HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221122Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER CHATBURN COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: MICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2022 SUBJECT: IN THE MATTER OF SUNBEAM WATER COMPANY’S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REPORTING AND FISCAL REQUIREMENTS; CASE NO. SNB-W-22-01. Sunbeam Water (“Company”) provides water service to the Garden Grove Estates Subdivision in Power County, Idaho. The Company operates a “Water system” as a “Water corporation” as defined by Idaho Code §§ 61-124 and 61-125. As such, the Company is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Idaho Code § 61-129. This matter comes before the Commission due to the Company’s failure to submit five years of income statements beginning with 2017 and going through the available material for 2022. The Company has also failed to file its annual Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue (“GIOR”) reports for years 2017 through 2021. Finally, the Company failed to pay several years of regulatory fees, with interest, as required by Idaho Code §§ 61-1001 through 61-1005. See Exhibit A attached to Affidavit of Nancy Ashcraft, Exhibit 1. THE NOTIFICATION OF SUNBEAM WATER On August 24, 2022, Commission Staff (“Staff”) communicated with Michael Parrish (“Mr. Parrish”) through email and scheduled a conference call with him to discuss how the Company might come into compliance with the Commission. Staff also informed Mr. Parrish that he was free to ask questions or share concerns with Staff during the conference call. On August 25, 2022, Staff conducted a conference call (“Call”) with Mr. Parrish. Some of the contents of this Call were outlined in a subsequent letter from Staff. See Exhibit 2. During the Call, Staff discussed how neither the Company nor its preceding entity (Sunbeam Water Company, DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 Inc.,) filed appropriate financial statements or statements that depict the Company’s GIOR for multiple years. During the call, Staff also heard Mr. Parrish’s concerns concerning the realities of coming into regulatory compliance. Following the August 25, 2022, Call, several written communications were sent to Mr. Parrish. On August 30, 2022, Staff sent a detailed email to Mr. Parrish. See Exhibit 3. This email gave a detailed account of what documents and fees the Commission needed from Mr. Parrish. It also provided a step-by-step process (including in-text hyperlinks) illustrating in clear terms not only what Mr. Parrish needed to do to come into compliance, but also how those steps could be taken. To that end, Staff’s August 30, 2022, email also contained six relevant attachments in addition to the in-text hyperlinks that would be helpful to Mr. Parrish. On September 1, 2022, Staff emailed the letter referenced as Attachment 1 to Mr. Parrish and sent the same to him via certified mail. This letter reiterated which specific documents the Commission needed from the Company. It also referenced the problems which Mr. Parrish had outlined in the Call and proposed potential paths forward so that the Company could come into regulatory compliance. Since sending the September 1, 2022, letter, Staff has continued to email Mr. Parrish reminders of his need to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Commission. More than one of these emails have included the instructions on becoming compliant included in Attachment 2.1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Notice of Hearing and Order to Show Cause why the Company should not be required by the Commission to: 1. Immediately provide the Commission with five years of income statements starting with 2017 and going through July 31, 2022; 2. Pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per day, and all accrued interest, for each day that each income statement was late in beach of a statutory duty; 3. Immediately provide the Commission with GIOR statements for 2017 through 2021; and 4. Pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per day, and all accrued interest, for each day that each GIOR statement was late as in breach of a statutory duty. 1 Staff has sent Mr. Parrish emails requesting the Company come into compliance on September 26, 2022; October 11, 2022; and November 1, 2022. DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Hearing and Order to Show Cause for this matter for January 5, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., directing the Company to appear and explain why it should not be required to: 1. Immediately provide the Commission with five years of income statements starting with 2017 and going through July 31, 2022; 2. Pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per day, and all accrued interest, for each day that each income statement was late in beach of a statutory duty; 3. Immediately provide the Commission with GIOR statements for 2017 through 2021; and 4. Pay up to a $2,000.00 penalty per day, and all accrued interest, for each day that each GIOR statement was late as in breach of a statutory duty? Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General I:\Legal\WATER\SNV-W-22-01 Sunbeam\SNBW2201_Dec_md.docx Affidavit of Nancy Ashcraft EXHIBIT 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF SUNBEAM ) CASE NO. WATER COMPANY'S FAILURE TO ) SUBMIT REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND ) AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT TO PAY ASSESSMENT FEES ) STA TE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) I, Nancy Ashcraft, being first duly sworn under oath, depose and state as follows: l.My name is Nancy Ashcraft. I am over 21 years of age, of sound mind, and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. 2.The infonnation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3. I am a Financial Specialist, Senior at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). I started working in this position in 2016. I am responsible for the billing and collection of annual fees assessed on public utilities as described in Idaho Code§§ 61-1001 through 61-1005. 4.In my position I am aware that Sunbeam Water. ("Company") failed to file its Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue ("GIOR") reports for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. The Company also failed to provide the Commission with income statements for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and what is currently available for 2022. Further, the Company has failed to make regular and sufficient payments for assessment fees from 2013 through relevant portions of 2022. 5.Staff has attempted to collect several years of the Company's past due Assessment and Administration fees by sending a statement on August 24, 2022, showing that these fees were past due. A true and correct copy of the invoice is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as Exhibit A. 6.Despite such action by Staff, Sunbeam Water has failed to pay its Assessment, and any applicable interest owed to the Commission remains unpaid and past due. AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT Dated this J 1 day of November 2022. Fin Idaho Publi AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT 2 al· t, Senior ities Commission SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this \t..\'\\ day of November 2022. AFFIDAVIT OF NANCY ASHCRAFT Notary Pubc for Idaho Residing at: Ad t?t (A)IU1±� 1 l�R} � 0 Commission expires: �\ 16\ 10'1.5 3 EXHIBIT A True and correct copy of Invoice sent to the Company Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sunbeam Water Company Attn: R Michael Panish P.O. Box 399 Brad little, Governor Eric Anderson, President John Chalbnm, Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner Statement Date Rockland, ID 83271 Past Due 8/24/2022 Account# SNB-W Date Transaction Amount Balance 12/31/2011 Balance forward 0.00 01/01/2013 INV #Prior Bal. 490.80 490.80 --Administration $490.80 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 04/19/2013 INV #2013-469. 50.00 540.80 --2013 Utility Assessment $50.00 02/11/2014 INV #20 l 3-INT-08. 32.44 573.24 --Assessment Interest $32.44 -Tax: State Sales Tax@ 6.0% = 0.00 04/18/2014 INV #2014-297.50.00 623.24 -2014 Utilities Assessment $50.00 01/22/2015 INV #2014-INT-13.35.44 658.68 --Assessment Interest $35.44 -Tax: State Sales Tax@ 6.0% = 0.00 04/22/2015 INV #2015-283.50.00 708.68 -2015 Utilities Assessment $50.00 02/08/2016 INV #15-INT-0l 1.38.44 747.12 --Assessment Interest $38.44 -Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER90 DAYS Amount Due DUE DUE PAST DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,186.32 $1,186.32 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft at (208) 334-0325 or by email at nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. Page 1 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sunbeam Water Company Attn: R Michael Parrish P.O. Box 399 Rockland, ID 83271 Brad Little, Governor Eric Anderson, President John Clutbum, Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner Statement Date 8/2412022 Account# SNB-W Date Transaction Amount Balance 04/13/2016 INV #2016-279. 50.00 797.12 --2018 Utilities Assessment $50.00 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 12/20/2016 INV #16-INT-25. 41.44 838.56 ••• Assessment Interest $41.44 ---Tax: State Sales Tax@6.0% = 0.00 04/13/2017 INV #2017-221. 50.00 888.56 --2017 Utilities Assessment $50.00 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 12/01/2017 INV #l 7-INT-008. 44.44 933.00 Finance Charge -Assessment Interest $44.44-- -I 04/20/2018 INV #2018-032. 50.00 983.00 -2018 Utilities Assessment $50.00 --Tax: State Sales Tax@ 6.0% = 0.00 05/21/2018 PMT #10363. RECl 8087 -50.00 933.00 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER90 DAYS Amount Due DUE DUE PAST DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,186.32 $1,186.32 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft at (208) 334-0325 or by email at nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or need additional information. Page2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sunbeam Water Company Attn: R Michael Parrish P.O. Box 399 Rockland, ID 83271 Brad Little, Governor Eric Anderson, President John Chatbum, Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner Statement Dale 812412022 Account# SNB-W Date Transaction Amount Balance 12/31/2018 INV #INT-2018-08. 47.44 980.44 --Assessment Interest $47.44 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 04/16/2019 INV #2019-034. 50.00 1,030.44 --2019 Utilities Assessment, 1 @ $50 "' 50.00 ---Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 12/31/2019 INV #lNT-2019-02. 51.44 1,081.88 --Assessment Interest $51.44 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 04/20/2020 INV #2020-031. 50.00 I, 131.88 --2022 Utilities Assessment $50.00 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 05/05/2020 PMT #103. REC20050 -50.00 1,081.88 01/02/2021 INV #INT-2020-06. 54.44 1,136.32 --Assessment Interest $54.44 ---Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 04/19/2021 INV #2021-249. 50.00 I, 186.32 --2022 Utilities Assessment $50.00 -Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 05/03/2021 PMT#l 13. REC21046 -50.00 1,136.32 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER90 DAYS Amount Due DUE DUE PAST DUE 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,186.32 SI. 186.32 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft at (208) 334-0325 or by email at nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. Page3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sunbeam Water Company Attn: R Michael Parrish P.O. Box 399 Rockland, ID 83271 Brad Little, Governor Eric Anderson, President John Chatbum, Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner Statement Date 8/2412022 Account# SNB-W Date Transaction Amount Balance 04/21/2022 INV #2022-241. 50.00 1,186.32 -- 2022 Utilities Assessment $50.00 --Tax: State Sales Tax @ 6.0% = 0.00 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER90 DAYS Amount Due DUE DUE PAST DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,186.32 $1,186.32 Please contact Nancy Ashcraft at (208) 334-0325 or by email at nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov if you have any questions or need additional infonnation. Page4 EXHIBIT2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Brad Little, Governor P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720.()074 September I, 2022 Via U.S. Certified Mail & Email mparr889 I !alaol.com Michael Parrish P.O. BOX 399 Rockland, ID 83271 Dear Mr. Parrish: Eric Anderson, President John Chatbum, Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr., Commissioner On August 25, 2022, you had a conference call with Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") regarding Sunbeam Water ("Company"). During the conference call, we outlined how neither Sunbeam Water (465708) nor its predecessor Sunbeam Water Company Inc., (180320) had filed financial statements or statements relating to Sunbeam's Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue ("GIOR") for several years. In turn, you outlined various barriers-including some unique problems the Company faces with its customers-that stand in the way of the Company becoming compliant with Commission requirements in an economically viable way. Commission Staff may recommend to the Commission that representatives from the Commission visit the service area and meet with the Company's owners and customers. Commission representatives would be able to gather feedback from the Company's customers, inspect the physical property including the Company's defective equipment, and relay to the customers the realities of their options for water service going forward. At this point, the next step for the Company is to provide the documentation requested in the August 30, 2022, email from Travis Culbertson. Specifically, the Commission needs five years of income statements starting with 2017 and going through what is currently available for 2022. The Commission also needs the GIOR for 2017 through 202 I. Failure to submit the necessary documents may result in civil penalties under Idaho Code§§ 61-706 -707, or other actions deemed appropriate by the Commission. cc: Travis Culbertson Maria Barran-Riley �/JfvvJ Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General I •LqµJ•WATERIL !us re 1oaula110n.Sunb<am\2022090I _Sunbcom_GIOR.docx 11331 W. Chlnden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A, Boise ID 83714 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 EXHIBIT3 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hello Michael. Travis Culbertson Tuesday, August 30, 2022 1 :12 PM Michael Parrish Michael Duval; Terri Carlock IPUC Sunbeam Water Company Follow Up Email GIORFormcompletioninstructions.pdf. 2022 GIOR Letter.pdf; 2021 GIOR Letter.pdf; 2020 GtOR Letter.pdf; 2019 GIOR Letter.pdf. 2018 GIOR Letter.pdf Thank you again for taking the time to talk with us last Thursday. I look forward to assisting Sunbeam Water Company ("Sunbeam") in complying with the Idaho Statutes and Rules and Procedures. I am available to provide further answers should questions arise. As discussed during the meeting, I have attached some instructions about how to file Sunbeam's Gross Intrastate Operating Revenue ("GIOR'") for 2021. See Idaho Code § 61-1001. We have attached five GIOR forms for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2021. Please fill them out and send them to Nancy Ashcroft or to me. There are some assessment fees that have not been paid. Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('"IPUC") will be sending a separate email that will include the balance due. Assessment fees are due May I 5th and any remaining balance not paid shall be paid on or before November 15111 of each year. If you need further information or have questions, please contact Nancy Ashcroft at (208)334-0325. To get Sunbeam in compliance with IPUC, Sunbeam needs to submit five years of financial statements, or income statements. We need 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. We would also like to see financial statements for 2022 as of July 31. They can be mailed to PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or you can email the documents to me. Also I would like to encourage you to review our website. It is a great resource to get more information on utility regulation. Puc.idaho.gov. Our website contains applications from utilities who operate in various sectors (electric, natural gas, telecom, railroad, water. etc.). The one area that I would recommend is the "Water" paL!c. If you select Cases then select Water. you will be taken to a page similar to the one below. Here is where you can research open cases that are in process of being considered by the Commission. as well as closed cases that have been fully decided. You can also look at public information and also see the approved water tariffs of other water utilities. It is a great resource. Additionally, on the '·Water" page, if you select Small Water Company Information Packet, see red arrow and yellov.· highlight below, it will take you to another page that provides additional information. There you will find copies of rules, policies, Uniform System of Accounts, just lo name a few of the reference materials. The one that I would encourage reviewing is the link about rate case applications. It is found under the Rate Case section. There is a link titled, "Example of Rate Case Application" and other documents that provide more information and include instructions. The information there may help you file Sunbeam's next general rate case. As always. Staff is here to assist if you have questions. Here is a link to a general rate case that was submitted by a small water utility last year. It is worth noting that this utility has been regulated for a very long time; I have been involved reviewing their Tariffs and recent filings. I recommend looking at it, as it can be a good resource. Last note, just want to remind you that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. through the Attorney General's Office. will be sending a letter to Sunbeam reflecting items that still need to be submitted to the Commission for Sunbeam to be in compliance. Those items include five years of annual reports (income statement starting in 2017 to 2021, plus 1 current information for 2022), and filing GIOR's (fill out the documents attached). If you would like some help with anything, please reach out, as I am more than willing to help. I hope that covers it. If you have any questions, please reach out. Thanks, Travis Culbertson Utilities Analyst Idaho Public Utilities Commission 0: 208-334-03 75 Home Cases y FIie Room .. Laws & Rules • Consumers • Press Releases About us • Contact us • Water Cases Open Cao;es Closed Case-; Resources Small Water Company Information Packet EPA Information DEQ • Public Drinking Water Systems NARUC Committee on Water Approved Water Tariffs Orders & Notices Commission Order No 35246 • Interest R.ite on Consumer Deposits Commission Order No. 35372 • Utilities Regulatory Fees Rules IPUC Rules Safety and Accident Reporting Rules 2 Advanced Search Search cases orders. resources etc GIOR Form Completion Instructions Log onto the Idaho Public Utilities Commission website: https://puc.idaho.gov/ Select the Annual Gross Intrastate Revenues Report Form: !MIO Official Government Website...._._______--�t Home Cases • File Room • Laws & Rules • Consumers • & Case Comment Form Annual Gross Intrastate Revenues Report Form Electric � Telecom Water (, Natural Gas Rail Safety , Pipeline Safety Multi-Utility Select Utility Gross Intrastate Revenues Report Form: �����t!I•n!f_i.-� Home Cases • File Room • Laws & Rules • Consumers • Press Releases About us • Assessment Forms Utility Annual Gross Intrastate Revenues Report Form GIOR Form Completion Instructions Questions nancy ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov 208-334 0325 maxine christensen@puc.idaho.gov 208-334- 0374 maria barratt-riley@puc idaho 9011 208-334-0337 Rules & Statutes Idaho Code Complete all grayed sections on the revenue form. Then select the send button. Revenues Statement Company N•me: Stred l'ddrns; Oty: Zip Code Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2021 P.O Box B372a60,1t 10 B3720-0074 Tel,phofte: (208) lJ.1-0lH Fae [208) 3l4-l16Z [•mart: r..ancy.ashcr•ft,:-puc.Jd,1,h.Q-9:n ldaha Code 5161AIIXl3 t'"d 62-611 rtc;uirt the1 pubhc ut,1iity c0rpo11t10ns 1nnua1y ,epor11-ed' gross. operating rt"nues derrved hem butit1t11 �n lda!'l.o du Mg tht pttttdll'1g-calt�dar yur � tht C <0r:1m1u on. We requ�st that �ur calendar �,r 2021 s:�u 1ntratt1tt revtnuts bt pr:Mdt:d to th� C.a.-imission on or before April •• 2022. You m1.:st repon. h'tr\ if you hAd %c:r0 9r0s:s tn!ras:.atc: =per.11ting ftlltnucs dunng tht prtc:rd1n9 t.altnd-,r ye,r Tt\ls F:,rm ts fo1 yotn c:,r.¥tnfen<c. Plcnt ccrr:r;:ilC'tc �1 by cntc-r� the rclt\'ar11 et1k:rm1bon K' Ult sh1dtd bans. PieaH r,ote tht luv re'lu1,eJ 1r:form1tion en the ret .. nl"I be ve.;ftd ty 11' off1Cer or a;it:rt. cf your Wrttpany The Comm:n:cn s c.:ntott anfof'f'/'l at:on 11 grvtn 1bcrrt, Should y:,u havt any qut:Sticn.s or comments please co�t,ct mt. Maria Barratt-Riley Mar.A Sarr•tta;liltt O•PVt'J Adm;r.;·,u,tcr Certlficatloru Our ld1h� Grou ln:r.utate Rl-\renue for tt\e Ca:endar Vear 2021 waJ. I crrt:ify that the �,egg ng S't1tcmtnt is we ,.,d correct t:I tht bHt cf m7 �ow1edge, nfannat;on and be· cf By check;n9 1h11 boa, I cer:.f-1 un�e, penalty of i:tr,.-ury punuant to the bw of tlit Stl!e of ld,>iQ th,, the fcrtgcing is tn.ie ar,d c:irren I ] l'ddltlon.l lnfo.....,tlon: The ptrson W.:hin your c:ompan1 � e0nt.1ct shoutd we h,..,, CNHtion: reg1r�ing this farm is: N.ame: Trlrphon� Number: l·M•I! Add1ess: If any field is left blank, an error message will be posted next to the field. Complete the information then select the send button again. Cffltrollon: Sy Cl'ltclciri; tr s ix,., 1 ter"�'f .ir.Cer pea a -:i c� pefJ\,lry pursi.utt ta tne le-, cf 11\e S!l:e cf 1aa--:0 that II"• l'ccego:tg is tr�• ard ccrrtct. D F-e�e·cre-:� Addftlonal lnf11rm.allon: Tt-e � w'llir. yc:,r compary tc con= shou d "i: �e,� Q:iest:111":$ �gard,ig 11\is form s;: Name: Someone Telephone Number. 11122233,1.1 Send You will receive the following message when the form has been sent to the PUC fiscal department. If you do not receive this message, check the form for an error message. Home Cues • File R11om • L1111 & Rules • Consumers • Press ReFuses Ab11ut us • C0nt1ct us • Revenues Statement Confirmation Thank you! Vcur Re-,enues S:.r.erre�.t nave been sab:n.�� ar.d w be re:,evecl 0-/ P.io c Ut, fes Corr.:r·ss'cr c,e,wrre. If you any questions or concerns, please contact IPUC Fiscal Staff. nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov 208-334-0325 lara.millich@puc.idaho.gov 208-334-0374 maria.barratHiley@puc.idaho.gov 208·334·0337 -- Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2017 P.O. Box83720 Company Name: Street Address: City: State: ZipCode: Boise, ID83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0325 Fax: (208) 334-3762 E-mail: nancy.ashcrafi@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Code §§ 61-1003 and 62-611 require that public utility corporations annually report their gros.s operating revenues derived from business in Idaho during the preceding calendar year to the Commission. We request that your calendar year 2017 gross intrastate revenues be provided totheCommissiononorbefoff April 1, 2018. You ml.ISi report even if you had z.ero gross intrastate operating revenues during the preceding calendar year. This form is for your convenience. Please complete it by entering the releVcllt infonnation in the shaded boxes. Please nde the law requires information on the raum be verified by an officer, oragen� ofyourcomf)cily. The Commission's rontoct infonnation is given above. Soould yoo have any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Maria Barratt-Riley Maria Barratt-Riley, Deputy Administra!or Certification: Our Idaho Gross Intrastate Revenue for the Calendar Year 2017 was I certi�·that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of my kno\\ ledge, inf onnation and belief. By checking this box, I certi� under penalty of perjury pursuant to the la\\ of the State ofldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Additional Information: The person nithinyour company to contact should we have questions regarding this fmmis: Name: Telephone Number: ________ _ E-Mail Address: ------------- Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2018 P.O. Box 83720 Cvmpany Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Boise, ID83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0325 Fax: (208) 334-3762 E-mail: nancy.�hcraft@puc.idaho.go� Idaho Code §§ 61-1003 and 62-611 require that public utility corporations annually report their gross operating revenues derived from business in Idaho during the preceding calendar year to the Commiss ion. We request that your calendar year 2018 gross intrastate revenues beprovided to the Commission on or before April 1, 2019. You must report even if you had zero gross intrastate operating revenues during the preceding calendar year. This fonn is for your ron\fflience. Please complete it by entering the relevant infonruiion in the shaded boxes. Please ooe the law requires infonnationon the return be verified by an officer, or agent, ofyourrompany. The Commission's oonta::t information is given above. Should yoohave any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Maria Barratt-Riley Maria Barratt-Riley, Deputy Administrator Certification: Our Idaho Gross Intrastate Revenue for the Calendar Year 2018 was I certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of my kno\\ ledge, inf01111ation and belief. By checking this box. I certif) under penalty of perjury pursuant to the la\\ of the State ofldaho that the foregoing is true and correct Additional Information: The person \\ithin) our COffi!llllY to contact should we have questions regarding this fonn is: Name: Telephone Nwnber: _________ _ E-Mail Addms: -------------- Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2019 P.O. Bo.x83720 Company Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Boise, ID 83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0325 Fax: (208) 334-3762 E-mail: nanC).ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Code §§ 61-1003 and 62-611 require that public utility corporations annually report their gross operating revenues derived from business in Idaho during the preceding calendar year to the Commission. We request that yourcalendaryear2019 gross intrastate revenues be provided to the Commission on or before April 1, 2020. You must report even if you had zero gross intrastate operating revenues during thepreceding calendar year. This fonn is for your convenience. Please complete it by entering the relevant infonn�ion in the shaded bo.xes. Please ooe the law requires infonnationonthe return be verified by an officer, oragen� ofyourcompilly. The Commission's contoctinfonnation isgivenabo-.e. Shouldyoo have any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Maria Barratt-Riley Maria Barratt-Riley, Depul} Administrator Certification: Our Idaho Gross Intrastate Revenue for the Calendar Year 2019 was I certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. By checking this box. I certil°)'under penall)· ofperjUI)' pursuant to the law of the State ofldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Additional Information: The person "ithin your company to contact should we have questions regarding this fonn is: Name: Telephone Number: ________ _ E-Mail Address: ------------- Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2020 P.O. Box83720 Company Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Boise, ID 83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0325 Fax: (208) 334-3762 E-mail: nancy.ashcrafl@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Code §§ 61-I 003 and 62-611 require that public utility corporations annually report their gross operating revenues derived from business in Idaho during the preceding calendar year to the Commission. We request that your calendar year 2020 gross intrastate revenues be provided to the Commission on or before April 1, 2021. You must report even if you had zero gross intrastate operating revenues during the preceding calendar year. This f onn is f oryour convenience. Please complete it by entering the relevant information in the shaded boxes. Please ncte the law requires information on the return be verified by an officer, oragen� of your company. The Commission's ooJta:tinformationisgivenabove. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Maria Barratt-Riley Maria Barratt-Riley, Deputy Admini5trator Certification: Our Idaho Gross Intrastate Revenue for the Calendar Year 2020 was I certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best or m) knowledge, information and belief. By checking this box, 1 certi I)· under penalty of perju,y pursuant to the !aw of the State ofldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Additional Information: The pei,,on ,,ithin your compan} to contact should we have questions regarding this fonn is: Name: Telephone Number: ________ _ E-Mail Address: Idaho Gross Intrastate Operating Revenues Statement for Calendar Year 2021 P.O. Box 83720 Company Name: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Boise, ID 8372().0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0325 Fax: (208) 334-3762 E-moil: nancy.ashcraft@puc.idaho.gov Idaho Code §§ 61-1003 and 62-611 require lhat public utility corporations annually report their gross operating revenues derived frombusiness in Idaho during the preceding calendar year to the Commission. We request that your calendar year 2021 gros.5 intrastate revenues be provided to the Commission on or before April 1, 202l You must report even if you had zero gross intrastate operating revenues during the preceding calendar year. This fonn is for your oonvenience. Please complete it by entering the relevant information in the shaded bo.xes. Please ooe the law requires inf onnation on the return be verified by an officer, or agent, of your company. The Commission's oontoct infonnation is given above. Soould yoo have any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Maria Barratt-Riley Maria Barratt-Riley, Deputy Administrator Certification: Our Idaho Gross Intrastate Revenue for the Calendar Year 2021 was I certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of m) knowledge, infonnation and belief. By checking this box, I certify under penalty of petiur)' pursuant to the law of the State ofldaho that the foregoing is true and correct Additional Information: The person \\ithin )'O\D' comixuiy to contact should we have questions regarding this form is: Name: Telephone Nwnber: ________ _ E-Mail Address: -------------