HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070226Reply comments.pdfi:i !::C;::i' , " , John R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 BATT & FISHER, LLP S. Bank Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard Post Office Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 2001 FES 2:3 PH 5: 1+0 Ii'iid-;O PU LIC ""' '\'0il,l::.01" r,\i:)vl' Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC., FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. SPL-O6- REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INc. COMES NOW Spirit Lake East Water Company ("Spirit Lake " " Applicant" or Company ) and hereby files these Reply Comments in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff') Comments on the Company s Application to Increase its Rates and Charges for Water Service in the State ofIdaho. First, the Company will address the status of certain repairslimprovements to the water system that are in progress. Second, the Company will briefly discuss those matters in Staffs Comments which it does not object to. Third, Spirit Lake will discuss its request for rate treatment of particular items. The Company recently submitted additional information on these items to Staff in response to its Comments, which is also attached hereto. Based on this additional information Staff has indicated that it does not object to the rate treatment the Company now requests for these items with some r f' t ' L Q~ REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 1 adjustments. Finally, the Company will discuss its position that additional rate recovery is justified in regard to specified items which it currently disagrees with Staff on. Based on the foregoing, Spirit Lake respectfully requests that the Commission issue its Order approving revisions to Applicant's schedules of rates and charges for water service in the State of Idaho to become effective with service provided on or after April 15 2006. The Company requests the Commission s approval of an increase in the rates it charges its customers: 1) from $12.00 to $17.64 dollars for the first 9000 gallons of water usage by a customer per month; and, 2) from $.10 to $.17 for every 100 gallons of water used by a customer over 9000 gallons per month. See Exhibits 9, 10 & 11. Additionally, the Company requests that the Commission approve an increase in the amount of the hook-up fee for new service connecting to the water system from 200.00 to $2 500.00. BACKGROUND The Applicant has been providing service to its customers as a public utility for nearly 23 years. Currently the Company provides service to 287 active service connections within Kootenai County and Bonner County, Idaho. The Applicant's service area is large, with the lots in the Spirit Lake East Subdivision averaging ten (10) acres in size. The lots in the adjoining Treeport Subdivision are five (5) acres in size. The total area served by the Company is over 3 300 acres. The Company owns one lot in Spirit Lake East, where the well, pump house and storage tank are located. More than 80% of the lots have active connections in the Spirit Lake East and Treeport Subdivisions with residences and/or improvements located on them. 1 The Company wishes also to incorporate by reference into its Reply Comments Exhibits 1-8 submitted with its rate application. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 2 During the 23 years the Company has provided its customers water service, the rates for said service, as represented by the attached schedules, have not changed since initially approved by the Commission in Order No. 18466, dated November 23, 1983. During this time period, costs have changed and many improvements have been made to the water system. Further, since Order No. 18466 was issued, Hanson Industries, Inc. the parent corporation of the Company, has subsidized its operation. In 2005, Hanson Industries wrote off (forgave) $370 000.00 of more than $475 000.00 the Company owed the parent corporation. These liabilities represent the level of subsidy the parent corporation has provided the water system since its inception. Hanson Industries is unwilling, and it is unreasonable to expect it, to continue to subsidize the Company. Based on this background Spirit Lake filed is rate Application with the Commission. REPLY COMMENTS In its Comments Staff cited three maintenance items discussed below that it believes require Company attention and thus affect its rate request? Finding and Repairing Leaks Staff asserted that 1 to 1 Yz gallons for every gallon used by customers is lost through leakage. Accordingly, Staff recommended that the Company be directed prepare a plan to locate and repair system leaks. Spirit Lake has obtained a bid from American Leak Detection Services American ) of Spokane, Washington, which estimates the costs for initial leak 2 Previous to the filing of these Reply Comments on February 8, 2007, the Company provided Staff with a copy of a letter it sent to DEQ addressing system leakage, a standby generator and the repair of the reservoir roof. See Exhibit 12. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC. - 3 detection service at $3 000.00 to $4 500.00 ("Phase 1,,See Exhibit 13. This bid is for work employing specialized equipment to attempt to detect leaks in the Company system. Spirit Lake has sought approval of the use of this initial service from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ" If this service does not detect leaks or is unable to pinpoint them exactly the process will significantly narrow the areas which must be investigated. After Phase I is completed American could be hired to provide additional services to detect leaks. This second service could involve potholing down to the water system pipe to either install additional valves or to expose pipe at 20 to 22 foot intervals in order to detect leaks Phase II" ). American has estimated that excavation work for potholing is costs $130. an hour. In addition to the excavation cost, the expense for American s Phase II services to detect leaks would be $1 500.00 a day. Until the Phase I service is performed, it is difficult to determine what further work might be necessary or to estimate the overall cost for such services. At this time DEQ has chosen not to provide comments or approval on this item until Spirit Lake enters into an agreement with it to address system leaks among other issues. Spirit Lake is working on such an agreement with DEQ but believes that DEQ' decision to not provide its approval or comment on the use of this service in the interim impedes the progress of the repairs and improvements. Standby Generator In the fall of2006 and with DEQ's approval Spirit Lake installed a 55 horsepower (75 kW) diesel standby generator to supply emergency power to run the distribution 3 American has advised that its bid could increase significantly if the size of the system turns out to be larger than represented and upon snow levels in the area which could make access a problem. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 4 system in the event ofa short term outage of power. This improvement was approved of by DEQ. The generator was designed to serve the booster pumps only due to the reliability of Kootenai Electric Cooperative electrical service which was shown by a 3 year analysis of outages which was shared with DEQ. Unfortunately, in the recent past there have been two extended power outages that led to system supply shortages due to the fact that the generator was unable to also operate the Company s well pump. As a result Staff recommended that the Company investigate the possibility of acquiring a larger back-up generator capable of operating the entire system. Spirit Lake has received a quote of $35 000.00 on a 250 kW, John Deere diesel- powered gen-set from Spokane Diesel. See Exhibit 14. SPLE has also obtained a bid from RC Worst Company to perform the electrical work to install such a generator. Id. The bid for this work is roughly $57 000.00. The Company has requested comment on these bids from DEQ whose statutes and rules govern the installation of such a generator. However, at this time DEQ has chosen not to provide comments on this item until Spirit Lake enters into an agreement to address this matter along with other issues. Spirit Lake is working on such an agreement with DEQ but believes that DEQ's decision to not provide comment on this item in the interim impedes the progress of the repairs and improvements. Repair of Reservoir Roof Staff noted in its comments that the Company s reservoir has a flat roof and despite the fact that it does not leak it at times has standing water on it due to rain or snow. Staff believes this standing water presents a potential water quality issue as if the roof did leak water could seep into the reservoir causing potential contamination. As REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 5 such Staff recommended that the Company be directed to repair the roof to prevent ponding of water on the roofto assure a safe, reliable water supply. Spirit Lake has obtained bids for repair work on the roof which have been attached for the Commission s review. See Exhibit 15. The first was provided by individual who works in-house with Hanson Industries, Inc. This bid involves the building of a self-supported, sloped cover over the reservoir. The other bids are from United Roofing of Mead, Washington and Icon Roofing and provide a variety of methods for this repair. These bids have been provided to DEQ for their review and comment so that the Company could narrow the possible repair methods which an engineer will have to review and design. At this time DEQ has chosen not to provide comments on this item until Spirit Lake enters into an agreement to repair the roof and repair or improve other possible system deficiencies. Spirit Lake is working on such an agreement with DEQ but believes that DEQ's decision to not provide comment on the roofing bids at this time is impeding the progress of the repairs and improvements. Object to. Staffs Comments and Recommendations which the Company does not The Company has no objection to the following adjustments recommended by Staff: 1) Staff Adjustment "C" DEQ duplicate fees; 2) Staff Adjustment "E" Annualize revenue $3 276.00 for outage credit issued; 3) Staff Adjustment "F" Impute revenues 610.00 to annualize customers added; 4) Staff Adjustment "H" Replaced Plant; 5) Staff Adjustment "I" Restocking Charge $452.00; 6) Staff Adjustment "J" to Working Capital; 7) Adjustment "K" to State and Federal Income Tax; and, 8) the adjustment to the costs for chemicals. Generator and Work in Progress REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 6 Staffs Comments at page 11 discuss certain costs that were inadvertently left out ofthe Company s Application. Staff noted that the largest item was a used generator that Spirit Lake purchased and installed for use as standby power. In its audit Staff noted that in 2005 the Company recorded a market cost of$12 360.00 for the generator. Staff asserted that although this cost was recorded in the Company s books there was a lack of cost data and as such Spirit Lake s plant in service should not be increased now or in the future to reflect the cost of the generator. Recently, the Company provided additional information to Staff in light of its comments regarding the generator and other work in progress. As a result of the content of this information Staff is willing to agree to certain numbers for these items as will be discussed in more detail below. This additional information has been attached for the Commission s review as Exhibit 16 which seeks through which the Company seeks the recovery of an additional $29 993.28. The additional information includes cost estimates for: 1) obtaining a similar generator (to also include hook-up costs etc); 2) lease for a similar sized generator; and 3) specific information about the type of the current generator, the date it was purchased its age, the hours on its meter and a ownership document(s); 4) and costs for other work in progress items. Id. Based on this additional information Staffhas indicated to the Company that it would not object to Spirit Lake is seeking recovery and rate basing of$15 244.00 in costs related to the generator and other work in progress. The Company asserts that this amount fails to recognize the cost for several other used and useful and improvements REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC. - 7 which have been made to the system. As such $15 244.00 should be the minimum amount which should be included in this rate case. In the Company s contacts with the Staff, the Staff has informed Spirit Lake that it would not allow the recovery ofthe following costs the Company has incurred 533.00 in charges from Continental Contractors, Inc. 660.00 in charges from Don s Custom Woodworking; $268.38 in charges on a Citi Card for Auto Electric Products; and 348.09 in charges related to the repair of the reservoir tank wall and cleaning of the interior of the reservoir. The Company incurred $1 533.00 in costs as a result of using Continental Contractors to remove and dispose of the failed well pump motor in October of 2004. This was a necessary expense and action so that a new well pump motor could be installed. Accordingly, this amount should be included for recovery and in rate base. The Company incurred $1 660.00 on or around October of2006 when this Company performed repairs and improvements on its well house which houses the generator. These improvements are still used and useful and will house any new generator to Company purchases and as such should be included for recovery in rates and included in rate base. The Company also incurred $268.38 in charges from Auto Electric Parts for a starter for the generator. Again this was a necessary expense and should be included for recovery and in rate base. 4 The Company does not object to the Staffs recommended disallowance of costs for a sign and a metal detector. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 8 The Company also incurred $1 348.09 in costs related to the repair of the reservoir tank wall and cleaning of the interior ofthe tank. As noted by the Welch Comer Engineering Report I the Company s reservoir had a storage capacity of 192 000 gallons with the current useable capacity at the time of 112 000.00 gallons. Report I at p. 23. The diminished useable capacity occurred because the reservoir had crack at a level of approximately 5.5 feet below overflow and if filled beyond this level would leak. Id. Based on Report I's findings DEQ required the Company to repair this crack and to inspect the interior of the tank using a diving service. The Company repaired the crack in the tank which repair was approved of by DEQ. See Exhibit 17 at p. 2. As a result of this repair the Company is now able to use the full storage capacity of its reservoir of 192 000 gallons. Based on these facts it is clear that the system and its customers have received a used and useful benefit from this repair. In addition, as required by DEQ the Company hired a firm to inspect and clean the interior ofthe reservoir. The tank was cleaned and the inspection noted no leaks in the roof of tank. Again this service provided a clear benefit to the system and its customers and is the assurance that the reservoir was capable of providing safe and reliable service to the customers of Spirit Lake. Based on the foregoing, Spirit respectfully requests that $1 348.09 be added for recovery and into the Company s rate base. The Company also requests the recovery of the full amount of the generator which is currently in use. The value of this item is demonstrated by Exhibit 16. Based on these adjustments the Company requests that it be allowed to recover and rate base these additional costs. Engineering Expenses REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 9 In Adjustment B to engineering expenses in the Staff s Comments it recommended the disallowance of $2 946.00 of these costs because they related to the potential sale or transfer of the system or to duplicate repairs of the reservoir. Recently, the Company has provided additional information to Staff in light of its comments regarding the engineering expenses it has incurred. As a result ofthe content of this information Staff is willing to agree to certain numbers for these items. As the evidence supporting the Company s position is voluminous it requests that the Commission authorize the admission of certain correspondence contained in the Company s response to Staffs First Production Requests No.1 and its entire response to Production Request No.3 into the record of this case for the sake of efficiency and cost reduction.5 If this is not acceptable the Company will produce additional copies of these responses for introduction into the record. In submitting additional information to Staff the Company contended that it should recover the vast majority of the total engineering expenses which Staff initially recommended disallowance of. This because the engineering reports and services the Company received were used by DEQ as the basis for all actions, repairs and improvements which it has required of Spirit Lake as is shown below. On October 28, 2007 Welch Comer provided an engineering report ("Report I" to the Company and its customers. The Company paid $2 500.00 for its portion of the preparation of Report 1. Report I was completed just after the pump failure and system outage occurring between October 4 and 10 2004. DEQ received Report I on November 5 The Company requests that following DEQ, Spirit Lake and Batt & Fisher, LLP correspondence be admitted into the record which are dated as: October 19, 25 & 28, 2004; December 1 & 9, 2004; January 2005; February 18 2005; AprilS & 22 2005; June 13 2005; and November 5 2005. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 10 , 2004, as indicated by correspondence from DEQ Engineer Gary Gaffuey. The Staff requested a copy of Report I which it received in December as indicated by correspondence from Batt & Fisher, LLP to Michael Fuss on December 9, 2004. Although Report I was initially prepared for the possible transfer of the system to another party its recommendations were used by DEQ as the basis for the actions, repairs and improvements it required of Spirit Lake and which are germane to this rate case. This is demonstrated clearly by a review of the correspondence referenced in footnote 4 above. The Report I recommendations DEQ followed and demand action on are follows: 1) the installation of a second well (Company negotiations with DEQ result in removal ofthis item but leads to other required repairs and improvements); 2) repair of cold joint in reservoir tank; 3) installation of a standby generator; 4) electrical system upgrades; 5) installation of exhaust fan and thermostat in the well-house possible reconfiguration of chlorination equipment all to help prevent an existing corrosion problem; 6) installation of an auto-dialer system; 7) the placement of operation and maintenance manuals in the well-house; and, 8) repair of water meter on discharge of well to track system production and consumption. The Company was provided further engineering services by Welch Comer which also related to matters contained within Report I and the improvement and repair of the system. For example, Welch Comer s January 6, 2005 assessment ("Report II" specifically refers the reader to review Report I for a detailed description ofthe water system and to provide for the context of the repairs recommended by Report II which include: 1) the installation of an autodialer; 2) the inclusion of a spare pump in the Company s inventory; and 3) the installation of standby generation. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 11 Finally, in March of 2005 Welch Comer provided Spirit Lake with a document entitled "Maintenance and Repairs Report, dated March 2005" ("Report III") which also discusses proposed repairs which all originated from Report I including the repair of the reservoir wall and roof and the installation of a vent in the well-house for chlorine off- gases. Based on this additional information and argument Spirit Lake is seeking recovery of the $2 946.00 in engineering expenses which Staff initially recommended disallowance of. As stated previously, in light of the additional information submitted to Staff it has indicated to the Company that it is willing to agree to this number for this item as long as this amount is amortized over a three (3) year period. The Company has no objection to a three (3) year amortization period for this item. Legal Expenses In Adjustment B in Staffs Comments it recommended disallowance of $5,413. in legal expenses the Company has sought recovery of in this rate case. The Company asserts that $800.00 of the Staff recommended disallowance be included for recovery based upon the fact that this amount of legal services recommended for disallowance were actually related to establishing timelines with DEQ for repairs and improvements and work related to the repairs and improvements themselves.6 Based on the Company discussions with Staff in light of its Comments Staff has indicated a willingness to agree that recovery of this $800.00 in legal expenses is reasonable. The Company also agrees with Staffs three (3) year amortization ofthese expenses. 6 The Company under separate cover is submitting confidential information regarding these expenses. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 12 Water Testing Expenses In Adjustment D in Staff s Comments it recommended the reduction of test year operating expenses for water testing by $577.00. Staff made this recommendation based on the fact that during 2005 until 2007 DEQ waived certain tests that Spirit Lake included costs for in its Application. Recently, the Company provided additional information to Staff in light of its comments regarding its water testing expenses. As a result of the content of this information Staff is willing to agree to a certain number for this item as discussed below. The additional information submitted to Staff and now attached to these Reply Comments demonstrates that the Company s DEQ waiver expires in 2007. See Exhibit 18. Spirit Lake believes these waivers will not be renewed due the numerous repairs and improvements DEQ has required of the Company. This information also shows that the Company had incurred costs for these same tests prior to waivers being granted by DEQ. Id. Based on the foregoing information and Staffs non-objection based on the same the Company is requesting that $577.00 be included for recovery in its rate case for water testing expenses. New Connections On June 7, 2004, the Commission issued Order No. 29513 in Case No. SPL- 04-, approving an increase in the Company s connection fees from $650.00 to 200., effective June 9, 2004. The Company initially requested an increase in the fee to $2 500.00. The Company and the Staff ultimately agreed on the $1 200.00 fee based upon Staff assisting the Company with finding a licensed, qualified contractor to perform REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC. the work. Shortly after the Order was issued, this contractor performed one connection at the $1 200.00 rate and then withdrew from the agreement, leaving the Company back in its pre-Order dilemma of finding a qualified contractor. The Company did locate a new qualified contractor, which again charged $2 500.00 for performing each main tap and service line to the property line. This cost is mainly due to the very large size of lots in the subdivisions and the distances to bring service lines to the lots. This cost does not include any administrative costs or direct labor by the Company. The Company is therefore requesting that the new service connection fee be increased by an amount equal to the actual cost paid to the outside contractor. Staff in its comments recommended that the hook-up fee be set at $1 600.00. In light of Staffs Comments the Company has provided to Staff and now attaches to these Reply Comments invoices and bids which justify the Applicant's request to increase its hook-up charge to $2 500.00. See Exhibit 19. The Company will recover only its direct costs if the hook-up charge is raised to this level. Based on the submission ofthis additional information Staffhas indicated to the Company that it is willing to agree that Spirit Lake s hook-up fee for new connections should be set at $2 500.00. 10.Increased Cost for Power The Company has submitted additional information to Staff in light of its comments which has been attached to the Company s Reply Comments as Exhibit 20 which demonstrates that its costs for receiving service from Kootenai have increased by 16% due to a rate increase Kootenai imposed in September of 2006, subsequent to the date this case was filed. Due to the submission of this additional information Staff has REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 14 indicated to the Company that it is willing to agree that the increased costs for power be included for recovery in this case. 11.Staff Recommendations and Comments which the Company Objects to a. Staff Adjustment "A" Power and Chemical Costs The Company does not disagree with the Staffs position in general that a portion of electric power costs be reduced due to leakage. However, the Company does not believe that electric power cost should be reduced by $9 114.00. Staffs applied its adjustment for this cost to the total power bills for the year. The Company does not agree with this approach as it is generally accepted that volume of water pumped is more a function of energy consumption (Kwh) than it is of power demand (KW). Consistent with this the Company has recalculated Staffs adjustment to apply the adjustment to energy charges only. In addition, with the addition of increased power costs as discussed above in Section 10 would add back $1 095 to the electric power costs proposed by Staff for recovery. Rate Case Expenses The Company submits that it should be allowed to amortize $22 279.56 in rate case expenses over a three (3) year period. These expenses consist of $8 746.12 in legal expenses incurred through January 31 2007 , an additional $5 325.00 in estimated legal expenses (35.5 hours * attorney s rate of$150.00 an hour)7 ; $6 110.00 in consultant fees; 7 Counsel for the Company estimates these legal expenses as follows: 1) 9 hours for drafting status of improvements letters sent to DEQ and the Staff, preparation for meeting with Staffto discuss the Company s Application, attendance at meeting with Staff regarding the same, review of recent Commission Orders in this case, review of consultants spreadsheets and draft memorandum on Company s position on Staffs Comments 2) 15 hours for the preparation of Reply Comments; 3) 8 hours for preparation for public hearing and workshop, travel to Spirit Lake and attendance and participation in public hearing and workshop; 4) .5 hours for attendance at Commission Decision Meetings on rate application; and 5) 3 hours for review of Commission Final Order on rate application and correspondence to Company containing analysis of said Final Order. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 15 an additional $1 360.00 in estimated consultant fees related to the preparation of reply comments (16 hours * consultant rate of$85.00 an hour); and $200.00 for attorney travel expenses to Spirit Lake to allow Company s attorney s attendance at public hearing and workshop on February 28, 2007 in Spirit Lake. Based on the foregoing, the Company requests that it be allowed to amortize these rate case expenses over a total of three (3) years consistent with Staff s recommendation. 12.Future Repairs and Improvements Although not included in the Company s rate application Spirit Lake is providing notice by these Reply Comments that it will seek further rate relief, the imposition of a surcharge or other appropriate cost recovery mechanism in the future in order to recoup the costs the Company will incur for the leak detection services, repair of system leaks installation of a new standby generator and repair ofthe Company s reservoir roof. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Spirit Lake respectfully requests that the Commission find that the Applicant's existing rates are unjust , unreasonable and insufficient to provide the Applicant with a fair rate of return, and that the revised rates and charges proposed in Exhibits No.II of these Reply Comments are just and reasonable, and that Applicant be permitted to charge said rates to its customers not later than April 15 , 2006. The Company also respectfully requests that the Commission allow the Company to recover its rate case expenses resulting from the preparation, filing and prosecution of its Application through an amortization schedule over a 3 year period. Finally, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission grant such other and further relief as it may determine proper in the circumstances. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC. - 16 DATED THIS 23Td day of February, 20'. SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY By: REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY That I have, this 23rd day of February, 2007, caused to mailed a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing document to the following by U. S. Mail Postage Prepaid thereon, in the following indicated manner: Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 u. S. Mail ~' Hand Delivery Facsimile John . Hammond, Jr.At eys for Company REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INe. - 18 EXHIBITS 1- The Company wishes to incorporate by reference into its Reply Comments Exhibits 1- submitted with its rate application. REPLY COMMENTS OF SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY, INC. - 19 Sp i r i t l a k e E a s t W a t e r C o . Re p l y C o m m e n t s Ra t e B a s e a n d R e s u l t s o f O p e r a t i o n s (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) (E ) (F ) Ad j u s t Ge n a n d Pe r El e c R a t e W a t e r En g E x p le g a l Ot h e r N o n - PU C In c r e a s e Te s t i n g (W e l c h Ex p Re v P l a n t St a f f Se g t . 0 6 Ex p om e r ) Ov e r l o o k e d (G ) (H ) Ad j u s t Ra t e Ca s e Ad j u s t e d Am o r t i z a t i o n To t a l $ 9 6 9 80 2 (7 2 1 16 4 ) $ 2 4 8 63 9 05 5 (7 0 05 0 ) 68 1 5, 4 1 3 $1 8 7 05 6 $ 5 2 78 9 To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e $ 9 3 9 80 9 Ac c u m u l a t e d D e p r e c i a t i o n (7 2 1 16 4 ) Ne t P l a n t i n S e r v i c e ( L i n e 1 l e s s L i n e $ 2 1 8 64 5 Ma t e r i a l s & S u p p l i e s I n v e n t o r i e s ( S p a 3 05 5 Co n t r i b u t i o n s i n A i d o f C o n s t r u c t i o n ( 7 0 05 0 ) Wo r k i n g C a p i t a l 38 8 To t a l R a t e B a s e $ 1 5 6 03 8 Op e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s 10 la b o r - O p e r a t i o n & Ma i n t e n a n c e 11 la b o r - A d m i n i s t r a t i v e & Ge n e r a l 12 Pu r c h a s e d P o w e r & F u e l f o r P o w e r 13 Ch e m i c a l s 14 Ma t e r i a l s & S u p p l i e s - O p e r & M a i n t 15 Ma t e r i a l s & S u p p l i e s - A d m i n & G e n 16 Co n t r a c t S e r v i c e s - P r o f e s s i o n a l 17 Co n t r a c t S e r v i c e s - W a t e r T e s t i n g 18 Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n E x p e n s e 19 In s u r a n c e 20 Ra t e C a s e A m o r t i z a t i o n 21 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s E x p e n s e s 22 To t a l O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s 23 De p r e c i a t i o n E x p e n s e 24 Re g u l a t o r y F e e s ( I P U C ) 25 D E Q Fe e s 26 Pr o p e r t y T a x e s 27 Fe d e r a l I n c o m e T a x 28 St a t e I n c o m e T a x 29 To t a l E x p e n s e s 30 Ne t I n c o m e $ 5 2 78 9 23 6 20 0 61 4 22 4 94 0 98 8 56 6 30 9 58 9 12 1 97 7 33 9 $ 3 5 10 3 81 5 16 2 09 2 29 1 54 5 73 0 $ 4 4 73 8 $ $ 8 05 2 $ 99 3 14 0 12 0 23 6 20 0 73 4 22 4 94 0 98 8 61 8 88 6 58 9 12 1 7, 4 2 7 33 9 5, 4 4 9 $ 4 3 30 1 78 6 26 7 57 7 5, 4 4 9 $ 1 12 0 $ 57 7 $ 78 6 $ 26 7 $ 66 4 16 2 09 2 29 1 (1 8 1 ) (9 3 ) (1 2 7 ) (4 3 ) (3 0 0 ) (8 8 3 ) (8 3 ) (9 0 ) (4 6 ) (6 3 ) (2 1 ) (1 4 8 ) (4 3 6 ) (7 4 ) 84 9 $ 43 7 $ 59 5 $ 20 2 $ 1, 4 0 1 $ 4 13 1 $ 5 2 35 3 (8 4 9 ) $ (4 3 7 ) $ (5 9 5 ) $ ( 2 0 2 ) $ (1 , 4 0 1 ) $ ( 4 13 1 ) $ 43 6 84 9 Ex h i b i t N o . Re p l y C o m m e n t s 1 Rate Base 2 Return on Rate Base 3 Income Requirement 4 Income Realized (Proforma) 5 Income Deficiency 6 Gross-up 7 Revenue Deficiency 8 Revenue Realized 10 Gross Revenue Requirement 9 Increase Percentage Required Spirit lake East Water Co, Reply Comments Calculation of Revenue Requirement $187 056. 12% $ 22,446, 436, $ 22 010. 128.8417% $ 28 358, $ 52 789.48 $ 81 148. 53,72% Exhibit No, 10 Reply Comments Spirit lake East Water Co, Reply Comments Calculation of Rate Design Per Staff Comments Test Year Revenue (fY Current RatesAdjusted Percent Per Staff of Total Workpapers 1 Adjusted Test year Revenue at Current Rates from Minimum Charges 2 Adjusted Test Year Revenue at current rates from Excess Charges 3 Per Staff Worksheets re rate design 4 Check to Staff Comments Attachment "C" Pg 3 5 Error $ 38 736, $ 14 016, $ 52 752, $ 52 789. 0689% Not Significant 73% 27% 100% Distribution of Rates At Staff Proposed Ratios 6 Revenue Requirement Per Ex No, 10 7 Staff Proposed Minimum Charge Ratio (fY 70,51 % 8 Staff Proposed Excess Commodity Charge Ratio (fY 29.49% $ 81 148. ..-- 217,70.51 % $ 23 930,29.49% Proof 148,100,00% 47,71% 70,73% 12, 17, 10 Percent Increase in Minimum Charge (line 7/line1- 11 Percent Increase in Excess Commodity Charge (line 8/line 2- 12 Current Minimum Charge 13 Current Excess Commodity Charge 14 Resulting Minimum Charge (line 12 *(Iine 10 +1)) 15 Resulting Commodity Charge (line 13 *( line 11 +1)) Varify Proposed Rates 16 customer months billed (Line 1 / $12 per Mo, 17 Revenue (fY New Rate (line 14 *Iine 16) 228 $ 57 217, 18 Excess Commodity Billed (Line 2/,10) 19 Commodity Charges (fY New Rate (line 18 * line 15) 140 166.4 $ 23 930, Exhnibit No, 11 Reply Comments John R. Hammond J1'.c,maiJ: jrhCi'j,'battfishcr.com February 8 , 2007 Stephanie T. Ebright Deputy Attorney General Department of Environmental Quality 1410 N. Hilton, 2nd Floor Boise, Idaho 83706 Re:Spirit Lake East Water Company Water System PWS# 12801 CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT COMMUNICATION PURSUANT TO IRE 408 Dear Stephanie: I am writing to provide you with further information regarding Spirit Lake East Water Company, Inc.' s ("SPLE") efforts to address the issues which we discussed at our teleconference and as contained in recent correspondence from the Department of Environmental Quality DEQ") and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC"). Enclosed with this correspondence are bids for various work proposed to be done on the system. System Water Loss Spirit Lake East Water Company ("SPLE") has obtained a bid from American Leak Detection Services ("American ), which estimates the costs for initial leak detection service at 000.00 to $4 500.00 ("Phase 1,,1 This bid is for work employing specialized equipment to attempt to detect leaks in the SPLE system. Please advise in writing whether DEQ officials approve of the use of American under the terms of its bid for its Phase I service, and will support SPLE's request to the IPUC to recover the costs once they are incurred through its rates. EXHIBIT I American has advised that this bid could increase significantly if the size of the system turns out to be larger than represented, and upon snow levels in the area which could make access a problem, February 23 , ' 2007 Page - 2 If this service does not detect leaks or is unable to pinpoint them, then American could be hired to provide additional services to detect leaks. This second service could involve potholing down to the water system pipe to either install additional valves or to expose pipe at 20 to 22 foot intervals in order to detect leaks ("Phase II" ). American has estimated that excavation work for potholing is about $130.00 an hour? In addition to the excavation cost, the expense for American s services to detect any leaks using the potholes would be $1 500.00 a day. Until the Phase I service is performed, it is difficult to determine what further work might be necessary or to estimate the overall cost for such services. Generator SPLE has received a quote of$35 000.00 on a 250 kilowatt, John Deere diesel-powered gen-set from Spokane Diesel. SPLE has also obtained a bid from RC Worst Company perform the electrical work to install such a generator. The bid for this work is roughly $57 000.00. My understanding is that this generator would replace the existing generator. Please provide comment on this matter, as any comments will assist SPLE in reaching a final decision on how to proceed on this item. Roof SPLE has obtained bids for repair work on the roof. The first was provided by an individual who works in-house with Hanson Industries, Inc. This bid involves the building of a self-supported, sloped cover over the reservoir. The other bids are from United Roofing of Mead, Washington and Icon Roofing. I believe that DEQ officials have seen the first two bids from United Roofing. I am still unclear whether DEQ disagrees with the manner of repair these proposals present as I was not involved in certain discussions about the roof repair. Our recent phone conversation seems to indicate that you disagreed with these proposals. If that is the case please provide us with written confirmation of the same with a short explanation of why such proposal is insufficient. I am uncertain whether DEQ has seen the remaining bids that were received from United Roofing, thus these are being forwarded to you for your review. Further, I have also enclosed a bid from Icon Roofing for your review. Please provide comment on them and if any are not acceptable to you, please provide us with written notice ofthe same. I realize that in our recent teleconference with Mr. Davis and Mr. Gaffney that DEQ wished to have SPLE first provide a design/plan for the roof repair from an engineer who is licensed in the State ofIdaho. However, my recollection of the previous teleconference (with IPUC and DEQ representatives) was that SPLE was to provide you with bids for this repair which DEQ would comment on. My client recalls the same. Whatever was agreed upon, I still believe that having DEQ provide feedback on these bids will assist SPLE in effecting a repair. In addition, if you have any questions about these bids, please contact me and I will endeavor to 2 It is not clear from this bid whether the costs for filling in all potholes and repairing any road surfaces are included in this bid, February 23 , 2007 Page - 3 answer your questions, or refer you to an individual who can. DEQ's comments should narrow the possible means of repair and thus enable an engineer to focus on selected bids. This will reduce engineering costs that SPLE will incur. If you have an objection to this, please provide your written objection to the same. Conclusion This correspondence should not be construed as an agreement on how the repairs will be done, which, of course, is still subject to the parties executing a final, definitive document incorporating the agreed upon repairs and the manner in which they will be done. Further, this letter shall not be deemed or construed as creating any obligation or as the waiver of any right or claim on the part of SPLE. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, BATT & FISHER, LLP John R. Hammond Jr. JRH Enclosurescc: Robert Boyle Gary Gaffuey Anthony Davis Steve Tanner Harry Hall Weldon Stutzman Jeri Henry .J~n 14 01 Ol:Ola ALD -SPOKANE 5095385002 p ;... 2 _u '1' AMERICAN~~ LEAK .. DETECTION THE ORIGINAL LEAK SPECIALlSTS~ "'. '-- LEAK DETECTION SERVICES Hanson Industries - Spirit Lake East January 2007 REVISED 1/16/07 Spirit Lake East: The pipe inventory is mostJy PVC. According to information supplied the estimated un~ , accounted for water exceeds 40%. The detection process on averag~ will take from 2 - 4 days including survey and follow up. American leak Detection can provide Spirit Lake East leak detection services for 2 - 4 days of water mains. The cost for this service:: Daily Rate ~ $1 500 $3 000 -500 Correlation services and reporting Travel Charge to Site: N/A as ALD is a local contractor No sales taxes, as consultation services If the Survey is conducted in good weather the Survey portioo of the process would not excood 1.5 days. The detection portion will depend on 1he first results, but should not exceed 2 additional days. Total range: 1.5 - 3.5 days If the Survey is conducted during the present weather. the snow coverage will slow down progress and the above quote could be doubled or tripled. This increase is due to time consumed in attaining access for testing of the system test points. The less snow , the better access. Schedllling issues will be discussed as the services are rendered. ~~I PO Box 155 ' Spokal'le Washington 9n10 800.928.5325. 509.536.5166 . Fax 509.536.5002 Id.:Jho 208.765.8550 . Moses LClke 509.764.6640 . Tri Cities 509.585.7812 WenCl'tch~e 509.662.73~4 .. Yi1kima 509.972.2122 www.am...ric.:Jl\lC'akdetcc:tion.com ("n Olf,~~ is In~~p"ndcnlly Owned .nO Op~.Jtod EXHIBIT 2 'd LSLS-22s-sas I.IOS\.H~H pl.IOWhe~e2E : La La S2 l.Ier IIMERICAN ~~ LEAII .. DETECTION THE ORIGINAL LEAK SPECIALISTS- ., --. -, ' January 10, 2007 James Kruger Hanson Industries, Inc. 15807 E Indiana Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 Dear James Thanks for your time during our meeting this morning and for your interest in our company. American Leak Detection... is the local service company and has provided specialized leak detection service to water districts in Eastern Washington since 1993, including a leak at Hanson s facility in 2003- assigns our Senior Field Engineer and company owner to your project. Joe Godwin has over twenty years of trouble-shooting field experience. Note the list of water systems he has personally handled. works with the latest technology and best available equipment in the leak detection industry. provides cost effective and flexible scheduling at your convenience. follows through with detailed and accurate reports- Enclosed is a letter from Steve Irby with Spokane County District #3. We strive to have this kind of relationship with all of our customers. We offer you the same. Sincerely, Senior Field Engineer PO Box 155 . SpokanQ W;;3shington 99210 800.928.5325' 509.536.5166 . Fax 509.536.5002 Idaho 208.765.8550 . Moses Lake 509.764.6640 . Tri Cities 509.585-7812 Wcn(ltchee 509,662.7324 . YlIkima 509.972.2122 WWW.a m eric~ n I e8 kdetecti on ,co rn t:~ch Ott;c,. h IlIdep~nclcn!ly Owrll.d ~"d OperHed E'd LSLS-228- 80S uosueH puow~e~eEE:LO LO S2 uer LEAK DETECTION SERVICES Hanson Industries - Spirit Lake East January 2007 Spirit Lake East: The pipe inventory is mostly PVC. According to information supplied the estimated un- accounted for water exceeds 40%. The detection process on average will take from 2 4 days including survey and follow up. American Leak Detection can provide Spirit Lake East leak detection services for 2 - 4 days of water mains. The cost for this service: Daily Rate ~ $1,500 $3 000 - 4 500 Correlation services and reporting Travel Charge to Site: N/A as ALD is a local contractor No sales taxes, as consultation services Scheduling: Can schedule in January or February, weather permitting. All Leak Reports will be sent with invoice for services rendered. Payments terms are net thirty (30) days. Equipment: Leak surveys are carried out by the use of a FCS S-30 Survey Tool, a highly sensitive sonic meter for determining leak sound levels on hydrants, valves and curb stops, and with attachments may be used as a ground microphone for confirmation of pinpointed leaks. Procedure for Leak Detection of PVC lines: The most cost effective method is usually to survey all available meters or curb-stops on mains being tested, as well as main valves, hydrants, etc. This is statistically where the majority of leaks will occur and is faster and more cost effective, than ground mic-ing the entire line. This is especially applicable when ambient noise is considered. Ground mics will always be included, but used as necessary in combination with meters, etc. We have developed a hybrid approach for detection on PVC systems. The best scheme would combine a survey of available curbstops or meters and main valves which would focus on the areas of highest frequency of leaks on PVC line. Where noise was detected we would employ ground mic-ing, as appropriate. Based on the results of the survey, customer will repair leaks detected and test for loss on system after repairs are completed, American Leak Detection will continue process utilizing isolation valves to narrow test areas. Reports: Records of all Set-ups, Measurements and Leak Locations are kept in a Correlation Survey Log. Notes pertinent to each day s activities are kept in a Field Report. A precise computerized diagram of each located leak is recorded on a Locate Detail -V' d L9L9-226-S09 UOSU~H PUOWh~~~EE : LO LO 92 U~L Sheet, including dimensions from known system points and geographic locations. These forms, along with a Leak Summary itemizing all leaks located during the survey will be provided to the municipality. The detailed Reports help to prioritize the repair phase. Company Profile and Personnel: American Leak Detection; the largest full-service leak detection company in the world was founded in 1973. We provide a well-developed network of over 290 locations in 37 states and 13 foreign countries , such as Canada, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Australia. The Spokane office provides leak detection services for municipal, commercial and residential applications. Joe Godwin brings his engineering background of twenty years, seventeen of which . have been spent in the field. His credentials as a trainer, field experience in problem solving and his Kpassion in the leak-hunt adventure" are evident. He has expertise pinpointing water leaks utilizing high/low frequency mics and correlators in municipal commercial and residential applications. As a certified infrared technician he adds thermographic technology to the toolbox. He is an active member of AWVlJA, Evergreen Rural Water Association , and Idaho Rural Water Association, as well as other professional organizations. He has provided instructional classes on leak detection and electronic line location throughout both states for over ten years. References: Joe Godwin, Head Field Engineer has personally provided these services to all of the municipalities listed below: Airway Heights. City of - Airway Heights Bridgeport, City of - Bridgeport, WA Carnhope Irrigation Dist #7 - Spokane, WA Chelan, City of - Chelan, WA Cheney, City of - Cheney, WA Chewelah. City of - Chewelah. WA Clark Fork, City of - Clark Fork, 10 Colfax, City of - Colfax, WA Connell, City of - Connell, WA Consolidated Irrigation - Spokane, WA Dayton, City of - Dayton, WA East Hope, Town of - East Hope, ID East Wenatchee, City of - East Wenatchee, WA East Spokane Water Dist #1 - Spokane. WA Ellensburg, City of - Ellensburg. WA Ewan , Town of - St. John. WA Fairchild Air Force Base - Spokane. WA S'd LSLS-226-60S uosueH pUOWhe~eEE : LO LO S2 uec ftL D -$POICAHE ,.., Jan 15 Cl OG: 03p 5095310:5002 J' ..I2 'd LEAK DETECTION SERVICES Hanson Industries - Spirit Lake East January 2007 REVISED 1/18/07 Sp;rit l..akr:: E1I3t: Tne pipe inventory is mostly PVC. According to information supplied lhe estimated un. accounted for water e)(oeeds 40%. The detectioJ"l process en avera9f! wilt talee from 2 4 days including $unrey and follow up. American Leak Detection can provide Spirit L;:JI(& East leak detection 5ervices fer 2 - 4days of water m3ins. The cost for this service: Daily Rate ~ $1 500 $3 000 -4 500 Correlation services and reporting . Traver Charge to Site: N/A as ALD is 3 local contractor~o $alcs taxes. as oonsuJtation services If the Survey i5 conducted in good wea~her the Survey portion of the process would not exceed 1 5 days. The detection portion will depend on the fi~t results, but should not exceed 2 additional days. Total range: 1.5 - 3.5 days If the Survey js conducted during the present weather, the snow coverage will mowdown progress and the above quote could be doubled or tripled. ThIS Increase I!; due totime consumed in attaining access fOr testjng of the system rest points. The less snow the better access. Scheduling issues will be discussed a$ the ::;ervices are rendered. If after completion of the detection portion that will narrow the leak or leaks to a certain length of pipe, worst case would demand/require pot holing to either in::)tall additionalvalves or exp~e each joint at 22-foot in1arvaIs. American Leak Dctectioo does not provide this service-, however over the years we have worked with many excavators.including: Ken Betts Exc;Jvating 298 659-1046O. Box 682 Hayden Lake, ID 83635 His charges are rather typical Ofs,aOlhrfor backhoe and service trude with a 2-member craw, portal to portal. Under this werst-case scenario excavation for pot-holing wouldbe every 20-22 fect, taking approximately hatf-hour per pot-hole. How many hundred- (oat ateas needing this process will depend on the leak detection results. J~/c-~~r::-r::nl::;LSLS-22s-sas UO:iOU~H J;1UCWhe~uosueH pUOWhe~ aSS:60 LO 61 UlO!'t eLS : 11 La 92 ueL GEN-SET ,,00 200 .. .. AMPS COMPANY: COVER LEITER FAX (509) 891 6458 ATIN: R~. DATE : / f - ?6j'J ~ RE: S~ ~e ..Jib ."'_ ..1.4," II "."" _n_ "'" . lk.~ 4~i J;i P (VI FAX NUMBER:~(3/~ I~ ...~......u.... .." u..........."........__..a.....w. " ,~. .. .._-_........_", u...~ / - S-6 /6v FROM: (:L ~u DC) el ~d( \- (Jd.J- ~.J.o L..J- Pc;.J OOIV€-~ ~\W 3t ?() Transmission consists of pages. induding this cover letter, If you do not receive aU pages please contact us immediately. EXHIBIT 9 'd WW\N.gen-setco,com S. 4308 Darcy Drive. Spokane. WAr USA 99206 Phone: 509-891-8452 . FAX: 509-891-8456 Joe Blaylock. Owner/Sales Eng.LSLS-226-60S uosueH pUOWhe~eEE : LO LO S2 ueI:' F. GRIGGS' & ASSOCIATES , INC. 15301 N.E. 90th Street Redmond, W A 98052 AMP 104 150 200 230 260 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 2600 3000 Phone; (425) 869-5867Fax: (425) 869~9797 Mail: .sales~sfgriggs.com 2004 ASCO Series 300 Automatic Transfer Switch '" . T~t Price Schedule A.:JOO WITfi,(iRouP I 2 POLE ) POl,E091 "'-.$2.4IJ../2, 153 2.4682~6 2,5075D 2 730853 3.363327 3.5943.492 3.966242 4 710006 8.343127 8.687200 12 650935 15.630 18,952 527 30,076 32,960 5/1/04 ENCLOSURE OPTIONSType 3R Type 12 Type 4 4 POLE $3.376 440 535 807 386 872 942 503 11.070 11,833 532 6\3 22.763 162 38.213 42..230 :$288 288 546 3:505 505 845 $577 618 011 NJA US~ IQOU iUI\I' NrA "~I; 1600 amp 461 ASCO Control Features Acc. No. Timers 9N9B 9C/9D IIC t4AJI4B 31F/M ,,-..... IIBG J 4AAIl4BA 44A 44G 62W. 72A 72E NOTE: OptIons for SerIes 300 Switches DescriPtion Engine start (1-3 seconds), transfer to Emc:rgcncy (0.5 minutes).Rcttansfer 10 Normal (0.30 minutes). engine cooldown (5 minutes) Test switch Manua( bypass of transfer to Nonna' TD A TS switch position indicating lights Normal and emergency sOurce available tights 7-Day Engine c1I;erciser with load/no loud switch A TS position indicating contacts, (I) for Nom\i11 and (1) for EmergencyProvision$ for remote tTi:lnsfer contact (peak. shave/test), with automatic: bypass if emergency fails. Solid neutral block. Inphasc monitQr for mOtor load transfer (customer to activate) Load discoI1l1ect cohtU;ts, with TD which operate before/ ~ftcr transfer (cusromerto activate) Programmable I:ngine c:xerciscr with nann'll & eITlI:rgency contacts (18B/G)A TS position indicating contact:;. (2) for Normal and (2) for Emergency Strip heater "II thermoslJU. e'Cternal l20 volt power SOurce rnquired Strip h~(er wI thermostat. wired to load tenninats: 208 - 600 volts Trnn5ter to ~mergency alarm ho", &; silence switch Jl1terfacc (:ard for serial com.munic.atioDS (see POW~rQUI:st options) (nterfacc card for coMectiviry An ProdQ~ts are Listed and Labeled P~r UL 1008. SERVING THE 'POWER (",F.N~RATlnN ThIT"'\'T~"'DVL~L~-226-60~ uosueH puowhe~ 481 N/A Use 3R Lisl Price STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD 5265 $1l3 $397 S49J S603 $399 S922 378 'N/A Use 3R eEE : LO LO ~2 ueL -, F"'M;~nWonl Ta: JiM K"'IIo, Sjoltlt Lok.. EattWaler 113Ct21X11 03:22:4OPM pogo 1 01 3 RC. Worst & Company Inc 625 Be$t Avenue Coeur d'Alenp.., ID 83814-3740 The Pump and Pumping Specialists Since 1953 888.800.6778 Toll Free 208.664-2133 Phone 208,667-8775 Fax www, pumping. com SCOPE OF we RK DATE:January 3D, 2007 TO:Jim Kruger Spirit Lake East Water PO Box 7310 Spokane, WA 99207 (509)868-5929 Phone (509)922-5757 FAX SUBJECT:Spirit lake East Water - Electrical System Upgrades ADDENDUM N/A C. Worst & CO.. Inc. is pleased to offer this Scope of Work, Service and Load Center Removal and Disposal of existing seNice equipment Installation of New400AMP Breaker Main Installation of New 4OOAMP Load Center with Breakers for each feeder. Installation of Feeder Gutter. Transfer Switch and Generator Connection Installation of Owner SupplJed Automatic transfor switch Installation of Conduit and Wire from ATS to Owner Supplied Gonorator Installation of Conduit and Wre from AT$ to Service Main Installation of Owner Supplied Generl'ltor This does not include supplying or instal/arion of tiny fuel system components, fuel exhaust system components, in$ulation, venting, and batteries. We aro looking for a drop in pl8ce generation package from the owner, Pump Starter Upgrade to Soft Starts Installation of Allen-Bradley SMC-Flcx Solid State Controller for each pump. Page 1 of:3 RECE\VED jAN 3 , 2007 61\11 & f\SHER. LLP'hone'. "Phon!! II "x#~OD Fax II t . d LSLS-228- 80S uosueH puOWhe~e80 :80 LO tE uer ., From;~e~Wora!io: Jim KNger Spirilla.. E~1 W~I9.1/;JfJRDO7 D3:22:4OPM poga 2 01:1 The Pump and Pumping Specialists Since 1953 RC. Worst & Company Inc 625 Best Avenue Coeur d'AI~n~, 1083814.3740 888.809.6778 Toll Free 208,664-2133 Phone 208.667.8775 Fax www, pumping com Electrical Controls Upgrade PLC Based Installation of a PlC Based Control System for both Reservoir ~nd Pressure System Control. LUMP SUM BID $56 969. PROJECT NOTES: Gen&rlltor Transfer Switch By Owner Lighting Heating wirhin, is Jimited to reconnect ion only, existing equipm~nt will be reused. Excludes any KEC fees related to the service upgrade. Bonding not included in this quote. If you need R.C. WolZt Co., Inc. to provide bonding, please call and we will give you an additional cast for bonding. Startup and Warranty - R C. Worst & Company Inc. will provide startup selVices and a one warranty against defects in material or workmanship within one year from the date of beneficial u:-.agc by the owner. R , Worst & Co., Inc. ~hall at no charge repair or replace any materials if a defect may arise. Terms 0% down and progressive monthly payments based upon work completed or materials and equipment stored but not in$tal~d. All progressive and final billing will be due upon completion. 1-1/2% interest per month will be charged on any unpaid balance over billing date. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. C. Worst & Compan Inc. ~C ~ -- By: Kenneth C. Worst Acceptance signature By: Spirit Lake East Water Date:January 30.2007 Date: Page: 2 ofJ 2 'd LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puowhe~eso :SO LO IE ueL FrDm;~.n\llorsl Ta:JimIC~8rSpiril~EatIW8ler 1f3O12(Xf1 D3:22:4OPM page 3 of a R C Worst & Company Inc 625 Best Allenue Coeur d'Alene. ID 83814-3740 The Pump and Pumping Specialist~ Since 1953 888.809.6776 Toll Free 20B.664-2133 Phone 208.667 -8775 Fax www. pumping, com This proposal may be withdrawn by us after 60 days if not accepted Idaho Public Works License # Idaho Electrical contractor Ucense # Wa$hington Contractors Licensc #: Washington Electrical Ucense #: 5167.AAA- O1951 RCWOR*"346PP RCV\IORC1257LF All material is guaranteed to be as spociflod. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or dGviation from specificationsinvolving extra cost will be executed only upon written order. P9gt:;$ 01 E'd LSLS-226-60S uosueH puowhe~eo t : 60 LO t E uet /I . ~ ~an 12 07 01: 36p SI 'd (208) 76S-51G3 ;It: Nor~hw~s~ Sweepin~ DON'S CUSTOM WOODWORKING Don Kem 3419 Angie Circle Coeur d'Alene. Idaho 83814 Phone or Fax #(208) 765-6575 F"" AUentlor): Cafe: Frcm: Numberotp:lg~: Addlt1aMt commonts: LSLS-226-60S . \ ~O'j- 7~~- SJ5P ~PA /fJ 1* fA) J.I;; J2J. : /- //- DONS CUSTOM WOODW9JOONG ~. .d;, de ~. rn. J.iid 7J~ EXHIBIT I.IOSI.IeH pI.IOWhe~eSE : LO LO S2 '-Ier .; .:~ Jal"'. 12 07 01: 37p Northlilest Sweeping r 208)765-51G3 ----------__.__ ~1J.,.__~C&2- --_ Gz::. .. . ... .... ........ woo.. . --"..... '" n__ __,.-.,--.-----,-. ____-m_-'---'-"" ""-----'--"-....-..-.-,.-.'..-.,..,--. ....-.- ~'.." ...._,..... - .. ,. .. -- , - ,,_"'. W'._ '-"'--"--'-""-'---'-'-"-'---"""""~'------~"'-"-----'-----"._-"-"'.""--"'- ,.-.,-,...."'" ..........,.... ... - u. ' - ...-::~=::~~ j;i~~~ ::' "'i2:i2= ;:4~ f7 : -- '- --- -- -.---.... ..-...., .._.....~~_. o..11.",- ~n.. J./~-:~. ~....- Tr-~7/- r~rr...._n_"-- ~---:. - ~=='~~===~~~:::~ =L~lj;~~.1-' =~~ 7if--;;:';;'~c;::f:.. j~)- ~q . "'" -.,.'",-""" .",.u""- "---,-,,---,,,,, - ,.._._u__m'_ ~'-:'-""':"" _.~:=-- ,.wo "-_.,=".,.....,,:- .....,-.. ......--,.-.--..--.-..-----..--_.__.__.-~...__...__.--__... ._n..._... ....._------'--'-'---- --u. "" '-' --'0_... m '. p' ,. ---_.- .---' -. --- - "",-"'-"-'----.....--.....--,..-..-....,-.-. ..""""'" .---...---,- "-.00__--"" ..,.. ..-. ......--.....---_ u.--..-_u_---' - . _- ..---...-.---,-,-..-...-.--..--. ,_......_-" . .i.-.u_-..--.. --"'oO..'..' ...n--un_n..' w-- .. .... .-....-.---'---"..._--,.-'~._---.--.....'...------:;--- - -.-1. -'._...._--_. .".-.._. . . .__... 0.....---,.. ,"w .... ,....---.-.-... ._~..__._, ,.......--~_.__.~..-._........_,_._--_.._'_.._....,'---...- - -----.-.--,------, "'--'---'.'" ." ... .. '. . .... .. ""_'00 "---'.- ----_._--,...~-,,- -..-..- __n ~ -- .--.---.-, ,'-'-'~ ..""'-.-_u.'" ~. ---~.~-,--'--'------- --._._-~._-------_.-- ---....,----..........--.---- -.------,....-.------------....---...-----.---'---..-'....--..----.. -. .-......~--_...,-......_.._..... "--' -...-----'"----~------_..-.--.. ....,~._.- ,- "....." -..---"------ .__.~--_..~_.. ~. -"o:.- ......--..- ".-.,.'" .-..--.--...-- ._-~_._-_..... ...--' -.,. .-..... -. ,-"--------.----.-..-.------ ---.-. ,-. --. ",_"__n .---...u_ '- ...-...,.._....._ 0_" -- - ----....----'--.__....::---' -------- ----.-. --,....._._--,~..---_._.' ---..-. - ._,.._-_.._-,-~------- ,--.--.--..--.. .-;.... -,,--- "'-'-- . _"_0' ..n, ,-_.... .-. --- ,-_.........-.._.--,------~- ,----"~---"'-- -"-~' 0' __' -. --,--.-..,... n____ _"."'-""'-".- 91 'd LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puoWhe~est:: : uer:- p. 1 HJ~ Z2 06 11:40p . ' Q~i (~~~.g ~.f~ -------.,---....-..-.-.- ---. .-. .-.. ,.., ..-.. ..--..--.--..- -.. .::.;;:..:, !1.B~i!,O""tlal1\11A.!l9C~1 ;,::IStlmlllSei-OOO\'- ISC91'1S!S.:\'U;J-:',;. mi~~~Ui"1~~Si!;;~;,\:-CJl1 ;"':~'. , PROPOSAL DATE: 7-20..06 TO: Ja1Dcs Kruger paONE: 868-5929 WE HEREBY sunMtT SPECTFJCA TraNS AA'"D ESTIMA l'ES FOR ROOF AT: Spirit Lake Water Tank Usin:;:. APP modified Torch-Down Mombrnne to match thc r;::rlstil1g roofing jnst:lll a piece slightly sm~ller tb3D tbe low spot of the .oof deck, apply ~ddirioll31 bycr-s to build up the surface until we are satisfied tbat it will no longer pond water, to m.3ke jt 11;$1, if Dot even s1igbtty rais.ed. Once we ;are satisfied with the ..csu\ts~ ;apply aluminum coating to tht: cxi3ting roof surface. For tbo price of 52,987. WT.. PROPOSE: HEREBY TO FUR~ISH MATERIAL Al'ID LABOR-COMPLETE D: ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE SPECrFICA lIONS. FOR T StJM OF: AS STATED ABOVE PA YME1'IT TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: DUE UPON CO~1PT..F..T10N ALL MA TER1A.LS ARE GU;.RAJ-.:TEED TO BE AS SPECIFIED. ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MA.~"ER ACCORDING TO ST A1'.'DA.RD PRACT1CES. ANY AL TERA T(O~S OR ' DEVIATION FRO:V1 ABOVE SPECIFJCA TIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS WILL. BE EXECUTED ONI. Y UPON ""roTTEN ORDERS. AND WILL BECOMJ~ AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THF.. ESTD-lA 1"E. ALL AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON STRIKE,s, ACCIDE'TS, WEATHER OR DELA VS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. OWNER TO CARRY FIRE, TORNADO A~""D OTHER NECESSARY INSURANCE- OUR WORKERS ARE FULLY COVERED BY WORJGI..1A"N'S COivII'ENSA TION INSURJ\.l~CE. AU'l"1IORlZED SlGr-iATURE: ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL~ THE ABOVE PRJCE. SPECIFICATIONS AND Cmm1TIONS ARE SATISFACTORY AJ'\,'T) ARE HEREBY ACCEPTED. YOU AR~ AUTHORlZ.ED TO DO Tl-IF. ~K AS SPE iFIED. PA Y1v~'T WILL BE MADE AS OUTL1NF.D ABOVE. NQ:IE: TE-llS PROrOSAf .1\fA Y BE WITHDRA \\'1'1 BY US IF NOT ACCF..PTFD \\IT)-ITN :;0 1'.\ 1'5- DATE OF ACCEPTA1'1iCE:SlGNATURE~ s 'd LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH pUOWhe~evE: LO LO S2 ueL ~ - ! ~~1 za os 02: ~2p . ,. ,- ', . , U 'united RoofiriiJ ' .. ,....,,., ,,-.-, --. .-, .. ._~ -'-"-'. - . . ~;- ' ;Js=.O!J~'=;::;::'~~~~! '' 1S~~~-!!!!!:: !~~~.~~~,:"-:=;::,,:::.'!~~.;;-...:-_ PROPD~~ T TO: Jhn Krug~:- '1 '11 ;'0." ~.~.j/ t;-. . -, , r"' -? '- t. ?f Cf .... J DATE: 1/27/06 PRO'N""E: 8&3 5929 WEBEREBY StmMIT SPECMCATIONS AND FSTIMATES'FOR ROOF AT: S~hit J ,~ F~"v.:' ~~~!!;" T8::1!t Apply an additional )aYet of smootil surf~ce ton-:11 down membrane at tb~ area I)f pondmg . Then :Apply iluminnm coat the: existing rocLp- ' F!!r .,rs.to...~'f.OO Over t~e existiog N)of"1oC apply an additio-oallayer ofmio,en1 sllrfa~ tol"~b down mcmbnn4:.. For the pri~ ofSS485, O..,.~r th~ e~~ ~-o.Q!i~~ :a.~pj1 a f!.ti.'y )\dh!!:~J no m~~r~n~ iil!)'~n ~ -n~ ffioi!t::.: .-3rif. ~g-G and sea) to th~ ..eo1 merobran-e. For the price of~993. ;;;,'E PROPOSE: J:I2'~Y TO FTE.N1SH ~fA TERl AL A.Nn I.ABOR-COt.-fi-'I.-BTE TI'~ ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE SPE9J,ElCATIONS. FOR THE SUM OF: AS STATJ;.D ABOvE. ~A YMENT'IO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: DUE UPON COMPLEIJON Au.. MATERIALS &~ GU.t~~~TEEO TO BE A;S SPEClflE)). AU. WORK TO BE COr.tP'.LETED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER. ACCORDINOTO STANDARD PRACTICES. ANY ALTERATIONS OR PEV1A TION FROM ABOVE SPECfFICA TIONS JNVOL VJNG EXTRA cosrs Wll.L BE F.XECUTED ONLY,uPON W.RITI'EN ORl)-o::Rs. M3) wE!.. BECOM:E d-oN E.."~o\ C""rLA ~GS QV-,cit AL'i'D N5.0VE In"E ESTIMATE, ALL AGREEMENTS CONI1N~ UPON S'I'RIKES , ACCIDENTS. WEA 'JHER 0 R DEIA YS :BEYOND OUR CONIROL OWNER. TO CARRY TORNADO AND O'IHER NECESSARY INSURA..-"':CE. OUR wo~~~p~ )'...?~ fUr-I. Y COVERED BY WOR,.1Q-A...Jo.N's COMPEN'SA l1ON INSURANCE. ~n flOID:7,R!'".5IGNATIJP..E~ ACCEM'ANCE OF PROPOSAL: THE ABOVE PRJCE.. S'PECmCATTONS AND CONDmONS '"iC-;:: SA TISFACTGRY A?-"D A'R~ HE..~7JY ACCP.?'IEP, YQII ARE AUTHOR.,,~p TO DO T'HE WORT( AJ5 SPECu: J-bI.J. pAYMENT WILL BE MADE AS OlJ11.,INED ABOVE. ~ aTE: THIS PROPOSAL MAY BE WTI1IDRA. WN BY US IT- NOT ACCEP1F.D WITHTN 30 DAYS. DATE OJ!" ACCEPTANCE:SIGNATURE: : ' 0 I - d LSLS-226-60S UO5U~H PUOWh~~~vE :LO LO S2 u~r ... It'd 161107 (;"", Indiana i\yonUD. 5po1ulne. WA 9921& (5091 n2.~52' 1"'" 1509) 022-5757 e.m.,il: admin~~~n'Qnind.com September 8, 2006 Anthony Davis Departmental of Environmental Quality 2110 Ironwood Parkway Coeurd' Alene, 1D 83814 RE: Spirit Lake East Water Company Dear Mr. Davis: I reviewed your April 25th letter to Bob Boyle and take this opportunity to dear up any miscommunication since I attended both meetings with DEQ. . In the first meeting, we discussed DEQ's desire to have the Company install a new metal reservoir. We explained the large expense to the ratepayers whieh we did Dot want to do. As an alternative, we submitt~d three alternative roof repairs to eliminate the ponding. I thought we all agreed t113t DEQ would accept a repair that would guarantee the elimination ofthe roof ponding and so we left. to research that solution. In the !;econd meeting, we discussed a quote from a licensed Tooting contractor and how to complete the repairs. This led to a firm quote from the licensed contractor to n:pair the ponding with a guarantee. This quare was delivered to Mr. Tanner by Jim Kruger and was followed up with Bob Boyle s August 28th letter. ponding is detLned as "the excessive accumulation of water at low-lying areas on a roof that ren1.ains after the 48 hours after thc end Tainfall under conditions conducive to drying" as per the National Roofing Contractors Association, NRCA Roofmg & Water:proofing Manual, Fifth Edition (copy enclosed) Our condition is not pending but we will nonetheless conduct the repair. We are prepared to Tcpalr the roof as per the quote with the August 281h letter. I am in Alaska the \vcek of September 11 th. I will contact you upon my Teturn. Thank you. crf Raymond A. Hanson LSLS-226-60S uosueH pUOWhe~epE : La La S2 ue~ ----------- '-'-__._n.. .. ........-.. ---. -.. ,, ~;~"~~~~~'tj~~~J U YJ!!t~,!;tl~ 9.g.n 9 . ~~ Jjil,...~ :'cr;'~s; P,D. Eo'C21S' ""za~ \II" 9'ln2 t "p~C:I'~; ISD9) "56.aOCI F~~; ISC9? 1156.3lJ39 . F;.!.I.::.. lTOC!misJlIi'i:1rijQSC:;rr:sr.O::r:1 PROPOSAL DATE: 10/06/06 TO: James Kru~er PHONE: 8685929 WE HEREBY SUBI\f1T SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR ROOF AT:Spint Lake Water Tank Usjo~ APP Modified Torch-Down Membrane to match the e~h1:ing roofing instaJl n piece sUgbtly smaJIcr-tban the low spot of the roof deck, apply ~dditionallayers to build up the surface until we arc satisfied that the: 5pOt will DO longer Jmnd water. Over the existing roofIng install ,O45mill TPO membrane adbercd ("oorm:; system. Install metal drip edge and 5e;t,1 to the roofiDg. This work carnC!J ;i. tCD year warT:lJJty. For the price of S13,945.00 plus t:u: WE PROPOSJj:: HEREBY TO FURNISH MATERIAL AND LABOR-COMPLETE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS. FOR THE SUM... OF' AS ST~1J;;p ABOyE PAYMENT TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: PUE UPON COMPI .ETION ALL MATERIALS ARE OUARAN1EED TO);lE AS SPECIFIED. ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER ACCORDING TO STANDARD PRACTICES. ANY ALTERATIONS OR DEVIATION FROM ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS W1LL DE EXECU1ED ONt. Y UPON WRIITEN ORDERS, AND WILL BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE TIlE ESTIMATE. ALL AOREEMGNTS CON11NGENTUPON STRIKES. ACCIDENTS, WEATHER OR DELAYS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. OWNER TO CARRY FIRE, 1'ORNADOANDOTHERNECESSARYINSURANCE. OUR WORKERS ARE FUlLY COVERED BY WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. AUTHORIZED SIGNA1'URE: ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: THF. ABOVE PRICE. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDmONS ARE SATISFACfORY AND ARE HEREBY ACCEPTRD. YOU ARE AUllI.Q.1~gEP TO DO THE WORK AS SPEqFIED. PAYMRNT WU.L BE E A$. OUTLINED ABOVE. NOTE: THIS ~J3.QPOSAL MAYBE wm-tDRAWN J?"y US JFNOT ACCEP1ED W'lJ:Ij;rN 30 DAYS. pATE OF ACCEPTANCE:SIGNAnm.E: 21 "d L9L9-22B-BO9 uosueH puowhe~ev~ :LO LO 92 uer J.!In 25 07 04: 55!",p. 1 , ,- .--,-,- ,--', --,.. ,_.- "', '0. ..-~.,---" ..' ,.,.,,-------_._' -- n' .. ":;::: , :f'.D.Uttt27B""K8d.WAB9all' ..ISD!lI"III5-IICOI' ;,;\scm'lI!l~'I1~"~mat:'~I~\I.III'6~:;tm:a.~gll1 ' , ,n, United Roaftn ' ",.,',':' " 9 PROPOSAL DATE: 1/23/07 TO: Jim Kruger- PHONE: ug 59;29 w~~ HEREBY SUBMITSPECwrCA110NS AND ESTIMATES FOR ROOF A'1': Spirit Lake Wafer Tank lostaU tapcnd inSllJation over tbe cxhtiag !'OOtiDg to provide 'h" slope. lP:'It211 It covcr board and rc-roof using .045Jr1i11 memb1OlDc ad.hcred roofing 5yttem. Insta1J a meW drip edge and to roofi~g. Thh work climes a ten year wa'tT:mty- fot'tlIe price of S36 G95. WE PROPOS~: HEREBY TO RJRNlSH MA TERrAL AN? L/l.RQR-COMPLETE IN ACCORDANCE W11)-I AJ:!..QVE SPECIF(CATlONS FOR TI;i.E SUM OF: AS STATED ABO~ PA YMI::NT TO BE MADE AS FOllOWS: DUE UPON COMPLETION AlL MAiERJALS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE N3 SPECtFIED. ALL WORK 'J'O BE COMPLI:ITED IN A WORKMAN LIXE MANNFR ACCORDIJiIG TO STANDARD PRACTICES, ANY ALTIilU't.TION::i OR DEVTATIOX FROM ABOV12 SPECIFICATIONS INVOL,VlNG EXTAA COS1'S WILL IJE ~CUTED ONt Y UPON WRITTEN ORDERS. AND WILL BECOME A.."l EXTRA CHARGE OVER A. 'ID i\BOVE THE ES 11MA TE. ALL AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT UPON S'rIUKES, ACCIDENTS. WEA illER OR 'DELAYS BEYO~1) OUR CO~-rROL. OWNER TO CARRY FIRE, TORNADO AND OTHER NECESSARY' INS~CE. ouR WOR-I(ERS ARE FUtT.. v COVElli!) BY WORKMAN'S COMPeNSATION INSURANCE. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: t\CCEPTANCF. OF ~ROPQSAL: THE ABOVE PRICE. SPF.CTFICAll0NS A'I'ID CONQ1110N.S, ARE SA,.ISFACTORY AND bRE HEREBY ACCEPTED, YOU ARE NJll!Q ..... R1ZE'P TO DO THE WORK AS SPECIF D. PAYMENT W1l.L 'BE MtJlE AS 1"D1.lliED ABOvE. 1::!o-re: THIS !?ROPOSM. M.A. Y BE W1THPRA wN BY US IF NOT ACCEPTED wm-30 DA V.s. DATE OF ACCEP1'ANCE:SIGN,I\.TURE: vl'd LSLS-226-60S uosueH puowhe~eSE : LO LO S2 uer r:ROr1 : I ClJ'I E1 'd PHONE NJ. : 5351682 J dO. 22 213137 es; 28PI'1 Pi 1'0 Bn~ 130103 spOr(an~. W 1\ Y();21.3 Ph\)I1\:: 50')-532.176 I Fax: 509-:;35-!tiI!'1 nID PROPOSAL TO: FROM: PROJECT: DATE: J.\1T1CS t\.rtl11~I , Hanson IlIuu:itrir;s. Inc. Jack Johnson, Icon Corpor:nion Spirit Lake Ea...' Wntertnnk. January 22. 2007 Proposal l.ocll1llc:s: fully adhcr~ 45 mil TPO singkply membrane eMling, over Tapered insulat/(II) (to slope ro~)r :;yst~m)f ov~r Existing b~lill-up rtH)f s)'$ICI1: 10 Yeilr mat~ri~l w.\rranly, 2 year contractor s worb11.Mship W3.rrMty ExcludC$; Tear-oil or existing roof PRIce: leon Corpon:nion !ihalJ provide aU supel'li~iol" materials, labor, ::;uppHe:- and cqllipm~111 fur lh~ prkc of $24,500.00. Price inclllde~ Id~l:o use !;.cx .mu is good for 30 days. Add: $4 500.00 ifrernoval of ex is ling rl.~('\flIlg is r~q\lil t:d oy LIlt:' city building depart:ncnt. Thank you for (he opportunity to bid this pro.j~ct. .lack .Johnson. IcI)!) Corpor"tion LSLS-22S-S0S uosueH puowF;e~evE: LD LD S2 uer New Page 0 Page 1 of2 60 kw Detroit 4-71 (Diesel) REBUILT .oilfield generator... tough as nails! Engine and generator rebuilt less than 500 hours ago, Rated at 1200 rpm - 45kw 120/24Ov 1 phase, 80kw 208/480v 3 phase, circuit breaker hydraulic governor +/- 1 % droop, gauges and safety shut downs Detroit parts and service worldwide! Load Banked for 4 hours........,.....................................,............n........... $8,500. EXHIBIT http://www.gensets.com/60 Detroit.htm7' d LgLS-22S-S0S 1131/2007 uosueH puow~e~ese :SO La Ie uer iesel SERUICE ~ SUPPLY tMC 755 North 9th Avenue BriQhlOl'l.. ColoraClO 80E03sal~mandsupply.com WtNW.die5e1servICl5ll1tlsJpply.com 800-853-2073 3O306S902073 Fax 303-659-7923 Manufacturer: KatOI'.gtIt Model: 60 Wif - D6DfGH4 KW:60 HolII'$: aos Power: Diesel Serial... AN315S752 Unit#: 49039 Dmcription: Kaldight GO kW Standby Diesel Generata', KatoUght Gener... Model I: DEiOFGH4, Generatcr Sellal #: 90533-21).34227, WhIte Enginll Madel 1:: D33'JOT, EngiOe SerIal': AN34S5752, 808. Hours, 60 kW. fj() Wa. 1800 Rpm, 60 Hl, SIngle Phise, 250 Amps €!I 2410 Volts, Current voltage 120J;l"lO. 12 Lead Remnnectable, AutJ:I Start! SttJp, SoIfety ShutdC7M1, 12 Volt Albernator, engine Mount Air Cleaner. Roaf Mold Muffler, Block Heater, SIx:! Generalrlr8. Engine Panel, engine Mount Battery Charger, Engine Mount RadiatDr, 5 Gallon Day Tanlc. Skid MounIBd, EncIof1ed. Clmen$ions: go-l x 42" W x ff H Weight: 6000 Ibs Price: $10,500, :'- .:'/ . -" - .")0",,,. .... c.:"III III" i!'t4 ~q,. ::~ Diesel Service and Supply thor....hly tests and guarantees .... of aar products! The priCing displayed en ourwebslte Is SUDject to cha\'lge based on de-instaUatiOn costs, installation requirements, rigginofdisposal. and any ather situatiOnal variables, but wedo try tD keep it as up to date as possible. Copyright ~ Diesel Service And SuPP!v, Inc. 1999-2005. All Rights Reserved. CatmJ)illar, DetrOIt. CUmmins, Perkins, SDMO, and all other brand names are b'ademarks of their individual prospective companies. J:!ost-ir Fax Note . ;1'0 l'han8 It Fa)l1I f -d Ls.LS-226-60S 7671 HlxfF UQ5.eH. pu.QwJ;e~.eS-E :60 LO. t E uer ieselSfRUICE & SUPPL~ IRe 755 North 9th Avenue BrighlDn, CDloradO 80603 saleSOdieseiservi~ndSIJpplv .com wvvw.dieseJserviwndsuppty .cem 8OIHIS3-2073 ~9-2073 Fax 303-659-7923 Manufacturer: Genwac Madel: 60 1M' KW:60 HaUl'$: 178. Power: Die5el SMa!#: A2.wxi Unit#: 49639 De&criptiGn: Genel'illl: 60 kW Standby Oiesel Generator, General: Gen~ I!nd Medel #: 89AC335Q-S, GeneMol' End Serial ,.: A889555, HinD Engine Model #: WQ40. engine Serial #: A2'666, 178.6 Hours, 75 Wa, 60 Hz, J Phase, 208 AmpS C 120/208 Volts, Current Voltage 120/208, 12 Lead Reconnedable, 1800 Rpm, Auto Start/Stop, Safety Shut Dawn, 12 Volt AIten'Iator, Air CleOlnef, 2SO Amp Crcuit Breaker, Block Heatet, Std Generator and Engine Panel,BiI~ Qlarger, Engine Mount Radiator, Skid Mounted, Dimensions 94'\ x 37'W x 48"H Price: $12,500. . .' ' 1. ". '~~~. .. .. ~i'. . "~:~' ~. =--:-~-- ":~ ........,OW Dieset Serva and Supply thoroughly b=sts and guaranlJeU aU of our prQdacbl! 'T11e pricing displayed on OW' websII:e subject to diange based on de-Installatlon c:csts, installation requ!rements, rigging/d"ISpOSaI, and any situatiOnal variables, but we do by to Iceep it as up to C2ate as possible. COpyright (!) DIesel Service And Supply, Ioe. 1999-2005. All Rights RcsI:rJed. Caterpilar, Detroit, Cummins, Perldns, SOMO, ancI all other bIw1d names are trademarkS of thelt Individual pmspedive companies. 2'd loSloS-22S-S0S uosueH puow~et:l ese : SO loO 1 e uer il!!iE!1 SERUtCf & SUPPlY !HC 755 North 9th Avenue Brighten, COIcraao 60603 saIes(ij)d iese! serv i ceandsuppIy . aim WWNoIfe;elserviteandsupply.com aaaoSS3-2073 3O~59-2D73 Fax 303-659-7923 Manufactul\19': Detroit Model: 60 kW IC.W: 60 flgurs; Power. Diesel ~: 4A163396 Unit#: 49523 DeSt;riptiDn: Cettoit 6D kIN Standby Dieset Generator, CClco Generator End Madel f: E6O64 Generator End Serial #: 31A71, DetrOit Engioe II'IodeI ,: RC404SE, Engine serial #: 4Al63396, Year 1970, 1325 Hours, 75 kV4I, 60 Hz, 3 Phase, 104 Amps fi!l416 Volts, Cu~t Vdtage 416/480, 10 Lead Reconnectable, 1800 Rpm, AulD 5t:art/Sl:ep, smtey Shut Oonw. AIr Cleaner, Bier;!( Heater, StcI. Generator &. Engine Panel, RadiatOr, Skid Mounbed, Load Bank Tested, DimenSions: 94"L x 34'W x 66"H Priw: $7,500.00 r . ~~ - -'" . -.., ...,., = 1"'1 ~. . .... ,..., ,.-... Diesel Service..11d Supplr thOl'QlIghly tIC!IStS and 911iU'an~ all of aut prochIcts! 1he pricing di5p&ayed on our1oWbsite Issubject ID change bIISecI on de-installation costs,lnstallation requirements, rigging/disposal. iII)d any ather5it1Jiltional varial:lles, but we do try to keep It as up ID date as pa;slble. (Qpyrlght (g Diesel Service And Supply, Inc. 1999-2005. All Rights Reservea. Caterpillar, Detroit. CUmnins, Perkins, SDMO, and all other bl'and naroes are trademarts of their individual prospective companies. e 'el LSLS-226-60S uosueH puowr;:;e~ese ; SO La 1 e ue(' , -.,.,. FEB~O1-0T - ./ 1$:50 FROIoH:ulWQln~ NalthwlCt .m-Z35-8Z0Z T-4ZI P. 002lDDT F-SIG Northwest CUmmins NorIhwVd. Inc:::. (800) 274..Q336 - Toll Free 811 W Grady Way (425) 235-3400 - LOCctRentor\. WA 98055 (425) 235-8202 - Fox QUOTE NO. 020107 HAN CUMMINS POWER RENT QUOTE Thursdov. FebtUON 01. 2r1J7 . 10 : Jim ICtug9r Hanson Industries 1 SB7 ECST Indiana Spokooe Valley. WA 99216 PHONE: 509-922-5252 FROM: Donna fUller Rental Coordinctet 425-235-3400 x3112 FAX: 503-655-8658 EMAJL: Thank you for your Inlelost in CUmmins NorthWOst Powor Rent. WUh regard to your recent rsntol jpquity.1 om pleased fo quoIG you on the foIowf81g: 6OkWGENSET PHASE: Three-Phase VOLTAGE: m/480Vat AMPS:90 fteqUQncy: 60 Hz Troller: Ym .. None Type W Power Coble (4/fJ) Mole Power Cabla .P'lgfaib" (Jft): Non9 Auto Stott: YES Btoclc Heater. YES Bottety O\orger: YES pgrollel options: NO . Aux. FuQJ Tonks (Dual WoU): NonQ AU)(. Fuet Tonks will be delivered: Empty ;=; Db1rlbuIign Pcnel(S): None I I Transfer Swilt;h: Nooe . Roles:~StcmcIDy $inglo Shift -Double ShIft COnIkIUOUS ShUt Charges-lIfal8l8-aJI so~0'&___.t:2'11-.----~ .., 200 HRif/MO N'" -::;- 'lID MISIWIt UDoIIIISIWI(a,.- 0 allKlMD 8JoIIII$IMO 800.Per Month 6OkW Senset StarV:Jbn~ote Rental 800. 75.Per Month 200 amc ATS 76. 75,Per Month - Annual Maintel'lQl'\Ce Aoreement 75. l.cno Term Rental. 0rI0 Veot M~lmom. BiRed Per CcIIendor Month.G~ gre FOB looa1Ion & 3I)biA6t to ovoilClbllitv FUEL Per Mon1h Sub-TotcI 950. unit fuel level is noted or lime of runfgl. if Soles To)(if QlXllcable""'" is w\1h leSS J:uGl. It ~ Do LICdtv c:erIIIIcate not provided (low. Fee)87.t)JIIecJ G S4.liDIpn glu5 ~bIOo O'IC 1ItnG onIVdrcp I\:e:r First Month Total: Fbet level at lime of dell\lAN: Pr9~0t0d by: Donno Fuller Jor'1uaty 31. ZJQ7 CM AvtfJortzed s;gna1tJts PLEASE CAU ro CONFJSf FAX RECEIPT AND COORDINA1E RENTAl SSNERATOR SET DElMRY. CUmmu. NorthWO5l.InC. Pgge 1 of 1 CUIY1fT1irIs P(j""et RMr : ~. l:IImI1'II'nmmihwest. C(Im e'd l.Sl.S-22S-S0S uosueH puowF;e~d20 :21 LO LO qa3 Z/OI/ZDUJ 03:4) ~.. ".....,.. _. ..r' -....w..... ~;~'rN w.",. StatII ~At ~ny 4&2S East r~t Avenue Spakane, WA 99212 509- S35- t1441o11b1509-53J. 91211fi1x) FAX to: Jim CompanyIDsparttnent: fix NIIIItr. 922.5757 Ntmba- 01 Plgl!S lint~ding cover!: Re:generator Dale: ffDm: RICK ARMSl'RONG Ibt PbaDI: (5091533.91 &1 DilCtk (509) 533-9176 Jim, The montNy standby rate for a 66 kw generator set is $1600.00. Trailer mounted with fuel tank. Does not include installation. lilies, pemit. transfer switch Dr fueL We could also do a Cat tinll1ciallease on another unit for 60 months. This would be a new unit and transfer :switch in$talled. Thank you Rick Armstrong 1M ...--,1InI",iIIeoIIIIiltllll:W II ill nwr)8 Clnl*lioIlllliI ~.,... 1IItr.IniIiIomI.tIIIIIr at_- iI~ "'" ~ ...1118""..01 fit,...""""", "" .-...... die idRIId --. ..MllltIa, ~ho......... ,,---in'lDJ II1II doll...,.... ......~ IiIrwriDt. ,....,. 81 ... dnIIin . ~II pnIIiIIR. ",,""II&IMd!h."'" ill emir. plug .........,..Iir._SIIID JMftIIt~..I"Ioboing....1IIIIINIr. 1-1111B-72I1 a-'cI LSLS-ZZS-BOS uo5ueH puowr;;;e~dZO: Z t LO LO qa~ 02/01/2007 1HU 10: 13 FAX If(jUU.l.d/U.I. United.Rentals .r.oc.U'ZOH .2BO :ZOf t:Qrrr1l TUc:mm 520MNJl 'II.ALr.sr~ JG ,,:ZJ.z~OIJ-5J:I..::Z~5 Page: RESERVATION =--;:.......-,,-=-=.--- Cu~to~.... lao5~t5J58 ~en~~&C~ ." ~~S3.~27 Coat.~c~ dt. 2101/07 Date ou~.... al01/07 Dat8 Due In. 2/02/07 ,,0l:Io Loc..... BROil' :loti 1Ia... .. . 1'.0. I......orClllre4 I\Y.. ~;l.CUA br..S;a:l...per__.'l'e~....... 9:07 AM ':07 AM .,.'i CI:I .., O\SH CUSToMER WILL CAli'., SPOKANE, WA 99212 C#:509-532-1235 J#;509-532-1235 ,.. III CASH CC'STOMER WILL CALL SPOKANE, WA 99212 ~280= Da. upo~ aaeo1pt l'r.D-cm .DU.' J'A'!JIIPIT '101 UllXftD JlZlftALS IIQR.TlDlKST. DC:. 1'0 aolC tS1'"DALLM, "53':;.1"8 Kin l'O. gay :.110. WI:Iek 625, 4. Week AI!Iowt :Uo. 1'.C1IJ;!.p.enr. II GEIIER.A'l'OR 70.04 KVA 2'103;186IftHS :It:elll numtler!NY SN'orXJ\ONI'II!:tV'rAL CHlUtGECH: lEA) SAC'tI PAYMEN:t IlI!OTOU!5ATOYU--- 2./ornn t"Ar~ ltSTUJUi (ll;.y :I.. SJU,E~ 01;1' 1650, Stl;lc;:k class Me;!: lInia:. Ell. price000 1\mo'unc. Uk' \I AU'n! It TRAlf'".. 'l'YPB ---..- AMOI1N'r ."...~ AlIPLU:n Sub-tol::l.l, ~en~al p~~~ee~ion;'tax;E~~~te4 ~Qt.1: M'I ON RE'1'UR1I' 2U.:t9.2.0. :tG1.. k R fA (;-&/( -A -rr --- /W" Cf :J-:J.... f, 1 ._IIIUIt"'~ -o;.E: Yho I_I_~ ~., .... !...."" t. ~. __I C~IP!It wl!id' ~ ~.~ 10 '_I ..... _..vI 1IiI.... ..111 IIIdll'ta .~ 10111'8 ~. """'"0111/1"'" ;;:~~ o::.;:.~~':K':=:'~:.;.. ~~-=-:.~::=.... ....... l'oIa II..... . ....."..""'I_nI ............ omO~L 115NTA1. PIICITRTION P!.AN: rM; /IP:M""" I'I/O~,,;I/' ~ NOr lNWIfPIUI VI!O"4C1IIIImII doo O~IIIIIII fttlllII "'-CIfOf' "'""- II.. CuotOMOl ...- 10 II6Y a cItil'!IO ......,. III j~. .. "'. ,...,'" cIwin "" r.....,...,. I::IL""",,", U'II_"" .... II....OI"'_-!'IM. 1ft '01_, iII- 0lIl'" .... ...1010 _. .....ai 08- 10 .-fi.. em. "'" .1- II! -~ .."" -- ""'-' -"""'!I "'".., 0.,11111 l1li111110..... _. C........... -..... .... ,.. III "'~N" .."1... doe '0 "'"II 01"'" ,... ~....01 ".-.... PI;on _dllIt'\I ".- or......~ C."~""O/IQ"~_~I:UOI_"""""""'" CVIII_'.~"" Cu,.,.".lJrfd/MI' I ID'tIM """.-011I0oI"'" "'"""" ... !:I_.. or. c.- liS '" ,... T"..,.. ~ .... ....1110 ... 1:__111- II T~ CONDfTlQN:i .... " .,.~ InN" ....,...... ;,uxIu.. II.. T""IIS ..d ~aN~'- HI an no..-.. -. .....",,"" ha - - _. ~EMltICSIS, 111 -.... l1li\ ~ ~ .. ~..r. I~ . (J........I"",,I..I'ftIIet:o.oPl",,~i' J~.III"I..IoI-I"CI\III9'I""""""""""""'\3Ieu-_'-......""_._'IIIcIvIfI"'~"-""~~~~~ . ....,., -a,_11 _MHf oil D"It..... ,"""I - .-...- ., ..., eI c.....-. -...- .. ......., nil -""" AIf!"'" oiI'M - .. -- 1M w ..- . Mo' .-.. II~~'ID 11.1 ellll1lll. 00lIl11 OJ lilt .w.. ... wd "" ......~....., I~"""" ~.. 1"" .,.- _CONOmaN5 a-. 'JIll iNutwtDIJM. _lOG 8OW " .a:s oR ON RlfAU OF ~.... 111- TO AU OF ntI; II!II6IS - --~ VII 1M IU!VeQUIIIC OP TIII:I MI'T/II. --', lit ~QlNOWUII8- aecullT 01' "'... 1M 80011' WOAIIIIIC OIIII6N _.I3I...w". ""WIIIl\llnt IT/: ,,_riCIN I&L NAME PRlNTtD tlEUVEN:Q 8Y DATI: CY$TOIloll!iA SlCNATUAE DAft If. .LARGF:R FONT CO,," 01' '(tIE TVlMS AND CONDITIONS Is. A"AI~ADU! '-"ON REQUesT. t . ct LSLS-226-60S I.lOSUBH p.UO_W~e~2D.:2t La LO. q~- .:I. .. -... INVOICE Consolidated Supply Co. r- P,O. Box 5788 Portland , OR 97228 -:::""- QUESTXONS ON THIS ~NVOIC~ 20a-762-2~Ga CONSOLILJATED SUPPLY PO BOX ~"Ha PORTLANLJ OR 977.7.H-!.)" f..~~ 1451 1 MI:! 0.326 EO207 10552 D24350301 P1330S2 0002:0002 11,1..1.111 111111.1111111 111..1..11.11111111111 1...11. It IIc~SON INDUSTkIES ISBO7 g INDTANA AVE SPOKANE Vl\T.l,F'.Y WA 99216-1864 SHIP TO: HANSON INDUSTRIES ~~eO7 E INDIANA AVEsroKAN~ WZ\ 9nHi - . X36"Gl\J.,STEEL NIPPLE 8007 125 14 . 4644 B FIP'f x Mf,TER SWIVEL NU'? 69905 50.50.ANGLE MET~"BALL VALVE AY MCDONALD 02-4HB-S4 MT~ SWIVEL NUT 1'.111133 27., . (;4SUPPORT X nPT SINGT.F". CHECK ANGLE VALVE AY MCDONALD BADGEH M70 ~NVIRO-BRASg,B467~1O 175.773SP-DM70F.NVIRO, Thl~!Special order :i. t...rn ,,-p..y 18-G4 MET~~ WASHER 160042 294 ~nD-S'rJ\TES 13"XZ4 "Xl?"POLY!::METER ?10106 l:'-iJ 46.838 UOx BODY M3ilCF13 ",4 -12xL MID-STATES 13"X?,Q"X18"J:'OLYE ME~F.R 204864 ~!L 496BOX sODI'MSBCF1324-18XL t'!ID-S-rl\'!'F.S 13"X24"METER BOx -?'1 0112 !i3. 591 COVBR W!DI REl\DER LID MSCBC-1324.,R QATF:Y 31233 32 oz GRE:l\T WHl:TE PIPE /l~ 2313;:"74 eil 10.173 DOPE W/TEFLON xl00'IPS 200 PSI POL 100 O. :;26 1.7~. 77 46. 118. 53. :;9 'if - 113. 52. PRO"l\l :'(". . , , "". \'" I"'""....moo.SUBTOTAL FREIGHT SALES TAX 777 !)8 Invoice is due by 10/31/06. '--(0:Jc... -('~:tJY"""'-38. ..~, AMOUNT DUe 816. 0002:0002 PaGe 2 of 2 E; 'd LSLS-226-S0S uosueH puowhe~dB! :vO LO 22 qa~ ,-~ ' -:.... - INVOICE Consolidated Supply Co. ,..... P.O, Box 5788 Portland, OR 97228 :;;;;---;;;;;:;;;;; QOES~%O~S ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-2569 CONSOLIDhTED SUPPLY PO OOX 5788 PORTI.AND OR 97228-5788 E:~~ 14511 MB O,3~1j EO2B 1X 10551 D24350300 1'1330520001 :0002 II.I..!" II I~ 111111.1111111111..1..) 1111 1,,111, 1.1",11"1 HANSON INDUS'RiES 1~801 E INDIhN~ AVE SPOKANE VhLLEY WA 99216-1064 SHIP TO: HANSON INDUSTRr~S 15B07 ~ INDIANA AV~ SBOKANZ WA 99216 IPS 1-1/2u IPS HOT TAl'1!i9'r/3 Po.l 86,625 86. SAODLF. Thi",it;spccia 1 Ql:"d,..c i tern ' 1/2"X1"S40 P,VC SPGX~'BUSHING 2!i5 eO!0 . 73(; X3"Gl\L STEEL NI ?f'LE 1 ()JJ SO "'-.:1 247 1.25 6101 FIP fIP RAJ~CURU vi\LVJ:,160058 62.1Cn 62, McOONAr. lOO 47:,3-3Q 11:'8 COMP.~IE'T )\JJ/\P.'l'F',R 236000 Ci'O 19. 33R 19. CE'LGS AY MCOONl\T, IP.S 6136 STIFFEN~R /\Y MCOQNALD 160917 022 (SAME 6133'1'1-1/1"CTS) 47!j4-IPS COMP FIP'hDlI.PTF.R 236033 ei'O J.6. (,'17 1 (;, CPLG AY MCOONlI.LD IPS 6136 STIFFENER A'f MCDONALD 16091-e.:l ?', 022 (SAMj,; AS 6133'1'1-1/4"C".TSJ l "X24 n GAL STE:EJJ NIPPLE 2241 Poi!9. 97~19. GAT.CAP 2nl1 IHl 236 2. :!1 DOMF.3TIC 1 n GAL ~)O 11495 671 .J. 34 OOMESTJC "",c,~..".."" .""... SUBTOTAL FREIGHT SALES TAXInvoice is due by 10/31106, . -f."':'~-f:;t)V\"I.M... ~r_ 0001:0002 Page 1 of 2 'Ir . d LSLS-22B-BOS uo~ueH puoWhe~dB I : 'lr0 LO 22 qa~ :- .--,~,..-..-":-"" "_""'_"'-'~~-'~''_.~-_._-'-_.:"'' ,,".,~"'. -. - -. -. ..--- PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2003 by and between KAISER ALUMINUM & CHEMICAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation ("Seller ), and HANSON INDUSTRIES, INc. a Washington corporation ("Purchaser RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller ~s the owner of approximately 157.23 acres ofreal estate located in Mead, Washington, commonly known as Parcel 2 and legally described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Real Property," which together with appurtenances and improvements thereto is collectively referred to and more specifically described below as the "Property WHEREAS, Purchaser wishes to purchase from Seller and Seller wishes to sell to Purchaser the Property upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, inconsideration of the terms and provisions of and the mutual promises and covenants set forth in this Agreement, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: Property 1.1 Included Property Seller shall sell and convey to Purchaser and Purchaser shall purchase and acquire from Seller the Real Property together with aU buildings and improvements thereon and all rights titles and interests of Seller in and to easements , appurtenances, rights, privileges, belonging or appurtenant thereto; all trees, shrubbery, and plants now in or thereon; all rights, titles, and interests of Seller in and to all alleys, strips, or gores of land, if any, lying adjacent thereto; all rights, titles, and interests of Seller in and to all leases, rights-of-way, rights of ingress or egress or other interests in, on, or to, any land, highway, street, road, or avenue, open or proposed, in , across, in front of, abutting, or adjoining thereto; all rights, titles, and interests of Seller in and to all buildings, fixtures, equipment and other improvements located thereon as of the Effective Date, except for the Excluded Property (defined below); rights, title and interests in all permits, certificates, approvals, and licenses (to the extent freely assignable) with respect thereto including, but not limited to, certificates of occupancy and conditional use and other permits; and all rights , titles, and interests of Seller to water rights appurtenant thereto (collectively together with the Land, the "Property ); subject, however, to the provisions of Sections 1.2 and 1.3. 1.2 Excluded Property; Access Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fixtures, equipment and personal property described on the attached Exhibit B (the "Excluded Property ) shall not be sold to Purchaser and shall remain the property of Seller; provided that if Seller fails to remove the Excluded Property on or before twelve (12) months after the Closing Date (defined below) the Excluded Property shall, as a matter of convenience to the parties and at no additional consideration, become the property of ---, .. ~W~J~' Jlnl~jllmIJI~ ~1!1;~"f %441 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Spokane County Title Company 1010 N. Normandie - Suite #201 Spokane, WA 99201 Escrow No.: 00019513 s- \ C:O'M..o Statutory Warranty Deed \'" THE GRANTOR Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation, a Delaware corporation, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration in hand paid conveys and warrants to Hanson Industries, Inc., a Washington Corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of SPOKANE, State of Washington: (LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS ATIACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" HERETO) N('\~Yh a\'?Co' SUBJECT TO the matters set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. SUBJECT TO covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and agreements of record, ifany. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Nwnber(s): 36215.9010; 36211.9009 y of December, 2003. 1'1) (') !II 11') )ss. STATE OF TEXAS County O I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Joseph A. FIscher, is the person who appeared before me, and said person aclrnowledged that he signed this instrument, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and aclrnowledged it as the Assistant General Counsel and Authorized Representative of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, a Delaware corporation, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instnunent. 11\ III .. MY~=:~PIRES ~iJ Aug"'28,2005N . p.! pu in and for the S~te of Texas Resld1l1g a ;J ~J\..I"V?~ My appointment expires: 20~ 1'1) ....... ooJ Vi~oo Form SODOIWA Rev. 10129/96 LPB- -.,--- I~I~IJ 111~mll" 5018669Pag~' 2 of 4 12131/2003 09'44f Spokan~ Co, NA EXHIBIT A" - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North half of Section 21, Township 26 North, Range 43, East of the Willamette Meridian; EXCEPT that portion described as follows; BEGINNING at the East quarter corner of Section 21 Thence North 88053'40" West a distanceof2 685.65 feet to a 1.25" iron pin which is the accepted center quarter corner; Thence North 88056'09" West, along the South line of the Northwest quarter of said Section, a distance of 594.60 feet; Thence North 00031 '00" East a distance of 688.30 feet; Thence South 89031 '00" East a distance of386.05 feet; Thence South 01025'00" West a distance of 83.30 feet; Thence South 89031 '00" East a distance of 140.00 feet; Thence South 0 1 025'00" West a distance of 42.00 feet; Thence South 89031 '00" East a distance of 541.12 feet; Thence North 71047'20" East a distance of391.03 feet; Thence North 89038'36" East a distance of 1 834.24 feet to the East line of said Section; Thence South 00017'10" East, along the East line of said Section, a distance of7S0.50 feet ro the East quarter corner and the Point of Beginning; AND EXCEPT those portions conveyed to Spokane County for Magnesium Road right of way by Deed recorded November 2 1955, under Auditors File No. 351482B; AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the North half of said Section 21 lying West of the following described line; BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter of Section 21; Thence North 00011'24" West, along the West line of said Northwest quarter, 70.00 feet to a point on the North line of Magnesium Road; Thence along said North line the following two courses: I) South 89045'10" East 1.03 feet; 2) South 88056'00" East 719.73 feet to the True Point of Beginning of said line; Thence Northerly to a point on the North line of said Section 21 which lies 742.96 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Section 21, and the terminus of said line; AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 21 , Township 26 North, Range 43, East of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows; BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter of Section 21; Thence North 00011'24" West, along the West line of said Northwest quarter, 70.00 feet to a point on the North line of Magnesium Road; Thence along said North line the following two courses; 1) South 89045'10" East 1.03 feet; 2) South 88056'00" East 719.73 feet; Thence North 00018'26" East 1910.42 feet to the True Point of Beg inning; Thence continuing North 00018'26" East 660.01 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 21 which lies 742.96 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said Section 21; Thence South 89027'00" East 1908.31 feet to the Northeast corner of said Northwest quarter of Section 21; Thence South 43041'57" West 904.64 feet; Thence North 89027'00" West 1286.83 feet to the True Point of Beginning; AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion of the North half of Section 21, Township 26 North, Range 43, East of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows; BEGINNING at the Southwest comer of said North half of Section 21; Thence North 00011'24" West, along the West line of said Northwest quarter, 70.00 feer to a poim on the North line of Magnesium Road; Thence along said North line the following two courses; V1~on FoomSDDOIWA Roy. 10129/96 LPB- ~I~I\~~ 11~1~ ~\IU IIQ~1 ;~i~:;r~:4" I) South 89045'10" East 1.03 feet; 2) South 88056'00" East 719.73 feet; Thence North 00018'26" East 2570.43 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 21 which lies 742.96 feet . Easterly ofthe Northwest corner of said Section 21; Thence South 89027'00" East 1908.31 feet to the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section 21 and the True Point of Begiruring: Thence South 88053'30" East, along the North line of the Northeast quarter of said Section 21, a distance of 2676.60 feet to the Northeast comer of said Northeast quarter; Thence South 00016'35" East, along the East line of said Northeast quarter, 660.19 feet; Thence North 88053'30" West 2689.34 feet; Thence North 89027'00" West 615.46 feet; Thence North 43041 '57" East 904.64 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. V1,(onFonnSDCO1WA Rev. 10129/96 LPB- II~ll~ ~ l~ ~~I OOWII~~ ~IIEXHIBIT uBI! - PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 5018669 PilfJe' 4 of 4 12/31/2003 OH4f Spokane Co. WA 1. Liens for taxes not yet due and payable and for any general or special assessments not yet delinquent. 2. Leases, pennits, contracts and other agreements assigned to or assumed by grantee, if any.3. Those exceptions (both general and special) set forth in the title insurance policy insured in favor of grantee by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company pursuant to Title Order No: 115863, including mineral exceptions, reservations and conveyances of record, if any, and rights and easements in favor of mineral estates, in any.4. Subject to the provisions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated November 11 2003 between grantor and grantee, as amended, all existing or future local, state and federal laws, ordinances and governmental regulations relating to environmental protection or substances, materials and wastes that are defined as a toxic or hazardous substance, material pollutant or contaminant, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations. AT!- 2o96673v21 ------ Inventory #: Item Name: Model #: Serial #: Manufacturer: Location: Condition:PO#: Source: Received By: Date Received: '----" Description: SPIRIt' J..~KL FNc./tVl:. .c, :'" C1 c Ai a. If..,")/(. c;;11 KAfO Si./E. (; 00)) KA/..fLA P- cg JoS' tEASf' ~i!.ft!.tA/c;,/ Pt":/iLA. Bft LlP (; C 0 ~ "111 Cff~(ia_f) ('or SY "'-l"JJ:!.6Wif -1MAf"- J;J.s?Jd. t!. iAJ/J/II-'vA J g . "5 1 (j"' 6r:AI~lUJ-r/)t!.. KArl) RItIJt!:Jt..\J/AJt: ~/~Li:J S ilhAL d 'if' / Cj r t! ;;.. , 7 8 ~ MoOU, tf ~o. tf1o3t.o //15 ,'II'E ;'O ff/' t:,0 KIA) """...fr, -3 t;i 1:,0 HZ 5""KII4 ('C.f) 7. ':,:? /'i/OOAPM :1.77/o/ff'tJ \/",-:1' 90AMfJ IDS D.rJ/c,v J./O c A~il ,H(').() ('S: ~rl 0 /J~ Purchase Price: New Value: Est'd Value: SP I R I T L A K E E A S T W A T E R C O M P A N Y 20 0 6 A D D I T I O N S T O P P & E No t I n c l u d e d i n R a t e C a s e A p p l i c a t i o n Ge n e r a t o r , H o u s i n g a n d S e t u p 10 / 3 1 / 2 0 0 5 G e n e r a t o r 10 / 2 0 / 2 0 0 5 ( 2 0 3 7 2 ) T o r q u e - Ma t i c 10 / 1 3 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 2 4 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 2 5 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 2 5 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 2 6 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 1 0 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 0 3 ) C a r r S a l e s C o . 10 / 2 7 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 9 0 3 9 ) I n l a n d P a c i f i c H o s e & F i t t i n g s 10 / 6 / 2 0 0 5 ( 1 4 0 0 2 ) N a p a A u t o P a r t s 20 0 5 L a b o r C h a r g e s 10 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 7 5 ) C e n t r a l P r e - Mi x C o n c r e t e C o 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5 ( 2 3 0 6 9 ) W e s t e r n W o o d B u i l d i n g S u p p l i e s 10 / 1 9 / 2 0 0 5 ( 2 3 0 6 9 ) W e s t e r n W o o d B u i l d i n g S u p p l i e s 10 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 1 1 3 9 ) A t o Z R e n t a l s 11 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 4 ( 0 3 0 3 0 ) C o n t i n e n t a l C o n t r a c t o r s , I n c . 10 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 10 / 2 4 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 10 / 2 5 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 10 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 4 0 3 0 ) D a n s C u s t o m W o o d w o r k i n g 10 / 2 4 / 2 0 0 5 ( 1 1 0 1 1 ) K r u g e r 20 0 5 L a b o r C h a r g e s 7/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 6 C i t i C a r d - A u t o E l e c t r i c P r o d u c t s 11 2 6 19 9 7 8 19 9 2 4 19 9 7 6 19 9 7 7 19 9 8 6 19 9 8 7 19 9 8 8 20 0 2 8 19 8 0 7 20 0 7 6 19 9 2 6 HI Al l o c a t i o n 20 0 2 6 20 0 1 5 20 0 1 6 19 9 9 6 17 5 1 5 20 0 1 7 19 9 6 2 19 9 8 3 20 0 1 8 19 8 7 1 HI Al l o c a t i o n 10 / 3 1 F 23 6 5 6 79 6 7 8 6 79 7 0 6 5 79 7 0 6 6 79 7 7 9 5 79 7 9 1 0 79 7 9 1 79 8 1 1 0 28 9 9 2 33 9 9 7 3 49 3 1 6 0 64 3 0 7 1 24 7 1 4 24 4 4 2 28 8 1 7 74 2 1 00 1 - 10 6 7 10 8 7 3 6 10 8 9 9 7 12 4 6 Ge n e s c o / 72 5 0 6 36 0 . 70 2 . 34 7 . 17 . 10 . 26 . 14 . (2 . 82 ) 11 1 . 20 4 . 55 5 . 87 . 61 4 . 49 . 53 3 . 60 9 . 30 0 . 22 . 66 0 . 46 . 18 8 . 26 8 . 1/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 7 81 0 . 74 2 0 ye a r d e p r 66 8 . 98 2 0 ye a r d e p r Ex p e n s e 74 0 . 53 7 38 3 . 4 4 9 8/ 1 / 2 0 0 6 C i t i C a r d - A u t o E l e c t r i c P r o d u c t s 10 2 9 3 26 1 . 52 9 . 4 0 2 0 y e a r de p r 26 . 4 7 Di s t r i b u t i o n P u m p s & M o t o r s ( R e p l a c e m e n t s ) 10 y e a r l i f e la b o r C h a r g e s - K r u g e r 25 9 . la b o r C h a r g e s - Bu n t i n g 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 6 D i c k e r s o n P u m p 56 6 5 1, 4 6 6 . 72 6 . 07 1 0 y e a r d e p r 17 2 . 60 7 Ta n k R e p a i r & C l e a n i n g 9/ 2 1 / 2 0 0 5 ( 1 1 0 1 1 ) K r u g e r 19 6 1 8 Rc p t s 9 - 13 9 . 9/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 5 M a c o n S u p p l y 12 4 . 20 0 5 l a b o r C h a r g e s HI A l l o c a t i o n 08 4 . 4 8 34 8 . 09 1 0 ye a r d e p r 13 4 . 80 9 la b o r C h a r g e s - K r u g e r la b o r C h a r g e s - Bu n t i n g 14 5 . 11 / 2 6 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 11 4 3 2 7 45 7 . 4 3 11 / 2 6 / 2 0 0 5 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 11 4 3 2 6 (4 7 0 . 4 4 ) 11 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 5 ( 1 2 0 2 6 ) l O W E ' 11 1 7 0 5 30 5 , 10 / 9 / 2 0 0 6 A t o Z R e n t a l s 71 8 7 3 64 . 10 / 1 / 2 0 0 6 D o n s C u s t o m W o o d w o r k i n g 12 7 7 29 6 . 79 8 . 66 1 0 y e a r d e p r 17 9 . 86 6 Mi s c I t e m s o n D E Q L i s t la b o r C h a r g e s - K r u g e r 17 2 . la b o r C h a r g e s - Bu n t i n g 17 2 . 08 1 0 y e a r d e p r 17 . 20 8 Si g n . SL E W a t e r C o . 7/ 1 7 / 2 0 0 6 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 15 1 0 1 8 18 . 7/ 1 7 / 2 0 0 6 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 15 1 0 2 2 45 . 7/ 2 6 / 2 0 0 6 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 15 2 7 7 4 24 3 . 7/ 2 7 / 2 0 0 6 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 15 3 0 3 1 67 . 8/ 1 / 2 0 0 6 ( 0 3 0 3 2 ) C o u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 15 3 8 7 8 19 . 8/3 / 2 0 0 6 (0 3 0 3 2 ) Co u n t r y H o m e s S u p p l y 10 / 9 / 2 0 0 6 (1 2 0 2 6 ) L O W E ' 7/ 3 1 / 2 0 0 6 D o n s C u s t o m W o o d w o r k i n g 15 4 3 6 6 91 7 0 6 12 7 3 Me t a l D e t e c t o r 4/ 2 4 / 2 0 0 6 ( 1 1 0 1 1 ) K r u g e r - S p o r t s m a n W a r e h o u s e TO T A L 45 . 4 7 38 0 . 82 7 . 31 1 0 ye a r d e p r 45 6 . 11 1 0 ye a r d e p r 99 3 . 2 8 18 2 . 73 1 45 . 61 1 $ 1 84 8 . STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ------ 2110 Ironwood Parkway. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814-2648. (208) 769-1422 Dirk Kempthorne, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director December 28 2005 Robert J. Boyle, Vice President Hanson Industries Inc 15807 E Indiana Spokane, WA 99216 RE: Spirit Lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review Dear Mr. Boyle: Thank you for your letter of December 21 , 2005 in response to our survey report of November 5 , 2005. It is our assumption that this letter was intended to serve as the . required Plan of Correction for the survey deficiencies. We will respond in the order of our survey letter. Administration The operator did not possess a "Distribution 1" certification from the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. The operator, Mr. Jim Kreuger, is required to have a certification for "Distribution 1" This is different than "Treatment 1"gnd why we specifically mentioned "Distribution 1" in our November 5th, 2005 letter. A Total Coliform Monitoring Plan was not on file with DEO. A Total Coliform Monitoring Plan is simply a map or document that lists where the monthly water samples will be taken on an annual basis. There should be a minimum of 6 different sites located at different points throughout the distribution system that are sampled sequentially. Well A smooth nosed sample tap is required on the discharge to the well. The existing sample tap was a plastic tube clamped to a galvanized pipe. EXHIBIT Spirit lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review December 28,2005 Page 2 A smooth nosed sample tap is required on the discharge of the well and at any point within the pump house where water samples are to be taken. A Teflon tube is not adequate. The well could not be pumped to waste prior to the first service connection. We reexamined the pictures taken during the survey and could not identify a "pump to waste." This is a pipe that is capable of handling the entire discharge of the well located at some point prior to the entry to the distribution system. We identified a couple of points in the pump house that could be easily adapted to allow the well to pump to waste but there is a difference between have the potential to pump to waste and the actual ability to accomplish the activity on demand. You still need to construct the pump to waste valving and piping. There is no well log on file with DEQ. We received and filed the well log that you sent. This item is satisfied. The vent screen on the well was connected with duct tape. It must be permanently clamped with a steel clamp. The steel clamp on the vent screen will meet our requirements. The flow meter should be read on at least a weekly basis. Reading the flow meter with the chlorine tank refill will be considered adequate at this time. Reservoir The repairs to the cold joint on the side of the reservoir appeared to extend more than half of the way through the concrete. The impacts of removing this amount of concrete on the strength of the reservoir side walls are unknown. An evaluation performed by a professional engineer must be prepared that will certify that the tank will not fail. We accept the certification of the reservoir wall strength by Mr. Wambeke P. The reservoir cannot be isolated from the water system without depressurization of the distribution system. It appears that the piping that would allow the reservoir to be bypassed has been removed. You may have misunderstood the requirement that the water system must have the ability to isolate the reservoir from the water system without depressurizing the Spirit Lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review December 28, 2005 Page 3 distribution system. You must be able to isolate the reservoir for maintenance and repairs while at the same time pressurizing the distribution system with the well pump. It appears that the valving and piping to do this was in place at some point in the past but it was removed. This capability must be restored. The leaks in the reservoir wall had not been completely repaired at the time of inspection. Please arrange for a joint inspection of the reservoir wall leak repair. The reservoir. must be completely full at the time of inspection. There did not appear to be a sill at the reservoir discharge to prevent sediments from flowing into the booster station. Prior surveys have identified a problem with pumping sand from the well. This survey deficiency has not been adequately addressed. The two overflows from the reservoir were not 24 mesh screens or a weighted flapper valve with expanded metal screens. The overflow was only protected by a screen with %-inch openings. This could allow insects and small rodents to access the reservoir. This deficiency appears to have been satisfied. The overflows were not 12 to 24 inches above the ground surface. This deficiency appears to have been satisfied. The overflows do not discharge onto a splash plate. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied. A Plan of Correction requires a specific date for repair to occur. The reservoir did not appear to have a drain. We did not notice a drain for the reservoir at the time of inspection. It would have been very evident. You may wish to add a valve after the larger booster pump in the vault with a constructed discharge to the surface to meet this requirement. The pump could then be used to drain the reservoir. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. Water was impounded on the roof of the reservoir. A registered professional engineer must certify that the current roof is not leaking. Spirit Lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review December 28, 2005 Page 4 We did not find that your engineer, Mr. Wambeke, had certified that the roof was not leaking. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. 10.The reservoir needs cleaning. The inspection on November 5th revealed deposits of sediment on the floor of the reservoir. Historic survey reports and notes in DEQ files indicate that the well produces sand and sediments. Sediment deposits in reservoirs are unsanitary in that they provide harborage for bacteria arid shelter from chlorination for these bacteria. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. Pump House Three of the bladder tanks appeared to be waterlogged and in need replacement. If you feel that 17 bladder tanks will serve 250 or more residences please have your engineer certify this design modification. Maintenance of the bladder tanks is a routine item and, unless otherwise specified , you must maintain the physical facilities. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. The well house needs cleaning and organization. All fuels. paints and solvents must be removed from the pump house. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. All threaded taps in the pump house must have backflow prevention devices. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. An electrical fan for fresh air ventilation must be installed in the pump house. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. Routine maintenance schedules should be established for servicing the pumps. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. Disinfection The tap used to fill the hypochlorite tank was not protected by a backflow prevention device. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. Spirit Lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review December 28 2005 Page 5 Rubber gloves and eye protection should be provided to the operator for use during the hypochlorite tank filling. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. The chlorine test kit used by the water system was inadequate for measuring chlorine in the drinking water. It was designed to be used in swimming pool applications. The chorine test kit that we observed was only adequate for measuring chlorine levels in swimming pools. We will check the primary kit when the reservoir is inspected. A smooth nosed monitoring tap is required after chlorine injection. A smooth nosed monitoring tap is required before and after disinfection. We did not notice a monitoring tap after the chlorine injection point on the discharge of the well. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. Free chlorine residuals should be measure daily. Idaho s Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems require that free chlorine residuals be measured and recorded daily. The residual must also be recorded on the form that is submitted to the lab with the monthly Coliform test. This is necessary to insure that the chlorination equipment is working properly. This monitoring could be done at the tap of one of the residents of the water system. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. Distribution System A cross connection control program must be implemented. The water system was found to be deficient in the requirement for a cross connection control program in the survey of the year 2000 and the item was not remedied. It was again found to be deficient in the survey of 2005. A buyer has not been identified , nor a time frame for change of ownership defined. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. The valves in the distribution system should be exercised at least two times per year. There appeared to be a misunderstanding about this item. The valves that should be exercised are the ones located in the street that can be used to isolate different segments of the distribution mains for maintenance and repair activity. This does not include the valve for the individual service connections. ' . Spirit Lake East Water Company Plan of Correction Review December 28 , 2005 Page 6 A leak detection program must be implemented. The flow meter should be read frequently and compared to the meter readings to determine if water loss is less than 15%. Water loss in the distribution system must be less than 15%. A comparison of the master meter and the collective usage at the individual home owners' meters is one way of determining loss. If the water loss is less than 15% this deficiency has been satisfied. The response did not indicate what the percentage of water loss was. The water mains should be flushed annually. The water system should not be shut down to be flushed. Water velocities of 2.5 feet per second in water mains are recommended to re-suspend sediments and discharge them to the surface. This is done using flushing hydrants. This deficiency does not appear to have been satisfied at this time. The dead end water mains must be flushed two times per year. This deficiency appears to have been remedied. We hope that this response has been useful in clearing up confusion in the preparation of the Plan 'of Correction. Would you please modify your responses to attain compliance with Idaho rules for Public Drinking Water Systems? We will grant an extension for you to prepare an adequate plan of correction until January 15 , 2006. If you have any questions, please contact me at DEQ. We are located at 2110 Ironwood Parkway; phone , (208) 769-1422. Sincerely, :ZZ--- Anthony P. Davis Analyst Steve Tanner Gary Gaffney, DEQ/CDA Idaho Public Utilities Commission. John Hammond ID1~,80176 SPIRIT LAKE EAST WATER COMPANY Schedules with Monitoring Periods that End During the Period of 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2007, Jurisdiction - Source Type Population Activity Date COEUR D ALENE REGIONAL OFFICE Total Coliform Sample Schedule Ground Water Community Public 655 1/8/1988 Sample Group - 3100 Total Coliform : Schedule Begin Date Seasonal Period Sample Requirements 12/1/2000 1/1 to 12/31 per MN Lead and Copper Sample Schedules IAnalyte Group Name I Lead and Copper IMon Prd Begin 11/1/2005 IDue Before ~2/31/2007 Systems on YR (once per year) or 3Y (once per three year) frequency for lead and copper must sample from locations in the distribution system between the months of June through September only. - , Sample SeasonalRequirement Period PBCU Analyte Name State Year Last Taken Number Taken Schedule Satisfied Still Due This Year ------ ---------------------- -------- COPPER LEAD 10 per 10 per Grouped Chemical Analyte Sample Schedules FACILITY EOO05365 TYPE WL WELL 1 SAMPLE PT EP1 TYPE EP GROUP MON PRD SAMPLE DUE SCHEDULE Still Due NAME BEGIN RQMT BEFORE SATISFIED This Period VOCS 1/1/2002 per 12/31/2007 NITRATE 1/1/2007 per YR 12/31/2007 ARSENIC (1005)1/1/2005 per 12/31/2007 YES Disinfection By-Products Rule Sample Schedules TYPE DS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ! - MONPRD - ' cBEGIN - j.J 'c, - -""'- --.----. - DUE l 'SCHEDULE Still Due ~I::FqRE"! - SA.!I~fIE:P j -This Period: Systems on YR (once per year) or 3Y (once per three year) frequency for disinfection by products must sample during period of warmest water temperature (July or August) at the point of longest retention time,TTHM AND HAA5 1/1/2005 per 3Y 12/31/2007 NO - - EXHIBIT \'0..-1ll-- Printed On 1/29/2007 ~ GEC 2003 Report M-Page 165 of 232 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 4813 Pacific Highway East. Tacoma, Washington 98424 . (253) 922-2310 INVOICE ": 656230 Hanson Industries ~ In c..h: E: F:' E:: F~ 1::: I"; C I::: :: F:' .. U.. ! i,F:' " D.. Bo;( )' ~::; ::, ~:;poi':.::'-ni:.~ !, !.JJtl ??;;~())" PUF~:C:::"iti~::;j::: (Ji:(OE::;~:: (ICCT \:(::: TLF;~ly!n :: :'IE,t :::;0 Dt,TI:::F:'(:\13E: :: ;O?~:f ;':-' /()U/(?)' DE:~3CF;~IPTIOH ~::;(,::'m:i.""\)o1.. 01"(;,1'::\1'1 :i, c~,; GC/I"i~::; B2'7()nample Digestion Or Fi tering i.,,:!"!I'r I::'I:;:IC:E E::XTE::i';DE:D Ph: I CT:UUf~ ,!' ITIT' ~:;~, ,O" O()l-:' :;' )O.. 00 :L 0.. 00 +:LO..O()Prior.. Poll.. Metals By ICP :L:L,s..':1;1 :i.6..()O :1.Volatile Organics By 8260 GCMn ~:::O() .. :\,. 200.. ()() T:::':":,,,,:O BO..+~:!() .. O() PCB In ~;ol:i,~::l ~:,, .. 0 ()'t. ~::I ~::I .. () () DATE RECEIVED '7 jlt/f1 , , ,V), r:\, ~:::, E (ODE: 11s-/J. Cc:.2, AMOUI'-IT i?1/. 05' ACCOUt,IT NO, :::;i.J:UTOTtIJ... :: :::::t,I...I::::::; 'rt.,x:: 'H::::L:1. ,, :I:- " ()() A," ,'-.) V r'\L T fJ T (:' , !.., :01...1 E: ::'j;U:L:I." White - Original. Canary. Remittance, Pink. File, Goldenrod. Accounting HANSI,IN INDUSTRIES, INC. - O. Box 7310 - Spokane, WA 99207 USA , VEf'JDORtQ..J:.JI"i, . " NENDORNAME, IE.QHE;:Q,~P&TJ~.SOUND UND ANALYTICAL SERVI , INC 7/23/97 I ', INVOICENO ,II'DATE'AMOUNT \I "APPLIED ,lI.nlsell656230 7/8/97 $811.00 $811,00 $0. 4787 'NETAMOUNT, $811. $811.$811.$0.$811. SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC, ANALYTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS 4813 PACIFIC HIGHWAY EAST, TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98424 - TELEPHONE (206)922-2310 - FAX (206)922-5047 TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM DATE:July 1997 TO:Hanson Industries,Inc. REPORT NUMBER:65623 Enclosed are the test results for one sample received at Sound Analytical Services on June 23, 1997. The report consists of this transmittal memo, analytical results, quality control reports, a copy of the chain-of-custody, a list of data qualifiers when applicable, and a copy of any requestedraw data. Should there be any questions regarding this report, please contact me at (206) 922-2310. Sincerely,~l~ Brent Hepnerproj ect Manager BH:tm This report is issued solely for the use of the person or company to whom it is addressed. This laboratory accepts responsibility only for the due perfonnance of analysis in accordance with industry acceptable practice. In no event shall Sound Analytical Services. Inc. or its employees be responsible for consequential or special damages in any kind or in any amount. SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Client Name Client ID: Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 7/1/97 7/1/97 85. Volatile Organics by USEPA Method 8260 Surrogate Dibromofluoromethane Toluene- Bromofluorobenzene % Recovery 111 112 118 Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Di ch 10 rod ifl uoro m eth a n e Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-Dichloroethene Dichloroethane Dichloropropane cis-Dichloroethene Bromochloromethane Chloroform 1- Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Dichloropropene Benzene Dichloroethane Trichloroethene Dichloropropane Dibromomethane B ro m od i ch I 0 ro m et h a n e Toluene 2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Result (ug/kg) Flags POL Recovery LimitsLow High67 12174 11881 132 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Volatile Organics by USEPA Method 8260 data for 65623-01 continued... Analyte 0ichloropropane Oibromochloromethane 0ibromoethane Chlorobenzene 2- Tetrachloroethane Ethylbenzene p-Xylene Xylene Styrene Bromoform Isopropylbenzene Bromobenzene 2- Tetrachloroethane 3- Trichloropropane Propylbenzene Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluene 5- Trimethylbenzene Butylbenzene 2,4-Trimethylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene 0ichlorobenzene 0ichlorobenzene lsopropyltoluene 0ichlorobenzene Butylbenzene 0ibromo-3-chloropropane 2,4- Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 3- Trichlorobenzene Result (ug/kg)POL Flags , ., . SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Client Name Client ID: Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 6/30/97 6/30/97 85. Semivolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 Surrogate Nitrobenzene - d5 2 - Fluorobiphenyl p - Terphenyl - d14 Phenol - d5 2 - Fluorophenol 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol % Recovery Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Phenol bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether Chlorophenol Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl Alcohol Dichlorobenzene Methylphenol bis(2-C h I oroiso pro pyl) ether 3- & 4-Methylphenol N-n itroso-d i- n-propyl ami n e Hexachloroethane Nitrobenzene Isophorone Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol Benzoic Acid bis(2-Chloroethoxy) meth an e 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4- Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Chloroaniline Hexachlorobutadiene C h loro-3-methylphenol Methylnaphthalene Hexach lorocyclopentad iene Result (ug/kg) 460 700 Flags pal 200 270 160 130 180 430 120 150 230 190 160 250 370 180 120 170 390 720 310 170 190 280 200 270 160 120 Recovery Limitslow High23 12030 11518 13724 11325 12119 122 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Semivolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 data for 65623-01 continued... Result Analyte (ug/kg)PQL Flags 6- Trichlorophenol 150 2,4,5- Trichlorophenol 200 Chloronaphthalene Nitroaniline 190 Oimethylphthalate 120 Acenaphthylene 0initrotoluene 140 Nitroaniline 370 Acenaphthene iOO Oinitrophenol 710 Nitrophenol 500 Oibenzofuran 150 150 2,4-0initrotoluene 130 Oiethylphthalate 140 Chlorophenyl phenylether 170 Fluorene 110 Nitroaniline 190 0in itro-2-methylphenol 390 Nitrosodiphenylamine 180 4- B ro mo ph e nyl ph e nyl ethe r 150 Hexachlorobenzene 150 Pentachlorophenol 300 Phenanthrene 260 170 Anthracene 270 150 Oi-n-butylphthalate 130 290 Fluoranthene 120 Pyrene 160 Butylbenzylphthalate 400 dichlorobenzidine 200 Benzo(a)anthracene 110 Chrysene bis(2 -Eth yl h exyl) phtha late 120 Oi-n-octylphthalate 100 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 260 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 210 Benzo(a)pyrene 120 Indeno(1 3-cd)pyrene Oibenz(a h)anthracene 130 Benzo(g, h i)perylene 180 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Client Name Client 10: Lab 10: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 6/26/97 6/26/97 85. PCBs by USEPA Method 8080 Surrogate TCMX Decachlorobiphenyl Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor 1262 Aroclor 1268 % Recovery Result (mg/kg) Flags POL Recovery LimitsLow High50 15050 150 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INc, Client Name Client ID: Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 6/25/97 6/26/97 85. Diesel by WTPH- Surrogate Terphenyl % Recovery Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Diesel (::onC12-nC24) Result (mg/kg) Flags pal Recovery Limitslow High50 150 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INc, Client Name Client 10: Lab 10: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Dilution Factor % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 6/25/97 6/25/97 85. Metals by ICP - USEPA Method 6010 Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Arsenic Antimony Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc Result (mg/kg)PQL Flags 'I t !:L . (" - I.( ) (" - I.( ) C\ J C\ J I. ( )41 \ I1 J :: r : I1 J !:L . 'I t 'I t (T ) (" - I.( ) .. . . . . I1 i l.L . Ty p e o f T e s t To t a l C o l i f o r m B a c t e r i a Ni t r a t e Ni t r i t e So d r u m Ar s e n i c Ra d i o n u c l i d e s IO C ' s ( A s b e s t o s ) IO C ' s ( C y a n i d e ) SO C ' SO C D i o x i n VO G ' Le a d & C o p p e r To t a l SP I R I T L A K E E A S T W A T E R C O M P A N Y SP L - O6 - Wa t e r T e s t i n g A d j u s t m e n t f o r W a i v e r s Wa t e r T e s t i n g S c h e d u l e a n d C o s t W o r k s h e e t Up d a t e d J u n e 2 0 0 6 An n u a l i z e d l N o r m a l i z e d Co s t I n c l u d e d W i t h i n Fr e q u e n c y Co s t P e r T e s t Co m p a n y ' s A p p l i c a t i o n Mo n t h l y Wa t e r S o u r c e An n u a l Wa t e r S o u r c e 9 y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 4 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y r s Wa t e r S o u r c e 3 Y e a r s 6 Y e a r s 5 s a m p l e s / 3 y e a r s Re m o v e C o s t o f Te s t s W a i v e d a n d No t P e r f o r m e d 12 . 00 S 14 4 , 16 . 16 . 15 . 19 . 25 . 25 0 . 83 . 45 . 15 . 10 0 . 36 6 . 55 0 . 18 3 . 16 0 . 26 . 20 . 33 , 88 5 . (3 6 6 , 67 ) (1 8 3 , 33 ) (2 6 . 67 ) (5 7 6 . 67 ) Ca s e N o . S P L - O6 - P. H a r m s , S t a f f Ja n u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 0 7 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INc, Client Name Client ID: Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Dilution Factor % Solids Hanson Industries, Inc. SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/23/97 6/25/97 6/25/97 85. Mercury by CVAA - USEPA Method 7471 Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Mercury Result (mg/kg)pal Flags , ' SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Surrogate Dibromofluoromethane Toluene- Bromofluorobenzene Method Blank - VOL311 7/1/97 7/1/97 Volatile Organics by USEPA Method 8260 % Recovery 102 103 110 Flags Sample results are on an as received basis. Analyte Dichlorodifluoromethane Chloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl Chloride Chloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane Oichloroethene Methylene Chloride trans-0ichloroethene Oichloroethane 0ichloropropane cis-0ichloroethene Bromochloromethane Chloroform 1- Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Oichloropropene Benzene Dichloroethane Trichloroethene 0ichloropropane Oibromomethane Bromodichloromethane Toluene 2- Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Result (ug/kg)POL Recovery LimitsLow High67 12174 11881 132 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Volatile Organics by USEPA Method 8260 data for VOL311 continued... Analyte 0ichloropropane Oibromochloromethane 0ibromoethane Chlorobenzene 2- Tetrachloroethane Ethylbenzene Xylene Xylene Styrene Bromoform Isopropyl benzene Bromobenzene Tetrachloroethane 3- Trichloropropane Propylbenzene Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluene 5- Trimethylbenzene Butylbenzene 2,4- Trimethylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene 0ichlorobenzene 0ichlorobenzene lsopropyltoluene 0ichlorobenzene Butylbenzene 0ibromo-3-chloropropane 2,4- Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene 3- Trichlorobenzene Result (ug/kg)POL Flags Lab 10: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch 10: Compound Name Dichloroethene Benzene Trichloroethene Toluene Chlorobenzene SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Report VOL311 7/1/97 7/1/97 VOL311 Volatile Organics by USEPA Method 8260 Blank Spike BSD Result Amount Result Result BSD (ug/kg)(ug/kg)(ug/kg)% Rec. (ug/kg)% Rec. RPD 42.4 84.46.93. 46.52.105 Flag SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Method Blank - SV1584 6/30/97 6/30/97 Semivolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 Surrogate Nitrobenzene - d5 2 - Fluorobiphenyl p - Terphenyl - d14 Phenol - d5 2 - Fluorophenol 6 - Tribromophenol % Recovery Flags Sample results are on an as received basis. Analyte Phenol bis(2 -C h 10 roeth yl)eth e r Chlorophenol 1 ,Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl Alcohol 1 ,Dichlorobenzene Methylphenol bis(2 -C h I ora iso pro pyl)ethe r 3- & 4-Methylphenol N-nitroso-d i-n-propylam i ne Hexachloroethane Nitrobenzene Isophorone Nitrophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol Benzoic Acid bis(2-Ch loroethoxy) metha ne 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4- Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene Chloroaniline Hexachlorobutadiene Chloro-3-methylphenol Methylnaphthalene H exa ch I 0 rocycl ope ntad i e n e Result (ug/kg)pal 170 230 140 110 150 360 100 120 190 160 130 210 310 150 100 140 330 600 260 140 160 230 170 230 130 100 Recovery Limitslow High23 12030 11518 13724 11325 12119 122 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Semivolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 data for SV1584 continued... Analyte 6- Trichlorophenol 5- Trichlorophenol Chloronaphthalene Nitroaniline Oimethylphthalate Acenaphthylene 0initrotoluene Nitroaniline Acenaphthene 2,4-0initrophenol Nitrophenol Oibenzofuran 0initrotoluene Oiethylphthalate C h I ora ph e nyl ph e nyl ethe r Fluorene Nitroaniline 0i n itro-2-methyl phenol Nitrosodiphenylamine 4- B ro m oph enyl phenyleth e r Hexachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene Anthracene Oi-n-butylphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butylbenzylphthalate dichlorobenzidine Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene bis(2- Ethyl h exyl) phth a late Oi-n-octylphthalate Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1 3-cd)pyrene Oibenz(a h)anthracene Benzo(g,i)perylene Result (ug/kg)PQL 120 170 160 120 310 600 420 130 110 120 140 160 330 150 130 120 260 140 130 250 130 340 170 100 220 170 100 110 150 Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Blank Spike Report Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: SV1584 6/30/97 6/30/97 SV1584 Semlvolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 Blank Spike Result Amount Result Parameter Name (ug/kg)(ug/kg)(ug/kg)% Rec. Flag Phenol 9900 8200 Chlorophenol 9900 7700 1 ,Dichlorobenzene 9900 9200 N- n itroso-d i-n- pro pyla m i n e 9900 8600 2,4- Trichlorobenzene 9900 8900 C h I 0 ro-3-methyl ph e n 0 1 9900 10000 103 Acenaphthene 9900 7600 Nitrophenol 9900 8300 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 9900 8300 Pentachlorophenol 9900 7800 Pyrene 9900 8500 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Client Sample ID:SOLID SAMPLE Lab ID:65623- Date Prepared:6/30/97 Date Analyzed:6/30/97 QC Batch ID:SV1584 Semivolatile Organics by USEPA Method 8270 Sample Spike MSD Result Amount Result Result MSD Compound Name (ug/kg)(ug/kg)(ug/kg)% Rec. (ug/kg)% Rec. RPD Flag Phenol 10700 8080 75.9610 83. Chlorophenol 10700 7330 68.4 7970 1 ,4-Dichlorobenzene 1 0700 8730 81.4 9740 84.4 N-n itroso-d i-n-propyla mine 10700 8380 78.10200 88. 2,4- Trichlorobenzene 1 0700 8320 77.10700 92. Chloro-3-methylphenol 10700 8730 81.4 9700 Acenaphthene 10700 8870 82.8490 73. Nitrophenol 10700 7330 68.7260 62. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 10700 9710 90.9610 83. Pentachlorophenol 10700 6250 58.7430 64. Pyrene 10700 7980 74.4 9210 79. SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Lab 10: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Method Blank - PCB947 6/26/97 6/26/97 100 PCBs by USEPA Method 8080 Surrogate TCMX Oecachlorobiphenyl Sample results are on a dry weight basis. Analyte Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor 1262 Aroclor 1268 % Recovery 107 101 Flags Result (mg/kg)PQL 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 096 Recovery LimitsLow High50 150 50 150 Flags Client Sample ID: Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: Compound Name Aroclor 1260 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INc, Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Report SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/26/97 6/26/97 PCB947 PCBs by USEPA Method 8080 Sample Spike MSD Result Amount Result Result MSD (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)% Rec.(mg/kg)% Rec. 102 101 RPD Flag Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: Compound Name Aroclor 1260 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Report PCB947 6/26/97 6/26/97 PCB947 PCBs by USEPA Method 8080 Blank Spike Result Amount Result (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)0 0.999 1.% Rec. 105 BSD Result (mg/kg) BSD % Rec. 106 RPD Flag . . SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab 10: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: % Solids Method Blank - 011242 6/25/97 6/27/97 Diesel by WTPH- Surrogate Terphenyl % Recovery 107 Flags Recovery Limitslow High50 150 Sample results are on an as received basis. Analyte Diesel (::onC12-nC24) Result (mg/kg)pal Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab 10: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch 10: Blank Spike Report 011242 6/25/97 6/26/97 011242 Diesel by WTPH- Blank Spike Result Amount Result (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)% Rec. Flag 250 280 113 Parameter Name Diesel (::-nC12-nC24) SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Duplicate Report Client Sample ID: Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: LOT #2 . 65624- 6/25/97 6/26/97 DI1242 Diesel by WTPH- Parameter Name Diesel (::-nC12-nC24) Sample Result (mg/kg) Duplicate Result (mg/kg) RPD Flag Client Sample 10: Lab 10: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch 10: Compound Name Diesel (::-nC12-nC24) SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Report LOT #2 65624- 6/25/97 6/26/97 011242 Diesel by WTPH- Sample Spike MSD Result Amount Result Result MSD (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)% Rec. (mg/kg)% Rec. 291 222 76.244 81. RPD 6.4 Flag SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab ID: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Dilution Factor Method Blank - S643 6/25/97 6/25/97 Metals by ICP - USEPA Method 6010 Sample results are on an as received basis. Analyte Arsenic Antimony Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc Result (mg/kg)PQL Flags SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Client Sample ID: Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: Duplicate Report SOLID SAMPLE 65623- 6/25/97 6/25/97 S643 Metals by ICP - USEPA Method 6010 Parameter Name Arsenic Antimony Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc Sample Result (mg/kg) 7.4 Duplicate Result (mg/kg) RPD 11. 18. 19. 26. Flag . , SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Matrix Spike Report Client Sample ID:SOLID SAMPLE Lab ID:65623- Date Prepared:6/25/97 Date Analyzed:6/25/97 QC Batch ID:S643 Metals by ICP - USEPA Method 6010 Sample Spike Result Amount Result Parameter Name (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)% Rec. Flag Arsenic 430 431 100 Antimony 107 89. Beryllium 10.10. Cadmium 10.10. Chromium 7.4 47. Copper 53.66. Lead 107 113 Nickel 107 107 Selenium 430 386 Silver 10. Thallium 430 351 Zinc 107 127 SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: Parameter Name Silver Blank Spike Report S643 6/25/97 6/25/97 S643 Metals by ICP - USEPA Method 6010 Blank Result (mg/kg) Spike Amount (mg/kg) Result (mg/kg)% Rec.Flag . . SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Lab 10: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Dilution Factor Method Blank - S498 6/25/97 6/25/97 Mercury by CVAA - USEPA Method 7471 Sample results are on an as received basis. Analyte Mercury Result (mg/kg)PQL Flags .' ':, SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES , INC, Duplicate Report Client Sample ID: Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: 12A 65563- 6/25/97 6/25/97 S498 Mercury by CVAA - USEPA Method 7471 Parameter Name Mercury Sample DuplicateResult Result (mg/kg) (mg/kg) RPD Flag . . . SOUND ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC, Matrix Spike Report Client Sample ID: Lab ID: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: QC Batch ID: 12A 65563- 6/25/97 6/25/97 S498 Mercury by CVAA - USEPA Method 7471 Parameter Name Mercury Sample Result (mg/kg) Spike Amount (mg/kg) 754 Result (mg/kg)% Rec. 101 Flag t" - If ) t" - If ) If )11 \ 'I t 'I t (T ) t" - If ) .. . . . . ..c (lJ la c - AS B E S T O S la c - CY A N I D E Ac c u r a t e T e s t i n g L a b s a i d t h i s is n o r m a l l y w a i v e r e d f o r t h i s ar e a VO C sa c 9 l e v e l s o f t e s t i n g : p r i c e i s u p to 1 0 9 5 d e p e n d i n g o n l e v e l t h e y de t e r m i n e w e n e e d t o t e s t t o SO C . Dl O X I N Ac c u r a t e T e s t i n g L a b s a i d t h i s is n o r m a l l y w a i v e r e d f o r t h i s ar e a CO S T 25 0 , 00 N o m o n i t o r i n g 2 0 0 2 - 20 1 0 W a i v e r re r L e w a l d u e 2 0 1 1 45 . 00 N o m o n i t o r i n g 2 0 0 2 - 20 1 0 W a i v e r r e n e w a l du e 2 0 1 1 16 0 . 00 E v e r y 6 y e a r s W a i v e r r e n e w a l d u e 2 0 0 8 09 5 . 00 N o m o n i t o r i n g 2 0 0 5 - 20 0 7 W a i v e r r e n e w a l d u e 2 0 0 7 55 0 . 00 N o mo f 1 L l o r i n g d u e 20 0 5 - 2 0 0 7 W a i v e r r e n e w a l d u e 2 0 0 7 Spirit Lake East Water Company - Tasting Summary Test Fre uenc Last Performed Cost Next Re uired Coliform Monthly Current 14. Nitrate Yearly 3/7/2006 15.2006 Jnorganics 9 year period 10/29/2001 270.2002-2010 Arsenic 3 year period 2/10/2005 20.2005-2007 Floride 9 year period Unknown 15.2002-2010 Uranium 6 year period Unknown 55.2008-2013 Radium 228 3 year period 7/15/2003 82.2008-2010 Radium 226 3 year period 3/19/2002 2008-2010 151. Gross Alpha 6 year period 3/19/2002 2008-2013 Lead and Copper 3 year period 9/28/2004 100.2005~2007 TTHN/HAA5 3 year period 8/14/2004 250.2005-2007 1 ,600.We have a waiver for 2005-2007 for some of the more expensive tests. The represent a savings of approx $1600. I'm not sure if we can get another waiver after 2007 or not 8 'd LSLS-226-60S uosueH puowhe~d.p..p. :80 LO SI qa.::l PROPOSAL PROPOSA.L !lUBMnTED TO:DESCRIPTION CF Joe: OATI!: JoII: r;lOMAR CONSTRUCTION a LOGQING H"""'8\.I_""'C""CA'n0M8M1C1I':8'fI~~~~~-A I~ l4~ ~~~Cd5t$?- ~)~~~-'!L4!OO~' ~\~~~4- 3) --rv\~ ~ I OO ~ ~ a\5c;B- ~'~el ~~$\.c(P~ ~) ~~~~ b)~~..$.llDC!A ~\~$..ExCLUI)ES: ~-- ~ :..L ~.. -- ~,... \. ...../2_ ~ ),.:~ ~_ .h ~~J ~)~v~,,~~~~ ~~1 """1 BOMAR CON$1F1Uc::nON & LOGGING MJUIIOv ~"O~ TO ... I"A8OJI ANI:) ..,.,...IAUI COMPLETS,IN ACCQROAf'iICII: Wine '!'HE "':ClJI1(:A'11O'" .-alii 'Y'HE 8tJ'" af' DE:) .-5:&.'MInt PA y,",KNT '10 liE ...~ ..8 ...O~ ,.-.n.- "A.'7iI~+ lVAI...JANt:!' ON ~~ON. Au.. ~'RNOU- .. OII--.N1'CCJI '1'0 11& Jto 8rl.C~ jII,U, WCI~ .. .,0 .11: COM"U!:'I'ED.M A .ljI...nuu~cCOftDl- TO rI'.ulCIAJID """~ Arf'f ",,1'VIA.TaON 0lIl: D8W1A'nOIiI .~CtPlCIIo~ IMYOl,- wu.L'" ~CIft'"&:D~.u- ....D WIUo _tJOME AJllIIXnUo C",,"". AMO .....0'0111: 'THE ~""'T&. Ar.I. ~EN1'8 COI'4'nNCHT UPON II1WItCD. JtoCClIMHn Oft~" ..,,0.4D CU" CON'l'WOl. CIWrofIP'TO .. cANC't' "'u. 'l'O-AOa _0 qrHII;II N':~ INIKIMHCCo ~~~ THIS PROPOSAL MAyas: WI1'HDRAWN ISY us IF HOT ACCEtPTItD WlTHIH 30DAYS. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: THE ABOVE PRICES, SPECIFICATIONS AND CONcmONS AAE SATISFACTORY AND ARE; HEREBY ACCEPTED. YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO THE WORK AS SPECIF1ED. PAYMENT WILL BE MADEI\S OUTUNED ABOVE. SIGNA If~c:!\A ~- -, -0-, D~ '"'". . SIGNA TU EXHIBIT 3SJI1d 2 'd :JNI ~l lSNro ~t;1~ LSLS-22S-S0S ~"8EEB'Je0Z;l:ES:S1 Lg~ULell0 ---- dSl :vO LO 22 qa~uosueH puowF;e~ .. - INVOICE ;::;j Consolidated Supply Co. ,.- P,O. Box 5788 Portland, OR 97228 .. .... OU!STIONS ON THIS 1NVOIC~ 20a-762-2~Ga CONSOLIOATED SUPPLY PO BOX ~7H8 PORTLANO OR 97?7.H-)/El8 E..~~ 1451 1 MB 0.326 EO2B7 10552 D24350301 f'1330S2oo02:ooo2 11,1..1....111111.1111111111..1..11111 1..11 1111111111111cmNSON INDUSTRIES IS80? E INDTANA AVE SPOKANE Vl\T.J..F.Y WA 99216-1864 SHIP TO: HAN~ON INDUSTRIES ~~eO7 E INDIANA AVEsroKAN~ W1\ 9t)~16 X36"Gl\J..STEEL NIPPLE 8007 125 14 .2!; 4644 B nyi' x: MF.TE:R SWIVEL NUT :1 69905 !;O . a (,'.~SO. 96ANGLE MET~n BALL VALVE l\Y MCDONALD 02-4HE-S4 M1'lt SWIVET.. NUT ;7.-1::1133 ('.01 27,')."/. 1;4JUPPOl\T x l'!'IE"f SINGl,F',CHECK MlGLE VALVE AY MCDONAT. BADGEH M?O ~NVIRO-BnASS 8467:10 175.773SP-DM70F.NVIRO, Thl$i::.!;p..c.:lill order :i.tRm ...~ A.Y 1B-G4 )." METl:;lt WASHER 1600012 294 ~HD-S"'l\TES 13"X24"X1.2"I?O l..Y (,;METER 210106 E:W 46.831:1UOxBODYMSUCF1324 -12XL MID-STATES 13"X?'4"XIB"POLYE ME,\,F.204864 ~9.496 BOX BODY MSBCF1324-18XL !'!ID-$'i'A'I'F.S 13")(24"METER BOX '?'3 0112 e(1 53. 5 COVBR W!DI READER LID MSCBC-1324..n OATF'.Y 31233 32 OZ GREAT WH"(TE PIPE j,~ 2:';6'-74 113.173 DOPE W!TEFLON x100'Irs 200 f'SI POL 100 t'.t O. !;26 1.7 ~. .,., 46. 118. S3. Ji.10.1"1 Invoice is due by 10/31/06. 52. GO PRO"l\L1""' y , ,' ""."... "m",...SUBTOTAL FREIGHT SALES TAX 777 '--((,.' J.... -('~:tJ y""",,- 38. .,0'AMOUNT DUE 816. 0002:0002 Page 2 of 2 E: 'd LSLS-22S-SDS uosueH puowhe~dst :~D LD 22 qa~ .~ - INVOICE ;;;;....--;;;;;;... Consolidated Supply Co. ,... PoO, Box 5788 Portland, OR 97228 ;:;;; QOES~XO~S ON THIS INVOICE 208-762-25G9 CONSOLID~TED SUPPLY PO (lOX 5788 PORn.AND OR 97228-578R 14511 MB O.37.1i EO2B7X 10551 D24350JOO 1)133052 0001:0002 II.I.. !... . 1,"11.11111"111..1..11...1. .111111 1...11...~~SON INDUSTRigS 1~801 E INDI~N~ AVE SPOKANE V~LLEY WA 99216-1064 SHIP TO: HANSON INDUSTRr~~ 15907 ~ INDIANA AV~ SEOKANE w~ 99216 I" IT'S l-1I2u IPS HOT TAl?!)~n'P.fl 86 . 625 86. SADD1F. Th:h i,;spccia 1 C)r:dt~.c item ..~. l/2"X1"S40 pvc SPGXr'BUSHING 255 eel 73" X3"GJ\L STEEL NII?f'LE 1 04 SO "'-Ll 247 1.25 6101 FIP rIP RAJ.CURtI vi'\LVE'.160058 62.1 ()3 62, lW MCOONAr.. 4753-30 I~S CaMP.!'.IE'T l\.Ul\.P'l'F,R 236000 ('.~ 19.331'1 19. CE'LGS MCDONl\T. I1?S 6136 STIFFEN~R AY MCnQNALD 160917 eLl 022 (SAME 6133'1'1-1/4"CTS) 47:,4-IPS CaMP FIP'l'J\Dl\PTF.R 236033 16.647 1 !;. 65 CE'LG AY MCDONl\LD IPS 6136 STIFFENER A'1 MCDONALD 16091 .... ?. 022 (SAM" 1\S 6133'1'1-1/4"C'.TS) L "X24"GAL STEEJJ NIPPLE 224)f'."974 .19. 9~1 GI'\T.CAP 2?:111 uQ.236 2. ;!1 DOMESTIC GAL 1'11 ~)O l'1495 Q.;J.671 .). DOME:STJC """-",p.""",, 0))"",'"SUBTOTAL FREIGHT SALES TAX Invoice is due by 10/31/06. . -f'."';'~.l-f"". """",- "-c. 0001 :0002 Page 1 of 2 '10 L9LS- 226-609 ucsueH pucwhe~d6 I : '100 LO 22 qa~ HClr1:)on Indu:;;tries Inc ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1309191 STATEMENT DATE: 01/16/07 ~7 ",\('~~~ ':(;'-,~:",~ "' ~:\.L:.i!!1 """'. '" ,. ' f ,. . ... I ' r'\l..vl'-'V,"" w"...."",-,... PAYMENT(S) - THANK YOU ELECTRIC CHARGES AMOUNT DUE ~'~' 518.32CR 1,445. 1,445, ).-.;I I .. ,-. ~.. ,- ~ ;.x, , .... 1ETER # 6224889 G COMM KWH (W DEMAND ::- ACILITY CHARGE OT AL FOR SERVICE: Coeur d'Alene Dr 901022 OUR OPERATION ROUNDUP CONTRIBUTION 2006 WAS 01/08107 18877 2.4 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE METER # 6224889 PER DAY 3 PUMPS 40. 40. $4.48. THANK CURRENT 31F737 KWH 31 DAYS 22840 1 YEAR A,GO30F1012 KWH 119. 126, 200. 445.66 . YOU! e: KootenaiElectric151 W, Dakota Ave,. P.O. Box 278. J-Iayol:;m, Idnho 838:35-0278. (208) 765-1200. F;J)(: (208) 772-9674. (800) 240-0459 "III 0 0 0 . j,' ;':-,;-;;-- 10Z'8535-6571 2 'd LSLS-22S-S0S ... EXHIBIT 1,D uo5ueH pUOWhe~dSl :vO LO 22 qa.:l Sp i r i t l a k e E a s t E l e c t r i c C o s t s Bi l l e d P e r E l e c t r i c B i l l s 20 0 5 ? D o e s C o l F El e c t r i c i t y - S p i r i t l a k e E a s t W a t e r C o m p a n y 20 0 3 1 20 0 4 1 20 0 5 1 De m a n d Kw h Kw h Ta x e s Ot h e r Bi l l Eq u a l C o l N ? De m a n d Ch a r g e s Co n s u m p t i o n Ch a r g e s Ch a r g e s To t a l No v ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 61 0 . 65 6 . 20 8 . 4 8 11 0 . 35 0 . 20 4 4 0 85 8 . 4 8 20 8 . 4 8 TR U E De c ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 67 8 . 59 4 . 4 8 17 4 . 91 . 30 4 . 20 6 8 0 86 8 . 17 4 . TR U E Ja n ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 1, 7 6 0 . 1, 7 0 0 . 19 8 . 91 . 30 4 . 21 2 8 0 89 3 . 19 8 . TR U E Fe b ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 69 6 . 96 3 . 21 5 . 91 . 30 4 . 21 6 8 0 91 0 . 0. 4 4 21 5 . TR U E Ma r ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 62 3 . 84 8 . 28 8 . 91 . 30 4 . 23 1 2 0 97 1 . 12 . 28 8 . TR U E Ap r ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 64 7 . 13 5 . 39 8 . 91 . 30 4 . 26 0 4 0 10 9 3 . 39 8 . TR U E Ma y ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 87 5 . 93 5 . 24 5 . 92 . 30 5 . 22 3 6 0 93 9 . 24 5 . TR U E Ju n ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 78 9 . 95 3 . 35 5 . 92 . 4 0 30 6 . 24 9 6 0 10 4 8 . 35 5 . TR U E Ju l ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 75 2 . 23 9 . 50 9 . 92 . 30 7 . 28 6 4 0 12 0 2 . 50 9 . TR U E Au g ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 34 9 . 69 6 . 88 4 . 97 . 31 8 . 37 2 8 0 15 6 5 . 88 4 . TR U E Se p ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i E l e c t r i c C o r p . 07 9 . 67 7 . 4 0 72 6 . 97 . 31 9 . 33 4 8 0 14 0 6 . 72 6 . TR U E 0c t ( 1 1 0 1 0 ) K o o t e n a i El e c t r i c C o r p . 91 8 . 01 9 . 36 9 . 92 . 30 7 . 25 2 8 0 06 1 . 36 9 . TR U E 77 6 . 4 0 24 , 4 1 6 . 4 4 57 0 . 73 2 . 12 8 2 0 . 18 . 57 0 . Sp i r i t l a k e E a s t W a t e r C o . Re c a l c u l a t e d E l e c t r i c E x p e n s e P e r S t a f f A d j u s t m e t Wi t h R a t e I n c r e a s e E f f e c t i v e S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 6 Te s t Y e a r 2 0 0 5 20 0 5 O l d D e m a n d C h a r g e s KW D e m a n d fir s t 5 0 K W Ex c e s s Ec e s s (Q 2 2 . To t a l 20 0 6 N e w De m a n d No v 11 0 . 00 $ 20 0 . 60 . 00 $ 15 0 35 0 . De c 91 . 60 $ 20 0 . 41 . 60 $ 10 4 30 4 . Ja n 91 . 60 $ 20 0 . 41 . 60 $ 10 4 30 4 . Fe b 91 . 60 $ 20 0 . 41 . 60 $ 10 4 30 4 . Ma r 91 . 60 $ 20 0 . 41 . 60 $ 10 4 30 4 . Ap r 91 . 60 $ 20 0 . 41 . 60 $ 10 4 30 4 . Ma y 92 . 00 $ 20 0 . 42 . 00 $ 10 5 30 5 . Ju n 92 . 4 0 $ 20 0 . 42 . 4 0 $ 10 6 30 6 . Ju l 92 . 80 $ 20 0 . 42 . 80 $ 10 7 30 7 . Au g 97 . 20 $ 20 0 . 47 . 20 $ 11 8 31 8 . Se p 97 . 60 $ 20 0 . 47 . 60 $ 11 9 31 9 . 0c t 92 . 80 $ 20 0 . 42 . 80 $ 10 7 30 7 . Fi r s t 5 0 K w Ex c e s s ( Q 2 2 . To t a l In c r e a s e d De m a n d Co s t 20 0 . 16 5 . 36 5 . 15 . 20 0 . 11 4 . 4 0 31 4 . 4 0 10 . 4 0 20 0 . 11 4 . 4 0 31 4 . 10 . 4 0 20 0 . 11 4 . 31 4 . 4 0 10 . 4 0 20 0 . 11 4 . 4 0 31 4 . 4 0 10 . 20 0 . 11 4 . 31 4 . 10 . 4 0 20 0 . 11 5 . 31 5 . 10 . 20 0 . 11 6 . 31 6 . 10 . 20 0 . 11 7 . 31 7 . 10 . 20 0 . 12 9 . 32 9 . 11 . 20 0 . 13 0 . 33 0 . 11 . 20 0 . 11 7 . 31 7 . 10 . 40 0 . 27 - Ju n O l d E n e r g y C h a r g e s No v De c Ja n Fe b Ma r Ap r Ma y Ju n Ju l Au g Se p 0c t Pe r S t a f f Co s t (Q t Kw h ( Q t 4 5 % $ 0 . 04 2 / K w h 91 9 8 3 8 6 . 31 6 93 0 6 3 9 0 . 85 2 95 7 6 4 0 2 . 19 2 97 5 6 4 0 9 . 75 2 10 4 0 4 4 3 6 . 96 8 11 7 1 8 4 9 2 . 15 6 10 0 6 2 4 2 2 . 60 4 11 2 3 2 4 7 1 . 74 4 12 8 8 8 5 4 1 . 29 6 16 7 7 6 7 0 4 . 59 2 15 0 6 6 6 3 2 . 77 2 11 3 7 6 4 7 7 . 79 2 33 2 73 2 . Ne w R a t e Co s t (Q t Kw h ( Q t 4 5 % $0 . 04 9 91 9 8 45 0 . 70 2 93 0 6 45 5 . 99 4 95 7 6 46 9 . 22 4 97 5 6 47 8 . 04 4 10 4 0 4 50 9 . 79 6 11 7 1 8 57 4 . 18 2 10 0 6 2 49 3 . 03 8 11 2 3 2 55 0 . 36 8 12 8 8 8 63 1 . 51 2 16 7 7 6 82 2 . 02 4 15 0 6 6 73 8 . 23 4 11 3 7 6 55 7 . 4 2 4 In c r e a s e d D e m a n d C h a r g e s In c r e a s e d En e r g y Ch a r g e s $ 6 4 . $ 6 5 . $ 6 7 . $ 6 8 . $ 7 2 . $ 8 2 . $ 7 0 . $ 7 8 . $ 9 0 . 11 7 . 4 3 10 5 . 4 6 $ 7 9 . In c r e a s e d E n e r g y C h a r g e s In c r e a s e d D e m a d C h a r g e s To t a l I n c r e a s e d E l e c t r i c C o s t W / S t a f f A d j u s t m e n t 96 1 . 13 3 . 09 4 . Ad d A d j u s t m e n t t o S t a f f c a l c u l a t i o n o f " Ad j u s t m e n t " F" t o im p u t r e v e n u e s a n d e x p e n s e f o r c u s t o m e r s a d d e d St a f f A d j 15 8 KE C I n c 16 % Ad j t o S t a f f 2 5 . 25 . To t a l A d j t o S t a f f E x h i b i t 11 9 . 13 3 .