HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180518Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDIJM TO:COMMISSIONER IC'ELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMIVtrSSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRSTARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:BRANDON I(ARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: MAY 18,2018 SUBJECT:suEz WATER rNC. APPLICATION TO TRrIE-t P COSTS, RATES, AIYD CHARGES RELATED TO CONNECTION AND TRANSFER OT BRIAN WATER; CASE NO. SUZW-r8-01 On September 29, 2014, Suez and Brian Subdivision Water Users' Association jointly applied to the Commission seeking an Onder authorizing Suez to connect to, and take over operation of, Brian Water's water system. This request came about because insurmountable costs related to contaminants in Brian Waterns ground water wells. Suez estimated costs $1.3 million for Suez to connect the system. The Commission authorized Suez to connect and provide service to Brian Water customers and certain ratemaking tlsatment. Order 33195. The Commission Ordered that prior to charging any former Brian Water customers for service, Suez complete the connection and file conforming tariffs consistent with Commission Order. Suez has completed the interconnection, and Brian Subdivision is now fully connected and served by Suez. Suez now comes before the Commission to report that actual project costs exceeded original estimates by $351,967. Suez attributes unanticipated bore piping construction difficulties for the cost overun. Consistent with Order 33195, Suez is requesting Commission approve of a trued-up rate, and approve of the conforming taritrs. The Company provided supporting testimony and documentary evidence supporting its application. The Company requests that the application be processed by modified procedure. No effective date was requested. NFTIqINN MFIVfNR ANNT IfuI I STAFF RECOIVIMENDATION Sta.ff recommends that the Commission issue a Notice of Applicatioq and that the processing of this matter by modified procedure is appropriate, and that the Commission order the same. Stafffurther recornmends sening an intervention deadline of June 7,2018. COMN/IISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a notice of application, and adopt a case scheduled as described above? Deputy Attorney General st rll1r!-ll,l ')ntr(- IqInN IvfF&lnR ANnt IM