HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020301Comments.pdfSCOTT WOODBURY ' DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ,-i a:s 9 9i IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0320 BAR NO.1895 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W.WASHINGTON BOISE,IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) REGARDING THE SALE OF THE STONE-)CASE NO.SWS-W-01-1 RIDGE WATER SYSTEM (CERTIFICATEOF ) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO.) 365)BY KEITH GARNER AND ISSUANCE OF A)COMMENTS OF THE NEW CERTIFICATE FOR THE SERVICE )COMMISSION STAFF AREA TO CDS STONERIDGE ASSOCIATES-)LAND,LLC AND A REQUESTFOR A )RECONNECTION/STAND-BY FEE. COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its Attorneyof record,Scott Woodbury,Deputy Attorney General,and in response to the Notice of Application,Notice of Modified Procedure,Notice of Comment/Protest Deadline and Notice of Comment/Protest Deadline issued on February 8,2002,submits the followingcomments. The Commission received an Application on December 21,2001 requesting that Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No.365 issued to Keith Garner dba Stoneridge Water Company be cancelled and a new certificate be issued to CDS StoneridgeAssociates-Land,LLC (CDS).CDS is a Utah Limited LiabilityCompany qualified to do business in Idaho dba Stoneridge Water Company.By letter dated February 1,2002,the Company requested a change to the Company's existing rule l 1.1 for disconnection and reconnection of service to provide for a written two-day advance notice of a customers request to discontinue service.The Company STAFF COMMENTS 1 MARCH 1,2002 also requested a proposed reconnection fee of $50 or at the customer's option,to pay a monthly minimum charge of $14 during the period of disconnection. Attached to the Application were copies of: 1.A purchase and sale agreement between Keith Garner and Cully W.Davis or related assigns dated November 8,2000 together with an addendum dated December 22,2000. 2.A bill of sale dated March 29,2001. 3.A Special Warranty Deed dated March 29,2001 bearing the stamp of the Bonner CountyRecorder indicating it was filed as Instrument No.579483 on April 2, 2001. 4.An inventoryof Real property transferred in the sale. 5.An inventoryof personal property transferred in the sale. 6.A set of Financial Statements for purchaser for October 2001. 7.A Certificate of Existence for CDS Stoneridge Associates-Golf,LLC from the State of Utah. 8.An Application for Registration of Foreign Limited LiabilityCompany bearing the stamp of the Idaho Secretary of State. Staff Analysis Staff has reviewed each of the above documents.Althoughitem number seven above bears the name of an affiliated Limited LiabilityCompany (CDS Stoneridge Associates -Golf rather than Land),Staff has verified through the Utah Commerce Commission that CDS Stoneridge Associates-Land is a valid registered company in that state and is qualified to do business in Idaho. The financial statements and property inventories (real and personal)are consolidated for several business activities.Inventories include vacant land for real estate development activities, improved golfcourse land,commercial and residential buildings,restaurant equipment, household furniture and electronics,office equipment,golfing equipment and grounds maintenance equipment.The inventories do not include any separately identified personal property (wells,pumps,pipes etc)associated specifically with the water system. Staff notes that the buyer has been operating this water system since January 1,2001 and that the buyer has retained the employee responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system.Staff further notes that the sale was consummated without the prior approval of this STAFF COMMENTS 2 MARCH 1,2002 Commission as required in Order No.28206 granting the initial certificate to Keith Garner.Staff believes the buyer has demonstrated both the financial and technical ability to operate and maintain the water system.The buyer should however be directed to segregate the water system operation from the other business activities of the buyer.All water system assets must be separately identified and an accounting system consistent with the Commission's Annual Report Form should be established. It appears to Staff that through this purchase,the buyer is taking over all of the development and business activities of the original developer.The Commission's Rule 103 for small water companies presumes that all of the costs of installinga water system by a land developerare recovered through the sale of the developedreal estate.The buyer,therefore, stands in the shoes of the land developer and has no capital investment in the water system for ratemaking purposes. The Application,as amended,also includes a change to the rules and rates regarding reconnection charges.The proposed rate is nearly double any comparable rate for a water company in Idaho.The amended schedule requires a customer who wishes to discontinue service to "...give written notice to the Utility Company no less than two (2)days in advance..." and gives the customer the option to pay either a $50 reconnection fee or pay the minimum monthly charge of $14 during the period of disconnection. Staff researched Commission Case files and discovered that a reconnection rate was approvedby Commission Order No.28376 in Case No.SWS-W-00-01.That Order approved reconnection fees of $14 during office hours and $28 for after office hours.The owner,Keith Garner,was directed to file tariff sheets consistent with the Order.Mr.Garner never filed the tariff nor did he provide the information to the buyer.Staff has discussed these rates with the Applicant's representative,Mr.Roger Sanders,who has agreed that the rates approved by Order No.28376 are acceptable for the time being. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1.Certificate No.365 issued to Keith Garner should be cancelled. 2.A new Certificate should be issued to CDS Stoneridge Associates-Land,LLC dba Stoneridge Water Company. 3.The Applicant should be directed to establish an accounting system for the water system separate and distinct from all other business activities. STAFF COMMENTS 3 MARCH 1,2002 4.The Applicant should be informed that pursuant to Commission Rule 103 for small water companies,no value will be placed on the water system assets for ratemaking purposes. 5.The proposed rate schedule for disconnection and reconnection charges should not be approved.The Commission should reaffirm the existing reconnectionrates ($14 and $28).The two-day advance notice for a customer to request disconnection is reasonable,but a written request should not be required. 6.The Applicant should be directed to file new tariff sheets,signed by an authorized representative,reflecting the name of the new owner. 7.The Applicant should be required to adopt the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01,Customer Information Rules (IDAPA 31.21.02)and Small Water Company Policies (IDAPA 31.36.01). Respectfullysubmitted this day of March 2002. Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:Bob Smith Michael Fuss Marge Maxwell SW:jo:i:umisc/comments/sws w0 1.I swmfussmmres STAFF COMMENTS 4 MARCH 1,2002 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 1ST DAY OF MARCH 2002, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF,IN CASE NO.SWS-W-01-01,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: KEITH E GARNER CDS STONERIDGE ASSOCIATES-LAND, STONERIDGE UTILITIES CO LLC 1204 EAST SOUTH TEMPLE 4885 SOUTH 900 EAST,SUITE 100 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84117 CDS STONERIDGE ASSOICATES-LAND CULLY W DAVIS LLC 1350 E DRAPER PARKWAY C/O THOMAS W CLARK DRAPER UT 84020 PO BOX 991 POCATELLO ID 83204-0991 ROGER SANDERS PROJECT MANAGER CDS STONERIDGE ASSOC. PO BOX 280 BLANCHARD ID 83804 SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE