HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180905Reply Comments.pdfMichael C. Creamer,ISB #4030 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock St. P.O.Box2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Telephone: 208-388-1200 Facsimile: 208-388-1300 Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION RECEIVED ?0lB S[p -S pl,t 3: tr6 ii, ',-' '-r r'',r r^- .. ,.._.._ ,i : L, I- U flLlL,' rr_;, ; -,; :CF,.iL{ISS|ON IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC., AND ABRIAN SUBDIVISON WATER USERS ASSOCIATION FOR APPROVAL OF AI\ AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143; APPROVAL OF AN AGREENT FOR CONNECTION AND TRANSFER OF WATER SYSTEMS; APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES Case No. Ur#I+l+0h StE- td-18 -o \ SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF COMMISSION STAFF AND BRIAN SUBDIVISION WATER USERS ASSOCIATION SUEZ Water Idaho Inc., (the "Company'') through its attorneys of record, submit the following Response to Comments of the Commission Staff dated August 23,2018 and to the Testimony of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association ("BSWUA") filed with the Commission on August 21, 2018 in the above-referenced case. 1. Response to Staff Comments a. Alternative Cost Allocation Proposal and Revised Surcharge The Staff s comments propose, among other things, an adjustment to the allocation of final project costs; in particular, the allocation of the $260,500 of costs for pipeline construction that exceeded the Company's original estimate. The Company supports Staff s proposal to move $260,500 of the additional project costs into rate base and to reduce the amount to be bome SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS - 1 1432 I 879_l.doc[30-172] by Brian Subdivision customers to a total of $278,773, which will lower the bi-monthly surcharge to $141 .35,$70.67 monthly, and the one-time lump-sum pa5rment to $5,808.22. The Company agrees that this approach will help to mitigate the financial impact of the unforeseen additional costs on the small number of Brian Subdivision customers by modifying the cost allocation and adjusting the surcharge amount. The Company understands that project costs not supported through revenue collected from the surcharge will be subject to post-closing allowance for funds used during construction and be collected through base rates without being subject to 13-month averaging in a subsequent rate case. b. Budget Billing, Conditions of Contract and Customer Notification The Company agrees with Staff s proposed Schedule 1C adjustment and inclusion of a Budget Billing monthly amount. The Company further agrees to clarify the conditions of contract and would not seek to alter the amount or terms associated with the surcharge amount in subsequent general rate proceedings. The majority of Brian Subdivision customers will have the option to elect Budget Billing by November 2018, depending on their initiated date of service with the Company. However, the Company is unable to offer the Budget Billing option to any customer with less than twelve months of billing history on record in its customer information and billing system. The Company's billing system does not allow for estimations of prior usage, nor does it have the ability to calculate Budget Billing options based upon a customer billing history of less than twelve months. Customers may enroll in Budget Billing immediately following their twelfth month of available billing data. SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS - 2 I4321879 l.doc[30-172] The Company will notify Brian Subdivision customers of the various payment & billing options available to them following the final Commission order. The Company will inform Brian Subdivision customers that they will default to a bi-monthly surcharge if they choose not to notify the Company of their preferred billing option within thirty days after the final Commission order. Customers may modify their billing option following this date if they wish to later elect the one-time lump-sum surcharge payment amount, or to enroll in the Budget Billing option. 2. Response to BSWUA Comments The Company has also reviewed BSWUA's comments styled as "testimony" filed with the Commission on August 21,2018 and fuither comment of Mr. Juengling submitted via email to Ms. Terri Carlock on August 23,2078. The Company appreciates the financial burden that any surcharge may place on customers with limited financial resources. However, as stated in Mr. Juengling's Direct Testimony submitted with the Company's and BSWUA's Joint Application to the Commission, after an extensive investigation by BSWUA, it determined a connection to the Company's system, via the new pipeline, to be "the only feasible [water supplyl option for the Brian Subdivision." R. Juengling, Direct Testimony,p.4,l.18-19. The Company understands that all parties and the Commission were in agreement on the need for the project, the relative benefits it would provide to Brian Subdivision residents, the Company and its other customers, and the appropriateness of the proposed cost allocation when the Joint Application was considered. The Company believes that Staff s recommendation with respect to the $260,500 of additional pipeline cost is a reasonable and equitable approach to mitigating its impact while substantially honoring the material terms of the parties' agreement, their Joint Application and the Commission's Order. SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS - 3 14321879 Ldoc[30-172] The Company also points out that the new pipeline under the Boise River provides the primary water supply to Brian Water Subdivision. Homes separate from the Brian Subdivision, off Warm Springs Avenue between Highland Valley Road and Signal Rock Drive, continue to be provided their water supply from the Company's existing Harris Ranch Reservoir in the Harris Ranch development. As an engineering best practice, a pipeline interconnection between the Harris Ranch system and the Boise River Crossing pipeline has been established to function as a redundant source of supply into the Harris Ranch area. However, neither this interconnection nor the Boise River Crossing pipeline serve as the primary supply for any areas west of Signal Rock Drive.+ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 5 auy of September,20l8. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP B Michael C. Creamer Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS - 4 14321879 l.doc[30-172] vI HEREBY CERTIFY that on theS day of September, 2018 I caused an original and seven (7) copies ofthe foregoing to be served upon: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 by hand delivering the same to the above-named at the last known address(s) as set forth above. I also served a true and correct copy to the address listed below via regular mail: Richard Juengling President, Brian Sub Water Users 5885 S. Eastwood Place Boise, ID 83716 Email: iuenelinsrichard@Ef,nail.com Michael C. Creamer SUEZ'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS .5 14321879 l.doc[30-172]