HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190417Cary Direct.pdfORIGINAL ti:CElVEi) iir;! EfR I 7 plf 3: L6 Michael C. Creamer, ISB #4030 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock St. P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ldaho 83701 -2720 Telephone: 208-388-1200 Facsimile: 208-388-1 300 mcc@g ivenspu rsley. com r)C Aftomeys for Petitioner SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC.'S PETITION FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM UTlLIry CUSTOMER RELATTONS RULES 311(4) AND (5). Case No. SUZ-W-19-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JARMILA M. CARY APRTL 17,2019 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A. o. A. Please state your name and business address? Jarmila M. Cary, 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, ldaho 83709. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by SUEZ Water ldaho lnc. ("SUEZ" or "the Company") in the capacity of Director of Finance. How long have you been employed by SUEZ Water ldaho? I have been employed by SUEZ since June 1997, with a brief leave of absence from June 2008 through August 2009. Briefly describe your responsibilities during your tenure. I became Director of Finance in September 2015. As Director of Finance, I have oversight over the Company's financial activities including planning, variance analysis, operational reporting, payroll, accounts payable, and development and monitoring of business metrics. I participate in rate filings, monitor capital expenditure investment, and define and implement changes in management initiatives. I am also the key contact person within SUEZ's ldaho Division for centralized functions such as accounting, audit, tax, treasury and procurement. ln l\Iarch 2018, my role expanded to include oversight of the Customer Service Department. Previously, I provided testimony before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission in the Company's 2011 and 2014 general rate cases on operating expenses and deferred debit amortizations. o. A. 10 a. A. 11 12 13 t4 t5 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 Cary Di 1 23 SUEZ 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 From January 2003 until April 2013,1 was in a supervisory role as Manager of Accounting. During April 2013, accounting functions transitioned to the SUEZ Corporate office. I assisted in formulating rate increase requests and operating expense adjustments in the 2006 and 2009 general rate cases. From 1997 until January 2003, I was in a Senior Accountant role performing general ledger accounting, planning functions, variance analysis and preparing annual reports to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and the ldaho State Tax Commission. What is your educational background? I was granted a Bachelor of Science in Business, with a major in Accounting, from the University of ldaho in December, 1996. What is the scope of your testimony? My testimony describes the scope of, and rationale for, SUEZ's request for exemption from the provisions of Utility Customer Relations Rules (the "UCRRs") 311 (04) and (05), as they relate to customer contact requirements and accepting payments during disconnection, and SUEZ's proposals to. 1) increase the non- mandatory customer notices before discontinuance; 2) eliminate customer Western Union payment processing fees; and 3) eliminate accepting customer payments at the Company's office. Cary, Di SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 t6 t7 t8 t9 21 a. A. a. A. 20 2 22 o A. I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 t4 t5 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 Why does the Company feel it is necessary to request these changes? The Company seeks to address growing safety concerns for SUEZ personnel who are required to accept payments and make faceto- face contacts at a customer's premises before terminating service under the UCRRS. The Company seeks exemption from UCRR 311 (04) and (05) to permit it to: a) discontinue collection of payments at the customer's premises door during the disconnection process; b) use other forms of customer notice in lieu of the mandatory on-site faceto-face disconnection contact; and c) where advanced remote metering service connection/disconnection technology is installed, discontinue posting paper notices to the customer's premises door. ln lieu of the UCRR requirements, the Company proposes to increase the number of non-mandatory customer notices before disconnection to provide customers with additional notice and opportunities to avoid a service interruption. The Company also proposes to waive the Western Union payment processing convenience fees that customers currently incur who pay their bill at Western Union payment locations, by telephone, or online. SUEZ requests recovery of this cost. To further reduce the risks to its employees and follow similar practices approved for other larger regulated utilities in ldaho, the Cary, Di SUEZ 3 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 Company proposes to discontinue accepting payments at the Company's office while promoting other convenient electronic and automatic payment options. My testimony also discusses the anticipated impact of the proposed changes to the Company and its customers, reviews the disconnect notifications customers currently receive, the historical customer utilization rates of the various payment methods available to them, and the planned efforts to inform customers regarding the anticipated changes if the exemption request is approved. ELIMINATION OF CUSTOMER CONTACT AND ACCEPTANCE OF PAYMENTS !N OFFICE AND FIELD Please summarize Utility Customer Relations Rule 311. Briefly, Utility Customer Relations Rule 311 subsection (04) requires that immediately preceding termination of service, utility personnel must attempt to make face-to-face contact with the customer and to accept payment on an outstanding bill at the premises. Subsection (05) requires the utility employee designated to terminate service to notify the customer in person or with a conspicuously placed notice at the affected service address outlining the procedure to reconnect service. Utility Customer Relations Rule 311 (IDAPA subsections (04) and (05) are as follows: Cary, Di SUEZ 10 11 12 t3 14 15 t6 t7 18 19 21 o A 20 22 4 23 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 04. Opportunity to Prevent Termination of Service. lmmediately preceding termination of service, the employee designated to terminate service shall identify himself or herself to the customer or other responsible adult upon the premises and shall announce the purpose of the employee's presence. This employee shall have in his or her possession the past due account record of the customer and shall request any available verification that the outstanding bills are satisfied or currently in dispute before this Commission. Upon presentation of evidence that outstanding bills are satisfied or currently in dispute before this Commission, service shall not be terminated. The employee shall be authorized to accept full payment or, at the discretion of the utility, partial payment and in such case shall not terminate service. Nothing in this rule prevents a utility from proceeding with termination of service if the customer or other responsible adult is not on the premises. 05. Notice of Procedure for Reconnecting Service. The utility employee designated to terminate service shall give to the customer or leave in a conspicuous location at the affected service address a notice showing the time and grounds for termination, steps to be taken to secure reconnection, and the telephone numbers of utility personnel Cary, Di SUEZ 5 1 or other authorized representatives who are available to authorize recon nection. Please describe the rationale for seeking the exemption from UCCR procedures during the disconnection process. The Company requests exemption from Utility Customer Relations Rules ("UCRR") 311.04 and 31 1.05 under the provision of UCRR Rules (003) and (009), which allows utilities to seek a rule exemption when "unusual or unreasonable hardships result from the application of any of these rules." The Company asserts that good cause exists for exemption due to the growing concerns for the safety of employees and customers when handling payments, and to avoid potentially violent conflicts, during disconnection. The Company asserts that application of the UCRRs is an unreasonable hardship for the Company and its customers given the reasonable alternatives available that can reduce safety risks and promote deployment of modern metering technologies. How can these safety concerns be addressed by granting the exemption? Safety concerns can be addressed by using available customer communication channels other than the required face-to-face contact or door postings, accepting payments through the variety of other convenient payment options available to customers, using 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A. l0 ll 12 13 14 15 16 t7 o 18 19 A. 20 2t Cary, Di SUEZ 6 22 1 2 1J 4 5 6 7 o. A. smart metering technology and allowing the Company and customers to realize the efficiency benefits thereof. Do the current rules 311.04 and 311.05, which require an attempt to make face-to-face contact and collection of payment at the premises, present safety concerns? Yes. According to the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration [citation: https.//www. os ha. g ov/S LTC/workplacevio lencel, notab le risks a re associated with employees who deal directly with the public and those who exchange money with the public Field employees who carry money or collect money from customers have the potential to experience a hostile interaction leading to serious injury or death. Field employees who are known to collect payments, who work alone, or who carry money in their vehicle or on their person, are inherently at a higher risk of being attacked and robbed as they travel their route. Also, businesses that handle and carry currency are targets for criminal activity. Does SUEZ have any record of employee physical altercations with customers at their premises? SUEZ ldaho employees have reported six altercation incidents over the last several years. These incidents range from intimidation, verbal threats, to more aggressive physical altercations. They include people following the employee to their vehicle, standing Cary, Di SUEZ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 t7 18 t9 20 21 22 23 o. A. 7 1 over the employee as the service is being disconnected, leaning into the employee's vehicle's open window and verbally intimidating them, threatening to release or allowing aggressive dogs to chase the employee, attempting to engage the employee in a fist fight, poking the employee's chest, shoving the employee and threatening to brandish a firearm. What steps has the Company taken to mitigate safety risk to employees performing disconnections and accepting payments in the field? Safety of employees, customers and the environment is at the forefront of everything the Company strives to do. Avoiding high- risk situations is always the most desirable course of action. To address the safety risk, the Company provides training to all employees based on the job classification and risk of exposure. This training includes assessing hazards, developing safe work plans, familiarity with policies, rules and regulations, practical and effective communication, prevention of workplace violence as well making various tools and resources available to employees. Customer Service field employees are also trained on aggressive dogs, conflict avoidance and resolution, de-escalation methodologies, and how to be safe and remain alert while on route, when working alone and in the evening. The Company gives all employees the ability to exercise full authority to stop work they Cary, Di SUEZ 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 t2 l3 14 15 16 17 l8 t9 20 21 22 23 o A. 8 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 t1 t2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 21 22 23 o. A. o. deem is unsafe or could cause harm, and to avoid situations where safety is a concern. Would eliminating the practice of face-to-face contact with the customer and/or and collecting payment at the premises during the disconnection visit reduce the risk of harm for employees? Yes. The Company is aware that stopping collection of payments and stopping knocking at the door during a disconnection visit will not remove all risk, but it is a pro-active step the Company believes would reduce the opportunities for conflicts to arise and would further SUEZ's continuing efforts to provide a safe workplace. Risk of injury or death to employees due to confrontations should not be an accepted cost of doing business, nor should it be part of a utility employee's job description and requirements. Are the Company's concerns limited to the risk of harm to employees while at a customer's premises during a disconnection? No. There is reason for concern for the physical well-being of employees, but also for the public that may be nearby at the time of an incident. Field collection of customer payments also presents the concern that personal banking information on a customer's check may be used fraudulently if the payments are stolen while the disconnecting employee is still in the field. Safeguarding Cary, Di SUEZ A 9 1 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 l5 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 o. A customer payments and information are both important, but the safety of customers and employees is paramount. Please reference where such an exemption during disconnection has been requested and granted. ln Case No. GNR-U-14-01, the Commission granted a similar exemption request to ldaho Power Company, Avista Corporation and PacifiCorp DBA Rocky Mountain Power. Commission Order No. 33229 found that "the Utilities (and their customers) face unusual and unreasonable hardships under, and should be exempted from, UCRR 311 .04 and .05 because those sections: 1) heighten the safety risk to utility employees; and 2) preclude the Utilities and their customers from realizing the benefits of modern metering technologies." !s SUEZ's request for exemption during disconnection materially different from the exemptions granted in Case No. GNR-U-14-01 ? The Company is asserting "unusual or unreasonable hardships" exist for SUEZ similar to those recognized by the Commission in Case No. GNR-U-14-01. There, the Commission found that "the knock-and-accept payment rule poses an unreasonable safety risk for [the utilities'] field personnel." SUEZ's employees are subject the same inherent safety risks when handling customer payments and performing manual service disconnections. Cary, Di SUEZ o. A. 10 1 O. Please discuss the remote meters the Gompany is evaluating. A. The Company is studying and testing remote capable meters and pending a successful evaluation, would plan to continue deployment of this technology. lf the exemption were not granted, SUEZ would also "unnecessarily incur labor and transportation costs that might othenrvise be avoided through the availability of remote disconnection and reconnection" technology by being required to adhere to the knock-and-accept payment rule or posting notices to the premise door where advanced remote meters are capable of performing the service connection/disconnection without manual intervention in the field. a. How does the Company's request differ from the electric companies? A. The Company's request for exemption differs from the electric utilities in that in addition to proposing to cease accepting customer payments in the field, SUEZ also is proposing to eliminate acceptance of all payments at the Company's office. To make this change easier for customers, SUEZ proposes to eliminate the $1.00 to $1.99 Western Union payment processing fee incurred by customers who use this payment method. The Company would also increase the number of customer pre- disconnect notifications beyond what is required by the UCCR to help customers avoid service interruptions. Where remote Cary, Di SUEZ 11 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 16 17 l8 t9 20 21 22 z.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 21 22 o A. disconnection of service becomes possible as the Company deploys advanced metering technology, SUEZ requests exemption from having to post notices to the customer's premises door. What is the Company's current practice when notifying and disconnecting a customer for nonpayment of their water bill? The Company considers disconnection of service as a last resort. However, when it is necessary to disconnect a customer's service due to nonpayment, numerous notifications are made in an attempt to avoid disconnection and interruption of service. Existing customer notices prior to disconnection of service: Bi!! - tMailed. lnitial Reminder Notice (AR1) - Required, mailed at least 7 calendar days prior to termination. Final Reminder Notice (AR2) - Required, mailed at least 3 days prior to termination, excluding weekends and holidays. Occupants who are not customers (Tenant) Notice - Required (where applicable), delivered to property or common area at least 2 days prior to termination. Final Televox Auto Dialer Call - Required in-person or phone contact, at least 24 hours prior to termination. Termination/Reconnection Notice (AR3) - Required, hand delivered to property at time of disconnection of service. Cary, Di SUEZ o a a a a a 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 14 15 t6 l7 18 19 20 2l 22 On the due date per the customer's final notice, a field Customer Service Person is dispatched to the customer's premises to collect payment or disconnect service. The employee attempts to speak with the customer or responsible adult at the site by knocking on the door. lf there is no answer, or if payment or a payment arrangement cannot be made, the employee leaves a door hanger with the required reconnection information and proceeds to disconnect the service. SUEZ employees have discretion to proceed with the disconnection or not depending on whether they feel it is safe to do so, both for the customer and the employee. lf the customer makes a payment at the time of disconnection in an amount sufficient to void the disconnection order, the service will remain on and a $15 Field Collection Trip Charge is collected or added to the customer's next billing statement. lf the service already has been disconnected and the customer did not make payment at the time of disconnection, then after the customer has settled the amount due and requested the service reconnection, an employee will be dispatched back to the customer's site to reconnect service. The customer's billing statement will then reflect a $20 Reconnection Charge (during normal business hours) or a $30 Reconnection Charge (other than normal business hours) if requested after regular business hours, Cary, Di SUEZ 13 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A. on a weekend or holiday, as authorized in the Company's tariff Schedule No. 5, Jvliscellaneous Fees and Charges. How many customers present a payment in the field at the time of the disconnection site visit? The graph below indicates the number and percentage of customers who presented payment in the field at the time of the disconnection visit between 1999 and 2018. The number of payments presented in the field at disconnection has been decreasing. Number of Customers presenting payments at disconnection visit What percentage of customers have multiple disconnection events? Of the accounts in active collection status, approximately one third of those accounts had more than one disconnection event, incurred more than one field service payment collection charge or service reconnect charge, and utilized the highest cost payment option. 700 llllllllllllliiiiiii 1999 2000 200L 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20LO 20L1 2012 2013 2074 20t5 20t6 20t7 2018 10 ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 a. A Cary, Di SUEZ 17 14 1 2 IJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 o.lf a customer makes a payment at the time of the disconnection site visit, how does the Customer Service Person process that payment? The Customer Service Person (or Meter Reader) who receives the payment in the field provides the customer a hand written receipt for the amount of payment provided. The employee keeps the payments in a locked vehicle until the end of their shift when payments are delivered to and processed at the Company's office. Payment information is updated in the Company's customer information system immediately following delivery or on the morning of the next business day. lf the requested UCRR exemption is approved then when the customer is home at the time of disconnection but indicates they want to pay the bill, would the Customer Service Person accept a payment? No. lf the exemption is approved, then the Customer Service Person would not accept a proffered payment in the field. The Customer Service Person dispatched to perform the service disconnection (where remote disconnection/connection technology is not available) would post a disconnection notice to the premises door, but would not knock on the door in an attempt to make a face- to-face contact and/or accept customer payments. The employee may at his or her discretion, wait for a few minutes and offer the A. 10 11 12 o. 13 14 15 16 A 17 18 19 20 2t 22 Cary, Di SUEZ ZJ 15 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. customer the opportunity to make a telephone or on-line payment to avoid the disconnection of service. Additionally, the Customer Service Person will have the discretion to delay or void a disconnection if they are made aware of or observe a situation where they believe disconnection of service will be harmful to a resident at the site. You previously stated a customer making a payment at the premises at the time of the disconnection is charged a $15 fee. How does that compare with the costs of other payment options available to customers? Customers choosing to make their payment at the time of the service disconnection are using the most expensive method to pay their water bill. lf the customer waits to make a payment until the Customer Service Person is at their home to disconnect services, then the customer is charged a $15 field service collection charge. The customer's cost for making payment other than at the time of a disconnection visit range from $0 (if paid through ACH, ebill, US Bank downtown using check, etc.) to $5.00 (if paid at US Bank downtown using cash), depending on the option chosen. By eliminating accepting payments in the field, the customer would avoid the highest cost payment option. Cary, Di SUEZ 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 21 A 20 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 14 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 21 22 ^/.3 O. Can the Company remotely disconnecUreconnect service using an Advanced Metering lnfrastructure ("AMl") Smart Meter technology? A. The meters currently deployed by the Company contain a mix of mechanical, digital, and radio frequency meters. The majority of these meters do not have remote disconnection/reconnection capability. However, the Company is continually evaluating opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce costs and employ developing technologies to better serve customers The Company has acquired a test number of meters with connecUdisconnect technology and is installing them at select locations-predominantly residential or small commercial customer sites. These advanced meters also have additional capabilities such as pressure and temperature monitoring. Results of the meter performance test will be evaluated for continued deployment potential as part of the Company's overall meter replacement strategy. The replaced meters in good working condition that also comply with the 2014 Lead-Free Safe Drinking Water law are able to be reused. O. What criterion will SUEZ use to determine where remote connecUdisconnect meters should be installed? A. SUEZ is intending to deploy remote connecUdisconnect metering capability at locations that are remote, difficult to access, where temperature or pressure monitoring is desired, or locations that Cary, Di SUEZ 17 1 1 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 ZJ o. have had multiple connect-disconnect site visits, or where safety generally is a concern. lMultiple field visits to certain locations are primarily attributable to collection activity, payments collected at the door, and disconnections for non-payment, but also involve locations where frequent customer-requested connections and disconnections have occurred. Where new meter technology is installed, the Company will be able to remotely connecUdisconnect service and avoid sending an employee to the location. The employee could then be redeployed to perform other customer service field and troubleshooting functions. lf an exemption is granted, is there any concern that customers would not be provided with adequate disconnection notice before the disconnection site visit? No. Disconnecting service for non-payment is always a utility's last resort. SUEZ already provides customers with multiple notifications of account balances and potential disconnection of service. The existing billing and collection process provides customers with numerous notifications using various communication methods prior to the disconnection visit and gives the customer ample time to arrange for a payment to be made before the Company visits the site. lncluding the initial bill, the Company makes a minimum of five notification attempts prior to service disconnection for non-payment. Cary, Di SUEZ A 18 I INCREASI NG NON.MAN DATORY CUSTOMER NOT! FICATION What changes to the customer notifications at disconnection does the Company propose if the exemption is granted? Suez proposes to increase the number of auto-dialer customer notifications to help customers avoid a service disconnection and to evaluate customer responses. The Company will add one telephone notification before the required mailed notification - lnitial Reminder Notice (AR1). The Company will evaluate whether this additional courtesy notice is effective in reducing customer service disconnections and investigate the effectiveness of varying dates and times of the notices. The current cost to the Company to place an automated call though Televox averages between $0.12 and $0.15 per call. The Company is investigating alternate technologies and service providers that could potentially reduce this cost and offer the Company and customers more options such as text messaging. lf the number of calls placed increases, the Company's costs would increase, but efficiencies gained by eliminating field payment collection visits during manual disconnections and by no longer accepting payments in the Company office are expected to help offset that cost. The Company expects that increasing the number of telephone notices should reduce the cost associated with the printed and mailed disconnection notices. Depending on actual Cary, Di SUEZ 19 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 lt 12 13 t4 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 o A. 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A. number of disconnects and customer responses to such, operating costs should remain essentially unchanged. What are SUEZ's customer payment method utilization rates? The chart below illustrates the percentage of total customers who have utilized the various available payment options over the five- year period from 2014-2018. These include various Western Union electronic payment options. The "Local Field Payments" category represents payments made to employees outside of the office and "Local Office - Cashiering" represents payments made at the SUEZ Victory office by walk-in customers or the after-hours drop box. Customer Payment M ethods 20L4-20L8 l0 tcll Offic. . Cathia.rnS (Wallnn & Nr8htdrop).., w6t?rn Unon ATM 2.lar6 wcrt.m Unon ACH 2.44X wcrtcm Unpn ACH t.om e8rll 3.3616 wcrtc.n Uoon Cr.drl C.d 5,21t'6 Coll6ts A8ocv 0.07X Lc.l t|ld P.yn6t3 0.05t6 Wcat?rn Union QuKk Collccr (C$h) 0.0396 Waitcrn UnroD ConE6[n<! Plyrrcot Ccntar 0.23% : Mellon or Citibank Lockbox (Check Mailedl r E-Pay (AcH Dircct Debit) * LocalOffice (Mailed or US Bank) . Western Union Credit Card r Western Union ACH from eBill , Wcstcro Union ACH r Western Union ATM r Local Office - Ca3hierint (Walk-in & Night-drop) r Western Union Convenience Payment Centet r Colhction Atency . Loc.l Fi€ld Paymanti r Western Union Quick Collea (Cashl Cary, Di SUEZ 1l 12 How many customers present payments at the Company's office?13 o. 20 LmlOtfc. (M.ihd s US B.n$ 9.05r( Manoo frCrtibark l*kbor (Clxk MriLd! 63.2295 E.Pry {ACH Drc<t Oct t} 12.5296 I A A small percentage of customers choose this payment option. Based on the Company's analysis from 2014-2018, just 1 .67% of all customer payments were presented at the SUEZ Victory office. Of those, the majority were payments made by check. During 2013-2016, there were a total of 14,369 cash payments presented at the SUEZ Victory office for that four-year period, with an average cash payment amount of $75.99. The ovenvhelming majority of customers who came to SUEZ's office to make payment during that time, were from the immediately surrounding geographic area (i.e., within zip code 83709). For customer convenience and for after- hours deposits, a drive up deposit box is currently available for check payments. The drive-up deposit box payments are retrieved each business day morning and applied to customer accounts immediately, prior to any disconnection process. What are the fees associated with the currently available payment options? Customer payment options and the associated third party fees: . Field collection trip charge (at disconnection) $15.00 . US Bank (downtown Boise - cash) $ 5.00 . Call Western Union $ 1.99 . Pay on SUEZ website (credit card) $ 1.99 . Pay through ebill (credit card) $ 1.99 . Western Union Pay station (cash) $ 1.50 Cary, Di SUEZ 21 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 t2 t3 t4 l5 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 o. A. a Western Union Pay station (check) By US mail (first class stamp) US Bank (downtown Boise - check) Victory Road office (checks only) Victory road night drop (check only) E-pay direct debit (ACH) Pay through ebill (ACH) $ 1.oo $ 0.50 no cost no cost no cost no cost no cost a a a a a a 16 17 l8 19 o. A. ELIMINATION OF WESTERN UNION PAYMENT FEES What payment convenience fees have the Company's customers incurred using Western Union and what is the company's proposa!? The table below represents the number of Western Union payments presented and the associated convenience payment processing fees customers incurred for years 2013 through 2018. Approximately 13% of customers over this timeframe used a Western Union payment method. The NationalAssociation of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) issued Resolution 2012-07, "Urging Utilities to Eliminate 'Convenience Fees'for Paying Utility Bills with Debit and Credit Cards and Urging Appropriate State Cary, Di SUEZ 20 Western Union 2073 2074 2015 2076 2017 2018 Total # Speedpay payments 61,594 70,288 76,782 91,675 94,226 98,578 Total fee # payments 41,031 49,846 54,171 63,4s9 66,714 70,177 Total fee amount (S)s 81,663 s 99,1e4 S 109,006 5 726,283 $ 132,761.s 138,451 Avg payment amount ($)577 576 574 s78 Szs 577 21 22 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 12 13 t4 15 I Regulatory Oversight" in 2012, outlining the rationale for eliminating convenience fees. Customers have expressed frustration with incurring convenience fees as they have become accustomed to paying for goods and services electronically by credit card and expect not to incur fees. The Company recently surveyed SUEZ customers nationwide and received 456 responses; 103 from ldaho. The number one complaint received from customers is that they are unhappy incurring payment processing fees. The feedback for payment preferences includes: o Preferred payment channel for customers is predominantly online through the Company's website with only 1% preferring to make a payment in person. ln the future, through which channelwould you prefer to make your payment? 7Oo/o 600/o 5Oo/o 40o/o 30o/o 20o/o 1Oo/o Oo/o Customers' preferred method of payment is by their bank and in generalthey prefer one-time payments, followed by crediUdebit card one-time and then automatic payments. 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l5 16 17 ."" .." *o^...c t*"1"$$_1"", a Cary, Di SUEZ 23 rgt l%b 6o/o ryoI ln the future, what would be your preferred method of payment? 40o/o 35o/o 30o/o 25o/o 2Oo/o 15o/o 1Oo/o 5o/o Oo/o ",]"r$$-1;1"".*'c .-'.""O 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A Are there examples where other utilities have eliminated "convenience fees" associated with customer payments? ln Case AVU-E-16-01 Avista Corporation was authorized to defer the costs incurred in offering a fee-free payment program and recover them in a subsequent rate case. ln Commission Order 33494, the Commission found that eliminating the convenience fee "will likely improve customer satisfaction and lead to cost savings for all customers." The Company anticipates that if convenience fees are eliminated, customer use of electronic or convenience payments will likely increase. However, the more convenient the Company can make it for customers to pay bills, the more it benefits all customers. Obviously, customers who pay on time and are able to take advantage of the various payment options are the least expensive to serve. Customers who do not pay on time and who are subject to Cary, Di SUEZ 24 l0 11 12 13 t4 l5 t6 1 collections efforts use more call center and field service time and increase Company costs, which are borne by all customers. The Company recognizes that a number of its customers face a constant struggle to stay current with their bills, but it also anticipates that its proposed changes in collection and disconnection practices will better serve all of its customers, help to reduce direct costs to its less advantaged ones, and may reduce overall Company costs associated with these activities. SUEZ believes it is reasonable to offer customers additional payment options without incurring convenience fees and that this cost should be included in the overall cost of service for all customers. How does the Company propose to account for the customer Western Union payment processing fees it proposes to absorb? The Company proposes to waive the customer Western Union payment processing fees by paying those convenience fees, on behalf of its customers and capturing these costs in an operating expense account and including this cost in future general rate cases. The Company is also requesting that if this is granted, the Company be authorized to defer the Western Union fees costs until the next rate case and recover that deferred amount over three years. Thereafter, it would become a normal operating expense. Several SUEZ affiliate companies have already implemented such Cary, Di SUEZ 25 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 10 il t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 Z3 o. 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 changes or are in the process of obtaining their Commissions' approval to eliminate customer payment convenience fees and recover that cost. a. DISCONT!NUANCE OF COMPANY OFFICE PAYMENTS How does SUEZ justify discontinuing accepting payments at its Company office? There is no requirement that utilities accept walk-in or night drop- box payments at their company office. Based on communications with other utility company representatives, SUEZ understands that ldaho Power does not accept customer payments at its company office. lntermountain Gas Company has a drop box for customer payments by check. SUEZ is not aware that these companies have experienced any collection or customer service issues by not accepting payment in their offices. SUEZ also believes that like field collection of payments, there are safety risks when handling payments, particularly cash. Eliminating acceptance of payments in the field and in the Company's office would lower the risk of robbery for customers and employees. Fufthermore, handling cash payments is a more time intensive management process compared to other payment options. Handling cash poses additional challenges and employee time could be better used to address A 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 Cary, Di SUEZ 22 26 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 customer inquiries and concerns. Some of the established controls necessary to handle and safeguard cash include: . Time counting, making change, filling out cash receipts . Securing cash drawers . Balancing payments with checks and cash . Cashing out at the end of the business day . Supervisor time to recount cash and verify cash-out amount . Obtaining proper denominations of cash/coin at bank . Preparing cash deposits for armored car pick-up ln light of the various payment options available and the low percentage of customers who actually present payments at the Victory office or at time of disconnection, the Company asserts that there would be no undue hardship to customers if the ability to present payments at the Company office or in the field was discontinued. lf approved, the Company would put a communication plan in place to direct customers to the various other convenient payment method options. The Company also proposes to cease accepting payments in the field and at the Company's office over a four- month period, providing fair notice of the coming changes to customers. How would this change impact cash only customers? Cary, Di SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 21 20 22 o. 27 1 A.Customers who choose to pay with cash would still be able to do so at the numerous available Western Union Quick Collect locations, free of charge if Commission approved, or at the designated US Bank downtown Boise branch for a small fee. From 2013 to 2016, SUEZ received 2,452 checks from customers that subsequently were rejected by their bank due to non-sufficient funds ("NSF'). These NSF payments represent only 0.1% of all payments the Company received over the same period. Customers who attempt to pay with an NSF check are required to satisfy both the amount due and a $20 Return Check Charge with cash, certified check or money order. The Company proposes to change its current NSF payment policy and provide customers added options to pay by credit card and other electronic payment options to settle an NSF payment. What other payment options will continue to be available to SUEZ's customers? Customers will continue to have numerous options to pay such as: mailing payments, e-pay direct debit ACH, eBill, Western Union Credit Card, Western Union ACH, Western Union ATM, Western Union Quick Collect kiosk locations and their own bank. To make the proposed transition as convenient as possible for customers, the Company proposes eliminating the Western Union customer payment processing fees that are imposed when Cary, Di SUEZ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t9 20 2t 22 z) o. A. 28 1 customers present payment online, via the telephone and also when paying in person at a Western Union Quick Collect location. The Company is also working with its vendor to continue offering additional locations for payments and upgrade features while lowering costs. There are currently Tl Western Union payment locations within ten miles of the Company's office zip code 83709, with 36 Western Union Quick Collect cash payment locations. These payment locations and the form of payments accepted can be obtained by visiti ng tt/ySU EZWater. com. lf the exemption is approved and payment processing fees are eliminated, what payment fees would remain? lf approved, customer payment optlons and the associated third- party fees would be: . US Bank (downtown Boise - cash) $ 5.00 . By US mail (First class stamp) $ 0.50 . CallWestern Union no cost . Pay on SUEZ website (credit card) no cost . Western Union Pay Station (cash) no cost . Western Union Pay Station (check) no cost . US Bank (downtown Boise - check) no cost . E-Pay Direct Debit (ACH) no cost . Pay through ebill no cost 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 o 12 13 A. t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 Cary, Di SUEZ 23 29 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 o. A BENEFITS AND CONCLUSION What benefits are expected if SUEZ's request for exemption is granted during the disconnection process and payment options at the Company's office and in the field are eliminated? The benefit will be a reduction to the safety risk employees face when performing service disconnections and when accepting payments in the field or at the office. Eliminating the ability to pay at the door removes only the most expensive payment option from the list. Eliminating the ability to pay at the Company's office impacts only a small number of customers from the immediate surrounding geographic area. lf approved, however, customers will benefit by no longer incurring a field trip collection fee or incurring Western Union payment processing fees. They will have additional convenient payment options at no additional charge. Customers will receive additional notices before a service disconnection, which will give them more opportunity to avoid service disruption. How do customers who will have remote connecUdisconnect capable meters benefit? The primary change for customers at locations where remote connecUdisconnect capable meters will be installed is that SUEZ Cary, Di SUEZ o. A. 30 I will no longer visit their location to connect or disconnect service, and they will no longer have the opportunity to pay at their door to avoid a disconnection for non-payment. The vast majority of SUEZ customers rarely require a site collection or disconnection visit. However, some customers have repeated on-site collection and/or disconnection activity. Those are ideal locations where remote meters would make the process more convenient for customers and the Company. For those customers who are facing a disconnection for non- payment, the new process will be more predictable and timely. The customer will know what day their service is subject to disconnection and not have to guess when the SUEZ field personnel will arrive. Unlike manual service disconnections, disconnecting meters with remote capability will be on a specific schedule. SUEZ plans to schedule remote disconnections for non- payment early in the day so that customers have an opportunity to make payment arrangements and reconnect service the same day in most cases. Predictability of disconnects and reconnects will result in a more consistent process that can help customers easily manage these situations. Additionally, the remote connecUdisconnect meter has the ability to reconnect service much faster once payment is received. SUEZ anticipates that customers with remote reconnect Cary, Di SUEZ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1t t2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 z) 31 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 t3 t4 15 t6 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 Z) technology will experience reconnection within minutes rather than the hours sometimes required for an employee to be dispatched and travel to the customer's premises and manually reconnect them. The primary benefit of advanced metering technology for both the Company and customers is increased safety in alerting customers and the Company to potential backflow detection issues and improved efficiency through an automated process rather than a manually performed connection/disconnection function. As a result, there will be fewer vehicles on the road, which will reduce congestion and vehicle emissions, and customers will have more privacy. The Company staff that normally would have been dispatched to perform disconnection of service can be redeployed to other customer service functions. Customers who have paid at the door have been subject to a Field Trip Charge and, if this option will no longer be available, customers will not incur this fee. ln addition, through the implementation of At\Il smart meters, customers with internet access will have detailed personal consumption history available through their online account at ttIySUEZWater.com and the ability to receive automated alerts informing them through email or text message of potential leaks. At\Il meter technology also alerts the Company of potential backflow detection issues. Cary, Di SUEZ 32 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 13 t4 15 t6 17 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 o. A. What are the Company's customer communication and education plans should the exemption be granted? The Company does not wish to confuse or alarm the majority of our customers that pay their bills on time and already use alternative payment methods. SUEZ will target customers whose payment records indicate that they previously have elected to pay at the door before termination, paid late, or chose to pay at the Company's office. Customers who pay on time do not respond favorably to notifications regarding late payments. As they have expressed to the Company, they take great pride in paying their bills early or on time. To provide customers with sufficient communication regarding the proposed changes, the Company proposes to continue accepting payments in the field and Company office for a period of four months following approval by the Commission, then stop the practice. lf approved, the Company would: 1) Modify the three collection notices SUEZ uses to collect on past due bills. 2) Modify the prerecorded automated collection call (Televox) to include these changes. 3) lncrease the Televox calls to customers and vary the call times during the collection process. lf the customer answers the automated call, voice mail records the call and if someone Cary, Di SUEZ 33 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 hangs up, the Company will not continue to make additional calls. lf there is no answer and no answering machine, the Company will make three attempts the same day, at around noon, in the afternoon, and in the evening. 4) Post a lobby sign at its office advertising the approved changes no-knock, no collections at the premises, and no cash accepted at the office. This sign will remain in the lobby for a period of one year and the exterior door will be posted with a notice that customer payments are not accepted at this location. 5) Leave an informational card such as the example below outlining approved changes, with the shut-off notice at the customer's premises at the time of disconnection. t0 l1 12 t3 Cary, Di SUEZ 34 1 Sample lnformation Card 2 @suea Dear Valued Customer, as of pr/rcy'mr, field service personnel will no longer accept payments in the field or at the Company's office 8248 West Victory Road. Payments made through Western Union are now free, at no additional charge. SUEZ offers many convenient payment options to pay your account. . CallWestern Union at 1-888-608-6690 l24l7lo Go to www.mysuezwater.com to findo How to make payment via the web o A nearby Western Union Pay Station o A Western Union Quick Collect Stationo How to get set up for Direct Debit o How to get set up for ebilling . By mail (cost of stampl. Pay through your Ebill lf you need to make a pay plan or need other assistance, please call our customer service department at (208) 362-73O4, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We have made this change for employee safety, as well as for the security of your payments. J 4 5 6 7 We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you for being a SUEZ customer. 6) Attach the above-mentioned information card (step 5) to payment receipts given out in the office on Victory Road during the four month moratorium period. Cary, Di SUEZ 35 I 7) lnform customers of approved changes when Company Customer Service Representatives are discussing payment plans or late payments. 8) Provide Customer Service field employees with training on how to speak to customers about the approved changes. 9) I\Iodify the call on-hold messages customers hear when waiting to speak to a Customer Service Representative. 10) lnclude a message on all prime bills for two complete billing cycles (a four month period). 1 1) lnclude information on the approved changes on the Company website at [VlySuezWater.com Sample Bllfvlessage As of xx/xx/xxxx, SUEZ will no longer be accepting payments in the field for the safety of our employees and payments will no longer be accepted at the 8248 West Victory office. lf you wish to make a payment you may now do so free of charge at any Western Union location, online or by contacting (PHONE NUMBER). ttIySUEZWater.com will provide a listing of Western Union payment locations. The employee education plan will consist of the following: 1) Hold department meetings and discuss approved changes before they are rolled out. 2 1J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 l1 t2 13 14 15 t6 17 18 19 21 20 22 Cary, Di SUEZ 36 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 o. A. o. A. 2) Provide training and summary of changes for field and office employees, on how to discuss changes with customers. Has SUEZ consulted with any of its stakeholders regarding this proposal? Yes. On April 1 1,2019 SUEZ met with Commission Staff to discuss this proposal. The Company also has visited with the executive director of the Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho ("CAPA|") to discuss its proposal. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes it does. Cary, Di SUEZ 10 37