HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181210Comments_(7).pdfDiane Holt From:nkrema@cableone.net Sent:Saturday,December 8,2018 10:01 AMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Nick Krema Name:Nick Krema Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:nkrema@cableone.net Telephone:208 891-4095 Address:1415 E.Irwin St. Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Suez Water Company Comment:My family strongly opposesthe proposal by Suez Water Company to acquire the assets of the Eagle WaterCompany.This proposal offers no benefits to the consumer.It envisions a 200%+rate increase and less personalizedservice.At present you can call Eagle water and actually speak with a person,a huge benefit in this age of lackaccountabilitybythecomputerphoneansweringdodge.And after speaking with a person Eagle water provides promptinpersonserviceforwateremergencies. Suez offers a substantial rate increase with no associated benefits to the consumer.Therefore I request that the PUCdenythisrequest. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:mcdonald.monicaj@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,December8,2018 1:56 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Monica McDonald Name:Monica McDonald Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:mcdonald.monicaj@gmail.com Telephone:2089141117 Address:288 Amanita Street Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water/Suez Comment:We are opposed to the sale of Eagle Water Company to Suez.We will not see any improvement in services;and the proposed rates are exorbitant.This will place a huge financial burden on Eagle residents,especiallythose on afixedincome.The only entity that should purchase Eagle Water is the City of Eagle. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:doll_judy@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,December 8,2018 7:18 PMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Judy Dahl Name:Judy Dahl Case Number:EAG-W_15_01 Email:doll_judy@hotmail.com Telephone:209-404-7227 Address:735 N Echohawk Way Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment:Please protect our water sources and only allow a local control of our resources for our water security in thefuture.Water sourced in Eagle Water area should stay for use by Eagle residents currently being serviced by EagleWater. We do not want an outside company to purchase our water rights as Eagle residents.We need time to propose the citypurchaseitortimetocollectaco-op to manage our resources.We want to hold the rights to the water we currentlyhaveforusehereinourareaforever.There are eight wells needing protection from sale.And the source of those wells also need protecting at this time. Thank You, Rates are also important, We want to keep our very good quality of water at a fair price.We need your help,Thank you Judy Dahl Unique Identifier: 1 From:carneyidaho@gmail.com [mailto:carneyidaho gmail.com] Sent:Friday,December 7,2018 4:44 PM Subject:Consumer Assistance Form:Phil Carney Name:Phil Carney Email:carneyidaho@gmail.com Telephone:208 488 0096 Address:1887 N.Groveland Place Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Co. Contacted Utility:Yes Complaint:I object to the sale of Eagle Water Co to Suez on the grounds that the people in the serviceareashouldhavetheabilitytoowntheirwateranddistributionsystem.Water rights in Idaho are trickybusinessandasIdahoisastrongsupporterpropertyownerrights,I encourage you to give all theresidentsofEagletherighttocontroltheirowndestiny. Let us have the opportunity to purchase Eagle Water Company.Its our water! Unique Identifier: Name:RandyThaemert Email:design(Brandythaemert.com Telephone: Address:734 N CaracarasPI Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Contacted Utility:No Complaint:I am writing to express my concern about the purchase of Eagle Water by SUEZ.ThepurchaseofEagleWaterbySUEZwouldcreateamonopolyonautility,something that,according toIdahoStatute:"monopolies and conspiracies among two or more entities are considered illegalactivities". I've also read that rates could be increased by 200-400%.This is completely unacceptable.Our cost oflivingisalreadyontheriseduetotheinfluxofpeoplemovingtothearea.We can't afford to have SUEZcontrolourwater,too! Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:bobshepard4431@gmail.com Sent:Friday,December7,2018 1·09 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:RobertShepard Name:RobertShepard Case Number EAG-W-15-01 Email:bobshepard4431@gmail.com Telephone:2089012549 Address:368 5.Golden Eagle Ln Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of UtilityCompany:EAGLE WATER COMPANY Comment:Water ls a precious commodity.While understandingthe age of the owner and his need to sell,in no way should the sale to Suez be permitted.Once the acquire the water rights they will sell the water you additional customers therby draining another well.The logical purchaseris the City of Eagle. Please do not let this sale occur. Robert Shepard Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:terrbedegi@gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,December 5,2018 3:00 PMTo:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Terry Bedegi Name:Terry Bedegi Case Number:SUZ-W-18-02 Email:terrbedegi@gmail.com Telephone:208-608-0028 Address:478 W.Bosanka Drive Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of UtilityCompany:Eagle Water Company Comment:As a resident of Eagle I am very concerned with Suez taking over the Eagle Water Co.As I have been a UnitedWatercustomerformanyyearsbeingchargedenormouswaterbillsforaverysmallyardandverypoorservicewereceived.Water is a resource of life that we all need to survive and this company is not even an Idaho Company and canyouimaginethecontroloverourwaterthatyouareconsideringgivingthiscompany??I strongly oppose this transfer ofpowerandwouldevenconsiderstartingapetitionhaltingtheseactions. Unique Identifier: 1