HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210621Comments(18).pdfFrom:ibisp946retired@yahoo.com To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Eagle Water acquisition by Suez Water Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 4:10:10 PM PUC Commissioners; I recently received an information card from Suez informing of the resumption of their application to acquire the Eagle Water Company. I am opposed to this particular ownership change. I am a residential customer of Eagle Water Company and will offer some reasons, in no particular order, for my opposition. It is my understanding that Suez Water is a foreign owned company. Having a foreign entity control our water distribution makes me think our best interest may not be of primary concern. Recently, The Idaho Legislature had concerns of a foreign country entering into a Lottery game. The Legislatures published concerns were, as Iunderstand, once the foreign country was allowed participation then control would in effect be forfeited and other non-approved countries may gain access. This lottery provided millions of dollars to Idaho Schools, yet The Legislature was ready to give that up. The foreign country did not join into the game hence, the lottery remainsunchanged. I have heard from other Eagle customers that Suez has plans to supply water to several outlying developments and must have additional water sources to follow through with such plans. The acquisition of Eagle Water Company and it's tapped and yet untapped water supplies is something Suez needs to expand theirdistribution network. Of course Suez is a for profit company and more product, most certainly, will expand the profitability for this foreign owned company. With so much of our country now experiencing water shortages and predicting more adverse climate changes, keeping control of our important resources seems to be a priority. One ofcourse, could argue that any such resource diversions would require governmental approval and oversight. We have all seen how that has and has not been successful. The informational flyer also suggests we, the customer, would benefit from 24/7service and system-wide upgrades. At present and for the past several years our water service has been trouble free. If upgrades mean adding chemicals that one can smell and taste, I would not consider that an upgrade. The flyer also mentions enhanced reliability. Have we had a problem? What happened to the old adage "if itain't broke don't fix it" ? Will it break in the future, most likely, however system wide fixes may not be entirely necessary. Perhaps contacting some Suez customers residing in the Boise Vista Avenue area would be enlightening. It is my understanding that there have been issues with discoloration and chemical smells in that areaswater. It was and possibly still is an ongoing problem. The rising costs are another concern for many. Yes, we have had years of more than reasonable water rates, so any move upward will be a bitter pill. However, I think whatSuez is requesting should be adjusted downward and the time frame for implementation expanded. It is understood a utility may apply for rate adjustments, such requests need to be justified and reasonable. Suez should be passing on costs to developers and new customers in the form of impact fees and hook-up charges. Existing customers should not be subsidizing the Suez expansion. The costs to the residential customer will be rising, in doing so many will obviously begin to trim back on use. As the fee escalates the usage will continue to be less. This area was and is a high desert landscape, those green areas enjoyed by many will begin to shrink in size. Many subdivisions use Eagle Water Company water tomaintain green spaces. The developments with a home owners association will find it necessary to increase association dues. Now the resident of that area will pay increased residential water costs but, also dues will rise for the green area maintenance. I do believe Suez Corporation is looking toward, as corporations do, profitability, and not for other, kinder, reasons. Please, as in the past application processes, look at this with your unbiased scrutiny. Thank you for your time given to this matter, Ed Rankin 83714 From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, June 18, 2021 12:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: William Muenchow Submission Time: Jun 18 2021 11:53AMEmail: wkmsoccer@columbus.rr.com Telephone: 614-208-8668Address: 1934 N Trail Creek Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Co Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Do not allow Suez water to purchase the Eagle Water Co. we need to keep local control and ownership of our public utilities. Suez will not preserve our water quality or keep or rates low. They are a for profit company and will not put the interest our community first. Please reject this proposal of sale. Thank you Bill and Sue Muenchow" ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, June 18, 2021 3:00:10 PM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Nicholas Faso Submission Time: Jun 18 2021 2:45PMEmail: nickjfaso@gmail.com Telephone: 208-863-4255Address: 652 palmetto drive Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle water company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I would like to formally state ( as I am apart of the affected neighborhood) that IDISAPPROVE Suez purchasing Eagle Water Company. The only “ addition” we will receive for an 150% price increase is paying online. I believe our water company Should stay local ,and in the cities hands. Privatizing our water only helps monopolies flourish. They have ZERO incentive to provide quality or customer service and will charge what they will for theSAME PRODUCT. please re consider this purchase as the mayor of eagle ran on this issue and has seemed to completely flip flop. KEEP EAGLE WATER LOCAL " ------ Name: Michelle MooreSubmission Time: Jun 18 2021 2:00PM Email: bestlife1970@gmail.comTelephone: 360-302-6030 Address: 125 S Silverwood WayEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Co. Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Please do not sell Eagle Water Co. to Suez. I just got a postcard outlining the so- called "gradual increase" of rates that will happen if Suez buys Eagle Water Co. The postcardsaid our rates would more than TRIPLE over the next 5 years. That is certainly not a gradual increase. I love the tremendous water quality we have in Eagle, in that it doesn't need all kindsof chemical treatments like other waters often do. Suez will change the origin of our water in Eagle from the pure water we have to surface water that needs chlorine and other chemicals.This is not in the best interest of our health. I've also checked reviews, and it looks like Suez has terrible customer support and trouble maintaining good water quality and infrastructure.This sounds like a bad deal. It's certainly not in the best interest of our pocketbook or for those on fixed incomes. Also, Suez is not an Idaho business. We DO NOT want a foreign companyoperating water rights here in Eagle. It's un-American, and certainly not in Idaho's best interests. Please do not allow the purchase of Eagle Water Co. by Suez. " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, June 18, 2021 7:00:15 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Michael Hrizuk Submission Time: Jun 17 2021 6:12PMEmail: michaelhrizuk@gmail.com Telephone: 503-504-3613Address: 698 W Back Forty Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I ask that the Idaho Public utility Commission not allow the sale of the EagleWater Company to the Suez Water Company. Suez is owned by Sofina a foreign ( Belgian) Holding company, which will prioritize its own ambitions and profits ahead of the Citizens ofEagle. This will also result in relinquishing local control of this critical public utility. Thank You!" ------ Name: Julia HumpherysSubmission Time: Jun 17 2021 8:34PM Email: juliah1960@yahoo.comTelephone: 509-833-2950 Address: 1504 E Bogey DriveEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Co. Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Please do not allow the sale of Eagle Water to Suez. They are not a local company, will put profits ahead of residents and already to too many complaints on file. Eaglean d Idaho deserve better!" ------ Name: Christopher Hadden Submission Time: Jun 18 2021 12:37AMEmail: cwhadden@cableone.net Telephone: 208-968-3714Address: 909 N Morley Green Place Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: City of Eagle Water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Part 2 - I didn't realize there was a limit to the comment. My first complaint was about the actual purchase. This complaint will be about SUEZ and how they plan to manage the water and/or redistribute within their system. I toured SUEZ's facility just over a year ago. They explained what services areas they had currently within the City of Eagle, how they have 4 pumps pumping water to the existing 800+ homes in Avimor and more. In the discussion, they shared that per state law they are restricted to only selling and redistribute water within the state. With that said, my concern is that the City of Eagle sits on 3 separate aquifers. And from my understanding, the service area for SUEZ currently in the City of Eagle has well(s) that draw from 1 of the aquifers. What I don't know is, does Eagle Water Company, sit on the same aquifer as SUEZ currently or does it sit on a different one. And would this mean, if the sale would go thru to SUEZ, they then would have ownership and control over 2/3 of the Eagle aquifers? I am very concerned either way by the mere fact that it is permissible for them to redistribute and/or sell water anywhere within their system. How will SUEZ be regulated?How will they be monitored to insure they do not negatively impact the aquifer levels if they are redistributing water elsewhere? Is it monitored monthly, quarterly or only after a problem has occurred? For example, a neighboring home or homes that are on wells that start to have pressure issues. There have been reports and articles even recently about wells being effected in Kuna and Boise with pressure issues or even drying up. Is this going to become a problem in Eagle? My concern is that the City of Eagle is projected to buildout to 60K homes in the next 20-30 years. Is there enough water in the 3 aquifers to support that to include the real possibility of SUEZ redistributing Eagle Water to other areas of Boise? If the answer is No or I don't know, then the sale of Eagle Water Company to SUEZ is not in the best interest of the current Citizens of Eagle nor the future residents. And in large part, the City of Eagle and SUEZ haven't clearly conveyed this as a potential issue to the Citizens they serve and who are their customers." ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 3:00:08 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Ronald Rhodes Submission Time: Jun 21 2021 2:23PMEmail: roughrhodes@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-867-5544Address: 5146 Rossman Ave Las Cruces, NM 88011 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I am against the sale of Eagle to Suez. • Eagle water should remain as a Idaho small business. Our current quality of water should not change. The need for Suez to combine Eagle Water with multiple sources to give current Eagle Water customers a reduced quality of water at a higher price. The current method and equipment ie.. pipe,, meters, pumps etc.to supply Eagle resident customers will not change or be modified, to provide a better safer conveyance of our precious Idaho water. EAGLE Water should remain a Idaho Company." ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Sunday, June 20, 2021 7:00:07 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Marlene Charles Submission Time: Jun 19 2021 5:47PMEmail: mcharles5314@gmail.com Telephone: 208-484-9840Address: 1071 N Watson Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "United Water used to serve a large portion of Ada County/Boise until Suez boughtthe company (I have to look up the date, but I think the sale was in the mid-1990s). Now, Suez has been taken over by a rival French-owned company that is even larger than Suez. I find itvery interesting that the amended application and testimony Suez has just submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) makes NO MENTION AT ALL of the fact that inthe hostile takeover agreement with their rival company Veolia, Suez will lose ALL OF IT'S U.S. service areas. In fact, when the takeover is effective VEOLIA NOT SUEZ will beproviding Eagle with water service. Suez will only be a shadow of its former self and will operate only in France and a few eastern European countries. Since this agreement has alreadybeen finalized, it seems to me that an entirely new application should have to be submitted to PUC. Veolia has every bit as bad a reputation in the U.S. as Suez -- maybe worse. I am just sovery confused that these deals keep getting approved by our PUC & others! When a city, county or state starts selling their natural resources to a foreign entity, it's only a matter of timebefore mostly foreign entities run the rest of our country. We are a witness to this already. And why is it of public interest to source our drinking water from the Boise river & ground waterrunoff full of chemicals to make it sterile & undrinkable unless you like the taste of Chlorine. I used to live in Boise & also have friends on Suez water and it is not fit to drink from the tap.Respectfully please consider all future ramifications if this sale is approved. Keep our water pure and available for future generations, " ------ Name: George TaylorSubmission Time: Jun 19 2021 6:42PM Email: karacing748@gmail.comTelephone: 208-863-0796 Address: 426 S. Silver Bow Ave.Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "To Whom It May Concern: RE: Suez and/or it's successor taking control of Eagle Water. In a word - NO. This is wrong for so many reasons. My fellow Eagle Water customers and area residents have made an excellent case already for this sale NOT happening citing numerous valid reasons, so I will focus on the most important ones to me - Water Availability and Water Quality. The purchase of Eagle Water by any monstrous (and in this case foreign) entity will destroy both. It has been widely discussed and documented that if purchased, the pure Eagle Water resources will be diverted and diluted to service other larger areas such as Avimor and even include diversion to the Boise system that Suez now services at a deficiency. This will compromise water availability for a growing local Eagle area. It has been well known that Suez has a very lousy record for water quality. To be clear, I am sure that they meet the standards, but through destructive sanitation processes that overly chlorinate the water and strip it of its natural minerals. We do have an advantage of having preserved a natural water source and would like to ensure that remains. Many folks have included cost increases in their discussions. While I do share this concern to some degree, it is the LAST thing I am worried about in this case. We have enjoyed very low rates compared to other areas, in part because Suez has jacked up those other areas and in turn provided lousy service and bad water - but I digress; I would gladly pay a higher rate to preserve the Independence and quality of water that we now enjoy. To be frank, I believe that Suez has ZERO interest in servicing our area and/or providing quality water - they only want to steal our precious and pristine water source and sell it off to the highest bidder. And that is just wrong. To quote American Idol judge Randy Jackson - "It's a no for me, dawg." " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Friday, June 18, 2021 4:00:05 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Christopher Avery Submission Time: Jun 18 2021 3:43PMEmail: christopherpaulavery@gmail.com Telephone: 716-955-9890Address: 653 PALMETTO DR EAGLE, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I have a concern about selling Eagle's water rights to Suez. Giving control over this fundamental resource to a foreign company with no ties to the area, aside from their will to make a profit, will not yield results that are in the best interests of our community. In an area that is prone to drought, fresh/clean water will become increasingly more valuable and scarcer. How can we allow a foreign company, whose shareholders do not rely on our water to survive, to control our water? Suez has a duty to their shareholders to provide revenue and increase profits. Therefore, Suez will make decisions about our water supply that are in those interests. I am concerned that long term availability of fresh and clean water will not be a priority to this company. Especially, if the decisions that need to be made become too expensive and prone to being pushed down the road for other to deal with. If a day comes where the cost of providing water to SW Idaho becomes too expensive, Suez will lay off their local employees and wash their hands of this investment to focus on other water rights that provide a greater profit. They will lose out on this revenue stream, but they will not be the ones to truly suffer. The families of this community will be the ones that will be left picking up the pieces. This is a local problem that needs a local solution. " ------ From: PUC Consumer Complaints <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 7:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb <ConsumerComplaintsWeb@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb - John Dentone The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: John Dentone Submission Time: Jun 17 2021 7:02PM Email: clutchworld@msn.com Telephone: 208-283-4677 Address: 10240 W Arnold Rd Garden city, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company: Eagle water Contacted Utility: Yes Comment: "Please consider the rate Increases that Suez is proposing our water costs will over triple. This is just wrong to approve. Further more going from a Idaho owned company to a French owned company. Come on quit selling us out. Thank you John Dentone " ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 7:00:32 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kirstin Swanson Submission Time: Jun 20 2021 6:34PMEmail: okiri@hotmail.com Telephone: 612-382-4238Address: 322 N Payette Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I would like to comment that I am highly opposed to the sale of Eagle watercompany to Suez. The quality of my water is the best in the valley and I feel this is a resource that should remain in control of the people in the community vs an international company thatwon’t care about the quality of MY water. The larger company cares about profit and expansion rather than health, local citizens, our communities, our local economy with regardto business and employment. I feel that sacrificing these things to a larger company would be a huge mistake from the quality of the water we receive, as well as the customer service, andthe pricing structure. Please, please, please consider the community, the local residents, and realize what is at stake if this precious resource goes to a company that is not interested in thewell-being of our people. Sincerely, Kirstin Swanson" ------ Name: Patrick Goolsby Submission Time: Jun 20 2021 7:32PMEmail: goolsbypr@gmail.com Telephone: 360-980-4322Address: 322 N Payette Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Hello, as an eagle resident we are very concerned with multiple aspects of theproposed sale of eagle water co to suez. We are concerned for 2 main reasons, the first being the proposed rate increase of about 400% over the next few years. The second and in ourminds more important concern is the quality of the water. We have friends in the area that are serviced by suez. The water is foul tasting and sometimes foul smelling. It also appears thatsuez has numerous customer complaints about the quality of the water as well as failing infrastructure. It seems like it would be in the best interests of the residents here for suez toaddress the current troubles they have, before they are allowed to expand in the area. Thank you Patrick Goolsby" ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Saturday, June 19, 2021 7:00:05 AM The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Sheila Borchert Submission Time: Jun 18 2021 10:36PMEmail: baskborchert@aol.com Telephone: 208-488-0723Address: 1517 N Dunsmuir Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the sell of Eagle’s current watersystem to Suez . Eagle had the best drinking water in Ada county. Suez will ruin our water as they have done every where else they are operating. Our beloved city and it’s residents willnot be able to afford the exorbitant rate hikes. I implore the commission to deny the Suez company from buying Eagle water! It will most certainly be a detriment to our community." ------ Name: Stacey BeaumontSubmission Time: Jun 18 2021 10:36PM Email: Beaumont_stacey@yahoo.comTelephone: 208-412-6053 Address: 1125 N Hiltonhead WayEagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I am asking the PUC to keep Eagle Water in the hands of Eagle citizens. I ask the PUC to DENY Suez's request to purchase Eagle Water Company. Suez has proved over andover again, in Idaho and across the country, that they have no interest in supplying safe water to its customers, just ask anyone who has had brown water on the Boise bench and Suez's lackof response to fix the issue. Suez had no interest in keeping Eagle's water safe and chemical free, as it is with Eagle Water Company at the helm. Suez has promised to triple the rates forEagle residents. I am more than happy to increase my rates to Eagle Water company so that it may upgrade the system and keep the water in the hands of the residents and out of the handsof a multinational company that seeks to monopolize a precious resource. I am an Eagle resident and customer of Eagle Water Company; and I ask the PUC to keep Eagle's water inthe hands of Eagle residents." ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Saturday, June 19, 2021 3:00:11 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Richard Kolb Submission Time: Jun 19 2021 2:17PMEmail: kolbrh.rk@gmail.com Telephone: 760-809-0087Address: 351 W Shady Creek Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Suez Water Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "I really am having a hard time understanding why Idaho would ever want to let a Multi-National Company like Suez get control of any of our water rights in this state. Idaho needs to control it's own water rights and distribution and not some foreign company. We need a municipal water company controlling ALL drinking water in each County or City. Private companies are always higher cost. The PUC should be championing this across the state. Please don't sell us down the path of least resistance. Help us get control of ALL of our drinking water. Say NO to Suez please!!!" ------ From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 1:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kathline Patterson Submission Time: Jun 21 2021 12:32PMEmail: kathlinemp@gmail.com Telephone: 562-472-3580Address: 340 N. Vandries Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Company Case ID: EAG-W-18-01 Comment: "Do not take away our well water! Do not sell to Suez! They are a monopoly and do not care about citizens. Protect the people of Eagle and keep our water well!" ------