HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180816Customer Notice.pdfSUEZ Linda Puryear Customer Service Manager 8248 W. Victory Road Boise, lD 83709 May 7th, 2018 Telephone : (20e1 362-7 304 Name Mailing Address 5 ttz - w- ,8-o I Premise Address: Dear: This letter provides information regarding the actual cost of the water line work and connection of Brian Subdivision Water Users Association (BSWUA) customers to the SUEZ water system, as well as the proposed revised surcharge amount. Back in September 2014, SUEZ filed an Application (UW|-W-14-01) with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) requesting approval of the proposed project costs and a billing surcharge for the BSWUA customers. The application estimated the total cost of the project at approximately $1.3 Million. As you are aware, the project encountered delays for over two years caused by difficulties in completing the bore under the New York Canal. As outlined in the IPUC Order No. 33195, BSWUA customers are responsible for the on-site work related to installation of service lines and meters within Brian Subdivision, and 10o/o of the remaining project cost. That estimated amount was $246,544. This would have resulted in a surcharge of $124.86 bi-monthly over 10 years or an estimated one-time lump sum amount of $4,941. Actual costs for the entire project totaled nearly $1.7 Million. The increase from the original estimate is predominantly due to higher cost of the pipeline portion of the project, but there were increases in the services and meters portion as well. Because of the higher costs, the portion to be supported by the BSWUA customers is $304,824 and the proposed surcharge is now $154.55 bi-monthly or a one{ime lump sum amount of $6,350.99. The Company has recently submitted the revised project costs and revised surcharge to the IPUC for their review and approval. You can find the Company's submission on the IPUC's website at: http://www.puc.idaho.oov/fileroom/cases/summarv/SUZW1801 .html or by visiting the IPUC offices at 472W . Washington Street in Boise. After the IPUC reviews this latest submission and issues their final order, we will notify you of the approved surcharge amount. According to the original Commission Order No. 33195, each BSWUA customer will have thirty (30) days within which to contact SUEZ with your choice of surcharge payment methods. You can make a one-time, lump sum payment, or pay the surcharge over 10 years as part of your bi-monthly water bill. lf you choose the bi-monthly surcharge option, you can still choose to pay off the net present value balance of the remaining surcharge anytime during the 10 year period. SUEZ has been providing safe, reliable water service to customers in the Boise area for over 100 years. We look forward to providing you and your family with the same great service. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions at (208) 362-7304 or at suezidcustserv@suez-na.com with the subject line of "Brian Subdivision". Best regards, Linda Puryear Customer Service Manager 8248 W. Victory Road, Boise, lD 83709 - Tel: (208) 362-7304 - www.mysuezwater.com