HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211025Comments(8)_8.pdfFrom:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Saturday, October 23, 2021 3:00:13 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Cathy Harral Submission Time: Oct 23 2021 2:14PMEmail: cathy.harral@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-9846Address: 1519 West Kenai Court Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I oppose the sale of Eagle Water to Suez. It will result in rate increases across the valley to Suez customers. More importantly handing more control of our most critical resource to a huge foreign owned company that answers to shareholders before the customers in the Treasure Valley is BAD public policy. Water is essential to us all and should be considered a public resource not something to be sold for a profit. Say No To Suez!! " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, October 24, 2021 7:00:11 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Susan Wendt Submission Time: Oct 23 2021 9:08PMEmail: sylvester511@msn.com Telephone: 208-599-2727Address: 734 N Caracaras Pl Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear IPUC Commission, Please DENY the sale of EWC to Suez/Veolia on the grounds that it is not in the best interest of the public for our life-sustaining natural resource to be taken over by a giant privatized for-profit foreign-owned monopoly who is known to cut corners in their operations that JEOPARDIZE PUBLIC HEALTH. We are all dealing with more than enough threats to our health lately. Give us locals the chance to maintain local control of our pristine water. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Susan Wendt" ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, October 25, 2021 12:00:10 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Susan Wendt Submission Time: Oct 25 2021 11:07AMEmail: sylvester511@msn.com Telephone: 208-599-2727Address: 734 N Caracaras Pl Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear PUC: This year's drought will take years to recover from, forecasts predict more years of drought, water supplies in wells throughout the Treasure Valley have decreased significantly, we should not allow our water to leave our area, we need to retain our water rights here locally to sustain our lives and protect our water from becoming a public health risk as it could be under Suez control. We love our pristine water and do not want it adulterated by Suez. Please DENY the sale of EWC to Suez as it would not be in the best interest of current EWC customers. Best, Susan Wendt" ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, October 25, 2021 11:00:07 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Susan Wendt Submission Time: Oct 25 2021 10:29AMEmail: sylvester511@msn.com Telephone: 208-599-2727Address: 734 N Caracaras Pl Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear PUC: Please DENY the Suez application to purchase EWC, as it is not in thebest interest of the public - it is a Public Health threat. We need to keep our pristine water under local control, not in the hands of a foreign-owned for-profit monopoly with an abysmaltrack record, who would mix our water with surface water and highly treat it w/ toxic chemicals. We currently have great water with EWC, and can TRUST THE QUALITY of ourwater, we do not wish for it to be altered. Sincerely, Susan Wendt " ------ Name: Theresa Noyce Submission Time: Oct 25 2021 10:08AMEmail: t.caton27@gmail.com Telephone: 425-446-1794Address: 472 West Konavle Ct. Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: EWC Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear IPUC Commissioners, My husband and I are writing to you again to stronglyencourage the commission not to approve the sale of the Eagle Water Company to Suez. We are even more confident that this sale should not be approved after the IPUC OctoberWorkshop. At that meeting we learned that the City of Eagle did not give the Eagle City residents or the EWC customers a voice in the prospect of the city purchasing the EWC. Webelieve there are other options available such as a bond, which the city residents could vote on and have their voice be heard. Other reasons we oppose this sale include: 1. Suez has recentlybeen bought by Veola which could change the depiction of the current EWC findings such as rate increases and infrastructure needs. 2. There was not an independent company evaluationof the proposed infrastructure upgrades and cost. Suez provided the analysis and report to the City of Eagle as well as the commission. 3. The involvement of a water broker that will havefinancial gain from the sale is not in the best interest of the EWC customers. 4. Acquisition of the EWC by Suez will make Suez/Veola the predominant water management company in theTreasure Valley and potentially a monopoly. This would not be in the best interest to EWC customers or residents to Eagle. 5. Veola has a record of dismissing safety concerns asdocumented in the Flint Michigan water crisis. 6. The likely 300% increase in cost of water could be devastating for our senior citizens on a fixed income. 7. Community water should notbe in the hands of for-profit companies and should remain local. Water is a basic human right and not for making profits. 8. As stated at the meeting on October 5, 2021, eventually there areplans to mix the Eagle aquifer water with other water sources, such as the Boise River, which will require more chemical disinfection than is currently needed from the Eagle aquifer. Thequality of our water will change and potentially be less healthy. Thank you for your time and consideration of our views. Respectfully, Theresa and Kevin Noyce " ------ Name: Susan WendtSubmission Time: Oct 25 2021 10:34AM Email: sylvester511@msn.comTelephone: 208-599-2727 Address: 734 N Caracaras PlEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear PUC: Suez is offering a grossly inflated price of $10.5 million for EWC which is approx. ten times the company's value, that alone is suspicious. Norm Bangle wouldreceive approx. $3.5 million for brokering the deal. Why should current Suez customers pay for this sale & commission? Please DENY the sale of EWC to Suez, it is not in the bestinterest of the public. Sincerely, Susan Wendt " ------ Name: Susan Wendt Submission Time: Oct 25 2021 10:39AMEmail: sylvester511@msn.com Telephone: 208-599-2727Address: 734 N Caracaras Pl Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear PUC: Suez plans to spend $$$ on infrastructure to extend water lines toAvimor and other mega-developments in NW Boise & Ada County. Why should Suez customers pay for future development, that seems wrong. Please DENY the sale of EWC toSuez as it is not in the best interest of the citizens of the Treasure Valley. Sincerely, Susan Wendt " ------ Name: Susan WendtSubmission Time: Oct 25 2021 10:51AM Email: sylvester511@msn.comTelephone: 208-599-2727 Address: 734 N Caracaras PlEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Dear PUC: The City of Eagle (Mayor Pierce and City Council) campaigned on protecting and keeping EWC local. They settled out of court (w/out doing their due diligence, then lied about it) giving up that opportunity for the City of Eagle to buy EWC without asking the citizens. If Suez application to purchase EWC is denied by IPUC, the court case will be re-opened, and we will encourage the Mayor and City Council to reconsider allowing the City to buy EWC to retain local control as promised. We have ways to purchase EWC through grants and potential Infrastructure deal or forming a coop, we the people and citizens of Eagle can and will do this! By denying the sale of EWC to Suez, IPUC can make this all possible for the local citizenry to retain our precious natural resource, our water. Let's keep water ownership public, local, and in America. WATER FOR LIFE, NOT PROFIT Thank you, Susan Wendt " ------