is shown by highlighting the cell background. A copy of the revised spread sheet is also provided on the attached CD. Licensed in Washington and Idaho IPUC Supplemental Information March 9, 2007 Page 2 of 2 The fourth attachment, provided by Wayne Benner, is the operator s record of the water supplied to the golf course during the year 2006. The water delivered to the golf course for irrigation in 2006 is: Month May June July August September October Tota12006 Consumption (gallons) 380 500 801 500 966 000 737 900 382 600 437 705 800 The above consumption figures do not include 439 500 gallons used in the golf course water feature (a man made stream). Joe M. Olmstead, PE Consulting Engineer Encl: 8 each 3 ring binders Cc:StoneRidge, Allara wi encl StoneRidge, Blanchard wi encl Joe M Olmstead wi encl Licensed in Washington and Idaho : (,' .. .,,' - "f1 : \ ~! , I' .; , ) k I I '"-. uu ",. Ii:, \-;i ;;;,), iiJ( ((' ,. Ill I'i;:~:; COi';,:1),!;:'v lu, , .. '" . I... - STONERIDGE WATER COMPANY CASE NO. SWS-O6- ABLE OF A TT ACHMENTS SUPPLEMENT AL INFORMATION ATTACHMENT NO.TITLE TARIFF WITH MODIFICATIONS BACKUP DETAIL FOR RATE BASE SPREADSHEET PROVIDING METER SIZES ACTUAL GALLONS OF WATER SUPPLIED TO GOLF COURSE FOR YEAR 2006 Standard Type represents the existing tariff. Strikethrough Words are words removed from the existing tariff. BOLD TYPE" is information that was submitted with the initial application to be incorporated into the existing Tariff. BOLD TYPE which is also Underlined" is information being submitted which we are requesting be incorporated with the proposed Tariff changes. MODIFICA TIONS TO TARIFF Residential Customers (including the time share and condo dwelling units) CUSTOMERS CHARGE:$38.00 PER MONTH PER DWELLING UNIT COMMODITY CHARGE $0.67 PER 1 000 GALLONS FOR ALL CONSUMPTION Commercial Customers CUSTOMERS CHARGE:$38.00 PER MONTH PER UNIT COMMODITY CHARGE: $0.67 PER 1 000 GALLONS FOR ALL CONSUMPTION Irrigation CUSTOMERS CHARGE:$38.00 PER MONTH COMMODITY CHARGE: $0.67 PER 1 000 GALLONS FOR ALL CONSUMPTION Non-Recurring Charges RE-CONNECT FEES: DURING OFFICE HOURS (REQUIRES 24 HR NOTICE FOR SERVICE): $278. (EQUAL TO 6 MONTH'S BASE CHARGES PLUS $50.00) AFTER OFFICE HOURS (REQUIRES 48 HR NOTICE FOR SERVICE): $328. (EQUAL TO 6 MONTH'S BASE CHARGES PLUS $100.00) HOOKUP CHARGE FOR NEW WATER SERVICE CONNECTION: A NON-REFUNDABLE HOOK-UP FEE OF $1200.00 SHALL BE CHARGED FOR PARTS AND LABOR TO INSTALL A CURB STOP AND % INCH WATER METER. COST FOR ADDITIONAL WORK, INCLUDING LARGER METERS, SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER AND MUTUALL Y AGREED TO IN WRITING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS FOR SMALL WATER UTILITIES 1. General 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Customer, in receiving water service, and the Company, in providing water service, both agree to abide by these Rules and Regulations. In the event that there is a conflict between the Company s Rules and Regulations and the Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gf..ELECTRIC , WATER Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Rules and Regulations of the Commission shall take precedence unless an exception has been granted. Any additions, deletions or modifications to these General Rules and Regulation are to be made in the "Special Provisions" section attached as Attachment 1. Any such changes are subject to approval by the Commission prior to becoming effective. OWNERSHIP OF SYSTEM. ALL WATER MAINS. V ALVES FITTINGS. HYDRANTS AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. EXCEPT "CUSTOMER SERVICE LINES". AS DEFINED SHALL BE THE PROPERTY OF STONERIDGE UTILITY HEREIN REFERRED TO AS THE "COMPANY" 1.5 STONERIDGE UTILITY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE INTERRUPTION IN SERVICE OR FROM THE LACK OF SERVICE. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICE BY STONERIDGE UTILITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS WILL BE NECESSARY OCCASIONALLY. WHENEVER POSSIBLE. AND WHEN TIME PERMITS. ALL CUSTOMERS AFFECTED WILL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO SHUTDOWNS. 2. Definitions 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 Billing Period - the period of time between bills from the Company for normal services rendered. Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Commodity Charge - recurring charge based only on the quantity of water used. Company - Water Company. CONNECTION OR HOOK-UP FEE - ONE TIME CONNECTION TO THE UTILITY'S SUPPLY LINE CONSISTING OF A WATER METER AND STOP AND WASTE VALVE ON THE CUSTOMER'S SIDE OF THE WATER METER. SAID METER AND VALVE AND THE OPERATION OF SUCH ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UTILITY COMPANY. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF OR SHUTTING OFF OF V ALVES IS STRICTL Y PROHIBITED. Contribution in Aid of Construction - non-recurring charge paid by a Customer or Developer to help defray the cost of system expansion. Customer - a person, business or government agency responsible for paying bills and complying with the rules and regulations of the company. Customer Charge - minimum recurring charge that does not include any water. Fixed Rate - a recurring charge of a fixed amount, usually in an unmetered system. Franchise Tax - tax imposed on a company by a governmental entity for the privilege of doing business within its boundaries. Minimum Charge - minimum recurring charge for a billing period that mayor may not include a specified quantity of water. Non-recurring Charges - charges that are not assessed each billing period. QUALITY - STONERIDGE UTILITY WILL EXERCISE REASONABLE DILIGENCE TO SUPPL Y SAFE AND POTABLE WATER AT ALL TIMES. Premises - a Customer s property including out buildings which are normally located on one lot or parcel of ground. 14 Rate Structure - a schedule of all recurring and non-recurring charges of the company. 2.15 Reconnection Fee - charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service after its disconnection. 16 Recurring Charges - charges that are assessed each billing period. 17 SERVICES CLASSIFICATION - THE SERVICE CLASSIFICATION SHALL BE RESIDENTIAL. CONDOMINIUM ITOWNHOME, COMMERCIAL. GOLF AND RESORT. (A) RESIDENTIAL. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES SHALL CONSIST ALL SERVICES FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL USES. EACH DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE ON AN INDIVIDUAL LOT, HAVE A WATER METER AND BE BILLED AS ONE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PER THE TARIFF AMOUNT FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER. THIS CLASSIFICATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOTS THAT ARE PLATTED FOR SINGLE OWNERSHIP AND RECEIVE AN INDIVIDUAL MONTHLY STATEMENT. UNDER NEW CONSTRUCTION THESE SERVICES ARE RUN THRU A % INCH WATER METER TO ALLOW FOR DOMESTIC WATER AND AVERAGE YARD IRRIGATION. THERE ARE SOME SERVICES INSTALLED PRIOR TO 2001 WHEREIN METERS LARGER THAN % INCH WERE INSTALLED BUT HAVE AL WAYS BEEN BILLED AS A RESIDENTIAL SERVICE. (B) CONDOMINIUMITOWNHOME/MOTOR COACH/TIMESHARE. CONDOMINIUM I TOWNHOME I MOTOR COACH I TIMESHARE SERVICES SHALL CONSIST OF ALL SERVICES FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL USES. EACH DWELLING UNIT WITHIN A CONDOMINIUM, TOWNHOME, TIMESHARE OR MOTOR COACH SITE SHALL HAVE AN INDIVIDUAL WATER METER OR MASTER METER AND BE BILLED AS ONE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PER THE TARIFF AMOUNT ESTABLISHED FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. THIS CLASSIFICATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOTS OR UNITS UNDER SINGLE OWNERSHIP BUT MANAGED BY A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. ONE MONTHLY STATEMENT REFLECTING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUAL UNITS WITHIN THE ASSOCIATION ARE SENT TO THE RESPECTIVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. PAYMENT IS MADE BY THE ASSOCIATION BASED ON THE TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS PLUS ANY COMMON AREA OR AMENITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ASSOCIATION. THE SERVICES SERVING THESE ARE RUN THRU METERS THAT VARY FROM % INCH IN THE VINEYARD TOWNHOMES TO 6 INCH METERS IN THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE. METERS ARE SIZED DEPENDING ON THE NUMBER LOTS OR UNITS. AMOUNT OF COMMON AREA TO BE SERVED AND I OR TYPE OF FIRE FLOWS THAT ARE BEING SERVED. CURRENTL Y WE HAVE THE FAIR WAY MEADOWS CONDOMINIUMS (3/4 INCH METER FOR INDIVIDUAL UNITS AND Yz INCH METERS PER 4 UNIT BUILDINGS) WHO'S ASSOCIATION RECEIVES AND PAYS THE MONTHL Y STATEMENT WHICH REFLECTS THE BASE FEES FOR ALL 18 UNITS PLUS CONSUMPTION WHICH INCLUDES COMMON AREAS (YARD IRRIGATION). THE VINEYARD TOWNHOMES (3/4 INCH METERS PER UNIT) WHO' ASSOCIATION RECEIVES AND PAYS THE MONTHL Y STATEMENT WHICH REFLECTS THE BASE FEES FOR 24 UNITS PLUS CONSUMPTION WHICH INCLUDES COMMON AREAS (YARD IRRIGATION). THE MOTOR COACH VILLAGE ASSOCIATIONS (ONE COMMON 6 INCH METER) WHO'S ASSOCIATION RECEIVES AND PAYS THE MONTHL Y STATEMENT WHICH REFLECTS THE BASE FEES FOR 37 UNITS PLUS CONSUMPTION WHICH INCLUDES COMMON AREAS (YARD IRRIGATION). THE TIMESHARE RESORT CURRENTLY RECEIVES AND FAYS THE MONTHLY STATEMENT WHICH REFLECTS THE BASE FEES FOR 5 BUILDINGS (2 INCH METERS FEED EACH BUILDING) PLUS CONSUMPTION WHICH INCLUDES COMMON AREAS. THREE OF THESE BUILDINGS HAVE RESIDENTIAL LIVING UNITS. THE 4 BUILDING HAS RESIDENTIAL LIVING UNITS PLUS ALL THE OFFICES. HOUSE KEEPING AND MAINTENANCE. THE 5 BUILDING HAS RECREATIONAL FACILITIES (INCLUDING POOL). LAUNDRY FACILITIES AND RESTAURANT. THEY ALSOHAVEA2 INCH METER THAT PROVIDES FOR IRRIGATION OF A PARK AND RESTROOM FACILITIES. (C) COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL SERVICES SHALL CONSIST OF THOSE SERVICES WHERE WATER IS USED FOR COMMERCIAL SERVICES. SUCH AS BUSINESSES. RESTAURANTS. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES EITHER STAND ALONE OR ASSOCIATED WITH CONDOMINIUM. TOWNHOME. MOTOR COACH OR TIMESHARE DEVELOPMENTS. GOLF SHOPS. DAY CARE. SCHOOLS. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SITES OR OTHER USES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH USES DEFINED HEREIN. EACH USE SHALL HAVE A WATER METER SIZED FOR THE ANTICIPATED USE AND BE BILLED AS A COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER PER THE TARIFF. THE AMOUNT OF UNITS ASSOCIATED WITH COMMERCIAL SERVICES SHALL BE DETERMINED BASED OFF EQUIV ALENT USAGE FIGURES ESTABLISHED BY PANHANDLE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARDS. THIS CLASSIFICATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL USES SUCH AS GOLF PRO SHOP I GRILL RESTAURANT. EVENT CENTER. RECREATION CENTER OR OTHER USES NOT HEREIN CLASSIFIED AND RECEIVES AND INDIVIDUAL MONTHL Y STATEMENT. (D) IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION SERVICES SHALL CONSIST OF THOSE SERVICES WHERE WATER IS USED FOR GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE. GOLF COURSE PLAY. PARKS. COMMON AREAS OR ANY OTHER USES ASSOCIATED WITH OUTSIDE FACILITIES NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO A RESIDENTIAL SERVICE. WATER SHALL BE SUPPLIED ON A DAILY BASES. WITH NO FIRM COMMITMENT FOR DELIVERY AT A GIVEN TIME. WATER SHALL BE MADE A V AILABLE ON AS AVAILABLE BASES. EACH USE SHALL HAVE A WATER METER SIZED FOR THE ANTICIPATED USE AND BE BILLED AS AN IRRIGATION CUSTOMER PER THE TARIFF. THIS CLASSIFICATION IS CURRENTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE GOLF COURSE (6 INCH METER FEEDS THE GOLF COURSE STORAGE POND) AND RECEIVES AN INDIVIDUAL MONTHLY STATEMENT. THE IRRIGATION SERVICE IS THE ONLY SERVICE ON THE WATER SYSTEM THAT ACTS AS A RESERVE. IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY WHEREIN ADDITIONAL WATER IS NEEDED THE GOLF SERVICE CAN BE DISCONTINUED AND NOT IMP ACT GOLF OPERATIONS. NO OTHER SERVICE ON THE WATER SYSTEM CAN BE DISCONTINUED WITHOUT IMP ACTING THEIR OPERATIONS. (E) STANDBY FIRE. STANDBY FIRE SERVICE SHALL CONSIST OF THOSE SERVICES WHERE WATER IS AVAILABLE OR USED FOR FIRE PROTECTION ONLY. CURRENTLY THERE ARE NO STANDBY FIRE SERVICES. (F) SPECIAL CONTRACTS. WHEN THE APPLICANT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER ARE UNUSUAL OR LARGE. SUCH AS AN INDEPENDENT WATER SYSTEM. OR NECESSITATE CONSIDERABLE SPECIAL OR RESERVE EQUIPMENT OR CAPACITY, STONERIDGE UTILITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE A SPECIAL CONTRACT; THE PROVISIONS OF WHICH ARE DIFFERENT FROM. AND HAVE EXCEPTIONS. TO THE REGULARL Y PUBLISHED WATER RATES AND RULES. THIS SPECIAL CONTRACT SHALL BE IN WRITING. SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT AND APPROVED BY STONERIDGE UTILITY AND THE IPUC. (G) RESALE OF WATER. RESALE OF WATER SHALL BE PERMITTED ONL Y UNDER SPECIAL CONTRACT. IN WRITING. BETWEEN STONERIDGE UTILITY AND THE PERSONS. PARTIES OR CORPORATIONS SELLING THE WATER. (F) SERVICE PREFERENCE. IN CASE OF SHORTAGE OF SUPPLY. STONERIDGE UTILITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO GIVE PREFERENCE IN THE MATTER OF FURNISHING SERVICES TO CUSTOMERS AND INTERESTS OF STONERIDGE UTILITY FROM THE STANDING OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCES OR NECESSITY. ONLY THOSE RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS ON AN INDIVIDUAL METER ARE ELIGIBLE FOR SEASONAL DISCONNECT I RE- CONNECT PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS PER THE TARIFF. THOSE DWELLING UNITS I MOTOR COACH SITES OR OTHER DEVELOPMENTS ON COMMUNITY METERS WHERE PAYMENTS ARE THRU HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS MAY HAVE WATER SHUT OFF BUT ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SEASONAL DISCONNECT I RE-CONNECT PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS. 19 SUPPLY - STONERIDGE UTILITY WILL EXERCISE REASONABLE DILIGENCE AND CARE TO DELIVER A CONTINUOUS AND SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF WATER TO THE CUSTOMER AT A REASONABLE PRESSURE AND TO AVOID SO FAR AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE. AND ANY SHORTAGE OR INTERRUPTION IN DELIVERY. 18 Tariff - rate schedules and Rues and Regulations which govern the Company service. 19 IRRIGATION CHARGES - IRRIGATION SERVICES MAY BE DISCONTINUED, DISCONNECTED OR REGULATED BY THE UTILITY COMPANY IF DETERMINED NECESSARY FOR THE UTILITY COMP ANY TO INSURE WATER AVAILABILITY FOR THE RESIDENTIAL, TIME SHARE AND COMMERCIAL USERS. SERVICE FOR NEW CUSTOMERS 3.1 The Company shall furnish service to applicants within its service area under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in accordance with rates and Rules and Regulations approved by the Commission. 3.2 Applicants for water service SHALL be required to sign a standard form of service application. 3.4 The Company shall not be obligated to provide service at a service location until any required deposit or guarantee of payment has been received by the Company in accordance with the "Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gas, Electric, and Water Public Utilities under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission" attached and referred to herein as Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Special contracts may be required where large investments in special facilities are necessary to provide the requested service. The Company may require contribution toward such investment and establish such minimum charges as are deemed necessary. All such contracts are subject to the approval of the Commission. The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of water service it will supply and to refuse service to new Customers if, in its opinion: (a) The Company is required to refuse or limit service by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company. (b) The requested service installation is of larger size than is necessary to properly serve the premises. (c) The permanency of the building, structure, or institution requested to be served is such that the Company s investment in such service is jeopardized. (d) The depth of the Customer s service line is less than the minimum depth required for frost protection. (e) The Customer s proposed service, main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet the standard specifications of the Company OR STATE. (f) The Customer refuses to agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the company. If the Company denies service to a potential Customer for any reason, it will immediately provide the applicant with a written explanation of its decision in accordance with UCRR. DEPOSITS 4.1 Rules and Regulations regarding deposits to guarantee payment of bills can be found in Rules 101-109 UCRR. 6.2 6.4 RA TES Rates charged for water service and supply shall be those published in the Company s tariff and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. BILLING AND PAYMENT All Customers will be billed on a regular basis as identified on the applicable rate schedule. If the system is metered, the Company shall try to read the meters prior to each billing unless specified differently on the applicable rate schedule, OR WEATHER RELATED, EMERGENCY ISSUES TAKE PRECEDENCE. the Company s meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter, or in the event the meter fails to register, the Company may estimate the Customer s water consumption for the current billing period based on known consumption for a prior similar period or average of several periods. Subsequent readings will automatically adjust for differences between estimated and actual. Estimated bills shall carry appropriate notice to that effect. All bills shall clearly indicate the balance due and shall be due and payable no less than 15 days after the date rendered. All bills not paid by due date shall be considered delinquent and service may be disconnected subject to the provisions UCRR. The minimum bill or customer charge shall apply when service is provided for less than one month. Owners of premises with one or more condominiums, buildings, stores apartments or any other divisions oflike or similar character, all of which are served from one (1) service connection are responsible for the entire water charges. If the owner desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and desires that the occupant of each division shall be responsible for his or her respective bill, such transfer of responsibility will not be accepted or recognized by the Company until the plumbing arrangements of the building or premises are so changed by the owner or his or her agent as to permit the Company, to its satisfaction, to serve each division or occupant separately ITom the other occupants in the same building. Accounts will be continued and water bills rendered regularly until the Company has been duly notified to discontinue service. METERING 7.1 Meters will be installed by the company near the Customer s property line or at any other reasonable location on the Customer s premises that is mutually agreed upon. 7.2 The Company s representative shall be given access to the Customer premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of obtaining meter readings MAKING REPAIRS OR WINTERIZING. 7.3 The Company is responsible for the maintenance of its metering equipment. Meters are considered to be sufficiently accurate if tests indicate that meter accuracy is within +1- 2 percent. When for any reason a meter fails to register within these limits of accuracy, the Customer s use of water will be estimated on the basis of available data and charges will be adjusted accordingly. Corrected bills will then be sent out to the customer and additional payment or refund arrangements made in accordance with UCRR. 7.4 The Company reserves the right to test and I or replace any meter. Upon deposit of a "Meter Testing Fee" by a Customer, the Company will test the Customer s meter. If the test indicates that the meter over-registers by more than 2 percent, it will be replaced with an accurate meter at no cost to the Customer and the "Meter Testing Fee" will be refunded and water bills will be adjusted in accordance with UCRR. At the Company s discretion, un-metered Customers may be converted to metered service if such transition occurs in a planned, systematic manner without unreasonable discriminations and if the Company has an approved metered rate. The Company shall have the right to set meters or other devices without notice to the Customer for the detection and prevention of fraud OR WATER LEAKAGE. In any building where the meter is to be installed in the basement, the incoming water pipe must enter the basement at least sixteen (16) inches from the riser in order that a meter can be set in a horizontal positioning the basement. All pipes to the different parts of the building or grounds must lead from the riser at least one (1) foot above the elbow. 8.2 8.3 8.4 CUSTOMER PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES All plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances on the Customer s side of the service connection shall be installed and maintained under the responsibility and at the expense of the Customer or owner of the premises. The plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances shall be maintained in conformity with all municipal, state and federal requirements. The nature and condition ofthis plumbing, piping and equipment shall be such as not to endanger life or property, interfere with service to other Customers or permit those with metered services to divert system water without meter registration. A stop-and-waste valve must be installed on the Customer s plumbing in a place always accessible and so located as to permit shutting off the water BY THE CUSTOMER for the entire premises with the least possible delay. STOP-AND- WASTE VALVE WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE CUSTOMER'S SIDE OF THE WATER METER AS PART OF THE WATER METER INST ALLA TION. SHUTTING OFF SAID VALVE OR WATER METER IS PROHIBITED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN AN AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE UTILITY COMPANY. All persons having boilers, water tanks or other equipment supplied by direct pressure from the Company s mains should install a pressure relief valve, or other device to serve the same purpose, so as to prevent excess pressure from forcing hot water and/or steam back into the water meter and mains of the Company. All damage to the company s property resulting from failure to properly equip Customer plumbing with a relief valve shall be billed to the Customer. The Company is not obligated to perform any service whatever in locating leaks or other trouble with the customer s piping. NO OTHER WATER SUPPL Y OF ANY SOURCE SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE CUSTOMER'S SYSTEM. THE COMPANY MAY REQUIRE AN APPROVED BACKFLOW DEVICE BE INSTALLED AT THE SERVICE CONNECTION OR ANOTHER LOCATION TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF THE COMPANY'S WATER SUPPLY, IF DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE COMPANY. THE COST OF INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A BACKFLOW DEVICE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. Property owners will not be allowed to connect the water service of different properties together. All of the Customer s service pipes and fixtures must be kept in repair and protected from freezing at his or her expense. When there are leaking or defective pipes or fixtures, the water may be turned off at the option of the Company until the proper repairs are made. INST ALLA TION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS The service connection is the property of the Company and as such, the Company is responsible for its installation and maintenance. It consists of piping, curbstop and valve or meter box and a meter, if the system is metered. The service connection transmits water from the Company s water main to a valve or meter box generally located near the Customer s property line. All piping, valves or appliances beyond this point are the property and responsibility of the Customer. The Company reserves the right to designate the size and location of the service line, curbstop, meter (if applicable) and meter or valve box and the amount of space which must be left unobstructed for the installation and future maintenance and operation thereof. ALL COSTS FOR INSTALLATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FEES AND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE UTILITY COMPANY A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED INSTALLATION. FEES AND APPLICATIONS MUST BE ACCOMP ANIED WITH AN APPROVED BUILDING LOCATION OR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUED BY BONNER COUNTY. 9.4 The extra costs of any out-of-the-ordinary circumstances requiring additional equipment or special construction techniques involved in the installation of a service connection will be agreed to in advance by the Customer and the Company. THE COST FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SERVICES, WORK OR PARTS EXCEPT THOSE ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF A STOP AND WASTE VALVE AND % INCH WATER METER SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. 10. REPLACEMENT OR ENLARGEMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION 10.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, the company shall replace or enlarge service connections at its own expense, as follows: (a) Whenever it is necessary to change the location of any service connection due to relocation or abandonment of the Company s mains; and 11. 10.2 10. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 (b) For commercial or industrial services where the type or volume of use has changed and the enlargement will result in sufficient increase in annual revenue to justify the enlargement. The relocation, enlargement or reduction of service connections for the convenience ofthe Customer will be at the expense of the Customer. Prior to such relocation, enlargement or reduction, the Customer will deposit the estimated cost thereof with the Company. Within fifteen (15) days a refund will be made to the Customer in the amount by which the estimated cost exceeds the actual cost. The amount by which the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days after billing for such deficiency. Enlargement of any service connection will be made only after such time as the Customer s plumbing inside his or her premises shall have been enlarged sufficiently to accommodate the additional capacity. DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECTION OF SERVICE When a Customer desires to discontinue service he or she shall give notice to the Company at least two (2) days in advance and shall be responsible for all water consumed for the two (2) days after the date of such notice. The Company may discontinue a Customer s service on an involuntary basis only in accordance with UCRR. When it becomes necessary for the company to involuntarily discontinue water service to a Customer, service will be reconnected only after all bills for service then due have been paid or satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. A reconnection fee will be charged each time a Customer is disconnected either voluntarily or involuntarily, and reconnected at the same premises. The reconnection fee shall be paid before service is restored. Reconnection fees will not be charged for any situation or circumstance in which the Customer water supply is disconnected by the Company for its convenience. The Company reserves the right at any time, upon notice, to shut off the water for maintenance, EXPANSION OR CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP and, in emergencies, may do so without notice. The company shall at all times use reasonable diligence and care to prevent interruption of said water service. Except in the case of an emergency, no one, except an authorized Company representative, is allowed to turn-on or turn-off the water on the Company side of the service connection. 12. 12. 13. 13. 13.2 13. 13.4 13. 13. 13. EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS The extension of system water mains for the purpose of providing new service shall be done on a time and material basis. Extensions for a specific customer shall be done at the customer s expense as mutually agreed upon by the Customer and the Utility Company. MISCELLANEOUS No Customer shall permit any person from another premises, to take water from his or her water service AT ANY TIME. No person acting either on his or her own behalf or an agent of an person firm, corporation or municipality, not authorized by the Company, shall take any water from any fire hydrant on the company s system except in the case of an emergency OR UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE COMPANY. No person shall place upon or about any hydrant, gate, box, meter box or other property of the Company, any building material or other substance so as to prevent free access at all times to the same. Service will be maintained to domestic Customers on a preferential basis. Delivery of water under all schedules may be restricted, interrupted or curtailed at the discretion of the Company in case of shortage or threatened shortage of water OR AS REQUESTED BY ANY OUTSIDE AGENCIES. No rate contract or application is assignable from one user to another, except upon agreement of all parties concerned AND A RECONNECT FEE PAID IN FULL. The representative of the Company shall be given access to the premises of the Customer at all reasonable hours for obtaining meter readings, for turning on or shutting off the flow of water, for inspecting, removing, repairing or protecting from abuse or fraud any of the property of the Company installed on the premises. Access shall be granted at all times for emergency purposes. No one, except an authorized agent of the Company, shall tamper with interfere with, make repairs, connections or replacements of or to any of the Company s property INCLUDING PERFORMING A DISCONNECTION AND lOR RECONNECTION. 13.Whenever an applicant desires servi~e ofa character for which there is no available service classification, a contract may be executed in lieu of a tariff. Any such contract is subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 13.The Customer is held responsible for any violation ofthese Rules and Regulations even though the breach is committed by someone employed either directly, or indirectly, by the Customer. 13.10 Copies ofthe Company s Rates and Rules Summary of Regulations will be available at Utility's office; will be provided to customers upon commencement of service; and, will be provided to customers annually in accordance with Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) and Utility Customer Information Rules (UCIR). 13.11 WHERE A HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION IS PUT IN PLACE TO GOVERN THE OPERATIONS OF A MULTIPLE NUMBER OF UNITS AND THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS CHOOSES TO COLLECT DUES TO PAY FOR UTILITIES , THE UTILITY COMPANY MAY SUBMIT ONE BILLING TO THE ASSOCIATION WHICH SHALL INCLUDE CUSTOMER CHARGES EQUIV ALENT TO THE NUMBER OF UNITS WITHIN THE ASSOCIATION AND COMMODITY CHARGE EQUIV ALENT TO THE NUMBER OF UNITS WITHIN THE ASSOCIATION PLUS ANY COMMODITY CHARGE THAT MAYBE ASSESSED TO COVER COMMON AREA WATER USAGES. '; :" :"";:,:,,,,::, --' -- ,, '" "':', ,, .. .. ," ,-.- .. :" ':' , Stoneridge Utilities Item #304 - Structures and Improvement Sub Total #309 - Supply Mains Sub Total #311 - Power Pumping Equipment Sub Total #334 - Meters and meter installation Sub Total #335 - Jiydrants Sub Total #339 - Other Plant & Mise Equipment #341 - Transportation Equipment Total -- --, ".. -- --..", ..-" ' Date Contractor 1/16/2002 James Sewell & Assoc. 6/1/2002 Pumnea Const. 1/2412002 Pumnea Const. 12/28/2001 James Sewell & Assoc. 8/29/2001 Pumnea Const. 5/24/2001 Pumnea Const. 6/12/2001 Pumnea Const. 6/9/2006 David Bellomy Excav. 6/1/2006 RC Worst & Co. 5/15/2006 James Sewell & Assoc. 4/12/2006 David Bellomy Excav. 417/2006 James Sewell & Assoc. 9/2212005 David Bellomy Excav. 12/10/2004 James Sewell & Assoc. 6/19/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 6/26/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 5/31/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 7/25/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 2/14/2002 James Sewell & Assoc. 6/20/2002 James Sewell & Assoc. 7/25/2002 James Sewell & Assoc. 6/19/2002 James Sewell & Assoc. 5/15/2006 James Sewell & Assoc. 10/14/2005 David Bellomy Excav. 10/4/2004 James Sewell & Assoc. 5/24/2006 RC Worst & Co. 7/15/2005 RC Worst & Co. 6/19/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 5/31/2002 Consolidated Supply Co. 12/28/2001 James Sewell & Assoc. 5/12/2005 HD Fowler Company, Inc. 3/11/2005 David Bellomy Excav. 4/12/2005 David Bellomy Excav. , ......""" '"" ',',:":,:;.-:..';';:.- Check #Cost 170637 $ 8,780. 171073 $ 72,951. 170676 $ 50,389. 170613 $ 2,573.Wire $ 89,134. 170123 $ 37,140. 170174 $ 77,426. 178094 $ 22,802. 178088 $ 1 703. 177982 $ 1 737. 177887 $ 3,479. 177836 $ 1,465. 176820 $ 7 045. 175139 $ 1 899.80, $ 378 530. 171125 $ 171187 $ 171014 $ 171282 $ 170709 $ 171179 $ 171297 $ 171136 $ 177982 $ 176928 $ 174825 $ 819.49 859. 731. 101. 1 ,084. 020. 266. 223. 2,427. 331. 017. $ 26,882. 178045 $ 15,327. 176485 $ 3,957. $ 19,285. 171125 $ 171014 $ 577. 104. 681. 170613 $ 2,641. 176077 $ 979. 175731 $ 2,237. 175904 $ 4,931. $ 10,790. $436,171. ::' -"--..,..",..,,..,, ' i;;\.v'i'~;,; ,.. ~'t-'t:~ " "::.;~" F:;::c\;:1~40d0'O54 ..''~~~~~~~;~:~~~~~ ~SJ;:vEr;', f:i-'l~~:~; ' ,;' .. , c, - '" "( ',.. -':'; ,'" '..',~",:, ::;i:jl~I~~t;~:I\~5;K;~~~~;':;'i~/' .::, ' ~t~~iii~~;; " ".. ', ', " c", :;:", ..,,.... '" " c, " , :" : ~i' ...' ,;;::~;':):':;\. '..'.'",.., ",.. ",,, ,, '' "" ",:" \c ; ':," CC Property Account Invoice 663100 s2421746.001 663100 s2421756.001 663100 s2423093. 001 152800 s2432469. 001 152800 s2438604. 001 152800 s2438604. 003 152800 s2438604.002 681700 52452644.001 Description Amount "" 3~'\- n1' 220. 217 . 782. 1.83 028. C27. water hook-up McCarthy ~ater hook-up McCarthy water hook-up McCarthy water line water linewater line water line pvc sxsxs tee, pvc spgxs bushing, cplg kit .Jt. ~~ 397. '2.gl~.~1 I ',"m.."" """'" ...............,......"...., ,no CDS Stone ridge partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W; 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 171125 124000054 **** THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN AND 32/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 06/19/02 $3,397.32*** Consolidated Supply Co. 1802 Industrial WaySandpoint, ID 83864 NON..NEGOTIABLE ;;:.............--... ---- - '. -- -.. .. -..- ,-, - -- --.. -- - Consolida ted Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUHBER 04/19/02 S2421746. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTQoIER NUMBER CUSTalER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY \lHSE SALESMAN 84826 STOCK HOUCDA Prc Br: WRITER SHIP,VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE HAMGOR WCN WC NOW 04/19/02 04/19/02 Shp Br:DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QT'f SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTRECTORSEAL55247lQTPVCHOT WET DR 12. 450e 12.GLUE PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT J~J\ 1WL MGRlDATE ' RVPIDATE VP/DATE ,,-;:~ paid by 05/10/02 you -:r deduct $0. Invoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. OrIdtrHumbor: 52421746.08 Subtotal ;FreightTax Amount Due 12 . .....---...--.., UV-&H.&............. f(~~ 2:09pm Sign~ AprI'.2002 Print Harne ICeitIo 13. -- ," .. ..' -..,--" ", ,, """"--, ._.. ,_.._~ 0.... .. Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS DlVOICE208-762-2568 ,'. "".. --, , ..., ---0 ** INVOICE ** SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 INWICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/19/02 S2421756. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 HANMIK 'WCN WC NOW 04/19/02 QTY SHIP U/M CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY \IHSE 84826 \IRITER MCCARTHY DATE SHIPPEDSHIP VIA' DESCRIPTION AY 3131B 2" BALL CORP STOP MIPXMIP QTY ORD RENTAL - SMALL WATER TAP MACH. 1/2" 'I S40 PVC SXF ADPTR 3, ea 2" S40 PVC SXM ADPTR 2"X12" GAL STEEL NIPPLE 2" S40 PVC SXS 90 2 "X20' S40 SOLV WELD PVC PIPE BELL END 95-E CI CURB BOX COMPLETE ID-4'"LARGED BASE FOR 9SE CURB, BOX SHORTY FOR' 'vALVE 11/4"& PROP ~fL./ ACCOUNT ~ ~OUNT Y. ~ l' e~ : paid by 05/10/02 you lOay deduct $4. Invoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. :!:. TOTAL .n.; , MGIVDATE .. RVPIDATE VPIOATE , IL7""j""1 5242 156.118 2:33 pm Sigh IIbow: 19.2002 Print- .....---.---- SA.""""""'-1D92 ;,-- Pre Br: 14 _", 04/19/02 Shp Br: 14 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 99.30ge 99. 3S. OOOe 0 .616E 624E 879E 0 .942E 0 . 614F 31. 091e 12.727e SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 3S . 00 1.85 1.2S 11. 76 12 . 31. 09 12, 209. 11. 220. ---"""'- " "-""""" ''" "'.,..- ..~"',, ".., -.. ", ,' '", .,..' ,' ",-,.. ""........' -- Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THI:S INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/22/02 S2423093. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTlAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 !:' CUSTOMER NUMBER , CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SHIP VIA ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN HO~CDA..Pre Br: DAtE SH'IPI'ED ORDER()AiE "', 04/22/02 04/22/02 Shp Br: QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 93. 063e 93 . 46. 18. 15. 24. 857E 493E 84826 WITER ' MCCARTHY HANMIK WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION AY 6101 2" BALLCURB FIPXFIP M2S SiB "X3/411 BRNZ MTR W/LOC REG GAL )RD HA31-323 3/411 ANGLE METER ~HECK VALVE AY 4604 3/411 ANGLE METER VALVE FIPXMETER 3/4"X24" GAL STEEL NIPPLE 3/4" GAL MI 90 DOMESTI C , 1 "X3 /41' GAL MI HEX HD BUSHING DOMESTIC PROP 1...5L- ACCOUNT ' AMOUNT z:: TOTAL MGRlDATE - RVPIDATE ~ paid by 05/10/02 you may deduct $4. . Invoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. Order Humber. 5242:3O73.JI81 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 205. 11. 217. 2:42pID Sigftflbcrle .22.~ Print/loml!:,tewd ..----- --- - .-._u.. '" -- '. ., ", , , ' -- - 0 ' -, '0 ' 0 , ' ,,, , Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/02/02 S2432469. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD , ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 H2O HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE CURSTE WCN WC NOW 05/02/02 05/02/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT1"X1 211 S40 PVC SPGXF BUSHING 1. OOOE S40 PVC SXS CPLG O. 590E PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT :!P - A TOTAL .t?1?/ MGRlDATE \I 7 RVPIDA'ft VPIOATE :If paid by 06/10/02 you . deduct $0. , .l'oice is due by, 06/30/02 net of any cash discount. Orderllumber. 4324'_ SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due .JADEausIHESS_.~. "",- SAV_"" &OMS""... lfa4oUs 9:45 om Sign ......... May 2. 2002 /'rintName: ICeitIa ....,......,. .'.,...". Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE 'GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 ** INVOICE ** SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/09/02 S2438604. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY \/HSE 84826 \.IR ITER GOLF COURSE DATE SHIPPEDSHIP VIA DOYCAS WCNWC NOW DESCRIPTION 05/09/02 QTY SHIP U/MQTY ORD DOMESTIC 369653 8" MJXFLG ADAPTER C153 CL L/ACCS 083832 1 "X100' IPS 200 PSI POLYE PIPE 200 200 2"X100' IPS 200 PSI POLYE PIPE 100 100 95- E CI CURB BOX COMPLETE AY 6101 1" BALL CURB FIPXFIP 1" 3131B MIPT X MIPT BALL CORP STOP MCDONALD AY 4754-33 1" PEXFIP CPLG ADAPTERPEP COMPRSSN PJI AY 4753-33 1" PEXMIP CPLG ADAPTERPEP COMPRSSN PJI AY 6136 1" IPS STIFFENER 8" MJXIPS 054719 PVC TRANSITIL PROP If. ACCOUNT. AMOU IT :!:f:) .t~~i . paid by 06/10/02 you yo deduct $33. Invoice is due by 06/30/02 net of any cash discount. TOTAL \-: :", IIAC RVPJDATE VPIDATE OrderNumber: ....18.!f~ 10:13am SIgn- May'.2002 PrintName: KeitIII""""""""""'.SUI'PI.II5oI11C. "'VAHNAH.GA ---...... SALESMAN HOUCD~ ORDER DATE Pre Br: 15 05/09/02 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT ::, 79.101E 292f 1. 221f 40.715e 32.93ge 23.500e 10.548e 11. 877e 1. 23ge 3 ~ 625E SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 79. 58.40 122. 81. 164. 117. 52. ,;~ 59. 12. 1697. 84. 1782. ,., ,., u.-. -,..-, "" .. '.. "-" -- . Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 84826 URITER GOLF CQURSE SHip VIA DOYCAS WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 15 GAL 12.5% LIQUICHLOR CHLORINE SOLUTION ALL PURE 15 GALLON SANITARY DRUM ** This is a spec1al order item ** L PURE 15 GALLON SANITARY DRUM ** This is a spec1al order item ** WB-67 #67 COUPLING SLEEVE HALF (BREAK CPLG) 2 REQUIRED ROMAC 101S-05X1" IPT 8"Xl" DI SINGLE SS STRAP SERVICE SADDLE 8 . 63 - 9 . 05 ROMAC 10IS":9.62X211 IPT 811X2" DI, SINGLE S8 STRAP SERVICE SADDLE 63- ** This is a special order item ** 211 HI0284 FIP X FIP MKII ORISEAL STOP & DRAIN MUELLER AY 4753-33 2" PEXMIP CPLG ADAPTERPEP COMPRSSN PJI AY 6136 2" IPS STIFFENER *** Continued on Next Page *** """""""_.SUPPUES,INC. SAV_GA """"'5-11392 - . ORDERED. BY QTY ORD , '..." .".".', -,- . . u,. ,,---..,'.', '. -- ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/09/02 S2438604. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD , ID 83804 DATE SHIPPED UHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE Prc Br: 15 _1- 05/09/02 . 05/09/02 Shp Br: 15 QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT ea 43.500e 174. Order Number: 520.M. 10:13.... Signflbeye Moy9.2IJO2 Print Itame: Keit:III 25. OOOe 100. 25. OOOe 100. 12.454e 12. 29.662E 88. 36.806E 36. 109.806E 109; 81 42.230e 42. 310e , --"-- --'..-- -- .,. -'. "'-- , Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 84826 WRITER GOLF COURSE SHIP VIA DOYCAS WCN WC NOW DESCRI PTI ON 2" S80 PVC SXM ADPTR 2"X12" GAL STEEL NIPPLE 2" GAL MI BANDED CPLG 'MESTIC AY 4754-33 2" PEXFIP CPLG ADAPTERPEP COMPRSSN PJI 6" X4" S40 PVC SPGXS BUSHING 4" X2" S40 PVC SPGXS BUSHING 6 " S40 PVC SXS CPLG 8"Xlj8i1 RED RUBBER Fu~L FACE GSKT NEW STD 150 LB 6" & 8" FLG BOLT & NUT SET ZINC CONSISTING OF 8 EA 3/4"X3-1/4" BOLT W/ HEX NUT (BOXED) LESS GASKET 26"X36" 664A IMPORT ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX "COMPLETE" 8" DDI CB FLG TEE COMPACT BODY *** Continued on Next Page *** '..,.BVSINE5SFO""',SU'P\JU.1NC. $o\V_GA 8001750-.... ORDERED BY OTY ORD "---"""'"""---"---"---"""-' ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/09/02 S2438604. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD , ID 83804 DATE SHIPPED 05/09/02 QTY SHIP U/M OrcletNumber; 52__1;r~ 10:13.... SignAbo", May 9. 2002 PrintName: IC8itlll WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE Pre Br: 15 05/09/02 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 5. 047E 659E 193E 38.294e 38. 790E 3. 043E 270E 3. Ba5E 11. 66 625E 19. 78.124e 156. 215.296e 215. . .-.,..., - ,- ..-.. onsolida ted Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762 -2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/09/02 S2438604. 003 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 GOLF COURSE HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE DOYCAS WCN WC NOW 05/09/02 05/09/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT GAL MI BANDED CPLG 1. 742E 1. 74 DOMESTIC o'D PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT cg~ TOTAL MGRlDA1E' RVPIDATE VPIDATE 0',. . paid by 06/3.0/02 you 1' deduct $0. Invoice is due by 06/30/02 net of any cash discount. Order llumber: 43MIH..OO3 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 00 . 2:35pm Signllbow Moy9.200Z PrintNome: .laD! 8USIIIESS """"'. """"". IHC. SAY"""'" GA ooonsu... , .' .' ,,.... Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/09/02 S2438604. 002 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD 1D 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONER1DGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 84826 GOLF COURSE WRITER SHIP VIA DOYCAS WCN WC NOW ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA Pre Br: DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE 05/09/02 05/09/02 Shp Br: QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 29. 662E 59. DESCRIPTION ROMAC 101S-05X1" 1PT 8"X1" DI SINGLE SS STRAP SERV1 CE SADDLE63- " DI MJXFLGD GATE VALVE RW SERIES ~OO (OPEN LEFT) L/ACC 457.920e 915. PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT (;P TOTAL MGIWA'TE RVP/DA'TE VP/DATE paid by 06/10/02 you .I,deduct $19. Invoice ,is due by 06/30/02 net of any cash discount. SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 975. 53 . 1028. ............-.s_u.........ooc. SAY"""""",,-- CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 none HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE HANMIK WCN WC NOW OS/23/02 OS/23/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/H NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT611X611X4"S40 PVC SXSXS TEE 27. 760E 27. 411X2"S40 PVC SPGXS BUSHING 3. 200E 501 CPLG KIT IPSXI 76X6.77. 248e 77.II COMBO It CTORSEAL 55247 1QT PVC HOT WET/DR 8. 300euJJUE S40 PVC SXS 45 O. 998E )ROP # csJt ~XOtlNT AMOI JC::;;;;)~ 1).-7 T )TAL \;r . r~ GRIDATE - -11A R fPlOATE V~TE Subtotal 120.~f paid by 06/10/02 you OrderNurnbeF: 5245264 Freight. deduct $2. IkA~1 Tax oice is due by 06/30/02 Amoun tnet of any cash discount.Due 127. 4:10pm Sign~ May23.2OO; Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BIll TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 J_""""'-""""'.INC:. "V_GA 000I7S5-8392 . h . ,.. ". "' ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER OS/23/02 S2452644. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 :..:,:. PrlntHome: IC Y"" "". CC, --,"""'" ",..""'",, .c, . "'.'."',"'"'"'" , ""'....-.""-"""" -, . ' , "" .. ',....,-...,..,.. ,-- ", ,' -,....., , ........,"""""""",.. ': 11 , ' Property Account Invoice Description Amount 562.56 296.47 ! 46 15280046 152800 52446035.001 52438604 water line water line 859.03 ' .. -"' '.., CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 171187 124000054 **** ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY NINE AND 03/100 DOLLARS TOTHE ' ORDER OF'06/26/02 $1,859.03*** Consolidated Supply ,Co. 1802 Industrial Way Sandpoint, 10 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE .~' ",;;OIZSo ="""""""I2iC1o , " "::. Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/16/02 S2446035. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 WEST HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE , JORSTE WCN WC "NOW 05/16/02 05/16/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION OTY ORD OTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT6"IPS X & 2"IPS HOT TAP 77. 580e 77.SADDLE 2 "X20'S40 SOLV WELD PVC PIPE BELL 2 .44 OF 48.END 3/4"BRNZ MTR W/LOC REG GAL 98.747e 98..B:ORT 71/2"LAY LENGTH AY 4604 3/4"ANGLE METER VALVE 25.038e 25.FIPXMETER FORD HA31-323 3/4"ANGLE METER 26. 480e 26.CHECK VALVE 3/4"X24"GAL STEEL NIPPLE 16. 864E 67.46 3/4"GAL 2. 874EDOMESTIC 1"X3/4"GAL MI HEX HD BUSHING 5. 413E 10.DOMESTIC I"X12 " 9. 435E 18. S40 PVC SXS 2. 250E S40 PVC SXSXS TE 2. 760E *** Cont inued on Nex TOTAl MGRlDA1E Order Hwnber: RVPIDAli ; I 4r~VPIOA1E 10:21 am Signllbcnre May 16,200; PrInt Name: Keid.............,. RIMIS. ........u.'-- SAV""'"" CIA ............ O'.., " .. .., , Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 84826 WRITER WEST SHIP VIA JORSTE WCN we NOW DESCR I PT I ON 2 " Xl" S40 PVC SPGXS BUSHING 1" S40 PVC SXF ADPTR RECTORSEAL 55007 lQT PVC GLUE M lSTOL PETE RECTORSEAL 55717 lQT APPROX JIM HE PRIMER PURPLE 95 - E CI CURB BOX COMPLETE CARSON 1419-12-GBOX STD PLX GREEN BODY 12" HIGH CARSON 1419-LID-5GM 8TD PLX GREEN METER LID PLX INSERT READER COVER CARSON 1419-6X-GEXT 8TD PLX GREEN EXT 6" HIGH If paid by 06/10/02 you '( deduct $10. ~voice is due by 06/30/02 net of any cash discount. """"""'fORMS"""""'1NC. SAV_GA """""""'... ."" ,, ,, , ", '' '' " ..' , ,,, , ., .. ",-:,.":""",:, ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/16/02 82446035.001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 8TONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 ORDERED BY DATE SHIPPED, OTY ORD 05/16/02 OTY SHIP U/M Orclerl'Mnher-. 524_5. 10::21 am Signfllove May 16.200: Printl'lorne: WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE ""' Pre Br: 14 05/16/02 Shp Br: 14 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 1. 720E 620E 250e 400e 52.326e 52. 16.310 16. 980 14.990 44. SubtotalFreight Tax Amoun t Due 533. 29. 562. , ," ,'" , , " .. '..,' ,-., ,,' '.......,.., ,, ", C.., .. """"..,.... 00' " ,,, ", .. onsolida ted Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICB 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/13/02 S2438604. 004 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 GOLF COURSE HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE DOYCAS OT OUR TRUCK 05/13/02 05/09/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/H NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTWB67-PACER HYDRANT CDA SPEC 1007. 500e 1007.L/ ACC **Tagged Item** WB-67 TRAFFIC EXTENSION KIT 24"272. 406e 272. SER K562 Tagged Item** PROP 4Jv ACCOUNT AMOUNT J6d-.r'6 '~"'I &.4"4 ,..c.Cj(D"Lt-:J. TOTAL MGRIDA1E RVPIDA1E VPIDATE Subtotal 1279. If paid by 06/10/02 you OrderNtmber: 52438604.004 Freight, deduct $25.Tax 64. "oice is due by 06/30/02 ~~I Amount net of any cash discount.Due 1343 . 11:16am 590- MGy 13.200; .., """"""""."50"""""'-' SAVANNNf."" Print Ibne: DeIiveredI n - -- -. .. ' --. -,. --.-. -. . ---. ' ... - ....,...,...., ....."H. ...,..... ............ CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY \/HSE SALESMAN 84826 WAST HOUCDA Pre Br: _1-\JR ITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE HAMGOR WCN WC NOW 05/16/02 05/16/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTCARSON 1419-6X-GEXT STD PLX GREEN 14.990 -44.EXT 6" HIGH ** Or1.ginal Sale S2446035. 001 OUT PROP I: c::;1V ~UNT ~UNT / ""'-:--- TOTAl MGRIDATE ftVPIDATE I ~ ~~~_.._-,~~, ~\t COST MER CREDIT Subtotal -44. OrderHumber. 5244"27.001 Freight tL~. -\-~ Tax Amount Due 47. 3:44 pm SignAbow May 16 200: Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 SILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 .JAII("""'" 00_. SUPPlIES, INC. SAY_"" GA OOOI15S-83SZ ** Credit Memo ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 05/16/02 S2446127. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 ~~. PrinttlorM: ,u. . ... "p,. ..,.' p """' .... ., .. ' . ., u "' . --.',..... .'" " 0 , . p .. --, . .. 0 " " --. "P' . u O " :. . " C.. P". u .. , ...... . '. ,.,.. . ". ' . Co. .!~.::;e~,l.,~, . ' ~ . Q#:~::.'1'H6Q$~~p:;E#G " , ~Q;~t?~~'9):~:~:L~TJ. .. ~"; t':'~~#.~p~54 ' ' Property Account Invoice Description Amount 127. 34,-27. 351. 64 276. 104. 835. 30 68400030 15280030 15280030 15280030 15280030 663100 82415682.001 82427626 001 82421771.001 82423029.001 82427482.001 82421651.001 Water line work Credit memo - water line water linewater 1iJ;le water line water hook-p for McCarthy CDS Stoneridge Partners, Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt lake City, Utah 84117' . Zions Arst National Bank 125W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 17.1014 124000054 **** ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE AND 87/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 05/31/02 $1,835.87*** Consolidated Supply Co. 1802 Industrial Way Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ~&ih.~:! , ,,' ,.. c- ,:. . ""' , " , "" .- " _--_.m_' :' ',',",':,", " 0:,, . , '' , '', :'::'-"" ,- ., ',' ", '" ,," ' '0' " " -::'.":';". ' W, . ....-. ,",,,' .., ... -. "', '... " Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/12/02 S2415682. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY IJHSE SALESMAN 84826 MATr.r PUMNEA W/c KEN CORNING HO'LfCDA Prc Br: "RITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE ROASTE WCN WC NOW 04/12/02 04/12/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT ROMAC 501 RED 811 GASKET 91 7E 15.55- 611 501 CPLG KIT IPSXIPS 6. 76X6. 76 94. 34ge 94.II COMBO II MJXIPS PVC TRANSITION GASKET 178E ,:)4719 611 MJXIPS PVC TRANSITION GASKET 3. 220E054702 PROP I SL ACCOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL 1::.J'"::j-.MG~ RVPIDATE vpmATE ~~ paid by 05/10/02 you ! deduct $2. ~nvoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. OrclerNumber: S2415A2.88i SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 121. ......8U'IESS"'-.S1JI'PUOS.INC, SAY"""""" """"0-8392 lZ1pm SIgn"""'" AprI2.2002 !'rIM Name: Matt 127. .,. n -- .,-- CUSTOMER NUMBER 84826 WRITER GIEBIL Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONE RIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER NONE SHIP VIA WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION CARSON 1419-12-GBOX STD PLX GREEN BODY 12" HIGH ** Original Sale : S2427482. 001 ** RTS CARSON 1419-6X-GEXT STD PLX GREEN ~T 6" HIGH 3/4" GAL MI 90 DOMESTI C PROP # ..!!!:L:-. ACCOUNT AMOUNT :;T=/-. TOTAl ;::)-=1 MGRlDATE RVPIOATE VPIDATE """""""_UUI'I'U".INC. SAV_""", ORDERED BY QTY ORD '" .. " 'n, .... ' '" ....,... h.... , .. , ** Credit Memo ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/26/02 S2427626. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 DATE snIPPED 04/26/02 QTY SHIP U/M-6 OrderHumber: 5242762&.001 ,;~ Ur II:58am SignAbcm! 1IptZ6.2002 Print""",", 1(- WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA Pre Br: 14 ORDER DATE 04/26/02 Shp Br: 14NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT16.310 -97. 14.990 59. 874E 11. 50 CUST MER CREDIT SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due -26. J.. 27. -- ...,... .. ., ...... .. Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/19/02 S2421771.001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY YHSE SALESMAN 84826 PUMNEAA HOUCDA Pre Br:14 WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE HANMIK WCN we NOW 04/19/02 04/19/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTAY 4753-111 PEXMIP CPLG ADAPTER 12. 867e 154. PEP eOMPRSSN PJI AY 6136 111 IPS STIFFENER 1 .342e 16. , II S40 PVC SXM ADPTR 0 .243E J. II 840 PVC SXS 0 .412E 1.65 16"X3611, 564A DOMESTIC VALVE BOX 79.117e 158.SLIP TYPE ADJ (WATER) "COMBOII PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL MGRlDATE ftVPIDATE VPIDATE ~ paid by 05/10/02 you y deduct $6. InVoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. Otclerllumbei': S242177 J19 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 333. 18. 2:33pm Slgnftbo... fIpr 19 2002 PrlntHame: KeDt: 351. .MDE-.s_.SUWLES.1HC. SAV_'" ooonsS-"'2 . 'O" ,..', . -..., '.. .....' ...."" ..,. " O'.., ..... . Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTiONS ON THiS INVOICE 208-762 2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/22/02 S2423029. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY IIHSE SALESMAN 84826.NONE 14.HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP ViA DATE ' SHIPPE!)ORDER DArE HANMIK WCN WC NOW 04/22/02 04/22/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT840PVCSLIPCAP3. 295E PROP# ~~ ACCOUNT AMOUNT i... '?-f:.2Q() 4'1 mAL MGRIDATE RVP/DATE VPlDAlE paid by 05/10/02 you ' deduct $0. Invoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. Order Nosnber: S2~,OO1 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due ""'--~_IIIC. s.\v_.,......,........ V-~+(Y' ""pm SlgnRbo... Rpr 25,2002 PrlntNome: wal .-, "h",--",h " -- '.-,. "'-' ,'" , , Consolidated Supply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 84826 WRITER COMMING 'SHiP VIA HAMGOR WCN WC NpW DESCRIPTION 8" DI MJXFLGD GATE VALVE RW SERIES2500 (OPEN LEFT) L/ACC 8" MJ GLAND PACK C153 WITH 3/4"X3-1/2" COR-TEN B&N 085188 MJXIPS PVC TRANSITION GASKET :54719 8" XH BOLTUP SET W/GASKET ** This is a special order item ** M25 5/8"X3/4" BRNZ MTR W/LOC REG GAL AY 4604 3/4" ANGLE METER VALVE FIPXMETER FORD HA31- 3 2 3 3/4" fu~GLE rJ'tETER CHECK VALVE 3/4"X24" GAL STEEL NIPPLE 3/4"X6" GAL STEEL NIPPLE I" S40 PVC '8XS CPLG 1" X3/4" 840 PVC SPGXF BUSHING *** Continued on Next Page *** 'AIIf""""""'-."""""- SAV"""""" 000t75S-0... ' ,, "',-- ,--" , ORDERED BY QTY ORD " ,, ,, " -- ""-," ,, '" '--.. ,.. ",, ' h', ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/26/02 S2427482. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 DATE SHIPPED' 04/26/02 QTY SHIP U/M Order Humber: S2427482.001 ~:# l2:26pm Siljnllbow ftpr26.2002 Print Name: ICehI '::. WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE Prc Br: 14 04/26/02 Shp Br: 14 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT538.154e 538. 17.600E 17. 190E 19.350e 19. 67.6146' 135. 25.038e 50. 26.480e 52. 16.864E 134. 482E '..' 4.48 590E 1. OOOE " "' "" 0""00" c, :'-- . """ ,',--..", ,""--"..,"..,"',--..--, ,,,' .,.. '...., , , ," ,,,.... .., ',.. '....' Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/26/02 S2427482. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SHiP VIA ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA Pre Br: DATE SHIFPED ' ORDER DATE 04/26/02 04/26/02 Shp Br: QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 5. 413E 10. 88. 500e 88. 84826 WRITER COMMING HAMGOR WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 1 II X3 /4" GAL MI HEX HD BUSHING DOMESTIC 16"X36" 564A STANDARD VALVE BOX T.JIP TYPE ADJ (WATER) "COMBO" ~DA SPEC) CARSON 1419-12-GBOX STD PLX GREEN BODY 12" HIGH 16.310 130. CARSON 1419-LID-5GM STD PLX GREEN METER LID PLX INSERT READER COVER 980 15. PROP ~-L, ACCOUNT AMOUNT :, Ttn'Al ~, ""~1!~ paid by 05/10/02 you y deduct $24. Invoice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. OrdorHumber: S242748Z.001 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 1210. 66. ............... -- & """"",,"-INC.. SA."""" GO ...",.,..... to-:# 12:26pm Signllbovo ftpr26,2OO2 PmtHome: Keitt 1276. - - - -- -.. -.. ",, -'-..u ""--"'---- __..-- -' - - -- - - -- .. -- -- -- -- -, ' Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUBSTJ:ONS ON THIS INVOICE 208 -7 62 -2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 04/19/02 S2421651.001 REMIT TO;PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 202S ~D~E KEN CORNING HOUCDA Pre Br: --, WR ITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE NOASHA WCN WC NOW 04/19/02 04/19/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION OTY ORD OTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 202S 10 n X2 IPS SADDLE 98.690e 98. - 10.X 2"IPThisis a special order item ** c!fJ PROP' ~:lL Ii AMoum~l.\. La!tJ. ~\-- - TOTAl MGRlDATE RVPJDATE '!PIDA'TE :::= f paid by 05/10/02 ,you may deduct $1.~ice is due by 05/31/02 net of any cash discount. Orderllamber: 524216 SubtotalFreight Tax AInoun t Due 98. v~~ 1:50pm SI9n- Apl'19.2OO2 PrlntHcrno: KeIt1II 104. ..---............- $AV"""""" _W3tZ , -- " '" ""- ', ""--, , ,.. "'.. ,,' ,: ' C, " '" '.-,' ",-,,, '':',.. Property Account Invoice Description Amount46 15280030 68400046 68150031 68150031 681500 31 , 681500 52469031.001 52476585.001 52469551. 002 52469543.001 52479395.001 52480019.001 late payment charge series 6855 valve box' ci sewer lid only angle meter check valve, gal steel nipple, gal steel nipple, pvc transition gasket, c flgxflg gate valve, bolt, nut and full fac ty1er 564a 16t ci valve box top less lid s 18. 80. 498. 466. 31.13 101. 68 CDS Stoneridge Partner$, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East. Suite 100 Salt lake City, Utah 84117 Zions FIrst National Bank 125W.106ooS. Sandy, Utah 84070 171282 124000054 **** ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED ONE AND 68/100 DOLLARS :~: TO THE ORDER OF 07/25/02 $1,101. 68*** Consolidated Supply Co. 1802 Industrial Way Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ~~~"'!i """:'- ,,', ,""""'.'" "' "',, '.-,' .-,' "',',",, ,.... ",- ".. -,.. -".." ..-"",.. ",, "': ,"..' '" ',..,............' ''" :::' ,k' Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THJ:S INVOJ:CE 208-762 -2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 06/12/02 S2469031.001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY YHSE SALESMAN 84826 Serv Chrg Prc Br:_1-WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE 06/12/02 06/12/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTLATE PAYMENT CHARGE 770Our records indicate that thisaccountis past due"We have assessed a LATE PAYMENT CHARGE on the past due balance. Please contact the CREDIT ~bROP I~~..J.t5PARTMENT at (503) 620-7050 ~MOU.800-929-5810 with questions.Hawaii 1 ACCOUNTCUstomers please call (808) 456-5966 C -i.. ot:t'llo."" t TOTAL ~~j..J - , MGftlDAlE \cot I . ' PfDATE- h'V" I VPIDATE ,~, SubtotalFreight Tax :Invoice is due by 07/31/02.Amount Due .lADEOUSINESS""""""""",1ItC. SAV_OA aoon5S-83O2 - -'", ",.... , , ..,"'--- ", .... " .... , ,.. :: "0,, C' :" :" :C':"'C' ::"..:.. Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS J:NVOJ:CE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 06/20/02 S2476585. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD , ID 83804 CUSTOMER HUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 PUMNIA CON HOUCDA Pre Br:WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE HANMIK WCN WC NOW 06/20/02 06/20/02 Shp Br:DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNTSERIES6855 VALVE BOX CI " SEWER"17.993e 17.LID ONLY SLIP 5-1/4 DROP LID (FOR 664A/564A) PROP I ACCOUNT AMOUNT 4'" ' . t L 1. . " - . . 1\ I, , (. --........-,,",- TOTAL 1m:: MGRIDATE RVPJDATE VPIDATE ..\1) ~ Vtd?iL Uf~I.l.. M.. l.Q. -potP \~ rkP t.--~ .c, I~ ~aid by 07/10/02 you deduct $0. 14voice is due by 07/31/02 net of any cash discount. SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 17. 18. .............. '0_. suPI'UES. '""- SAV- GA -.z '6/27/02 lq: 53 PUT ... ,. ,- ....., ....., ....' Page 2 of 2 .326255 fI ~ QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 06/12/02 S2469551.002 REMIT TO: PJlaE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 .., SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 . . WHSE SALESMAN 1.5 HOUCDA Pre Br: DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE 06/12/02 06/12/02 Shp Br: QTY SHIP U/H NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT19.491e 1.9. CUSTOHER . NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY 84826 WRITER MARY ESTES SHIP VIA NOASHA OT OUR TRUCK DESCRIPTION FORD HA31. - 3 2 3 3/4" ANGLE METER CHECK VALVE QTY ORD 3/4 "X24" GAL STEEL NIPPLE E C~ CURB BOX COMPLETE CARSON l4l9-LID-5GM STD PLX GREEN METER LID PLX INSERT READER COVER OUTBOUND FREIGHT CHARGES PROP ACcouNT AMOUNr4~~ . * * Reprint TAl .b-MGRlDATE RvPlDATE VPIDATE * * Reprint * * Reprint * * ReprJ.n ~id by 07/10/02 you deduct $1.52 Invoice is due by 07/31/02 net o~ any cash discount. Onhr IUnher: 2:4pm Slgnftbm:.AIII 12.2IJIIZPm\- 3 . 88lE 15. 36. 384e 36. 844 O. OOOe Mtt-Lh ~ I el U5~~t\~ f-h,v~S -b SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 76. 3 . 81. 80. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOIct . 208-762-2568 i TOTAl t MG~ATE RVPIOATE VPIDATE . -- --,... -- . )8 /27/02 1~: 55 PDT BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER HUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER HUMBER 84826 WRITER NO PO-PER MARY ESTE SHIP VIA NOASHA OT OUR TRUCK DESCRIPTION FORD HA31-323 3/4" ANGLE METER CHECK VALVE 3/411X2411 GAL STEEL NIPPLE MJXIPS PVC TRANSITION GASKET OS4702 95-E CI CURB BOX COMPLETE 4" X8 II PVC SOLV WELD SEWER HXH REDUCER 209-0048 ** This is a special order item ** 411 PVC SOL V WELD SEWER IPS H X SEWER SPIGOT ADAPTER P1213 230-0004 HERCULES 40-501 2 LB PIPE LUBE DUCK BUTTER OR EQUAL M25 5/8"X3/4" BRNZ MTR W/LOC REG GAL AY 4604 3/4" ANGLE METER VALVE FI PXMETER 3/411 GAL MI 90 DOMESTIC *** Continued on Next Page *** . ,. ._~ .-- ., .,..'.-"--..."' , Page 2 of 3 #328259 ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUIIBER 06/12/02 S2469543. 001REMIT TO: ProE NO. PO BOX 6788 PORTLAND OR 97228 STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD , ID 83804 ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA Prc Br: DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE 06/12/02 06/12/02 Shp Br: QTY SHIP U/H NET UNIT PRICE NET AHOONT 19. 491e 19. 3. 881E 15. 2 .7 94E 36. 384e 145. 20. 476E 20. QTY ORD 4. 958E 491E 16 . 48. 284e 96. 16. 974e 33. O. 774E ,.. 1;' Orderlbnloor: 524&9543.001 2:11pm SI9n- .....,2..200Z rm11fo1tM . , Dfi/Z7/02 1~: 55 . PUT . .. ... ""'., ,. .... ",.. '. ,.,. , Page 3 of 3 .326259 ilk QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 BIll TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY 84826 WRITER NO PO-PER MARY ESTE SHIP VIA NOASHA OT OUR TRUCK DESCRIPTION OTY 000 1 "X3 / 4" GAL MI HEX HD BUSHING DOMESTIC ~ON 1419-12-GBOX STD PLX GREENIY 12" HIGH CARSON 1419-LID-5GM STD PLJC' GREEN METER LID PLX INSERT READER COVER CARSON 1419-6X-GEXT STD PLX GREEN EXT 6" HIGH 3 / 4" 18 -G2 METER WASHER MCDONALD ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUI'IBER 06/12/02 S2469543. 001REMIT TO: PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTlAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 DATE SHIPPED 06/12/02 QTY SHIP UJH * * Reprint * * Reprint * * Reprint * * Reprint * ?aid by 07/10/02 you - deduct $9. Invoice is due by 07/31/02 net o~ any cash discount. Ord...lbnbor. S2~'J543.o01 2:11pm SIgn"""'" """ 12.20l1Z MI\ Homo: WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA ORDER DATE Pre Br: 15 06/12/02 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AHOONT 456E 900 19. 844 099 81. 89 178e Subtota1.Freight Tax~unt Due 474. 23. 498. .~. Consolidated Supply Co. uJlI,IA \lcJJ cJ.\J€ ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 06/24/02 S24 79395.001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN 84826 FL GATE HOUCDA Pre Br: WRITER SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE JORSTE WCN WC NOW 06/24/02 06/24/02 Shp Br: DESCRIPTION QTY ORD QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT FLGXFLG GATE VALVE RW 416.DODe 416. SERIES 2500 w/Op NUT OPEN LEFT FLG BOLT NUT & FULL FACE 12. 990K 25. GASKET KIT PROP #~ ACCOUNT AMOUNT TOTAl MGRlDATE RVPJDATE VPIDATE Tf paid by 07/10/02 you deduct $8. "voice is due by 07/31/02 net. of any cash discount. OrderNumber: SZ4n395 SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 441. 24. (fG- 4:25pm Si9a-... Jun2'1.2002 _Name: Keitla 466. _IIUSINESS FORMS . SUtf\IES, INC. SAV- GA -.su30Z Consolidated Supply Co. ** INVOICE ** QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2568 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 06/24/02 S2480019. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 BILL TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE PO BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 SHIP TO: STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE 355 STONERIDGE ROAD BLANCHARD, ID 83804 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER ORDERED BY WHSE SALESMAN HOUCDA Prc Br: DATE SHIPPED ORDER DATE 06/24/02 06/24/02 Shp Br: QTY SHIP U/M NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT29. 500e 29. 84826 WRITER NONE SHIP VIA HAMGOR WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 16 II TYLER 564A 16T CI VALVE BOX TOP LESS LID SLIP TYPE ADJUSTABLE 144977 QTY ORD ROP' ~ ~ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 'dIAl , MGtVD~TE nVPID~TE VPIO~1E If paid by 07/10/02 you . y deduct $0. 4voice is due by 07/31/02 net of any cash discount. OnIertlumbet: SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 29. 31. 4:25pm Sign"""'" Jun2~.21102 PrintHome: KeiUl " JADE........._-..........,..INC. SAV_""-. , .., ----.. .. ," ,' ' " ""d.o" Property Account Invoice Description Amount 30 150800 3d 150800 010702-Esvel t 012102 Wastewater treatment Upgrade #1 Esvelt Env JAS services - December 226, 13,230. 14,457.51, ~"\ - f'4E~.;;8 CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600' Sandy, Utah 84070 170709 124000054 **** FOORTBEN THOUSAND' FOUR HUNDRED FI,FTY SEVEN AND 51/100 POLLARS TO TI:IE ORDER OF 02/14/02 $14,457.51** , ~ES A ,$E~~~~' t( AS'SQCIATES ;~~;~:~7 ' ~~~r :~:'~' ' NON..N J,5GOTIAB~~ , ,.. ": ': , ', "" '' ;, ;:',, ,: "" :, ;,:' :, ~,: ~: :; ,' ", "..".. ,..,.._~,....:",-,-;:,-,_ L,~;;" :.., ,, '.." '::.'':. ':, ..:' ,.. ' ,..' ' , '--' -- , ., d, , .., "., ,."" '..' .--, ' ', , JAMES A. SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT WA 99156 (509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45778 January 14, 2002 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS, INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST, STE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 ---====----~--------- PROJECT 3097-072 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - UTILITY COMPANY DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours Rate Amount ------- ------------------- ------- - ---------- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDEN BURG ERIC J.78.234. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 234. ----------- Amount EXPENSES ------------------ MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE IN-HOUSE PRINTING miles 27.17. ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 49 . 58 ----------- TOTAL DUE 283. -------- PROP /I ~-f- ACCOUNT AMOUNT 3D TOTAl ~5'6 MGRJOATE f, RVP/OATE VP/OATE INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001.INTEREST ~ 18% A. "" .... ,," . .,.... .--"----.. --,.. .. ,..,-- ...... JAKES A~ SEWELL ' ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45777 January 14, 2002 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS, INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST, STE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 -------------- PROJECT 3097-058 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - WATERLINE REPLACEMENT BENEATH STONERIDGE DRIVE, ANALYSIS, DESIGN & DRAFTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DRAFTSMAN VANDEVENTER, KEVIN L. TUROSKI , STACI A. Hours Rate Amount ----------------------- 78.156. 55.110. 50.400. 30.120. 30.15. 00 ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 16.801. ----------- TOTAL DUE 801. -------- ------- --------- --- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG, ERIC J. CIVIL ENGINEER AKESSON, KEVIN T. BLANKENSHIP, TIMOTHY c. PROP ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0'0 ~,, R'D TOTAl MGRlDATE RVP/DATE VP/DATE \ . 00 INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001.INTEREST ~ 18% \ , --,,, ..".....;,,,";": ...,..",., ',-"::'":.."', Property Account Invoice Description Amount 15,000.00 I,30 150800 46583 3097-011, 3097-024, 3097-028, 3097-049, 30 15,000. .3o~ - f161.D. CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100Salt lake City. Utah 84117 Zions Arst National Bank 125W.10600S. Sandy, Utah 84070 171179 :-, 124000054 , ' **** FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 06/20/02 $15,000.00** JAMES A SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156 NON-EGOTIABLE I ~ i&-~.a.';;4f1'): "',,. " ~ i'-. :;.,'".:, "..,.",'.. "" '.. ",.. ....'.." "V"""-,,"C'""'d' " ",,..,.. .. d ,.." ".. ,' -.. '",,"'.. d .. .' ,,' "".." ,"', .., "".-," ,..,.. '-..-..-., ,...,..."" r.,,- ..,..,,~:,_. :c:;",c,:""-,::c",-"":':':::;:":':' ;':':;;' :'.2:':':::",---, :':':"'~:,,..":":,,, c.. --. JAH~S A. S~ELL , ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT , WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 -- - ----------------- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG, ERIC CIVIL ENGI1:lEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR HUNTER, DARRIN E. DORVAL , PATRICIA A. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE Invoice number May , 2002 Page number 1 46585 BRIDGE PARTNERS , INC.ATTN: DEAN ALLARA O. BOX 280BLANCHARD ID 83804 PAYMENT IN FULL IS DUE WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT PROJECT 3097-058 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - WATERLINE REPLACEMENTBENEATH STONERIDGE DRIVE, DESIGN FINALIZATION, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION , CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION & CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES , , Hours Rate Amount ----------------------- 34.80.720. 26.50.325. 50.33.666.39.26.027. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 150.738. ----------- Amount ---------- 783 miles 281. 88 ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 281. ----------- TOTAL DUE 020. ..~ INCLUDES WORK THROUGH APRIL 2002. INTEREST ~ 18% A. """.~',' """..--..,""."",',. ."-'-' '-- ... ."'." ... .. --0___, ".... ;': Property Account Invoice Description Amount 30 150800 30 150800 46871 46783 Engineering Engineering 13,631. 79 335. 15,967. 3()q - Iq 1.t~. iel CDS Stone ridge Partners. LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W.10600 S, Sandy, Utah 84070 171297 124000054 **** FIFTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN AND 23/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 07/25/02 $15,967.23** JAMES A SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156 NON-NEGOTIABLE d~&i 6-QQ ' 4 NEWPORT . . . (509) 447-J626 " "' .,...,.....,..... ., . Invoice n~er June ~3, 2002Page. number ~ BRIDG~~ARTNERs, INC.~TTN: :t;1BAN o. aox 280BLAN~ ID 83804 . . PAYMENT. I:N PULL IS DUE WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT ------~=-- PROJE~, .3097 -099 txTENSION PRO:FESSI.O:NAL SERVICES STON'BRIDGE UTILITIES FAIRWA't MEADOWS WATERLINE Hours Rate Amount ,,:----- ---- ----~-- ----.. "\ .------- --------------- CIViL ENGIN~ER BLANKENSHfP , TIMOTHY C DRAFTS)ti!.'N TtJROSKI, S'l'ACI A. 17.50.875. , 12 . 50 ------- 32.400. --------- SUBTOTAL . LABOR 30.27'5. DO ----------- TOTAL, DUE 275. , .-------.... .~ ;... '" - ,,.-," .. /':, ', ". : ,. . INCLUDtS WORK THROUGH DY 31, 2002 ' UTPE.ST'! ln' li.R. . "::": ..::... '~ ,, ." '' ':. .' ,' .',,'---,-,-- BR:tDGE PARTNIRS, INC. ATTN :' DEAN, ALLARA o. BO:X 280 B~CHARD ID 83804 . -. . PA~T .Dl FULL lS D~ WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT ----""'-- ~- :- - ~= PROJECT 3097-097 ,STONERIDGE UTILITIES - BERKSHIRE DRIVE WATERLINE PESIGN 'DRAFTiNG PROFESSrONAL ,SERVICES ---------- --------~. ~ 1 . Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- CIVIL ENGINBER , BLANKENSHIP, TIMOTIIY C-50.400. DRAFTSMAN 'l'UROSKJ: , STACI A.32.256. ---------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 16.656.0'0 ----------- TOTAL DUE 656. 00 . ., ., ' INCLUDES WORK, THROUGH, ttAy 31, ,~OiJ3. tNT~T 8 H;~":~.:P R. . ~ .,", .::.~ " d" '....,, BRIDGE PARTNERS', INC. A'Fm. : pEAN ALLARA O., BO~280 BLANeHA1U? ID. 838f:)4 . . , , .. , 0"" '" "" ,..'."", ', ,,' -" ,,, "".. ,"", No.1673 p. IU/I/ --""""""""""" Invoice nU1Dber June 13, 2002 page number 1 ~AYMENT' :QI FuLL :IS DUE WITHiN .15 DAYS. OF REcEIPT ~ ------------ 46783 --- -~:...--- PROJECT 3097-058 STONER1DGE trrILi'l'IES - WATERLINE REPLACEMENT BENEATH STONERIDGE DR~, DESIGN J!iINALIZATION,CON'I'RACT ' :ADH1:N:ISTRATION, CONSTRUCTiON cootmmA'rION & CONSTRUCTION :INSPECTION PROFESSIONAL SERVIC~S ----- ------ ---- - -----/. pRINCIPAL ENGINEER BLD~URG , ~C W:tL ' ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP, TIMOTHY c. CONSTRUCTION. INSPECTOR DORVAL, PATRICIA A. Hours ------- ------ Rate 10. 00 , 1.5. 2~. 00 ------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 46. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE IN-HOUSE plUNTING 504 miles 80. 50. 26. Amount ---------- 800. 775. , 546. ---------- 121.. ----------- Amount ---------- 181. 33. 00 ---------- 214. ----------- 335. I " \ '\.. P i ! ~ INCLUDES WORK THROUGH KAY 31, 2002. ~~~T t i8 ~ ,~"~: R:" " '. /"':; ~,, SUBTOTAL EXPENSES . ,j.: TOTAL DUE '" ",.,,..""'.-".--..",.. u--......' ,'.. --.. --......,--..' ":~ '- : ,:t': :(:::~'?'- ~?1) ~!,' fo!'N~~'tID~ ~g, ;.'1Iii'- ;"'" =L't;""L"";""Gi&i0==.;u;-.,-"" ~~"" --~......,,~, .- Ziol)~Fn:stNatjonaIBank125W'10600S.. ' , S~r;idY.l../~af:l 84070: ' JlJ,l~: ;;: Property Account Invoice uescnpllUl1 Invoice August invoice 3097, 3097-009, 3097-oil,3097-014, project - 3097-058 project - 3097-018 project - 3097-072 project - 3097-080 3097-02 184.50 I - 959,.98 I 223.88 I 280.00 i 214. 122. 31 82013330 150800 '30 15080030 15080030 15080030 150800 August 46374 46376 46375 46377 46378 985. )01 - ~1 t.'t.'3 ,.."""", CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stone ridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 , san Lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 w. 10600' S. Sandy, Utah 84070 171136 124000054 TO THE ORDER OF '06/19/02 $8,985.16*** **** EIGHT THOUSAND NINB HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE AND 16/100 DOLLARS JAMES A SEWELL & ,ASSOCIATES 600 4TH, STREET WEST NEWPORT WA 99156 NON~NEGOTIABLE ;:tJ-~' .., .., .~..~"~.",.,.." - ,--,-" -, -;;.. JAMES A. SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT , WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number April 14 , 2002 Page number 1 46376 CDS INVESTMENTS , INC.ATTN: DEAN ALLAM O. BOX 280 BLANCHARD ID 83804 =========-----==========-----================----==== PAYMENT IN FULL IS DUE WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT PROJECT 3097-058 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - WATERLINE REPLACEMENTBENEATH STONERIDGE DRIVE , CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ----------------- ---- Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIC J. CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. 80.520. 50.25.CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR HUNTER, DARRIN E. CLEVELAND , WILLIAM M.15.33. 26.264.403. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 30., 212 . 00 ----------- EXPENSES -------- Amount ---------- MILEAGE miles 11. SUBTOTAL EXPENSES ---------- 11. 88 ----------- PROP # ACCOUNr AMOUNT &9 I~/" TOTAL DUE 223. -------------- TOTAL MGRlDATE ?n& RVPJDATE VPIDATE """"- INCLUDES WORK THROUGH MARCH 31, 2002. INTEREST ~ 18% A. . '. ..,. .., ..C".. ' . '' '' ..' ,.. .- .."..' --, ... '' ,, ..:.. ,:.""".... ''-- ""'' '.."" ",.: ,.'":,,,"'..""" Property Account Invoice Description Amount 30 15080030 15080030 150800 30 15080030 150800lO 15080"0 121401 44430 44429 44615 44614 44264-1 engineering engineering engineering engineering engineeing Original payment was issued for only $15, 16,598. 637. 668. 702. 156. 245. 20,008. L)() l\ ,.$ ~ 15so. ()) ,-,..,_.,... ,.... ...., . ...... ....,.., ..,.... ....m"""""""""""""""""""" '- ....,......,..",....... ............... . ...... ,m.."""'" "...."""'" ....m ..-.. .................,.......................,..-.. .....,.,................_,m'm......_.....,-,-......-_no. .......... m_.."""" m, CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge InvestOfS 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, Utah84117 Zions Rrst National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 170637 124000054 **** TWENTY THOUSAND EIGHT AND 16/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 01/16/02 $20,008.16** JAM~S A SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 60'0 4 TH STREET WEST N~WPORT, WA 99156 . ', . NON,.;NEGPTJABlEZ : , .. . '""'.. ,",..,' "-'---,..' ..' ... ..::..".. ... ,... .""".'--:"':"" "C';C' "",",,"""'"",. : . :..' :.". --'-.: :;"::": .:: '... .... ---- ..... ....,. ".,.. '.,~." .'. .,' . C' " :". J. A. Sewell ~ Assoc.5094472112 JAMES A. SEWELL ' ASSOCIATES600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45572December 13, 2001 Page number 1 c".. CDS INVESTMENTS , INC.ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST, STE 100SALT ,LAKE CITY UT 84117 PROJECT 3097-019 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - WATER SYSTEM INVESTIGATION,NETWORK ANALYSIS TO VERIFY FIRE FLOW CAPABILITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- --------- ------- --- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIC J. CIVIL ENGINEER . BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. DRAFTSMAN VANDEVENTER, KEVIN L. CLEVELAND , WILLIAM M. PLANNER HENRIKSEN, RAYMOND F. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE IN-HOUSE PRINTING Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- 10.78.819. 18.50.925. 11. 50 30.345.18 . 50 25.462.50 1.00 45.45. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 60.596. ----------- Amount ---------- miles 30. ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 38. ----------- TOTAL DUE 634. A. P. INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH NOVElomER 30 , 2001. tNTEREST ~ 18% , ,.. .., , , ",oo, , , -- , ,, .. oo " ,,, ...... ", "'., ,,... .... " ., '" ", '" 'C, .. J.A. Sewell & Assoc.5094472112 JAKES A. SEWELL ' ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45573 December 13 , 2001 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS , INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST , STE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 ===---== PROJECT 3097-058 STONBRIDGE UTILITIES - WATERLINE REPLACEMENT BENEATH STONBRIDGE DRIVE, ANALYSIS , DESIGN & DRAFTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours Rate Amount ---- ---- - -- -- --------------- ----------,------ CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C- DRAFTSMAN TUROSKI, STACI A. 32.50.625. 13.30.390. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 45. 50 015. ----------- EXPENSES Amount ------------------ IN-HOUSE PRINTING ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES - -- -------- TOTAL DUE 2 , 024 . 00 ..' INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH NOVEMBER 30 , 2001.INTEREST Q 18% A. ...---- ....... . & Assoc-5094472112 Invoice number 45579December 17 , 2001Page number 5CDS INVESTMENTS/STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE MISCELLANEous --=- - 3097-064 ~-~=--===- UNIT 3 UTILITIES WATER & SEWER SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE ----= PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIc J. CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP, TIMOTHY C. DRAFTSMAN . TUROSKI , STACI A. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE IN-HOUSE PRINTING PROJECT SURVEY 3097-070 STONERIDGE - FAIRWAY MEADOWS CONDO BUILDINGS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ----- -- ------- ------- PRINCIPAL LAND SURVEYOR HOISINGTON , RANDY R. 2 MAN SURVEY CREw TRIPLETT , DAVID L. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- 15. 00 78.170. 17.50. 00 875. 20.30.600. 00 ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 52.645. 00 ----------- Amount ---------- miles 21.42 ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 25. ----------- SUBTOTAL 670. -----------.., Hours Rate Amount ------- -------------- 60.180. 70.560. 00SUBTOTAL LABOR ----------------- 11. 00 740. 00 ----------- Amount ---------- miles E! ' SUBTOTAL EXPENSES ---------- SUBTOTAL ----------- 748. ----------- ....rSVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH NOVEMBER 30 , ZOOl.INTEREST ~. ~8%R. ... JAMES A. SEWBLL , ASSOCXATBS 600 4TS STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 991.56(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 ,..' ., .. ,,-- ". .,.........,...""""'.." .. "...., ..., om-BRIDGE PROPERTY MGMT CDS INVESTMENTS, INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST STE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 , ,' ,.... .. -- ". .--" " ,, .. .. ' " '.... ..'. """':.'" -- ' co.."",- +8012845910 T-51 6 P, 022/030 F-121 (J) Invoice number 44615 August 14 , 2001 Page number - ---- ~----- PROJECT 3097-019 STONERIDGE UTILITI~S - WATER SYSTEM INVESTIGATION, SERVICE TO STONERIDGE ADDITION 1 WELL PUMP INSPECTION AND ANALYSIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -- - ---- --- -- - -- --- --- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIC J" SUBTOTAL LABOR PROP#.t;J '1! ACCOUNT ~l:';'OTam UGRIDATE RVPJDATEVPIDATE Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- 702.78" 00 ----------------- 702.00 ----------- TOTAL DUE ~ 102. INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH JULY 31., 2001~INTEREST 8 18% A. " -- n-- "" ,.. -- ,--""""""'" "..", ,". "'--"---'_"--'-"-'--""~-'_"_"---"--" n"--"--,, --'"" --,,'--,, --,," n" ..",, "~~$: !St~m~ridg~ Partnel"s, L. ~toi1eriqge.'nvesto~ " :4~~ Sout!j9QO ~:;~ Suite 100" ::;~ltl~e9tY,l!tah ' " 8,4tt7 , " " , , ~c , " ,-- ', , Zions Fi~St"tllSlue;na' Ba~k125W.10E!OO$; , ~an!fY.Y~~~O!O 12400~9$4 171)),73 " ', ", '::,::"","", '::,,;,;,,:, ";::: ', ..~";;"" .."" "" ' *-1f*,! SEYJ;:N,rx TWQ 'J:'HQQ$~b .N'tN&HUNDR~Q b~~~OF I:N9,) " '" " "i " , "'" "" ,: .'",,..," " , n " " 8~-~5~~:o.;~3.:~: , " '.." '' ", ," " " ,c" :" " ", ", ..". ":...,, ", ,",:'' ";- .'" ,, ," " Property Account Invoice Description Amount 152000 000430 water line job -72,951. 98 3~"'- 72,951.98 ',m' ,,".., , CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 171073 124000054 **** SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE AND 98/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 06/01/02 $72,951. 98** PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION P. O. BOX 639 PRIEST RIVER, ID INC. 83856-0639 , NON,.NEGOTIABLE e~--"'/ PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Box~9 Priest River, 10 83856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) ~g~..,_ ~-' f" CAS1-I 'CHARGE O-D, QUANTITY STOCK NO., 2. k..,(~ ~,,~ ' LJCt 3 k.iS"\f)c::' 4 ~JS aLl- 5 kJ~\3'~ \a.~,tqo~ '''-is Ie 8 ""~: 2.0 ~~ 9 1...rS ,6~ 10 u~ b) 11 l.o..;:12 ""-I'.): , , I\I\ v~~-b .s141 'LOO'l- ' , (... "- ~ \!42ov DSE.AET'O. ,AIOOUT TERMS SHIPVIA , , DESCRIPTION D~~~ L~~ ""1" 0......\:)&)...", V~u....r -J ~~...- \.t:)~ ~"", L6..\oo""" I'\".c....... -\. ~ Fi?~ 1!.. "L"LS" R 'io~ &- 6V"... DV\o-'T ;v..(k~ ,. .. -., _0 &c",,- v. .... . v",..... I Q~Jl:.", ~l '\ """'L'f.... L:...\.."r ""'" b ---l'-\t r:.",~O'- " ~~("'- E..:! ';:"D~ I D ft "ftft..li c- ::,'~O ~r'b , , AUTHORIZED~V TURE '100 REV :' ,._... ::1-'1' -- " '...... , RVPmATE VPIDATE 2 r r 21.t-t-60S SALES 000430 SHOW THIS NUMBER ONINVOICE. PACKING UST. LAeEU; CUSTOMER 0 DER DATE ~,.... 5:.L2Pc.~19 SHIP , ' 'n" '" .. '-'-"-_.._"..,--, ,--"'-' ""-- --'.- " tJ.8i"tnJ' .i;'7 t!) , , -,- IC:' ~ ' nvt\r , ;' -" ~' _..., ~'/\) A'" ; .. d ' \, ':' T '" " (1\" ./"":"""\~ ~ ~ L- ./' TA"" l,( '\ \JT " ----,\ TOTA':'~1'-qst'~ :: TF B:POlfolT'o ; UNITPR ~ : 6.s- .- " -. ' ?2 eQ":\0'8 ~, ~O~ 1e ta. CsO .. K.~~' '0, -6:'f oj;t. , , ,, , ooss~ ~ llamas o ero:ao ?on ~T ~eu AMOUNTIM~ -b8'2.. IYif te- a \ .~t50 cc- "11.. ca- lc, "?" '3 \ ... s' o"JL t..f~ os) \~ (.~- ~~ q lCJS~ ?. (.. 1 ( Iq~~ , :(~SlC:: .. ,,' ,- '-" -- -" u, ,- '-' Property Account Invoice Description Amount31 152600 000427 Retainer for Inv i 421,409, 407, 405~ 404, 401 50,389. ~.o'f '50,389. '.." _ m'".._.., """-,.." .., ...,,-_..,.. '.. ",---, ' --..".. u"""--",, -" '.... " ,,'.., """---"""" .,-- '....--.... ....,....--.., ..-..,.. ..----'.. ...... ".. ....,.. CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Sah lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 170676 124000054 TO THE ORDER OF **** FIFTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE AND 70/100 DOLLARS 01/24/02 $50,389.70** PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. O. BOX ' 639 PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856-0639 NbN.,.NE(30TIABLE ..~ ,-.'_. . .. ,..,...... . PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. . P.O. Box 639 Priest Riyer,lD 83856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) 448-1966 SOLD D-~V_" --' ~t!.~---_.. ..., R €-: ~~~-~,_ 'l'~~~~----,- ---,--...,_...,,-,-_.._._-,---.. iJ:.. 1.\ 0 S" 40'-1 -i:F- 1f:. SALES 000427 SHOW THIS NUMBER ON INVOICE, PACKING LIST. LABELS ~~~TOME~/2=1 SHIP TO: 1---- TQTAl MGR/DATE _--"~""""" "" "- -" --' .""..' '""..... 0' _0 - ..'" .. ,' , ,,n, , ""''--,..,', ', ' SALES 000421PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. . P.o. Bpx 639 Priest River, 10 83856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) 448-1966 SHOW THIS NUMBER ONINVOICE, PACKING UST, LABELS CUSTOMER ORDER DATE SOLD c, \) 5 :t ~-_.._" JcYn. NO' SHIP TO: ------------ '_.._--,,-,,------ ,,--- E. ~...~... ~O"c.... D~o ~,- MCLW;, ,:':" """ -' ,, ",' ", , , .." .. ', ,'.. I'!: ' Co ~solidated Aupply Co, QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208 -263 - 8563. BIll TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION , INC. PO BOX 639, PRIEST RIVER ID 83856 CUS~OMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 63523 WRITER SHIP VIA WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 8"X18.125' CL50 TYTON JOINT DI W/ GASKET**Tagged Item** DOYCAS PIPE 8" DDI CB 90 (1/4) FLG BEND COMPACT BODY DOMESTIC ROMAC FIELD FLANGE 8" WITH GASKET FOR CI 8" MJ STD GASKET (C900/DI) ** This 1S a special order item ** 8" XH BOLTUP SET W/GASKET 8" 501 CPLG KIT DIXDI 9.30X9. II COMBO" 6 "X18 .125' CL50 TYTON JOINT DI PIPE W / GASKET 6" DDI CB 90 (1/4) FLG BEND COMPACT BODY DOMESTIC 369509**Tagged Item** ROMAC FIELD FLANGE 6" WITH GASKET FOR CI *** Continued on Next Page *** 'ODE"""""""'" .............. SAY""AM, GA ..."....... ORDERED BY OTY ORD 1800 1800 , .. , '' ', , , ..,.. , ..", ' ....,.. .. '0' " "' ** INVOICE ** , INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 10/17/01 82274543.00: REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTlAND OR 9nzs SHIP TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. 581 SHANNON LANE PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856-0639 DATE SHIPPED 10/17/01 OTY SHIP U/H 1800 hn 1800 IIHSE SALESMAN HOUSPT ORDER DATE Prc Br: 15 10/16/01 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT529F 153. .., 96. 825e 96. 52.585 52. 1. 500e 1.50 8. 052e 80.,894e 161. 111.17176F 75.590e 75. 44.390 88. ;,' , " ,~ ' blidated Aply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INvOICE/ 208-253-8551 BI II TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION , INC. PO BOX 639PRIEST RIVER ID 83856 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 63523 WRITER STONERIGDE SHIP VIA DOYCAS WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION ROMAC FIELD FLANGE 8 II WITH GASKET FOR CI 8 II MJ STD GASKET (C900/DI) ** This is a special order item ** 8 n XH BOLTUP SET W/GASKET - " ** Reprint ** Reprint ** Reprin If paid by 11/10/01 you may deduct $~. ~voice is due by 11/30/01 t of any cash discount. JA"'8IIRftSS'_............""" SAV.""",,"" _!Un ORDERED BY QTY ORO , - "' , " ,' " ,' ,," '., "' "' ,, ,, ,:.. 0 ", ::,"""'.',".., --"""" """' ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 10/18/01 S2278059. 001 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. 581 SHANNON LANE PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856-0639 DATE SHIPPED 10/18/01 QTY SHIP U/M ** Rep int ** Order Humber: 5227805'.001 1:07pm S"ognllbo.... OctI8 2001 Print Home: T1ao WHSE SALESMAN HOUSPT ORDER DATE Prc Br: 15 10/18/01 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 72.175 72. 783e 1. 78 12.290e 12. SubtotalFreight Tax Amoun t Due 86.2.5 90..56 "'" """""",.-..,..".." "...... .. ", -,-, ..,,' '" "'" ".. ~solidated ?Pply Co. QUESTIONS ON THIS INVOICE 208-263-8561 BILL TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. PO BOX 639PRIEST RIVER ID 83856 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER " - 63523 URITER SHIP VIA DOYCAS WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 6" XH BOLTUP SET W (GASKET 6" M.1 STD GASKET (C900/DI) ** This is a special order item ** 6" MJ CAP C153 L/ACCS 082163 'MAC GRAP-DI 6" GRIP RING ACCS ACK FOR DI & C900 4 "X20' CL51 TYTON JOINT DI PIPE W/~SKET 4" DDI CB 90 (1/4) FLG BEND COMPACT BODY DOMESTIC 369493 ROMAC FIELD FLANGE 4" WITH GASKET FOR CI 4" MJ STD GASKET (C900/DI) ** This ~s a special order item ** 4" XH BOLTUP SET W/GASKET 4" MJ CAP C153 L/ACCS 082156 **Tagged Item** 4"X2" MJ TAPT CAP C153 L/ACCS *** Continued on Next Page *** - '--- 'A"""""'SS_&SUtPI.....- SAVA""""" ~.... ORDERED BY QTY ORD 2000 .....",, '"""""'...", "'~' " c, , ' ,c"' ,"""......,.. ** INVOICE ** INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 10/17/01 82274543.002 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTLAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. 581 SHANNON LANE PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856-0639 , DATE SHIPPED 10/17/01 OTY SHIP U/M 2000 IIHSE SALESMAN HOUSPT ORDER DATE Prc Br: _1- 10/16/01 Shp Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 214e 10. ... 1. OOOe 19.800E 39. 45.495E 90. 671F 153 . 40.604e 40. 47.943 95. 76ge 1.54 611e 13. 12.600E 12. ~:' 19.200E 19. ... ... .. ..'... -- .. .);;1;' c~ QUESTIONS ON THIS :J:NVOICE 208-263-8561 BILL TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. PO BOX 639PRIEST RIVER ID 83856 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 63523 URITER ~.. SHIP VIA '- DOYCAS WCN WC NOW DESCRIPTION 082361 2" GAL CI CORED SQ HD PLUG DOMESTIC ROMAC GRAP-DI 4" GRIP RING Aces PACK FOR DI & C900 ROMAC 202S-05X1" IPT 8"X1" DI DBL ~S STRAP SERVI CE SADDLE 63- 111 IrS BRONZE FULL PORT BALL VALVE 1 "X46" GAL STEEL NIPPLE 24"X20' ADS N12 DBL WALL SOLID POLY CULVERT W/INTEGRAL BELL SERIES 85 24"X4" MHF&C WATER OUTBOUND FRE I GHT CHARGES --. Invoi~e is due by 10/17/01. .!A""""'5$ "'..... ................ S'W_H. GA ooonss-.... ORDERED BY QTY ORD INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 10/17/01 S2274543. 002 REMIT TO:PAGE NO. PO BOX 5788 PORTlAND OR 97228 SHIP TO: PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. 581 SHANNON LANE PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856~0639 IIHSE SALESMAN DATE SHIPPED HOUSPT ORDER DATE Pre Br: 15 10/17/01 QTY SHIP U/M 10/16/01 Shp 'Br: 15 NET UNIT PRICE NET AMOUNT 1. 837E 1.84 28.799E 57. 65.808E 65. 396e 11.477E 11.48 144 .14.401f 125. OOOe 125. 25. OOOe . 25. SubtotalFreight Tax Amount Due 1666. 82 . 1748. Property Account . . Invoice Description Amount 30 150800 112301 Engineering 30,000. 30,000. ~ ,2' '-(. 'i 0 /.A.-:TIU"'fc.~ ~~ ~ \ . J)~ '111~) that ....-,.,..,..,......,.....,...............-..,...,.. ......-..........m ""....,...,.................,...,......,..",....... ..". -..,....,.......,.........,...,. ......,..........,................_,., '......m.."""' .".'..""."'"..~~......':..... 'b5. ~..... .".""..""""" ;. CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 170613 124000054 **** THIRTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS TO THE. ORDER OF 12/28/01 $30,000.00** ..--. JAMES A SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156 NON-NEGOTIABLE . ~-----',.......-, -.-,... (/., ,,;/ Jokane ~ -= Hutton Building 9 South Washington, Suite 708 Spokane, Washington 99201 (509) 747-5794 (509) 747-5798 Fax ~~"'=""':"'C;:"" ~"""- , , n-'--"'~110613 ' '0' 0 " .... ...c.. O '~-"-'---, JAMES A. SEWELL & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors Newport 600 4th Street West Newport, Washington 99156 (509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641(509) 447-2112 Fax Civil Engineering *Electrical Engineering *Land Surveying * Building Insp Sandooint Pend Oreille Professional Center 30336 Highway 200, Suite C Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 (208)263-4160 Fax (208)263-5229 November 23 2001 Project Alta LagoOn Misc Golf Cart Stoneridge Total Category Survey Dike & Building UtilitiesWetland Previous $23 814.$93 626.$90 124.985.17 629.$219 181. Invoice Total Current $0.$90.$19 111.74 $0.214.50 $24 416. Invoice Total Invoice Total $23 814.$93 716.$109 236.985.$12 843.$243 597.35 to Date Revised $24 000.$100 000.$100 000.$16 000.$20 000.$260 000. Budget Over ($185.08)($6 283.19)236.($12 014.83)($7 156.28)($16 402.65) Budget/(Und er) Proposed $24 000.$100 000.$130 000.$16 000.$20 000.$290 000. New Budget PROP !ilCCO AMOUNT'L1""\ 3P 00 CDS Investments, Ine, ,~ 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 .f-o Lti-.SaJlI.alreCity, Uf84117 tJ Attn: Mr. Roger Sanders ~J.bt~ Subj: Stoneridge DeveloplUeUt Project ' tJ ~TOlJIL fi- Ref: Transmittal of Invoiees for Sexvi. pt.-. , - , J.-- - L .. "1' ,:........ JJ MGIItOltfE '3Jt (J ~ ~ RVP/DATE Dear Roger: VPIDATEEnclosed please find invoices for JAS services provided during the mooth of October in conjnnctiinI with the project ref- above. A s lIDDnary of previous invoices and CUrrent invoices with to taJ to date is as follOWs: I-I~ If) I / "I ::;0 ~p\ \'1.: Explanation of categorical billings vs budgets follows: Licensed in Washington, Idaho & Montana -'. .. _', H"" ,.. ,_.._,-, ",..., " U, ...,..... ..' .. ".' , ,--.. U "',, ,, ' '- '- ,"'" , " 0 0, .,., ' ," -..-",... ., JAMES A. SEWELL ' ASSOCIATES600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT , WA 99156(509) 447-36~6 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45355November 21, 2001 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS , INC., ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST , STE 100SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 PROJECT 3097-019 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - WATER SYSTEM INVESTIGATION NETWORK ANALYSIS TO VERIFY FIRE FLOW CAPABILITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours Rate Amount ----------------------- 78.195. 33.50.675. 13.30.390.30.75. 45.270. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 57.605. ----------- Amount ---------- miles 32. ---------- SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 36. ----------------------- --------- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIC J. CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. DRAFTSMAN VANDEVENTER, KEVIN L. TUROSKI, STACI A. PLANNER HENRIKSEN , RAYMOND F. EXPENSES -------- MILEAGE' IN-HOUSE PRINTING TOTAL DUE 641. 50 . '--------------- INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH OCTOBER 2001.INTEREST €! 18% A. . '' ".- - ", .." ... - ---" -- ... ..- '., . co,-, ... ~A~ .---- ""'-'--.- ---,-...... JAMES A. SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT, WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45357November 21, 2001 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS, INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST , STE 100SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 PROJECT 3097-058 STONERIDGE UTILITIES WATERLINE REPLACEMENTBENEATH STONERIDGE DRIVE , ANALYSIS , DESIGN & DRAFTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ---- ----------------- Hours Rate Amount ------- ---------------- CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CLEVELAND, WILLIAM M. 14.50.700. 18 . 00 25.450. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 32.150. ----------- TOTAL DUE 1, 15-0. 00 -----'.-... INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2001. INTEREST ~ 18% A.P.. " --"'--"""" "" ...w_., ..,,--"" .'. '. , -" '.o, ' ,.--.",' "" ,. ,., --.o .. ,,".., """ "".o ,,' JAMES A. SEWELL & ASSOCIATES 600 4TH STREET WEST NEWPORT , WA 99156(509) 447-3626 (208) 437-2641 Invoice number 45358 November 21 , 2001 Page number 1 CDS INVESTMENTS , INC. ATTN: ROGER SANDERS 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST , STE 100SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 PROJECT 3097-066 STONERIDGE UTILITIES - STONERIDGE ADDITION, MCCARTHY WATER SERVICE, CONSULTATION , SUPERVISION, DESIGN & DRAWINGPREPARATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours Rate Amount ---------- ------------------ ---------------- PRINCIPAL ENGINEER ELDENBURG , ERIC J. CIVIL ENGINEER BLANKENSHIP , TIMOTHY C. 78.156. 50.200. DRAFTSMAN VANDEVENTER, KEVIN L.12 . 00 30.360. ----------------- SUBTOTAL LABOR 18.716. ----------- TOTAL DUE 716. ------ INVOICE INCLUDES WORK THROUGH OCTOBER 31, ,2001.INTEREST ~ 18% A. Datel!/)Z: Aug 29, 2001 - 01 :16:06 PM Cust Pending #: 000038 Addtl Approvers Required: 1 In order to submit a Money Transfer request on the account numbers described above approval is required. Please press the print button on your browser to generate a hard copy of this wire transfer request. This transaction is subject to bank rules and regulations goveming such electronic transactions as described in our services agreement. Please keep these numbers handy in case you have any questions regarding this transaction. If any portion of the above is incorrect, or you have further questions, please contact customer service. Thank You. Wire Transfer Entry Revj Kevin A e on CDS In ts, Inc. 48858 .East 8alt Lake City, UT 84114 Debit Bank: 001 - Zions Bank - Utah Debit Account: 019017896 - CDS-Stoneridge Assoc Land LC. Debit Currency: USD - United States Dollar Debit Amount: 89,134. Template ID: NON38 - 1 Approvers Originator-to- line 1 - from CDS Investments Beneficiary: line 2 - for invoice # 000405 Entry Cust/User. 001 cds - kevin Bank Trace #:,200124,100'0098 . . .-. ._.-_.__." Page 1 of 1 Accepted on: Aug 29, 2001 at 01:13:17 PM Send Date: Aug 29, 2001 Credit Bank: 123103606 - PANHANDLE STATE BANK Credit Account: 01331390 -Pumnea Construction, Inc. O. Bpx 639 Priest River, ID 83856-0639 Credit Currency: USD - United States Dollar Credit Amount 89,134. ,~. h ttp s : I/www . firstp oint e. com! iB ankIm tsIMTInp ut/wireco nfirm. c fin 8/29/01 -.,- ....----.., ..-.---..-.-,..--- _,- -- -.- ---- PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. O. Box 639 Priest River, ID 83856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) 448-1966 SALES 000405 SOLD SHOW THIS NUMBER ON INVOICE. PACKING UST, IJ\BELS ~~~TOMER ORD BLll 2., 19 SHIP TO:CDS TY\~~ __._--------~~~~~~ .$.---,-- - fJj -#; l 0 1 _____- -. ,-- ---.- -- .., .- . ", n .. -. ' .... n n' ".., ' Pumnea Construction, Inc. Matt B. Pumnea President 581 S~nnnon Lnnc Post Office Box 639 Priest River, Idaho 83856 Phone (208) 448-2269 Fax (208) 448-1966 Attn:' Roger Sanders 8/01/2001 Liner preparation Break-down for the month of July, 2001 $10,640. Road construction Sewer/wet we I Is Key trench construction De-weed topsoil Pum Rock (golf course) Pum Rock (road construction) $16,049. $25;.583,,:00 $24,190. $ 312. $ 3,561. $ 1,380. Roller Material costs related to pond, key trench, sewerland ~ater. Plate compactor ~ .----- 3/8 inch rock for key trench Fuel for roller Fuel for Pro-turf 950 s. Filter (water and sewer) Albeni Falls (water and sewer) Wetwells $ 3,360. Ill. 72 $ 3'533. $ 117. $ 3,779. $ 3,764. 128.!'l 114. , ',.. ,.".. '.-..... o. -. , -- _. ._.. .. h .. -- _. - - ...... ... \ I - ':;=----_:::....- ....- ..-' L~) \.-' I/..U;\t'I i,t. if 11.\ ~ o'i -~..- \ . V- ~ ,;.. \ I \ 1..'!:- , --....-.---------.. ., . ...---- - -- lIO- ---......, -...------..-..' --.....-.(:.... -.,.. 33 b () - ,r-- ~ ") S::~ j ~.. ... '~:.:~~ ~~~- - $D_._P.~--- --_.\\!-=----~ --~---- J-18 ..lI ... \\~f~~.. . ')'" .. ~J'.4 ' ;, --r" 1.B..'r ---------_ '!S ~:-. ..A!. \ " - r\81 -------.-..---...~..,' ~~~~~~~:~ "' V~ ~- .. ~.'-.- '--------- - .-..--- .._"-~-_.-..-....." ,--"'" -- ..........-....==~j ~=,,~~~-:.. Z'- ,- l~~#I. ...--- -- II.- :J:..J '1 ~ ,, 6"~~)~i.:O :--... ~.t'L"'" G~'\-_ ~ ~ ,:S'Z ~---.. ...,- ~ -- \r .- e.'tf~~' ~~ ." ". 18;5 ':"ii~-I-~.. ~---- .-.-...- ~ .."",..~\-.._~--~.. -\.6 QClk--- ..- '-----.-__._--...-_.. .. ..\ \.. ...' II .n.. .. .. .... .--"" .. ~...... ....__ Jl ..-- ~~\f_ ... J~"1\ " ..---....~--- L.- ~",- -..' ....,-.. ," , ~t... , " ,." ' J',",,~~r ..3, ~~" '?:-.." ..\\- .. ----, ..... -iF- " ... ._.-:---,.."" --"'" ", '.. '..---",..,.. Amount 31 820132 140. 37,140. :-:-,- .."" ...."" .-.... ,..-... ..... ..'.... """""" ..... ...' CDS Stoneridge Partners, L. Stoneridge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 170123 124000054 **** THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY AND 75/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF OS/24/01 $37,140.75** PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. O. BOX 639 PRIEST RIVER, ID 83856-0639 NON-NEGOTIABLE nt_.."" .... ..-- "'........ PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. O. Box 639 Priest River, ID 83856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) 448-1966 SALES 000398 SHOW THIS NUMBER ONINVOICE, PACKING LIST, LABELS CUSTOMER ORD R DATE SOLD C,DS kJJnA .T \W~- - ----.~~~ NO' SHIPTO: ,.. Property Account Invoice Description Amount . . 31 82013231 820132 000401 7448159 labor, equipment labor etc. construction material 60,941.25 16,485. 77,426. ..-......... O..n... .....,...................-.........-....-.......-...."" '_'_'n...... .............................-............-... ."."""'.-."."".""'.-""""-"'.'."'-'" ......,._no...... ..........-.. .-............"...........-..-... .--m............ t. CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC. Stonerldge Investors 4885 South 900 East, Suite 100 Salt Lake CIty. Utah 84117 Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 124000054 170174 .-. **** SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY SIX AND 54/100 DOLLARS TO THE . ORDER OF 0~/12/01 $77 426.54 ** PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION INC. P. O. BOX 639 PRIEST RIVER,ID 83856-0639 NON..NEGOTIABLE -~.:!" liTIl3US#. SES'.o ",,'~n""r;o., PUMNEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. O. Box 639 Priest River, 1083856-0639 (208) 448-2269 Fax: (208) 448-1966 SALES 000401 SHOW THIS NUMBER ON ' INVOICE. PACKING LIST, LABElS - CUSTOMER 0 ER DATE ~guc.1)S :lk ___._-------- -A~- ~-- ~~US ------~ ~ 2.00 ------------- NO' SHIP TO: ic' r; ~ ~ ~ '. . ': : : - .. , ' . ' U S F - S p a ka n e W A ~ : B ~ a n c b - 3 1 2 . ~ 16 0 0 E E . ~ r i e t t a . Av . e n u e ,. ' S p o k a n e vi A , P h o , 4 * 5 0 9 a 9 ~ 1 7 0 1 ' ' " PU M N t A C O N S T R U C i l O N I N C : : ' PU f 1 r ~ E A C O N S T R U C r HJ N I N C , ' S P O K A N E B R A N C H ' " , ' HW Y 4 . 1 N F R O M RA T H D R U M T O AC C O U N T S P A Y A B L E ' ' . ' I , . . p BL A N C H A R D . , FT ' 1 1 / 2 ' MI L E S T O PO B O X 6 3 9 , " ' ' ST O N E R I D G E E N T R A N C E PR I E S T , R I V E R I I I ' ' PR I E S T R I V E R ' . ' . ,. , Cu s P h # 2 0 8 44 8 2 2 b 9 B3 8 5 6 0 6 3 9 0 , ; ~! i f " , , I \ ; I ' 1" ; . ~ ! i'i i - ", I ' :' J l : b , r ! ' 1 ! " . . fl l l , : , ' j ' ! ' l i o ii~ ' tI : ! ! , ,I ~ i J ! ! " !f ! i ! J:~ :, 1 ' : 1 J ' j i " : , i! ~ ~ I', I : , ' I ~ i I I U , ; f . ! ~ ! t l r r ! : i ! . ! ' ~~ ! i . ! ! I H ; ~ i 1 ! ! 1 ! ' . n , ~i% " ' Ii. i ! . 1 ! . I ! h ' dl : l t " iF / f : ' J;' ! J . ~n i i ' DA T E O R D E R E D , O, I , T e S H I P P E D ' PU A C H A S E O R D E R N O . ' ' ': ' Sp e C I A l . I N S T A U P T l O N $ CO M M E N T S : , . " ., , : . . B I D t t , O4 8 2 ~ 9 a ' C / O * " 74 4 8 0 0 4 ': , IW i i ti J ! i l l i i f f f i ~ f) ! f ; i4 Y : ; : ~f ~ ~ ; : : :;~ ) i . . , , ;C : : :;~ : ' \\ " :;: : : ~: : ': ' " , :: ;; ' ;: : : : ,r ; ~ ' ';" ~ , "/ " ;" ' :: ~ : " : , :E : TH E "T E R ' IY i ' ') C Q N D I T I O N ~ n l \ f T l o I 1 : C l I : \ f C D C ! C C! l r . . = J I " \ " " " " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - . - _ .. : _ - f. " . , " mi n i r i . ' ' . . . . . ' , . . . TO THE ORDER OF &..... CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors 5295.south 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, Utah 84107 ""'-..,. '. ........ ' Zions First National Bank 125 W.10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 124000054 175139 **** TWENTY TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR AND 08/100 DOLLARS Property Account 12/10/04 $22,344.08** James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 "f1-~dls NON-NEGOTIABLE Invoice 56192 56193 55699 56191 56196 56201 56198 56200 56197 56199 56506 56507 56498 56497 56499 CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stoneridge Investors5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray. Utah 84107 -n.. -. -~. ",.- ~ .......... ."""""""""""""""6""_""""" ""'--~III.1119 E!II_~. GlID'.l!liI.I'~'~IIiIJ'A'I!f'&"ltmii!)l.WI&\l\1 A WAil81'i11(ea E~ K!IISUB.Tt IllI!i RISI.liX0.BS6M Elllili TO THE ORDER OF DATE: 12/10/04 CK#:175139 TOTAL: $22, 344.08** BANK:Zions - zions Operating Account - Ston PAYEE:James A. Sewell & Associates (JAMES) Description Amount 30 82002730 820027 820027 82002730 82002746 82002746 15800046 15800046 15800046 15800046 82002746 82002746 82002730 82002730 820027 acct# 3097-006 Survey Crewaced 3097-029aced 3097-187aced 3097-003 acct# 3097-090-001 acct. 3097-155 Wastewater Land App Permit accti 3097-093 HVR Constr. Admin accti 3097-099 HVR Inspection acct! 3097-092 HVR Inspection T&M accti 3097-097 HVR Water Phase II 3097-101 Stoneridge ~#23097-155 Wasteland Water Permit 3097-009 Lagoon Leak Test 3097-006 Golf Course Plat 3097-029 Presentation Maps 337.36 .......- 37.00 "" 054.84" 526. """- 794.50-' 579.36- 081.49 ". 794.80""- 720.86' 913.26 "" C1,899. ~~;) 048.25' 292.00 ., 16.50- continued Zions First National Bank 125W.10600S. Sandy, Utah 84070 175139 124000054 **** TWENTY TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR AND 08/100 DOLLARS 12/10/04 $22,344.08** James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 NON-NEGOTIABLE , '- '' ,,' ,, '" ,"" "- '' '' ', ",, " ' ,:'.,... ',,:,-,:",",, "' .-C". ':':',"":":,"""":..,:""" ":, ,.,,,~..:,~~~~, li~': A. Sewell & Associates , " : J6-4th Street West " ';;, -ie ort WA II" :i(; (509)447-3626 if? Bridge Partners, Inc. Wayne Benner o. Box 280 Blanchard ill 83804 Professional Services Joe M. Olmstead, PrincIpal Engineer Joe M. Olmstead, Labor Adjustment Labor Subtotal Mileage Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal ~k UJJ~ 16/2-'1 / () f/() 82AO 2,.7 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE Account # 3097.101 HrsjQty This progress billing includes work through September 30, 2004. Invoice Date 10/19/2004 Project Name Stoneridge Utilities Project Description HVR/Stoneridge Well #2 PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT AFfER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ~ 18% A. Rate 85. 20. 0.37 Invoice No. 56506 Amount 2,465. 580. 885. 14. 14. $1,899. '.,,,,--,. "--"" .., ,""'" """"""_",, CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stonerldge Investors5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, Utah 84107 , . TO THE ORDER OF ' ., '-- . "," "" "",,.. """"'" --...... ".--"..--......"..' """'.., ,, , Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 174825 124000054 **** TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 17/100 DOLLARS Property Account James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 10/04/04 $28,155.17** J 1,u(l, ~~16J Lilja ItJ~(le:Cf(~ NON-NEGOTIABLE -it;o1 .. -.-------, '-~6~"_'N._..~~."".."".....vav"""""'.""".........."'_nm"""ml!U!m':61_1D!t1!!i111111 DATE: 10/04/04 CK~:174825 TOTAL: $28, 155.17** BANK:Zions - zions OperRting Account - Ston PAYEE:James A. Sewell & Associates (JAMES) 46 82002730 820027 820027 82002730 82002730 82002730 82002730 82002730 82002746 82002746 82002746 82002746 82002746 82002746 820027 TO THE ORDER OF Invoice 55672 55909 55907 55906 55921 55919 55905 55911 55912 55910 55917 55918 55913 55915 55914 CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC. Stone!:!dge Investors5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, Utah 84107 Description ,.. Amount acct# 3097-99 HVR Acct# 3097-028 Base Map Update acct# 3097-007 acct# 3097-006 acctJI 3097-187 acct~ 3097-181 acctJI 3097-003accU 3097-090 acct# 3097-090-002 acct#3097-090-001accU 3097-155accU 3097-156 AccU 3097-093accU 3097-099accU 3097-097 311. 546. 00 60. 450. 537. 020. 895. 126. 526.~2,017. 127. 515. 353. 934. .. ' 28,155. Zions First National Bank 125 W. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah 84070 174825 124000054 **** TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 17/100 DOLLARS James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 10/04/04 $28,155.17** NON-NEG"OTIABLE - -, - --- -- - - ".., ---- -- -- ." -- --.-- ..'..'--- ", ------,--,,- ------ ~j~j;i es A. Sewell & Associates '." :;l )" 6o0-4th Street West Newport, W A 99156 (509)447-3626 Bridge Partners, IDe. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard ID 83804 Date 8/2312004 Account # 3097-090-001 ----- '-- ,--- --- .. .. I-AQ.?I; - - "---.. Invoice Invoice No. 55910 Project Name Stoneridge Miscellaneous Project Description Motor Coach W&S Ext. Insp. Professional Services Jack D. Anderson, CoJJstruction Inspector Jason J. Mellin, Civil Engineer Eric J. Eldenburg, Principal Engineer Labor Subtotal Mileage Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal Hrs/Qty 35.25 Rate 31. 44. 85. 0.37 () fr UJJ~ ~/711 olf (36) 82-60 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE This progress billing mcludes work through July 31, 2004. PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPTAFfER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE (!) 18% A. Amount 77. 551.00 382. 2,011. ! :-".. $2,017.29 i! y ., - I, . i : j -' - -.... .~~_. .-.. .- .. -,. CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 -" Murray. UT 84107 " .: , Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176928 124000054 **** SIXTY THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY ONE AND 52/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 10/14/05 $63,651.52** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ~~L"I':I""':"':!~ISI.i(~1I'I.~~EiEIr"~~. ~~"",,,, ~ -..... "'k9"'~~,,'?"1III'.a"'!,,""_'~"""~BE!III;:et;lI!I!!IW-"'~~~~ DATE:10/14/05 CKft:176928 TOTAL:$63,651.52** BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions PAYEE:David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec(davibell) Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description 803 6862.0000 801 8203.7200 176 169 Happy Valley Leak Repair Motor Coach 4\ JCR Amount 'i: 331.0 320. 63,651.52 CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 west, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176928 124000054 **** SIXTY THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY ONE AND 52/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 10/14/05 $63,651.52** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE , ," '/ ~-.:~~~~W.l~; ~LOMy onS,f~!~~naJ Bank /' EXCAVA --.....- Po BOX 1592 nON PIPELINE SANDpOIlVT lNc lD 83864 "" " -"n",.. ' ," -"",,"'- " J1ApPY VALLEy- LEAK n)-. "~P AIR. '603 -- (f6fpdf- Jj \ o?l2005 .... .. 580 Backb. Truck and 11 Water 0018 frs. Skilled LaboTs. 0 .'1'. Skilled rs. Skilled La ' Labor (.R~) s. Skilled ~r ~e) Labor (E: T (Clint) SkilJed .rauk) If bor fb.C-900 p' \.oillO of Quick 1pe rete BIOcks Crete ver BlOCks er BlOCks job lOCatiIlts 01:1 With ~...!.... We 11eedcd R.ep .~IU1 and sa OUt of 6" laced 6" 160W What IJeeded to be Au COUpli..- . tee. Replaced ~lve.ot Weld tee 1h:ed and All ppn-.. -..g With 6" fJ.._-- . WIth 6" flan&A . 3" \1alVe - Q \Vere Jt M.1 0'" Jt flann 'IlJd blocks for 1-E~ded by S'fn.._~e With 6" -,sc tee Wit.b ""'usr h..J.:_""'.ucridge ~ 4" reducer tee and 45 cept 6 C-900 . to Pipe, 52. 1.92 :" '", '. ," ', ..' , ", ".., "'ffi'f: ~' co ~ .. ' ~!ii ""-~"' ~L6 ,~' ,:. , r:riiDf-f~' 176928 , '"~" In \10 ice 240 100 280 122. 122.50 210 140 , ,"" '"""""": ~;":,;:",';::"\',:,, ;'f:-:':: , '-,, , ,:o ;:' ~0:'o- ;::" .-', '. ,... --- -- -- - - -" ,--, -, .... - - -' -----'------., --, ,.,.. _.., '"" -- --, , CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC ----- 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176820 124000054 **** EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY THREE AND 66/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 09/22/05 $82,863.66** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ~\~ ~~"EI~l~I~~.'~~::I~m.~~!.9~~~~~- ~~' ~IirIR ~...~- DATE:09/22/05 CKi:l76820 TOTAL: $82, 863.66** BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions PAYEE:David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec(davibe21) IJl!Ill'IDJrA'oT .rA'IIIII'A'IIII!it. _1'_1_-'111 IIftI- _IoTdIt """"'.. - - ----"--"'-------.--,--..------ ,,------- -- Property Account (Date )Invoice Description Jit1o $ 16~S. &'- Amount 879. 138. 028. 23,250. 52,567. 803 6856.0000 803 6856.0000 )J 6856.0000 Jl 8203.7200 801 8203.7200 152 153 154 157 151 Water Hookups on Stewart Drive Westerfield Water HookupsUtilties Water Services Motor Coach Pumps and Controls for a Motor Coach Utilties & Top Soil 82,863. ~-h ---"-""""'",,---- - .- .'-, . . "-..---..., - ". CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions Fbst National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176820 124000054 **** EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY THREE AND 66/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 09/22/05 $82,863.66** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592 Sandpoint, 10 83864 NON.;.NEGOTIABLE ',-", , ,, " ";i;;i;';~";_~""" ~=~~~.,;,,-,,,, .' '. :' . " " c. ..., .._...... "".. .. SEuoMy EXCA v AnON & PIPELINE , INCPc)-BdX 1592 SANi)POINT ID 83864 \~1c;. 6\9 fP /10 ~\\. '\,~ 1J Date InVOice ill' 8/8/2005 " I 152 '11 Invo;Qe ail/To Sfonendge Utilities L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 o. No. Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description . Rate Amount STONERrooE UTn,lTIEs WATER SERVICES STEWART lune 29, 2005 Mrs. 580 Backhoe 80.80. Mrs. SkiUed Labor (Clint) 70. Mrs. Labor (Paul) 30. 30. EXPOsed water for two services. June 30, 2005 Mrs. 580 Backhoe 80.480. Truck and Tools 50.50. firs. Labor (Frank) 30.30. 7 Res. Labor CMatt) 30.210. 7 Res. Skilled Labor (Mike) 35.245. 1 4"xI" Double Strap Saddle 47.47. 1" x314" Brass Hex Bushing 3/4" Colp Stop 41. 314" FJp 38. 314" S1iBhers 1.30 314" Curb Stop 51.20 1" FlP 14. 14. 1 1" Stifibers 1.49 314" I" Brass Nipple 314" 6" Brass Nipple 314" Meter Setter 97.97. lOP"'" , 8% per year will be cbargecJ on past due accounts Total , ,. , c;. , Page 1 n ".. ~~i.~~~;' ~~~;B; II ' I; , ' I" , '/I Ii, : , 'H. ,. '.', /:, BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE , INePO BOX 1592Y' " SANDPOlNT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice #. 8/8/2005 152 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L. O. Box 280 B1anchara, Id 83804 No.Terms Project Net DueQuantity Description Rate Amount Meter Boxes 41.47 124. 1 Meter Box Lid 46.46.58 1 Curb Valve Box 41.80 41.80 1 3/4" PVC Cap 0.38 1 4"x2" Double Strap Saddle 61.12 61.12 1 2"x3/4" Brass Hex Bushing InstaUed water services for 2 Lots on Stewart Rd. Backfilled. Will install meter July 01, 2005 July 01, 2005 1 Mrs. Skilled Labor (Mike) 35.35. 1 5/8"x3/4" Hershey Meter 45.45. Installed meter on Stewart Dr. for water service. Meter # 04153896 Reading 0000000 ~ month 18% per year will be clJarged on past due accounts Total 879.Page 2 'r, i:' . ".. .. ,; ,;,,;:..,::,: J:' "::::,::::,' ~:, ~~~~~~~'~~:~~;~;;' ;C:C*.k:;':r:'~r;::~:G~~:Lc:. ~, :._,~,. :o:~: BELLOMY EXCA V AnON & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 " SANDPOlNT, ill 83864 Invoice Date 8/9/2005 Invoice # 153 I :' i ' ' Ii ' :),: , i; , ' :: ii/ I: Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 y, /) \ /\0 lotI-) ?O? /" ~\\ ~PM O. No. Terms Project Net DueQuantity Description Rate AmountSTONERIDGE UTILITIES WESTERFIELD - SKYLINE DRIVE. July IS 2005 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.240. Truck and Tools 50.50. HIs. Skilled Labor (Clint) 00,8750 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Rex) 35.192. Ft. 1 1/2" 200 PSI Poly Pipe 1.00 50. I 3"x1" Db1 Strap Saddle 53.42 53. I I "x3/4" BIass Bushing 1.67 1.67 1 3/4" Corp Stop 20.20. I 3/4" FIP 3/4" MIP 49. 3/4" Curb Stop 25.76. 3/4 "xl' Brass Nipple 27. 3/4" Treaded PVC Cap 1.14 Curb Boxes 41.46 124. I 1 1/2" x 3" Saddle 53.53. 1 1112" Corp 74.74.40 1 1 1/2" PIP 34.34. 1 1 1/2" MIP 39.39.45 1112" Tee 12.12. 2 1 112"x3/4" Bushing Ft. 3/4" Poly Pipe 026 10. 6 3/4" Stifther 1.30Per month 18% per year wiD be charged on past due accounts Total , ' " Page 1 - """"'---::,;',, " :, :.. '-, '.--- -- ,, -.. '- -- -'--, -:-- ;~~lt:::~ --' :cc c--_-c:/f- 2-.'--'Ci;2~'::',', ' 2:; ,-,::- '-- '- "" -~ ~ ,- -. - - - -..-- BELLOMY EXCA V AnON & PIPELlNE, INCPO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ill 83864 Invoice Date 819/2005 Invoice # 153 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 , -', - O. No. Terms Project Net DueQuantity Description Rate Amount 112" Stifiher 2.47 213"x30 Meter Setter 120.120. 314" Hersey Meter 45.45. Hot tapped water line for new service and two futures. July 18, 2005 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.240. Truck and Tools 50. Hrs. S.kiIIed Labor (Mike) 35.192. 2.5 Hrs. S.kiIIed Labor (Zeke) 35.87. Poly Meter Boxes 41.47 124.41 I Meter Box Lid 46.46. Replumbed part ofIine that owner iustaIIed (per Keith's request) It wasleaking. BacktiUed and COJnpacted trenches. er-"1th 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total $2,138. -- ,: ,, 4'i ~ Page 2 /-'/' ',:: I , ' ' "', --.':;;: :~:X~~;; BELLOMY EXCA V AnON & PIPELINE , INCPO BOX 1592 SANDPOlNT, ill 83864 " ..,.. ... . ~"'~L i~-~uJI Invoice , , Date 8/9/2005 InvoIce # Bill To Stone ridge Utilities L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 154 Jj# \0 '1, 1jJJ bO~' 1\\ i ' j ; 1 ' . ,, ,! ' o. No. Terms Project Net Due:;)uantity Description Rate AmountSTONERIDOE UTILITlES HANAFORD COURT July 2005 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.240. Truck and Tools 50.50. 1.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke) 35.52.50 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike) 35.157.50 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint) 35.70. Did dissins to find Main -, KeiIh there with p/aos but. 10 110 avail. Maybe lie into line if_Main line net fuund.1uJy 19, 2005 Hq. 580 Backhoe 80.320. Truck and Tools 50.50. Hq. Skilled Labor (Zeke) 35.70. 6 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike) 35.210. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Ctint) 35.70. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Rex) 35.70. . liorposed JJhooe, x 2. -.. "'- and Jbuud 2' -... Main. Stripped bocIi: ....... Hue to aIIoIv set. Measur.d up joband JDade parts list. 1uly 20, 2005 6 Hrs. 580.Backhoe 80.480. DOnth 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total '.. i ' I;i Page 1 ..- i~r i?~ ~ "-'~.~ -~, - / BELLoMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE , mCPO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, 1D 83864 Invoice Date 8/912005 154 Invoice .., Bill Stoneri~ Utilities L. O. Box 280 ' Blanchard, Id 83804 No.Terms Project Net DueQuantity Description Rate Amount Truck and Tools 50.50. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke) 35.70. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike) 35.280. Hrs. Labor (Jim) 30.150. 211xl II Romac Single Strap Saddle 24.49. 'x3/4" Brass Bushing 1.67 3/411 Coxp Stop 20.41.46 3/4" FlP 19. 3/4" MIP 19. 3/4" Curb Stop 51.20 3/4 tI x l' Brass N'JPp1e 13. 1 3/4 x6" Brass Nipple 1 3/4" PVC Cap'3/411 Meter Setter 120.120. 3/411 Hersey Meter 45.45. 11/211 x 1 1/4" Brass Reducer Bushing 3/4"xl 11211 Brass Hex Bushing 4.45 4.45 1 1 1/4" MIP 24.24. 1 1 1/4" Stifiher 2.24 3/4" Stiffuer 1.30 3 Poly Meter Box 41.48 124. 1 Meter Box Lid 46.46. 1 Curb Stop Valve 55.55. -liac 10 10 do lap. Dug 100 11. of ditch aod preparing fA;) do mole shot when informed not to instan line. :Plumbed in 2 services. Backfilled and COJnpactecJ holes. Did cleanup. month 18% per year will be on past due accounts ' Total 028.Page 2 , ,: ' .ill II ;' . ; . c ! , ":,. ,;! "' :; : i j : Ii 'i , ii I: I' ! i , ! r ;:"?"jT ' " ' f :.\!c;- );~~o ;~g . , ",--. u "" p, """,, , "... ', '"" ,--" " '.' --"'n--_-- ' " , h """"","_",,,'.." ,"""'--'.. "'--""" ,..," '" ", """" '. "'U~ -:nunenage t"anners, LC5295 South 300 West, Suite 175Murray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 175904 124000054 TO THE ORDER OF **** FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE AND 98/100 DOLLARS 04/12/05 $4,931. 98*** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592 Sandpoint, 1D 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE \1l o;l r/J -.. . ,.::.':::'~~.~~~~":~~.~~,~~~~~~~~" ~':::-~~:::-:::::~""""' -:::h__'nn.. '" . n_.'..'.... '__h " .. p, . .. .... "-.-..........' -... ,.._ DATE:O4/12/05 CKI:175904 TOTAL:$4,931.98*** BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions PAYEE:David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec(davibell) Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 803 8203.6400 2175 StoneRidge Utilities & Hydrant Set 931. 98 931.98 ~,\ \1'" '....- .. ,p'" CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions F"lfSt National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 175904 124000054 **** FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE AND 98/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 04/12/05 $4,931. 98*** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGqTIABLE - -- - ----.- ~'t~:~ ~;~if(: ::::':~ BELLOMY EXCAVATION ,- - ;;' ~~=:PE~~l1 Sandpoint, Idaho. 83864 ..-- --_.- BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities LL. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy QUANTITY O. NO~ DATE 03/0812005 TERMS DESCRIPTION Payable upon rec... 2 Curb Stop Box 1 30" Yoke 2 3/4" Hershey Meter 2 Poly Meter Boxes and Lids InstaJled service and future stub. Back1illed and cleaned up. Allot of frost went in hole. Will need to be checked for settling later on. TOTAl MGRlDATE f1 RVPIDATE VPIDATE ) I I()'J 5% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts. Page 3 RATE 41.80 . 157. 44.23 39. ota! Invol~e INVOICE tI 2175 PROJECT AMOUNT 83. 157. 88. 79. $4,931.98 - ---"-- ,-- .. !Ii I .' -j , I - 1 - , -;- ; --I II :;: :)1 : , -:! ' 'i, .ii ; ,.... - ' ,.., r~ BELLOMY EXCA V AnON ;IIi PIPELINE SPECIALISTS " " ' /"P. o. BOI 1592 208-.263-3211 ;andpoint, Idaho 83864 BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities L.L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy Jo O. NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION STONERIDGE UTILITIES HYDRANT SET AND WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION Feb. 07,2005 Truck & Tools 7 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 7 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint) Gathered parts for tie m. Investigated drainage problems at the Vineyards. Shot some grades. Prepared for hydrant set in a. . Feb. 2005 2 Truck & Tools 5 Hrs. 580MBackboe 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 1 Urs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 3 HIs. Skilled Labor (Harvey)3 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint) 5.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)1 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill) 3 HIs. Skilled Labor (Craig) 1 5' Bwy Fire Hydrant 1 6" MJxMJValve 1 6" 90 Degree MJxMJ 1 6" Grip Ring Kit 4 6" MJ Kits 1 6"x2n Saddle 5% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts. Page 1 DATE 03/08/2005 TERMS Payable upon lee... RATE 40. 32. 32. 40. 75. 32. 48. 32. 32. 32. 48. 32. 444.33 388. 81.85 53. 17. 59. Total ",- - ' Invoice INVOICE t# 2175 PROJECT AMOUNT 40. 224. 224. 80. 187. 256. 48. 96. 96. 176. 48. 96~00 444. 388. 81. 53. 70. 59. :" , i ~, i : j " I ; " '~ ., ! i I : ! !; ,, , , I ; i ', I , II ' ! ; i; i r , ' . , -,' -" --" '' ,, --.. "" ,.."..,.,,, ",,' -- :~~'T fJ1:~'~~r)( /\;('~~' ;Vm BELWMY EXCAVATION , .': , :' .. ' ; PIPELINE SPECIAUSTS P. O. Box 1592 208-263-3211 JaDdpoint, Idaho 83864 BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities L. o. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy O. NO. DATE 03/0812005 TERMS QUANTITY DESCRIPTION Payable upon ree... 1 2"x 1112" 'Brass Bushing 1 1 112" Corp Stop 1 1/2 Eco Block 0.25 Y dB. Drain Rock 4 8"xI6" Block 5 Patio Blocks 5 Bags Pre-Mix Dug up existing valve set and terminated. Shut down line and drained. Pulled out existing valves. Put on 90 degree bend. Set valve and :fire hydrant Installed saddle and corp stop. Re-energized line. No leaks. Thrusted 90 degree bend. Feb. 09, 2005 1.5 Hrs. 580M Backhoe Truck & Tools 5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 5 FIrs. Skilled Labor (Harvey) 1.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (BilI) I I 112" Brass T 2 I 112",x I" Brass BushingI I " Male Poly Adapter and Stifli1er 2 I" x 12" NJPpIe 2 I" Curb Stop I 'PVCThCap 2 1 112" x 3" Brass Nipple 1 I" Female Poly Adapter and Stiffner 1 8"x16" Concrete Block S~Per month 180.4 per year will be charged on past due ,accounts. Page 2 RATE 5.38 70. 45. 1.33 15. 40. 32. 32. 32. 15. 11.25 37. 62, 13. 1.33 Total , ," ',: '' ''; ': , InvoIce INVOICE 2175 PROJECT AMOUNT 5.38 70. 45. 18. " :' 112. 40. 176~00 176. 48. 7.28 15. 22. 75. 13. 1.33 ! :..;-' .. I ': , "'" ,.."",--, ..~,, C , " ,,, -.. ---,,""",, ,,-,,..".. ....-..""" " , n " ,,- , ,," ,, ,...., .. """p, CDS Stoneridge Partners. LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 , Murray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 175731 '" "'-- , 124000054 **** TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN AND 25/100 DOLLARS TO THE- ORDER OF 03/11/05 $2,237.25*** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, ID 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE \\\ 61\ 1)17 11tiI....".,..r;,"'IIII!i~ '-1ft m ..", J'" msIir. HI...... """--W.s&III71A1I-....."" _.... III *'1ia _1W- DATE:03/11/05 CKf:175731 TOTAL: $2, 237.25*** BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions PAYEE:David Bellomy Excavation' Pipeline Spec(davibell) ~J.!II.-'f!) --_'111_"_aWla 11ft................ ......... ,""'........... eN iIi Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 803 8203.6400 2130 237. )~~ 237. CDS Stoneridge Partners. LC 5295 South 300 West. Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 ,-, Zions First National Bank 125 WesI10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 175731 124000054 **** TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN AND 25/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 03/11/05 $2,237.25*** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, 10 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ._, BELLOMY EXCAVATION '0 0 PIPELINE SPECIALISTS'0 "P. O. Box 1592 208-263-3211 ~andpoint, Idaho 83864 BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities LL. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy Jo O. NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1 1/2 Eco Block Exposed 8n sleeve. Cut it apart. Cut and drained 4 n. It was C-900.Had to tear down hydrant and repair. Installed back filled compocleaned up. Minus E.O.L. Blowoff Contract Amount l/rZ,-!or ~) ~lh(J?JIi 5% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts. Page 3 ;, ,. DATE 1213012004 TERMS Payable upon fee... RATE 45. 675. Total 0' 0 0 0 ' Invoice INVOICE # 2130 PROJECT AMOUNT 45. 675. $2,237.25 I ' ! . . 0 ~ID BELLOMY )g(;A V A"l"lUN , :, ~""" 4\\; PIPELINE SPECIALISTS ,'- P. O. Box 1592 208-263-3211 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities L. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy Jo O. NO.TERMS DATE 1213012004 Payable upon ree... QUANTITY DESCRIPTION HAPPy V ALLEY EXTRA - E. Nov.: 24, 2004 Truck ~ ToOis 3 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 3 Hrs. Labor (Mike) Loaded up 1/2 Eco block and drove to Stoneridge. Tallced to Wayne. He said not to do E.L hydrant. too close to weekend. Went with Keith to look at locates and whiskered them. Nov. 29, 2004 2 Hrs. S80M Backhoe Truck & Tools 4 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 2 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill) Dug up valves to delete. We)Vere told that they were 4 ft but they : were 6ft. Need to get correct parts. Nov. 30, 2004 35 Hrs. S80M Backhoe Trock & Tools Water Pump 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 05 ~. O.T.. ~ki.i1ed Labor (Dustin) 8 ius. Labof(Rex) 1.5% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts. Page 1 RATE 40. 32. 28. 75. 40. 32. 32. 75. 40. 45. 32. 48. 28. Total , "-", -- INVOICE # 2130 PROJECT AMOUNT 40. 96. 84. 150. 40. 128. 64. 262. 40. 45. 256~00 24. 224.00 . ... -, "- ', ,- -- -"'" "., """ -.,,. ,,, ",. ,'-- , h_ ' -----..... d' .., ' ,:- .. , BELLOMYnCAVATION i~ PIPELINE SPECIALISTS j:/ , ' . o. Box 15'2 208-263-3211 dandpoio~ Idaho 83864 BILL TO Stoneridge Utilities LL. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id. 83804 Attention: Nancy Jo O. NO. :: : ,;, :".. ".".."" '.. .. -. DATE 1213012004 TERMS QUANTITY DESCRiPTION Payable upon rec... 45 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill) 5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill) 2 6" Blind Flange 2 FI Gasket and Bolts 1 6" 8ch 40 Cap 6 Ft. Phone Drop 2 Splice Kits for Phone Exposed valves, drained lines, the hot valve would not shut down all the way. Pulled valves, capped off tees and 6" lines to filter house.Cut com. wire extended up for locating line. Exposed line running to well head. Found 8" x 6" 160. Cut into 8" and found 4" inside. Proved the 4" to be hot. Will tie the hydrant in tomorrow. Cleaned up hydrant. Dec. 01, 2004 4 Hrs. 580M Backhoe Truck & Tools 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Dustin) 1 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Dustin) , 3 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill) 1 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill) HrS. Labor (Rex) 1 4" MJx6" MJReducer 1 4" MJ Kit 2 6" MJ Kit 1 Can Foam 3 Ft. C-9OO Pipe ~S% Per month 1 SOAt per year will be charged on past due accounts. , Page 2 RATE 32. 48. 41.59 10.15 ' 0.46 75. 40. 32. 48. 32. 48. 28. 46. 12.31 15. 10. Total Invoice INVOICE" 2130 PROJECT AMOUNT 144. 24. 83. 18. 10. 17.24 300. 40. , 256. 48. 96. 48. 210. 46. 12.31 31.44 10. 14. j ,; i ~ I 'i ' : ' - - _ __n __'. ~ CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray- UT 84107 Zions FIrst National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 124000054 176077 TO THE ORDER OF - **** NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 97/100 DOLLARS 05/12/05 $979.97 ***** H D Fowler Comany, Inc. 6625 East Sharp Street Spokane, WA 99212 NON-NEGOTIABLE' -, "" .am...16II!W;\U.-un""" IUI mw-18IiIWIS_- 6eilil1IY_A\l--(i) N -""""'I!51 - - - - -.- DATE: 05/12/05 CK#:176077 TOTAL:$979.97***** BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - ZionsPAYEE:H D Fowler Comany. Inc. (hdfowl) ~~-"l!J""""","---6WAW_~_"".............._am.~ Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Replace F~an Amount 803 8203.6400 01957058 979. 979. CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions Fnst National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176077 124000054 TO THE ORDER OF **** NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 97/100 DOLLARS 05/12/05 '-0 $979.97***** H D Fowler Comany, Inc. 6625 East Sharp Street Spokane, WA 99212 NON-NEGOTIABLE' ;::, ORDER CONFIRMATION Customer: SPOKANE CASH SALES - RETAIL 6625 E. SHARP STREET SPOKANE Wl\. 99212 Project: Customer Reference: Line Ordergty B/O UoM qt:y -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - ----- - - - -- - --- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- ----- --- ~rfb ......--- Order No Order Date Due DateOrd Writer WarehouseSalespersonCarrier Item/Description HYDRANT , .. ..... -,.. . +\B fDvu :01957058, : 03/22/05 : 03/22/05 : JOSH ALDERMAN :Spokane Warehouse:SPK WW : WILL CALL UnitPrice MH1295M40L (BYARD) 5-1/4" M&H #129 HYDRANT 6" MJ BASE r 4' 0 n BURY LESS MJ ACCEB SORIES MH1295P39 (WI0526) BREAKABLE BOLT & NUT FOR 129 (1995 AND OLDER) 200924/200906 MH9295P8 (WI0564) SHOE STANDPIPE GASKET FOR5-1/4" mo 929 HYDRANT 780.000 12.100 8. BOO ' . ** UNCOLLECTED **/$979.SUb TotalFreight Tax Grand Total ExtendedPrice 780.00 Y 96.80 Y 26.40 Y '.. 903. 76. 979. .... " -,-, ,,- -.."" , '.. -- ,-- -.. '" ,, ""..-.., ," "..,-..",,' '' ,",....,, ', ' CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions First NaUonal Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 124000054 176485 **** THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN AND 44/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 07/15/05 $3,957. 44~** RC Worst & Company Inc. 625 B~st Avenue Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814-3740 NON-NEGOTIABLE -:-:III I!iIIlW!lL.'~""':~~...-~UIf!HJ! ~~""" ~Nnl~'BKC(i)1U~~I1 " ",., ~~~J!.~~~~~~~d!l81116Iit~1III&IiIIII1&.1I-:-:-=--~1!I!IiIi. DATE: 07/15/05 CKt:176485 TOTAL: $3, 957.44*** BANK:800oper - Stone ridge Operating - ZionsPAYEE:RC Worst' Company Inc. (worstco) Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 803 8203.4600 '()157269 water pump repair 957. W'~~957. '" ,......_, ..,-...., "" ........- n ....__.....,..-..,., """"'-"'-""'---'-- "'___n.. . .. .........,..,-"..".".. '-""""'"..' CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray. UT 84107 Zions FIrSt National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 176485 124000054 **** THREE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN AND 44/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 07/15/05 $3,957. 44 ~** RC Worst & Company Inc. 625 B~st Avenue Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814~3740 NON-NEGOTIABLE .... ,-- '.::':-': .. -. ' ------- ---. -. - d_'___ _-----:- , " :', ' ~;~~~js.t~ J~l h~; $;2 9 '4'rt:Jr , ,, -, :', , '' ,;,, ,- ;, ,- - -' ,-- ' .1 ~? ?qa 2uI I: ~ 2..00005 "':0 I. q Ol.80q 201 , _ -_""'_!J("'~"~_nm_~~ ~~""""' ~BB!ItlA..ItmM-A""""_EllB_1!I ... -"""""""""""""'~~_I",W__I!1!ffi("Sii!IjiIJ!l_E~ml!)(o....BliimI!lill DATE:05/15/06 CKI:117982 TOTAL:$29,474.17** PAYEE:James A. Sewell' Associates (jamessew) BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 801 801 801 801 801 801 803 801 801 80i 803 803 , 803 803 803 8203.5230 8203.5720 8203.2700 8203.2700 8203.2700 8203.2700 6863.0000 8203.4800 8203.4800 8203.2700 8203.4020 1628.0000 1628.0000 6839.0000 8203.2700 61801 61802 61804 61805 61806 61807 61809 61810 61811 61812 61813 61814 61816 61817 62064 fairways platting process fairways II Infrast. design traffic impact study fairway replat of lots 1 and 8 base map update project management wwlap system designl admin vineyard condos legals vineyards final plat master plan revisions hvr meter house hvr 0 and m manual hvr ipuc annual sewer report assistance capacity report for DEQ for water an 280. 923.- 484. 12. 822. 75. 102. 855. 70. 825. 248. 47.9. 825.~ 4,854. '.. -.-----,,-- ..----.--..--., continued CDS Stoneridge Partners, 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions rust National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 177982 124000054 **** TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR AND 17/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 05/15/06 $29,474.17*' ~""~ ;:1/7 James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 z'l2.7 ~ 11)1 NON-NEGOTIABLE " .'..." ,," ,_. -, q' ,--'" -. -,..-..".,. -- ,. " ."',. ..' . .' .. .., . James A. SeweD & Associates 6o0-4th Street West Newport, WA99156 . (509)447-3626 Invoice Bridge Partners, IDe. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard ID 83804 Date 4/1412006 Invoice No. 62064 Account # 30097-04-101 Project Name Stoneridge Utilities Project Description Professional Services Joe M. Olmstead, Principal Engineer Joe M. Olmstead, Labor Adjustment Kenneth E. Gardner, Principal Engineer Labor Subtotal Mileage Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal 0.25 Rate 95. 20. 95. Amount 080. 280. 23. 823. 30. 30. C?f'/"- 1;7 w'k i 3~ ~#r-c 1'1 ~O~ ()k 1- IV/I Of; ~o~ ~a03 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE 54,854.55 This progress billing includes work through March 31, 2006. PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT AFTER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ~ 18% A.I-.R. "".., '.";~,;:,:",:,:,"::"..::.,,,...,:':;,:;' '::;o':'o .;;::':'""-":"," .....:,,-.::~.:...::.::,: '"-,"-";,:,,;.,,.:,,:",:""'"":-,,,,;,::'' ~, :R' ~:)~!f'~y tiF~~\i ' " , ~~~1 ~~~:~~';'~f~I\'t~:-l~~~'i~" f1~ ~ ' ~"%.~t)(r~ ~~J~iJ~~~t\.~ti~t~~~~~~'(~J~ ~I&~l~~~!~~~!:l ~~~i~;yl ::~r: ~h ~~;;:~ :~;:~OCia tes (tfJ~i~i~:f~1 ~t~ii~i 1111118:1&111 .: 1 i!leOOOO 5 1..:0 I.CJ 0 180 i!UI "" ..~... """"""'- -'~' -'I M........ tiIIIL""""lf_- .....IVIIMlKoWa--diI ""'""""'...L ",1iI'L--"""""'-8I!I_BmGI........oa-"""-"""BlliliD DATE:04/07/06 CKI:177836 TOTAL:$15,4~9.04*. PAYEE;James A. Sewall & Associ~tes(jamessew) BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description SOl 8203.5700 61520 fairways II / infrast. design SOl 8203.5700 61518 fairways platting process 801 8203.2700 61529 I vineyards final plat 8203.2700 61533 flood inspection/consultation 801 8203.2700 61524 project management 803 8203.2700 61526 wwlap system design/admin 803 8203.2700 61532 wwlap 0 and 111 manual S03 8203.4020 61525 hvr/ stone ridge well 12 s03 1628.0000 61534 hvr ipuc 803 8203.4020 61571 hvr meter house 803 1628.0000 61531 hvr 0 and 111 manual 803 8203.4020 61535 annual sewer report assistance Amount 352. 304. 492. 300. 145. 98. 168. 1 725. 275. 323. &is 15,499. . .-.-.--,---.... .........."..... CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 west. Suite 175 Mumay, UT 84107 Zions first National Bank, 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 177836 124000054 **** FIFTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY NINE AND /100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 04/07/06 $15,499.04* rJeLt1 !~,t( \\~~ NON-NEGOTIABJ-E ...... . -- .-"--.,...--..................'..., ,. 0:". :. ...... ..:...,.,."...,,:.:::;.... \~~;O':C"':O ~o..s.""-e James A.Sewell & Associates 6oo-4thSUeet West Newport, W A 99156 (509)447-3626 Invoice Bridge Partners, Inc. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard ID 83804 Date 2/21/2006 Invoice No. 61525 Account #Project Name 30097-04-101 Stoneridge Utilities Project Description HVR/Stoneridge Well #2 Professional Services Hrs/Qty Rate Amount Kenneth E. Gardner, Principal Engineer 95.190. Labor Subtotal 190. flit) ro3-~9aD3. J../oao-JI ~/2/IO(P 0 \l C1' tJ IJ.J1 :f /-u )0 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE 5190. This progress billing includes work through Janwuy 31, 2006. PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECtED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT AFTER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ~ 18% A.P oR. ~-- ,.......--.-..... . .......-.. ....._. --.."-...." ... ...... ....-.. ... ..... ....... .. "-.1 Q$fJl tA.. James A. Sewell & Associates 6o0-4th Street West .., Newport, WA 99156 (509)447-3626 Invoice Bridge Partners, Inc. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard ID 83804 Date 2/21/2006 Invoice No. 61571 Account #Project Name 30t)97-0S-103 Stoneridge Utilities Project Description HVR Meter House Professional Services Hrs/Qty Rate Amount Joe M. Olmstead, Principal Engineer 95.615. Joe M. Olmstead, Labor Adjustment 20.340.Labor Subtotal 275. ,.-- f.~ fa 43-- LiDqJJ ...~ a- . ritt 13/21/0(", ft P-- 0-1 tJ Ie IJ..1? J' /u /0 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE Sl~75. This progress billing includes work through January 31, 2006. . PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT . AFI'ER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCR.UE ~ 18% A.P oR. .-. U"'UU_---.-.'". u.. -. 'U U ~ti': ~=. ~~:., ,, -. :,.' '. .q ." . 4/~,1/:O6 .'. ;. : "", .: ' , : - , i' , -., -- tlhr4~ Hii1 ~~~~~ David' Bellomy PO Box 1592 Sandpoint, 10 Excavation Pipeline Spec . .--. ;' ,, "' : :)J' ::,;::\:";~~/;~jj i~fj~ ~; ~~~~~~ 83864 . . u' 1.? ?BS 'i'D'I: 1. i!I.OOOO 51.':01.1:)a 1.BOQ 2u'~~15m~~",:n-."'_IIII"'~_eRl"" ~""'~"""""",- "(1) """"'_IIIO'M!Il!IL---~'" SI!I_EEIIII OiIG1IiJi.. -"""......... BNIIiI DATE: 04/21/06 CEi:177887 TOTAL:$5,366.24*** BANK:800oper - Stoneridqe Operatinq - zions PAYEE:David 6ellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec(davibell) Property' Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 801 803 8203.4800 8203.4020 296 300 canst construction q ..." u,"-..-, , - U -- - CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC . 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Mwray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 177887 124000054 **** FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SIX AND 24/100 DOLLARS TO lHE ORDER OF 04/21/06 $5,366.24**' David Bellomy PO Box 1592 Sandpoint, 10 Excavation &Pipeline ~pec . . 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ,--,. ..' '..,_. ,', ,," .... '.. ,.', " , '..' ,..,, '" '' . -,.., ' , " .'" "- "'-'", ': ' .. ,.. '' '.""""'.' , "'" ;.,:,.. 84/18/2006 14: 57 2082650153 BELLCIMV EXC PAGE 20 . BELLOMY EXCAVATION &\ PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, 83864 Invoice l3l3 I n:' BIITo StoDerldge U1ilities L. . P.O. h280 BJandwd, Id. 83804 (~~-o-~ 3"-f1f.~3- qoo3~ ~, 1f!J'~ O. No.Terme Project Net Due Quantity Desctlptk)n Rete Amount fj A/J-t) \I V A- '-L. &: If STONElUOOB WELL HOUSE Man:h. 22, 2006 Truck and Tools 50.SO.TappingMachioe 50.50. 6 Hxa. SkiDedLabor (Mike)35.210. 6 His. Labor (Reuben)30.180. 5 6"12" Double SUap ,Saddle 66.331.10 5 2"xl" Brass Reducer 34~0 Tapped bob. 6" for Chlorinator lines and seDBOtS. Mard123. 2006 Truck aad Tools 50.50.3 HIs. Skilled J,abor (Mike)35.105.00 . 3 Ho. Labor~)30.90. Drilled and iDsudIed saddIo and basbiuss in Well Houso March 30, 2006 Hrs. S80 &ckhoe 80.400.1 Hrs. (; YciDamp Tmck 68.68.Tmdt and Too1s 50.50. 8 HIs. SkiIW Labot' (Mike)35.280.Hts. O.T. SkiUcdLabor(Mjb)51.50 18. 2 lis. Ski1Jed Labor (Bill)35.70. 2 Bra. O.T. SJdUed Labar (Bill)52.105.1 2"Xl- Blass Hex ~tam 1.5% Per 18% per year win be charpct 011 put due 8CCOIUdI Total Pea. 1 Na.Terms Project Net Due Quentlly Description Rete Amount "xlJ2" Bmss Hex BushiDg,2.20 Moved parts to look up. Moved material off of road to Well House. Drilled 1 cbIdrinator tap. Needs OIIC O1Ore. March 31. ~O06 4.5 Hm. Bob9at. SJddsteer 65.292.50 Hrs. (; YdDamp Tmok 68.136. Hm- 580 ~adcboe 80.240. 00 Hrs. 12Yd. Dump Tmck 80.280. Truck aud Tools 50.100. Hm. Labor (Shea)30.13'. Hts.labor (Cody)30.135. FiDished road grade to Well House. Cleaned up area aroand WeJl House. . ' '% Per moada 18% per year wilt be charged on past duo accounts Total $3.419. '" .,.", ' '" ,," ' 04/18/2806 14: 57 2882650153 . BELLOMY EXCA'\:, AnON & Pm?I.1NE, INC PO BOX 1592 SMIDPOINT. ID 83864 BIll To SQeridge UtiIides LL. O. Box 280 BlancbaI1I. lei. 83804 ""..,....... '.. ..o'. '."" , .... , ,..."" , "'" ' , BELLOMV EXC PACE 21 Invoice I 313 ~. ::: , " '0' .., ,--_.,-"""", '. , C" , .._--,...,","'' ,, -.--. -, '#,~ ~$'i ~: , :ti , ~~~~~~":,:,&"",,,,-, ,..,,' ""'?""" '~r.":~-i~:!'-o.. ';'; ~;";.f."",,"~r,. ..;."~......,(!. i\.';Jt"i?H~ S . :";.j~~~, ft~,, ~~ ,fV1!ri"~~ ~'i,:.: 1J'f-,t-;H:~~"t'ii~~. .);"AU ~phr,:):~, In.lf'\'f~~?J~.J?.fiNi;-;U~o::g~!,~.. ,- ~~ "i::;.~~h-:. ~!1~.?"~ !!?'l$'"'l"!~~~ ~~ iP;;;ii~~'ij~~", ?o.~f' ~,j ,,~:'J. :':-' ,:' .:f P:"'f"-:lL-f ;Il ~~f~~~~ ~~ ~~~::~~~~;~~ ~~~:~t~;;: it: ~1 tt~ j :~~r ~ ~h ~tre:; l~:st i~~~~~i~l;hU)~; 1181.? ?q8 au.-: 1. ~ ..0000 5 &.-:0 I. qEfl1ll.""~~WEW""""'IiI.llImil~~0 1.80 q i!u. 1m"'" 8. is. "" ~) """'" "11"-- d ewawr_E!Mo\VIA'IIJBI!I EllllIAIG" DATE:05/15/06 CKI:177982 TOTAL:$29,474.~7** PAYEE:James A. Sewell' Associates (jamessewl Property Account (Date)lnvoice 801 8203.5230 61801 801 8203.5720 61802 801 8203.2700 61804 801 8203.2700 61805 801 8203.2700 61806 801 8203.2700 61807 803 6863.0000 61809 801 8203.4800 61810 801 8203.4800 61811 801 8203.2700 61812 803 8203.4020 61813 803 1628.0000 61814 803 1628.0000 61816 803 6839.000 61817 803 8203.2700 62064 -.. -"'-'--~-"o ".00'.__._--..--. CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 Soulb 300 West. Suite 175 Mwray, UT 841, BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - Zions Description Amount fairways platting process fairways II: Infrast. design traffic impact study fairway replat of lots 7 and 8 base map update project management wwlap system design/admin vineyard condos legals vineyards final plat master plan revisions hvr meter house hvr 0 and m manual hvr ipuc annual sewer report assistance capacity report for DEQ for water an 280. 923. 484. 72. 122. 822. 75. 102. 855. 70. 825. 24' 479. 25. 854. continued Zions F'1I'St National Bank 125 West 10600 SQuib Sandy, UT 84070 177982 124000054 TO THE ' ORDER OF **** TWENTY NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR AND 17/100 DOLLARS 05/15/06 $29,474.17*' \ ""3~. 50James A. Sewell & Associates 600 - 4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 .f'.3D NON-NEGOTIABLE , -- ,-' ,- - - .., '- '" h'- ' ' -, '----- -,'--,---", '- '--', ,,,-, --',; ';':, " -- -, ,,- , -- , ,- "- ,- ", ~. "" ,-, -,- '- -- , ':- :~ :, : ,,, ' -. ,:" - -' " , -' ~ ' - ,' :' :'" ,: , -" '" ::- -, "-"-~ :, --" - '-~ : "' -:' , '' ', " :\ :-!': :; :, :~: ~~:,: ' ~~:;!l:~;t,' :ij: i~~; jl~ ;;1Xi;~~fi; N€5W.N~r~AI!tE2~ ;; ;.~~:? /;~(- - --~::: : ,~,:r. : '-::' ',::' r~f ~~'a ~1itIB1I!II!IIL--'-M--____-'Ii2I\MH1_III!IiI!a&""""'. -~. ""'~w-"'_ml!!~~fiM!mifEeM~E!I&I!I~~8MB~ DATE:O5/15/06 CKI:177982 TOTAL:$29,474.17** PAYEE: James , A. Sewell' Associates (jamessewl BANK: 800oper - Stone ridge Operating - Zions Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description 803 8203.4020 62066 HVR Meter House 803 1628.0000 62067 HVR 0 and M Manual 803 1628.0000 62069 HVR IPUC 801 8203.2700 62060 Traffic Impact study 801 8203.4800 62065 Vineyards Final Plat 801 8203.5720 62058 fairways II Infrast. Design 801 8203.5700 2056 Fairways Platting Process Amount 912. 532. 825. 317. 048. 594. 204. 29,474. . '. ,-"" ,-,-, ,...,,. "--,""'-' .,-... . , -" ' ., '. '. ', -- .. --'.., , .-- ' " .. , ',,'-'...... ........ James A. Sewell & Associates 6o0-4th Street West Newport, WA 99156 (509)447-3626 Invoice Bridge Partnen, Inc. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard In 83804 Date 3/1512006 Invoice No. 61813 Account #Project Name 30097-05-103 Stoneridge Utilities Project Description HVR Meter House Professional Services Hrs Qty Rate Amount Joe M. Olmstead, Principal Engmeer 95.045. Joe M. Olmstead, Labor Adjustment 20.220. Labor Subtotal 825. )JO3 L;\ 3' ~ '\60~O ?J yz,% i\ -:7Jza / (J6 TOTAL FOR THIS INVOICE $825. This progress billing includes work through February 28, 2006. '., PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED wrlH.IN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT AFTER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ~ 18% A.P. ---- --" -,-,"," --,," -, " '" 0/" James A. Sewell & Associates 6oo-4th Street West Newport, W A 99156 (509)447-3626 Invoice Bridge Partners, Inc. Wayne Benner O. Box 280 Blanchard ID 83804 Date 4/14/2006 Invoice No. 62066 Account #Project Name 30097-05-103 Stoneridge Utilities Project Description HVR Meter House Professional Services Hrs / Qty Rate Amount Joe M. Olmstead, Principal Engineer 95.190. Joe M. Olmstead, Labor Adjustment 20.-40. Michael L. Bente, Sr. Electrical Designer 63.756. Labor Subtotal 906. Pictures, DigitaI/3.5MM (per Photo) Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal tlk itIl~ If /~/d6 d.i) -' - ~~()o. 40enD - ~cft~ , / ~'3 L\\~t.\\~ TOTAL FOR TInS INVOICE S9U.so This progress billing includes work through March 31, 2006. ~ : PAYMENT IN FULL IS EXPECTED WI l"tLlN 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT AFI'ER 15 DAYS INTEREST WILL ACCRUE ~ 18% A.P oR. """ -'-" . '. '.",..." """ ,.....~....~,.,:........:..:..':. O;. :......",;:. ;0. :;:;.;,--::.._._....;- ~;.,"::,:.:;;,,," ,....' ' RC' Worst & Company 625 Best Avenue Coeur d'A1ene, IO 83814-3740 Inc. 0 o ' .' ,, ,., '~ . '; . , , i. ::.. ,-: : \~:L~Li~ Ul ~ 180 It SUI I: ~ ~ ItOOOO 5 1t.:O ~ q .Ii!SIIiEt~II!I",....ii\tiiElgNiBIWiiIEI_~................,,--"J;I__NIIiIffiI_lt. lLl BI'l--"""""""""'__'emi.~'ilIII",""""BE!I!i~~ DATE:O5/24/06 CKi:178045 TOTAL:$15,327.83** PAY~E:RC Worst & Company Inc. (worstco) . ; '- ,, ,: ...'. ' ~if~\ ~~~;~~;;~~;'~: 0 ~aOt"i!KI BANK: 800oper - Stone~dge Operating - zions Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description contract billing for new we11 15,327. 803 8203.4020 0162792 ,CDS Stoneridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Amount 15.327. 311 ZIons FIrSt National Bank 125 West 1 0600 South Sandy, UT 84070 178045 124000054 **** FIFTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN AND $15,327.83*TO THE ORDER OF RC Worst & Company 625 Best Avenue Coeur d'Alenel 10 Inc. 83814-3740 83/100 DOLLARS OS/24/06 NON~NEGOTIABLE ... ".._,"-,",.._,,~",. " Oo' "'. . h' ""Oo.. ' """" """""""""~""'Oo"Oo";"Oo :.,....~.,. Oo' . . R.c.Worsf a Companv.lnc. 625 Best Avenue. Coeur cr Alene. 10 83814-3740 208.664.2133 Fax: 208.667.8775 Expect the Best from WorstINVOICEJab: C0t-3425 1-83425 !rnKRIOSE 6I1.F COORSE / ca425 364 srotEIUlIaE RD. BUItOIAIm In 83884 IDYoi~ t: 01Wge Order I: 3198756 Order Date: 84:/13/86 am IF 8IRllSHlRE :COUNT NO. SALESIIAN PURCHASE ORDER NO SHIP VIA , - mf'----'" " . --.-...,......--",--.-. .. 183425 By. CTR C81-3425 cat.. PPD.DATE SHIPPED. TERMSINVOICE DATE 04/13/06DtE BILLIN84/13/06 . OTY. QTY. ORDERED SHIPPED ORDERED. mJNci. :~"~~'. . DESCRIPTIONUNIT PRICE DISC. . % EXTENDED PI ..-- .. '" _. ...'. ., ...... et1frRACT BILLING FOR TIE NEW WElL BUILDING ELECTRICII... BILLING IS AT 'm etJIIII:lm WI:TRICAI. weAl(15327. PAYMENT DIE UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE A H/5J PER IOlTH FINANCE ~I!GE WIlL . BE ADDED IF tm PAID WITHIN 18 MYS. ** 'fmm YOU FOR VOOR BUSINESS H ~63- ~o.o3-lo~~ i~~~1 .yld-l\o~ Signature. SALE AMOUNT 15327. . MISC. CHARGES , '. . ~$ALEs ,TAX IR FREIGHT 20% Restocking charge on retum goods. ReIwns must be accompanied by original invoice. A Slll'Jic8 charge of 1-1/2% per monltl, With a minimum charge of 50 cents, Is made on aU past'due eccount balances. This Is an amuaJ rate of 18% and Is correspond"lIIgly larger If the mInimum charge Is used.TOTAL 15327. , ","" u , .. ,....", ' ::II; ' " jit fW ~"""!-""'"" ...~. '.." , ~i" ~~ v-- ,,-, -' "-" , ~,,~ ~,"':.... ",/-, t Ell' j~r" . ~~ ~'r?~;f;~f~~4\ ~, fu(;~~~i~ft~~i, ~i.~:~~~~l!.t~~ """';'~~ !;,i; :';" "~l..~#~':i.".r.~"'l"' '-"",~~";,~"~~' J),.,iY:Jr.oo.hud:ta~~(;t","ft. ," ':':"":" "",--, RC Worst & C~mpany Inc. 625 B~st Avexnle, Coeur d' Alerie~ IO __._n' )tt ".."~~",-""-""",,, i""'~ ' ;:\,,~.'(, ,;: ;!,; "'~ 'Fi h !.o,;~'i"i.~=! '~:o:i' ~rur;: fi'f" ~,;" ii;ft.r . '(~" t:r::J . ~ i;i. ~~~ ~~' " ~t..~ l~$!;( 83814-3740 ,., 01 Ia 7808801 .: Ia ~ ..0000 5 "':0 J. q a J.80 q i!.1 -""' ,:","""""".....""'mHnlIlilEl" '--;. r"""~IVIRB_NIIIIIiI--~ ~ "'. U'""""""""""'!Ii ,--.....-A -.-. Ja 8111- 1!I!iair'.a ~.o... ~ eM BI!IiIj DATE: 06/01/06 CKI: 178088 TOTAL: $1, 703. O~U* PAYEE:RC Worst' Company Inc. (worstco) BANK:800oper - Stoneridge Operating - zions Property Account (Ditte )Invoice 0163484 Description Amount 803 8203.4020 new well bldg elect 703. ,):-1 703. --:':~' CDS Stoneridge Partners, ,5295 South 300 West. Suite 175 Murray. UT 84107 Zions FIrst NaUonalBank 125 west 10600 South Sandy, UT 84010 178088 124000054 **** ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUN DEED THREE AND 03/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 06/01/06 $1,703.03**' RC Worst & Company 625 Best Avenue Coeurd' Alene, ID Inc. 83814-3740 NON-NEGOTIABLE R.c. Worst a ComIXD\.Y. Inc. ' , , 625 B8st Avenue, Coeur d: AIene.ID 83814.3740 208.664.2133 Fax: 208.667.8775 Job: C01-3425 . Invoice i~ 01D3484 Order It: 8199646 , 1-83425 STlJEallJGE 8!U COURSE C-3425, STDlDIDGE RD. UUIf.!R!) 10 S38IM " 01 .... Order 'Date: i/15/17/ff. 00 (F BIRKSHIRE , '=:; ::'-l18t"- r!", ~~r;X:8!~;?' ~~";';.. " ,..,;,. . '-'-- "- ".. -. '. ., ~--"---. '...... . ....... . ~ir ~f;t~ . :;/*** . S.rX:T.Y FOUR 'r'HOUSANPS'ii: ar:h-lJ)RED EN:ANI)O~O/1:0'O oqt.LARS TOTHE . 9RDEROF 06/09/06 $.. 64:~6+o". 00** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592 Sandpoint, 10 83864 ' .;, '. . ., .'::., .' .: :\..: ::" ', ,' ", ",".. -. '\' .., '. '.:":'::'__"":"':"'-'---_ :.....c_ :.....:..._._. ::2-. :' :o:::._ ~~:. "'.. '-_.- .-..-----,. u.~'i'80c)1..1I. -: 21..00005 1..-:0 ~ C)a ~80c)20. ~'B'GII\I:A'L'iI"""-"'!JJII1!~~i!'~ViE1\W~'iTlE1iI1\'II~'BK.(j;r.llill1irdJi~ - 3ID I!OJ'A'\I'_l!IfA'I\1e~I'tiI"'(;)!lifiii'W!v~ii!iI~1:i!ti;(ii;J;J ~K!16'i6i11i13 (!)D.lil$eM "NiT, . . . DATE:06/09/06 CK*:178094 TOTAL:$64,610.00~* BANK:800oper - Stone ridge Operating - zions PAYEE:David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec(davibell) Property Account (Date)lnvoice Description Amount 801 8203.4820"1 8203.4810 6862.0000 3 6863.0000 803 8203.3000 803 6856.0000 801 8203.5200 801 8203.5200 801 8203.5720 803 8203.4020 364 364 366 366 366 366 367 367 368 363 Vineyards I Landscape and Amenities Vineyards I Landscape and Amenities Utilities, Water Hookups, R&M Water Utilities, Water Hookups, R&M Water Utilities, Water Hookups, R&M Water Utilities, Water Hookups, R&M Water B1dgs 112 & 113Bldgs 114 & 115 Fairways II Infrastructure HVR Phase II Meter House ~J6~ 180. 810. 110. 838. 686. 12,402. 188. 10,862. 727. 22,802. 64,610. CDS Stone ridge Partners, LC 5295 South 300 West, Suite 175 Murray, UT 84107 Zions First National Bank 125 West 10600 South Sandy, UT 84070 178094 124000054 **** SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER OF 06/09/06 $64,610.00** David Bellomy Excavation & Pipeline Spec PO Box 1592Sandpoint, 10 83864 NON-NEGOTIABLE ... .. ." ... .. '. ""' ... """"""....,....."""'" BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PJPELINE, INC . PO BOX 1592 SAND POINT, ill 83864 Invoi' Date Invoice # 5/17/2006 363 .LJ~ ro3- '69b3-10~;):A ~Od- ~Jol O(P dk tJJ~ )/7/ / Bill To Stoneridge Utilities LL. C. O. Box 280 . Blanchard, Id 83804 No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount WELL HOUSE HOt(f~# April 10, 2006 Tmck and Tools 50_50. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.140. Turned well house fire hydrant to face away from well house. Supplied Keith with fire hose to blow off pump. April 24, 2006 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.560. 1.5 Hrs. 580 Backhoe (Second Backhoe)80.120. 1 Hrs. 6 Y d Dump Truck 68.68. Tmck and Tools 50.100. 1 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.35. Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill)52.50 13 1.25 8 Hrs- Labor (Cody) 30.240. Hrs. O_T. Labor (Cody)45.112.50 8 Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.240. 2.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.112.50 5.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke)35.192.50 2.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Zeke)52.50 131.25 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint) 35.280. Hrs. O_T. . Skilled Labor (Clint) 52.50 131.25 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.280. 2.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Mike)52.13 1.25 1 10"x8" CI MJxMJ Reducer .116.116. % Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total ... Page 1 '_h " "" ,' '' ", '" '' " ..';, , ,, , '.. C" " ',.. "" ,, BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/17/2006 363 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities LLC. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 O. No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount 10" MJ Kit 26.26. 8" MJ Kit 20.120. 8" CI 45 Degree Bend 117.39 234. Tons Pea Gravel 70. Y ds. 2" Clean Drain Rock 17. Ft. Tracer WIre x6" Brass Nipple 11.44 11.44 x3" Brass Nipple xl' Brass ~pple 39.34 39. x3' Brass Nipple 105.105. 1 2" Brass Close Nipple 8.31 8.31 1 10"x2" DBL Strap Saddle 99.99. 1 2" Ball Valve 151.58 151.58 1 2" Meter 294.294. Companion Flange 2" with Gaskets 14.29. 1 DBL Check Valve 241.50 241.50 1 2" Brass Coupling 14.14. 1 2" Brass 90 Degree Bend 16.58 16.58 x2" Brass Nipple 1134 1 1 "x3" Brass Nipple 2 2"xl" Brass BusIring 16. 2 1 "x3/4" Brass Tee 19. 1 3/4"xU4" Brass Bushing 1.77 1.77 1 1" Ball Valve 44.44. 1 300 PSI Oil filled Gauge 26.26. 1 3/4" Boiler Valve 1 1" Air Relief Valve 383.57 383.57 % Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total .c' Page 2 .,. n '..',,, ,. '.. '.... -- ....... ........ ..... .".., .... :C:, ....,",, BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/17/2006 363 Bill To , Stoneridge Utilities L.L.c. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 O. No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount xl/2" Brass Bushing 6" Wafer Checks 353.30 706. 6" Flange Gaskets 5/8"xl0" Bolts With Nuts 52. Tied new well line into existing water line. Did plumbing inside building. April 25, 2006 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.560. Hrs. 580 Backhoe (Second Backhoe)80.320. Wacker per Day 65.130. Tmck and Tools 50.100. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint)35.245. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Clint)52.78. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.280. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Mike)52.50 78. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke)35.210. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Zeke)52.50 78. 1 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.35. 1.5 Hrs. O. T. Skilled Labor (Bill)52.50 78. 1 Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.30. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.67.50 8 Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.240. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.67.50 1 2" Close Brass Nipple 1 2" Brass 90 Degree Bend 3.53 3.53 I 2" MIP with Stiffuer 71.80 71.80 1 1 "x3/4 H Brass Bushing . "% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total :","'" Page 3 ,', , ".-,., , ," , BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/17/2006 363 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L.LC. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 O. No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount 3/4" PVC Adapter Ft. 3/4" Sch 40 PVC Pipe 2.32 6" Pipe Stands 121.64 364. 10" Pipe Stands 142.284. 2" Pipe Stands 121.64 243. Ft. 2" Sch 40 Gal Pipe 3.30 39. Ft. 4" ABS Pipe 1.97 49. 4" ABS 22 1/2 Degree Bend 28. 1 4" ABS 45 Degree Bend 722 1 4" ABS x PVC TIaDS Adaptor 1 4" PVC 90 Degree Bend Ft. 4" 3034 Pipe 1.18 11.80 Sets of 4 9/16"x3" Flange Bolts,30. 8 80 Lb. Pre-mix Concrete 68,29. 8 8"x8"xI6" Concrete Blocks 1.58 12. Hooked up 2" feed to 2" poly for irrigation. Plumbed vent pipe for air relief valve. Built thrust blocks on 8":fittings and shaded pipe. Placed tracer wire on pipe. Dug up existing abandoned valves. TIe in floor drain from building to meter vault drain that goes to dtywell. Filled meter vauh with spoils. Exposed line out of well # 1. It turned out to be 12" April 26, 2006 1 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.80. 5 Hrs. 580 Backhoe (Second Backhoe)80.400. 2 Truck and Tools 50.100. 8 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint)35.280. 0.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Clint)52.50 2625 10 Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total Page 4 O. No. Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.240. 0.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Shea) 45.22.50 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.280. 0.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Mike)52.50 26. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.70. 0.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill)52.50 26. Hrs. Labor (Cody)30.120. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke)35.140. Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.240. 0.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.22.50 5 Gal. Can of Emulsion 21.25 10. Pulled 12" valve out after cutting flange bolts. De-watered pipe with Stoneridges 2" pump. Pipe flange was different boh pattern. It bad 16 bolts instead of 12. Exposed power lines. Painted emulsion on building and raised hydrant valve box. Began placing material up against building. Hauled out used valves and left over 8" C-900. April 27, 2006 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.480. Hrs. 580 Backhoe (Second Backhoe)80.400. 1 Hrs. 6 Y d Dump Truck 68.68. Wacker per Day 65.65. 1 Hrs. 325 B L Cat Excavator 120.120. 2 Truck and Tools 50.100. 7 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint)35.245. 2 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Clint)52.50 105. 3.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke)35~00 122.50 Io Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ill 83864 Date 5/1712006 Bill To Stone ridge Utilities L.L.C. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 Page 5 , .., .. ',,' ,,::,;'" Invoice Invoice # 363 ::; - -- - n - - ----- -- ,- - --, -"'-'--, ; .- c- - ' -. '. -' -- - O. No. Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Zeke)52.78. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.105. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.280. Hrs. O~T. Skilled Labor (Mike)52.50 105. Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.240. Hrs. O.T. Labor (Shea)45.90. Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.180. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.67.50 Hrs. Labor (Cody)30.210. 1.5 Hrs. O.T. Labor (Cody)45.67.50 Ft. 6" 900 Pipe 487. 1 12" MJ x FL Adapter 193.193. 1 12" Trans MJ Kit 29.29. 1 12"x6" FLxFL Reducer 550.550~ 18 1 6" F~ 45 Bood 129.129. 2 6" MJ 45 Degree Bend 75.151.24 5 6" MJ Kits 16.84.50 1 6" Romoc 98.98. Ft Tracer Wife Ft. Dig Tape 4.50 Cut off flange on 12". Exposed. power wires. Keith and Inland Power showed up and told us which wires we could cut to keep digging. Buih thrust blocks. Shaded pipe and backfilled in lifts. Chlorinated line and filled With garden hose to 100 PSI. April 28, 2006 3 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.240. % Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total n,.--. '----- -- ,- BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ill 83864 Date 5/17/2006 Bill Stoneridge Utilities L.L.C. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 Page 6 Invoice Invoice # 363 :;;, ' BELLOMY EXCA V AnON & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice #- 5/17/2006 363 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L.L.C. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 O. No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount Hrs. 580 Backhoe (Second Backhoe)80.320. 2.5 Hrs. 6 YdDump Truck 68.170. Hrs. 325 B L Cat Excavator 120.240. Truck and Tools 50.100. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Zeke)35.70. Hrs. Labor (Cody)30.180. Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.180. 5.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Mike)35.192.50 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.70. Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint)35.105. Fired up Well # 2 and blew it out the fire hydrant. Both wells are on line now. Placed rocks and spoils around new meter building. May 01, 2006 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.560. Hrs. 6 Yd Dump Truck 68.340. Hrs. 325 B L Cat Excavator 120.240. fIrs. Dyna Pack Roller 80.160. Truck and Tools 50.50. 1 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.35. 2 Hrs. O.T. Skilled Labor (Bill)52.105. 6 Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.180. 2 HIs. O.T. Labor (Shea)45.90. 4 HIs. Labor (Cody)30.120. 2 HIs. O.T. Labor (Cody)45.90. 5 Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.150. 2 HIs. O.T. Labor (Frank)45.90. % Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total Page 7 BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC PO BOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ill 83864 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/17/2006 363 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L.L.c. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount 2 1/2" Sch 40 Cap 1.66 3.32 2ft Sch 40 Cap 0.52 1.04 Sq. Y ds. Road Fabric Located 2" and 2 1/2" irrigation. Capped both. Located tie in spot. Will hook up 5/1106. Dug out road base and hauled in 10 load of pit run. Made turn around spot and covered with top soil. May 02, 2006 Hrs. 580 Backhoe 80.480. Truck and Tools 50.100. 7.5 Hrs. Labor (Frank)30.225. 7.5 Hrs. Labor (Cody)30.225. 7.5 Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.225. 1.5 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Bill)35.52.50 Hrs. Skilled Labor (Clint)35.70. 120 Ft. 2" Sch 40 PVC Pipe 1.02 122.40 4 2" Sch 40 Coupling 2.40 4 2"x2 In" Sch 40 Bushing 1.22 1 2"x2 In" Sch 40 Slip x Thread 1.56 1.56 I 2" Sch40 Tee 2 2 1/2" Sch 40 Tee 8.32 I 2" Sch 40 45 Degree Bend 1.18 1.18 1 2 1/2" Romac 56.56. 1 2" FIP PVC Adaptor 3.50 50' 120 Ft. Tracer WIre 12. 120 Ft. Dig Tape % Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total Page 8 BELLOMY EXCAVATION & PIPELINE, INC POBOX 1592 SANDPOINT, ID 83864 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/1712006 363 Bill To Stoneridge Utilities L.L.C. O. Box 280 Blanchard, Id 83804 No.Terms Project Net Due Quantity Description Rate Amount Placed 2" per Jeff. Also, Tried to locate 8" Main for his creek but could not find a leak. Spoke with Jeff about irrigation taps for VIneyards 1. May 10 2006 Truck and Tools 50.50. Hrs. Labor (Shea)30.60. Hrs. Labor (Goob) 30.60. Cast Iron Valve Box Bottoms 127.53 255. Dug up and raised 2 valve boxes for Wally and Keith so Wally could finish top soiling around disturbed area. . "% Per month 18% per year will be charged on past due accounts Total $22 802. Page 9 C:l D o c u m e l Je t t i n g s l L e u r a l L o c e l S e t t l n g s l T e m p o r a r y l n t e m e t F i l e s l O L K 8 1 4 U P U C T e s t D a t e O CI j S S t o n e r i d g e U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s .. " d/ 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 .. . ~ . 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sy S JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO V . DE C To t a l s si z e c( ~ HV R 46 3 0 39 3 0 46 6 0 51 2 0 49 3 0 51 3 0 69 4 0 64 8 0 19 1 2 0 12 0 19 8 2 0 46 8 0 85 5 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 21 8 0 0 29 5 4 0 25 3 2 0 37 1 9 0 14 3 4 0 13 5 4 0 12 0 8 0 19 0 6 0 56 8 3 0 28 3 8 0 13 8 0 0 18 5 5 0 29 0 4 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 89 4 0 70 3 0 77 9 0 62 7 0 57 3 0 57 5 0 63 9 0 53 8 0 65 2 0 56 4 0 60 3 0 66 3 0 78 1 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 12 3 7 0 71 4 0 67 7 0 73 0 0 14 3 5 0 61 8 0 10 7 2 0 18 4 3 0 30 8 0 0 21 9 9 0 93 1 0 95 2 0 15 4 8 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 27 3 0 20 6 0 44 2 0 20 6 0 11 6 0 42 0 0 58 0 0 12 9 6 0 19 4 6 0 73 3 0 31 5 0 19 7 0 67 3 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 16 0 13 8 0 21 2 0 29 4 0 25 0 0 40 2 0 74 7 0 28 9 0 18 3 0 10 0 0 26 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 41 2 0 52 1 0 36 0 0 39 5 0 50 5 0 46 4 0 46 6 0 19 1 4 0 21 9 0 0 54 0 0 46 2 0 38 6 0 86 1 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 11 9 8 0 48 4 0 64 6 0 72 6 0 64 5 0 60 8 0 10 2 5 0 59 6 0 85 1 0 61 0 0 52 7 0 50 2 0 84 1 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 87 7 0 17 0 54 0 26 0 79 0 10 0 0 87 0 77 0 51 0 35 0 14 0 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 24 2 0 12 1 6 0 88 2 0 93 8 0 12 3 6 0 12 0 5 0 12 5 4 0 14 9 6 0 12 2 7 0 10 0 2 0 52 0 0 55 4 0 11 7 7 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 65 1 0 70 1 0 81 8 0 12 6 9 0 21 8 0 34 8 0 48 1 0 33 4 0 49 7 0 39 3 0 38 3 0 35 2 0 64 4 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 52 2 0 56 4 0 94 5 0 74 0 0 54 4 0 10 7 3 0 14 1 2 0 11 9 6 0 25 0 0 0 17 4 3 0 64 9 0 10 4 5 0 12 9 3 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 84 0 83 0 75 0 74 0 12 2 0 77 0 10 8 0 59 0 88 0 12 5 0 10 3 0 80 0 10 7 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 32 5 0 35 1 0 28 3 0 33 6 0 11 3 1 0 60 3 0 72 7 0 10 0 7 0 12 0 8 0 36 9 0 27 0 0 27 0 0 68 8 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 38 5 0 40 4 0 13 2 3 0 47 2 0 76 7 0 10 4 0 0 20 5 3 0 22 5 7 0 10 8 8 0 36 2 0 29 1 0 10 4 4 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 62 5 0 73 1 0 60 2 0 55 4 0 52 0 0 54 5 0 59 5 0 42 4 0 52 8 0 51 0 0 10 3 2 0 66 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 24 9 0 32 1 0 29 7 0 32 8 0 29 6 0 39 1 0 56 3 0 77 5 0 55 5 0 42 1 0 37 2 0 27 6 0 48 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 44 4 0 56 8 0 45 3 0 38 2 0 55 4 0 66 3 0 40 9 9 0 76 8 2 0 91 1 3 0 57 5 6 0 59 7 0 50 2 0 30 8 1 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 48 7 0 65 3 0 52 7 0 14 2 6 0 31 9 0 32 5 0 46 9 0 57 5 0 72 2 0 43 9 0 46 9 0 46 4 0 68 7 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 22 3 0 27 0 0 27 6 0 29 8 0 44 2 7 0 99 8 0 10 7 9 0 29 3 0 0 18 8 8 0 10 9 1 0 25 9 0 26 6 0 14 0 0 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 17 7 0 10 6 5 0 88 1 0 83 4 0 27 2 0 26 4 0 10 9 1 0 47 7 0 13 3 5 0 25 7 0 27 6 0 28 7 0 72 1 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 71 9 0 93 5 0 83 6 0 86 7 0 85 6 0 15 0 7 0 17 0 7 0 27 4 1 0 35 1 6 0 17 1 6 0 72 2 0 71 9 0 16 8 4 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 44 5 0 61 4 0 61 7 0 67 8 0 14 3 7 0 73 7 0 52 1 0 40 0 0 48 0 0 38 1 0 45 3 0 44 6 0 72 0 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 19 8 6 0 10 4 0 20 9 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 51 5 0 66 6 0 52 9 0 63 9 0 68 6 0 16 2 2 0 25 6 8 0 27 9 8 0 42 2 0 10 4 4 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 25 8 0 25 6 0 20 9 0 22 0 0 45 2 0 39 9 0 92 0 0 13 1 3 0 23 6 6 0 10 0 4 0 32 1 0 26 0 0 79 7 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 11 5 0 11 5 0 12 3 0 73 0 42 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 1 HV R 48 7 0 51 1 0 36 0 0 42 7 0 81 0 0 79 0 0 15 1 0 0 24 1 0 0 30 7 0 0 20 0 0 0 45 4 0 42 5 0 13 2 5 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 2 HV R 57 0 57 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 3 HV R 40 0 0 47 7 0 37 7 0 40 6 0 43 8 0 84 6 0 66 7 4 0 48 6 6 0 60 9 2 0 52 6 5 0 20 4 1 0 35 8 0 28 2 4 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 4 HV R 42 3 0 31 1 0 30 2 0 27 8 0 29 5 5 0 39 4 8 0 71 8 0 23 8 0 34 6 0 36 4 0 43 9 0 28 2 0 10 6 0 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 5 HV R 20 5 4 0 56 4 0 52 4 0 57 2 0 54 8 0 34 0 0 40 1 0 35 0 0 39 9 0 46 8 0 52 0 0 52 1 0 72 6 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 6 HV R 52 4 0 55 5 0 51 9 0 52 0 0 65 0 0 75 4 0 23 7 6 0 35 0 1 0 46 7 0 0 30 1 6 0 47 1 0 51 0 0 18 0 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 7 HV R 29 1 0 33 1 0 32 3 0 30 1 0 27 8 0 52 1 0 10 9 7 0 15 6 8 0 13 7 1 0 18 5 8 0 58 0 0 22 6 0 87 4 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 8 HV R 17 9 0 19 6 0 23 8 0 18 4 0 12 6 0 15 0 0 19 0 0 11 2 0 17 2 0 14 9 0 16 1 0 12 5 0 19 8 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 9 HV R 21 3 0 25 8 0 20 8 0 23 8 0 29 9 0 55 3 0 10 5 8 0 13 4 2 0 16 9 1 0 91 8 0 40 4 0 23 1 0 74 1 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 0 HV R 54 5 0 30 3 0 32 7 0 26 5 0 64 2 0 58 6 0 87 7 0 35 2 0 51 1 0 30 7 0 24 6 0 22 1 0 51 8 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 Jo e M , O l m s t e a d , P E Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 1 o f 7 P a g e s 50 9 - 29 2 - 26 0 4 jo l m s t e a d ~ w i n d w i r e l e s s . ne t C: l D o c u m e n t . et t i n g s \ L a u r e l L o c a l S e t t i n g s l T e m p o r e r y I n t e m e t F l i e s I O L K 8 1 4 \ I P U C T e s t D 8 t 8 0 Cl j S S t o n e r i d g e Ut i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s v. " , , 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 ~ j 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sv s JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO Y . DE C To t a l s si z e c( =I t 11 2 HV R 19 6 0 19 2 0 16 8 0 22 6 0 75 4 0 80 1 0 95 3 0 65 0 0 96 4 0 53 0 0 23 4 0 20 8 0 58 7 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 3 HV R 69 0 10 2 0 61 0 73 0 66 0 12 3 0 12 4 0 96 0 15 1 0 11 2 0 71 0 91 0 11 3 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 4 HV R 71 0 76 0 26 0 86 0 64 6 0 95 0 81 0 11 0 83 0 59 0 74 0 65 0 13 7 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 5 HV R 29 4 0 32 2 0 24 2 0 26 0 0 22 1 0 20 6 0 55 7 0 25 9 4 0 77 1 0 38 1 7 0 23 1 0 20 8 0 97 2 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 6 HV R 35 7 0 54 9 0 38 8 0 37 4 0 24 9 0 0 16 2 7 0 15 6 5 0 27 7 5 0 28 2 9 0 18 6 7 0 82 1 0 59 2 0 16 2 3 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 9 HV R 19 1 0 22 4 0 29 9 0 14 2 0 22 5 0 44 0 0 24 6 0 52 1 0 11 9 6 0 36 9 0 20 6 0 16 3 0 42 2 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 0 HV R 64 6 0 87 0 0 58 0 0 20 9 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 1 HV R 87 4 0 99 6 0 76 2 0 88 6 0 98 2 0 97 4 0 16 6 2 0 24 8 8 0 21 0 0 0 26 9 7 0 81 3 0 76 4 0 15 9 9 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 2 HV R 18 2 0 81 3 0 32 9 0 40 7 0 28 9 0 29 9 0 29 2 0 65 9 0 34 1 0 46 3 0 24 0 0 43 1 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 4 HV R 34 7 0 26 1 0 25 0 0 72 8 0 33 6 0 82 0 0 12 2 5 0 11 5 0 0 24 9 1 0 12 5 0 28 3 0 23 1 0 82 4 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 5 HV R 30 6 0 26 1 0 23 3 0 26 8 0 28 5 0 48 2 0 95 2 0 13 0 4 0 18 0 8 0 78 6 0 24 9 0 27 7 0 72 1 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 6 HV R 38 9 0 42 0 0 41 4 0 44 9 0 43 5 0 40 7 0 54 1 0 69 9 0 81 8 0 43 4 0 29 7 0 36 9 0 56 7 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 7 HV R 67 7 0 78 9 0 57 6 0 69 2 0 81 2 0 85 5 0 11 5 8 0 31 5 1 0 34 7 8 0 14 3 4 0 65 6 0 67 4 0 14 9 5 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 8 HV R 10 7 0 94 0 86 0 13 8 0 19 7 0 27 9 0 56 5 0 10 6 5 0 13 2 7 0 70 0 0 21 0 0 87 0 48 5 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 12 9 HV R 67 2 0 89 8 0 78 2 0 79 4 0 63 6 0 4 0 14 7 8 0 10 0 1 0 13 1 9 0 12 2 6 0 80 7 0 81 4 0 68 7 0 74 0 8 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 0 HV R 79 0 10 1 0 10 2 0 16 2 0 12 2 0 34 0 0 38 0 0 72 0 0 62 0 0 13 7 0 95 0 98 0 29 5 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 1 HV R 29 0 58 0 45 0 40 0 47 0 13 5 0 42 9 0 90 1 0 17 6 0 0 95 0 90 0 48 0 36 7 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 2 HV R 48 8 0 43 7 0 37 6 0 56 7 0 22 1 0 41 2 0 23 4 2 0 14 7 2 0 33 9 3 0 33 0 20 7 6 0 40 4 0 12 2 2 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 3 HV R 51 6 0 41 4 0 51 7 0 11 1 0 8 0 18 4 6 0 22 9 7 0 31 3 2 0 35 0 6 0 58 7 0 54 9 0 10 8 8 0 25 5 6 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 4 HV R 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 13 5 HV R 18 2 9 0 17 4 8 0 26 8 0 19 1 8 0 61 1 0 12 2 7 0 19 6 0 0 25 6 5 0 25 7 2 0 11 5 3 0 81 5 0 10 7 8 0 17 7 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 6 HV R 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 13 7 HV R 65 0 0 92 1 0 72 9 0 10 0 0 0 31 2 0 32 0 0 44 0 0 60 7 0 67 4 0 60 9 0 66 7 0 65 9 0 75 8 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 8 HV R 50 8 2 0 36 4 0 31 9 0 42 0 0 44 0 0 50 8 0 59 5 0 11 6 2 0 19 0 7 0 10 0 0 0 67 2 0 24 2 3 0 14 8 9 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 9 HV R 38 2 0 26 9 0 22 2 0 28 2 0 63 0 64 0 82 0 28 8 0 87 7 0 12 6 1 0 29 4 0 25 0 0 43 3 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 0 HV R 53 8 0 70 4 0 49 4 0 46 3 0 48 8 0 73 7 0 12 4 3 0 10 1 6 0 19 9 8 0 98 9 0 55 6 0 55 9 0 97 8 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 1 HV R 37 9 0 17 6 0 16 8 0 19 0 0 32 1 0 82 3 0 16 3 0 0 21 9 4 0 30 4 4 0 79 3 0 16 5 0 98 8 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 2 HV R 58 1 0 58 1 0 54 1 0 62 8 0 24 8 0 0 16 5 0 0 17 4 2 0 10 1 9 0 12 8 0 0 11 9 9 0 47 4 0 58 0 0 12 7 5 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 3 HV R 44 9 0 45 9 0 38 4 0 44 0 0 50 1 0 44 7 0 40 2 0 45 7 0 15 9 9 0 30 1 0 47 6 0 43 5 0 63 5 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 4 HV R 30 2 0 31 2 0 28 1 0 31 5 0 28 8 0 23 9 0 77 3 0 15 5 9 0 98 2 0 30 1 0 36 1 0 37 3 0 60 8 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 5 HV R 25 3 0 19 6 0 17 0 0 25 7 0 12 2 0 13 3 0 13 7 0 96 0 17 1 0 13 0 0 10 8 0 12 2 0 18 9 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 6 HV R 62 5 0 73 7 0 52 1 0 61 8 0 71 1 0 52 4 0 42 2 0 22 8 0 28 4 0 40 1 0 36 1 0 54 5 0 59 7 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 8 HV R 46 1 0 50 4 0 45 3 0 49 3 0 78 4 0 76 4 0 95 2 0 13 3 3 0 23 3 9 0 14 3 1 0 38 8 0 43 9 0 10 3 4 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 14 9 HV R 28 3 0 24 2 0 18 4 0 16 6 0 40 8 0 39 2 0 64 0 0 66 5 0 71 3 0 67 2 0 55 3 0 37 5 0 52 9 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 0 HV R 48 1 0 49 9 0 34 5 0 34 9 0 64 5 0 10 3 3 0 28 9 0 0 30 5 3 0 54 6 7 0 15 8 7 0 31 5 0 40 6 0 17 0 7 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 1 HV R 84 8 0 93 5 0 74 5 0 84 2 0 10 1 8 0 59 4 0 65 6 0 10 9 5 0 22 5 2 0 67 9 0 76 9 0 84 4 0 11 2 7 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 2 HV R 11 2 0 0 13 6 2 0 12 8 2 0 20 7 6 0 95 6 0 13 1 9 0 23 7 4 0 25 0 4 0 36 7 7 0 13 8 0 0 77 2 0 92 2 0 19 7 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 Jo e M . O l m s t e a d , P E Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 2 o f 7 P a g e s 50 9 - 29 2 - 26 0 4 jo l m s t e a d ( g ) w i n d w i r e l e s s . n e t C: \ D o c u m e , . ~e t l l n g . l L a u r a I L o c e l S e t l i n g s l T e m p o r a r y l n t e m e t F i l e s I O L K 8 1 4 \ I P U C T e . t O a t a o C1 j S S t o n e r i d g t l U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s -. , ) / 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 ~ ~ 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sv s JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO V . DE C To t a l s si z e c: C : a : 15 3 HV R 65 0 75 0 84 0 70 0 99 0 84 0 11 9 0 84 0 95 0 96 0 69 0 89 0 10 2 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 6 HV R 40 0 0 49 4 0 36 4 0 42 4 0 48 6 0 48 0 0 80 8 0 73 7 0 62 2 0 40 5 0 41 4 0 37 2 0 60 0 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 7 HV R 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 15 8 HV R 88 7 0 49 4 0 66 9 0 60 4 0 17 9 0 19 5 0 35 3 0 30 5 0 37 8 0 26 6 0 33 0 0 20 6 0 48 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 9 HV R 35 2 0 37 1 0 28 8 0 37 4 0 35 0 76 3 0 48 0 0 0 75 8 1 0 94 8 7 0 59 7 8 0 51 6 0 33 9 0 30 8 8 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 1 HV R 55 0 59 0 55 0 63 0 16 1 0 65 0 0 77 0 0 12 7 1 0 16 0 1 0 64 5 0 48 0 44 0 54 2 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 2 HV R 14 0 18 0 13 0 14 0 12 7 0 84 0 0 89 7 0 10 5 0 0 17 4 8 0 47 3 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 3 HV R 26 8 0 42 7 0 36 0 0 36 5 0 81 6 0 10 5 8 0 10 6 4 0 14 0 3 0 37 1 3 0 19 2 2 0 15 9 1 0 70 3 0 13 6 9 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 6 HV R 52 1 0 66 2 0 53 0 0 65 0 0 36 4 0 53 7 0 77 4 0 83 3 0 13 5 4 0 50 3 0 44 0 0 40 9 0 75 7 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 8 HV R 41 3 0 63 4 0 55 6 0 62 7 0 17 6 0 95 7 0 29 3 9 0 53 1 2 0 22 4 4 0 31 8 0 36 4 0 14 5 4 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 9 HV R 69 5 0 41 5 0 12 1 0 13 1 0 97 9 0 10 0 8 0 44 0 0 42 4 0 13 8 1 0 23 4 0 12 5 0 69 0 0 66 4 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 0 HV R 11 0 4 0 10 2 5 0 85 0 0 12 2 8 0 59 2 0 52 4 0 15 6 2 0 67 6 0 10 5 6 0 70 0 0 87 6 0 64 9 0 10 8 4 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 2 HV R 39 9 0 43 6 0 25 0 0 12 0 0 39 2 0 74 7 0 49 9 0 45 9 0 46 1 0 13 6 0 31 1 0 42 1 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 4 HV R 59 0 50 0 12 1 0 51 0 14 0 29 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 6 HV R 54 1 0 65 4 0 57 2 0 65 7 0 23 0 0 10 2 9 0 59 3 0 90 0 0 10 2 5 0 67 1 0 54 2 0 74 1 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 7 HV R 50 6 0 65 2 0 51 5 0 55 3 0 89 0 59 2 0 12 2 5 0 16 3 7 0 97 2 0 54 6 0 54 2 0 78 2 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 1 HV R 48 6 0 47 7 0 34 3 0 48 4 0 43 0 0 81 0 0 14 5 9 0 47 8 0 56 2 0 36 7 0 58 9 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 2 HV R 45 8 0 54 6 0 96 4 0 49 7 1 0 95 1 0 12 9 0 0 46 1 0 50 1 0 46 0 0 10 6 0 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 8 HV R 11 1 7 0 16 7 3 0 12 6 4 0 16 3 3 0 56 7 0 48 8 0 12 2 2 0 11 8 3 0 91 4 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 9 HV R 62 0 41 0 70 8 0 23 4 0 13 7 0 38 5 0 47 0 16 0 92 0 17 2 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 9 HV R 12 6 9 0 15 1 7 0 12 9 6 0 20 7 2 0 13 4 4 0 12 6 8 0 87 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 22 2 HV R 95 9 0 15 2 8 0 16 4 5 0 15 6 5 0 11 3 9 0 68 3 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 23 2 HV R 48 6 0 68 2 0 61 5 0 17 8 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 23 3 HV R 13 4 9 0 11 9 5 0 25 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 24 1 HV R 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 24 4 HV R 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 HV R 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 26 8 0 32 7 0 26 8 0 30 9 0 11 7 0 0 19 8 4 0 39 4 2 0 69 0 7 0 78 1 6 0 35 7 6 0 29 2 0 26 1 0 27 1 2 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 35 0 0 48 2 0 38 3 0 43 7 0 89 8 0 15 4 7 0 56 6 4 0 32 1 3 0 33 5 3 0 10 8 2 0 43 8 0 44 5 0 18 2 9 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 6 6 0 38 6 4 0 36 4 8 0 85 4 0 33 3 6 0 52 1 4 0 13 6 3 3 0 14 9 9 2 0 12 2 7 3 0 53 7 7 0 20 3 0 0 10 6 7 0 67 8 5 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 4 0 21 0 0 21 6 0 34 4 0 29 0 0 61 4 0 11 9 7 0 21 5 9 0 17 6 3 0 12 2 0 0 19 6 0 14 4 0 85 1 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 13 3 0 22 0 11 7 0 20 5 0 96 2 0 22 2 8 0 30 7 2 0 36 6 2 0 44 7 3 0 30 1 8 0 31 0 0 12 7 0 18 3 2 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 36 1 0 43 2 0 28 0 0 36 7 0 40 8 0 59 7 0 76 4 0 25 1 6 0 18 0 8 0 81 1 0 36 4 0 38 9 0 90 9 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 37 5 0 63 2 0 43 1 0 46 1 0 90 9 3 0 28 5 2 0 37 3 0 19 0 6 0 24 4 7 0 20 5 7 0 77 0 23 5 0 20 9 3 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 34 0 13 4 3 0 23 7 2 0 22 4 0 0 12 5 5 0 17 4 0 74 1 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 Jo e M . O l m s t e a d , P E Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 3 o f 7 P a g e s 50 9 - 29 2 - 26 0 4 jo l m s t e a d ~ w i n d w i r e l e s s . ne t C:\ D o c u m e n t s . . . .S e t t l n g s \ L a u r a I L o c e l S e t t i n g s l T e m p o r a r y I n t e m e t F l l e s \ O L K 8 1 4 \ I P U C T e s t D a t a O CI j $ St o n e r i d g e U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s .; ) / 0 / 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 ~ ~ 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sy s JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO Y . DE C To t a l s si z e c( = I t 46 2 0 15 3 8 0 24 1 4 0 27 9 9 0 98 5 0 16 7 0 83 6 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 33 9 0 35 0 0 37 7 0 29 7 0 97 9 0 18 4 3 0 25 8 8 0 50 2 1 0 55 8 4 0 21 4 8 0 36 4 0 21 5 0 20 1 0 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 45 0 0 61 1 0 33 7 0 18 1 4 0 16 9 2 0 13 6 4 0 35 5 0 66 2 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 45 0 0 15 7 0 0 20 3 9 0 25 2 4 0 27 4 2 0 19 6 1 0 51 6 0 11 8 1 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 75 3 0 47 1 7 0 45 9 7 0 50 6 0 0 16 2 2 0 16 7 4 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 70 5 0 28 4 8 0 19 2 9 0 37 7 8 0 22 6 4 0 25 7 8 0 12 6 5 0 15 3 6 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 0 0 34 0 0 32 0 0 47 0 0 24 0 0 36 0 0 25 0 0 21 6 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 4 5 0 12 5 2 0 20 7 5 0 28 9 3 0 24 2 3 0 15 5 0 0 51 1 0 38 6 0 12 6 3 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 1 9 0 21 7 1 0 30 7 3 0 45 6 2 0 48 1 0 0 25 7 0 0 33 5 0 19 0 4 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 57 0 12 2 0 19 8 0 0 25 0 2 0 19 6 0 0 13 7 6 0 16 2 4 0 15 8 0 0 84 8 0 83 0 12 1 3 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 71 0 33 8 8 0 55 5 1 0 87 6 4 0 10 5 2 3 0 54 3 8 0 20 7 0 33 9 4 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 41 1 0 32 2 7 0 29 9 3 0 34 2 8 0 35 5 1 0 36 4 4 0 30 3 0 17 5 5 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 64 8 0 69 3 0 58 8 0 72 5 0 64 8 0 74 0 0 15 0 7 0 29 1 7 0 20 6 4 0 15 4 3 0 48 1 0 68 1 0 13 2 3 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 23 5 0 25 5 0 21 9 0 18 0 0 57 5 0 80 3 0 10 3 0 0 16 8 3 0 16 4 7 0 72 7 0 25 9 0 23 4 0 78 4 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 61 0 31 0 12 4 0 57 7 0 88 0 0 16 2 1 0 29 0 0 0 42 9 9 0 39 2 0 0 14 2 5 0 38 1 0 39 8 0 16 6 1 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 3 0 17 3 0 25 5 0 30 4 0 67 2 0 26 7 4 0 39 2 5 0 57 1 5 0 49 6 8 0 46 0 5 0 25 0 0 28 7 0 24 0 0 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 47 6 0 51 5 0 40 4 0 42 6 0 88 7 0 21 2 0 0 63 4 3 0 82 8 4 0 10 2 9 8 0 27 3 7 0 43 1 0 38 9 0 33 3 1 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 SR . 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 54 0 0 55 2 0 42 8 0 44 7 0 97 2 0 76 9 0 13 1 3 0 20 7 6 0 29 9 0 0 13 4 9 0 45 1 0 39 8 0 12 2 8 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 11 4 1 0 15 3 8 0 13 2 0 0 16 1 8 0 36 4 0 61 4 0 40 2 0 88 7 0 11 2 5 0 12 1 8 0 95 3 0 10 2 6 0 12 2 0 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 31 0 19 0 37 0 44 0 69 0 69 0 46 0 22 0 16 0 36 9 0 30 0 38 0 32 0 32 0 61 0 76 0 96 0 22 0 0 97 0 14 1 0 34 0 37 0 89 4 0 !I k 14 6 0 15 4 0 12 1 0 18 8 0 25 0 60 0 87 0 87 0 93 0 11 6 0 13 2 0 13 5 0 13 4 4 0 44 30 8 0 25 0 0 26 5 0 28 9 0 38 1 0 48 0 0 93 8 0 84 8 0 10 9 4 0 87 0 0 29 0 0 . 25 0 0 62 6 3 0 45 S R 27 0 0 36 9 0 29 4 0 32 6 0 49 9 0 27 0 0 54 5 0 72 7 0 43 5 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 31 9 0 47 5 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 68 5 0 15 4 0 22 0 10 1 0 39 2 0 30 8 0 47 9 0 67 1 0 35 8 0 50 0 0 69 6 0 72 1 0 50 8 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 35 8 0 31 9 0 31 5 0 55 0 0 12 1 0 46 0 31 9 0 45 0 0 22 9 0 11 2 0 73 0 49 3 0 33 8 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 41 1 0 12 4 0 51 7 0 22 1 0 23 1 0 68 0 0 13 4 0 40 7 0 41 2 0 29 2 0 98 0 35 2 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 47 3 0 28 1 9 0 59 6 3 0 49 5 2 0 65 4 0 0 56 0 6 0 99 0 91 0 26 5 5 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 29 9 0 36 9 0 27 6 0 40 3 0 43 0 0 41 4 0 77 3 0 12 7 5 0 10 2 8 0 42 2 0 30 0 0 34 8 0 63 3 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 30 5 0 32 5 0 39 0 19 6 0 10 1 3 0 26 5 6 0 23 3 7 0 26 0 7 0 59 3 7 0 47 1 4 0 11 4 9 0 28 8 0 21 5 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 10 6 0 0 27 0 0 38 0 54 0 23 3 0 72 9 2 0 78 0 6 0 96 7 5 0 94 7 5 0 36 1 8 0 33 2 0 42 2 0 40 2 7 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 39 0 34 4 0 21 8 0 50 4 0 45 6 0 61 0 36 5 0 26 0 0 22 3 0 32 7 0 26 5 0 24 8 0 33 1 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 Jo e M . O l m s t e a d , P E Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 4 o f 7 P a g e s 50 9 - 29 2 - 26 0 4 jo l m s t e a d ~ w i n d w i r e l e s s . n e t C:\ D o c u m e o . Se t t i n g s l L a u r a l L o c a i S e t t i n g s l T e m p o r a r y i n t e m e t F i l e s l O L K 8 1 4 1 1 P U C T e s t D a t a O CD S St o n e r i d g e U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s .; ) / 0 / 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 .. . . ~ ~ 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sv s JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO Y . DE C To t a l s si z e =I t 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 37 0 93 2 0 27 4 0 35 7 0 18 8 6 0 34 5 9 0 33 6 6 0 18 6 4 0 17 5 0 71 0 12 4 2 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 15 4 11 1 0 15 5 0 13 4 0 86 0 19 9 0 83 0 64 0 70 0 14 0 1 0 20 0 23 2 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 5 17 8 0 23 0 0 17 5 0 27 0 0 26 3 0 18 2 0 64 7 0 10 1 3 0 11 2 1 0 93 8 0 12 3 0 20 7 0 53 4 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 7 35 6 0 33 9 0 12 8 0 23 5 0 10 5 0 21 4 0 28 5 0 16 6 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 8 31 8 0 29 1 0 88 0 29 6 0 20 7 2 0 38 6 8 0 39 9 6 0 56 7 1 0 63 2 5 0 29 4 2 0 69 8 0 24 9 0 26 8 1 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 16 9 32 4 0 48 6 0 51 8 0 81 2 0 83 4 0 33 9 0 51 9 0 59 8 0 44 3 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 0 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 17 1 24 7 0 46 0 10 5 0 53 0 23 0 48 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 2 17 2 0 0 60 0 10 4 0 20 2 0 50 0 67 3 0 24 5 0 30 5 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 3 26 8 0 33 0 97 0 23 0 66 0 27 8 0 41 2 0 19 4 0 70 0 54 0 26 0 15 2 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 4 43 0 35 3 0 32 4 0 72 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 5 86 3 0 72 0 27 5 0 28 9 0 65 0 43 1 0 44 0 20 4 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 6 38 6 0 0 18 1 0 64 0 41 1 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 17 7 69 2 0 41 8 0 22 0 14 3 0 80 0 22 0 25 9 0 36 7 0 27 0 91 0 21 2 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 1 23 1 0 25 2 0 20 6 0 17 9 0 33 9 0 52 0 23 7 0 23 6 0 28 8 0 20 6 0 19 0 0 24 1 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 3 81 0 14 9 0 33 0 30 7 0 14 9 0 32 8 0 18 5 0 14 6 0 29 0 50 0 14 5 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 5 31 8 0 36 7 0 13 7 0 36 9 0 13 0 37 8 0 67 0 0 69 6 0 34 9 0 36 8 0 36 6 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 18 8 41 7 0 50 5 0 27 8 0 38 9 0 35 0 64 0 20 6 9 0 30 6 0 45 3 0 45 1 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 0 10 0 90 0 20 0 35 5 0 39 9 0 87 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 6 21 0 97 2 0 11 7 0 0 71 1 0 28 7 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 19 7 23 5 9 0 57 0 24 2 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 0 53 0 55 0 19 8 0 58 0 37 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 1 10 5 0 10 1 0 90 0 13 4 0 11 7 0 11 2 7 0 95 0 85 0 83 0 19 3 7 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 2 13 8 0 97 0 23 5 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 3 83 6 0 83 6 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 4 37 7 7 0 23 8 3 0 61 6 1 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 5 43 5 0 15 0 2 0 10 1 1 0 71 0 0 40 6 0 50 2 0 41 6 0 49 8 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 6 24 0 0 24 0 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 20 8 14 0 37 0 15 0 16 0 94 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 Jo e M . O l m s t e a d , P E Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 5 o f 7 P a g e s 50 9 - 29 2 - 26 0 4 jo l m s t e a d ~ w i n d w i r e l e s s . ne t 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 +o r ~ j 12 M o n t h Me t e r Sy S JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO Y . DE C To t a l s si z e c( "* = 20 9 72 0 15 1 0 42 0 27 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 0 33 7 0 40 0 39 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 1 10 1 0 51 0 15 3 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 2 65 0 13 0 84 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 3 17 0 53 0 86 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 4 22 0 25 0 27 0 91 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 5 25 0 18 3 0 16 1 0 20 4 0 21 6 0 78 9 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 6 24 0 35 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 7 15 0 36 0 10 0 64 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 21 8 23 0 92 0 13 2 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 22 0 41 2 0 44 4 0 34 4 0 42 2 0 19 8 2 0 53 2 0 39 5 0 45 3 1 0 22 1 44 0 31 0 24 1 0 17 0 10 0 34 9 0 22 3 22 7 0 36 0 0 34 8 0 23 9 0 35 0 21 9 0 14 2 8 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 22 4 20 0 25 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 22 5 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 22 8 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 22 9 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 0 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 1 19 1 5 5 0 82 3 0 96 6 0 20 9 4 4 0 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 23 4 5/ 8 x 3 / 4 23 5 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 6 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 7 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 8 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 23 9 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 24 0 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 24 3 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 0 5 / 8 x 3 / 4 14 3 3 7 . 28 6 7 5 28 6 7 5 28 6 7 5 14 3 3 7 , 11 4 7 0 0 Jo e M . O l m s t e a d , P E 50 9 - 29 ~ 2 6 0 4 C: \ O o c u m e n t . _ de t t l n g a \ l a u r e I L o c a l S e t t i n g s l T e m p o r a r y I n t e m e t F i l e s l O L K 8 1 4 1 1 P U C T e s t D a t a o CI j S S t o n e r i d g e U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s ~/ d / 2 0 0 7 Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r Pa g e 6 o f 7 P a g e s Jo l m s t e a d ~ w l n d w i r e l e s s . n e t C: l D o c u m e o - .: i e t t i n g s l L e u r e l L o c a l S e t t i n g s l T e m p o r e r y l n t e m e t Fil e s l O L K 8 1 4 1 1 P U C T e s t D a t a O CIj S St o n e r i d g e U t i l i t i e s L L C Wa t e r C u s t o m e r s Co n s u m p t i o n - G a l l o n s ", , 0 / 2 0 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 20 0 5 1: ) 12 M o n t h Me t e r (, ) Sv s JA N . FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T . NO V . 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