HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130903Reply.pdf?l :- -!a. - F-+-r .'{ r:.. f i.r, ;rtt -SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY P.O. BOX 33gg COEUR D ALENE ID 83816 187717ss - 9287 ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 August 29,20t3 cAsE NO. SPL-W-13-01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SPIRIT I.AKE EAST WATER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE. To The ldaho Public Utilities Commission: Enclosed for filing are an original and an electronic copy of the Applicant's "Reply by the Spirit Lake East Water Company to the Commission Staff Comments". Leslie B. Abrams, President Spirit Lake East Water Co. Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-13-01 RE: August 29,2013 Spirit Lake East Water Company P.O. Box 3388 Coeur D AIene lD 83816 (87717ss-e287 tii:? S-i? BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SPIRIT IAKE EAST WATER COMPANY FOR AUTHORIW TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE. cAsE NO. SPL-W-13-01 REPTY BY THE SPIRIT IAKE EAST WATER COMPANY TO THE COMMISION STAFF COMMENTS COMES NOW Spirit Lake East Water Company ("Spirit Lake" or "Company'') and hereby files this reply to the report of the Staff (Staff) of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. STAFF ANATYSIS Change of Company Ownerchip and Management The Cornpany agrees with the Staffs comments regarding the change in ownership of the assets of the Company and the current management of the Company by Water Works, lnc. However, due to the complexity of the related nature of the Spirit Lake East Water Company and Water Works, lnc. the Company has decided that beginning November L,2013 the Company wil! hire dedicated employees and will no longer retain Water Works, !nc. to provide Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-l3-01 August 29,2OL3 contract services for licensed water operations and customer administration duties. System Description The Staff correctly described the Spirit Lake East Water Company and its infrastructure. The Company would like to note that we recently replaced the 100 hp well pump and motor in an emergency service call on July 28, 2013. The total cost for installation of the motor and pump was approximately 512,836.93 please see enclosed 16 page exhibit number 1, includes RC Worst invoice for services rendered, Water Works lnc. invoice for emergency on call operator, and a copy of the previous invoice for service from Strate Line, lnc., the crane company that was provided during the last pump/motor failure in 2007 as their most current invoice was not available at the time of this filing. The replaced pump assembly was in use for almost eight years and according to information provided by the manufacturer, please see enclosed 1 page exhibit number 2, this is the maximum life expectancy for a 100 hp motor that has been installed and operated properly within the manufacturers requirement's. With this information in hand the Company will need to restock a back-up pump and motor at an expected cost of approximately 522,954.43, which does not include the cost of freight, as the equipment is not locally available and the Company will need to plan for future replacements each 6-8 years, please see enclosed I page exhibit number 3. The Company would also like to revisit the possible addition of a second well source to provide water to the customers during any period of time when maintenance or replacement is necessary on our current well. A second source would mean no disruption in service for the customer and would remediate the necessity for repairs and maintenance to be billed out at emergency call out rates which would lower the cost during such circumstances significantly. Previous System Problems and lmprovements Applicant accepts the Staffs explanation and investment totals for the system improvements. Staff Audit Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-13{1 August 29,zOLl Staff in its report recognizes the Company lacks financial controls such as budgets and normal reconciliations that are not currently available. The Company also recognizing this as a problem has since hired an accountant that has performed all reconciliations up to current and will continue to provide monthly accounts reconciliations, as well as will be performing accounts payables, payroll, annual tax returns and will work with Staff to set up the Company to successfully follow regulatory accounting standards. The cost of the accountant and their duties, both monthly and annually were not included in the employee cost adjustments made by the staff, please see 2 page enclosure exhibit number 4. The Company would ask that the Staff include the accounting costs in the operating expenses. The Company has also started working on creating a budget and will complete the budget once the rate case reaches completion. The Company is also currently working to create a Capital lmprovement plan and budget to guide us in the replacement of major infrastructure items such as rneters and booster pumps. As the Company rnoves through this process they will be contacting Staff and a licensed Engineer for assistance. Summary Schedule of Adjustments The Company accepts the Staffs Attachment A, Summary Schedule of Adjustments. Additions to Plant in Service The Company accepts the Staffs proposed Additions to Plant in Service and would like to note again that the Materials and Supplies Inventory of the well pump and motor were put into service on July 28th 2013. Tota! Rate Base The Company accepts the Staffs Total Rate Base. Revenues The Company accepts the Staffs investigation of the Companies accounts receivables and revenues. Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-13-01 August 29,2013 Operating Expenses, lncome Statements, and Revenue Requlrements The Company accepts the Staffs adjustments to the Companies operating costs, income statements and revenue requirements, however the Company would like to note that with the termination of the operations and maintenance contract with Water Works, !nc. the Company will need to provide its own tools, equ i pment, transportation, custo mer commu n ications, emp loyee payrol I expenses, and accountant costs. Rate Design The Company recognizes that the rate design proposal submitted with the initial rate case request was not sufficient and would have produced a significant revenue deficiency. Therefore, the Company accepts the Staffs recommended Rate Design and believes that the recommended Rate Design will allow the company to meet its revenue requirements as provided by the test year. The Company appreciates the efforts put forth by the Staff to ensure a recommended rate design that would benefit the health of the water system and conservation efforts. Typical Monthly Billing and Rate lmpacts The Company accepts the Staffs recommendation to approve the Companies request to implement monthly meter reading and billing procedures. Other System Operation and Management lssues The Company agrees with the Staffs findings regarding water production, consumption, and losses. Billing and Collection The Company accepts the Staffs assessment of the billing and collections process and the Company will work with Staff to ensure that all notices, etc. are in accordance with the UCRR. Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-l3-01 August 29,2013 CompanyTariff The Company accepts the Staffs recommended Tariff changes and will work with Staff to revise the Tariff. Rules Summary and Explanation of Rates The Company accepts the Staffs recommendation to create a summary of rules and an explanation of rates with the help of Staff and to provide the required documents upon initiation of service and annually thereafter. Customer Relations The Company accepts the Staffs comments regarding customer relations and appreciates the Staffs recognition of the Companies customers that are in favor of a rate increase for the Company. Staff Recommendations The Company accepts all of the Staffs recommendations. The Company appreciates all of the Staffs hard work and would like to thank the Staff for conscientiously working with the Company and its Customers. Respectfully submitt edthis4 day of August 2013. Leslie Abrams President, SLEWCo. Reply to Staff Report sPL-W-13-01 August 29,2OL3 co. EXFECT mE 8E3r rAOm R aHORS? 625 Best Ave, Coeur d'Alene ID 83814 Phone: 208.654.2133 Far 208.667.8775 www.rcworst.com Bill To: Spirit Lake East PO Box 3388 Coeur d'Alene, iD 83816 {lxh ri? i {" l'!r, J- Dat'{J SERVICE I]IIVOICE Invoice No.: Invoice Date: Due Date: Custom No.: Job No,: 232247 08/1212013 09/1U2013 c103951 9927 .Iob Locationr Pump House Liberty Drive Spirit Lake East ID 83859 Spirit Lake East - T2fr8O - Pull and Replace Well Fump L71O.LR LTIO.LR 17t0"rfi, *s L71O.LR L71O.LR L71O.LR L71O.LR L71O.LR L71O.LR EUJSFUETSC EU.l&HR04 EIJ.-]O-FUELSC zu.lo-ruElsc* BITC2O4 Brc254 HsKASHT124 Labor Job Order - Oveitime - Ben Palmer Labor lob Order - Overtime - Joe Follini Labor Job Order - Overtime - Hlke Cordon Labor lob Order - Overtime - Mike Cordon Labor lob Order - Regular - Mike Cordon Labor lob Order - Overtime - Joe Fsllini Labor lob Order - Regular - loe Foltini Labor lob Order - Overtime' Ben Palmer Labor Job Order - Regular - Ben Palmer EQUIPMENI USED _ ON ]OB ORDERS EQUIP UsE IOB ORDERS - PUMP HOI5T UNn # 04 EQUIPMENT USED - ON JOB OR.DEflS EQUTPMENT USED -- ON JOB ORDERS BAN}IT EAND 201 SS U2" BAN}IT BUCKLE 201 iS 1I2' ADVANCE HEAT SHRINK I'X24' HR HR HR 4.00 4.50 4.00 $131.2s $131,2s $131,25 $131.25 $87.s0 $131.25 $87.s0 $131.2s $87.s0 $0.80 $s0.00 $0.80 $0.80 91,74 $1.07 $14.00 $525.00 $s90.63 $525.00 $1,050.00 $s90.63 $1,050.00 $s68.75 $1,050.00 $szs.00 s39.20 $800.00 $3e.20 $s9.20 $s2.20 $12.84 $28.00 Ref T/$ 11629, 13757 & 13766 Joe Follini, Ben Palmer & ftlike Ccrdon Sunday 7-28-13, 7:30 pm-l2:00 am. Overtime rates apply. Please Hote: Atl equipment use charged on 7-29-13 timesheets. Labor to check the wett pump. lt was misslng a winding in the motor. We returned with a hoist truck and parts and started putling the well. HR HR HR HR HR HR MI MI MI MI 8.00 6.75 8.00 6.50 8.00 6.00 49"00 16.00 49.00 74.00 30.00 12.00 2.00 fi.ef T/5 13768, 13628 t 11767 lvtike Cordon, Joe Fcllini & Ben Palmer llonday 7-29-13. 12:00 arn-2:45 pm, Overtime rates apply. Regular rates start at 8:00 am. Labor to Full ths wetl and instatl a nqw 100 HP, 4S0 GPI{ pump/motor that was provided by the cuttomer. We tested the syrtem at it ran at 129 amps - 480 6pM. FT EA EA c103961 23?,?4.7 R.C. Worst & Company Inc,laf2 4 rhib i+ NIn 1_p$z HSI$SH824 TAP13OC TAPA33 TAPEIVNOO MSCC **iaa L71O.LR zuJ}FUH.sC t ISCSPAz N$ITEM ADVANCE HEAT SI.IRINK 31 4i:/aqI scoro{ TApE RUBBER 3/4 X 30Fr TAPE EI.fCTRICAL A33 3/4'X66', AECTRICAL WRAP TAPE 21( lOOfi MISC SERVICE @NSUMABLES Labor Job Order - Regular - loe Folllnl EQUTPMEfiT USED - ON rOB OROERS ILsco sPucER 2 scRW 2-!*vt/iRE Non Stock <Mbc supdles and food purchased) EA EA EA EA EA 2.00 1.00 2.00 r0,00 1.00 r.75 47.@ $11.72 $20.38 $5,50 $6.30 $100.00 $87.s0 $0.80 $5.43 $17.49 $23"44 $20.38 $11.20 $63.00 $100.00 $153.13 $37.60 $16.29 $17.49 RefTlS 13632 Joe Folllni Tuesday 7-30-13 Labor to check the well. The soft $art was tripped. We changed the ramp and stop tlme. HR MI EA EA 3.00 1.00 Subtotah $7,948.18Thlhk you for choorlng R,C, Worrt & Cornpahy lnc. for your lrSater and Wartewater needs A flnance chaee of l"tf, per month, wtth a mlnlrnum of 30.50 wltt be apptled agalnrt unpald batancet 30 dayr after lnvolce d{re date. Sales Taxr $13.64 Total: t7r961.82 cl03961 23247 R.C. Worst & Comparry Inc 2af 7 ;frd#ilE#il#i*flHs -wffiffim--'r',il {rl r rJii (tLt; {8 "'{$A'ifi{L!{i P"O. Box 9?0 Rathdrum,ID 83858 BillTo Spirir Lake East Water P.O. Box 3388 Coeur D Alcne ID 838t6 lnvoice Oate lnvoice # 8/t t20l 3 2t l0 l.?08.667.0726 CDA 0ffice 1.208.667.0745 CDA Fax infb@mywaterworksonl ine. com CREDIT CARD PROCESSING NOW AVAILABLE!!! P.W.S No.Due Date Project It/t/20t 3 Wcll Emergcncy call Service Dates Description Amount 0?118/20r3 $7t29!XAt3 07/301t013 Auto Dialer call 630 pm. Immeiliately respond to alann. Fiud low watcr situation in rcsgrvoir and well pump in the auto position but not running. l(cset pump and try to s{art, Pump porvcr throws spark from ground and pomp woot start. Call liccnsed clectricians RC Worst to respond. RC Worst finrls that motor needs to be rcplaced. Operator calls in Strats l..ine cran* and remains on site to supen'ise pump replacemenl moniior rcmaining lvaler in reservoir, and respond to customer relation issucs please scc altu:hed phonc log. Over time rates, llegular rates, [-orv wats alarm. I I am. Respond immediately, molor/pump rvont snn. Call in RC Wor$.t to ehcck newly instdled pump. Ramp and sop timcs needed to bc adjusted for the new application. 9l t.25 450.00 270.00 'lhank you fnr your business.Total sl,63 r.25 tatttaaa Irtartooo eeEEeqEqqiqEEOaiaaecicrcicicicictrrl rrl {,} </t rr} !} {r} 1i <r} r^ (a rD r4 tt ttFFttdNrnmrOooooocrocroc,ooooo .1 N T' N il N C''\' F' F''\' T' F' C' A"\' N N N N N N N N N N ND !r-'A o-' ;';'6-'@-'@-'6-'@-'@-'@-'b ;'6-'6 @ 6-' o\'@-'@-'@-'@-'b b a'-!'{ -N l{ !\ -N -.{ -N -(l N !\l N l\l N N N N N N N N N c.l .\l ci .{ f{ FiFs F FNFFFNFtF NtN^ NF^ Fr- ^ FFr- StEEEEECEcEEEEEEcCCCCCCCCECCC!!ee!=t=a?!=!!f=======-5=55lll ln Vl tn .r, .rl tn ta .n .n V, .tt .a ta .lt ttl th .h rh th th th ta th th th 6 .EEE.H.s'-s' E-s-.H Es* HE f E f g B H P H p P P P p P_.-.---_E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E'EEEE EEE'E E'EE'E9ggEgEsE9ggsgEEEBgggggEgEEEE C C C C g C C_c E E' - E - - E E E EE E E E E E E oIJoEo g o oIJo oIJo ol:o o(,o F I\ F I\ OO ql C' O rO r\ O O ot orH -l an m m l't an (n lf !t lt !t .\a .\lFIFIOOOCTOOOOCTCTNNo o o (, c, c, c, c, o c, cr c, cl ct00000croocrooooo ro ro(o rYloooooo lrtro(nrtroi\N an a'l ,n ailooooc,ocrctcrc,ooooo == == ==l!.!.o.!o.! 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Ft ri.! t{ - N N - N F F - - - - N - + - N a( i( i(;( i(;(y y 9 - j - - - - - v j 9 * g L i., i, E B S qC qC uC @ !O E U !0 U @ !0 E0 a0 !0 Q u Q s s ao ao oo oo ro ao o0 ao oo eo Do E0 0o oo Eo Eoe .= .E E .E € .E .E E .g .9 .g E-.9.9 E.5 s_- g.g.s.s -s -s.tr.tr.s -E "g.g.g.g.E.g.E -5.E.EE E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E'E -E'E'E E E E'E'E'E'E E E'E'EE'Q00 0 00 0Q 00 0 0 0 000 666666 6566666666666 66EE EE EE E EEE.EE E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEE E o.J'6 o.9o oIJo ot,o o(J'6 o.9o o.co o.go o(,E (uIJo (,.co o.go 0,IJ'6oIJoFg ht *vd 7 oN lt4tYYT srrate Lifra,\k[.bi,+ \.lo x ?q, t5 (Crane & Rigging) W. 8804 Heavenly View Court Coeur d'Alene, lD 83814 (208) 659-7s23 Beferenced on lnvoice # customer: I n,'-,'I /. 1- ,8, n Dateof Service: Jl 'f-,a Z E,,' Street:Phone:Project: E* ,,, ^a ./? ,r,,,.../ City: lState:zip:Locarion: O//. ,tfl C;- i/1^ ,(, Description olservices(%Z ,/.- /- - /-, ,... f 4- - r1l )2, ,// ,-n .//tl)ztt, .. ., ,, --. / Or,.,2,,,--. ,// Za-!\ z fr--r^ ,/ t.- t // ^a;.t;, /r?'1/t a ./ .Dzt Q-'? a /. fi.2 Equipment / Material Unit Measure Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Drh- /av (T- oletr",/o-(rrr,,oJ,//DBt 9(/osl 8d ) qfl Ir, ./://c t, a tT) ct-zro ".-- /Un,,/?_ r 2 /to. n F xPEN.Str er ntr7\rrr.tvv,rt>#tef)1k t lz- On site contact: fr2, /.,nr. *Subtotal 72,/J gd Approved byt , -C , ./ ,1, /. f, , f Tax Purchase Order #:Total Amount Due ?]lr/?6 A. THAT THE AMOUNT OF THIS SERVICE OROEB IS DUE IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT ANO THAT INTEREST SHALL ACCRUE ON THE DECLINING UNPAID PHINCIPAL BALANCE THEREOF AT THE BATE OF 18% PER ANNUM COMMENCING THIRTY DAYS AFTER DATE OF SEBVICE OROER. B. IF IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF STRATELINE INC. IT BECOMES NECESSARY TO BETAIN AN ATTORNEY FOF COLLECTION OF THIS INVOICE. OR IF SUIT ACTION IS INSTITUTEO TO COLLECT THE AMOUNT OF THIS IN\OICE, OB ANY POHTION THEREOF, SAID FIRM OR INDIYIOUAL WLL PAY IN ADDITION TO ANY COSTS ANO OIS. BURSEMENTS PRCMDED BY STATUE, A REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEE ANO ALL COSTS OF COLLECTION. THE PEBSON SIGNING HAS REAO ANO UNDERSTANDS THE PFO!'ISIONS OF THIS CONTBACT. EXPRESSLY ACKNOVI/I.EDGES THE EXTENT ANO VALUE OF THE SEH. VICES ANO EOUIPMENT BENOEBED AS ITEMIZEO ABOVE, ANO EXPRESSLY STATES THAT HE HAS AUTHOFITY TO SIGN THIS CONTRACT FOR AND ON EEHALF OF THE FIRM OR INOIVIDUAL WHOSE NAME ANO AODRESS APPEAR AT THE TOP OF THIS CONTRACT. r.<7.0- -tb Sfrate Line Inc., Crane & Rigging 8804 West Heavenly View Lane' Coeurd A'lene, ID 83814 CUSTOMER: Spirit Lake East Water Co. 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokane, Wa 99216 ,tK\^i(,ri + No L pa{ Ua INVOICE # 6001 INVOICE DATE 4I3I2OO7 PLEASE PAY A^^ '^ ^. TIIIS AMOTJNT $3243.86 Makc chccks payable to: Strate Linc Inc.. Crane & Rieuine ------- ----- - -- - - - --- -- - - - --- - - - -- - - - - ---- - -- - ---- -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- -PLEASE DETACII AITID RETT'RN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT Strate Line Inc.. Crane & Rigging 8804 West Heavenly View Lane Coeurd A'lene, ID 83814 ll Insonity is hereditary; you get itfront yow kids! rlalll .cxh\bi+ No, 2 DaSe t OFranklin EtecGnic DATE: D,ecember 19,2012 FROM: Rick Campbell SUB.JECT: Hour ratings for bearings; Life expectancy of motors; Mean Time between Failurcs (MTBF) Frequently we are asked "Houv long should a submersible motor last?" ln jet pumps, sprinkler pumps and other aboveground mounted horizontal shaft motors, this is fairly easy question to answer. Not as easy to answer regarding a submersible motor. Jet pumps, sprinkler pumps and centrifugal pumps along with other aboveground motors use ball bearings. The life expec'tance of a ball bearing is govemed by ftiction between the bearing raoes and the steel ball bearings. Bearing standards are set by organizations like AFBMA (Anti-friction Bearing Manufacturers Association) and ANSI (American National Standards lnstitute). Life expectancy of these bearings is generally rated in hours, with common life hour ratings of 10,000 and 20,000 hours. These ratings are normally expressed in 810 & L10 life ratings. Franklin Electric does not use ball bearings in our submersible motors. lnstead we use a water- lubricated thrust bearing design commonly called a 'Kingsburf or "Mitchell' design. Kingsbury/Ulitchell bearings ride on a film of water that has almost zero friction. This is similar to your car hydroplaning on the highway. Since there is little to no friction, there is little to no wear. Since Franklin does not use ball bearings inside our submersible motors, B10 and L10 ratings do not apply. The expected life of our submersible motors is highly dependent upon installation and operation conditions. Therefore, the actual operating life is highly variable. !f our recommendations are not followed, the motors may be irreparably damaged before or during installation, within seconds of operation, or as a result of electrical surges on the power lines anytime during its life cycle. The damage may not manifest itself as a infant mortality failure but the motors life expectancy will most likely be shortened. Although we do not have good records on the life of our motors past the warranty period, our best estimate would be that if our installation and operation conditions are met, the life expectancy of a 100 Hp Franklin submercible motor shouldreach6-8years. Again, the values provided are in reference to the submersible motor and the motor is only one @mponent of a complete water system. Any problem that develops within the water system can affect the life of the motor. oxhibi+ I'lo 3 PAAa I R.C. Worst & Company Inc. 625 Best Avenue Goeur d'Alene, ID 83814 l-ake East F0 Box 3388 d'Alene,ID 83816 525 Best Avenue Coeur d'Alene, ID 8381+3740 Epest the Bast frorn RC. WoGt SALE QUOTATTON QuoE llumber: Quote Date: Quote Valld UnUl: Account llumber: 24749 o8lo2l20t3 Lol0u20r3 c103961 Refenence: Terms:Net 30 Days Sales Person: Scott Jessick Ship Via: Item Number DesoipUon QuanUty Unit Prlce FECZ!960460 TMP FRNKLN SUB MOTOR TOOHP 8" ZI6OV Grundfos 47551000-9 Pump End 475GPM 100HP 9-Stage 1.00 1.00 $14320.00 $14,320.00 $7345.50 $7,345.50 $21,665.5O $o.oo $0.00 $1,299.93 $221965.43 Subtotal Mlsc Freight Sale Tax Total 208.664.2133 - Phone 208.557.825 - Fax lnfo@1ct^,0rsL@m lrrvw.ElYorSLOm Page t of 1 -qj*h ibi+ No 4 P"r ( Name /Address irit Ldrc Eas Watcr Co. B0 BOX 338t Cocu/d Alanc, ID 83816 Jalane Johnson, LLC 2571 N Ivylane Post Falls, ID 83854 Quote Dato Quote # 7n9a0t3 Rep Project Descriptlon Total Includes Accounls Payablc, Payrolt, Monthly, Quartcrly, and Annual Reporting (Monthly Chargc) 500.00 Total s500.00 oxhibi+ No 4 p(F Z Name/Addrcss Spiritl^rkc Erst \Vst6 Co. PO BOX 3388 Coafd Alarc, lD 83t16 JalmeJohnson, LL,IC 2571 N Ivylare Post Falls, ID 83854 Quote Date Quote # Tllgaott Rep Prci€c-t Descdptlon Total Annuat Tax Rehrm 700.00 Total 3700.00