HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010Annual Report.pdf. ,~ Sws-w ANNUAL REPORT~/ ~kC'~ 1¡c1' '/l).t:. 'rIg 'ô 4,fAOF ~~v&, NAME KEVIN ANDERSON CDS/STONERIDGE WATER 5295 S COMMERCE DR STE 175 MURRY UT 84107 TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 1.o/¿) ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31-Dec-10 COMPANY INFORMATION 1 Give full name of utility 2 Date of Organization 3 Organized under the laws of the state of 4 Address of Principal Offce (number & street) 5 P.O. Box (if applicable) 6 City 7 State 8 Zip Code 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, corp.) 10 Towns, Counties served Murray Utah 84107 partnership Stoneridge resort and golf course community Blanchard, Idaho 11 Are there any affliated companies? yes If yes, attch a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utilty. 12 Contact I nformation Name President (Owner) Vice President Secretary General Manager Complaints or Biling Engineering Emergency Service Accounting 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions madeto the service area during the year? No If yes, attach a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utilty. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? Street Address 5295 Commerce Drive, Suite 175City MurraySææ UæhZip 84107 Dean Allara 208) 437-3148 DeanAllara 208) 437-3148 Brad Hansen 208) 437-2180 i 208) 437-2180Brad Hansen Keith Rusho '208) 437-2180 Kevin Anderson 801) 284-2939 Phone No Rev 3/02 Page 1 NAME:CDS Stoneridge Utilities: LLC COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont.) For the Year Ended 31-Dec-10 15 Is the system operated or maintained under a service contract? 16 If yes: With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? No 17 Is water purchased for resale through the system? 18 If yes: Name of Organization Name of owner or operator Mailing Address City State Zip No Gallons/CCF $Amount Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality? No If yes, attch full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? No If yes, attch full explanation See letters and responses attached 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning:Quality of Service 3High Bils 3Disconnection 0 22 Number of Customers involuntarily disconnected 2 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of Rules required by IOAPA 1-Jul-07 Attch a copy of the Summary * All customers receive a copy also. 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? No If yes, attach full explanation and an updated system map Rev 3/02 Page 2 NAME: ACCT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 460 461.1 461.2 462 464 465 466 400 CDS Stoneridge Utilities. LLC REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended 31-Dec-10 DESCRIPTION 400 REVENUES Unmetered Water Revenue Metered Sales - Residential Metered Sales - Commercial, Industrial Fire Protection Revenue Other Water Sales Revenue Irrigation Sales Revenue Sales for Resale Total Revenue (Add Lines 1 - 7) (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) 9 * DEQ Fees Biled separately to customers 10 ** Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 11 ***Commission Approved Surcharges Collected 401 OPERATING EXPENSES 12 601.1-6 Labor - Operation & Maintenance 13 601.7 Labor - Customer Accounts 14 601.8 Labor - Administrative & General 15 603 Salaries, Officers & Directors 16 604 Employee Pensions & Benefits 17 610 Purchased Water 18 615-16 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 19 618 Chemicals 20 620.1-6 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maint. 21 620.7-8 Materials & Supplies - Administrative & General 22 631-34 Contract Services - Professional 23 635 Contract Services - Water Testing 24 636 Contract Services - Other 25 641-42 Rentals - Propert & Equipment 26 650 Transportation Expense 27 656-59 Insurance 28 660 Advertising 29 666 Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 30 667 Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 32 675 Miscellaneous 33 Total Operating Expenses (Add lines 12 - 32, also enter on Pg 4, line 2) Rev 3/02 Page 3 113,242 22,368 4,810 32,526 172,945 Booked to Acct # 4,810 Booked to Acct ti Booked to Acct # 323200 12,014 8,565 1,959 9,222 606 9,305 4,594 3,824 6,716 558 554 57,916 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended 12/31/2010 ACCT#DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8)172,945 2 Operating Expenses (From Page 3, line 33)57,916 3 403 Depreciation Expense 37,846 4 406 Amortization, Utility Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp. - Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC)141 7 408.11 Propert Taxes 866 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 4,809 9A 408.13 Other Taxes (list)DEQ Fees 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 11 409.11 State Income Taxes 12 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - Federal 13 410.11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - State 14 411 Provision for Deferred Utilty Income Tax Credits 15 412 Investment Tax Credits - Utility 16 Total Expenses from operations before interest (add lines 2-15)101,578 17 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 18 414 Gains (Losses) From Disposition of Utility Plant 19 Net Operating Income (Add lines 1,17 &18 less line 16)71,367 20 415 Revenues, Merchandizing Jobbing and Contract Work 21 416 Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing & Contracts 22 419 Interest & Dividend Income 23 420 Allowance for Funds used During Construction 24 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Income 25 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 26 408.20 Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 27 409-20 Income Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 28 Net Non-Utility Income (Add lines 20,22,23 & 24 less lines 21,25,26, & 27) 29 Gross Income (add lines 19 & 28)71,367 30 427.3 Interest Exp. on Long-Term Debt 4,021 31 427.5 Other I nterest Charges 32 NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 & 31)(Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2)67,347 Rev 3/02 Page 4 301 Organization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Land & Land Rights 304 Structures and Improvements 737315 1,318 738,633 305 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs 306 Lake, River & Other Intakes 307 Wells 308 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supply Mains 66238 66,238 310 Power Generation Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment 90087 1,296 91,383 320 Purification Systems 5078 5,078 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 333 Services 334 Meters and Meter Installations 289 289 335 Hydrants 13823 13,823 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 3051 3,051 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 341 Transportation Equipment 9754 9754 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 344 Laboratory Equipment 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 Communications Equipment 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tangible Propert 9754 9,754 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE 935388.45 2,614 0 938,002 Name: SUB ACCT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rev 3/02 CDS Stoneridge Utilities. LLC ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended 12/31/2010 DESCRIPTION Balance Beginning of Year Removed During Year Added During Year (Add lines 1 - 28) Balance End of Year Enter beginning & end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 1 PageS Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL SUB Depreciation Rate Balance Beginning Balance End of Increase or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ACCT#DESCRIPTION %of Year Year (Decrease) 304 Structures and Improvements 426,803 456,465 29,662 305 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs 306 Lake, River & Other Intakes 307 Wells 308 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supply Mains 41,864 44,774 2,910 310 Power Generation Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment 56,852 60,803 3,951 320 Purification Systems 1,787 1,911 124 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 333 Services 334 Meters and Meter Installations 1,129 1,207 78 335 Hydrants 6,600 7,059 459 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 790 845 55 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 341 Transportation Equipment 8,729 9,336 607 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 344 Laboratory Equipment 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 Communications Equipment 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tangible Propert TOTALS (Add Lines 1 - 25)544,554 582,400 37,846 Enter beginning & end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 7 Rev 3/02 Page 6 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 ASSETS Balance Beginning Balance End of Increase or ACCT#DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 101 Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 29)935,388 938,002 2,614 102 Utility Plant Leased to Others 103 Plant Held for Future Use 105 Construction Work in Progress 114 Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5)935,388 938,002 2,614 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 26)544,554 582,400 37,846 108.2 Accum. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 108.3 Accum. Depr. - Propert Held for Future Use 110.1 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant in Service 110.2 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 115 Accumulated Amortization - Aquisition Adj. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 123 15 125 16 17 131 18 135 19 141 20 142 21 145 22 151 23 162 24 173 25 143 26 27 181 28 183 29 184 30 186 31 Rev 3/02 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 - 12) Investment in Subsidiaries Other Investments Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) Cash Short Term Investments Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers Other Receivables Receivables from Associated Companies Materials & Supplies Inventory Prepaid Expenses Unbiled (Accrued) Utility Revenue Provision for Uncollectable Accounts Total Current (Add lines 17 -24 less line 25) Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense Preliminary Survey & Investigation Charges Deferred Rate Case Expenses Other Deferred Charges Total Assets (Add lines 13, 16 & 26 - 30) 390834 355602 -35232,,, 0 20,158 20,158 8,799 5,062 -3,737 1,039 899 -140 9,838 26,119 16,281 381,722400,672 -18,951 Page 7 CDS Stoneridge Utilities. LLC Balance Sheet For Year Ended 12-31-10 Balance Beginning Increase or Balance End of of Year Year (Decrease) 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 123,223 123,223 0 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings 215 Unappropriated Retained Earnings -713,129 -698,804 14,325 216 Reacquired Capital Stock 218 Proprietary Capital7 8 9 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) Bonds Advances from Associated Companies Other Long - Term Debt Accounts Payable Notes Payable Accounts Payable - Associated Companies Customer Deposits (Refundable) Accrued Other Taxes Payable Accrued Income Taxes Payable Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility Accrued Debt, Interest & Dividends Payable Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilties Unamortized Debt Premium Advances for Construction 221-2 223 11 224 12 231 13 232 14 233 15 235 16 236.11 17 236.12 18 236.2 19 237-40 20 241 21 251 22 252 23 253 24 255.1 25 255.2 26 261-5 27 271 28 272 29 281-3 30 31 Other Deferred Liabilties Accumulated Investment Tax Credits - Utility Accum. Investment Tax Credits - Non-Utility Operating Reserves Contributions in Aid of Construction Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. ** Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 - 29 TOTAL LIAB & CAPITAL (Add lines 8 & 30) ** Only if Commission Approved Rev 3/02 Page 8 -589906 14325-575581,,, 13,176 13,541 365 462,754 443,973 -18,781 514,007 495,553 -18,454 641 4,235 3,595 990,578 957,303 -33,275 400,672 381,722 -18,950 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities. LLC STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 1 Retained Earnings Balance ~ Beginning of Year 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income (From Pg 4, Line 32) 3 Other Credits to Account 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance ~ End of Year -713,129 67,347 -53,022 -698,804 7 Description (Class, Par Value etc.) CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares d No. Shares Stoneridge Utilities LLC is accounted for as a partnership Authorize utstan In9 ai no stock o d. Dividends P .d DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT Interest Year-end Interest Interest8 D . tescripl10n Rate Balance Paid Accrued Note from DeDartment of Environmental Qualitv 2.00%443,973 Rev 3/02 Page 9 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities: LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply: Rated Capacity Type of Treatment: (None, Chlorine Fluoride Annual Production Water Supply Source (Well, Spring, Pumo Desii:nation or location (aom)Filter etc.)(OOO's Gal.)Surface Wtr) Well #1 E005117 800 Chlorine 39687.6 Well Well #1 E005118 o Chlorine back-uo Well Well #3 D0040131 600 Chlorine 41650.3 Well 3 System Storage: Total Capacity OOO's Usable Capacity OOO's Type of Reservoir Construction (Elevated, Pres- (Wood, Steel Storace Desicnation or Location Gal.Gal.urized, Boosted'Concrete) Storai:e tank 1/4 mile west of wells 315000 315000 Elevated Concrete 2 storaae tanks 1 mile west of wells 20000 20000 buried Steel 4 storai:e tanks 1 mile west of wells 12000 12000 buried Concrete (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilties added this year.) Rev 3/02 Page 10 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities: LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. Designation or Location Horse Rated Capacity Discharge Pressure Energy Used & Tvoe of Pumo**Power (gpm)(psi)This Year Pumo #1 line shaft turbine 125 1000 115 84890 kwh Pumo #1 line shaft turbine 0 0 o backuo Pumo #3 submersible 100 600 115 84890 kwh ... .** Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. 5 If Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? What was the total amount pumped during peak month? What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? 81.3 millon gall, 22.0 millon galJ .82 milion gallo 6 If customers are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month?20.8 millon galJ 7 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? If Yes: What is current system rating? yes 5 8 How many times were meters read this year? During which months? 7 April to October 9 How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 720 503 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? If Yes, attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costs! no 11 In what year do you anticipate that the system capacity (supply, storage or distribution) wil have to be expanded?2016/2017 Rev 3/02 Page 11 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities: LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended 31-Dec-10 FEET OF MAINS 10"1355'1355' 8"11390'11,390' 6"11,550'11,550' 4"9500 9500' 3"27,900'27,900' 2"4250'4250' 12"100'100' In Use Beginning Of Year Installed During Year Abandoned During Year In Use End of Year 1 Pipe Size 66045 CUSTOMER STATISTICS Number of Customers Thousands of Gallons Sold TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) This Last This Last Year Year Year Year 338 338 23,909 45,485 14 13 33,778 56,914 352 351 57,687 102,399 2 Metered: 2A Residential 2B Commercial 2C Industrial 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residential 3B Commercial 3C Industrial 4 Private Fire Protection 5 Public Fire Protection 6 Street Sprinkling 7 Municipal, Other 8 Other Water Utilities Rev 3/02 Page 12 04/14/2011 09: 06 6505791320 BRIDGE INV GROUP PAGE 01101 CERTIFICA TE Stateof~ ) countyof~~~ ss "". tho 0""''';9"'' Deo- ~~ ~i::;:~r~do ~'s,S!:Fk~ utility, on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direion, from the Qriginal books, papers iind records of sÐjd utilty; that we have carefully examined Silme, ã1nd declare the same to be a correct statement of the busínes$ end affairs of said utilty for the peñod covered by the report in respect to each and evory matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. CJ~C)~ (Chief Offær) 7 ~~(( Charge of Accunts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me(~~ii ~OTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires -- I ,r 40 1 ;; gdkleiceJ/JelSonanulrprannualrpi..JM.." ..~......t~-.IlIl11 . ... ,"' IUIIAY, UTAHN1.7 , ", 'CO EX.IM-22 Reii 3/02 Page 13 Addendum to item #11 CDS Stoneridge Parters Ths entity is a major equity holder of Stonerdge Utilities, Land and Golf The ownership consists of several limited parers with Dean Allar Chs Young, and Dan Stager as gener parer CDS Stoneridge Land Ths is a sister company of Stonerdge Utilities and is owned by CDS Stonerdge Parers CDS Stoneridge Golf Ths is a sister company of Stonerdge Utilities and is owned by CDS Stonerdge Parers These entities all have the same addresses as that of Stonerdge Utilities. They provide admstrative, management and financial serces to Stonerdge Utilties. Stoneridge Water Company P.O. Box 298, Blanchard, ID 83804 Phone: (208) 437-2180 Fax: (208) 437-2181 Summary of Rules To Our Water Customers: This is a sumary of the rules for service for all Stonerdge Water Company customers as determined by the Idaho Public Utiities Commission (iUC). These rules cover the rihts and responsibilties of the Customer and the Utity. Please review the new approved rate schedule under "Notification and Biling." If you have any questions concerning this inormation please contact us or you can directly contact the IPUC, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83726-0074,1-800-432-0369. TERMATION WITH PRIOR NOTICE With proper customer notice Stoneridge Water Company may deny or termate water serce for one of the followig reasons: 1. Non-payment of a pas due bil or payment of a pas due bil with an NSF check. 2. Faiure to honor the terms of a payment argement. 3. Obtaining servce by false identity. 41 Refusing to allow access to the water meter shut-off valve. 5. Wilfuy wastig service though improper equipment or otherwse 1 6. Failure to apply for serce. TERMATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Stoneridge Water Company may deny or terminte wate service without notice for one of the following reasons: 1. A sitution exist that is imedately dangerous to life, physical safety or propert. 2. To prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes. 3. Servce is obtaed, diverted or used without the autorization of Stoneridge Wate Company. 4. Stoneridge Water Company has dilgently attempted to notify you of termtion and has been unble to contat you. 5. If ordered by any cour, The Commission or any other duly autorized public authority. NOTIFICATION AN BILLING I: Meters will be read on the first business day of each month (weather providing). Bils will be sent out by the 10th with payment due by the 25th of each month. The basic monthy fee is determed by meter size and is as follows: a.) 0.75" - $24.00 per month; 1.00" - $42.67 per month; 1.50" - $96.00 per month; 2.00" - $170.67 pe month; 2.50" - $266.67 per month; 3.00" - $384.00 per month; 4.00" - $682.67 per month; and 6.00" - $1,536.00 per month. The commodity chage is $0.79/1,000 gallons, with the exception of the Golf Course whose chage is $0.71/1,000 galons. Ths reflects a 10% discount becae of its interrptble, off-peak usage capabilties. b.) In addition, Happy Valley Rachos Water Customer and other customers connected to tht par of the watr system shall pay a surcharge of $16.83 per month for loan cost. 2. A biling will be considered past due (60) days afr the biling date. A wrtten Initial Notice must be mailed at lea (7) seven days before the proposed tetion date. A wrtten Fina Notice wil be mailed on the expiration date of the Intial Notice. There will be a Grce Perod of (7) seven days af the Fin Notice has bee mailed. 3. At leas (24) twenty-four hours before the serce is termted a notice will be l~ft at the propert advising you of the steps neeed to have servces resored. 4. When the (24) twenty-four hour perod has ended another attempt wil be made to contact you in person or by telephone before serce is tennated. 5. Only a (24) twenty-four hour notice is requied if you do not make an intial payment according to the payment argement or the intial payment is not honored by the ban. PAYMT ARGEMENTS AN SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES If you canot pay your biling in full or you receive a notice of teimination, pleae call our offce at (208) 437-2180. Payment argements ca be made to avoid termtion of serce. If you canot pay your bil and a member of your household is seriously il or there is a medcal emergency, Stonerdge Water Company wil postpone termination of service for (30) thrt days. A wrtten certcation is required from a licesed physician or public heath offcial sttig the name of the person who is il, and the nae, title and signatue of the person cerfyng the serious ilness or medical emergency. COMPLAINT PROCEDURS If at any time you have a complaint concerng the termintion of servce, policies and practices or any other matter regardig our serice please contact Stoneridge Water Company, in person, by telephone or in writig. Your complait will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. You will be notified orally or in wrtig the results of the investgation and we wil make every effort to resolve the complait. If you are dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of your complaint, you may ask the IPUC to review the matter. Your request may be done orally or in wrìting. Your servce will not be disconnected while the complaint is being investigated by the utilty or the iPUC. RESTRCTION OF TERMATION OF SERVICE Service will not be disconnected on Friday after 12:00 noon or on a Satuday, Sunday, Legal Holidays recognzed by the state ofIdaho, or afer 12:00 noon on any day imediately before any legal holiday. Service wil only be tenninated between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. The employee sent to the premises to termnate service will identify hiself!erself to you and state the purose of the visit. Ths person is authoried to accept payment in fuL. HOOK-UP The company reserves the right to deny hook-ups durng the winter months due to adverse weather conditions. New hook-ups will be scheduled as soon as weather conditions permt. , HOOK-UP CHAGES AN MONTHLY FEES A one time hook-up charge of $1,200.00 will be paid in advance for any new serice hook-up: The extra costs of any out-of-the-ordin circumstaces requirig additional equipment or special constrction technques involved in the intaation of a new service connection will be ageed to in advance and put into writing by the customer and the company. Ony one residence per hook-up is allowed. Any irrgaton usage will now be metered. The monthy rate is as appears on Page One t1derc'Notifeation and Biling". Payment is due by the 25th of the month. bils will be considered deliquent by the 30th of the month. Arangements can be made to pay in advance monthy. quaerly. semi-anualy or anually. RECONNCTION FEE If water servce is teate. the balance in fu. plus a reconnect fee of$18.50 (durg offce hours) or $33.50 (afer hours) is due ifreconnecton is done withn 3D-days. Afer 30-days the reconnect fee is as follows: METER SIZ:RECONNCT FEE AFER 30-DAYS: 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 $65.00 $116.00 $260.00 $462.00 $722.00 $1,040.00 $1,849.00 $4,160.00 NO ONE EXCEPT AN AUTHORIED AGENT OF THE COMPANY SHAL TAMER WIH COMPANY'S LOCKIG VALVE AND METER. , ~,,-,,,"Y:\"!i,ii," . ..-sO', S-, ~i:,.., ' :~7,' '::///" ' ,'';' r',._, _,'.~~ '..\'trr-'\-r \.\.- cf!~rØ L" i ¡-. J í. .:~ :: ~ a,.:i..: .. l' t:,"\W S "r1" , ,ft .k , .~ 6" .., V,l.'. J~" ~ .i_"::l7i¡,?STATE OF ID DEPARTMEN OF ENVRONMENTAl QUALITY 1410 No HI · Bo, Id 8370 · (20 373 Januar 7 t 2008 e:L "Bu" Ol. GoTon Hade, Di Cerified Mail No.: 700 0520 0016 4834 8293 Mr. Dea AHar CDS Stonendge Utilities 520 S. El Camino Real, Suite- ~30 San Mateo, CA 94402 Re: Drinkng Water Lo #DW-9918 De Mr. AHara: This letter is to confi your reeipt of the final disbursent payment of the Utility's drnkng water loan with the Dearent of Envirnmental Qulity an to faciltate the repayment of th Utlity's loa. Enclose yo wil find the Utility's promissory note, which includes a reyment schedule. The signed promissory note should be return to Carol Garson in this offce, at the addr listed above, by Febru 7. 200. If you have any queions or concers regaring this note pleae contact Carol Garon at (208) 373-0577. Sincerely,ß~l/.~ Barr N. Burll Water Quality Division Aùministrtor BNB:CG:bme Enclosure e: John Tindl. DEQ Cocm- d Alen Regi Office Carl Ga DEQ Stae Ofce Bil Hmt DEQ Stae Offce Lon Garz DEQ St Offce . ~ c~.jJ "":~ t;1W ,. , DEQ Loan #DW-9918 PROxiSSORY NO DRIING WA'1 FACILITY LO ACCOUN This Promissory Note is executed in conformnce with and pursuant to the Drinking Water Lo Contract (DW-9918) entered into between the CDS Stoneridge Utilities (Borrower) and the State of Idaho, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). For value received, CDS Stoneridge Utilities (herein called the "Borrower") promises to pay to the State the principal amot of four hundred thirty eight thouan five hundred dollars ($438,500), plus interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of two percent (2.00%) per annum. The principal and interest of this note shall be repaid in accordance with the Loan Repaymnt Schedule, which is attached as Appendix A and hereby incorporated by reference. In addition, the Borrower pledges revenue and income of the Borrower's drinking water treatment facility, whether collected or uncollected, in an amount sufficient to repay all principal and interest. The Borrower pledges to establish an maintain a reserve account equal to twenty one thousand nine hundred twenty fivedollars ($21, 925) of principal and interest. The reserve account will be fully funded within five years from the date this note is signed with at least twenty percent of the reserve account funded each year. Every paymnt made on any indetednss evidenced by this note shall be applied first to interest comuted to the effective date of the payment and then to principal. Prepayments of scheduled installments, or any portion thereof, may be made only with prior written permssion of the State. Refun and extra paymnts, afterpaymnt of interest, will be applied to the installments last tobecom due under this note and shall not affect the obligation ofthe Borrowr to pay the remaining installments as scheduled here,in. If the State at any time a$signs this note and insures the paymnt thereof, the Borrower shall continue to make payments to the State as collection agent for the holder. No assignment of this note shall be effective unless the Borrower is notified in writing of the name an address of the assignee. The Borrower shall thereupon duly note in its records the occurrence of such assignment, together with the name and addess of the assignee. Any amount advanced or expnded by the State for the collection hereof or to preserve or protect any security hereto, or otherwise under the term of any security or other instrument executed in t)f"-~::\~". . :~;~~...~ ",; Page Two Promissory Note. connection with the loan evidenced hereby, at the option of the State shall become a part of and bear interest at the same rate as the principal of the debt evidenced hereby and be immdiately due and payable by Borrower to the State wi thout demad. This note is given as evidence of a loan to Borrower made or insured by the State pursut to IDAPA 58 Title 1, Chpter 20. This note shall be subject to the present regulations of the State and to its future regulations not inconsistent with the expressprovisions hereof. Presentment, protest and notice are hereby waived. Loan paymnts shall be sent to: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 1410 North Hilton Boise, Idaho 83706-1253 Dated this A1l day of January 2008. (SEA) Signture of Borrr i s Official AftT: 0JNiJ,.d~w . r.4 6\lsgnture of Attesting Official Ú,XAi\d., '" ~í W,f1 G,.... (.1 ~~l .Title of Attesting Official J:Ht'wTi tle of Borrower i s Official ~.t14 /!.ammøCG.I:'le lh-nP.o. Box or Street Addrss IDU((4).J '.'. kl14YiCity, State,SfilP7Zip Cod (t;DATE 12-21-07 DEPT OF ENIRONMAL QUALITY AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE J'-~'-r...i....... .. ;.~.' APPENDU A RUN 12-21-07 AT 11: 03 PAGE LOAN NUER: STONE PH FR: 1 YEA: Y ORIG-LQ-DATE: 01-01-08 NET-PMT-DATE: 01-01-09 PM-TYPE: BCUR- BAE: IN RATE: NO OF PM: PMT AMUN: NAM: STIDGE IM-9918 438,500.002.0000 20 26,821.38 NO. PM- DATE DAYS AMOUN INTERST PRINCIPAL===================-=============c==========_:_=_=============================~.BACE 001 01-01-09 366 26,821. 38 8,794.03 18,027.35 366 26,821.38 8,794.03 18,027.35 002 01-01-10 365 26,821.38 8,409.45 18,411.93 365 26,821. 38 8,409.45 18,411.93 )03 01-01-11 365 26,821.38 8,041.21 18,780.17 365 26,821. 38 8,041.21 18,780.17 )04 01-01-12 365 :26,821.38 7,665.61 19,155.77 365 26,821.38 7,665.61 19,155.77 105 01-01-13 366 26,821.38 7,302.45 19,518.93 366 26,821. 38 7,302.45 19,518.93 06 01-01-14 365 26,821.38 6,892.12 19,929.26 365 26,821.38 6,892.12 19,929.26 07 01-01-15 365 26,821.38 6,493.53 20,327.85 365 26,821.38 6,493.53 20,327.85 08 01-01-16 365 26,821.38 6,086.97 20,734.41 365 26,821. 38 6,086.97 20,734.41 )9 01-01-17 366 26,821. 38 5,687.83 21,133.55 366 26,821. 38 5,687.83 21,133.55 .0 01-01-18 365 26,821.38 5,2(9.62 21,571. 76 365 26,821.3_8 5,249.62 21,571.76 _1 Oi-oi-1 365 26,82L 4.. 818.Ul 22.003.20 365 2l,82.D 4,818.1.22,003.20 1 420,472.65 402,060.72 383,280.55 364,124.78 344,605.85 324,676.59 304,342.74 283,614.33 262,40-0.78 240,909.02 2l, 9Ð5 _ 82. , :~l;~'. ~ J_t.;t,:-.;;l; ()APPENIX A,~'.T~.:': NO.PMT-DATE DAYS AMOUN INTEREST PRINCIPAL BACE==== =======================================C=======_==========2================= 012 01-01-20 365 26,821.38 4,378.12 22,443.26 196,462.56 365 26,821.38 4,378.12 22,443.26 013 01-01-21 366 26,821.38 3,940.02 22,881.36 173,581.20 366 26,821.38 3,940.02 22,881.36 014 01-01-22 365 26,821.38 3,471.62 23,349.76 150,231.44 365 26,821.38 3,471.62 23,349.76 015 01-01-23 365 26,821.38 3,004.63 23,816.75 126,414.69 365 26,821.38 3,004.63 23,816.75 016 01-01-24 365 26,821. 38 2,528.29 24,293.09 102,121.60 365 26,821.38 2,528.29 24,293.09 017 01-01-25 366 26,821.38 2,048.03 24,773.35 77,348.25 366 26,821.38 2,048.03 24,773.35 )18 01-01-26 365 26,821.38 1,546. .96 25,274.42 52,073.83 365 26,821.38 1,546.96 25,274.42 119 01-01-27 365 26,821.38 1,041.48 25,779.90 26,293.93 365 26,821.38 1,041.48 25,779.90 20 01-01-28 365 26,819.81 525.88 26,293.93 365 26,819.81 525.88 26,293.93 7305 536,426.03 97,926.03 438,500.00 ,.' J . l~ ;~':~: : -;trt \)\I'Ma 1~",O. "'.'1,.,' " )- ~o, ~',"'i~l.ii_ .c. /: ,/":;. _,." ,_ _ _ _ i..r-i'. ,,' '''''' - .'..'to";,. ',_ ..f~~": \,\i"L~jú\.~ O. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2110 Ironwd Parky. Cour dAlene. Idaho 8314. (208) 7691422 C.L .Butch. Ot, Goerr Toni Hadesy, Diror May 12, 2008 Keith Rusho, Operator Stoneridge Water Supply System PO Box 298 Blanchard,lD 83804 RE: Sanitary Survey of Stoneridge Water System, PWS ID1090009 Dear Mr. Rusho: Thank you for your assistance in conducting a survey of the Stoneridge public water supply system. The Stoneridge water system was found to be in compliance with the Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems. The recent renovation of the water system and the connecon of the Happy Valley water system were well done. We did, however, note six deficiencies during the inspection. They were: 1. There was no well log for well #1. 2. A well vent needs to be installed in the pedestal of well 1. 3. All threaded taps in all water supply related buildings and facilities must be protected by atmospheric vacuum breakers. 4. The chlorine solution tanks in the pump house near the wells and the pump house serving the Happy Valley servce area must be vented to the outdoors, and all penetrations into the solution tanks mustbe sealed. . 5: Provisions must be made for eye washing and protecton during fillng of the chemical solution tanks. 6. There is a writen cross connection control program but no annual inspecions were penormed: There were no records of inspections of individual cross connection control device on file in the utilit offce. The procedure for addressing these defciencies is to create a Plan of Correction (POC): This is a document that lists the deficiencies that were noted by DEQ, how you intend to remedy them, and the dates of remediation. This POC must be sent to DEQ within 45 days of the date of this letter. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance during the survey. If you have any questions or comments about the survey report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (208) 769-1422: Sincerely"~ Anthony P Davis Analyst 0__ c: Steve Tanner, DEQ/CDA Laura Wiliams, 364 Stoneridge, Blanchard, ID 83804 ~~~ STONE RIDGE~ StoneRidge Utilities P.O. Box 298 Blanchad, il 83804 (208) 437-2180 Fax - (208) 437-2181 Keith Rusho, Utilities Maner (208) 437-2180 May 29, 2008 State of Idao Deparent of Environmental Quity 2110 Ironwood Parkway Coeur d Alene, ID 83814 Att: Anthony Davis Hello Tony Enclosed you wil fid StoneRidge Water System's Plan of Correcon in response to the Santa Surey letter received May 13th. We hope that our responses ar adequate and acceptable. We have asked for a I-yr. extension on Item #6 dealing with backfow/cross connecton inpecons to give us more tie to review our customer base and discover who will nee to be notied/advised of the necessar requirements to prevent irrigation backfow/cross connecton containtion. If you have any fuer questons we can be reached at 208-437-2180, P.O. Box 298, Blanchad, il or 104 Chatwold, Blanchard, ID. Regards, Laura L. Wiliams Adminsttive Assistt StoneRidge Utilty Company A~~ STONE RIDGE~ StoneRidge Utities P.O. Box 298 Blachd, ID 83804 (208) 437-2180 Fax -(208) 437-2181Keith Ruso, Utities Maer (208) 437-2180 Stte ofIdao DEQ 2110 Ironwood Parkwy Coeur d Alene, ID 83814 Att: Anthony Davis, Anyst PLA OF CORRTION - MAY 2008 - STONEGE WATE COMPAN - ID9009 Deficiency #1 There was no well log for well # 1 Correcon: See Exbit A - the available well logs frm 4/28/05. Deficiency #2 A well vent needs to be installed in the pedestal of well # 1 Correction - Insta Y2 PVC schedule 40 mae adpter silcone fittg to well bas and scen off outside fittng. To be completed by 6/15/08 Deficiency #3 All threaded taps in all water supply related buildings and facilities must be protected by atmospheric vacuum breakers Corrtion: In atmospherc vacuum brer to al1hed hose bib taps on somce pwps meter chore buidig, StoneRidge booster chlorie meter budig and Hapy Valley Rachos (H) mid-bost pumps buildig. To be complet by 6/15/08 Deficiency #4 The chlorine solution tanks in pump house near the wells and .the pump house serving Happ\' Valley Ranchos (HVR) service area must be vented to the outdoors. and al penetra1Ions into the solution tank must be sealed. Correction: Sea off top of chlonne soluton ta where chlorie injecor hoses enter ta Instl new vents below lid and hook up vent pipe to ext though the wal to the outside and scree off pipe. Seal hole thugh the wal. To be completed by 6/15/08 Deficiency #5 Provisions made for eye washing and protection during filJng of chcinÎc31 solution tanks Corrction: Order two stad alone Port Str D eyewah stations and fac shelds for the soure pums chlorie buildi and StoneRidg booster chlore buidig. Orered 5/2208 - wi be ined when they arve. To be completd by 7115/08 Deficiency #6 Tliere~ s a written cross connection control program but no annual inspections 1 No record of inspections of individual cross connection control devices on file in the utility offce Per a converstion with Tony Davis, DEQ Analyst on 5/28/08, StoneRi.dge Wat Compay retfy request a l-yr extension on addrssing Deficiency #6 due to om need to ven those cusomer with automatic irgation systems, both wit1 StoneRidge Golf Club Communty and Happy Valey Rachos (H) communty. We will nee to reseach and conf the source of their irgaton water - wheter from our well(s), irgation pond or their private well(s). We will then fuh those cuomers with a copy of our Backfow Cross Connection Policy and assist them in arging for tes of the bakfow devices by a certfied inector. We will also keep record of al customers with backfow devices and their testgcaenda. We wil begi testg of the back:ow devices the sumer of 2008 and will continue until tetin is completed. Thereaf tesg wil be done as reui by DEQ. 512912008 Exhibit A Well Logs - 04/28/05 Ma~ ~U Ub Uti: u~a .J H ~ewei i ~pO u::u:: J ./"t.I -~./::tt p. ë C~D11P1O1H~ IIMIlWeI TIl STONERIDGE UTILITIES WELL #3 TESTING Step Test 'I¡ilJø,' Prl &/W2 Well#S Well '# Well #1 Well #3 Well#2 Well #1 4/2812005 Flo WeIer Flow Water Flo Water Flo Water Flow Water Flow W.ter Time rate Level rate Level rae Level Time rate Level rate Level ree Level 4:30 0 95.17 0 93.00 100 n8 8:00 PM 600 96.50 0 100 na 6:00 PM 150 95.17 0 93.00 1000 na 8:01 PM 60 98.06 0 100 na 6:01 PM 150 96.00 0 1000 na 8:02 PM 60 96.71 0 100 na 6:02 PM 150 96.00 0 100 na 8:03 PM 600 96.64 0 100 ns 6:03 PM 150 94.63 0 10ó ne 8:04 PM 600 96.64 0 100 ns 6:04 PM 150 94.63 0 100 na 8:05 PM 600 96.68 0 1000 ns 6:05 PM 150 94.63 0 94.00 1000 ns 8:06 PM 600 96.63 0 100 na 6:06 pM 150 94.63 0 1000 os 8:07 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:07 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 ns 8:08 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:08 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 ns 8:09 PM 600 96.65 0 100 na 6:09 PM 150 94163 0 100 os 8:10 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ne 6:10 PM 150 94163 0 93.75 1000 ne 8:15 PM 600 96.65 0 93.04 1000 ns 6:15 PM 150 94.63 0 93.58 1000 ns 8:20 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:20 PM 150 94.63 0 92.42 1000 os 8:25 PM 60 96.65 0 1000 os 6:25 PM 150 94.63 0 93.25 1000 os 8:30 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 nB 6:30 PM 150 94.63 0 93.29 1000 ns 8:35 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:35 PM 160 94:63 0 1000 os 8:40 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:40 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 os 8:45 PM 600 96.65 0 93.92 1000 ne 6:45 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 ns 8:50 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:50 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 os 8:55 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:55 PM 150 94.63 0 94.08 1000 os 9:00 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:00 PM 450 94163 0 1000 ns 9:01 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:01 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:02 PM 750 97158 0 1000 os 7:02 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:03 PM 750 97.50 0 1000 na 7:03 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:04 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:04 PM 460 96.88 0 1000 na 9:05 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:05 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:06 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:06 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:07 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:07 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:08 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:08 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:09 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:09 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:10 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:10 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:16 PM 750 97.54 0 95.00 1000 ns 7:15 PM 450 95.88 0 94.08 1000 ns 9:20 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:20 PM 450 95188 0 1000 oa 9:25 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:25 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:30 PM 760 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:30 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:35PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:35 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:40 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:40 PM 450 95188 0 1000 ns 9:45 PM 750 97.54 0 95.00 100 ne 7:45 PM 450 95.88 0 94.08 1000 ns 9:50PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:50 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:55PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:55 PM 450 95.83 0 1000 na 10:00 PM 750 97.64 0 1000 ne 10:01 PM o 93.17 0 1000 ns 10:02 PM 0 94.00 0 1000 OS 10:03 PM 0 94.00 0 1000 ns 10:04 PM 0 94100 0 1000 na JAMES A SEWELL AND ASSOCIATES Counseling Engineers 9 S Washington Suite 708 Spokane, VVashmgton C; l i l l P ~ _ I I I l W e l T c a . . ST O N E R I D G E U T I L I T I E S WE L L # 3 T E S T I N G 15 0 % F l o w R a t e C h a r t Pr 5 1 1 i 1 ::01u:NC o CJ o IXIt 92 0 G P M F l o w R a t e o(1 ai 6: 0 0 92 . 0 0 6: 3 0 7: 0 0 7: 3 0 8: 0 0 Ti m e o f D a y ( h r : m n ) A M 8: 3 0 9 : 0 0 9 : 3 0 10 : 0 0 10 : 3 0 11 : 0 0 11 : 3 0 12 : 0 0 93 . 0 0 94 . 0 0 95 . 0 0 e-¡ 9 6 . 0 0 0'a I 97 . 0 0 c 98 . 0 0 99 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 10 1 . 0 0 i L iI ,- .. . . - ' "- - - ~ , A. i" , ii _ r~ , -j - I ,. - ! I' \ i -- ,- . . 1 - .1 , '" I i i i I .. I - c. :0 (J lDe lD....(J"o 01o CD-oJ....i 01..(Dai I. . W e U # 3 _ W e l l #2 I JA M E S A S E W E L L A N D A S S O C I A T E S Co n s u l t i g E n g i n e e r s 9 S W a s h i n g t o n S u i t e 7 0 8 Sp o k a n e , W a s h i n g t o n ".w C;1,_¡....\SIP.. __II Teald STONERIDGE UTILITIES WELL #3 TESTING Step Test ",¡,pip," pr\5l191200 weu#s Wellf1 Well,#1 Well #3 Well #2 well #1 4/281200 Flo Water FlO' Water Flow Water FlOW Water Flo Water FlO Water' Tle rate Level rate Level ra Level TI ra LCMI rae Level rete Level 4:30 0 95.17 0 9.3.00 100 na 8:00 PM 600 96.60 0 1000 ns 6:00 PM 150 95.17 0 93.00 1000 na 8:01 PM 600 98.06 0 1000 na 6:01 PM 150 96.00 0 100 ns 8:02PM 600 96.71 0 100 ns 6:02 PM 150 96.00 0 1000 na 8:03 PM 600 96.64 0 1000 na 6:03 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 na 8:04 PM 600 96.64 0 1000 na 6:04 PM 150 94.63 0 100 na 8:05 PM 600 96.66 0 1000 ne 6:05 PM 150 94.63 0 94.00 1000 ns 8:06 PM 600 96.63 0 100 na 6:06 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 na 8:07 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:07 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 na 8:08 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:08 PM 150 94.63 0 100 ne 8:09PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:09 PM 150 94163 0 1000 ns 8:10 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:10 PM 150 94.63 0 93.75 1000 na 6:15 PM 600 96.66 0 93.04 1000 ns 6:15 PM 150 94.63 0 93.58 1000 na 8:20 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:20 PM 150 94.63 0 92.42 1000 ns 8:25 PM 600 96.65 0 1000'ns 6:25 PM 150 94.63 0 93.25 1000 na 8:80 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:30 PM 150 94.63 0 93.29 1000 na 8:35 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 na 6:35 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 ns 8:40 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:40 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 na 8:45 PM 600 96.65 0 93.92 1000 ns 6:45 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 na 8:50 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 ns 6:50 PM 150 94.63 0 1000 ns 8:55 PM 600 96.65 0 1000 os 6:55 PM 150 94.63 0 94.0B 1000 na 9:00 PM 750 97.54 0 100 na 7:00 PM 460 94.63 0 1000 ns 9:01 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:01 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:02 PM 750 97.58 0 1000 na 7:02 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:03 PM 750 97.50 0 1000 na 7:03 PM 460 95.88 0 100 os 9:04 PM 750 97154 0 1000 na 7:04 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9;05 PM 750 97.64 0 1000 ns 7:05 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:06 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:06 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:07 PM 750 97154 0 1000 ns 7:07 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:08 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:08 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:C)9PM 750 97.5A 0 1000 na 7:09 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:1Q PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:10 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:15 PM 750 97154 0 95.00 1000 na 7:15 PM 450 95.88 0 94.08 1000 na 9:20 PM 750 97.54 .(1000 ns 7:20 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 os 9:25 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:25 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:30 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 ns 7:30 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:35 PM 760 97.54 0 1000 na 7:35 PM 450 95.88 0 1.000 ns 9:40 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:40 PM 450 95.88 0 1000 ns 9:45 PM 750 97.54 0 95.00 1000 ns 7:45 PM 450 95.88 0 94.08 1000 na 9:50 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 7:50PM 450 95.88 0 1000 na 9:55 PM 750 97154 0 1000 na 7:55 PM 450 95.83 0 1000 ns 10:0,0 PM 750 97.54 0 1000 na 10:01 PM o 93.17 0 1000 ns 10:02 PM 0 94.00 0 1000 na 10:03 PM 0 94.00 0 1000 nB 10:04 PM 0 94.00 0 1000 oa JAMES A SEWELL AND ASSOCIATES Counseling Engineers a'd eS1.5- L,vl. (605)odS 1 Ternes 1: r 9 S Washington Suite 708 Spokane. Washington el.o:eo 50 02 i:eli na::. ~U U:: Utl: Utlll .. M ~ewei.l ::pO I;:U;:li-ri--=i..O t' . .. C:\ajm1\1roIlIHlPli.. mwllenestrm S TON ERI DG E UTI LITI ES WELL #3 TESTING 150% Flow RateTest "fl "lfl'~' Well #3 Well #2 Well #1 4129/05 Flo Water Flow Water Flow Water Time rate Level rate Level rate Level 6:00 AM 920 94.00 0 95.00 1000 ns 6:01 AM 920 98.25 0 1000 ns 6:02AM 920 98.36 0 1000 ne 6:03 AM 920 98.35 0 1000 ns 6:04 AM 920 98.44 0 1000 na 6:05 AM 920 98.44 0 1000 ns 6:06AM 920 98.44 0 1000 ns 6:07 AM 920 98.44 0 1000 ne 6:08 AM 920 98.44 0 1000 ns 6:09 AM 920 98.44 0 1000 na 6:10 AM 920 98.44 0 95.00 1000 na 6:15 AM 920 98.44 0 95.00 1000 ns ê:20 AM 920 98.44 0 95.00 1000 na 6:25 AM 920 98.48 0 95.00 1000 na 6:30 AM 920 98.46 0 95.25 1000 ns 6:35 AM 920 98.48 0 95.83 1000 na 6:40 AM 920 98.48 0 95.25 1000 ns 6:45 AM 920 98.48 0 95.00 1000 ns 6:50 AM 920 98.48 0 94.50 1000 ns 6:55 AM 920 98.46 0 95.58 1000 na 7:00 AM 920 98156 0 1000 ne 7:30 AM 920 98156 0 94.25 1000 na 8:00 AM 920 98.56 0 1000 ns 8:30 AM 920 98:58 0 1000 na 9:00 AM 920 98.58 0 94.75 1000 na 9:30 AM 920 100.17 0 94.75 1000 na 10:00 AM 920 100.17 0 1000 na 11:00 AM 920 100.17 0 1000 ne 11:50 AM 920 0 94.75 1000 ns 12:00 PM 920 100.17 0 94.33 1000 na 12:01 PM 0 95.58 0 1000 na 12:02 PM 0 95.75 0 1000 na 12:03 PM 0 95.15 0 1000 na 12:04 PM 0 95175 0 1000 na 12:05 PM 0 95175 0 1000 ne JAMES A SEWEll AND ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers prta 5/191 9 S Washington Suite 708 Spokane Washington r.ll Il D..n i..r..-1)jn-o ILn ....1\a QIn i:,IVD:;..D:;n:;:;:\.: J II E: c: l a l P r ø j R \ t V R \ I l \ o l e R T . . Pr i 5 1 1 9 1 6: 0 0 92 . 0 0 93 . 0 0 94 . 0 0 95 . 0 0 e: 96 . 0 0 c:l ~ 97 . 0 0 Q 10 0 . 0 0 10 1 . 0 0 ST O N E R I D G E U T I L I T I E S WE L L # 3 T E S T I N G 15 0 % F l o w R a t e C h a r t 92 0 G P M F l o w R a t e 6: 3 0 7: 0 0 7: 3 0 8: 0 0 TI m e o f D a y ( h r : m n ) A M 8: 3 0 9 : 0 0 9 : 3 0 1 0 : 0 0 10 : 3 0 11 : 0 0 11 : 3 0 12 : 0 0 .l I I i - I i ¡ j I T -~ i I i _I , i ,~ . I - - - ~. ~ - I -i I- - 1 l . ,/ - ' ~ _. - i 1 - ~ -Ii -. . ' - - I - I - I i \. i - i - _. ! ~ ì I i i 1- r .L I I i - i I I .- : i i - i ~ - I i i - .- 98 . 0 0 99 . 0 0 I- + W e U # 3 - " W e l l # 2 j JA M E S A S E W E L L A N D A S S O C I A T E S Co n s U l t i n g E n g i n e e 9 S W a s h i n g t o n S u i t e 7 0 8 Sp o k a n e , W a s h i n g t o n o.Q. iin..o i....:--n:io-o Do :n ....II9 ai :n :i Î iuD::..:D:i n:i :::\"ØJ E: C: 1 o 1 1 P I D j I S K l R l n - I I I I W o I T 8 I l d Pr i 5 o 1 l 1 6: 0 0 92 . 0 0 93 . 0 0 94 . 0 0 95 . 0 0 ¡:!! 96 . 0 0 iQ ~ 97 . 0 0 Q 98 . 0 0 99 . 0 0 10 0 . 0 0 10 1 . 0 0 ST O N E R I D G E U T I L I T I E S WE L L # 3 T E S T I N G St e p T e s t C h a r t 15 0 , 4 5 0 , 6 0 0 & 7 5 0 G P M F l o w R a t e 6: 3 0 7: 0 0 TI m e o f D a y ( h r ~ m n ) P M 7: 3 0 8 : 0 0 8 : 3 0 9: 0 0 9: 3 0 10 : 0 0 .1 ,/ , - - l - : ~ . . . . -- ! - - i- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "\ \ .. ~ . i I : I l i i I ¡ i I. . W e l l # 3 - l W e B # Z I JA M E S A S E W E U A N D A S S O C I A T E S Co n s u l t i n g E n g i n e e r s 9 S W a s h i n g t o n S u i t 7 0 8 sp o k a n e , W a s h i n g t o n oFFi7üsifÕNlV .._~ In"peer¡ ~y Twi_ ___:ç¡,r.Rae. .,' wi Sec_1iit LaL -; :-i: :- '; ,- 11. WEL TÉTS .-_. ...--- -_. - (!Pump OBailer OAlr ()ng~Pf~~~ WalrTem 51 Botom Hole Temp. J!-Wate QIl.iieitorcømelS: ..r ÈAR ----Dep fí Water Jl Fomi23S.7 11197 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1. Wel.L TAG NO. D ..4.Q131 DRIWNG PERMT NO:otr IDWR No. - - - - 2. OWNER Name~,.nNEßIDGE~s~28, 3M smNËRIO~RÕAOCi BI ~ _ ___ te Il :8804 3. LOCATIN OF WELL by legal deacllon SkeJc map lotIn must agree wit wrn iotion.N Twp.~._ Norh (§ or South Rge.J-Ea 0 or Wesl w o(Ð 12. UTOLOGIC LOG: (Deecrlbe repalns or abandoment)war Lq or Heedplpe --Z'.., i.ofT~N/A 'l ~lO To Rel\ LlIy, wa Quat a Tempai y N I?A ¡l;A' . ",.v. .i:g ~ ~-t-v -..-- I-I------- l- I- - - ..- ..- - -- I --- ,-- - l- I- Còmpleted Depth 144'8"(Measurable) i)&te Startd 4-21-05 Completed 4-29-05 13. DRILLE'S CERTIFICATION~ Certfy tht aU minimum weU constrdlonsiancards werf¡ eopl wih althe tle thri w sremoved. Company Name Int. ,~nna E Sec..i ~M ~/4 ~I Gov' Lot Count BONNER Let Longs ir"ÆlJi..~lÜL ~w=- Ll Blk.Sub: Name 4. Us ODomtk: (!unicial QMnitor OlrralionOThennl Olnjeetn 00tr - 5: TVEOF WORK check an that apply (Replacement etc.) (!NswWell 0 Modif OAbndonme Oother 6. DRILL METOD (!A1r Roiy OC¡ible Tool OMud Rotry OOther 7. S~G PROCEDURES flCiFPtlCKMar I From D Meod 'emnCase Was dtIhoeuMir (! yON Shoe Depths(s) ~24'Welclmuhae ii teed? 0 Y (! N HII N/A 8. Cál- / LIlßroiaf_To Ga Mi 'inn +1 1?L rl..31ICTi:i:1 --- c..in Liner We Thteed § 8 (! §o § 0 o 0o 0 9. PERFORATIONS I SCREESPenorations Method NIA Screens Screen Type JOHNSON ~Fio.,. To, ,.sb.Nu, 'ow - i -, ' . '. . . .' " JifulHs" 0; _ ' 0: 0 '. 10. STATIC WATER LEVEL OR ARTEIAN PRESSURESA ft belo ground Me,lan pmsii .JL. lb. Linrooo Depth now encountered contrl òevlces: N/A ft. Descib accss port or NIA FI and Driller or Operator __Arm No. -5t3. Date £ z- tJfS Daie s- ¿..cç s . cI BSL.S-l.itl. (60S)odS t t ilmilS 1: L ~BO: BO SO 02 ~ew cD =m Q)'a ~ib cD :pC ~ S cDen z 1 . ei ~ WI- a. LLl-t/ a::io:i~ ~ iO(J ~ ~ ~ ~L~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ 1- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ø ~ ~ tD tD tD tD tD tD ø 0 ø ø 0 ø tD tD ~ ø ø~ ~ (J (J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ... _ ... ... (J (J (J (J (J en en (l (J (J Q) (J (l (J ~ ~~~~~~~~~~2 ~~222~~2l~ ~ ~ ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Q. ii Q. 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SW L 9 4 ' 0 " l'.. 6: 0 0 A M 6: 0 1 A M 6: 0 2 A M 6: 0 3 A M 6: 0 4 A M 6: 0 5 A M 6: 0 6 A M 6: 0 1 A M 6: 0 8 A M 6: 0 9 A M 6: 1 0 A M 6: 1 5 N A 6: 2 0 A M 6: 2 5 A M 6: 3 0 A M 6: 3 5 A M 6: 4 0 A M 6: 4 5 A M 6: 5 0 A M 6: 5 5 A M 7: 0 0 A M 7: 3 0 A M 8: 0 0 A M 8: 3 0 A M 9: 0 0 A M 9: 3 0 A M 10 : 0 0 AM 11 : 0 0 AM 12 : 0 0 P M ..J)::()-olL f)....II..CI f)i:.,lQn:i..D :i /):i :i\I 'J ) IV E: .. 94 ' 0 " 98 ' 3 " 98 4 3 1 8 " 98 ' 4 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 1 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 " 9B ' 5 1 / 4 " 98 ' 5 1 / 4 . 98 ' 5 3 1 4 . 98 ' 5 1 / 2 " 98 ' 5 3 1 4 M 96 ' 5 3 1 4 " 98 ' 5 3 1 4 M 98 ' 5 3 1 4 " 98 ' 5 1 1 2 " 98 ' 5 3 1 4 " 98 ' 6 3 1 4 " 98 ' 6 3 / 4 " 98 ' . , 98 ' . , 10 0 ' 2 " 10 0 ' 2 " 10 0 ' 2 " 10 0 ' 2 " CO N S T A N T R A T E T E S T GP M 9 2 0 Fl o w M e t e r ( G a D o n s x 1 0 0 ) 6: 0 0 A M S t a r t 8 1 3 2 0 12 : 0 0 P M E n d 2 1 5 6 1 Re c o v e r y 12 : 0 1 P M 9 5 ' T ' 12 : 0 2 P M 9 5 ' 9 " 12 : 0 3 P M 9 5 ' 9 " 12 : 0 4 P M 9 5 ' 9 " 12 : 0 5 P M 9 5 ' 9 " /ll STONERIGE UTITIS LC HAPPY V AL RANCHOS WATE SYSTE OPERATION AND MATEANCE MAAL 1:. DESCRTION, OPERTION AN CONTOL OF UNT OPERATIONS A Description of process The source of all the Stoneridge Utilities potable water is the Rathdr Praie Aquifer. Source pumps loced in a well field li the water frm the Aquier and pump it to the Stoneridge Storage Tan. At the well field, the waer frm the source pumps pases though the Meter Buildig where the flow is metered, disieced and either wased onto the ground or deliver thoug the transmssion/distbuon syste to the Stonerdge Storage Tan. The potable wate is disieced by the addtion of a soluton of sodium hypchlorite. The addition of the cWorie solution is to prevent the growt of pathogens in the water while it is in the water system. The Stonerdge Storage Tan maintas a const presu in the lowest prssure zone of the Stonerdge Utilities' waer syste which sees the Stonerdge development. The Stonerdge Booster Staon drws water from the Stonerdge Storage Tan and pumps the water into the mid level pressure zone. A sodium hypochlorite solution is injected to the water sy as the water eite the olderHV.pørtoi; nftbewRte sysm. The abili to injec ch0rieatthe boosr sttion alOws the syStem operaor to better maita th freechlQr resdúa in thèolderportoDOÎ the system. The mid level presue zone seres the lower porton of the Hapy Valey RJchòs subdvision. The pressure is maitaed in the mid level pressue zone by the HV Mid Leel Storage Tans. The HV Mid Level Booster Station drws water from the HV Mid Level Tans and pumps the wate into the upper pressure zone. The pressue is maitaned in the upper level pressur zone by the HV Upper Level Storage Tan. The upper level pressure zone seres the homes in the higher portons of the Happy Valley Rachos subdivision. B Functon of process Stoneridge Source Pumps - The Stonerdge source pumps lif water out of wells tht ar located in Secton 20 T 54 N, R 5 WBM. The wells are located in the Stonerdge Golf Cour between 11 th and 18th faiys on propert owned by Stonerdge Golf Cour Le. The wells are gruped in a well field havig a 50 foot radus over the Rathdn Praie Aquifer. Cuently only wells # 1 and #3 are operational. The soil profie st as a silty loam soil at the surace and grows progressively courer as it gets deeper. The water table is about 95 fee below the suiace. The wells were dred down to the bedrock at a depth of 145 feet. The cag was then pulled back to expose 20 feet of stess steel scree. Well #1 has a 12 il steel casing, a line sha dnven tubine pump th is lubricated with vegetable oil. The pump is drven by a 125 horsepower hollow sh 480 volt elecc motor tht sta across the line. Well #2 is not in prducton at ths tie beause the plasc screen bas collapsed, prohibitig settg the pump below the bottom of the steel casing. Page 10 of 55 OFFICEUSËOÑlY ---j lnsepc.Ø ~yTwo"",'1/.i..ROe.,,-., Wi Sec_',4Lã-: :-i: :- ': ,- 11. WEL reTS ---- - ._._- -- - -(!Pump OSailr QAlr QF~;I~~~l"-d ~Fomi238.7 11/97 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT 1. WE1 TAG NO. D --4.131DRILUG PERMTNO: _ - - - otr IDW No. 2. OWNER Name ..mNEBIDGE Ads jB ~ 280 .3M SONËR10GE R.QAO CI 21 L:E1...;- ,.' . _.- . ie lIZl ".80 3. LOCATIN OF WELL by leg decrin Sketc map loon must agree wlt wrn lotion.N Twp:~._ North (! or So Rge.J-Eat 0 or West w E 5ec..i ~#4 .t/4 ~/4 Go Lot COunl BONNER Let: Long $ Addre of Wei QD golf course_ lI~,fi.~~JeJ~i Ci Blancb$rd Ll Blk.Sub.Name -'- 4. Us ODomtic (!unicial ()nitor OlrrigatlonOTheimal Olnleet OOthr - 5: TVEOF WORK check all that apply (Rplacement etc.) (!New Well 0 Modify OAbandonment Ootr 6. DRILL METOD (!A1r Rota OCabi Tool OMud Rotary 00ter 71 SEANG PROCEDURES sEÄ(iFPACK Materil - "From. D Me emDCase wadrlnouo (! YON Shoe DepthS(S) --24'W8dllhiiu.alloaied 0 'f (! N Ha N/A 8.Cll.. I' i "'r~F_To G8 t.~+1 ~Ln,...u:rioi-i -- . Ciiln Liner Welde Threedd ~ 8 8 8 (! 8o N/Ai.Di iif Heldpe --2.".. ,Le of Tai 9. PERORATIONS I SCREENSPenoraions Method NtASCleens Scren Type JOHNSON~I§ 10. STAnc WATER LEVEL OR ARTeIAN PRESSURE 94 ft belo ground Arian pieuie .. lb. Depth now encountered contrl devics: NtA It Descr accss port or NIA S .d 8Sl.S-l.itl.lSOS) o(! Botom Hole Tamp. J:- f~l!w.fAr-. ~ lDecrlbe rep.l~ or abandoment)war war Ter 51Wltè øiiattelt orcøments: 121 LIHOLOGIC LOG: li":::''i N "" ~~ I-~~ ~~~ i"~ i"~~-~ ~- i-l- I----- I-- - I ----- - l-I- l-I- gi; oj ... § Linrooo bopleted Depth 144' 8" Pöte.Stait 4-21-05 (Measurable) Completed 4-29-05 13. DRILLE'S CERTIFICATION uW Ólrtfy \hat all minlumweilconstrdlonslandards we~ copll1 wih at the time th ri VI removed. Company Name Int FI and Driller or Operator I __FI No. -5t3- Date :S z- tJ~ Date S~ Z.-ø odS iiamas i; C'280: 80 SO 02 ~elo CD =m CD '0 ;:æ~ CD ..C J S CD(l Z I . '" t-el Wt- o. Wt-en~:iox~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ¡- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lO lO ~ ~ lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO~~ enCJ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ... ... ... ... ... ... en CJ CJ en Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) en en CJ CJ ~ ~o.~~ S~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~S~ ~~~20.~~ o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.iio.o.o.~o.o.o. 8 Ega ~88S 88 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~s~a~~~~øøø~~ø~øø~øøøøøø~ I :=:= ========z:::== b ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ l' ~ ~ ~ l' ~ l' l' ~ l' l' l' l' l' l' ~ l'æ~~~ ~æ ~~~ æ æ ~ æ~ æ ¡ šæ~æ 2~ 2 222~22 2 22 ~~~2222 ~~ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ~ ~ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8 ~ ~w ~ ~ 8 S! 8 ~, 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ $ ~....1................. ..NN.........1..~ ~ lO ~ lO lO lO lO lO lO lO lO ~ ~ ø ø lO lO ø lO ; ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ =0~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-i-C 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 000 ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~p-~ ! ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~b~~~~ ~ Q)Q) en CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ æ CJ CJ ø ~ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 2 ~~ ~22~22 2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8 ~ ~a ~ 8 8 S! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ;~'=o-o. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~ iii i i iiiiiiii¡¡ i i 2 2 2~ 2 2222222222222220. 0. 0. ~o. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8 õsa~ 8 8S8~~'~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~m~Ø~~Ð~~~~Ø~~~~~~ø~~~ ø.R/C-I_I (RnCi od~ T Tama~ ~ l" _C"oo lO '"O-~....~..~)( !., -¡ 1: "8!Æw'"l:l2~ ~ 0. 0..2 88u. .. ölO ,. ~G) ::~ ~~~~Co S c! ~ æ ¡:¡~C'C"~0000öööö""-C"'~ .. R~n : Rn qn 02 .~ew Il .Il St o n e R i d g e Ne w 1 0 " W e l l X)D..f)I.. 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ATL Accurate Tesing Labs, LLC 7§Sõ M~'Yi.'Wi t~ a:Aî~~ ID B3815Phonc(20ll,62K37SFø (208) 762 ~2Web ti: WW.âcceiesg.cötO~.Jnai:ii.ca...i.com STATE OF lDAHO DRINKIG WATER COLIFORM BACTERIA ANALYSIS REPORT Laboratory Director. waller Muellr Laboratory Supervisor, MIrobiOlogy: Rhena Cooper IntermounteinJiling Michel& Frachiseur 3419 Hwyó7 Priest River, lO 8385 Lab sample Number: 54681 Lab Order Number. 200040382 1 PWS Number: water System: Location: County: eolleçted By; Saple Type: Date coiiected: nne Collected: Stoneridge Well#S Bonner Michele Frachi_eur RS.Routne Sample 0429/200 09:30 Date Received: Time Recived: 0419100 10:27 Method Analyte Reult ,Analysis .Date Anaiyst 823B-PA Tatl Coliform Absent 04/0r.oos WM 923B-PA E1Coli Abent O-'0J00 WM ~ NO'lES: IF YOV~ RESULT is "ABSENT": The absence of coiifotm biict:iir.fl indictltes that. you.r w.1:eJ :1$ not eont~min&ted with coliform bactezia. IF YOUR RESULT is '.PRESf.NT": 'Iö: prennce of coliform bacte.ta mean:i tha.t YO\l:r wilt.er b. contolaúnat.eci, iwei ltay contain disease c8usinq orqan1sms. contaninaced water .sho'uld iiot ~e uSlid for à~1nkin9 water: if coliform bQcteri~ ~re pLesent, an additional teat has been run tor E$cheriehr~ coli bacteria. The result for thi$ teat is aL50 r.eDortaä ~~ h~1nn nrA"An~ nr Ah~pn~. 6' d BSi.S- i.'Pi. (60S)odS llemas I: r ESO: BO SO oa ~ew