HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200930Njuguna Direct.pdfi{.*,::IiYnn tir:.ii:il) 3il PH tr: 5? Michae! C. Creamer (lSB No. 4030) Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@q ivenspu rslev.com prestonca rter@qivenspurslev.com Aftorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UT!LITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID NJUGUNA SEPTEMBER 2O2O 1Q. 2A. 3 44. 5A. 6 74. 8A. I 10 11 0. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Please state your name and business address. My name is David Njuguna, and my business address is 461 From Rd, Suite 400, Paramus, New Jersey 07652. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by SUEZ Water Management & Services ("SWM&S") as Manager - Regulatory Business. Please summarize your educational background and qualifications. I graduated from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting in 2000 and earned a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Rutgers Business School in 2012. What experience did you have prior to ioining SWM&S? From August 2001 to July 2006, I was employed by the Union Fenosa Group, an integrated energy company headquartered in Madrid, Spain, where ! gained a broad outlook of utility accounting. During my tenure at Union Fenosa, I held various positions and my responsibilities varied depending on the title I held. As a management accountant, my responsibilities included preparing, reviewing and analyzing monthly divisional and consolidated financial statements and reports. As a financial accountant, my responsibilities included financial analysis and preparation of consolidated company budgets and financial reports. Njuguna, Di 1 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 1Q. 24. 3 4 50. 64. 7 I I 10 11 0. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 17 0. 18 A. 19 20 0. 21 A. 22 23 When did you join SWM&S and in what capacity? I joined SWM&S in May 2007 as a Rate Analyst. In August 2010, I was promoted to the position of Senior Rate Analyst and later promoted to the position of Manager Regulatory Business in January 2016. What other roles have you held while employed by SWM&S? From December 2012through December 2015, I worked in the Accounting Department of SWM&S as an Accounting Managerfocusing on Regulatory Accounting and Fixed Assets Accounting. My duties included, but were not limited to, ensuring the proper accounting of defened regulatory assets and fixed assets of the Company. Before what regulatory agencies have you previously presented testimony? ! have previously filed testimony in rate case filings before the New York State Public Service Commission, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Delaware Public Service Commission and the Arkansas Public Service Commission. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? The purpose of my testimony is to describe and present the calculation of the revenue deficiency and the resulting request for rate relief. What Exhibits are you sponsoring? I am sponsoring the following Exhibits: 1. Exhibit No. 6 2. Exhibit No. 9 Njuguna, Di 2 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 1 24. 3A. 4 5 6 70. 8A. I 10 a. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 0. 17 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 3. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 4 What leve! of increase is the Gompany seeking in this proceeding? SUEZ Water Idaho is seeking a revenue increase of $10,160,211 or 22.3o/oo/o over current rates for the pro forma period ending March 31 ,2021. Company Witness Thompson will provide more detiail about the drivers of this increase. What rate of return on rate base is this rate increase based upon? The increase is based on an overall rate of return ol7.460/o with a return on equity of 10.2Oo/o. Have you prepared an Exhibit that shows the calculation of the Company's proposed overall Rate of Return of 7.460/o? Yes. Exhibit No. 6, page 1 shows the capital structure of SUEZ Water Resources along with the cost of debt and the retum on equity of 10.20o/o. The weighted average of these components is the 7.460/o overall requested rate of return. Has the Gommission previously approved the Company's use of SUEZ Water Resources capital structure and cost of debt in its rate case filings? !n Commission Order No. 28505 in Case No. UWI-W-00-1, the Commission found the use of United Waterworks' capital structure and cost of debt to be reasonable for ratemaking purposes. United Waterworks has since been incorporated into SUEZ Water Resources and thus the Company is using the capital structure of SUEZ Water Resources. Njuguna, Di 3 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 o. A. Have you prepared an exhibit that indicates the pro forma operating income for the Company at existing and proposed rates? Yes. I have prepared Exhibit No. 9, titled "Statement of Operating lncome Per Books and Pro Forma under Present and Proposed Rates For The Twelve Months Ending March 31,2021". Column 1 references the Exhibit Numbers (5, 6, 10 and 1't) that detail the adjustments to the Test Year results indicated on Exhibit No. 9. Column 2 indicates the elements of operating income: operations and maintenane€ expense, depreciation and amortization expense, taxes other than income and income taxes. The amounts therein are per books, as shown on Exhibit No. 10. Column 3 of Exhibit No. 9 shows a summary of Test Year adjustments made to revenues and expenses. The adjustment to operating revenue shown on line 1 is detailed on Exhibit 5 and will be explained by Company Witness Michaelson. The adjustments to operation and maintenance expenses, summarized on line 2, are detailed on Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1 and the adjustments to depreciation expense and amortization of utility plant acquisition adjustments summarized on lines 3 and 4 are detiailed in Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 2, further explained by Company Witness Cary. The adjustments to operating taxes summarized on lines 6 and 7 are detailed in Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 3, and will be explained by Company Witness Cary. Column 4 of Exhibit No. 9 shows the adjusted operating income at existing rates for the Test Period. Column 4 also indicates that based on the Test Year adjustments made, the Company Njuguna, Di 4 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 0. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 will earn a 4.09 % overal! rate of return on its rate base investment as of March 31, 2021 with known and measurable adjustments taken into consideration. Column 5 of Exhibit No. 9 indicates the adjustments to operating revenue, operation and maintenance expenses, and income taxes under the increased rates proposed by the Company herein. The adjustment to operating revenues of $10,160,211 was computed using a 7 .460/o rate of return on rate base. Column 6 of Exhibit No. 9 illustrates the adjusted operating income necessary to produce the requested rate of return, 7.460/o. The income taxes shown on lines 11 and 12were computed as indicated on Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 4, and will be explained later in my testimony. Please explain the adjustments to operating expenses as shown on Exhibit No.9. Operation and maintenance expenses have been increased by $4,509,817 (Exhibit 9, line 2). Depreciation and amortization expense have been increased by $1 ,132,351 (Exhibit 9, line 5). Property Taxes have been increased $320,606 (Exhibit 9, line 6). Payroll taxes have been increased $122,644 (Exhibit 9, line 7). Federal income taxes have been decreased by $2,164,935 and State income taxes have been decreased by $370,518 (Exhibit No. 9, lines 't1 & 12). The detailed support for the operating expense adjustments are shown on the four Schedules following the Exhibit 10 Summary. Schedule 1, pages 1 to 33, provides detail for adjustments made to operation and Njuguna, Di 5 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I maintenance expenses that are explained by Company Witness Cary. Schedule 2, page 1, provides detail for adjustments to depreciation and amortization expense and Schedule 3, pages 1 to 4, provides detail for adjustments to property and payroll taxes both of which are further discussed by Company Witness Cary. Exhibit 10 Schedule 4, page 1 provides detail for adjustment of State and Federal income tax expense. Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 4 page 2 shows the method I employed to compute the "Net to Gross Multiplie/' utilized in this case to gross up the Net Operating lncome deficiency. O. Please explain Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 4. A. Exhibit No. 10. Schedule 4. Paqe 1 of 2 shows the calculation of State and Federal income taxes at both existing and proposed rates. The amounts shown on line 1 of columns 1 and 2 are the same as the amounts shown on line 10 of columns 4 and 6 on Exhibit No. 9. These figures represent operating income before income taxes. From these figures, the applicable statutory deductions were deducted when computing the State and Federal income taxes. The first deduction is interest expense and it is deductible in the computation of both State and Federal taxable income. The calculation for the interest deduction is shown in Note A on lines 11 through 15. The deduction of interest expense is included in the total tax deductions amount on Line 4. Njuguna, Di 6 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I The second deduction is the excess of pro forma tax depreciation over pro forma book depreciation. The excess tax depreciation is deducted from State taxable income only since State income taxes are calculated on the basis of flow-through accounting while Federal income tiaxes are calculated on the basis of normalization accounting. Lines 23,24 and 25 indicate the amounts used in determining excess tax depreciation. Please explain the adjustment shown on line 2, Golumn 5 of Exhibit No.9. The adjustment shown on Iine 2, Column 5 of Exhibit No. 9 represents additiona! uncollectible expense and IPUC assessment as a result of the pro forma adjustment to operating revenue shown on line 1, Column 5 of Exhibit No. 9 as further detailed out on Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 4. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Njuguna, Di 7 SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. 10 o A 11 12 13 0. 14 A. Michael C. Creamer (!SB No.4030) Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@qivenspurslev.com prestoncarter@qivenspurslev.com Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. SUZ-W-2O-02 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EXHIBITS 6, 9, 10 (Schedule 4) TO ACCOMPANY THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAV]D NJUGUNA Ios ?$-9 <t sE, E 3: EE;1 t(! X- (!OIIJOo. s(oaF soqoo o,G'. rod00-t-N 0 g ='=t!-)9oEoor.uF N(f' sstfNotq -lO ss(oeNNtc; ss(o1\o)ou, tttlo oat00 -N oFOoto6i+trt-c? 68 o oo(, 9E<3 Eos .glo = b8 o=ooQO oEto troo oo- tr o E o 9ts 63 rEE.!i oo.OGo ctzotr5 oooL)o(EOl=oCL tr.IEL(ro!5 etqB t PE€-oloE >J.E SEiEN.9z IlJloox -> l,(,6E8E 5E -Js6 )(Jlr J(EO(, IET'4.t!o N?ocIiN-oo ci oIo- = o2:E 6-o3.aoOEr-Ct6)(.:6orrJ oo. c,,lo(o cie #. E B;P E E e3 b:4 E* e E t Ae $ ; E y E_ E E.--E f E E.g &. gsi.E*;Esg :PE:=ERF (D coa? rt Eood cizEx UJ (7'(q-lolo(a-t\o (!)<,O),t@q @ o s(oar- oE')(E(L o.ozExltl s@ai- so)qt c)@. @loc) @ st@ (r)q6!oc6 Ne EooJ c;z xul (?,(oo,+@c!(o 6 av,ctatloci-6 (\tc,q o)Noto6 c)*qoo i6 (ot-6lo c.j a t $o)l- 6oxdogo E$EEE9Eq EE EEES9gEg EE@tL|-FNcO +(ll *tEEoooodd ct cizzCExxIJJ UI oo6{ oo- Nott--N(n(o tl'-{-oo(t o ll)-oN(q No)o)"6F(o t\t\a? @ ao C-'l NNq (v)oqo !toIc)(\tao @o)c+c.l\(o ooc!t-!t 1- 6ox(!Fo EooE Eo(,oo Eoog EDc E(,o.oo o,(o6lNO)cra,c, o,(9ol(oro o(v)cll)(Dc! rJ)(v) otl()aoq(o ol o)!t oi$l fieiil .6OF,rg EDoEO 6-bso.=9E(EC) Efi O) t- t- 6lN c) (oEEoo@utoo cidzz EExxlIJ lU !IoEtrox3E;;6(EEEFF ooE.Eo _ E9oExvaI se xEfi=tr>iEE3!O<o_F(Ol\6 t$t1r,rri(r) ni rt(\,Ilo- |()(o ^i @o(o-oNc) @ O)- tl o_ (",t-@+ o c; (v,t-ett co lf,a? N(",i (\(\u?(\l @q o) co 6NoEoo9-. E ocS fiH FE3 6r= = CJA* EE 6Eil. Eo EEEP ooE E'EhE 'F O.I! nG 6 di-o[ s s'EE(\l (ttto @-FN+do)Nt--o N\oN N\o6t (\.I NEa,o(,ou)od ci <izzEExxIIJ lIJ (o t(DF.o lo(o- $l(o- o 6- @@- O) rt(9qloN\ N o(i)ol(olo |f,o)o-o(olo- 6t F @- o)olo-!t ot\o- o)lf)o-t- c,ooo ciz x IJJ rJ)\t(o @ o-L,u)r4 -s-(96!. aioat(o o o t(Dt-orat@-loto EE 8 !$ s $l Fio,$t-(otte =oo{oztxlrJ o8E;eEgEO_ooocCu,o-Er9otsEEE9 E Eg-oTP oSi EEEot troo.J =EEE L- 6'tE tr "9AEa,ooo (o ro t (D N trE =Fo(, o.sJ E o(, c E 6o E E 6o t EIo(, E E 5(, H MI =p =fo= Hfir/toiZF<z e83 38=Efi=uJo_FIxiNXE5=Pooozl,J 33t!oc u.roo FIir. E?(ri,fr 3'r o = SUEZ WATER IDAHO Case SUZ-W-20-{12 Computation of State and Federal lncome Taxes At Present and Proposed Rates Line PRESENT RATES (1) PROPOSED RATES t2l& 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES lnterest Expense (A) Excess Tax Over Book Depreciation (C) TOTAL TAX DEDUCTIONS Taxable lncome-State State lncome Tax at 6.925% Federal Taxable lncome (L.1-L.2-L.6) Federal lncome Tax at 21% Less: Amortization of ITC NET FEDERAL INCOME TAX EXPENSE (A) CALCULATTON OF TNTEREST EXPENSE DEDUCTTON: Pro Forma Rate Base Debt Percentage of Capitalization Debt Portion of Rate Base Debt Rate INTEREST EXPENSE (B) CALCULATTON OF ADJUSTMENT TO INTEREST EXPENSE: lnterest Expense for the 12 months ended June 30,2020 Allocation of Amortization of addltional debt costs lnterest expense net of the amortization of additional debt costs Direcl Amortization of additional debt costs Adjusted per books interest expense Pro-forma interest expense based upon rate base and capital structure Adjustment to lnterest Expense (c) ExcESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECTATTON: Pro Forma Tax Depreciation Pro Forma Book Depreciation EXCESS TAX OVER BOOK DEPRECIATION (C) $ 10,423JU 4,242,068 1,726,il0 5,968,608 4,454,496 $ 308,474 $ s.872.562 $ 1,233,238 $ (48,240) s-L10L99! $ 20,426,377 4,242,068 1,726,540 5,968,608 14,457,768 $ 1,001,200 $_1L1SX10E $ 3,188,453 $ (48,240) l-3J40.er3 218,358,831 45.930% 1fJr] 291 233 4.23% s 4.242.068 $4,050,6't2 115,052 3,935,560 11 12 13 14 15 $ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24.2581 4,059,818 $4242.068 L192.?50 10,284,899 8,558,360 LlJ20l40 Case No. SUZ-W-20{2 Exhibit No. 10 Schedule 4 D.Njuguna Page 1 of 2 $ $ SUEZ WATER IDAHO Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 Galculation of Revenue Requirement & Net to Gross Multiplier Rate Base Required Rate of Return Required Net Operating lncome Adjusted Net Operating lncome Realized Net Operating lncome Deficiency Net To Gross Multiplier Gross Revenue lncrease $ 218,358,831 7.460/o 16,284,963 8,929,632 7,355,331 $ 1.3813 10J60,211 Net Operating lncome Requirement 1.0000000 $ 10,160,211 Less: IPUC Assessment Rate Less: Uncollectible Accounts Expense Rate Applicable to O&M Expense & IPUC Assessment 0.0025930 0.0128535 0.0154465 $156,939 State Tax Rate Effective Net State Tax Rate 0.0692500 0.0681803 $692,727 Federal lncome Tax Residual lncremental Federal lncome Tax Rate Effective Federal Tax Rate 0.0836268 0.2100000 01924384 $1,955,215 Composite:IPUC Fees, Uncollectibles & lncome Taxes Composite Residual 0.276065 $ 0.723935 $ 2,804,880 7,355,331 Net to Gross Multiplier 1.3813 $ 10,160,211 Case No. SUZ-W-20-02 Exhibit No. l0 Schedule 4 D.Njuguna Page2ot 2