HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200930Press Release and Customer Notice.pdfpress release @ SUEE
Boise, lD, September 30,2020
Community has benefited from enhanced retiabitity, safety and
boost to [oca[ economy
SUEZ officiats announced today the completion of a S-year comprehensive effort to add
approximatety $1 15 mitl.ion in customer improvements including new pipes to minimize
leaks and service disruptions, new pumping stations to ensure everyone has adequate
water pressure and new treatment technotogies to hetp ensure high-qual.ity, ctean water
SUEZ fited a detaited report for approvat with the ldaho Publ.ic Util.ities Commission.
"Access to clean and safe water is critical to the Boise community, even more so during
the COVID-19 pandemic," said Marshatl Thompson, Vice President and GeneraI Manager
of SUEZ' ldaho operations. "The investments we have made have improved water quaLity
and strengthened the safety and resiliency of the water system for many years to come."
Water Service Remains a Strong Value for Customers
"SUEZ is committed to buil.ding sustainable and reliabte water systems across the
nation," said Chartes Dickerson, President of SUEZ North America's Utitity Division. "The
$1 15 mittion in improvement projects in ldaho represent an average investment of $1,200
per customer. lt is easity one of the greatest investments on behatf of customers of any
water util.ity in the Treasure Vatley."
lf the Commission approves the request in futt, customer bitts woutd be adjusted by
22.3o/o. The average residential. biLL woutd increase by $O.ZZ a day or $5.61 per month, the
average commerciat bitt by $0.21a day or $ZS.S1 a month, and the average publ.ic
authority bitt by $0.02 a day or $18.97 a month. Company revenues woutd increase by
$10.2 mittion peryear.
It wil.l. take severaI months for the Commission to accept, reject or modify the first review
of a [arge-scate investment effort in five years.
"We are particutarty sensitive to the financial pressure faced by many of our customers at
this time. That is why we have been carefuI to bring projects to the community that not
onty create long-term, greater resitiency in the system, but are atso an exceptionaI vatue,"
ldaho Opemtions
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Thompson added. "We have about 120 SUEZ employees who work and live in the Treasure
Vattey, and we are atl deepLy committed to protecting our water system and keeping our
service retiable and affordable."
Despite the large investment in the system and any adjustments to water bitts, rates for
SUEZ customers in ldaho witt remain betow or competitive with every other water util.ity in
the vatley - pubtic or private.
Bolstering the LocaI Economy
The $1 15 mittion in projects al,so highl.ight the company's commitment to improve lives and
communities in ldaho by hetping to stimutate and sustain the [oca[ economy.
"These extensive upgrades in water infrastructure wit[ have long-tasting impacts,"
Thompson said. "They not onty have brought enhanced water quality and service to our
customers, but they have helped sustain jobs and keep the locaI economy churning, even
in the midst of this pandemic."
New lnvestments Keep Water Ftowing
o 65 miles of new water mains provide more water to growing areas of the
community, safeguard the pubtic during an emergency, and increase system
resitiency. Projects include:
o Redwood Creek Pipetine: $13.9M in pipes serving Eagte and Northwest
Boise with additionaI capacity and fire protection
o Five-Mite Pipetine: $l.ZU to improve water pressure, fire protection, and
add capacity for customers in Southwest Boise
o Spurwing Pipetine: $3M pipetine in West Boise, Meridian, and Eagte that
has enhanced pressure, water, and fire protection
o Brian Water Connection: $2.1M support northeast Boise with additional
water and emergency protection
144 energy efficiency and safety projects at two surface water treatment
plants, inctuding a comptete replacement of the control system at the Marden
Water Treatment Ptant.
$S.91,4 for a new 1 mittion gallon tank at Sunset Peak to support foothil.l.s
neighborhoods and ensure customers have ptenty of water during peak times and
when emergencies such as witdfires occur.
$7.S mittion state-of-the-art meter reading system, cal.l.ed Advanced Metering
lnfrastructure lAMll, wil.l. Lead to hourty updates on water consumption and hetp
customers better manage their water bitts. Customers can monitor water usage and
set conservation goats through their customer account on www.mysuezwater.com.
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FinanciaI Assistance Avaitabte
The company continues to recognize the f inancial hardships caused by the Covid- 19
heatth crisis. Customers who need assistance with paying theirwater bitts can ca[[ the
ldaho customer service center to discuss payment ptans or contact our f inanciaI
assistance partner, SUEZ Cares, at suezcares.org or 888-668-0856.
This appLication is a proposal, subject to public review and a Commission decision. A copy
of the application is avai[able for pubtic review at the offices of the Commission, at the [oca[
SUEZ office and on the Commission's homepage at www.puc.idaho.qov. Sign up for the
commission's RSS feed to receive email updates on the case.
Press Contacts:
Jane Kreller
iane.kreI suez.com
Steve Goudsmith
12011 22s-6809
About SUEZ North America
SUEZ North America operates across all 50 states and Canada with 3,000 employees dedicated to environmental sustainability and
smart and sustainable resource management. The company provides drinking waten wastewater and waste collection seruice to 6.7
million people on a daily basis; treats 560 miltion gallons of water and 460 million galtons of wastewater each day; delivers water
treatment and advanced network solutions to 16,000 industrial and municipal sites; processes 160,000 tons of waste for recycling;
rehabilitates and maintains water assets for more than 6,000 municipat and industrial customers; and manages $4.1 billion in total
assets. The company posted revenues of $1. I biltion in 2018 and is a subsidiary of Paris-based 9UEZ.
About SUEZ
Since the end of the I 9th century, SUEZ has built expertise aimed at helping people to constantly improve their quality of life by
protecting their health and supporting economic Arowth. With an active presence on five continents, SUEZ and its 90,000 employees
strive to preserve our environment's natural capital: water, soil, and air. SUEZ provides innovative and resilient solutions in water
management, waste recovety, site remediation and air treatment, optimizing municipalities' and industries' resource manegement
through "smart- cities and improving their environmentat and economic performance. The Group delivers sanitation services to 64
million people and produces 7.1 bitlion m3 of drinking water. SUEZ is also a contributor to economic growth, with more than 200,000
jobs created directly and indirectly on an annual basis, and a provider of new resources, with 4.2 million tons of secondary raw
materials produced. By 2030, the Oroup is tergeting 100% sustainable solutions, with a positive impact on our environment, health and
climate. SUEZ generated total revenue of€18.0 billion in 2019.
Find out nrore about the SUEZ Group
on the website & on social media
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ldaho Operations
8248 w Victory Rd, Bolse, lD 83709
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