HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210224Suez Answer to Western Aircraft Complaint.pdfPreston N. Carter [ISB No. 8462] Blake W. Ringer [IsBNo. tt223l GrvpNIs PuRsr.pv llp 601 West Bannock Street P.O.Box2720 Boise, Idaho 837 0l -2720 Ofiice: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley. com Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION WESTERN AIRCRAFT, INC., Complainant, vs. SUEZ WATER IDAHO TNC., Respondent. Case No. SUZ-W-21-01 Axswnn ro WESTERN Arncnarr's Fonull Cusrourpn CouplarNt Pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 57, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ" or "Respondent"), files this Answer in Response to the formal Customer Complaint ("Complaint") filed by Western Aircraft, [nc. ("Western Aircraft" or "Complainant") at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission" or "Idaho PUC"), and the Summons issued by the Commission on February 3,2021. IxrRooucuoN AND Facruar. B.q.cxcnouNo Western Aircraft's Complaint stems from its desire to expand a hangar located near the Boise Airport. Western Aircraft's most recent plan for the hangar expansion, provided to SUEZ in August 2020, proposes to construct a building directly on top of an active water main that is part of SUEZ's public water system. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ") rules require a five-foot setback between water mains and "buildings, industrial SUEZ's ANSwER To Wssrsnx Am.cRAFT's FoRMer Cusrounn Corrapranqr I 553 5 804_5.docx[30-2 14] PAGE 1 oF 17 facilities, or other permanent structures." IDAPA l. Western Aircraft's hangar expansion, if constructed as proposed, would place SUEZ's water system out of compliance with IDEQ rules.' In addition, constructing a permanent structure on top of a water main would prevent SUEZ from accessing the water main as necessary to conduct repairs, maintenance, and other activities. This creates a risk of damage to structures-both to Western Aircraft's structure and structures owned by surrounding customers-if the water main ruptures and SUEZ cannot quickly access the main location of the breach. After this issue came to light, SUEZ held a number of meetings, calls, and other correspondence with Western Aircraft, Western Aircraft's consultants, Commission Staff, and IDEQ Staff. SUEZ has provided specific comments to Western Aircraft regarding its proposal, and has provided to Western Aircraft several options that would allow Western Aircraft to expand its hangar while also complying with IDEQ rules.2 Despite these extensive discussions-and despite IDEQ's denial of Western Aircraft's request for a waiver of the applicable rules-Western Aircraft has not revised and resubmitted its August 2020 proposal. Nor has it submitted a separate proposal that complies with applicable rules and takes into account the feedback provided by the various parties. Instead, Western Aircraft frled this formal complaint, which requests that the Commission compel I Western Aircraft's proposal also does not comply with other IDEQ rules. SUEZ summarized these issues in an email to Western Aircraft dated August 20,2020, attached to this Answer as Exhibit l. Note that this Exhibit is an email chain that contains several correspondences between a combination of SUEZ's team, Westem Aircraft personnel, T-O Engineers (Western Aircraft's engineering consultants), and Idaho PUC staff. SUEZ's feedback on the proposal is contained in the email within this chain from Nathan Croft to T-O Engineers dated August 20,2020. 2 A summary of the history of correspondence and SUEZ's suggested potential solutions is contained in a December 30,2020 letter from SUEZ's counsel to Westem Aircraft, attached as Exhibit B to the Complaint. SUEZ's letter begins on page 70 of the PDF document. SUEZ'S ANSwpnro WssrenN AncRAFT's FoRMer Cusrounn CouprnrNt I 5535804 5.docxl30-2141 Pncs 2 or 17 SUEZ to approve a plan that would place SUEZ's water system out of compliance with IDEQ regulations. As set foth in more detail below, the Complaint is without merit. SUEZ respectfully requests that the Commission deny the Complaint. To the extent the Commission is inclined to provide some guidance to the parties, SUEZ respectfully requests that the Commission recognize that it is Western Aircraft's responsibility to submit plans that comply with applicable rules and that allow SUEZ reasonable access to repair and maintain its water system. To be clear, SUEZ stands ready to review and approve plans that comply with applicable rules, so long as those plans allow SUEZ access to maintain and repair its water system. SUEZ cannot, however, agree to approve a project that would place SUEZ's water system in noncompliance with IDEQ rules, that would interfere with SUEZ's ability to maintain and repair its system, or that would detrimentally affect service provided to other customers. In addition, SUEZ's customers must be held harmless from any impacts<ost impacts or otherwise--from Western Aircraft's project. This requires that Western Aircraft's project be conducted in a manner that does not impose excessive costs upon SUEZ; that does not impact existing service conditions, such as fire flows, to existing customers; that does not place SUEZ's system out of compliance with applicable rules; and that does not create a threat of future damage by interfering with SUEZ's ability to access the water main. SUEZ's ANSwER To WESTERN AIRCRATT's FoRMAL Cusrousn Coupr-Rnqr I 553 5804_5.docx[30-2 I 4] Pecn 3 or 17 Srucrrrc ANswrnS roAlr,pcLrroNs rx Cotvrrr.aNr Pmrrps 1. SUEZ admits that Western Aircraft is a customer of SUEZ. SUEZ lacks sufficient information to admit or deny the remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 2. SUEZ admits that it is a regulated utility that provides water services within the City of Boise in Ada County, Idaho. SUEZ admits that it is the exclusive regulated water utility within its certificated service area, and that it therefore has an obligation to serve customers within its certificated service area in compliance with the rules of the Commission. SUEZ admits that SUEZ filed a general rate case in September 2020 that requests an increase in rates of approximately 22%o, though the general rate case is not related to this proceeding. SUEZ denies the remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 3. suEZ admits that the..*::::;:rr-"tion to hear this dispute. rhe remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint are legal conclusions that do not require a response. To the extent a response is required, SUEZ admits that the Idaho statutes prohibit certain actions by utilities but denies that SUEZ's actions with respect to this matter violate Idaho statutes or other applicable authority. Sr,Irovrpxr oF FACTS 4. SUEZ lacks sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 5. SUEZ lacks sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. Based on information and belief, SUEZ affirmatively alleges that SUEZ,S ANSWER To WESTERN Am.CRAFT,S FORMAL CUSTOMER COUPIETNT I 5535804_5.docx[30-214] PAGE 4 oF 17 what Western Aircraft describes as a "breezeway" is, in fact, a fully enclosed structure with heated air that contains walls, and a roof. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that what Western Aircraft describes as aoobreezeway" is, therefore, a "building or pennanent structure" under applicable rules of the IDEQ.3 SUEZ notes that it could potentially approve a plan that contains a covered (though not fully enclosed) walkway between the two structures so long as the walkway allows access for equipment needed to conduct repairs and maintenance. SUEZ conveyed this option to Western Aircraft, but Western Aircraft has continued to insist upon constructing a fully enclosed structure that contains walls, a roof, and heated air. 6. SUEZ admits that the building or permanent structure that Western Aircraft proposes to construct-which Western Aircraft describes as a"breezeway"-would, if constructed, be located directly on top of a water main that is currently used as part of SUEZ's public water system.4 SUEZ further admits that the building or permanent structure that Western Aircraft proposes to construct would be located on top of a preexisting sewer line. SUEZ further admits that these facilities appear to be in their current location because Westem 3 IDEQ rules for public water systems require that water mains be set back at least five feet from "buildings, industrial facilities, and other permanent structures." IDAPA ("Water mains shall be separated by at Ieast five (5) feet from buildings, industrial facilities, and olher permanent structures.") The term "building" is not defined. Dictionary definitions of the term "building" differ somewhat, but generally define the term as some permutation of a structure that has walls and aroof. E.g., Black's Law Dictionary, Building (defining "building" as 'oA structure with walls and a roof, esp. a permanent structure."); Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2d Ed. 1998) (defining "building" as "a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land, having a roof and usually windows and often more than one level, used for any of a wide variety of activities, as living, entertaining, or manufacturing"); "Building," Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/building, accessed February 22,2021 (defining "building" as "a usually roofed and walled structure built for permanent use"). 4 The water main is currently used to provide water to Western Aircraft's hangar. The main is also required to provide sufficient pressure to maintain fire flows to surrounding customers. A diagram that contains calculations of fire flows is attached as Exhibit 2. This diagram and accompanying fire flow calculations were provided to Western Aircraft as part of SUEZ's explanation that Western Aircraft could construct the building at its current location if it upgraded the water mains surrounding the property as necessary to maintain fire protection flows to existing customers. This would allow SUEZ to abandon the main located under the proposed new building. SUEZ's ANSwER To WssrenN Am.cRArr's Fonunr CusroMER Coupr,arNr 15535804 5.docx[30-214] PAGE 5 or 17 Aircraft proposes to construct on top of a former right-of-way for the currently abandoned Boeing Street. SUEZ denies the remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 7. SUEZ admits that Western Aircraft submitted an engineering design and site plan to SUEZ on or about May 19, 2020, and that, upon information and belief, the City of Boise approved this plan. SUEZ admits that SUEZ previously commented favorably upon the plan as submitted, based on the facts known at the time. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that as of that date, SUEZ did not know that Western Aircraft's proposal l) included a fully enclosed building or permanent structure and2) that the fully enclosed building or permanent structure was proposed directly above a water main that was currently in use. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of this Complaint. 8. SUEZ admits that, on or about August 10,2020, workers associated with Western Aircraft's project breached a water main located in the vicinity of where Western Aircraft proposes to construct a building or pernanent structure that Western Aircraft describes as a "breezeway."5 SUEZ admits that, based on this water main breach, it was revealed that there was insuffrcient separation between the water main and sewer lines in this vicinity. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 9. SUEZ admits that, on or about August 20,2020, Western Aircraft's engineers proposed a revised water connection plan. SUEZ denies that this water connection plan met all IDEQ rules and requirements. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that SUEZ identified a number of ways in which the proposal did not comply with various IDEQ rules and requirements, and that the proposal did not allow SUEZ to access the water main as necessary to perform 5 Workers associated with Western Aircraft's project have actually breached SUEZ water lines on three separate occasions: August 10,2020; September 10,2020; and October 6,2020. SUEZ'S ANswnn ro WssrsnuAm.cRAFT's FoRMAL CusroMER CouplanNr I 5535804_5.docx130-2141 PAGE 6 oF 17 maintenance and repairs. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that, on or about September 23,2020, Western Aircraft's engineers submitted a request to IDEQ to provide a waiver from certain IDEQ rules, which demonstrates Western Aircraft's knowledge and acknowledgement that its August 20,2020 plan did not, in fact, comply with IDEQ rules.6 By email dated October 7, 2020, attached as Exhibit 4, IDEQ denied the requested waiver, noting that 1) Western Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal would protect human health, 2) Westem Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal provides protection from contamination, and 3) Western Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal allows for satisfactory operation and maintenance of the water system. In addition, DEQ noted that any waiver would require SUEZ's consent, since SUEZ owns the water system and would be stuck with long-term compliance issues associated with the proposed construction. SUEZ admits that it did not approve Western Aircraft's August 20,2020 proposal, and affirmatively alleges that it did not approve the proposal because the proposal did not comply with IDEQ rules and the proposal did not allow SUEZ sufficient access to maintain and repair the water main. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of this Complaint. 10. SUEZ admits that SUEZ and Western Aircraft met on numerous occasions, and exchanged numerous correspondences, related to Western Aircraft's proposal and project, and that SUEZ and Western Aircraft held meetings at which Commission Staff was present. SUEZ admits that Commission Staff proposed a potential solution to this issue on or about September 1,2020.7 SUEZ affirmatively alleges that on or about September 10,2020, after Staffmade 6 Western Aircraft's request for a waiver is attached as Exhibit 3. IDEQ's denial of the request is attached as Exhibit 4. The fact that Western Aircraft sought, and was denied, a waiver indicates that Western Aircraft's proposal does not comply with IDEQ rules. And Western Aircraft knows it. 7 A copy of Mr. Morrison's proposal letter is attached as an exhibit to Exhibit A of the Complaint. The letter is marked in the Complaint as "Exhibit D" and begins on page 39 of the PDF that constitutes the Complaint and Exhibits on the Commission's website. SUEZ's ANswBn ro WnsrBnN AncRart's Fonuer Cusrousn CoupLAINr I 5535804_5.docx130-214) PAGE 7 oF 17 this proposal, workers associated with the Western Aircraft project again ruptured a water main. A third rupture occurred less than a month later, on or about October 6,2020. A photograph of this third rupture and the ensuing water damage is attached as Exhibit 5. These incidents demonstrated that a building simply should not be constructed on top of the main; the damage to any such structure would have been excessive. Staffls September 1,2020 proposal proved impractical in light of these events.s SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. SUEZ denies that it unreasonably withheld approval of this proposal. Indeed, Mr. Morrison's letter was not a proposal from Western Aircraft at all, and Western Aircraft did not incorporate Mr. Morrison's letter into any submission from Western Aircraft. As alleged above, the subsequent rupture of the water main also demonstrated that this proposed solution was not practical. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 11. SUEZ admits that, on or about September 22,2020, Westem Aircraft sought from IDEQ a variance from IDEQ's rules. SUEZ denies that Western Aircraft received a conditional waiver. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that IDEQ denied the request for a waiver on the bases that (1) Western Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal would protect human health, 2) Western Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal provides protection from contamination, and 3) Western Aircraft had not demonstrated that its proposal allows for satisfactory operation and maintenance of the water system. In addition, IDEQ noted that any waiver would require SUEZ's consent, since SUEZ owns the water system and would be stuck 8 This proposal also raises legal challenges. For example, it appears that Western Aircraft is a lessee, not the owner of the structure. Therefore it is not clear that an indemnity from Westem Aircraft, as proposed by Staff, would effectively protect SUEZ for damage to the structure. In addition, indemnities are not effective as to future owners or tenants of a structure, or against surrounding structures; indemnities are only as good as the financial condition of the indemnifying party; and claims for indemnification often lead to litigation. SUEZ,S ANSWER To WESTERN AR.CRAFT,S FONUET CUSTOUER COMPLAtr.{T I 55 35804_5.docx[30-2 I 4] P,q.cs 8 or 17 with long-term compliance issues associated wittr the proposed construction. SUEZ denies that it reversed position or withheld its cooperation and affirmatively alleges that IDEQ denied Western Aircraft's request for a waiver. SUEZ denies any additional allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 12. SUEZ admits that it held a collaborative and inclusive telephone call on or about October 2l , 2020, and that the call was conducted with representatives of a number of affected entities, including DEQ, Commission Stafq Western Aircraft, and SUEZ. SUEZ further admits that this call did not produce a solution insofar as Western Aircraft had still not proposed a plan that complied with applicable rules and allowed SUEZ access to the water main to perform maintenance and repairs. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that, either during the course of this conversation or in a subsequent phone call, Western Aircraft asked SUEZ what SUEZ would do ii notwithstanding the lack of an approved plan, Western Aircraft constructed the project with the building or permanent structure unlawfully located directly above the water main. SUEZ responded with words to the effect that it would not provide water service to a project that did not comply with applicable rules. This was not a threat, but rather a response to Western Aircraft's inquiry as to what SUEZ would do if Western Aircraft proceeded with construction that placed SUEZ's water system out of compliance with IDEQ rules. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 13. SUEZ admits that, after Western Aircraft's continued refusal to propose a plan that complied with applicable rules and that allowed SUEZ sufficient access to maintain and repair its system, Western Aircraft appears to have retained legal counsel to make a written demand to SUEZ. SUEZ admits that it received the demand letter and the attached opinion of counsel on or about December 16,2020. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that, in response to SUEZ,S ANSwBR rO WNSTENN AN.CRAIT,S FORMAL CUSTON,TSR COI\,TPLED.IT 15535804 5.docx[30-214] Pecs 9 or 17 Western Aircraft's December 16,2020 leffer, SUEZ was forced to retain legal counsel to respond to this demand. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 14. SUEZ admits that its counsel timely responded to Western Aircraft's December 16,2020 demand letter and subsequent correspondence from Western Aircraft. SUEZ admits that copies of these correspondences are attached to the Complaint, though SUEZ notes that Western Aircraft has omitted the second page of an email chain contained in Exhibit D of the Complaint.e SUEZ affirmatively alleges that SUEZ consistently and accurately noted that Western Aircraft's August 2020 proposal did not comply with applicable rules; that SUEZ could not approve a proposal that did not comply with applicable rules and that would not allow SUEZ access to the water main to perform maintenance and repair; that SUEZ would work with Western Aircraft to come up with a plan that did meet requirements; but that it was Western Aircraft's responsibility, not SUEZ's responsibility, to come up with such a plan, and to obtain the costs of various alternatives that would comply with applicable rules. SUEZ denies all other allegations in this paragraph, including sub-paragraphs. 15. SUEZ denies the allegations in this paragraph in the Complaint. SUEZ has repeatedly and consistently noted that it is Western Aircraft's responsibility to propose a plan that complies with all applicable rules, and that allows SUEZ to access its water system to perform maintenance and repairs. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that, in a spirit of good faith and cooperation, SUEZ provided to Western Aircraft several options that would comply with e That email, in its entirety, is attached to this Answer as Exhibit 6 SUEZ'S ANSWTN TO WESTERN AR.CRAFT'S FONTT,IET CUSTOMER COMPLAINT I 5535804_5.docx[30-2 l4] PAGE IO oF 17 applicable rules yet still allow the hangar expansion.r0 One of these options is to abandon the existing water main. This solution would allow the building or permanent structure to be constructed in its proposed location. However, if SUEZ abandons the water main located under Western Aircraft's proposed building or permanent structure, the water system would no longer support fire flows to the hangar and to other customers. SUEZ's calculations regarding fire flow, which were provided to Western Aircraft, are attached to this Answer as Exhibit 2. To mitigate this detrimental effect on Western Aircraft and other customers, if it elects to pursue this course of actior5 Western Aircraft would need to upgrade the water mains on the perimeter of its property to larger mains that would support fire flows to Western Aircraft's project and to other customers that would be negatively impacted by abandonment of the existing water main. Rseursr FoR RELTEF SUEZ incorporates the responses to each of the allegations, as set forth above. SUEZ denies that Western Aircraft is entitled to any relief and respectfully requests that the Commission deny or dismiss the Complaint without ordering SUEZ to take any action. SUEZ responds to the particular request for relief in more detail as follows. 1 SUEZ affirmatively alleges that SUEZ is currently providing Western Aircraft with domestic water. SUEZ will continue to do so. However, Western Aircraft proposes to construct a building or other permanent structure directly above a water main that is used to provide water service. This would place SUEZ's water system out of compliance with IDEQ l0 SUEZ maintained, and continues to maintain, that it will work with Western Aircraft to identify solutions, but that Western Aircraft bears the ultimate responsibility to refrain from construction that will place SUEZ's system out of compliance with IDEQ's rules. SUEZ's efforts to work with Western Aircraft should not be construed as SUEZ accepting responsibility for designing Westem Aircraft's project, and SUEZ's proposals do not reflect the universe of potential plans that would comply with applicable rules. SUEZ'S ANSwTR ro WESTERN AR.cRAFT'S FoRMAL CusroMER CouprlrNr I 5535804_5.docx[30-2 l4] PecB ll or 17 rules. It would also preclude SUEZ from accessing the water main as necessary to perform maintenance and repair activities, and create the potential for damage to Western Aircraft's structure and surrounding structures if the main is breached. SUEZ respectfully submits that the Commission should not order SUEZ to provide water service if a customer chooses to construct a building that creates these problems. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that the Commission should deny all relief sought in the Complaint. SUEZ denies any further allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 2. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that it has correspondedrr with Western Aircraft in good faith regarding Westem Aircraft's proposal throughout the course of the events outlined in the Complaint and Answer. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that it will continue to work with Westem Aircraft moving forward as required to ensure that Western Aircraft's proposal complies with all applicable rules and provides sufficient access for SUEZ to perform maintenance and repair activities to its water system. SUEZ denies any other allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. A. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that it is not responsible for, and should not be placed in a position to be responsible for, providing cost estimates for work that Western Aircraft may or may not need to perform to ensure that Western Aircraft's proposal complies with applicable rules. There are many problems with Western Aircraft's request. To name a few: SUEZ does not know how Western Aircraft will ll A sampling of SUEZ's correspondence with Western Aircraft on this maffer are attached as Exhibits 1 and 7. Exhibit 1 contains an August 2020 email chain between SUEZ personnel, Westem Aircraft personnel, and Commission and IDEQ staffthat specifically notes the deficiencies in Western Aircraft's August 2020 proposal It would be duplicative, and it is unnecessary, to attach the voluminous emails, diagrams, and other documents to this Answer. Suffice it to say that SUEZ-as well as Commission and IDEQ Staff-has made its personnel available to spend significant time and effort in correspondence with Western Aircraft in an attempt to resolve this matter. SUEZ'S ANswBn ro WBsrsnN Am.cRAFT's FoRMAL Cusrounn CouplarNr I 5535804_5.docxl30-2141 PacB 12 on 17 ultimately plan, construct, and otherwise develop the project to comply with applicable rules; SUEZ does not know which contractors Western Aircraft would prefer to use; SUEZ does not know the business, design, and other relevant needs ofthe project as required to determine the above cost estimate; and costs, assumptions, and other relevant factors change so quickly in this environment that a cost estimate may not be accurate for a period of time. Requiring SUEZ to provide cost estimates for as-yet-not- proposed portions of Western Aircraft's project would place SUEZ in an untenable position vis-i-vis Western Aircraft and vis-d-vis SUEZ's existing customers. This is Western Aircraft's project, and Western Aircraft should be in charge of planning, designing, obtaining estimates, and constructing the project in compliance with applicable rules. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this sub-paragraph of the Complaint. B. SUEZ denies that the August 20,2020 plan proposed by Western Aircraft's engineers is compliant with applicable rules. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that Western Aircraft acknowledged that its proposal does not comply with applicable rules by requesting a waiver from those rules, which was denied by IDEQ. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this sub-paragraph of the Complaint. C. SUEZ respectfully submits that the Commission should not position itself as the agency to endorse any particular "proposed alternative solution[]" to Western Aircraft's dilemma. IDEQ, not the Commission, is the agency tasked with interpreting and administering the rules of public drinking water systems; and the Commission, like SUEZ, does not have the background information to determine which solutions most closely match Westem Aircraft's design and business needs. In addition, SUEZ,S ANswrn rO WESTERN AM.CRAFT,S FORMAL CuSrOugR CoIT,TPLAINT 15535804 5.docx[30-214] PAGE 13 oF 17 SUEZ is not aware of statutory or other authority that vests in the Commission the jurisdiction to endorse any particular proposed solution to a developer's plans that do not comply with applicable rules. However, if the Commission is inclined to select an alternative, SUEZ respectfully requests that the Commission determine with specificity which party is required to pay for which component of the respective solution. SUEZ denies all remaining allegations of this sub-paragraph of the Complaint. 3. SUEZ denies that Western Aircraft has alleged or proven any discriminatory treatment. A11 developers must submit plans that comply with IDEQ and other rules, and that allow SUEZ access to repair and maintain its water system. SUEZ affirmatively alleges that Western Aircraft is responsible for any costs needed to construct its project, including any costs needed to ensure that its project does not detrimentally impact water service to Western Aircraft or other customers. This would include costs to upgrade water mains around the perimeter of the property, as needed to maintain fire flows, if Western Aircraft chooses to construct the building or pennanent structure on top of the existing main and to abandon the existing main. SUEZ denies any remaining allegations in this paragraph of the Complaint. 4. SUEZ denies that any relief is necessary and proper on this Complaint. 5. SUEZ denies that a formal hearing is required. However, SUEZ would not object to a technical hearing if the Commission feels that a technical hearing is necessary to fully understand the circumstances surrounding the Complaint. ArrrnuauvE REeUEST FoR Rrr,rur In addition to the relief requested by SUEZ in response to Western Aircraft's request for relief, set forth above, SUEZ affirmatively requests that the Commission: 1. Deny all relief sought in the Complaint; SUEZ,S ANSWERTo WSSTERN ARCRAFT,S FORMAL CUSTOITIBn COrrapI-ArNr 15535804_5.docx[30-214] PAGE 14 oF 17 2. Order that any plan eligible for approval by SUEZ must comply with existing rules and allow SUEZ to access its water system as reasonably necessary to maintain, repair, replace, and otherwise access the water system; and 3. Order that any costs associated with designing, planning, implementing, constructing, and otherwise associated with Western Aircraft's project be borne by Western Aircraft, to prevent those costs from being paid by SUEZ's other customers through rates. Coxcr,usrox SUEZ respectfully submits that it is Western Aircraft's responsibility to refrain from constructing a project that would place SUEZ's water system out of compliance with IDEQ rules for public water systems, and that would prevent SUEZ from accessing an active water main as required to perform maintenance and repair. SUEZ has worked with Western Aircraft and agency personnel, including Commission Staff, to assist Western Aircraft in proposing a project that meets the needs of all parties. At the end of the day, it is Western Aircraft's responsibility to propose a plan that complies with applicable rules, and that permits SUEZ the necessary access to its water system. Costs associated with Western Aircraft's proposed project should be borne by Western Aircraft, not by SUEZ. Accordingly, SUEZ respectfully requests that the Commission deny or dismiss Western Aircraft's Complaint. To the extent any guidance from the Commission is appropriate, SUEZ respectfully submits that the Commission provide guidance to Western Aircraft that Western Aircraft must submit a plan to SUEZ that conforms to all applicable regulations and that provides SUEZ access to its water system as necessary to maintain, repair, and replace components of the system and to avoid the possibility of damage to structures owned by Westem Aircraft or other customers. SUEZ,S ANSWER To WESTERN Am.CRAFT,S FORMAL CUSToMER Co\apT,an.IT I 5535804_5.docx[30-2 la] PecB 15 or 17 DATED: February 24,2021. GrvnNs PuRsr,ev LLp ?e,-b Preston N. Carter Blake W. Ringer Attomeysfor SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. SUEZ's ANswen ro WesrERN ARcRarr's FonuAL CusroMER Couprenqr I 5535804_5.docxp0Al41 PAGE 16 oF 17 CERTITICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on February 24,2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, lD 83714 i an.norivuki@puc. idaho. gov John Hammond Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd., Bldg.8, Ste.20l-A Boise, D 83714 j ohn.hammond@puc. idaho. gov David H. Leroy Attorney atLaw 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 201 Boise, D 83702 dave@dlerov.com ," Preston N. Carter SUEZ's ANswrn ro WesrERN AEcRAFT's FoRMAL Cusrourn CoMpLATNT I 5535804_5.docx[30-2 l4] PeoB 17 or 17 - El -tr -l+lt*{X frl E !ll3 ITl Preston N. Carter From:Crofts, Nathan < nate.crofts@suez.com> Friday, September 11,2020 9:58 AM Mike Morrison; Terri Carlock Cooper, Catherine RE: Western Air Western Air Piping_rb.pdf Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: Attachments: Mike, I am trying to set up a meeting ASAP for Western Air. We are thinking 11:30. Do you want to be involved? Also, attached is a sheet showing the fire flow scenarios with the different piping options. I can go through this with you if you have any questions. Thank you, Nate Crofts Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 suee Please think twice before printing this email. From: M ike M orrison <M ike.Morrison@ puc. idaho.gov> Sent: Thursday, September !0,2020 LL:24 AM To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Cooper, Catherine <cathy.cooper@suez.com> Subject: RE: Western Air Thanks a lot. Could you send this to Louie and his design team? Mike From: Crofts, Nathan <nate suez.com> Sent: Thursday, September 70,2020 8:50 AM To: Mike Morrison <Mike,Morrison@pu >; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooDer@suez.com> Subject: RE: Western Air Mike, Yes, the minimum distance we have asked for is 20' Thank you, Nate Crofts Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 SUEE Please think twice before printing this email. From: Mike Morrison <Mike.Morrison@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 3:45 PM To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.eov> Cc: Cooper, Catherine <cathv. cooper@suez.com> Subject: RE: Western Air Nate: This is very helpful. Could you clarify your 7th bullet point? How much space does Suez need for its dump truck and other equipment? (Can you verify the distance we would have between the two structures to work on the line if needed? We would need to get excavation equipment and a dumptruck in this area safely.) From: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 3:34 PM To: Mike Morrison <Mike.Morrison@puc.idaho.sov>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.sov> Cc: Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@suez.com> Subject: FW: Western Air Mike, Thank you for taking the time to meet with us yesterday on the Western Air Project. As we discussed, I have included the last correspondence we had sent the Western Air Team. lt sounds like we are all ready to get the ball rolling again and try to find the best solutions for all of us to get the project moving along. We understand that this process has been frustrating for all involved. This is one of those cases that the more information that was gathered, the more issues that have been found. Suez has to do our best to follow every regulatory requirement with the installation of our water lines. lf there needs to be exceptions to these regulatory requirements we would expect that the Western Air Team would meet with and obtain the variances from the regulatory agencies. I have added some comments to the last e-mail in red below to try and help explain anything that might have been lost in the translation of the previous correspondence and to clarify some of our conversations. It would be good if we can get every together again and working towards solutions ASAP. Please let me know if you have any questions Thank you, 2 Nate Crofts Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:2O8-362-7329 suea Please think twice before printing this email From: Crofts, Nathan Sent: Thursday, August 20,2020 11:43 AM To: Brendon Daniels <bdaniels@to-ensineers.com>; Dillon Barresi <dbarresi@stockcm >; 'Louie Gravel' <!-ggieg-@ wCS!.Aj-t. co m > Cc: Brooks, Russell <russ.brooks@suez.com>; Justin Bilbrey <ibilbrev@to-ensi >; Tucker, Brian <brian.tucker@suez.com> Subject: RE: Western Air Brendon, I like the idea on the 4" line of a backflow. lf you want help deciding what all needs to be done there I could have our cross connection specialists give you a call and discuss options available. I think the south side should work in concept. There are a few callouts that will need to get cleaned up, The existing pipeisa6"ACline. lhadsuggestedthatthisnotstartuntilwehadthefullscopeoftheprojectcompleted.Theintent of this suggestion was to not have the owner pay for work to be done twice in this area, depending on the resolution to questions below. We had suggested that we abandon the north line at our meeting yesterday due the list of concerns that we still have on the north line. Below is a list of some of these concerns we still need to address:- Would the sleeved water line be above or below the non-potable lines? Suez will need to know the depth andlocationoftheline. Wewillneedtoverifythatwehaveenoughroomtonotunderminethebuildings when doing the work in this area. We would look at the distance from the building and depth of the pipe in such a way that that a L.5:L slope during excavation can be done safely and without compromising the integrity of the buildings. We would obviously need to verify that the location of this line meets all of the separation requirements. Not just for the new lines being installed but also for the existing non-potable line(s).- | don't see a call out for the existing 6" fire sprinkler line, How do we make this connection through a sleeve? Another option would be to connect the fire sprinkler line out of the sleeved area, providing that it meet all of the separation requirements as well.- How do we make a connection to the fire hydrant through a sleeve? Brendan was in the process of brainstorming this one when the informal complaint was made. Another option would be if we eliminate the existing line between the buildings that a portion of one of the existing lines could be used as a dedicated fire hydrant line?- There was a question of whether or not the existing 8" fire sprinkler line needs to be there or not. When we visited the site the maintenance team said they don't know what it feeds? Eliminating this service might clear up space for other things and save the customer a little bit of money. lf it truly can be eliminated?- The IDAPA rules for drinking water has a blurb that says we can't be closer than 5' to a building structure. Page 1"25, #1L. When we thought the structure in between was a breezeway we felt like this is something that we might have been able to work around. This is still a big area of concern. Suez needs to 3 beabletohaveaccesstothemainlineoveritslifetime. lfthestructurestayswith-outthisaccessitcould create huge maintenance issues down the road. lf there is not access to get through this area with equipment then the equipment will need to route around the structure via the airport runway. I am not sure if this is acceptable to The City of Boise. lf access is given through this area we would need enough room for a dumptruck and excavation equipment. (Something in the 13'tallX 12' wide range as a minimum.) I heard that the gas line is being abandoned. Do you know the location of any other utilities in this corridor? i.e. power, communication, etc...? Suez standard is to have 5' away from other utilities in order to safely access and work on the water lines. Can you verify the distance we would have between the two structures to work on the line if needed? We would need to get excavation equipment and a dumptruck in this area safely. We will need a minimum of 20' between the buildings. lf we decide to stay in the north corridor we would need something from Western air stating that if there is a main break in the area that Suez will not be liable for damage to Western Air's property, specifically the buildings. Suez needs to run this by legal counsel to verify this could be made into an acceptable agreement that will hold up for the life of the pipeline. We did have a conversation suggesting that we eliminate the north line and make the south and west lines 12" could probably do either an 8" or L2" on the east side depending on layout of hydrants line and fire sprinkler. know if you would like to discuss this further. Suez is doing further evaluation of this option. ,We Let me Let me know if we need to set up a conference call to discuss these items and/or brainstorm solutions. Thank you, Nate Crofts Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 SUCZ Please think twice before printing this email. From: Brendon Daniels <bdaniels@to-enAineers.com> Sent: Thursday, August 20,2020 10:12 AM To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com>; Dillon Barresi <dbarresi@stockcms.com>; 'Louie Gravel' <louieg@westair.com> Cc: Brooks, Russell <russ.brooks@suez.com>; Justin Bilbrey <ibilbrev@to-ensl > Subject: RE: Western Air Nate - Sorry I wasn't able to make the call on Tuesday. Dillon and I have been coordinating on the discussion held Tuesday and the existing site conditions that have been encountered since the other utility excavation began. We have prepared a revised SUEZ water plan that meets all DEQ regulations under the current existing conditions in order to move the project forward. Here is break down of the adjustments; 4 North side - extend SUEZ line sleeving to get under and past the sewer and fire line crossings. We made some slight adjustments to the alignment to increase separation. South side - sleeve and relocate SUEZ line under sewer crossing move south for separation from sewer/storm service lines. West side - my understanding is that SUEZ has field inspected the existing line and all clearances meet requ irements along Kennedy. 4" service line to Fire tank - sounds like we don't have much room to move here now that the actual location has been determined, I would propose that we install a bacKlow device/valve on this service line just off of Kennedy, that way we would classify the service line from Kennedy to the fire tank as non-potable and make it apart of the fire system and eliminate clearance requirements. We did not show this on the SUEZ plan attached, I figured it would not be in SUEZ scope of work. Included a civil plan mark up for reference. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or redlines on the plan so we can get the work moving ahead. Thanks for your help and coordination on this! BRENDON DANIELS, PE (lD, NV) | Proiect Monoger T.Cl ENEIIUEEFA 1998 W. Judith Lane I Boise, ldaho 83705 o 208-433-1900 | C 208-631-s851 www.to-enqineers.com From: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Sent: Tuesday, August L8,2020 5:20 PM To: Dillon Barresi <dbarresi@stockcms.com>; Brendon Daniels <bdaniels@to-engineers.com>; 'Louie Gravel' <loglgg@westair.com> Cc: Brooks, Russell <russ.brooks@suez.com> Subject: FW: Western Air Dillon, Below are some calculations for one of the solutions we can talk about tomorrow. Thanks, Nate Crofts Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 a a a a oEo SUEA Please think twice before printing this email. From: Brooks, Russell <russ. brooks@suez.com> Sent: Tuesday, August L8,2O2O 5:13 PM 5 EI To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez. >; Tucker, Brian <brian.tucker@suez.com> Subject: FW: Western Air I revised the flows to capture the fire flow coming from the west (Kennedy Street) or east (lngalls Street) to the existing hanger, see below. Russ From: Brooks, Russell Sent: Tuesday, August L8,2020 11:55 AM To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com>; Tucker, Brian <brian.tucker@suez.com> Subject: Western Air Nate and Brian, I ran the fire flow modelfor different pipe sizes in the Western Air area. Specifically for the existing hanger just north of the new construction and fire hydrant #1298 east of the development. The results are as follows: Existing Hanger (Kennedy west connection) Current available FF = 2402 Flow coming from west existing 6" in Kennedy and without the 8" connection between existing and new hangers = 1614 Flow coming from the west gilh new 12' line in Kennedy = 2379 Kennedy west connection affects Hydrant 1298 Current available FF -- 1754 Without the 8" between existing and new hangers = 1587 With new 12' line on Cessna and 8" line on lngalls = 1774 Existing Hanger (lngalls east connection) Current available FF = 2402 Flow coming from east existing 6" in lngalls and without the 8" connection between existing and new hangers = 1388 Flow coming from the east gi!! new 12" line in Cessna, lngalls and new 12' service line = 2692 lngalls east connection affects Hydrant 0013335 Current available FF = 1714 Without the 8" between existing and new hangers = 1538 With new 12" line on Kennedy = 1763 I hope this helps with decision making. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Thank you, Russ Brooks, PE Senior Project Engineer ldaho Operations SUEZ 8248W. Victory Rd. Boise, lD 83709 Tel:208-4014760 Russ.Brooks@suez.com SUEE Please think twice before printing this email 6 Before printing a copy of this email, please consider the environment. This email and any attachments are confidential and intendedfor the named recipient or entity to which it is addressed only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any revian, re-transmission, or conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard their content, emails are not secure and SUEZ cannot guarantee that attachments are virusfree or compatible with your systems and does not accept liability in respect of viruses or computer problems experienced. SUEZ reserves the right to monitor all email communications through its internal and external networks Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful, This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance, To find out more Click Here. Before printing a copy of this email, please consider the environment. This email and any attachments are confidential and intendedfor the named recipient or entity to which it is addressed only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, re-transmission, or conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard their content, emails are not secure and SUEZ cannot guarantee that attachments are virusfree or compatible with your systems and does not accept liability in respect of viruses or computer problems experienced. SUEZ reserves the right to monitor all email communications through its internal and external networl<s 7 N El -tr -l+ltltX FEI EXHIBIT 2 12"pipeonKennedy - 12" pipeonCessna - pipeonlngalls - = 1714 9Pm8' pips = 1538 gpm lmprovements = 1973 gpm 1996lo 12" = = 1754gpm 8" pipe = 1587 gpm improvements = 1931 gpm Ingalls upsize to 12" = 2,049 = 2379 Fire Flows: Fire Connection = 2402 gpmI' pipe = 1614 gpm (x)13 I BCi {1, \ lil € !h T$If \ I I t : 129 'ri * I a- ca E,t - Fd E !ll3 IT3 T.Cl IEN(3INEEBS 1998 W. Judith Lane Boise, Idaho 83705 Phone (208) 433-1900 Fax (208) 433-1901 www.to-ensi neers.comSeptember 23,2020 From: Dan Smith, P.E. - IDEQ Boise Regional Office Louie Gravel - Western Aircraft Nate Crofts - SUEZ Brendon Daniels, PE - T-O Engineers To: CC: Re: IDAPA Variance Request for Westem Aircraft Hangar Dan, The intent of this letter is to request a variance from IDAPA from Structures, which states, "Water mains shall be separated by at least five (5) feet from buildings, industrial facilities, and other permanent structures." Below is a short narrative detailing the circumstance and justification for granting the variance. The proposed Western Aircraft Hangar includes an enclosed walkway that will connect to the existing hangar for transferring sensitive aircraft parts (see attached site plan). An existing water main is located underneath the proposed walkway. Due to the lot size and other site constraints, the water line cannot be relocated around building and within site limits. The adjacent offsite area is a military base, and the owner does not have access. Considering these conditions, T-O Engineers has been working with SUEZ to find a solution. After a series of meetings, we are proposing the following solution requiring a variance: l. Replacing the water main under the enclosed walkway and sleeving with a steel pipe. A distance between the water main and enclosed walkway structure of four (4) feet vertically andzero (0) feet horizontally. Requirements from IDAPA 58.01.08 l. Granting the variance will not: a. Contaminate the drinking water supply. b. Compromise the structural integrity of the water main 2. Compliance with the requirement from which the variance is requested would result undue hardship to the Owner. Compliance would require replacement and dead ending the line up to the walkway and upsizing approximately 890 feet ofpipe due to inadequate fire flow. 3. The variance is necessary to address existing water line conditions and restricted property access from the adjacent military base. Thank you for considering the variance request for approval. Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information. Respectfully, Brendon Daniels, P.E. Project Manager - T-O Engineers -tE 8tI c t t \ I/t -l\ I I I SEE ENlm@ OEXLL I€1,.EXSTING I :} zLo =Eoo Ed<uFFfo =eO'a-u6d 7mzzmo a. amm ENLARGED DETAILrelka FUUEF@ @ J (9 =oi ffitG@ F-'" i MtrNG EOUND 2t 4UN,ffiMNN{EEmTONSUE&GOWIMAY r WAER UEwresmNmJOtm E WAmUEWTmffiDam€EEHESUffiTm) -9t ir i L lt tl I q ---,.il,-,*.+ ENCLOSED WALKWAY CROSSING DETAIL ffiRWUNE CESSNA STREET & IDAHO MILITARY DIVISION RESTRICTED ACCESS @ WESTERN AIRCRAFTs@tx1SWATER LINE EXHIBIT - --1-l__- - SPRAY T.Cl INEINIIRS BOISE, IDAHO E3705PHilE:(m)Grm wW.ENGMEre.wru ffiffihry UE@ &M ET Sent: From:Dan.M.Smith@deq.idaho.gov Wednesday, October 7, 2020 1 1:18 AM bdaniels@to-engineers.com LouieG@westair.com; Crofts, Nathan; jbilbrey@to-engineers.com; dbarresi@stockcms.com; Brooks, Russell; Cooper, Catherine; Valerie.Greear@deq.idaho.gov; Pierce, Scott RE: Western Aircraft - SUEZ Waterline Variance RequestSubject: Hi Brendon, We've had a chance to review the waiver request that you submitted for the water line near/under the proposed Western Aircraft hangar expansion. The request was reviewed by both DEQ Boise Regional Office staff and also the drinking water program engineer. We do not find the waiver request approvable as-is and we request that additional information be provided in order for DEQ to consider this waiver. As outlined in Section 005.01.a of the ldoho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (IDAPA 58.01.08) a successful waiver request must demonstrate that the proposed design 1) is protective of public health, 2) provides protection from contamination, and 3) allows for satisfactory operation and maintenance of the water system. With that in mind, please see the following comments: 1) Please provide formal documentation (ie: a letter) from SUEZ that they are on board with this project and agree with the design and approach. After all, this waiver is for their water system and we need to know that they buy off on the proposed approach before we will even consider approving the request. 2l lt seems that a major motivation for the request is based on avoiding the cost of upsizing water lines that could achieve the same end result in fire flow. Please note that financial considerations alone are not enough reason for DEQto approve a waiver; where possible, compliance with existing drinking water rules is always the first priority. Please provide additionaljustification in the waiver request for how the proposed project/approach will result in the best solution for this situation. The letter from SUEZ requested in item #1 should acknowledge that the proposed design represents the best design for this service area. 3) Drinking water waivers must demonstrate how the proposed project will result in and allow for satisfactory operation and maintenance of the system. Please include additional description/justification in your request for how any necessary operation and maintenance will be handled in this area. What if there is a line break near this area where the line runs beneath the walkway? How will the proposed design ensure that it can be quickly and effectively addressed? lt seems that this would be a major concern for SUEZ as the system owner. Please be sure that the letter from SUEZ requested in item #1 addresses O&M and acknowledges that they feel that future O&M will be satisfactory as a result of this design. 4) You state that the design "will not contaminate the drinking water supply" but you do not elaborate on this statement. Please be more specific about how the proposed design will not result in additional risk for contamination. 5) The waiver request should be stamped/signed/dated by the ldaho licensed professional engineer in charge of its preparation. Please review these items and revise the waiver request to provide this additional information, and to better justify how the proposed design meets the three waiver criteria I listed above. You can resubmit the request to me when it has been revised. Let me know if you have any questions. To: Cc: 1 Preston N. Carter Thanks, Dan Dan Smith, PE ! Staff Engineer ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Boise Regional Office 1445 North Orchard Street Boise, ldaho 83706 Direct: (208)373-028L Front Desk: (208) 373-0550 htto ://www.deo. ida ho.sov/ Our mission is to protect humon health ond the quality of ldaho's oir, lond, ond wdter. From: Brendon Daniels [mailto:bda niels@to-engineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 23,2020 4:19 PM To: Dan M. Smith Cc: Louie Gravel; Crofts, Nathan; Justin Bilbrey; Dillon Subject: Western Aircraft - SUEZ Waterline Variance Request Hi Dan - I understand that you are the contact to request a variance regarding IDAPA/DEQ regulations for waterline installations. We are working on a project with Western Aircraft and SUEZ to expand their facilities around some existing waterlines. We would like to sleeve an existing line underneath an enclosed walkway that will connect the new and existing building. This waterline is criticalto maintaining fire flow in the area with undersized mains and aging infrastructure. Please see the attached letter requesting variance for building setback. I apologize for springing this request on you out of the blue, if you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! BRENDON DANIELS, PE (lD, NV) | ProFct Monager T.Cl IENBINEEBS 1998 W. Judith Lane I Boise, ldaho 83705 o 208-433-1900 | C 208-631-s8s1 www.to-engineers.com Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly 2 lra prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializingin; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here. 3 \o E'l -E -ltt{XH EXHIBIT 6 Preston N. Carter To: Cc: Sent: Subject: From:Preston N. Carter < prestonca rter@givenspu rsley.com > Thursday, January 21,2021 8:58 AM 'Dave Leroy' Louie Gravel RE: Emailing: Westerns response letter.pdfl SUEZ WATER IDAHO [IWOV- GPDMS.FlD10415751 Dave, I am in receipt of your letter, which I shared with SUEZ. To be clear, it is not SUEZ's practice to provide cost or timing estimates for projects that impact SUEZ's water system. The responsibility of obtaining any cost estimates lies with Western Aircraft. Developers commonly have an engineer work up drawings and request bids, or more informally speak with approved contractors to get an estimate. I hope this provides some clarity. l'm happy to discuss directly with you, Dave, if that might help move the ball forward. l'm also happy to set up a call with both attorneys and both clients, or proceed in another manner if it will be helpful. I am jumping in and out of calls and meetings but can certainly make time, just let me know what times might work best for you and we can get something on the calendar. Thank you, Preston From: Dave Leroy <dave@dleroy.com> Sent: Tuesday, January L9,2O2L 1:39 PM To: Preston N. Ca rter < prestonca rter@ givenspu rs ley.com> Cc: Louie Gravel <LouieG@westair.com> Subject: Fwd: Emailing: Westerns response letter.pdf/ RE: SUEZ WATER IDAHO COUNSELOR: I ATTACH A REPLY FROM MY CLIENT WESTERN AVTATION TO YOUR RECENT LETTER ON BEHALF OF SUEZ WATER. WE HOPE FOR A PROMPT AND FULL RESPONSE REGARDS, DAVE Forwarded Message Subject:Emailing: Westems response letter.pdf Date:Tue, 19 Jan 202113:29:35 -0700 From:Davalee Davis <davalee@dleroy.com> To:David Leroy <dave@dleroy. com> Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Westerns response letter.pdf 1 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain tlpes of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 2 fr. Fr -n -l+lt{XH EXHIBIT 7 Preston N. Carter Frcm:Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Friday, August 28,2020 9:00 AM Mike Morrison; Cooper, Catherine Chris Hecht RE: Western Aircraft Expansion f DAPA.pdf; SUEZ Water ldaho lnc 23.pdf Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mike, Please responses below in Blue. Thank you, Nate Crofts Construction Su pervisor ldaho Operations suEz Tel:208-362-7329 SUEA Please think twice before printing this emoil. From: Mike Morrison Sent: Thursday, August 27,2O2O 5:15 PM To: Crofts, Nathan ; Cooper, Catherine Cc: Chris Hecht Subject: RE: Western Aircraft Expansion My questions are in Green: From: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2O2O 4:40 PM To: Mike Morrison <Mike.Morrison@puc.idaho.gov>; Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@suez.com> Cc: Chris Hecht <Chris.Hecht@puc. > Subject: RE: Western Aircraft Expansion Mike, Please see comments below and attachments. Let me know if you want to discuss or want any additional information on any of these items. Thank you, Nate Crofts 1 Construction Supervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 suea Please think twice before printing this emoil. From: Mike Morrison <M ike.Morrison@ puc. idaho.gov> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2020 lO:22 AM To: Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com>; Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@suez.com> Cc: Chris Hecht <Chris.Hecht@ puc.idaho.eov> Subiect: RE: Western Aircraft Expansion OK...l have lots of questions: 1. Please confirm my understanding of the situation...lf I'm wrong, please let me know. a. The pipe will still be routed beneath the breezeway, and not under either hangar. No. lt will now be routed under an actual portion of building (since the breezeway structure has been changed to a building structure). This is unacceptable to Suez for long-term maintenance access, even with a pipe sleeve. ls this a Statutory or code requirement, or a Suez preference? Both. The IDAPA rules say we should not cross under a building structure. See attached copy for your reference. From the Suez perspective we need to have access to all of our pipe lines in orderto assure proper maintenance and operation. Normal preference shall be in dedicated streets. See attached IPUC Rules and Regulations Governing the Rendering of Water Service and Water Main Extensions page 2L paragraph 61. b. There has been no change to Suez's access to the area since Suez approved the plan on or about June 4th. The planned breezeway has changed to now be an actual building structure. So, there has been a change to Suez's access since the approval on June 4th. Suez will now have to access the east portion by driving around the north side of the hangar and onto the runway with our equipment. We would prefer to not be on the runway. 2. Given that the pipe will be sleeved, why does it matter if the breezeway is fully enclosed? lsn't the pipe sleeved so that it can be accessed without tearing-up the breezeway? Correct - but over the 70 to L00 year life of a pipe, we figure that it will need to be accessed at some point. A breezeway could be disturbed if necessary. We would not be able to access anything located under a permanent building structure. The WA plan has changed, and the Suez plan also needs to change to address the WA change. <--ls this a statutory/code requirement, or a Suez preference? See answer above. Plus ldapa says we cannot be closer the 5' to a building structure. (Page 125) 3. Regarding the potable/non-potable water separation requirements. There seems to be a difference between what I have heard from Suez and what I have heard from Western. a. What separation requirements does Suez typically use for this sort of project, and what is the source of Suez's requirements? We use the IDEQ requirements, schematics attached. 2 4. Please provide a map showing the location of each potential separation violation. lt doesn't need to be a fancy map. For each violation annotated on the map, please provide the following information: I have included the original drawing they proposed to Roger and I last fall and then the actual civil plan we came across when we ended up onsite. I am putting the mark ups on both of these because it shows the non-potable lines that were not shown in the original. a. What is the purpose of the non-potable pipe (fire water, sewage, etc)Sewer, storm drain and fire sprinkler lines (being fed from a storage tank) b. Who owns the non-potable pipe? City of Boise and Western Air. See attached map. c. Was the non-potable pipe in place prior to Western's planned expansion, or is it part of Western's expansion plan? The ones in conflict are being installed as part of the expansion. d. Did Suez know about the existence of the pipe prior to excavation? lf so, did Suez communicate this information to Western or its designers? Partially. See plans. Yes, we communicated about what we knew about. e. Did Suez know about the potential violations prior to excavation? lf so, did Suez communicate this information to Western or its designers? Partially. See plans. Yes, we communicated about what we knew about. 5. Does Suez believe that there is no way to modify the existing 8" line so that it conforms with applicable separation requirements? lf so: a. Why did Suez approve this project? Suez does not have information on all the utilities on site, We count on the design engineer to meet all IDEQ requirements with their design. lt wasn't until the project was under construction that Suez's lnspector was able to see where the utility conflicts were located. Suez has not approved this plan. Construction was started without an approved Suez plan. b. Why was this information not communicated to Western earlier? See above response 6. As a solution, Suez has proposed that Western pay to upgrade an existing line that is not within the footprint of Western's proposed expansion. For Western, is this the least expensive way to assure separation? lf so, please provide workpapers, in EXCEL format, with calculations and links in-tact showing the costs of the proposed upgrade to Western as well as the costs (to Western) of any alternatives explored by the Suez. Suez doesn't calculate the costs of developer improvements, nor analyze the developer's most economic alternative. The Western Air team can discuss with Suez staff what alternatives would be acceptable, and then get contractor pricing for the options. From: Crofts, Nathan <nate.croft s@suez.com> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2020 9:42 AM To: Mike Morrison <Mike.Morrison@puc.idaho.gov>; Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@suez.com> Cc: Chris Hecht <Chris.Hecht@puc.idaho.eov> Subject: RE: Western Aircraft Expansion Mike, The location of the pipe is correct and the location of the structure is ok. They changed type of structure from being a breezeway to a fully enclosed extension of the building with conditioned air space and everything. This is still just one of the issues. We still have to comply with the DEQ separation requirements for potable and non-potable water. Typically when we see a sewer crossing and another non-potable source crossing our lines we rely on the design team working for the client to ensure that we are getting our separation. We are not getting the required separation at this point and the space between the buildings is proving to be a bottle neck for allthe utilities. Let me know if you have questions or need further explanation. 3 Thank you, Nate Crofts Construction Su pervisor ldaho Operations SUEZ Tel:208-362-7329 SUCE Pleose think twice before printing this email. From: Mike Morrison <M ike. Morrison @ puc.ida ho.gov> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2020 9:28 AM To: Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@sue >; Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Cc:ChrisHecht<@> Subject: RE: Western Aircraft Expansion Thanks. To clarify: Has Western changed the location of the structure, or did they find that the pipe wasn't where the drawing said it would be? Mike From : Cooper, Catherine <cathv.cooper@suez.com> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2O2O 9:25 AM To: Mike Morrison <Mike.Morrison@puc.idaho.sov>; Crofts, Nathan <nate.crofts@suez.com> Cc: Chris Hecht <Chris.Hecht@puc.idaho.sov> Subject: Re: Western Aircraft Expansion Hi Mike - that's correct. We were OK with the sleeved pipe under a covered walkway. That plan changed, however, without our knowledge, and it turns out Western Air is now building an actual portion of the building over the pipe. That doesn't work for us. l'm copying Nate so he can add any additional details. Thanks, Cathy Cathy Cooper, P.E. Director of Engineering ldaho Operations suEz 8248 W. Victory Rd. 4 Boise, lD 83709 Tel:208 810 0515 cathv.cooper@suez.com Please think twice before printing this emoil. From: M ike Morrison <M ike. Morrison @ puc. ida ho.sov> Sent: Thursday, August 27,2020 9:19 AM To: Cooper, Catherine <cathv.coooer@sue Cc: Chris Hecht <Chris.Hecht@puc. > Subiect: Western Aircraft Expansion Hello Cathy: It look like the original plan was to build a covered walkway over the 8" water pipe. This requires that the pipe be sleeved. It appears that this was approved by Roger Greaves on June 4s. What's wront with the original plan? MichaelW. Morrison, Ph.D., P.E. ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd, Suite 201-A Boise,ldaho 837L4 (208) 334-0356 5