HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211027Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE (ISB No. 9917) DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03t2 ;iTL'iiyF, i;,:: t::i i.7 Pit l+: c5 cAsE NO. SUZ-W-18-02/ EAG-W-18-01 -1 -;'{.-ri: Street Address for Express Mail: 1133I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, TD 83714 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC., TO ACQUIRE EAGLE WATER COMPANY COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomeys of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attomey General, submit the following comments. BACKGROUND On November 15, 2018, SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ") ard Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water") jointly (the "Applicants"), applied to the Commission requesting approval of a proposed acquisition of Eagle Water's assets by SUEZ. SuEz-formerly United Water-has been operating in the Treasure Valley since 1928. SUEZ serves approximately 99,000 customers in the Boise area. Eagle Water is a privately held water company serving approximately 4,400 customers near Eagle, Idaho. Eagle Water holds Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") No. 278. H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC (*H2O Eagle") is also involved in the proposed acquisition. According to the Applicants,HzO Eagle will purchase Eagle Water's ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 27,202t assets for an undisclosed amount. Simultaneously, SUEZ will then purchase Eagle Water's assets from H2O Eagle for $10 million. On Decemb er 7 , 2018, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and established a deadline for interested parties to intervene. Order No. 34203. City of Eagle, Eagle Water Customer Group ("EWCG"), City of Boise City, Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"), and Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability ("CAIA") intervened. Order No.34229. During the proceeding, Intervenor City of Eagle sued Eagle Water in District Court claiming a right of first refusal to buy Eagle Water's water system. Because the Commission's decision on the Joint Application may have been affected by the outcome of the District Court litigation, SUEZ moved to stay the Commission proceeding pending a resolution of the litigation between the City of Eagle and Eagle Water. SUEZ represented that the other parties to the Commission proceeding did not oppose the motion. On March 27,2019, SUEZ's motion was granted, and the Applicants were ordered to provide quarterly reports on the status of the District Court case, Case No. CV01-19-03534. Order No.34292. After extended mediation, SUEZ, Eagle Water, and the City of Eagle reached a settlement agreement ("Settlement Agreement") that included new terms relevant to this proceeding. On February 24,2021, the parties filed the Settlement Agreement and a stipulation of dismissal with the District Court. On March 8,2021, the District Court dismissed the case. On June 8,2021, Eagle Water and SUEZ filed a motion to recommence proceedings in this docket. The same day, Eagle Water and SUEZ filed an amendment to its Joint Application requesting approval of the acquisition of Eagle Water's assets by SUEZ ("Amended Joint Application"). Most notably, the purchase price for Eagle Water's assets increased by $500,000, and the phase-in period to bring Eagle Water rates to parity with SUEZ'S rates increased from three years to five years. A Water Management Agreement ("WMA") and Asset Purchase Agreement were included with the Amended Joint Application. Supplemental written testimony was filed contemporaneously with the Amended Joint Application. On July 14,2021, the Commission granted SUEZ and Eagle Water's motion to recorlmence proceedings and issued a Notice of the Amended Application. Order No. 35104. 2STAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 27,2021 On September 9,2021, the Commission issued a Notice of Scheduling establishing public comment and Companies' reply deadlines in addition to scheduling a public workshop and a customer hearing. Order No. 35 I 60. On September 14,2021, the parties began settlement negotiations seeking to resolve the issues in this case. The parties met for three settlement conferences and one accounting workshop. On October 8,2021, a proposed Stipulation and Settlement ("Settlernent") and a joint motion for approval of the proposed Settlement were filed with the Commission to memoialize the agreement. SUEZ, Eagle Water, and Staff, (collectively "Stipulating Parties") were the signatories to the Settlement. On October 15,2021, the Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Settlernent and Notice of Amended Schedule that altered the Staff and lntervenor comment deadline and the Companies' reply deadline. Order No. 35198. STAFF AIIALYSIS StafPs evaluation of the transaction focused on the purchase price SUEZ will pay for the Eagle Water system, the value received by SUEZ customers from the acquisition, the value received by customers of Eagle Water, and the capital investnent necessary to bring the Eagle Water system into compliance with Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ") regulations. Staff recommends the Commission approve the proposed Settlernent allowing SUEZ to acquire Eagle Water's assets and to transfer Eagle Water's CPCN to SUEZ. Staff believes that the Settlernent is fair, just, and reasonable, and in the public interest. Idaho Code does not address the acquisition of water companies. Staff relied on the standards outlined in ldaho Code $ 61-328(3) related to the sale of electric utilities for its review of the proposed acquisition. Those standards require: a. The transaction is consistent with the public interest; b. The cost of and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and c. The applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. 3STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 27,2021 Public Interest Staffbelieves the transaction is consistent with the public interest. SUEZ intends and has the ability to provide reliable service to Eagle Water customers and enhanced customer experience through various payment platforms, 24-hour customer service, and online access providing instant consumption data. The current owner of Eagle Water desires to sell the water system because of the need to comply with water quality regulations, complex utility regulations, and complex operational and technical requirements. Because of significant growth coupled with his lack of experience in upgrading water systems, the current owner of Eagle Water is experiencing difficulties in maintaining its current quality of service and obtaining adequate financing for operations, maintenance, and infrastructure upgrades. The owner desires that Eagle Water be sold to a company that will be able to meet the needs of Eagle Water customers and serve the public interest. As such, Eagle Water is being sold to H2O Eagle, and concurrently purchased by SUEZ from H20 Eagle (collectively, the "Transaction"). The Transaction is in the public interest because the benefits of interconnecting both systems outweigh the costs of maintaining both systems separately. Staff compared the alternative of operating both systems separately to the alternative of interconnecting and operating the two systems as a corlmon single system. By identiffing the costs and benefits of combining the two systems from a perspective of Eagle Water customers and from the perspective of SUEZ customers, the acquisition will be mutually beneficial for customers of both systems once the systems are interconnected. For customers of SUEZ,the main benefit of interconnecting the two systems is an increase in the water supply to the SUEZ system from Eagle Water's system at an estimated capital cost avoidance of $l1.2 million. If SUEZ does not acquire Eagle Water, the next least- cost alternative for SUEZ will be to expand the existing Marden Surface Water Treatment Plant, increase the size of approximately 14,000 feet of existing 24-inch and 36-inch diameter water transmission piping, complete an interconnection with Island Woods, and add a 2-million-gallon water storage tank and booster pump station prior to 2022.r However, by interconnecting the two systems, SUEZ will be able to utilize its existing storage capacity to utilize Eagle Water's non-peak excess pumping capacity and water rights, since Eagle Water does not have significant I Suez's response to StaIPs Production Request No. 14 STAFF COMMENTS 4 ocroBER 27,202t capacity to store water when its demand is low. By acquiring Eagle Water, SUEZ can avoid $11.2 million in additional investment. For Eagle Water customers, there are several direct benefits that interconnecting to SUEZ's water system can provide to alleviate current inadequacies. The inadequacies that must be addressed include: 1. Current deficiencies in meeting firewater flow requirements; 2. Insufficient system-peak pumping capacity; 3. Inadequate water rights needed for peak domestic use and firewater flow requirements without investing in additional water storage capacity; 4. Issues in system reliability and operating efficiency; 5. Potential water supply safety issues; and 6. Lack of visibility to customer usage and potential system leaks. Several of these inadequacies put Eagle Water out of compliance with IDEQ requiranents and were caused by a lack of proper investment in the Eagle Water system during system expansion. IDEQ requires Eagle Water to meet fire protection flow requirements when wells are out of service.2 If Eagle Water's largest well is out of service, the system cannot meet the required fire protection flow. Additionally, Eagle Water must demonstrate that it can meet the combined flowrates of average-day demand plus fire flow requirements in the event of a power outage.3 Finally, the system would fall short in meeting peak hour flow requirements for redundant domestic use pumping capacity with Eagle Water's largesta well out of service, as required by IDEQ. If Eagle Water does not interconnect with SUEZ, Eagle Water would likely need to drill an additional well, acquire additional water rights, invest in high-capacity water storage, and add standby power to certain existing wells that are without backup generators. These issues can all be addressed with the planned near-term interconnection to SUEZ's Redwood Creek pipeline. SUEZ plans $14.6 million of capital improvernents for the Eagle Water system during the next five years. In addition to the interconnection to the Redwood Creek pipeline, SUEZ plans to construct a new two-million-gallon water storage tank, add a Supervisory Control and 2 DAPA, Redundant Fire Flow Capacity. 3 DAPA, Reliabiliry and Emergency Operation.4 DAPA, Reliability and Emergency Operation. 5STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 27 ,2021 Data Acquisition ("SCADA") system to allow 24-hotr monitoring of the Eagle Water system to better control pumping operations resulting in an improved systern operating efficiency; address delayed investment in safety;s security investments; well cleaning; and distribution piping replacernents. Upgrades more visible to Eagle Water customers would include a change-out of existing meters to advanced metering infrastructure ("AMI"). The AMI meters provide better metrics for customer usage which can be accessed and utilized through SUEZ's website. The current Eagle Water system uses ground water as its source supply, while SUEZ uses a combination of both ground water and surface water. Currently, SUEZ chlorinates its water to meet IDEQ requirements for disinfection. Once the two systons are combined, the Eagle Water system will also be chlorinated. Staffbelieves a system the size of Eagle Water by itself would benefit from chlorination by reducing the risk of contamination from leaking distribution lines and defective backflow devices. Chlorination is recommended to make water safe for consumption. Cost and Rates Although rates will increase for Eagle Water customers, Staff notes that the acquisition of Eagle Water assets is SUEZ' least cost option to continue to provide reliable water service to its western service territory. Eagle Water customers will see rates increase over seven years to SUEZ rates, if the Settlement is approved. The acquisition by SUEZ offers a successful succession plan for Eagle Water and its customers. Absent the Transaction, Eagle Water customers' rates would increase due to substantial required improvements. Despite the proposed increase in rates, the Applicants and Staff believe customers will be better served long-term by SUEZ through improved service, water quality, and systern dependability if the sale is approved. Table No. I below illustrates the necessary investment in the Eagle Water system to comply with IDEQ peak flow and fire flow requirements. These investments include a storage tank and several safety measures with an estimated cost of $4.152 million. The additional revenue requirement associated with the necessary capital investment is approximately $658,000, or 960/o increase over current rates. 5 Arc-flash analysis and upgrades, eyewash stations, fall protection. 6STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 27 ,2021 Table No. 1: Easle Water Svstem Investments Required Investments Storage Tank $ 4,012,000 Safety & Security $140,000 Total Additional Rate Base $ 4,152,000 lncremental Revenue Requirement $657,670 Current 2020 Revenue $683,036 Percentage Increase 96% Intent and Ability to Operate SUEZ continues to demonstrate that it has the financial ability and bona fide intent to operate its current system. If the Settlement is approved, SUEZ would operate the Eagle Water system and take additional steps to maintain or improve the water system until such time the two water systems are interconnected. Acquisition Adjustment An acquisition adjustment describes the difference between the price paid to acquire the assets and the assets' net book value. SUEZ proposes to record the Eagle Water assets to Plant- in-service and record an equivalent amount as Accumulated Depreciation, resulting in a zero- book value of the assets. The acquisition adjustment then becomes the final purchase price plus transaction costs. In the Amended Joint Application, SUEZ agrees to purchase Eagle Water for $10.5 million. SUEZ is seeking recovery of $512,400 in transaction costs. Such transaction costs include, operation expenses, an American Land Title Association ("ALTA")6 survey, and legal fees. The Stipulating Parties agreed to an acquisition adjustment of $10.475 million to be amortized over a 4O-year period beginning when new rates are implemented in SUEZ's next general rate case proceeding. This amount removes customer communications and costs associated with the district court case. 6 SUEZ's response to Staff s Production Request No. I I STAFF COMMENTS 7 ocToBER 27,2021 In the Settlement, the Stipulating Parties agreed that the acquisition adjustment would be allocated between the Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustment regulatory asset account and the incurred transaction cost accounts. The gross amount of utility plant in service of Eagle Water assets being acquired will be included in rate base with an offset of an equal amount in a related accumulated depreciation account. Surcharge Line-of-Credit Account In Order No. 34295, approving a Joint Settlement Stipulation in Case No. EAG-W-I5- 01, the Commission ordered Eagle Water to establish a surcharge line-of-credit account ("surcharge Account").' The Joint Settlement Stipulation stated that Eagle Water "...will discontinue the $100 and $500 hookup charges it has been collecting per TariffSchedule No. 5. The balance of the accounts that contain the hookup charges ($365,580, as of July 12, 2018) will be allowed to remain in the surcharge account and be used as a line-of-credit going forward (funds to be used and repaid). The parties [in Case No. EAG-W-I5-01] agree that [Eagle Water] will annually deposit $45,288 of overearnings into the surcharge line-of-credit account beginning in20l7. This arrangement shall rernain until the Company requests, and the Commission approves different treatment." Id at3. Staff calculated the Surcharge Account balance to be $592,020 as of December 31, 2021. See Table No. 2. Table No.2 - Surcharee Balance 132.5 Surcharge Account 20008322 $ 150,000 132.6 IFB Well Construction $ 159,837 132.7IFB Engineering $ 55,743 Total $ 365,580 Overearnings 2Ol7 $ 45,288 Overeamings 2018 $ 45,288 Overeamings 2019 s 45,288 Overeamings2020 $ 45,288 Overearninss 2021 $ 45,288 Total Overearnings as of 1213112021 $ 226.440 Surcharge Balance as of 1213112021 $ 592,020 7 EAG-W-15-01 Joint Settlement Stipulation, Page 3, Section 12. 8STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 27,2021 The Stipulating Parties agree that the balance of the Surcharge Account should be returned to current Eagle Water customers in the form of a one-time payment upon closing of the Transaction. The Surcharge Account refund will be paid to current Eagle Water customers as of the date of the final Commission order. The refund is intended to partially or fully offset the first-year increase in the Rate Phase-in discussed below. RATE PIIASE.IN In the Amended Joint Application, the Applicants requested a five-year rate phase-in to bring Eagle Water customer rates to parity with SUEZ rates. The Stipulating Parties agreed that a seven-year rate phase-in would be appropriate, thereby reducing any single-year impact to current Eagle Water customers. SeeTable No. 3. Staff believes a rate increase for Eagle Water customers is necessary. To mitigate rate shock and provide a more gradual hansition of rates, Staff believes that a seven-year phase-in of rates is reasonable. Additionally, the immediate refund of the surcharge can be used to help Eagle Water customers transition to increased rates in year one. Table No. 3 - Rate Phase-In Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Amended Joint Aoolication s0.00%63.00%7s.00%88.00%100.00% Stipulation and Settlernent 50.00%58.33%66.67%75.00%83.33o/o 9t.67%100% CUSTOMER INPUT Customer Notice and Press Release The Eagle Water Company (EAG-W-18-01) Application included a customer notice and press releases in Novernber 2018 and March 2021. ln the customer notices and the press releases, the customers were directed to contact SUEZ for further information. The notice and press release also included details of the proposed rate increase as required under Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 9STAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 27 ,2021 Public Workshop and Customer llearing A telephonic public workshop was held Tuesday, October 5,2021, at 7:00 PM. 19 individuals participated-I4 participated by asking questions or offering statements. Staff presented the Company's Amended Joint Application and answered customers questions. Customer concerns echoed those presented in written comments. During the workshop, customers stated that they opposed the transaction, wanted to know why City of Eagle could not purchase the syston, questioned the true intent of Veolia acquiring SUEZ, and that the purchase included a middle-man-H2O Eagle. Staff answered questions and encouraged participants to present their comments and concerns in writing to the Commission or to present their testimony at the telephonic customer hearing on Novernber 1,2021at 7:00 PM. Customer Comments As of October 26,2021, the Commission has received 381 customer comments since SUEZ and Eagle Water submitted the November 15, 2018 Application. Many customers have submitted multiple comments and the overwhelming majority are against the sale of the Company. Current Eagle Water customers expressed their support and satisfaction with Eagle Water and their concems about: o the proposed rate increase; o the proposed chlorination of their water; and o the possibility of the transfer of water rights and water out of the current service area. Customers also expressed concern about SUEZ, which includes: o Foreigl ownership of the parent company SUEZ and potential acquisition by Veolia: o affecting the ability of the Commission to regulate the system and maintain fair, just, and reasonable rates for customers; o affecting SUEZ's ability to manage the system for the benefit of the customers; and o allowing the transfer of profits to the foreign owned parent company. o Water quality concerns such as: o the ongoing problem of discolored water in portions of SUEZ's syston; STAFF COMMENTS 10 ocroBER 27 ,2021 o use of ffeated water from the Marden plant; and o effects of chlorination on customer health. Loss of local customer service options. STAFF RECOMMEI\DATION StaffRecommends that the Commission approve the Settlement as filed, including: o Setting the acquisition adjustnent at $10.475 million, with no carrying charge, amortized over 40 years; o Recovery of the acquisition adjustrnent should begrn upon implementation of new SUEZ rates in its next general rate case; o The surcharge balance of $592,020 be retumed to current Eagle Water customers via check, as ofthe final order; and o Staffrecommends the rate phase-in of Eagle Water customer rates to Suez rates over seven years, with a rate increaseto 50o/o of current SUEZ rates, effective January 1,2022, and an increase of 8.33% on January I of each following year, as depicted in Table No. 3. Respectfully submitted ,n Z1K day of October 2021 Deputy Attorney General Technical Staffl Travis Culbertson Rick Keller Chris Hecht Kathy Stockton i:umisc/oomments/suzwl8.2_eagl 8. ldhestncklsrkch comments STAFF COMMENTS ll ocToBER 27,2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 27d, DAY OF OCTOBER 202I, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF; IN CASE NOS. SUZ.W.18-02/EAG-W.18.0I, BYE-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL C CREAMER PRESTON N CARTER GTVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. BANNOCK ST. BOISE, ID 83702 E-MAIL: mcc@sivenspursley.com prestoncarter@ givenspursl ey. com ROBERT DESHAZO EAGLE WATER COMPANY, [NC. 188 W. STATE ST. EAGLE,IDAHO 83616 E-MAIL: easlewaterco@smail.com MOLLY O'LEARY BZCOUNSELOR AT LAW PLLC 1775W STATE STREET, #I5O BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: molly@bizcounseloratlaw.com ELECTRONIC ONLY MAYOR JASON PIERCE CITY OF EAGLE 660 E CIVIC LANE EAGLE ID 83616 E-MAIL: ipierce@cityofeaele.ore to sborn@cityo feagl e. ore MARSHALL THOMPSON SUEZ WATER IDAHO, INC. 8248 W. VICTORY RD. BOISE,IDAHO 83709 E-MAIL : marshall.thompson@suez. com N.L. BANGLE H2O EAGLE ACQUISTION, LLC 188 W. STATE ST. EAGLE, IDAHO 83716 E-MAIL : nbangle@h2o-solutionsllc.net B NEWAL SQUYRES MURRAY D FELDMAN HOLLAND & HART LLP PO BOX2527 BOISE rD 83702-2527 E-MAIL: nsquyres@hollandhart. com mfeldman@ho llandhart. com JAMES M PIOTROWSKI MARY DURAND PIOTROWSKI DURAND PLLC IO2O W. MAIN STREET, SUITE 440 PO BOX 2864 BOISE ID 8370I E-MAIL: iames@idunionlaw.com marty@idunionlaw.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SCOTT B. MUIR/ MARY GRANT DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 150 N. CAPITOL BLVD. PO BOX 500 BOrSE rD 83701-0500 E-MAIL: boisecitvattorney@citvofboise.ore NORMAN M SEMANKO PARSON BEHLE & LATIMER 8OO W MAIN ST STE 13OO BOISE ID 83709 E-MAIL: nsemanko@oarsonsbehle.com ecf@narsonsbehle.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE