HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007Annual Report.pdfAp/''" I ì11....1.,8: , 1 ANr"7\ Tur AL RE'D01ilD.ff'lJ)JP,UC" .. 1 ,.. ..r · .. £ ... .itI7(;OMMisSlm OF SwS-vJ CD oS sttweriJjec Uti (it\!NAME T S-iøC=~køJißIm1diClr4 Ib ADDR S TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE 2007 YEAR ENDED ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31-Dec-07 COMPANY INFORMATION 1 Give full name of utility 2 Date of Organization 3 Organized under the laws of the state of 4 Address of Principal Ofice (number & street) 5 P.O. Box (if applicable) 6 City 7 State 8 Zip Code 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, corp.) 10 Towns, Counties served Murray Utah 84107 partnership Stoneridge resort and golf course communi!y Blanchard, Idaho 11 Are there any affliated companies? yes If yes, attch a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utilty. 12 Contact Information President (Owner) Vice President Secretary General Manager Complaints or Biling Engineering Emergency Service Accounting 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions made to the service area during the year? If yes, attch a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utilty. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? Street Address 5295 Commerce Drive, Suite 175City MurryState Uwb Zip Name Phone No Dean Allara 208) 437-2180 Brad Hansen 208)437-3148 Laura Willams 208) 437-2180 Jack Johnston 208) 437-2180 Keith Rusho 208) 437-2180 Kevin Anderson 801 )2842939 No P' j.1 84197 Rev 3/02 Page 1 NAME:CDS Stoneridge Utilties, LLC COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont.) For the Year Ended 31-Dec-07 15 Is the system operated or maintained under a service contract? 16 If yes: With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? No 17 Is water purchased for resale through the system? 18 If yes: Name of Organization Name of owner or operator Mailing Address City State Zip No Gallons/CCF $Amount Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality? No If yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? No If yes, attch full explanation 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning:Quality of Service 0High Bils 0Disconnection 0 22 Number of Customers involuntarily disconnected 0 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of Rules required by IDAPA 3.0-Jun-Q7 Attch a copy of the Summary * All customers receive a copy also. 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? No If yes, attch full explanation and an updated system map Rev 3/02 Page 2 NAME:CDS Stoneridge UWiljes, LLC ACCT# REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended 31-Dec-07 DESCRIPTION 400 REVENUES Unmetered Water Revenue Metered Sales - Residential Metered Sales - Commercial, Industrial Fire Protection Revenue Other Water Sales Revenue Irrigation Sales Revenue Sales for Resale 37,522 45,593 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 460 461.1 461.2 462 464 465 466 400 190,739 90,906 16,717 Total Revenue (Add Lines 1 - 7) (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) 9 * DEQ Fees Biled separately to customers 10 ** Hookup or Connection Fees Collected 11 ***Commission Approved Surcharges Collected Booked to Acct # 37,522 Booked to Acct #I Booked to Acct # 323200 4g1 Oe'iBATltjG l¡PI¡NSES 12 601.1-6 Labor - Operation & Maintenance . 24,218 13 601.7 Labor - Customer Accounts 14 601.8 Labor - Administrative & General 9,512 15 603 Salaries, Offcers & Directors 16 604 Employee Pensions & Benefis 3,201 17 610 Purchased Water 18 615-16 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 11,982 19 618 Chemicals 1,159 20 620.1-6 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maint. 21 620.7-8 Materials & Supplies - Administrative & General 1,571 22 631-34 Contract Services - Professional 23 635 Contract Services - Water Testing 760 24 636 Contract Services - Other 39,043 25 641-42 Rentals - Propert & Equipment 26 650 Transportation Expense 8,890 27 656-59 Insurance 600 28 660 Advertising 29 666 Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 30 667 Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 32 675 Miscellaneous 11,743 33 Total Operating Expenses (Add lines 12 - 32, also enter on Pg 4,line 2)112,679 Rev 3/02 Page 3 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended 12/31/2007 ACCT#DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8)190,739 2 Operating Expenses (From Page 3, line 33)112,679 3 403 Depreciation Expense 69,373 4 406 Amortization, Utilty Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp. - Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC)117 7 408.11 Propert Taxes 1,273 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 3,512 9A 408.13 Other Taxes (list)DEQ Fees 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 11 409.11 State Income Taxes 12 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - Federal 13 410.11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - State 14 411 Provision for Deferred Utilty Income Tax Credits 15 412 Investment Tax Credits - Utility 16 Total Expenses from operations before interest (add lines 2-15)186,954 17 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 18 414 Gains (Losses) From Disposition of Utilty Plant 19 Net Operating Income (Add lines 1,17 &18 less line 16) 20 415 Revenues, Merchandizing Jobbing and Contract Work 21 416 Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing & Contracts 22 419 Interest & Dividend Income 23 420 Allowance for Funds used During Construction 24 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utilty Income 25 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utilty Expense 26 408.20 Other Taxes, Non-Utilty Operations 27 409-20 Income Taxes, Non-Utilty Operations 28 Net Non-Utility Income (Add lines 20,22,23 & 24 less lines 21,25,26, & 27) 29 Gross Income (add lines 19 & 28) 30 427.3 Interest Exp. on Long-Term Debt 31 427.5 Other Interest Charges 32 NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 & 31) (Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2) Rev 3/02 Page 4 3,784 3.784 .3,784 301 Organization 302 Franchises and Consents 303 Land & Land Rights 304 Structures and Improvements 666,810 21412 688222 305 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs 306 Lake, River & Other Intakes 307 Wells 308 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supply Mains 46,429 13.949 60,378 310 Power Generation Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment 87,047 392 87,439 320 Purification Systems 2066 2066 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 333 Services 334 Meters and Meter Installations 289 289 335 Hydrants 6614 2864 9478 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 1860 664 2524 340 Offce Furniture and Equipment 341 Transportation Equipment 971 971 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 34 Laboratory Equipment 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 Communications Equipment 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tangible Propert 9,754 .9754 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE ll19,774 41,347 0 861,121 Add lines 1 - 28 Eriter b innin & end of" ear totals on P 7, Une 1 Name:çpS Stoneridge Utilties, LLÇ ACCOUNT 101 PLAT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended 12131/2007 SUB ACCT# Balance Beginning of Year Added During Year Removed During YearDESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 eg yg Rev 3/02 Page 5 Balance End of Year g Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilties, LLC ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 SUB Depreciation Rate Balance End of Increase or Balance Beginning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ACCT#DESCRIPTION %of Year Year (Decrease) 304 Structures and Improvements 334,746 373389 38643 305 Collecting & Impounding Reservoirs 306 Lake, River & Other Intakes 307 Wells 308 Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels 309 Supply Mains 27,206 32758 5.552 310 Power Generation Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment 52,684 47,439 -5245 320 Purification Systems 0 1 121 1121 330 Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 331 Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 333 Services 334 Meters and Meter Installations 170 157 -13 335 Hydrants 161 5142 4981 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 111 1370 1259 340 Offce Furniture and Equipment 341 Transportation Equipment 576 527 -49 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 344 Laboratory Equipment 345 Power Operated Equipment 346 Communications Equipment 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 348 Other Tangible Propert 0 0 TOTALS (Add Lines 1 - 25)415654 461903 ,46,249 Eriter be irinin .& end of ear totals on Pg 7, Line 7ggy Rev 3/02 Page 6 Name:CDS Stoneridge Utilties, LLC BALCE SHEET For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 ASSETS Balance End of Increase or Balance Beginning ACCT#DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 101 Utilty Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 29)819,774 861,121 41,347 102 Utilty Plant Leased to Others 103 Plant Held for Future Use 105 Construction Work in Progress 114 Utilty Plant Aquisition Adjustment Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5)819.774 861,121 41,347 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 26)415,654 461,903 46.249 108.2 Accum. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 108.3 Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use 110.1 Accum. Amort. - Utilty Plant in Service 110.2 Accum. Amort. - Utilty Plant Lease to Others 115 Accumulated Amortization - Aquisition Adj. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 123 15 125 16 17 131 18 135 19 141 20 142 21 145 22 151 23 162 24 173 25 143 26 27 181 28 183 29 184 30 186 31 Rev 3/02 Net Utilty Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 - 12) Investment in Subsidiaries Other Investments Total Investments (Add lines 14 & 15) Cash Short Term Investments Accts/Notes Recivable - Customers Other Receivables Receivables from Associated Companies Materials & Supplies Inventory Prepaid Expenses Unbiled (Accrued) Utilty Revenue Provision for Uncollectable Accounts Total Current (Add lines 17 -24 less line 25) Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense Preliminary Survey & Investigation Charges Deferred Rate Case Expenses Other Deferred Charges Total Assets (Add lines 13, 16 & 26 - 30) 399218 -4902404120...,. 21.163 39.162 17,999 12481 20,098 7617 0 0 0 641 527 -114 34285 59,787 25502 4q9,OQ6 20,601438,405 Page 7 Name:cps Stoneridge Utilities. LLC BALCE SHEET For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 LIA!LITIES l CAPITA!Balance Beginning Balance End of Increase or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACCT#DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 201-3 Common Stock 204-6 Preferred Stock 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 123,223 123.223 0 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings 215 Unappropriated Retained Earnings -846,839 -810.026 36.813 216 Reacquired Capital Stock 218 Proprietary Capital 723616 -686803 36 813 221-2 223 224 231 232 233 235 236.11 236.12 236.2 237-40 241 251 252 253 255.1 255.2 261-5 271 272 281-3 -,..",". 0 7,854 9,870 2 016 490,533 499.193 8,660 661.105 635,629 -25477 , 2529 1118 -1411 1.162.021 1145809 -16,212 438.405 459,006 20,601 Rev 3/02 Page 8 Name:ÇDS Stoneridge Uli1lies, LLç STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended 31-Dec-Q7 1 Retained Earnings Balance cæ Beginning of Year 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income (From Pg 4, Line 32) 3 Other Credits to Account 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance cæ End of Year -846.839 3,784 33,029 -810,026 7 Description (Class, Par Value etc.) CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares A th . duorize us an InQ ai na No. Shares Ott d Dividends P 'd . Stoneridge Utilities is an LLC, not a coæoration DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT eSCriDtIOn.ate ance ai ccrue Note from,Department of Environmental Quality 2.00%499.193 Interest R Year-end Bal Interest P 'd Interest8 D . t A d Rev 3/02 Page 9 Name:CDS Sloneridge Utilties. LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. Rated Capacity Type of Treatment: (None. Chlorine Fluoride Annual Production Water Supply Source (Well, Spring. 2 Water Supply: Pumo Desionation or location (aom)Filter etc.)moo's Gal.Surface Wtr) Well #1 E005117 800 Chlorine 44561 Well Well #1 E005118 o Chlorine back-un Well *Well #3 D0040131 600 Chlorine 57837 Well 3 System Storage: Total Capacity OOO's Usable Capacity OOO's Type of Reservoir Construction (Elevated, Pres- (Wood, Steel Storaoe Desionation or Location Gal.Gal.udzed Boosted\Concrete) Storaoe tank 1/4mile west of wells 325000 15000 Elevated Concrete 2 storaoe tanks 1 mile west of wells 20000 buried Steel 4 storaoe tanks 1 mile west of wells 12000 buried Concrete (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilties added this year.) Rev 3/02 Page 10 Name:cps Stoneridge Utilties. LLÇ SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. Designation or Location Horse Rated Capacity Discharge Pressure Energy Used & Tvoe of Pumo**Power (oom)(osj)This Year Pump #1 line shaft turbine 125 800 115 10276 Pumo #1 line shaft turbine 0 0 o backup *Pump #3 submersible 100 600 115 10276 ... .- Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheet if inadequate space is available on this page. 5 If Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? What was the total amount pumped during peak month? What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? 102.4 milion gal 25.8 millon gaU( .86 milion gallor 6 If customers are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month?2.132 milion gal 7 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? Xes If Yes: What is current system rating? 5 8 How many times were meters read this year? 10 During which months? Janua!X throush October 9 How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 720 504 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? If Yes, attch an explanation of projects and anticipated costs! no 11 In what year do you anticipate that the system capacity (supply, storage or distribution) wil have to be expanded?2008/2009 Rev 3/02 Page 11 Name:çpS Sloneridge Utillies: LLC SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (continued) For Year Ended 31-Dec-07 FEET OF MAINS 1 Pipe Size 10"1355'1355' 8"9650'600'10250 6"11 550'460'12.010' 4"9500 330'9830' 3"27900'27,900' 2"4250'4250' 12"100'100' In Use Beginning Of Year Installed During Year Abandoned During Year In Use End of Year 66045 CUSTOMER STATISTICS Nymber of Customers Tbgysands of GiilIoos ~gld TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) This Last This Last Year Year Year Year 321 312 64099 66795 13 8 27387 22320 334 320 91.486 89,115 2 Metered: 2A Residential 2B Commercial 2C Industrial 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residential 3B Commercial 3C Industrial 4 Private Fire Protection 5 Public Fire Protection 6 Street Sprinkling 7 Municipal, Other 8 Other Water Utilities Rev 3/02 Page 12 CERTIFICATE State of Idalm-0\ \A tw County ofil \.tløgc and of the ,-ç utility, on our oath do severally sa that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. CJ_0(1 (Chief Officer)£~~d 7/ (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this S:y of tlvi , U B Ì) lht1~ O"!( OEVANIE LEA MENSAH ..~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC' STATE of UTAH ~ ., ~ 5295 S COMMERCE DRIVE #175 ~. ..if MURRAY UT 84107 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 061.20NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires g( 2t i gdklexcel/jnelson/anulrptslrannualrpt Rev 3/02 Page 1 Addendum to item #11 CDS Stoneridge Parters This entity is a major equity holder of Stonendge Utilities, Land and Golf The ownership consists of several limited parer with Dean Allara, Chns Young, and Dan St as general parer CDS Stoneridge Land This is a sister company of Stonendge Utilities and is owned by CDS Stonendge Parer CDS Stoneridge Golf This is a sister company of Stonendge Utilities and is owned by CDS Stonendge Parers These entities all have the same addresses as that of Stonendge Utilities. They provide administrative, management and financial serces to Stonendge Utilities. Stoneridge Water Company P.O. Box 298, Blancha ID 83804 Phone: (208) 437-2180 Fax: (208) 437-2181 SummarY of Rules To Our Water Customers: This is a summary of the nies for servce for aU StoReridge Water CompaRY eutomen as determiBed by the Idaho Publie Uties COllioR (lUC). These rues cover the rits and respouibiles of the Customer and the Uti. Please reew the Dew approved rate sehedule UDder "NOtitiD aDd Bil-" If you have any qllesu concel'g thi inormatioD plese eODtact us or yoll ea dirctl CODta the IPUC, P.O. Box 83720, Bois m 83728-4,1-8802-369. JEATION WIll PRIQR Nonq With pro cume notice Stodge Wat Compay may deny or tennnae waer sece for one of the followi reons: 1, Non-payment of a pa due bil or payment of a pas due bil with an NSF check. 2. Faiur to honor the ter of a payment argement. 3, Obtaig sece by fase identy. 4. Refing to alow ac to th wa meter shut-offvalve. 5, Willf wag sece thugh improp equipment or oth. 6. Faiure to apply for sece. TERMTIONwrOUTPRIRNOTICE Stonendge Water Compy may deny or tete water serce without notice for one of the followig rea: 1. A sìtuon exst th is imedtely daerus to lie, physica saet orpr. 2. To preven a violaon of fe, st or loc saet or hea co. 3, Serce is obted diver or us wiut the autrizaon of Stodge W..er Copa. 4. Stondge Wat Compan ha diligetl attpted to noti you ofteationan ha be unle to co you 5. If on by any cour Th Commisson or any oth duy aw publicauty. NOTICATJN.AN BIlQ 1, Meter wi be re on the fi bu da of each month (we prvi). Bils wi be se ou by th 10tJ wi pa du by th 2Sth of ea mo Th bac mo fe is de by me si _ is as follws: a.) 0.7S" - $24.00 pe mo; 1.00" - 542.67 pe mo; 1.50". '9600 pe mon 2.00 - 5170.67 pe mo 2.SO" - $266.67 pe mo; 3.00" . 5384.00 pe IJ 4.00 - $682.67 pe mont; aD 6.00 . $1,S36.00 pemont. Th co ch. is $0.79/1,00 ga wi th exon of th Golf Cour wh ch is $0.71/1,00 galon. Th rea 10%diun beau ofits inteble off-peak us caes. Book Transfer Display Page 1 of 1 Kevin Anderson Kevin Anderson 4885 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84114 From Account: 019023225 . CDS Texas Investors To Account: 019023399 - CDS Texas Malibu Addtl Info: loan from Barclay Accepted on: Apr 10, 2008 at:10:47:33 AM Response: BOK - Bo Transfr Requst Accptd Amount: $ 50,000.00 Processing Date: Apr 10, 2008 Bank Trace #: 1010053 Cust Trace #: 309 A Book Transfer request has been submitted on the account numbers described above. Please press the print button on your browser to generate a hard copy of this book transfer request. This transaction is subject to bank rules and regulations governing such electronic transactions as described in our services agreement, Please keep these numbers handy in case you have any questions regarding this transaction, If any portion of the above is incorrect, or you have further questions, please contact customer service, Thank You. htts://ww.fitpointe.com/zions/TBookikupd.cfi 4/10/2008 b.) In addition, Happy Valey Rachos Water Cusmer and other cusomers connected to tht pa of the water syst shl pay a surchage ofS16.83 per month for loan costs. 2. A billig wil be considered pa due (60) days afer the billig date. A wrtten Intial Notice mus be mailed at lea (7) seven days before the proposed tertion date. A wrtten Fin Notice wi be maled on the expiration date of th Intial Notice. Ther will be a Grce Period of (7) seven days af the Fin Notice ha been maed. 3. At lea (24) twnty-four hour before the serce is tened a notice will be left at the prpe advising you of the steps neeed to have servces restore. 4. When the (24) twenty-four hour perod ha ended another atmpt wil be made to contac you in peon or by telephone befor sece is teted. 5. Ony a (24) twenty-four hour notice is requied if you do not mae an inti payment accordig to the payment argement or th inal payment is not honored by the ban. PAYM ARGEMES AN SPECl CIRCUMSTANCES If you canot pay your billing in full or you receive a notice of terminon, plea cal our offce at (208) 437-2180. Payment argements ca be mae to avoid teation of serce. Uyou canot pay your bil and a membe of your houshold is seously il or ther is a medcal emergency, Stonerdge Water Compay wi postpne terinon of sece for (30) th days. A wrtt cercation is requi from a license physician or public health offcial stating the nae of the pen who is il, and the nae, title an signatue of the peon cerfyg the serious illness or medca emergency. COMPLAIN P:S0CEDURES If at any time you have a complait concerg the tenon of seice, policies an pracces or any other mattr regadig our servce pleas contat Stonerdge Wat Company, in peson, by telephone or in wrg. Your complait will be investigated prmptly an throughly. You will be notied oraly or in wrtig th resuts of the invesgation and we will ma ever effor to resolve th complait. If you are disssfed with the prpose resolution of your complait, you may as th IPUC to review th maer. You re may be done oraly or in wrtig. Your serce will not be disconnected while th complait is beg investgated by th utility or thIPUC. RESIßON OF TEON OF ~yiCE Ser will not be discnned on Friday af 12:00 noon or on a Satday, Suny, Lega Holidays reognd by the st of Idaho, or afer 12:00 non on any day imatly beore any legal holiday. Sece wil only be ternat beee th hour of 8:00 an 4:00. Th employee set to th premses to terme sece will identi himslflf to you and st the puse of th visit. Th peon is autri to ac payment in ful. HOOK-up The compay reseies th right to deny hok-ups durg th witer moth du to adere weaer condtions. New hook-up wil be scheed as son as weater condtions pe. HOOK-UP CHGES AN MONTHl. Y FEES A one tie hok-up chage of$1,200.00 Wil be pad in advae for any ne sece hok-up. The ext co of any out-of-th-ordi circutaes reuig additiona eqpmt or spcial constion technque involved in the inlaon of a new serce connecton wi be ag to in advance an put into wrting by th cusmer an the compay, Ony one redence *~k"llp~~_ fry jrllÛ.~ewil now be meerd. The monthy rate is as ~'ôIPae~tJêrJ'NötôbllBiling". Payment is due by th 25th of th mont, tii1wiibecønsdø.deímJit~th301l of the month Arements can be mae to pay in advance monthy, qualy, se~anualy or anuay. RECONNCDON FE If water sece is teated, th balance in ful, plus a rennec fee of518.50 (dur offce hour) or $33.50 (af hour) is due ifrecotion is done with 30-ys. Af 30-dys th reconnec fee is as follows: METERSlZ: 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 RECONNCT FEE AF3B-DArS: $65.00 5116.00 5260.00 $42.00 5722.QO 51,04.00 51,849.00 54,160.00 NOOm;;a AN AlJORIZED AGENT OFTHCOMPANYSBAI,I,Taili Wl ÇOMPANY'S LOCKGVALVE.A METE