HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080225Status Report.pdfJohn R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 FISHER PUSCH & ALDERMAN LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Post Offce Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 4: 00 Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SPIRIT LAK EAST WATER COMPAN, INC., FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. SPL-W-06-01 STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION IN RESPONSE TO COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NOS. 30279 & 30315 COMES NOW Spirit Lake East Water Company ("Spirit Lake" or "Company") and hereby files this pleading in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") requirement that the Company "file a detailed written plan and schedule showing star and completion dates within seven days of the service date of May 14, 2007, demonstrating a commitment to install a new generator and address system leaks as directed by the Commission in Order No. 30279." Order No. 30315 at p. 5. The documents attached to this pleading as Exhibit "A" are in chronological order (with the oldest first) and contain information concerning the progress Spirit Lake has made in eliminating the leakage of water from the Company's water system (the "System") and the installation of a backup generator to power the System's pumps and other associated equipment in the event of a power outage. As discussed in the attached documents, System leakage has decreased significantly due to the location and repair of STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION IN RESPONSE TO COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NOS. 30279 & 30315 - 1 O.RIGINAL leaks which were made through the Company's leak detection program. The Commission in its Order noted that the System was possibly losing over 50% of the water pumped into the Company's reservoir due to leakage. See generally Final Order No. 30279 at p. 3. Through the success of the leak detection program the System meter readings from the fall showed that water loss was cut in half at least. Since that time additional leaks have been located and repaired and others soon to be. Spirit Lake also anticipates that it will shortly complete the installation of a back- up generator as long as weather permits. The attached documents also contain information on completing the necessar repairs to the System that were required by the Consent Order entered into between the Company and the Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quality. A copy of this Consent Order is attached to the Company's Second Response to Commission Final Order No. 30315 and has been attached to this pleading for the Commission's convenience and reference as Exhibit "B."~ DATED THIS :/:1:/ day of Februar, 2008. SPIRT LAK EAST WATER COMPAN STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION IN RESPONSE TO COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NOS. 30279 & 30315 - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ¿;:fay of Februar, 2008, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following individuals by the method indicated below: Jean Jewell IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington St. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-5983 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Overnght Delivery (Xl Messenger Delivery ( ) Email Weldon Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-5983 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Overnight Delivery rx:f' Messenger Delivery ( 1 Email STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION IN RESPONSE TO COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NOS. 30279 & 30315 - 3 John R. Hammond Jr.e-mail: jrh(ä~battfisher.com July 2,2007 Stephane Ebright Deputy Attorney General Natual Resources Division, Environmental Quality Section 1410 N. Hilton, 2nd Floor Boise, Idaho 83706-1225 Re: Consent Order Submittals Dear Stephanie: Please find enclosed the following documents required to be submitted by Spirit Lake East Water Company pursuant to the Consent Order: 1) Corrective Action Plan from hiland Northwest Consultants, hic.; 2) Corrective Action Plan from, AEI, hic.; and 3) Report from B & B Sani Services regarding leak detection work. If you have any questions regarding the enclosures, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, JRva cc: Robert Boyle Steve Taner Weldon Stutzman Dean Renninger Encls. EXHIBITI /I Jun- 29 07 03:12p Dean Renninger rin8-687-1583 p.2 IIoAN NOFlHl1 CONSUL. -rS ENGINEERS . SURVEYORS . PLRNNERS June 28, 2007 Spirit Lake Eat Water Company C/O Hason Inustries, Inc 15807 E. Indiana Ave. Spokae Valley, Washington. 99216 ATTN:Ms. Roxa Middleton Mr. Dea Rennger RE:Spirit Lae East Water Company, Inc PWS#: IDl280176 Public Water System Correcton Action Plan (CAP Pla) Dear Roxa: As reqested, Ind Nortwest Consant~ Inc (IC) has reviewed the June 5, 2007 Consent Order asigned to Spirit Lae Eat Water Compay (SLEW) and as required by the State of Idaho Deparent of Environmental Qualit (DEQ), have prepaed this Public Water System Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to submit for DEQ approval. On June 4, 2007, INC met with Dean Rennger, the system operator(s), and Ray Watkns with AEI Engineerig to review the existng water system for addressing the non-compliant items contained within the Consent Order. It is our understading th liùand Nortwest Consultants is under contract with SLEW to provide the Civil and Strctral Engineering set fort in paragraphs 7 d and 7e of the Const Order and will coordinate and/or assist AEI Engineering on the electcal issues set fort in paragaphs 7a, 7b, and 7c. AEI is under a seate contct with SLEW and will draf up their responses to paragrphs 7a, 7b, and 7c of the Consent Order. Our comments are as follows: Consent Order 7d Paragph 7d states: "A detailed plan and schedule for condcting a leak detection survey of the entre Spirit La drnking water systm peiformed by a professional leak detection company providing written survey results to the Depatmen which, at a minimum, 1296 Ea Polston Avenue, Suite B Post Fals, Idao 83854 Phone: (208)773-8370 Fax: (208)777-2128 Jun- 29 07 03:12p.Dean Renninger ?'18-687-1583 p.3 ~1Dïì identi the location an estmated intensity of all leak detected to ensue compliance to lDAPA". IDAPA stes: "Leaking water mains shall be repred or replaced upon discove and disinfected in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Stands incorporated by reference into these roles at Subsection 002. OJ. "(3/30/07) Corrective Action Plan (CAP Plan) 7 d This CAP Pla is broken into thee (3) phases; . Phase 1 is exposing all the SLEW water distribution system's valves. Phase 2 is implementation of the lea detecon program and Phase 3 is th repai and/or replacement of all discovered leak within the system. SLEW has autoried the system operatr(s) to pursue the fist phae of lea detecon program in May 2007. Phase 1 required excavaton of valve boxes cuently buried within the grvel and dir streets. Whle it is common practice to bury valve boxes, it is the recommendation of this report that all valve boxes are brought to street grade and include the installation of a concrete apon or collar. This will improve valve accss in a timely and safe maner. Eac apron shal be reinforce with steel reba encompassig the valve box and anchored into the ground. Each apron should be ramped wi 24 to 36 inches of concrete facing towards oncoming trc. This should minimiz snow plow dage and road grading conflcts, a cocern of the Highway distrct who maintas the roads in Spirit Lake Eat. Phase 1 of this CAP Plan ha been completed by the system operator(s). The followig vaves were not located and have been prioritized to be located using a more extensive locating method at the beginnng of Phase 2: 1. Libert Drive at Kelso North valve 2. CD' A Drie at Blanchard Circle 3. CD" A Drive at Pend Oreile North and South valve 4. Libert Drive at Newma Drive The extensive locating method previously mentioned requires the us of a more sensitive metl locating device. The system operator(s) have rently acqued ths locaor. Accompanying this CAP Plan are the report docuents from the system opertor(s) and B&B Sani Serces on work completed to dae. B&B Sam Servces used listening devices to obtain audio readings of isolated pipe segments. Audio readins greaer then the normal range are suspected to contai lea. B&B detected audio readings above the tyical readings in the following locations: 1296 Ea Polson Avenue, Suite B Po Fals. Idao 83854 Phon: (208)773~70 Fa.-c (208)77.2128 ~ur. 29 07 03:12p Dean Renninger 2n~-687 -1583 p.4 ...~.ÐI!!'...MC~CD"f 1. Liberty Drive to the well house. 2. Spokae Circle to St Joe Drive 3. St Joe Drive to St Mares Drive. These ars shall be prioriized in the Phase 2 leak detecion progr. Phase 2 of the CAP Plan is implementation of the lea detecton progr. This progr utiliz portable flow monitorig devices and hydrosttic pressure testing to measure flow and pressure withn a given isolated pipe segment. Portable flow monitorig devces shall be calibraed against the existing flow meter to estblish consistency in monitored flow readings. It is also a good rnethod to determine the accuracy of the existing flow meter. A hydrostatic pressure test wil provide data to on pressue drops associated wih a lea in the system. It also provides data to support deficiencies within the water system. Isolated pipe segments shall be controlled by fully closing the valves on aU designated pipeline segments and brach lines where applicable. Pnor to shuttng down any pipeline segment, system operator(s) shall notiy afected residents. Once the pipeline segment is closed, the leak detection program ca procee. System operator(s) shall be responsible for monitoring and documenting the results. If the leak detection program has deterned tha no lea are occurñ within an isolated pipe segment, the sement ca be excluded from further leak detion procedures. If a lea is detected, then the system operator(s) shall refie their seach withi the isolated pipe segment by using the audio lisenng devices use in Phase 1 of the CAP Plan. Once th leak has been discovered, the system operator(s) shall estimate the size of the lea. Any lea greater than 7 gallon per minute (gm) (10,000 gallon pe day) shal be identified as a major lea and be immediately repaired and/or replace. Any leas less tha 7 gpm (mior leak) shall be scheduled for a repair and/or replacement as time allows. The process shal only be completed by the system operator(s) and/or a professional leak detecton compan. 7d. Action Plan and Schedule 1. The aforementioned missing valves shal be located and exposed to complete the leak detecon program. 2. Noti residents afected by the lea detecion program of a water line shut down. 3. The system operator(s) shall instal the flow meter at their discretion. 4. The system operatr(s) shal verfy all air release valves with the isolated pipe segment are closed and not leakng. 5. The system operator(s) shall isolate the pipe segment by closig the vaves defined in Table #1. 6. The system opertor(s) shal further isolate the pipe segment by closing the valves at each water servce meter se. At this time, the check system shall be inspected to ensure proper water stop opeation. 1296 Ea Polston Aveme, Suite B Post Falls, Idao 83854 Phon: (208)77-870 Fax: (208)77-2128 Jun 29 07 03:12p Dean Renninger '"1'8-687-1583 p.5 ~~...ÐJH.N.-.to~... .: 7. The system operaor(s) shall install a pressure gauge on a selected water servce and begin monitoring and document the water pressure. 8. Should the wate pressure begin to fal below the 30 pounds per square inch (psi), the system operator(s) shal begin charging the isolated pipe segment with a potable water source throug a selected meter set. 9. At no time during the pressue test shall the isolated pipe segment water pressure drop below 20 psi. 10. Should the pressre continue to drop afer rechaging the line, an exensive seah using the audio devices in Phase 1 shal be implemented until the entie isolated pipe segmen ha been examined. 11. All leaks shall be accessed by th system operaor(s) to determne the severity of the lea Ths may reqire excavation. 12. Leaks greater tha 7 gpm shall be immediately docuented and repaired and/or replaced. Lea less than 7 gpm shall be documented, quatifed, and scheduled for replacement at a later date. 13. Afer completion of the lea test on an isolated pipe segment, system operator(s) shall reopen the water system. And all water servces. 14. Repeat for the next scheduled pipe segment. is. Inand Northwest Consultants shal be available to asist th sytem operator(s). Table #1 provides the CAP Plan and schedule for Phae 2 of the leak detecion program Table #1 Spirit Lake East Water Distribution System Leak Survey for Isolated PipeIe S ments Well House Sandpoint 6"Circle S1. Joe Dnve 6" 8t Joe Drive 4" Easement 6" Libert Drive 6" CD'ADrive 6" Liber Drive 8" S okane Circle, Sf Joe Nrth of Newan St. Maes Circle Well house Spokae Circle betwee CD' A and Liber . Spokae Circle betwee CD' A and Lib and S okane Circle. Spokae Circle, North and South Priest River, Nort and South Hayden, Liber east ofHa den. 1296 Ea Polston Aveie. Suite B Pos Falls Idao 83854 Phone: (208)73-8370 Fax (208)m-2128 July 23 July 23 July 30 ~ur, 29 07 03: 13p Dean Renninger ?rI~-687-1583 p.6 :.".~Ð:ìï..D_~C!'I Applicable Standards Inand Northwest Consultan shall pedorm the above design work in accordance with the followig Standards: · Interational Fire Code (lC) · Interntional Building Code (IC) · Uniform Plumbing Code (UC) · American Water Works Asociation (AWW A) · Naton Sanitation Foundation (NSF) . American National Standards Institute (ANSI) · American Socet for Testng and Materials (ASTM · Idaho Standards for Public Works Consction (lSPWC) · 10 State Standards for Water Works · Refer to AEI Engineerng for all electrical codes. Should you have any q tions regarding the above, plea ca. ~a.~ Mie L. Becke, E.I.T. Projec Engineer Drew C. Dittan P.E. Director of Engieering CC Enc1 1296 Ea Polston Aveie, Suite B Pos Falls, ldao 83854 Phone: (208)773-370 Fax: (203)777-2128 J.un' 29 07 03:13p Dean Renninger """'Q-687-1583 p.7 ", B&B SANI SERVICES â June 12, 2007 Valve Surey - Spirt Lake Eas Water System As requested by Dean Rennnger, B & B San Servces pedormed a valve suey on the Spirt Lake East Water Distbution System. We peormed a series of tests on the valves to determine the followig: 1) The condition of the valves-whether they ope and close properly. 2) To ascerai whether or not the valves are cuttng water and isolating a porton of the system when in the closed position. 3) To see if a high volume of water is going though the lines at the tie of testing. We'were able to evaluate the majority of the systm; Iiowever we could not do a through inspection becaus we were uple to locate the followig ar: . · Between Libert Drive and Kelso Drive · Between Libert Drie and Newman Drive · B~tween Coeur d'Alene Drive and Blanchard Circle . · Two valves around Coeur d Alene Drive and Pend Orelle In the locations where we were able to test, the followig areas showed possible lea: ~ Well House to Libert Road, which ha an g inch valve with g inch piping; ~ Sandpoint Cirle and St. Joe Drive, which has a 6 inch valve an 6 inch piping; ? St. Joe Drve and St. Maes Circle, which has a 4 inch valve and 4 inch piping. In all thee of these locations, sound reings of.3 and .4 were high, indicaing a possible leak. All other valves located in the system appea to have normal readings, which are approximately .1 to .2. Anytg higher points to a possible lea, and should be considered an area of concern. We would reommend fuer evaluaon in thse areas. In conclusion, our inction of the system showed that overa most of the valves were withn the normal range of. i to .2. However, we recommend a more intensive inpection be performed in those areas th showed an elevated rage of.3 to .4, which should P.O. Box 2575 · HAYDEN, IDAHO 83835 ID 20812-3566 · WA 509/747-3728 FAX: 2081772-5187 Jun. 29 07 03:13p Dean Renninger ?t"~-687-1583 p.8 ., include fiding lost valves, as well as an inpection of the lies between. valves and other areas which cotdd hold possible lea in the system. In addition, it should be a priority to fid the areas where we could not lòcate valves for testng-it is par of unering the system. If you would like our help in fuer reeaching this system to det~rme the size of the leak, and help pnoriti how and what issues need to be addressed, we would be hapy to asist you in any way we ca. Sincerely, Brian Wells Manager Jun. ¿~ U ( U3:13p Dean Renninger :.- A. Valves unable to be located I.Libert at Kelso (nort valve) 2.CoeurdAlene Dr. at Blanchard Circle. 3.CoeurdAlene Dr. at PendOrelle(ort vave)' 4.CoeurdAlene Dr. at PendOrile(South valve) 5.Libert at Newman B. Valves with normal sound readings of a .1' to .2 I.Libert at Spokae Cirle 2.Libert at Spokae Circle ( nort side) 3.Libert at Priest River (nort valve) 4.Libert at Pñest River (south valve) 5.Libert at Hayden Dr. (nort valve) 6.Libert at Hayden Dr. (south valve) 7Libert at Hayden Dr. (eas valve) 8.Libert at Kelso ( sout vave) 9.CoeurdlAlene at Feman lO.CoeurdAene at Spokae Cirle 11. CoeuIene at Priest River Dr.(nort valve) 12.CoeurdAene at Priest River Dr.(sout vave) 13.Blanchard Cirle (west side of circle) 14.CoeurdAene at Kelso Dr. 15.CoeurdAene at New 16.CoeurdAeneat Tahoe . 17.Newman at St. Joe Dr. (nort valve) I8.Newm at St. Joe Dr. (south vave) 19.Newm at Tahoe 20.Sandpoint cile and CoeurdAene Dr.( west valve) 21.Sandpoint Cile and CoeurdAlene Dr.( east valve) 22.PendOrielle Dr. and Skyhawk (sout valve) 23.PendOrielle Dr. an Skyhawk (west valve) 24.8t Joe and Skyhawk (nort valve) 25.St Joe and Skyhawk (east valve) 26.St Joe and Kelso 27.Kelso and Spirt Dr.( sout valve) 28.Kelso and Spirt Dr. (nort valve) 29.Kelso Dr. at Dead End 30.St. Joe Dr. at Ded End. 3 L.Hayden Dr. Oots 43 and 46 ) 32.East Hayden Dr. (lot 52 and 54 ) 33.Hayden Dr. between lot 44 and 45 ')1)8-687-1583 p.9 ~un 29 07 03:13p Dean Renninger I . c. Valves with higher sound readings I.Libert Dr. at Well House .3-.4 2.Sandpoint circle and St. Joe Dr.(Nort valve) .4 3.8t Joe and 8t Mares Circle .3 ;-''~-687-1583 i p.10 ~un 29 07 03:14p Dean Renninger "'''Q,-687-1583 p.11 CONSTRUCTION BACKHOE SERVICE, INC. CBSI P.O. Box 920 Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 208-687-0802 208-687-1583 fax Vat ve Surey Spirt Lake East Libert and Well site ÒIve 8" gate valve open .2-.4 reading Le possible 40 yards west of valve Libert and Spokane Circle 8" valve open position looped .2 readng Libert and North side of Spokane Circle 8" valve open looped .2 reading Libert and Prest River Drive South valve 6" gate dead end in open position _2 reading Nort vave 6" gate looped - unable to operae .2 reading Libert and Hayden . South valve 6" gate valve looped in open position .2 reading North valve 8" gate closed looped no reading East valve 8" open looped .2 reaing Blanchard Circle Coeur d Alene and Hayden 6" gate valve looped large rock in valve box .1 reading and percolatng Blanchard Circle and Coeur d Alene Dr. Unable to locate valve Nort Priest River Drive and Coeur D Alene Nort valve 3" gate open dead end South valve 4" gate open looped .2 reading Coeur d Alene and F eman 8" gate valve looped open.1 readig Spokane Circle N of Coeur d Alene Drive 4" gate valve dead end not operable . i reading ~un 29 07 03:14p Dean Renninger '"f"8-687-1583 p.12 Coeur d Alene and Priest River Dr. 3" valve nort facing open looped readig .2 4" valve south facing open looped .2 reading Skyhawk and Pend Orielle Drive West valve 4" gate open looped.2 reading South valve 6" gate open looped.2 reading St. Joe and Skyhawk East valve 4" open looped .1 readng Nort valve 6" open looped .1 reading Sandpoint Circle Nort valve 6" open looped.2 reading West valve 6" open looped .4 reading (pressure reducing valve near in vault bypassed) East valve 6" open looped.2 reading Pend Orielle and Coeur D Alene Nort valve 6" unble to locate South valve 4~' unable to locate Newman and Coeur D alene 6" gate valve open looped .2 reaing Kelso and Coeur d Alene 4" gate valve open looped reading.2 South St. Joe Blow off - closed /dr dead end .1 reading St.Joel St. Maries Cirle 4" gate valve open looped .3 reading Spirt and Kelso 6" gate valve facing west open looped .1 reading 6" gate valve facing nort close looped .2 reding Kelso Drve Blow off 2" closed dead end. i reading Kelso and St. Joe 4" gate valve open looped .2 reading ~un, 29 07 03:14p Dean Renninger ,....'1-687-1583 p.13 St.Joe and Ne\-man 8" gate valve facing eas open looped .1 reading 8" gate valve facing west closed looped .1 reading Newman and Tahoe 4" gate valve open looped .1 reading Coeur d Alene and Newman 6" gate valve open looped .1 reading Tahoe and Coeur d Alene 6" gate valve open looped .2 reading Kelso and Liberty 4" south facing gate valve open.2 readg Unable to locate second valve Hayden Ave Lot 43&46 - Valve open looped .2 reading Percolating - possible leak west uphil on line Hayden Ave. between lot 44 and 45 2" blow off dead end .2 reading E. Hayden Dr. Lot 52 &54 4" valve open looped .1 reading 513012007 Valve Isolation Including pressue gauge readings- Eagle (Skyhawk E and W) - 110 psi gauge was over 110 psi with no noticeable chage Skyhawk (E and W) - i 02 constt dropped to 45 psi when valve was closed Possible leak noted from St. Joe and Skyhawk valve estimated between 50' and 100' East of valve St Joe (W Skyhawk and Sandpoint Circle) -75 psi constant no change - one servce between valves Coeur d Alene 5655 frost free - (E Skyhawk and Sandpoint Circle) 90 psi no change as valves were opened and closed ~un 29 07 03:14p Dean Renninger .:''8-687-1583 p.14 ;.-... . Coeur d Alene 5655 frost free - to test ifline fed between valve and pressure reducing valve 90psi no change Coeur d Alene (Sanpoint Circle and Tahoe) - 63 psi holding as valves were operated and closed Coeur d Alene (Sandpoint circle to Fernan) - 48 psi tested on Fernan drve. Valve, no noticeable leak however there is a known lea at Blanchard circle. South Priest River Dr and Libert to N. Priest River and CDA-tested at 48 psi drpped to 46.5 psi when valve on libert was tued down When valve was reopened on libert rose to 53.5 psi. Tahoe from Newman to CDA - 60 PSI held constant while both valves were open and closed Hayden Dnve from south libert to CDA - 45 psi dropped to 42 but held as valves were opeted to closed position then back up to 45 Kelso Rd from Libert to CDA - unable to locate valve on liberty and Kelso Newm from CDA to Libert - unable to locate valve on Newman and Libert. ~un 29 07 03:14p Dean Renninger "'18-687-1583 p.15 AS1AEIEnglreerlng Incorprate 1910 NWBouleva. Sui 201. Coe (I' Alene. ID 83814(2OB) 11001 (208166-421 FAl June 28, 2007 Spirit Lake East Water Co. cia Hanson Industries, Inc. 15807 E Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Attention:Ms. Roxann Middleton Mr. Dean Renninger Subjec:Spiri Lake East Water Company Idaho Departent of Environmenta Qualit Draft Consnt Order - Elecal Compliance Plan Dear Roxann: AEI Engineering, Inc. has reviewed the Consent Order, met with Operating Sta, visited the site, reviewed the current installation, contrcted wit the Owner to design the required elecril system imprvements, and performed initial coordination wit the CMI Engineer (Inland Northwest Consultants). Based on the above, AEI Engineering, Inc. is addressing the requirements set forth in paragraph 7a, 7b. and 7c of the Consent Order. It is our understanding that paragraphs 7d and 7e are being addressed by Inland Nortest Consultants. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT The existing electricl and pump control system includes a 60KW stndby generator set (not capable of operating the well pump), FVNR starters for the 100HP well pump, a 25HP boos1er pump, and two 10HP booster pumps. The well pump is controlled on reservoir level, and the booster pumps are controlled on discharge pressure in conjunction with a series of pressure tanks. The majority of the elecrical system has reached the end of its serviceable life and reuires replacement. Spirit Lake East water Company is planning on upgrading their current electrical and controls system to meet the Consent Order requirements. SPECIFIC ACTION PLAN Paragraph 7a: "A detailed plan and schedule for the installation of a replacement genertor capable of running the submersible well pump and the three centriugal water pumps used to presurie the water distribution system to ensure compliance with IDAPA". Action Plan: 1. The existing generator, fuel system, and automatic trnsfer switch will be removed and replaced. The minimum desin requirement for the new system will be as follows: a. 150KW minimum, diesel engine generator. The generator is sized to operate the 100HP submersible well pump, (1) 25HP booser pump, (2) 10HP booster pumps, the control system, and building utilities. The generator wil be instlled on a concrete foundation pad. J.un 29 07 03: 14p Dean Renninger ~,)8-687-1583 p.16 . Page2 June 28, 2007 b. The generator will be provided with a fuel tank capable of at least 8 hour operation at full load. c. A new 400 ampere, 480 volt, three phase automatic trasfer switch. The trnsfer switch will be locaed inside the booster pump building. 2. The Final review design documents will be available for review on July 16,2007. 3. The electrical system design documents wil be completed incorpratin DEQ comments within 10 days of DEQ Plan approval. 4. The electrical improvements wil be bid and constcton start following production of final documents. We anticipate this to commence in Mid August, 2007. 5. AEI has been contacted to provide electrical construction obseition to ensure compliance wih the design intent, and to provide record electcal drawings. Paragraph 7b: "The development of a maintenance program to ensure that the replacement generator is inspected, test operaed on a routine basis, and that all components, including back-up spare parts, stand-by items are in operating condition to ensure compliance wit IDAPA". Acton Plan: The proposed stand-by generator system wil be specifed with the following requirements: 1. The automatic transfer switch programed for automatic full load transfer testing on a one month minimum intervl. Failure of the generator test cycle wil initiate an alann via the proposed automatic alarm dialer system. 2. The generator specificaon wil include the requirements for periodic manufturer suggsted maintenance and recommended spare parts. 3. The generator speciition wil include a servce agreement proposal for use by the ONer to contract on-call service with a locl factry authorized servic supplier. 4. AEI will prepare an eleccal operations and maintenance manual for the entire electcal system detiling generator and all other required maintenance schedules and proceures. The manual wil include a narrive by AEI and maintenance proceures and requirements provided by the equipment suppliers and installers. 5. The Final review design documents will be available for review on July 16, 2007. 6. The electrical system design documents wil be completed incorporang DEQ comments within 1 0 days of DEQ Plan approval. 7. The electrical improvements wil be bid and consruction started following production offinal documents. We anticipate this to commence in Mid August, 2007. 8. AEI has bee contraed to provide eIeJical constction observation to ensure compliance with the design intent, and to provide record electncal drawings. Paragraph 7c: "A detailed plan and schedule to evaluate and address any and all deficiencies associated with the electrical and pumping systems to ensure compliance with IDAPA,, and". Action Plan: 1. The existing electrical and pump contr system has ben evaluate. In additio to the new stand.by power system identifed above, the electcal system imprements will include: a. Replacement of the electrical serviæ entrance disconnect and feeder from the utilty transformer with a new 30DA service entrance rate endosd circuit breaker and new 35Dkcml service conductors. b. Inspecton of individual booster pump motors, coordinate replacment with Civil Engineer if required, establish base line motor tes for indusion in operations and maintenance manuaL. c. Replacement of the booser pump startrs wit variable frequency drive controllers to maintain pressure control of the system. ~un 29 07 03:15p Dean Renninger 20i=-68 7-1583 p.17 . - . Page3 June 28, 2007 d. Revise/upgrae the eleccal raceway and wiring as required throughout the facility to meet NEG and NETA standards. e. Reworking and expansion of the existing lighting, heating and ventilation system. f. Provide a new system Control Panel wit automatic alarm dialer. This control panel wil be PLC based and will moitor and control the well pump, the boster pumps, and 1h disinfection system. The alarm dialer win notify the Operator of well pump and booser pump failures, low system pressure, low reservoir level, building intrsion, generaor failure. low generator fuel, loss of electrical poer, and disinfection system motor failure. Alarm ma be grouped a mar and minor alamis. 2. The Final review design documents will be availabe for review on July 16, 2007. 3. The electrical system design documents wil be completed incorporating DEC comment within 10 days of DEQ Plan approval. 4. The electrical improvements wHl be bid and constction startd following production of final documents. We anticipate this to commence in Mid August, 2007. 5. AEI has been contracted to provide electrical construction observation to ensure compliance with the design intent, and to provide record elecril drawings. STANDARDS AEI Engineering Inc. shall perform the above design work in accrdance with the applicble setions of the following standards organizations: IOAPA 58.01.08 NFPA No. 70 - National Electrical Gode (NEC) International Energy Code National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc. (NEMA) Underwriter laboratores (UL) Instiute of Elecical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Internatonal Fire and Buìlding Codes Idaho State Energy Cod BID DOCUMENT FORMAT All drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD Release 2007. All specifcations wil be prepared in CSI fonnt using Word for Windows. The anticipated elecrical construction drawings required include: E1: Electncal Legend and Details E2: Electicl Site Plan E3: Electrical One-Line Diagram and Schedule E4: Well House Electrial and Control Plan E5: Well House Lighting, Recetacle, Heaing, and Ventilation Plan E6: Control Panel Elevation and Details E7: Wiring Diagrams E8: Wiring Diagrams The anticipated electrical construction specications required include: 16010 - General Provisions 16015 - Eleciical Sce of Wor 16080 - Electrical Testing 16100 - Basic Material and Methods 16110 - Raceays 16120 - Wire and Cable 16134 - Panelboards J.un 29 07 03:15p Dean Renninger ...8-687-1583 p.18 . Page4 June 28, 2007 16400 - Service and Metering 16460 - Dry Type Transfomiers 16483 - Variable Frequency Onve Equipment 16500 - Lighting 16740 - Telephone Serce 16850 - Heating and Ventilation 16917 - Solid state Starter Equipment 16920 - Motor Control Equipment 16921 - Control Systm Please call with any questions, comments or concerns you may have. Respectully submitted, AEI Engineering, Inc.~~~ Raymond J. Watkins, P.E., LEED AP ~/29/2007 16: 19 FAX 2083312400 ? . ~ BATT & FISHER LLP RECEPTION OK TXlRX NO CONNECTI ON TEL SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. RESULT ***** * ******* ******** *** RX REPORT *** * *** ** ** * * *** * *** * ** * 7296 208 687 1583 06/29 16:11 04' 21 18 OK I4 001 . - ..- _. ~.. ..'-" --:., ':"~ -:\"~, :ï'j '~.. . . . ~ I -, I . ':: ¡ - j"~~~ 7~ ~o~ ~ Spirit Lak~ East Water Company Spirit Lake, Idaho Gcneral Consultant .md Profcssiomd En~incerin~ Services A~rcemcnt June 17,2007 S Y: ~.-_~_~~___________~ ()1-153 Inland Northwcst Consultants is pleased to provide you with an agreement :tòr general engineerng and consulting serices for the Spirit Lake East Water Company, an Idaho State Public Utilties sering thc community of East Spirit l..ke, Idaho. This agreement is meant to be inclusive of all scope of serces as follows: Scope of Services Task #1- Gcncrnl Consultant and Professional EngineerinA Services wil perorm thenecessary consulting and professional engineerng work required to resolve the Compliance Activities outlined in exccuted the Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality Consent Order PWS# IDl2801 76 withn the capacity of INC as follows: T.1Sk #lA - Assist the Spirit Lake East Water Company in preparing a Public Water System Corrcction Action Plan and submit to the Idaho State Deparent of Enviromncntal Quality by Ju.ne 30, 2007 per Compliance Activíty #7 of Consent Order #ID1280176. This task requires tImt the Spirit Lake East Water Company execute and pay all retainer deposits prior to midnight on June 20,2007. Task #lB - Assist the Spirt Lake East Water Company and thc Electrcal Enginecr of Record under a separate Agreement in providing a detailed plao and schedule for insta11atiolJ of a replacement generator capable of running the existing submersible well pump and the existing three ccitrifiigal water pumps uscd to pressurie the water distrbution system to ensure compliance to IDAPA per Compliance Activity #7a of Consent Order #ID12801 76. T iisk #1 C - Assist the Spirit Lakc East Water Company and the Electrical Engineer of OJ Record under a separate Agreement in providing a detailed plan and schedule for ~ evaluating and addressing any and all deficiencies a.ssociated with the existing electrical =1 and pumping system to ensure complianc~ to TDAPA, 58.0i.08.552.01,~ and per Compliance Activity #7c of Consent Order #ID1280176. ei :imTasJ( #lD - Assist the Spirit Lake East Water Company in providing a detailed plan LUid.:D schedule for conducting a leak detecti.on survey ofthe entire Spirit Lake East Water := Company drinking water system per Compliance Activity #7d of Consent Ordcr ." #ID1280176. c.c:z'"c: g"' :D mo m -: mo Task #1E - Assist the Spirit Lake East Water Company in preparing a plan and schedule to repair, replace, or modify the Spirit Lake East Water Company water reservoir roofto ensure that the roofis watertight and ponding of non-potable water on the reservoir roof is eliminated off th(j surface per Compliance Activity inc of Consent Order #ID1280176. T.isk #2 - Improvement Plans: INC wil coordinate with the applicable agencies to prepare preliminary Improvement Plans of infrastrcture improvements for submittal requirements of the State of ldalio Public Utilties Commission umUlie Jdaho State Departent of Enviroiucntal 1296 E. F'olstr)ll Ave" Sti". 6, F'ost F,~lIs, ieJ:;ho 83öS.1 c.-~,ý..À"" 20B-Ti:?,.a:310 i Fúx 208-777-2128-_.~..~. ,,-- ~'~::~i~:~~C _'_ 1 . d LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puowhe~dOS ; 20 LO S2 unr Quality. Upon receipt of plan approval, INC wil finalize the design and prepare a set oftìnal Improvement Plans ofiofrastrcture improvements íorsubmittal to all reviewing agencies. All revü;ions and meetings required by reviewing agencies to obtain Improvement Plan approval arc includcd as a portion of this task. Task #3 - Construction Staking SCI'VCCS: INC wil perfonn Construction Staking per the approved Improvement Plans for the project. Staking shall be provided for INC and the Eleclrcal Engineer of Record plans only. Staking if; for one time only. Any requested re-staking or additional staking not noted above wil be performed and biled at our standard hourly rate and is outside the scope of this agreement. Task #4 - Building Construction Staking; INC wil provide constrction stakng per the approvcd structural plan, consisting of the corners tor thc Spirit Lake East Water Company water reservoir. Task #S - Structural Analysis and Computations: INC wî1 perform a strctural ana.. l.ysis,. -. .~associated computations and code analysis ofthc plans provided. INC wil redline the provided plan and retum to provider ü,r changes. INC wil assemble the appropriate structural computation packet for perit submittal and wil coordinate and deliver important design infonnation to your contractor. Task #6 - Record Drawings: Upon completion of improvcmcnts~ INC wil perform the required surey work and intemal requircd field inspections for the preparation and submittal of record drawings to the State of Idaho Public Utilties Commission, the Idaho State Dcpaitment of Environmental Quality, and the Spirit Lake East Water Company. Task #7 - Construction Ccl"tifcntion: INC will pcrform field inspection and preparation of constiuction certification letters as required by State of Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Idaho State Deparent ofEnvironmcntal Quality Required Retainor Deposit: $2,000.00 * Ths proposal is only for servce~ as noted above and does not include any city, county, agency', testing, permits or other fees that may be associatcd with the project. INC may submit some application fees on your behalfwith thc understanding that you wil reimbursc Inland Northwest Consultants tor these fees. The above services arè for a time and materials Agreement executed with Spirit Lake East Water Company only and are bascd on the attached Hourly Fee Schedule. Duc ~o 1mre of our servces and certain unkown factors, it is difficult to quote a fixcd pri cC~_J6:'lH.llti al) Work wil be initiated upon receipt of the required reta?nM~osit and signed agreemen.t. The required deposit wil bc applied to your FINAL invoict;bQ1Jinitial) Than you for your consideration of our proposaL. If this Agreement is acceptable to you, plcase, sign and date below and as indicated in thc attached Terms and Conditions, Contract Acceptance block, as well as, fill in the biling and contact infonnation below, and return to our office with required deposit. ,~~..~*-- . .... 2m?-1ï'3.:'3/0 I:::X 2ú3-777"2 -128 j-I ~?9G Ë. Pi.'l~:;:on ,fIVfJ., Sic. Si Po~t Falls, Id8.ho S:Je3/~ 2 'd LSLS-226-60S I.OSl.eH pl.owheèl dOS : 20 LO S2 I.nr ". AS1AE'.... ...Engineering Incotpratcd 1~ 10 NVV H(lulr",d. Sui'" 201, Coeul d Aleiie, 10 BJ~I" (201666.4001 (200l66I14(21 rM June 18, 2007 Spirit Lake East Water Co. C/O Hanson Industries, Inc. 15807 E Indiana Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Attention:Ms. Roxann Middleton Mr. Dean Renninger Subjec:Spirit Lake East Water Company Proposl for Bectrical Engineering Service Dear Roxann; Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for electrical engineering services for the subject projec. The proposal and associated engineering fee estimate is based on our recent discussions, a site visit and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Draft Consent Order. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT Spirit Lake East Water Company is planning on upgrading their current electrical and controls system to meet the Consent Order requirements. This work includes the following: ,. A new generator and automatc transfer switch capable of operating the well and booster pumps, as well as miscellaneous site utilities. · Replace the booster pump starters with variable frequency drive controllers to maintain pressure control of the system. · Replace the well pump starter with a soft starter. · Replace the electrical service entrance discnnect. · Replace the booster pump building electrical panelboard. · Revise/upgrade the electcal raceay and wiring as required throughout the facility. · Provide a new system Control Panel with automatic alarm dialer. This control panel wil be PLC based and will monitor and control the well pump, the booster pumps, and the disinfecion system. The alarm dialer wil notif the Operator of pump failures, low system pressure, power system failure, generator system failure, and lowlhigh tank levels. AEI wil coordinate our work and design with Inland Northwest Consultnts. APPROACH AND DELIVERABLES. During the initial (pre-esign) phase of this project. we will meet to determine the specific design and operational requirements of the facilit. AEI wil prepare a written detailed electical system improvement plan as required by the Consent Order with-in 5 working days of Contact ApprovaL. E .d LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH pUOWhe~dOS : 20 LO S2 unc ..' . Page2 June 18, 2007 -Following this effort, we wil prepare detailed construction documents (plan and specifications) for competitive bidding of the project. We will support Spirit Lake East Water Company during the bid process by answerìng questions from potential bidders and attending a pre-bid meeting. Construction Administrative support is also being prøpose. During this phase we wil perform submittl review of electrical equipment and materials and answer construction questions. One site observation visit, WÎth report, during the construction penod is included. A detailed list of design tasks and associated delìverables are identified below; Preliminary Design Phase Tasks; 1. Participate in an initial project kick-off meeting with the Design Team. 2. Perfonn initial Electnc Utilty coordination. 3. Submit recommendations regarding basic electrical materials, systems and equipment, and development of conceptual design solutions for power service and distribution, lighting, alarms, and general requirements. Construction Documents Phase Tasks 1. Preparation of final calculations, drawìngs, and specifications based upon approved Design Development Documents. 2. Submit 50% CD, 95% CD constructon documents for review and coordination. 3. Finalize plans and specificaions. 4. Submit Final construction documents. 5. Prepare Engineers Opinion of Probable Electrical Constrction Cost Assistance During Bid Phase Tasks 1. Answer questions from bidding contractors. 2. Prepare any necssary addenda to the bid documents to address issues that arise during the bid process. Design work associated with other disciple changes is not included in this estimate and wil be charged on a time and materials basis. AssÎstance During Construction Phase Tasks 1. Submittl review of elecrical construction material and equipment. 2. Make tio site visits including report, dúring construction. 3. Answer construction questions. 4. Additional fees for changes to the scope of the projec during construction shall be negotiated. ASSUMPTIONS 1 . AEI wil not be responsible for detailed site measurements and will produce drawings which are suffcient to accurately represent the electrical portion of the improvements only. STANDARDS AEI Engineering Inc. shall perform this work in accordance with the applicable seons of the following standards organizations during the design of this project: NFPA No. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC) v. d LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH pUOWF;e~dOS : 20 LO S2 unr ., . Page3 June 18, 2007 international Energy Code National Electical Manufacturers Assoc. (NEMA) Underwriters Laboratones (UL) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Fire and Building Codes Idaho State Energy Code BID DOCUMENT FORMAT All drawings wîll be prepared in AutoCAD Release 2007. All specifications wil be prepared in CSI format using Word for Windows. SCHEDULE AEI Engineering is prepared to begin work on this project upon notice to proceed and will work to support the project schedule. PRICE AND TERMS OF COMPENSATION Basic Service Fees We propo~e that our compensation be fixed amounts as scheduled below. Reference attached fee estimate work sheet. Phase Descriptíon Preliminary Design Services Construction Documents Bid Administration Services Construction Administration ServÎces Fee $638.75 $7,617.50 $254 $2,521.50 Total Basic Service $11,139.00 Reimbursable Expenses Spirit Lake East Water Company (Owner) shall pay the Engineer for Reimbursable Expenses at 1.10 times their direct costs. Such payments wil be in addition to payments for Basic Services. Payment shall be made only if such expenses a're incurred. Reimbursable expenses shall be as follows: 1. Plotting of CAD drawings other than for coordination of the work or as provided under basic service. 2. Reproduction of drawings and specifications other than for coordination of the work. 3.Local courier service. 4.Travel expenses outside the Greater Coeur d Alene area. Additional Services If authorized in writing by the Owner, AEI Engineering shall furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the following types that are not considered normal or customary Basic Services. The Owner agrees to pay for Additional Services on a time and expense or fixed fee £. d L£L£-22S-S0£uosueH pUOWhe~dO£ : 20 LO £2 unr " .6 ~ . Page4 June 18, 2007 basis in accordance with AEI Engineering's standard billing rates at the time the Additional Services are negotiated. A. Services resulting from significant changes in extent of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, Owner's schedule, or character of construction, or method of financing; and revising previously accepted studies, reports, design documents or contract documents when such revisions are due to causes beyond AEI Engineering's control. B. Services in connection with change orders to reflect changes requested by Owner if the resulting change in compensation for Basic Services is not commensurate with the additional services rendered, services after the award of each contract in evaluating substitutions proposed by Contractor(s), and in making revisions to Drawings and Specifications occasioned thereby. C. Preparing documents for alternate bids requested by Owner for Contractor(s)' work which is not executed or documents for out-of-sequence work. D. Services during out-of-town travel required of AEI Engineering other than visit to the site as required under the Basic Services. E. Preparing for the Owner, on request, a set of reproducible record prints of Drawings showing those changes made during the construction process, based on the marked-up prints, drawings and other data furnished by Contractor(s). F. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damaged by fire- or other cause during construction, (2) significant amount of defective or negligent work of Contractor(s), (3) prolongation of the contract time of any prime contract by more than sixty days, (4) acceleration of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, and (5) default by Contractor(s). G. Services to make measured drawings of or to investigate existing conditions or facilities, or to verify the accuracy of existing drawings or other information related to underground utilities, system capacities and system loading (Except as agreed to under Basic Services). H. Investigations involving detailed consideration of operations, maintenance and overhaul expenses; providing Value Engineering during the course of design; the preparation of feasibility studies, cash flow and' economic evaluations, rate schedules and appraisals; assistance in obtaining financing for the Project; evaluating processes available for licensing and assisting Owner in obtaining process licensing; detailed quantity surveys of materials, equipment and labor; and audits or inventories required in connection with construction performed by Owner. i. Services after the completion of the Construction Phase, such as inspections during any guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies under guarantees called for in any contract for the Project. 9.d LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puowheèl dis: 20 LO S2 unr L. t. AS1AEIEncl_"1l. incorporated niilJ NW ll1Jitrird. ~utlO 20L r;O( r." Ak,rvt. IlJ tl.1li141208) IlO..OOl (20B) OOLL-42' I''' ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE Client Address City Phone Project ! .......... Task 1 1.1 Task 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Task 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1,4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 :U.8 3.2 3.3 3.4 Task 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.6 4.7 Spirit Lake East Water Company. C/O Hanson Industries'. Inc 15807-ËTridiami Ave:'- ......_..._.-.. . .... _...__._._------ _. . ....._.._._------_._. . .~pOka~... State _~~ E& P n .. . zip 99216 Date Proposal No. File Name Client Job No. 0.5 2 4 ::,::.B:::pump e~i S~em upg~ i,"$8~~O - -::~~ l~~o~o Projeet Management Project correspondence and status report Sheet EG. E7 &E8 - Control Panel Details & Wiring Diagrams Prepare Electrical Specifications Electrical Division 16 Size Generator and ATS Construction Cot Estimate Quality Control I Assurance Construction Management Answer questions from bidders Propare Addenda as required Contractor Questions and RFI's Electrical Submittai Review Site Inspection I Visits 2 trips. 1 during Construction, and 1 final Electrical 0 8. M review Record Drawings Preliminary DesÎgn ¡asks Coordination wíth Utilty Company Initial Site Visit DEQ Eiectricallmprovoment Plan Letter Final Design Tasks Prepare ek;ctrical drawings Sheet E1 - Electrical Legend and Notes Sheet E2 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet e3 - Ek;ctrical One-Line Diagram 8. Schedules Sheet E4 - Electrical Power and Control Plan Sheet E5 - Electrical Lighting & Receptacle Plan Total Hou'rs Reimbursable Exponse Details: Mílea9~.. .. _~I?rcxucibles.._. ... _~~~c..k¡:ige Delj~eiY___...._. Misc. . T ota.1 E'5p-enscs L'd LSLS- 226- 60S 6/1812007. ._.._-_....- M07111 DRAFT $50.00 ADMIN' .. "Totl-'" ~.OD 1 2 4 6 2 6 8 12 12 3 (3 12 12 8 4 1 4 3 1:2 66 : l! 3 i1 i 4 64--2~~S; $73-$25--- _........$10 $108 NIC $43.75 $175.00 2 $420.00 $50.00 $907.00 $1,073.00 $1,683.50 $636.50 $1,663.50 $891.00 $83.00 $332.00 $277.60 $110.5 $63.00 4 $320.00 1 $708.00 $526.00 $249.00 $719.50 11 ....._-_.._..~.. SubTotal ..S11.031.25 Expenses $107.75 TOTAL $11.139,00 uosueH puowF;eèl dis :20 LO S2 unr- Page lofi JohnR. Hammond From: rmiddleton (rmiddleton~hansonind.com) Sent: Tuesday, August 07,200712:50 PM To: John R. Hammond Subject:RE: Good morning, The plans send to the DEQ were approved. Each of the engineers have talked to the DEQ and have proceeded with the detailed plans. These plans are to be finished middle of this week. Specs for GenSet should be done today so we can place on order. We'll have a cancellation clause in case DEQ has a problem but we need to get on order has they could be as much as a couple months out. They have assured me that all the electrical can be done first and the actual generator is one of the last things they need. Good news about the leaks. Leslie justemailed the water loss from the last meter readings. October 06 thru March 07 - loss of 17,330,054 gallons 59.9% of total pumped April 07 thru July 07 -loss of 5,233,909 gallons 24.8% of total pumped Several leaks were fixed at the end of May, so should have more improvement stilL. We will read the meters next at Oct 1. If we still see a significant improvement, Bob and I were thinking we will have the meters read at Nov 1 stand Dec 1 st to confirm. Finally a bit of good news!! Roxann From: John R. Hammond (mailto:jrh(gbattisher.com) sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 10:44 AM To: Bob Boyle; rmiddleton Subject: Hello, Have you heard anything from DEQ on the engineering plans? John R. Hamond, Jr. Fisher Law Group, LLP U.S. Ban Building 101 S.Capitol Blvd., Suite 500 Boise, ID 83702 208.331.000 208.33 1.2400 (facsimile) jrh(Ibattfisher.com Please Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential and privileged information. It is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distrbution, or copying of this communication is strctly prohibited. If you have received this message by mistae, please retu it to the above-mentioned e-mail address, and delete it from your computer. Than you for your cooperation. 2/21/2008 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2110 Ironwood Parkway · Coeur d'Alene, Idaho B3B14 . (20B) 769.1422 C.L "Butch" Oller, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director September 28, 2007 Raymond Hanon, President Spirt Lake Eas Water Company E 15807 Indian Ave Spokae Valley, WA 99216 RE: Reservoir Roof Structure and Electrcal Improvements~ Spirt Lake East Water Company Dear Mr. Hanon: On September 11, 2007 Leslie Abra with Water Works, Inc. submitted to ths offce for review and approval two items pertg to proposed improvements to the Spirt Lake East publíc drng water system. We have now completed our review of these submitts with the followig reults: Roof Strcture Plans: The drawig staped by Joseph Hassell, P.E. of Inand Nortwest Consultats, Inc. (IC) ha been reviewed tht conta plan and specifcations for constrction of a 60-foot by 6O-foot free-stadig wooden strctue with meta roofig centered over the existing water reservoir. We undersd tht rather than reconstrct the existi roof over the stored water to be water-tight and sloping, you elected to constrct ths free-stadig cover in order to prevent raall from ponding on the existig deteriorated roof The Roof Strctue Plans are hereby approved for consction puroses in accordance with the Idao Rules for Public Drg Water Systems and Section 39-118 of Idaho Code. Ths approval intiates steps toward compliance witl item 7.e. in the June 5, 2007 Consent Orer by providig a watertght cover tht elimtes pondig and is sloped to dr precipitation off the cover. The engieer needs to consider the followig comments on the proposa: · The relationship of the gable and eave ends of the cover to the booster pump vault was not clear. We recommend placing the gable end over ths vault to reduce the possibilty of ruoff from the roof afectig the vault. Intaling gutters along the eave ends and divertg the ruoff from the roof away from the ta foundation is also reommended. · A building permt from Kootenai County for the stctue might be requied. · We recommend completig the stctue with some tye of nettg material intaled inide the cover to prevent birds from enterig and nesting inside the strctue. Inpection of constrction activities approved herein mus be done by an Idaho licensed Professional Engieer (P.E.) or by someone under the diect supervsion of a P.E. The Corrctive Action Plan (CAP) indicated INC would provide inction seces for constrction of the reservoir cover. With th (30) days of completion of constrction, Section 39- 1 18(3) of Idaho Code requies that record plans and specifcations based on inormation provided by the consction contr0Ë, ~1let E D ;". OCT 042007 i:ICUi:i: PIIc:r.H R. AI nFRliiV"h' RE: Reservoir Roof Strcture and Electrcal Improvements, Spirt Lake East Water Company September 29, 2007 Page 2 observations mae by the engeer or the engieer's designee be submitted to DEQ. The record drwigs must depict the actu constrction of facilties. Spirt Lake East Water Co. - Electrical Improvements: Plan and specifcations for the improvement to the electrcal systems at ths location as prepared by Raymond Watk, P.E. of AEI Engieerig Inc. have been reviewed. Ths project consists of the followig improvements: . Intaation of a new 150KW diesel powered generator located on a concrete pedest and capable of opetig at the sae tie the 100 Hp well pump, 25 Hp bostr pump, two 10 Hp boster pumps, and other electrcal items. The generator will involve a 300-gallon capacity double-walled fuel ta equipp with interstitial Jea detection and alar. . Intalation of varable frequency drves on the thee booster pumps. . Ination of entily new contrl and monitorig system and other electrcal upgres and replacements for the facility. The plan and specifcations for the Electrcal Improvements are hereby approved for constrction purse in acordance with the Idao Rules for Public Drig Water Systems and Section 39-118 of Idaho Code. Ths approval appear to intiate compliance with Consent Order items 7.a (generator for al pumps) and item 7.c (other electrcal deficiencies). Inpection of consction activities approved herein mus be done by an Idao licens Professiona Engieer (P.E.) or by someone under the diect supervsion of a P.E. The CAP indicated tht inpection seces for ths project will be provided by AEI. With th (30) days of completion of constrction, Section 39-118(3) of Idaho Code requies tht reord plan and specifcations basd on inormtion provided by the constrcton contrctor and field observations made by the engieer or the engieer's designee be submitted to DEQ. Corrtie Action Plan: It ha come to our attention th the reuient in ite 7 of the Consent Orer for DEQ approval of the CAP was not formally issued. The CAP consists of an eight (8) page letter to you frm INC dated June 28, 2007 for items 7.d. and 7.e. and consist of a four (4) page lettr to you from AEI dated June 28,2007 for item 7.a., 7.b., and 7.c. DEQ review of the CAP indicated general agreement with the scpe of the activities. However, some of the CAP implementation dealies as indicated below have been exceeded or are missing. . Item 7.a. New Generator - Constrction stag mid-August. . Item 7.b. Genertor matenace progr - No schedule offered. . Item 7.c. Oter Electrcal Improvements - Constrction commencing mid-Augu. . Item 7.d. Leak Detection Surey - Begu July 16 and endig November 12,2007. . Item 7.e. Tan Roof repai - Constrction stag mid-Augut. Only item 7.d regardig the leak detection surey appear to possibly be on schedule. Item 8 of the Consent Order requies submitt by December 1, 2007 of an Implementation Plan reflectig a tie schedule and budget for corrction of the lea identied in the surey per item 7.d. l RE: Reservoir RoofStrctue and Electrcal Improvements, Spirt Lake East Water Company September 29, 2007 Page 3 The engieerg plan and speifcations for items 7.a., 7.c., and 7.e. were propose in the CAP for submitt for DEQ approval in July of 2007 but were not received unti September 11,2007. Item 7.b. for implementaon of an O&M plan for the new generator appea to have been misinterpreted in the CAP beuse ths item can only be complied with once the new generator is operationa. Faiur to comply with the terms of the Consnt Order constitutes a violation that could result in civi penaties being imposed agai. To postpne ths tye of enforcement action, you need to have a revised schedule for completion ofitems 7.a., 7.c.; and 7.e. submitted to DEQ by INC and AEI. Ths inormon should also include a proposed date for compliance with item 7.b. We will expet tht you will be able to provide these revised completion dates to DEQ no later th October 15, 2007. M c: Leslie Abram, Water Works Inc, PO Box 920, Rathdr ID 83858 Raymond Watk, AEI Engieerig Inc, 1910 Nortwest Blvd, Ste 201, CdA 843814 Mie BeckerlDew DittanJoe Hassell, INC, 1296 E Polson Ave, Ste B, Post Fals Steve Taner / Anthony Davis, DEQ, CdA John Hamond, Jr., Batt & Fisher LLP, PO Box 1308, Boise, il 83701 Har Hall, IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, il 83720-0074 Jerr Henr, DEQ-Boise Stephae Ebright, DEQ, Boise (# 10110 plan at specs at Spirt Lake East pws fie) ,.-i J Water Works . Inc . Water and Wastewater Management October 15, 2007 To whom it may concern, Water Works, Inc., water System operators for the Spirt Lake East Water Company would like to provide an update on the activities that have taken place on the Spirt Lake East water system over the summer of 2007 as well as to provide a loose schedule for the upgrades to the reservoir and the pump house. To begin with I would like to give an update on the curent leak detection program. The first step of ths process occured in the sprig of 2007 with a valve survey that was performed by a professional leak detection company and was intended to help the water system operators to locate areas of concern for potential water loss. Fortately there were no major issues found during the valve sureying process. The second step in the leak detection process, and the most time consumng, was a line isolation technque that required the system be broken down into a series of testable isolated sections. Ths technque was chosen due to its accuracy retu rate. Closing down smaller sections of line and puming them up to a pressure beyond norml operatig pressure allows us to more easily determe where the water loss might be occurng. Weare approximtely 80% complete with the hydrostatic line testing, explained above, withi both Spirit Lake East and Treeport. The remainder of the tests will be completed upon the intallation of four new isolation valves, again needed to ensure that smaller sections ofline can be tested. The isolation valve installation is curently underway and should be completed by the first week in November, providing ample time to complete the remainder of the leak detection program. As a part of the hydrostatic testing, we are also in the process of ensurng that all valves are fully operable. Ths maintenance issue is often overlooked by system operators but in this case especially, it is our goal to ensure that the leak detection is as accurate as possible and therefore we find that it is necessary to ensure that each and every valve in the Spirit Lake East water system is functioning to full capacity. Along with the leak detection testing there have been many leak repairs occurg in both Spirt Lake East and Treeport. We have been able to use the information gathered though the leak detection testing to locate some major areas of water loss. It has been found that the main source for system leaks has been isolated to the site of the individual service connections, and not on the main line themselves. These servce connections, tyically performed and installed by the home owner's contractor/excavator, have been the only site for system leaks thus far and have been easily identifiable through the hydrostatic testing. There have been approximately ten (10) service line connection replacements completed throughout the system, along with numerous meter leak repairs. Spirit Lake East Water Company has also been workig on pressure regulation throughout the system and has repaired an existig pressure reducing valve. There are also plans to install a new pressure reducing bypass valve once the isolation valves are in place. The last thing that I would like to address is the time line for the work being performed at the well site pump house and on the reservoir roof. Upon receiving forml approval from the IDEQ on the submissions by AEI electrcal engineers, bid packets were disbursed to three different electricians and to thee different generator companies. Unfortately, at this time, we are unable to provide a concrete tie frame for project completion as our contractors are tring to gather specifics from vendors concernng an P.O. Box 920 II Rathdrum, ID 83858 II Phone: 208.687.0802 II Fax: 208.687.1583 h2oworks. inccægmail.com estited time of delivery for all components involved. There are five different delivery dates being discussed by the contractors for the generator itself. One of those delivery dates being up to 16 weeks from time of order, another, and the least dependable is 6 weeks from time of order. We have been working diligently to tr to ensure that the upgrade project is completed by the required date, although we may be forced to request a time extension. It would seem that making hasty decisions while tring to get the project done withn the curently allotted time line would only be cause for potential problems down the road and it is the intention to the Spirit Lake East Water Company to ensure tht ths project is completed in a manner that would allow for the system to function to its full potential. I do not feel as water system operator that it would behoove us to put a specific time frame to completion of this project without first gettng specifics from our contractors and vendors. As soon as informtion regarding the generator set and electrcal components are provided to us it wil be made available to the IDEQ and all other parties involved. The reservoir roof will, however, be completed well within the curently allotted time line, baring any unforeseen incidents, and therefore does not seem to be a necessary component in requesting an extension. Materials for the Toofhave been ordered and constrction will commence shortly, again we will keep all interested parties up to date on the progress. Leslie Abrams Water System Operator Water Works, Inc. P.O. Box 920 II Rathdrum, ID 83858 II Phone: 208.687.0802 II Fax:208.687.1583 h2oworks. inc~gmail.com 2 .~.t~h-ÔF.:.MJ?~ ,rn Q. .... .... ~. . ,/..~ ~ . 7810 Market, Center Suite '9 2 ~75'/Yua · .. .. . Spokane, WAs 99207 '/ St i B .1. d.. I. Phone: (509) 4681606.. .ee .. . Ul . . ings, nc. SALES CONTRACT AND WORK ORDER QUAUSÐ1 C7Uwe IhQ owner(s) of thQJ)remises mentioned bolo hereby authorize you QS contractor, to turnì6ti an nocessary matørials.labor,$nd workmanship, 10 Install. construct and plalha Improvements according 10 Ihe following and/or atiach~_f~Cftioti5' terms and conJWons. on i:remises below described;iI' ' "2. (",£~IC tn-G 1:i 7 .Own."'N.~,,""" . . . =-_"" rhona ". _ Wet. k Phone ~ 2 .z -5 2..2JobAd",,, 9:/:Z~~if(p.E c;i,.Jfi,£/r/A& te~ Z;pMailing AddresijSi';;r¿ . yt1tl City -S..,l~ _ æa ~ ~~' Zip =-9~1 ¿ Legal Oescription (Jt necessary) . .~_ . _~ __ . &/LrAS ¿E¥~J- EN.9/~r~EØ ~MAlJ; ~~."wA.6j¿:./(M,v!Ø Alo~.h~/ ~('dMSI-~N7J ¿?A'L/.;' ~~f+JL~;;E,P 1Y~~SaA. ~,v.ø~/~~C~ M4IG "'I du.1O payatl.. to Ou.thy &i' Bulllllll" In..Owner ag~ ió .løn.ill neo imI$ required ily tu 11"'''i;IIiIiIIUl. An iurplui ma.,lal. ti pr_")' Of CQtracl. In Il. evi of bi_ óllhl. coUia. Ih P'- Owna,/i)al~o agree 10 pay ,.onle aROIa 1_ lor QOiuftatlon anOI aucb Ihi¡lllo.lncludlng au expe"_.ø ma)' be n_ry. No COmplelGf dae uncl.&5 d~ WILL be ap1..wlhalJ WiII..n 'lprol Irom Ilia DII~. Al jo WIL be 00..;i NOn .. pcalb". buliha C!ny la not ieapólbi lor "ala)'1 ea..,~ ba _ill.,. .lrlJ. an r_n_ m_lal ihaitage lrom :ai.øllofS. au_IIty SIMI RIllldlnp.lne IOH UndG no i:llln aiiiiu an)' amount of moey trom pu.cr.... prIce. ~dE/( DAYDO NOT SIGN TH COACT UNL COIIPLETELYFILLED IN. NO VERBAL AGREEMENTS IlEcNI. ildd' Co/¿~S~ /( 0 (J r cr6~ iJøW'~ WAiL t:1J~O~ ~ ERI2IV"¡ -r/;n ~ A:/\ ~ß()iv~ .. - .r_._._ THSAlE CORACT ANO WORK ORDER IS SUBJECTTO IIATELANÐ LABO UEN. CANCELlTION WILL BE SUB.ECT TO 18% CHARG TOllE MAOE AGAINT CASH PRICE. 'lE BALACi=ISDUE AND PAY.ALE UP .COPLE~ lI OFBU'LDIP. PLEAE GIVE FINAL CHEC TO ntE 8UlLDERIlEOUT TOQUUT STEE BUILDINS. IN. "NOTE: ALL PROGRESS PAYMENT MUS BE MADE WHEN DUE IN ORDER FO WORK TO CONTINUE. C$sh price Tax AJt __ Totl ~ Do pant or deposi Balance $ /:l,3/l.£/Ø $ I~ 311:g IJOM.:=¥ Ð ß,cJRllønli\"' 01 au/t SI8I Rulld1nlllri x $ ~6 '1:i O() _.$ 2icLu,£.__$-=6$_ 36. 12.5" o~$ ~~~~~:~~w~Due 6" 20 07 1, O"'''''lbll'' Ownur.tei COMPAY GUARATEE:Qua St..1 Bulding, 11I. gUlInlnt.. It. workainehlp and wil replll fault maerla Or fIulty wokman- iihlp tr. of chrge for 12 mont fr compleon Ofbulldlnga) provided 8" contrae:and Change orderw .r. paJd '"full. Cu.tom... by alQxlngttelr aignature here, iikniege tl1 th hav. rolved a COy of tha eow; an are __,. of C(llona 01\ reverse~~ . 2.d LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puoWhe~eso=oi LO SI 'lOO .lrou___J LmtLUI~D1~~S. INC .1 7R fO N. M:irk~~i Spokmic.Wllsliiiigton992I. 7 Offce (509) 468-1606 Fax (509) 468-3720 www.qsbinc.coin CONTIOH L1C!'NSI:AlOUAI./Sl\llICl Octber 10, 2007 Contract & Work Order Specification.v Between: Qualiæ Steéi Buildings, lnc.,& .Hanson Industries, Inc. Page 2 of3 Spirit Lake East Water Co. Roof Strcture Quality Steel Buildings, Inc., wîlsupply materials, labor, delivery and clean-up to constnct the project as per the engineering supplied by Hann Industres, Inc., & drawn by Inc. & Issue Dated: 8/6/07, for the prjec listed below. SPECIFICATIONS: 60'x 60'x 18' cave height clear-span pole building, with siding & wall frming that comes down frm eave height on an sides of building 6'-8" Note: Building to be constrcted over the top of existing concrete water storage ta. 4112 Pitch~ 12' bays with manfaed, engíneered 2 ply trses, with 40-5-1# snowfuoo. . 8"x.8"Presure trated strct posts at center trs crossing ofbiiilding, and with 6"x 6" comc.& e.dwall, posts. (1) row 2"x 10') presur trted base girt, with 2"x 6" wall girt and 2"x 8" roofpurlin &) approx. 24" O.C. for both. Note: An lumber is #2 & beter grade Douglas Fir & Lah kiln dred hardwood framng. Post Footlng Concrete; 18.5 yards tota at all poste combined, post foting concrete. Steel RoofinJL & Siding; 29 Gauge colored steel roofing, siding, tr with color matched screws. l 30 Year Pahi.tCoat Finisb Warranty From Manufacturer i Insulation: 2" Vinyl backed strng reinforced fiberglass metal building insulation, at the roof only ~ E .d LSLS-226-sas uosueH pUOWf;eè:esa:at La St ~oa "';! .. . d Continued - Conlract & Work Order Specifications Hanson Industries, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Continious Ridge V cot: 60 lin. fL of Continîous Ridge Vent. , Total Built $ 36,925.00 Idaho Tax. Induded (12 Month Warranty on Materiel & Workm..mship) Exclusions: Building:lerit, Site Prep. site rcstoration,rcmovaJ of any post hole spoils, temporar power durng constrction. AccePted:_d!.itl~ #~71 Repentitive ornmi!l Jiidustl'ics.liic. Date: 'o~/S. 01 Accpted:Date: Repreiå¡vc ofQuitt Steel SIIÎldingi. Inc. LSLS-226-60S l.05l.eH pl.OWF;e~eso:oi LO SL ';00 Page 1 of 1 JohnR. Hammond From: rmiddleton (rmiddleton(§hansonind.com) Sent: Tuesday, November 27,200712:03 PM To: John R. Hammond Subject: Consent Order Hi John, Section 8 of the consent order has a Dec 1 date for the submittal of the CAP Implementation Plan. I believe this was submitted back in July. Can you confirm please? This would make us in compliance with order, correct? Also, to complete our files, could you forward to me any correspondence you have had with DEQ with reference to the consent order after it was issued, I don't believe my files are complete. The roof is under construction, should be done in couple of weeks. The electrical contractor has been chosen, generator is in stock, so work will begin soon. We have chosen to read the meters this week in an effort to confirm that we are below the 15% leakage. We believe we are and wanted to confirm now, otherwise it would be late next spring before we could read them again. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Best regards, Roxann Middleton Hanson Industries, Inc. 15807 E Indiana Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99216 509-922-5252 Fax 509-922-5757 rmiddletonlWJlDsQDlmLçom 2/21/2008 ueç; uv U f U4:41 P Uean Renninger 208-687-1583 p.1 p"" .~ - ., . Water Work. Inc. Wai and Waste Managemt .l -' ." Fax To: Fax 208-331-240 John Hammond From: Leslie Abrams Pages: 10 incuding cover Phone:Da Deber 5, 2007 Re:Spirit Lake East Wat ce: o Urg 0 For Reew 0 Plea Commt 0 Ple Repl 0 Plese RecYCle . Comments: John, Following is the signd letter tht you requested. Please let me knw if there is anytngfuer. Leslie Abras RECEIVED DEC 062001 FISHER PUSCH &ALD£RM,AN ,. Up P.O. Box 920. Rathdrum, ID 83858 · Phone: 208.687.0802. Fax: 208.687.1583 h2owater.inc(Wgmail.com r LJsc Ob 07 04:41 p Dean Renninger r' V~i,. J. LUIJ/ 1l:lorM I".'nd r~orthwest Consultant5, 208-687-1583 p.2 No. 9865 F' 1 !\-\ - \c---2\. \ l'~ ~ ,.... . ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. flLRNNEAS Deç-ember 3, 2007 Idaho Deparent ofEnvironiental Quality 2110 Ironwood Parkway. Coeur d'Alene, Idao 83814 Att: Tony Davis Re: Spirt Lak Eas Water Company Dear Toc.y: As requested by the Idao Depament of Environmenta Quaity (IDEQ). this letter ~s afoJlow-up to their September 28, 2007 letter regarding Correcve Action Plan (CAP) Item 7.d. for the above-refereed subject. As you may recal, Item 7.d. is for the leak detection and surey of the water distrbution system. It was origiy estied to be complete by November 12ái of ths yea. Afer disclmsions with th conIlactor, itappears several unoreseen ite have presented themelves durg thir leak detection and sUley program; thus resulting in delays. Pendig fuet delays, unoreseen conditions, and weather. the contractor now esates tht Item 7.d. suey should be completed by December 31, 2007 with an estimated remaig budget of nearly $15,000.The repair/replacement work is scheduled for completion by sumer 2008. The budgeted amount for repair and replaceent will depend on the number ofleak discovered. It shuuld be noted tht th contractor has exceeded the CAP Item 7.d. implementation plan assigned to Spirit Lake East \Vater Company (SLEW) by IDEQ. They have replac and repaired numerous leaks within the ditrbution system dwing their leak detection and suey progr. They have also installed several new isolation valves in key locations, exercise existig vaves to ense water tightnes, and repaied the pressue reducing valve sering the Treeport area. This should reduce water loss and increase the water qualty in the SLEW area. Exercising valves improves the maitenace and usefu Hfe of valves. The following iiûomition provides the progrs of the Const Order's CAPImplementation Plan: 1296 East Polson Avenue, Swtel3 Post Falls. Idaho 83854 Pbone: (2~8)173-8370 Fax: (208)777-212 r i¿ec Vb U r 04:42p Dean Renninge..r r vee J. LIJIJJ 1L:II"M i.-. ~iid Northwest Consultants, . 208-687-1583 p.3 , - No. 9865 P. 2~ÐlH-"~......". · Item 7.a, New Generator: Submitt Date 911l/07) Approval Date 9/28/07, Estimated Completion Date 2/8/08. The generaor and automati transfer switch (A TS) has been purchased and scheduled for inllation the beg:g of next week. The contractor is Electic 1. · Item 7.b. GeneratoX" Maintenance PI'ognm; Pending completon and sta-up of generator. · Item 1.e. Other Electrical Improvements: Submitt Date 9111/07, Approval Date 9/28/07. Estate Completion Date 2/2&/08. All electrical components ha'Ve been purchased and scheduled for instaon begi the tld week in Decber. They requied a 6 week fabrication period. 'Th sae contractor as 7.a. was awaded the project. · Item 1,d, Leak Detection Survey: Sta Date mid July. Re\'Ísed EstiatedCompletion Date i 2/3 !l07. Skyhawk and Newman Streets appea to be the worst leak contributors. Repais made: inalled four (4) isolation va"-es, repaied one major leak in Hayden Drve, replaced ¡repaied 12 servce connections, repaÍIed one pressure reducig valve, tightened numerous meter se~, and capped one unauthoried connectioQ which wa leag. Estte reduction in water loss from 50% to 27%. See acxompanying Leak Detection .Rort · Item 7.e. Tank Root Repair: Submitt Dat 9/11/07, Approval Date 9/28107, Estiated Constrction Completion Date 12121/08. Poles and trses have set and steel roof and siding should be completed vvth the next week. Th you and should you have any questions regarding the above, please calL. Best Regard, Inand Nortwest conr.tats, Inc.i .m Mic elL. Becker, E.I.r. Proje t Engineer cc: Dean Rewiüiger, Leslie Abrams encl / L296 Ea Polson AVMue, Suite B POSI FaIls, Idaho 81854 Phone: (2011)n3.8J70 F~: (218)717.211& Qec 05 07 04:42p Dean Renninger v~l. J. ¿VOl U: l/t'iVl Jf. .,~d Northwest COiisultads 208-687-1583 · - No. 9665 Water Works. Inc. Wattl end 'Wase- M4nagemcit p.4 P. 3 Spir Lake East Water Company Leak Detecion Report I have attached a spread sheet with the leak detection findings thus far. We still have 8 sections to do, We broke it down a litte fuer than what was in the CAP plan. Follovvg is also the list from the CAP plan with which par we have completed in accordance with tht so tl it might be eaier to reference in a leter. We inled 3 main line valves, one at Sandpoint Circle, one at Blanchar Circle, and one at Newman and Libert. One more is scheduled to be installed beginng of next week at Coeur d Alene and Fema. We were unable to locate the valves tht the plans claied were origially intaed and spent numerous hours tring to do so. Eventully it became apparent tht we were going to have to :shut do'O'n the main and inll ma line valves in order to complete lea detection. Because ths involved tug the water off to so many customers we tred to be relatively consertive viith the intals and atmpted to schedule them far enough apar as not to inconvenience the customers too much. Ths may have set us back up to a ful month. We located four leak on Skyawk in Treeport all on serice connections, assuming the pipe composition wa deteriorate, and repaired them. Whe each trench was open Han gave us perission to aJso replace the service connection on the opposite side of the roac to ensure tht no futur lea would arse due to the faulty pipe, tota of g fied on Skyhawk. Vole located two leak on Eagle and repaied those also, along v.rith'te opposite seice connections. 4 total. Each repai th :s made tas an additional amount of tie and man power due to the fact that we are essentially diggig blind. The as buit drawis for the system have been so far off th we are never sure torht is in the ground or where we are going to fi it. We fou.d a major leak on Hayden, also on a semce connction, and replaced the galvanized lie th had become brittle and had broken with 200 psi poly. There were numerous small leak found at meter sets, each of these was tightened down an checked to ensur no futue leakage. We repaied an existig pressuxe reducing valve and inlled a bypass valve to lower the prsure in T reeport. We spent weeks operaing vaves and flushing the system to provide a bettr seat on the existg 'Valves) ths also neede to be done before the leak deteon could be completed. Leak Detection Surey Summar P.o. Box 920 · Rathdrum, ID 83858" Phone: 208.687.0802 · Fax: 208.687.1583 h2 owo rks.inc(gg maiL. com Ut:ç uo U ( U£l:4¿P Uean Kenningeru~c. :;. LVVt IL: l/tM J. 'lnd Northwest Consiiitads 208-687-1583 p.5 No. 9865 P. 4 · Well house- incomplete (can't fid blow off valve) · Sandpoint Circle - missin valves · St. Joe Drive - complete · St Joe Drive - complet · Liberty Dnve - complete · CD'A Drive - complet · Libert Drive - incomplete · Liberty Dnve - incomplete · CD" A Drive and Fern -missing valve · CD' A Drive - missing valve · CD' A Drve - missing varve · CD'A Drve - missing valve · Priest Ri'ver Dr. - complete · Priest River Dr - complete · Prest River Dr - complete · Hay ten Dr- complete · Hayen Dr Md Easements - complete · Kelso Dr - complet · Kelso Dr - complete · Kelso Dr - complete · Newan Dr - complete · Tahoe Dr - complete · St. Joe - complete P.O. Box 920 .. Rathdrum, 1083858 · Phone: 208.687.0802 . Fax: 208.687.1583 h2oworks.inC(~gmall.com Dec 05 07 04:42p Dean Renninger - !I~L."). t.UIJI 11: lftM J 'lid North..~st C01sl1ltanls 208-687-1583 p.6 \". No. 9865 P. 5 · 81. Joe - complete- · St. Joe - missing valves · Eagle - complet · Skyhawk - complete · Pend Oreile Dr - complete · Pend Oreile Dr - complete P.o. Box 920 · Rathdrum, 1083858 · Phone: 208.687.0802 . Fax: 20B.6a7.1583 h2oworks.inc~gma il. com uec. uo U ( U4:42p Uec. J. lUO I Dean Renninger U: J/PM 1/1' '0 Northwest -::ate Looation ~r.lUa¡ LSt_i1r.g ~rllSUh .cld\l~ ?reøsurø ¡1mB 208-687-1583 p.7 Consultanh No. 9865 P.6: !n~~ ~\..::it:ii :::~81S1 ~U,e ;:1I1i1~i.lne Gallons ro...ure OrJF (ending i'ressure L1M/Gil;lc;¡16 PntPresslIrB(Jsêd ïíma ieS!iure Raised 7:.;:riiS$lin Used j Til Lriie =resQure Resed To 712512007 ü~15miniiea S~ si 1 mll\i.N 1.,$ ell~ 9lbsl15mir.s ;a oj EO lmi i .all 10 mi/le..9 ~! mlnl6 :; ad"" 16 lb. j U miiili. 4' &i ~ll 2 mil i.5.allans 7'12007 Femn '" &1 iSmlnUl9a LIO JI f min~1i , .Ion 151b6/ !OminLttM 45 si &0 ¡j JO ,lloa .5 IlQs ?122007 Pries. River Drive ~1 ii IS lI.i"ut&8 80 ,,¡imi_. .5 ailon is ¡"ICmi~45 &I NlA NI ..14 Póesi RI'Bt Ot¡'iiis eliliOO b&ton liiii' BOO CtM.i .i 15 minulQ"~OÐi 3 tn.,~ 5 ;i1Qr. i11i ¡io mlrulsB "2.i S9 3mir. J a.fOo 17 l~ H8y4en Oil.." )srwean $12;2007 SI,.1 ;iø 8nd Líla.i ~S.f c10Si VI n ora."".. r:in 166& I,18n 1 minute a.droo. S"si 22 O:'ø )(01;0 09"" ilD"'8J00 "" CDA 4l .,is :ni:iU1S&iiOt:$i Z minei 2.5 øll,,11 2 li 110 "'nn.&se Bi fiOo!.1 ;rrin .5 J~"n ¿ 101 T... ""lWon COA 8nG¡;r¡ riO(j Newm.s" 5 S llOp:ec 10 41 pei ""thin'5 mrrwi¡i. eo lion. , a it f" "".'1'&1 60 i Min"'..2 .Ions ow. lialiDO, N&'"mør. Orjv ~o ¡150 minull;51 !l 7 min~$ e I¡::e 0 101 I 10 Mirr 51 01/51 eiil Is M'limi!høi u.rp~; 1(.1.. Or. bllw",,, U.~.~ 1119/2W7 6r Sl JOe !I lC ~1 minll 2.5 M a Ibf 10mirrs 70 3 tnnvi"" 1.,5 lion; 0 It SOvIt..., at K.lsc, St. 5113tiOOï Joe 10 Ntwmen S~ &:15 m~"1:ei.72 1 S mi.. 3. Iil1eni l IDe /1C tnle&65 n sl 3 rrie8 , .;5 Illcs 3 lb¡. Pr1BI Rl'9f Or. fiom Ubtiy 601.h to 1I olIlOO 7 line 59 .¡IS minu9&15 ¡4 miiv9. 1 IIIIl 10 Ibf10",Ir'..2 Mi""I..Io Ems. Dec 05 07 04:43p v~(; J. LVVf , -~:"'" lre'$UT!...G i:rtip e.t1~ir1G Rarllea ~6lJre To Dean Renninger 1L:lnvl In '(i Northwest 208-687-1583 No. 9865Consul l:nts '"~'l-' !'!$S LIM F'reaaúre flriii :0 Ra¡iE- i.il1& Galiena Prauurs Ussd Lln& POi ,~~ utOp eI'diiig Prssaure I TIo "'r'IIUre Raised To Galtona Usec : m"M&B 42 81 69 í 3minLJI&&3.s ellOM lot 1ti/1D "'in~ ~s ¡3 m'"* 3.5 I,on. '¡"'J!". Sa Iminu'.5 &11 Z!t I 10 rnnu¡"~ 58 1 tninur...5 iilIGn rn;"lJ.~ ~O ~i 5Doeí 1 'fint/ie :a Ill''';11 iti 10"';_ "l.i 60 lminull 2 aDan 'l~ite leak.ng i: 1 . nc'll& ~P61 llWCli.hf .-' fl¡l8 lin.I"..~,. O'sr 19 pel iu1e-;¡ 'Ó9 ';i 1' i J m¡niJl8B i. 5 ..lins ~ Ibs I 10 rnnui9' ¡;¡; I 72 ,,:i I\nutn 1.5 81klnB '.ie!~in"ul. .S aJ"" P. p.8 7 Qec. 05 07 04:43puec J. LUI) I Dean Renninger Ii: IlH'M I ("id Nort~,est C~nsultanls 208-687-1583 .. .-.--- '-"--No. 9865"'-"'P. p.9 e--......_......-. .. 1.;:;;¿.~::\:7 ê;.:tlg !:.....\: ~~.R:.-.,~.rH '::"'-:"'";:=,,~..--ti:").1;.;:'1t," l :)"S!!l....e (~C' ;..;:~ t'.iyden Dr. OEllW&!~ Jl4lOO7 Lib&nv an:! co), Dr.49 01 15tinll_65 &!6ml",.lt!~ \1 0;3 lline, ~ allan.16 ID Sl Jo. 01. f)9iv... COASniv001 Dr. snd _an Dr. 67 80 I 7 mini~ S ¡¡lio", 8lbil ,,, miu\G si J mlt&& 2.S Jk.. Illbi. Pang OieØ. Or. F",:i!l7f.OO1 -. lc CO", Dr. 95"15 nitii "5 .6 miutia 3.5 IIs 5 1b,1'0 Iilnulil ',0 ii ,,6 2 mlntl. 1 On;)(\. lb. Pon. 0"011" Or. troll ~I2J2COT COA 0/. 10 Md o'lín,75 oõ '5 "..irui ltO si mJn~2.S 1110.. g, lbo II 0 minUl~. l~ oi "0 ii i d'lJe 2.25 .rio",. 90 1JI Lll:l¿ UO u, U4:4;JP Uean Kenninger ...-..... 'vee. ~. LIJU/-Il: iB~M-"---' ,..ind ~orthwest Cor:sultants--._._....?Q8-687 -1583 --." .... No. 9855 ) iri~ui. 49..¡ i"_Iin.Dre :iropp~ RSilin, dll 10 45pi "¡IPu,10I1in :r ~I """OSl 6e .i ¿minue,5 '11M¡\6~08.'10Iln :SI 490.1 65 ,; miuuu 74:ii ßO I 3miui:es.2 ..lion.ß lb., fO ininu. 7~ ii 2.S IIDnseo ii t'l'uli:s 111 s;lUi 4i 2 minutes lien 4 ~'''10 inui.i 1 1151b9 3/4 aUan Slaiíti lin. i:eC5UQ IIS'PSI '$ milin firlDvlllill""_.. arOl~ 10 75 i: ClroPDSQ 10 0 ps ~y 1:2:36 ¡"orlnei "I1ic1i ofJ iniriufè,20 .j 2.,¡rutt 2.25 .lIenJi sI lb. I 10 rniruól.20 1 us 110...0$test. P. p.10 9 Message Page 1 of2 JohnR. Hammond From: Michael L. Becker (mikeb(§incnorthwest.com) Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 10:38 AM To: JohnR Hammond Cc: 'Leslie Abrams'; 'Renninger'; 'Drew C. Dittman, P.E.' Subject: FW: Sprit Lake East Water District Attachments: _AVGcertification_.tx For your information EI Right-clickhere to rlownloarl MICHAEL L. BECKER. £1. T. PROJECT MANAGER fNLAND NOR7HWEST CONSULTANTS, PA -----OriginaIMessage----- From: Anthony. Davis(§deq. idaho.gov (mailto :Anthony. Davis(§deq .idaho.gov) sent: Thursday, December 06,20078:15 AM To: mikeb(§incnorthwest.com Cc: Gary.Gaffney(§deq.idaho.gov; Stephen.Tanner(§deq.idaho.gov Subject: RE: Sprit Lake East Water District Mike, i am currently working on a chemical monitoring program that is quite time consuming. i reviewed the information that you sent in and it appears that SLE is on track to ultimately solving their problems. i wil not be able to do anything more in depth as far as reviewing the progress with the CO requirements for about a week though. i just thought that i would let you know. Thanks, Tony Davis IDEQ CDARO From: Michael L. Becker (mailto:mikeb(§incnorthwest.com) sent: Monday, December 03,20074:40 PM To: Anthony Davis Cc: 'John R. Hammond'; 'Leslie Abrams'; Gary Gaffney Subject: Sprit Lake East Water District Tony: Attached is a copy of the letter with accompanying documents for your preliminary review. A hard copy is forthcoming via US MaiL. Please call with any questions. 2/21/2008 n\'PARìA¿l'~O~.--'..1).X' ~ 0Q'" ""..~;.¡.ri" .,__-- ..' .. -i-', _,_._ : __ ,...'_'..!L ,.. .... ~~,..~ °-\JÌÌENTI"'- STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2110 Ironwood Parkway. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814. (208) 769-1422 Decmber 11, 2007 C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director Raymond Hanson Hanson Industries, Inc, President Spirit Lake East Water Company 15807 E Indiana Ave Spokane, WA 99216-1864 Re: Spiri Lake East Water System Implementation Plan Dear Mr. Hanson: Thank you for the letter frm the engineering finn, INC, of Decmbe 3, 2007 concerning the implementation of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP). We would like to address these items individually. In the order liste in the Consent Order and the CAP, we have the following comments: 7.a. New Generator: The estimated completion date of 218/2008 is accptable to DEQ. It is our understanding that at a certin point in time it will be necessary to disconnect the existing electical service, remove and replace certain control components, and connect the new generator to the system. In the implementation plan we did not find a section addressing the time that the water system wil be without power and how you intend to maintain pressure in the distrbution system while the power is disconnected. 7.b. Generator Maintenance Program: The generator maintenance program is important in that the operator wil need guidance to maintain and operate it properly. What time frame do you envision in the development of this document? 7.c. Other Electrical Improvements: The estimated completion date of 2128/2007 is acceptable to DEQ. 7.d. Leak Detection Survey: The leak detection survey appears to be nearing completion but the estimate of water loss is stil near 27%. Do you anticipate finding additional major leaks that would substantially lower this loss? 7.e. Tank Roof Repair: The estimated completion time for the reservoir roof was listed as 12121/08. Did you mean 12121/07? It is our understanding that constrction is already underway. If you have any further questions on this matter, please contact DEQ at 2110 Ironwood Parkay in Coeur d'Alene. Our phone number is (208) 769-1422. Sincerely, it'-t,..s:n~~ Stephen Tanner Drinking Water Program Supervisor c:John Hammond Jr, Batt & Fisher, LLP, PO Box 130, Bois, 1083701 Anthony Davis, 10EQI Courtney Bebee, 10EQlSO Jerr Henry, 10EQ/O Gary Gaffey, 10EQlCd f: 12 C r: , I \I r: DfC t 'D ¡:ISHEI1 3 2001 PuSCH & Ai. ~RA1N/Jp P J From: Stephen.Tanner(Ðdeq.idaho.gov Sent: Monday, February 04,20084:36 PM To: h20works.inc(Ðgmail.com; Anthony.Davis(Ðdeq .idaho. gov; Gary.Gaffney(Ðdeq.idaho.gov; John R. Hamond; Courney.Beebe(Ðdeq.idaho.gov; J err.Henr(Ðdeq .idaho. gov; weldon.stutzman(Ðpuc.idaho. gov; rmiddleton(Ðhansonind.com; ray. watkins(Ðaei-engineering.com; mikeb(Ðincnorthwest.com Subject:RE: Spirit Lake East Water System Implementation Plan Leslie, thank you for emailing me this letter. I will looked forward to receiving the signed copy for our files. Tony and I have both reviewed it and are satified that the project is moving toward completion in satisfying the consent order. Please continue to keep us informed of the progress with the generator installation. ST Stw fl an 9)'t Wa1 fJ'U SupeJ0J!Jcl 9)epwd ot ÚU (2.uali211(J !J~fJwd to da&,!Jcl 83814 fJfw - 2(J8-666-4628 ¡¡aæ 2(J8-769-14(J4 From: Leslie Abrams (mailto:h2oworks.inCCQgmail.com) Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 12:43 PM To: Anthony Davis; Gary Gaffney; john hammond; Courtney Beebe; Jerri Henry; Stephen Tanner; weldon.stutzmanCQpuc.idaho.gov; rmiddleton; Ray J. Watkins; mikebCQincnorthwest.com Subject: Spirit Lake East Water System Implementation Plan To whom it may concern: Attached you wil find the Spirit Lake East Water System response to the December 11, 2007 letter regarding the implementation of the Consent Order. Leslie Abrams Water Works, Inc. (208) 687-0802 office (208) 687-1583 fax P.O. Box 920 Rathdr, ID 83858 Water Works. Inc. Water and Wastewater Management Januar 22, 2008 Stephen Taner Drinking Water Program Supervisor 21 i 0 Ironwood Parkway Coeur d Alene, Idaho 83814 Re:Consent order items addressed in December 11, 2007 letter. Dear Mr. Taner: We are wrting in regards to the consent order items addressed in the December 11, 2007 letter from Stephen Taner. We will attend to your concerns in the order presented in your letter: 7.a. New Generator: There was no section in the implementation plan addressing the time that the water system wil be without power durng the disconnection of the existing electrcal service due to the fact that we should have the ability to run the booster pumps off of the existing generator while the power drop is relocated, providing the system with continued pressure. We wil be installing all of the new electrcal components, after being shop tested in a real time application, prior to removing any ofthe existing controls, allowing for a smooth and timely transition and providing us continued control over the water system at all times. 7.b.Generator Maintenance Program: The operations and maintenance plan for the new generator is being provided to Spirit Lake East Water Co. by the generator manufacturer, Caterpilar. We wil receive these manuals from a Caterpilar representative whom will be on site for start up and initial testing and we wil, at that time, have the ability to address any service related questions. Additionally, ALL service and support will be provided by Caterpillar for two years after installation. 7.c. Other Electrical Improvements: New completion date 2/28/2008. 7.d.Leak Detection Survey: The leak detection surey was completed on December 26' 2007. We are currently in the process of preparing a report on our findings and working with the engineer to prioritize repair procedures. We have pinpointed a few areas that by our estimates should be the major contrbutors to potentially all of the water loss. Another step that we wil be taking to address the water loss percentage is to perform additional meter reading, as soon as weather P.O. Box 920 II Rathdrum, 1083858 II Phone: 208.687.0802 II Fax: 208.687.1583 h2oworks. inc(ggmail.com permits. This procedure will give us a more accurate idea of the actual water loss percentage subsequent to all of the repairs on the system. 7.e. Tank Roof Repair: The estimated completion date for the roof was incorrect in our original submittaL. It should have been referred to as 12/2112007 not 12/21/2008. The new roof cover for the tank has been completed. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns. Regards, Leslie B Abrams WaterWorks, Inc. cc: Raymond Hanson, Spirt Lake East Water Co. John Hammond Jr., Batt &Fisher, LLP. Mike Becker, INC Engineerig Ray Watkis, AEI Engineering Anthony Davis, IDEQ Courey Bebee, IDEQ Jerr Henr, IDEQ Gary Gaffney, IDEQ 2 Page 1 of2 John R. Hammond From: Leslie Abrams (h2oworks.inc(agmail.com) Sent: Thursday, February 21, 20086:58 PM To: John R. Hammond Subject: Re: John, The Gen set was set today and the wiring staed, we should have it operational by the middle of next week. We are going to have to temp it in because all of the electrcal components have not yet arved which brings us to the fact that we wil also have to ask for yet another extension. I have already spoken with S. Taner (also sent e-mail to him and T. Davis) as an advanced waring that I wil be submitting a letter from the electrical engineer with specific dates as to when everything wil be delivered and completed. Tanner sounded perfectly fine with everything and said that it seemed like everything was under control. He also said that he understood that the weather really set us back, so all good there, hopefully.. ... Anyways to answer your original question, no, but I wil touch base with you as soon as we get the gen set fired up. On Thu, Feb 21,2008 at 3:22 PM, John R. Hamond ~irh(ßfpa-iaw.ÇQll? wrote: Has the gen-set been installed and inspected. I know it is a question out of the blue but would like to write a letter to DEQ requesting that the water system be approved back to a approved public water system. John R. Hammond, Jr. Fisher Pusch & Alderman, LLP U.S. Ban Building 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 500 Boise, ID 83702 208.33 i. 000 208.33 1.2400 (facsimile) jrl1~fpa=law,çQri Please Note: This message (including any attachments) contains confidential and privileged information. It is intended I only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are I hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strctly prohibited. If you have received this message by mistake, please return it to the above-mentioned e-mail address, and delete it from your computer. Than you for your cooperation. Leslie Abrams Water Works, Inc. 2/25/2008 Page 2 of2 (208) 687-0802 offce (208) 687-1583 fax P.O. Box 920 Rathdru, ID 83858 2/25/2008 Page 1 of 1 John R. Hammond From: Leslie Abrams (h2oworks.inc~gmail.comi Sent: Friday, February 22, 20084:04 PM To: John R. Hammond Subject: Fwd: Spirit Lake East Water Co. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Leslie Abrams 'h2owQrks,ipç(á)glIai1.Ç()II? Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:31 PM Subject: Spirit Lake East Water Co. T o:anthony .davisCildeq.idaliQ.goy, stephen.tanner(q)deq. idaho.goy Tony, I am wrting concerning the completion date for the electrcal upgrades at Spirit Lake East. Although we did get approval for a time extension from the original completion date we find ourselves again in the position to have to request yet another extension. The electrical contractor has been having difficulty receiving the components for the new control paneL. Our electrical engineer is working on getting a concrete date for delivery of these components so that we may have a formal request submitted to you by the start of next week. Please know that we are working diligently on installng the pars that have come in the past few days and that the new generator is now set on site is being wired as I write this e-maiL. Thank you for working with us on this and I will have the formal request to you by the start of next week. Please feel free to contact Ray Watkins, AEI Engineering or I, with any immediate questions or concerns. Leslie Abrams Water Works, Inc. (208) 687-0802 office (208) 687-1583 ÜìX P.O. Box 920 Rathdrum. ID 83858 Leslie Abrams Water Works, Inc. (208) 687-0802 office (208) 687-1583 fax P.O. Box 920 Rathdrum, ID 83858 2/25/2008 ~ IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALllY In the matter of:) ) ) ) ) ) CONSENT ORDER Spirit lake East Water Company, an Idaho Corporation PWS#: 101280176 Idaho Code § 39-108 1. Pursuant to the Idaho Environmental Protection and Health Act, Idaho Code §§ 39-101 through 39-130, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (the "Departent" or "Agency) enters into this Consent Order with Spiri Lake East Water Company, Inc., an Idaho corporation, ("Spirit Lake" or the "Company") (collectively the "Parties"), a communit public water system serving 287 connections and approximately 650 persons in Kootenai and Bonner Counties, Idaho. 2. Residents of Spirit Lake experienced a loss of water pressure during the dates of December 14,2006 through December 16,2006, that was a result of an extended power outage in the region and the failure of the Company's standby generator to operate properly during this outage. The Department has alleged this loss of waterpressure is a violation of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems ("Rules"), . IDAPA, as well as being a threat to public health. 3. In November of 2006 the Department was made aware that up to 60% of the water pumped from Spirit Lake's well in 2005 and 2006 was unaccounted for which was alleged by a spreadsheet entitled "Spirit Lake East Well Production, Electric Use and Metere Consumption Analysis" provided to the Department by Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. The Departent has alleged that the Company's excessive water loss is a violation of JDAPA 58.01:08.542.10. 4. Residents of Spirit Lake experienced another loss of pressure and complete loss of water from March 15, 2007 to March 16, 2007. The Department was notifed by Dean Renninger, the operator for Spirit Lake, the loss of pressure was due to failure of the well pump and the auto-ialer notification system. The Department alleges that the pumping and electrical systems for the facilty are defective or inadequate. The Department issued a Notice of Violation on April 11, 2007 for violations of minimum quantity and minimum pressure requirements, which are violations of IDAPA58.01.08.552.01. . SPIRIT LAKE CONSEN=r ORDER - 1 EKIT ''Btl . EX"ITl-' 5. The Department has also alleged that Spirit lake's reservoir roof is not sloped adequately for drainage and that this condition is a violation of IDAPA, as amended on March 30, 2007. 6. In order to resolve this matter without litigation or furter controversy, and without admission of fact or liabilty, Spiri lake agrees to the provisions of this Consent Order and the following terms and actions: 7. By June 30, 2007, Spirit lake shall submit to the Department for approval a written detailed Public Water System CorreciVe Action Plan ("CAP Plan"), prepared by an Idaho licensed professional engineer, with a specific time schedule that describes actions Spirit lake wil take to address the alleged violations identified in Paragraphs 2 through 5 of this Consent Order. The Departent will review the CAP Plan to determine compliance with applicable facilty standards and engineering standards of care, as well as the time schedule. In regards to determining,cömpliancewith-applicable' facilit standards and engineering standards of care, as long as CAP Plan complies with applicable facilty a.nd design standards, the Department shall not substitute its judgment for that of Spirit lake's design engineer concerning the manner of compliance with design standards. The Departent expressly reserves the right to modify the time schedule as may be appropriate to protect the health of the Spirit lake customers. Upon the Department's written approval of CAP Plan it shall be incorporated by reference into this Consent Order 'and be enforceable as provided by applicable law. Spirit lake shall complete the items outlined in CAP Plan within the approved time . schedule. CAP Plan shall include: ~ a. A detailed plan and schedule for the installation ota replacement generator capable of running the submersible well pump and the three centrifugal water pumps used to pressurize the water distrbution system to. ensure compliance with IDAPA; b. The development and implementation of a maintenance program to ensure that the replacement generator is inspected, test operated on a routine basis, and that all components, including back-up, spare parts, and stand-by items are in operating condition to ensure compliance with IDAPA and; c. A detailed plan and schedule to evaluate and address any and all deficiencies associated with the electrical and pumping systems to ensure compliance with IDAPA,, and; d. A detailed plan and schedule for conducting a leak detection survey of the entire Spirit lake drinking water system performed by a professional leakdetecton company providing written survey results to the Departent which, at a minimum, identify the location and estimated intensity of all leaks detected toensure compliance with IDAPA; and SPIRIT LAKE CONSENT ORDER - 2 l - . e. A plan and schedule to repair the reservoir roof to ensure that the roof is watertight, that ponding of water on the roof is eliminated, and that the roof is sloped so that water drains off the surface to ensure compliance with IDAPA, as amended on March 30, 2007. 8. By December 1, 2007, Spirit Lake shall submit to the Department for approval a writen CAP Implementation Plan ("Implementation Plan") prepared by an Idaho licensed professional engineer concerning a schedule and budget for correcting the leaks identified in the survey from Paragraph 7.d. of this Consent Order to ensure compliance with IDAPA The Departent will review the . Implementation Plan' to determine compliance with applicable facilit standards and engineering standards of care, as well as the time schedule. In regards to determining compliance with applicable facilty standards and engineering standards of care, as long as the Implementation Plan c9mpiies wih applicable facilit and design standards, the Department shall not substitute its judgmeiit for that of Spirit Lake's design engineer concerning the manner of compliance with design standards. The Department expressly reserves the right to modify the time schedule as may be appropriate to protect the health of the Spirit Lake customers. Upon the Departments approval of the Implementation Plan, it shall be incorporated by reference into this Consent Order and be enforceable as provided by applicable law. Spirit Lake shall complete the items outlined in the Implementation Plan within the approved time schedule. 9. If CAP Plan is approvedcby the Departent and satisfies the requirements of the Implementation Plan, the Company shall be excused from filing the Implementation Plan. 10. Civil penalties oflWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) assessed in the April 11, 2007 Notice of Violation issued to Spirit Lake wil be resolved as follows: a. By June 1, 2007 Spirit Lake agrees to pay to the Department $2,000. b. Payment(s) shall be made payable to the Idaho Departent of Environmental Quality and shall be submited to: Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Financial Management Attn: Drinking Water Penalty Payment 1410 N. Hilton . Boise, Idaho 83706 11. Document Submittal and Review Process. Unless otherwise set fort specifically herein, the following document submittal and review process shall be followed regarding submittals requiring Department approval. a. Within thirt (30) calendar days of receipt of Spirit Lake's submittal, the Department shall notify Spirit Lake in writing that the document is either SPIRIT LAKE CONSENT ORDER - 3 ~ " approved or not approved. If the document is not approved, the Department wil note the deficiencies with the document along with its recommended changes and submit these in writing to Spirit Lake. b. If the Department does not approve Spirit lake's submittal, Spirit lake shall have thirt (30) calendar days from receipt of the Department's notification to submit a revised document to the Department that addresses the Department's noted deficiencies. c. Failure to submit any required document within the applicable time deadlines herein is a violation of this Consent Order. d. Once the Departent approves any submittal by Spirit Lake it shall be incorporaL. by reference into this Consent Order and be enforceable as provided by applicable law.. . 12. Once: .;tions outlined in this Consent Order have been completed, including thC''-'" ....led in the CAP Plan and the Implementation Rlan, and the DepalUí ,e, ..cter. nines that Spirit Lake's public drinking water system is in compliance with all applicable Rule requirements, the Department shall withdraw its disapproval desi,.,.-.¡"t'..,. or APA 13. All communications required of Spirit Lake by this Consent Order shall beaddressed to: Stephen Tanner, Drinking Water Supervisor Department of Environmental Quality . 2110 Ironwood Parkay Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 14. AU notices, reports and submittals required of the Departent by this Consent Order shall be addressed to: Raymond Hanson President . Spirit Lake East Water Company E 15807 Indiana Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99216 and John R. Hammond, Jr. Batt & Fisher, LLP P.O. Box 1308 101 South Capitol Blvd, Suite 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 ,. i" .SPIRIT LAE CONSENT ORDER - 4 .. "" .. 15. This Consent Order shall not in any way relieve Spirit Lake from any obligation to comply with any provision of the Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems or any applicable. local, state, or federal laws. 16. The Parties expressly recognize that failure to comply with the terms of this Consent Order may result in district court action seeking specific performance of this Consent Order, assessment of costs and expenses, restraining orders, injunctions, damages, and other relief as the court considers just and reasonable under the circumstances. .. ~k~ 17. If any event occurs that causes, or may cause; delay in the achievement of any requirement of this Consent Order, Spiri Lake shall notif the Department in writing within fifteen (15) days of the date Spirit Lake kn'ew, or should have known, of the delay. Any notice under this paragraph shall describe in detail the anticipated length of the delay, all anticipated consequences of the delay, measures taken by Spirit Lake-to prevent or minimize the delay, and a timetable by which those measures shall be implemented. Spirit Lake shall utilze all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize any such delay. If the Department determines that the delay or anticipated delay in achieving any requirements of this Consent Order has been or wil be caused by "circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Spirit Lake, the Department shall grant an extension of time for completion of any requirement of this Consent Order. The burden of proving that any delay is caused by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Spirit Lake shall rest wholly with Spirit Lake. 18. This Consent Order shall remain in full force and effect until Spirit Lake provides the Department with written notice from an Idaho licensed professional engineer that the Company has completed the items in paragraphs 7 and 8 ofthis Consent Order as called for in the Department-approved CAP Plan and Implementation Plan. If the Department determines that all Consent Order items have been completed, the Department shall acknowledge in writing that the Consent Order is terminated and that Spirit Lake has fulfiUed the requirements of the Consent Order. 19. . This Consent Order shall bind the Parties, their successors and assigns, until terminated in writing by the Department. 20. The Consent Order constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may not be amended, supplemented, or modified, except as provided herein. 21. No changes, additions, modifcations, or amendments of this Consent Order shall be effective unless they are set out in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 22. This Consent Order may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 23. A waiver by the Department of any provision, term, condition, or requirement of this Consent Order shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision, term, condition, or requirement. Any such waiver shall be in wren form. SPIRIT lAE CONSENT ORDER - 5 . ., ..' ... 24. Each undersigned representative to this Consent Order certifies that he or she is fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of this Consent Order and to execute and legally bind such part to this document. 25. The effective date of this Consent Order shall be the date of signature by the Director of the Idaho Department of Environmental Qualit. DATED this -¿,'\ day of MAj 8y:ßa.C;~ Raymond Hanson, President Spirit Lake East Water Company .2007. ~~Sl-hDATED this . day of ,TlØoe .,2007.~By: " ,,~( ~ Toni.flãr õiector "= Idaho Department of Environmental Qualit. t., SPIRIT LAKE CONSENT ORDER - 6