HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150904Reply Comments.pdfSeptember 4,2015 Mel Bailey and Marsha Bell, owners . r ,. i. ,, r , r, - Schweitzer Basin Water LLC i: ' iji i' *lr l'i] i : l-l:l To: ldaho Public Utilities Commissioners ,, ,1, tr : , Subject: SBW Response to Comments of the Commission Staff on Case No. scH-w-15-01 The owners of the Schweitzer Basin Water LLC (SBW) appreciate the time and thoroughness of the IPUC staff in reviewing our system and recommending that we be issued a Ceftificate of Public Necessity and Convenience for our service area. We have learned different ways of viewing our system and more about utility regulation. We are asking that you treat our customers and us fairly. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the staff's comments. Our following comments refer to the staff comments by page and paragraph. 1. Page 4 Number of Customers and Consumption Review, third paragraph, states "repair of fractured well". Well 2 was fractured in 2005 hydrostatically. Well 4 was fractured in 2005 with CO2 2. Page 5 Distribution System, first paragraph, states "valves associated with twelve pressure zones" footnote 15. ln Application, Attachment 7, six pressure-reducing valves are identified. This creates seven (7) pressure zones, not twelve (12). 3. Page 6 Leak Occurrences and Detection We feel our primary responsibility is to provide safe and reliable water. To accomplish reliable water we have an aggressive leak detection program to find small leaks before they become big leaks. Twice per year, when the housing population is low - Spring and Fall - we isolate sections of our water system and test whether they will hold pressure. We find and correct leaks before they can cause depressurization. We turn off portions of the system to both find a leak and repair leaks. ln the past 10 years we had only one (1) system, main line, failure with an associated depressurization. ln March 2014 we had a seruice line leak; a depressurization occurred while we were looking for that leak. We will continue with our leak detection program because it works. Should a depressurization occur SBW follows the DEQ IDAPA rules for notification of the residents and DEQ, chlorination, testing, etc. Page 7 Leak Occurrence and Detection, first paragraph recommends that the SBW become a member of the ldaho Rural Water Association (IRWA). The SBW is a member. Page 7 Fire Hydrant Connection, Use, and Services The PUC staff is concerned that fire hydrant usage may lead to system depressurization unbeknownst to the Company operators. Per DEQ letter to SBW dated April 7, 2015 (below), "it was agreed by all parties that although there may be pressure deficiencies when flushing the hydrants or in the event of fire, it is preferable to keep the hydrants in place for the safety and protection of the residents and their propefty." April T, 2015 Mel Bailey and Marsha Bell 2110 Ironwood Parkway, Coeur d'Alene, lD 8381 4 eAq 769-1422 C. L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Curt A. Fransen, Director STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Schweitzer Basin Water Company POBoxlT2 Sagle,ID 83860 mbsnowski@gmail.com Re: Schweitzer Basin Water LLC, ID109OI24 This letter is in response to your request on March 26,20L5 at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) office for clarification on the Department's regulatory authority over Schweitzer Basin Water LLC public water system. The Idaho Legislature has given the Idaho Board of Environmental Quality the authority to promulgate rules governing quality and safety of drinking water, pursuant to Title 37, Chapter 2I and Title 39, Chapter 1, Idaho Code. The Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (58.01.08) are intended to control and regulate the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and quality control of public drinking water systems to provide a degree of assurance that such systems are protected from contamination and maintained free from contaminants which may injure the health of the consumer. During our previous meeting at the DEQ office on November 19, 2013 to discuss fire flow pressure and potential issues maintaining required pressure during hydrant flushing and fire events, it was agreed by all parties that although there may be pressure deficiencies when flushing the hydrants or in the event of a fire, it is preferable to keep the hydrants in place for the safety and protection of the residents and their property. The Department is not recommending the removal of the existing fire hydrants in order to reduce or correct any fire flow issues during flushing or fire events. 4. 5. 2 Also, it was discussed that the Schweitzer Basin Water Company was built in the 1960's prior to DEQ drinking water regulations and the Rules currently require that any drop in pressure below 20 psi in distribution must immediately provide public notification, disinfect the water system, and notify the DEQ. If the Schweitzer Basin Water Company plans to "substantially modify" or add new service areas, these projects would trigger the requirement for maintaining a minimum 40 psi pressure during peak hour demand, excluding fire flow. It is DEQ's understanding that Schweitzer Basin Water Company and Schweitzer Fire District will work together to coordinate the hydrant flushing and work within the existing water system design to keep the pressure within the mains at or above the minimum required pressure of 20 psi. As a reminder, only the licensed operator of the water system is authorized to make changes to the operation of the water system unless there is permission from the owner/operator. Emergency situations would not merit prior permission. If you have any further questions, please contact me at the Coeur d'Alene Regional Office of the DEQ at 208-769-1422. Sincerely, Jean Felker Drinking Water Analyst Jean. felker @ deq. idaho. gov File in TRIM: 1D1090124 (2015ACA1497) 6. Page I Sanitary Survey Results, second paragraph statesr "The sanitary survey results and the Company's response in 2009 are inconsistent with the company's recent clarification to Staff via personal communication that the surface water system and associated chlorination equipment are in use.". Clarification: The sand filter is maintained in a state of readiness. Water flows through it keeping it "seasoned". The water flows to waste. The chlorination system has been installed. lt can be valved to operate with the sand filter or with well 4. 7. Page 9 Rate Design and Recurring Rates We understand that the IPUC statf is recommending that the flat rate be the same for all ERU's. However, we also understand that at this time the IPUC staff is recommending that the flat rate not be changed for the small, in square footage, ERU's. 8. Page 10 Late Payment Charges Currently the SBW bills quafterly according to the following: The bills go out the 1Sth of the last month in the quarter, say Sept 15. The billing time 3 period is for the quarter, July 1 through September 30. The bill is due the 1Sth of the following month, October 1 5. There is a 1S-day grace period before the bill is late, Oct 30. Our bill states that we charge 1.5o/o per month on the unpaid balance, minimum of $15. (The 1.5% stafis on November 1). We rarely charge a late fee. When someone is late, and they have not been late before, we callthem. Often the bill is lost, there has been a change in who pays the bills, our payment is sent to the sewer provider, etc. !f they have been late before we send them another bill after the end of the grace period. !f they have not paid by bill preparation time for the following quafter (Dec 15) we add a late charge. Our rate was set in the 1989 when interest rates were higher. A 1% fee for a single-family home would be $3.09. This does not cover the cost of the second billing, postage, reentry in the billing system, phone calls, etc. We would propose a 1"/" late fee on the unpaid balance, or $5.00, whichever is greater. 9. Page 11 Disconnections and Connection Fees The high disconnect/reconnect single fee was to discourage homeowners from turning their water off during the low usage months when they do not use their home and requesting reconnection for just the high use months. No fee was ever charged for disconnection/reconnection for pedorming maintenance of customer homes. Our customers do not request disconnection when they move because they do not live here anyways. An alternative fee would be to charge six months flat rate for disconnections greater than 1 month. For involuntary disconnection of seruice for non-payment. Since turning off curb stops in the winter usually requires several hours of snow/ice removal, mobilization of equipment and digging through lrozen ground, we propose that the rate be time based: $gS per hour for labor, $110 per hour for back hoe. If it occurs in the summer and the customer has maintained access to the curb stop, the charge would just for labor, similar to your recommended rate. (see comment 15 below). 10. Page 1 1 Hook Up and Water tap Fees, first and second paragraph. The Company takes exception to not being able to receive a return on their investment other than through depreciation. See separate attachment. 1 1 . Page 12 Fire Hydrant Assessment Fee The fire hydrant assessment fee is a seruice to our customers. We provide review of plans with engineers, determine and recommend best 4 location based upon hydraulics, discussions with Fire Chief/Owners/DEQ, inspection, pressure testing of the line, bacteria testing, as-builts, hydrant flow tests, etc. for a cost of $500. The customer benefits from investing in a fire hydrant because the customer is able to get insurance and the rate for insurance is lower because the ldaho Suruey and Rating Bureau (ISRB) has given Schweitzer area a fire rating of 5 based upon the SBW water availability and Schweitzer Fire District. The staff recommends no fee for this service. We fee! that this is a continuing saving to our customer because multiple insurance companies are willing to provide coverage and the coverage is being provided at a reduced rate. lf the customer chooses, they could have their own engineering firm do these or we could do it at this rate. 12. Page 13 lnspection and Testing Fee The inspection and testing fee is a service to our new customers. When they connect to our curb stop for the first time we require that the service line be inspected for compliance with our Rules and Regulations regarding use of materials, bedding, and pressure tested. This may take several trips for the new connection to pass. The state plumbing inspector also is inspecting for compliance within the new home. Currently the state plumbing inspector feels our requirements are more stringent than his so he accepts our inspection. We could give the homeowner the choice of using their own engineering firm and state inspectors or pay our fee of $500. 13. Page 13, Other Non-recurring charges: lnsufficient Funds, second paragraph. The Staff recommends charging $ZO for a NSF check. Our bank, Mountain West Bank, charges $ 29.85, see attached. Plus we have to send a second invoice, process a second check, and enter it into the billing system again. We have never had a NSF check but feel a charge of $40 would be appropriate. 14.Page 13 Bill Statement and Customer lnformation The billing sequence is described in Number 8 above. We agree that the bill date and last payment should be added to the bill. ln addition, we will change our due date (the date late charges start). 15. Page 14, Company Tariff , SBW Rules and Regulations Section 8.7 (Should be Section 8.8). We agree with the PUC staff with respect to who has responsibility for the curb stop valve. Section 8.8 states: 5 "Maintenance of service connections valve (curb stops) shall be the responsibility of the customer. Soil, rocks, pavement or other obstacles shall not cover the valve. Any costs incurred to uncover valves shall be billed to the customer. " Our Section 8.8 is referring to the ground above the curb stop and not deliberately paving over it, covering it with rocks, filling in low areas with many feet of debris or otherwise making it difficult to find or use. (We are on a hillside, parking spaces are created by adding fill and may be paved over, large rocks (boulders) are used to stabilize hill sides burying and covering curb stops, etc.). We propose rewording this section to state: "The customer shall not cover a curb stop so that it cannot be accessed. lf it is covered, the customer will be charged $35 per hour for labor and $t t O per hour for back hoe work until the curb stop is accessible and the area reestablished." 16. Section 14.2 This section states " ...service will not be restored until all delinquent bills are paid (water and Sewer)". We do not mean to imply that the Company would disconnect water seruice for non-payment of a sewer bill and other such charges. When the water has been turned off for non-payment of the water bill, it will only be turned back on when both water and sewer are both paid. We consider it a health hazard if the sewer and water are both turned off and only the water is turned back on. We cannot take the responsibility for turning water on when the sewer is turned off. AttachmentsA. Attachment to SBW response to PUC Staff Comments, Case Number SCW -W-15-101, SBWLLC Comment 11, Page 11, Hookup Fees and WaterTap Fees B. Mountain West Bank Schedule of Fees April2,2012 b September 4,2015 Attachment to SBW Response to PUC Staff Comments, Case Number SCH-W-15-01, SBWLLC Comment 1 1, Page 1 1 Hook up Fees and Water Tap Fees Today when properties are sub divided the developer is required to install utilities and roads. That was not the case in 1964. When Schweitzer ski area was started in 1964 there were limited requirements for subdividing property. Roads were only trails and utilities, when needed, were the responsibility of the landowner. ln 1993 a Limited lmprovement District (LlD-1-93) was established to improve the roads. Most main lines had been installed but there were neither service connections nor curb stops at the lot corners. This LID was also going to install water and sewer, along wlth other utilities. lt was determined that the LID could not insta!! any utilities that were privately owned, only utilities that were public. The Bonner County Commissioners, which had approved the LlD, asked a!! of the utility companies to participate in the LID project by installing utilities prior to the roads being paved. The Commissioners added the requirement that all roads could not be cut, other than for emergencies, for a period of seven (7) years. The engineering company for the LID provided some help to the utilities by including utility locations on the LID project drawings and on the fina! as-built drawing. The utility companies worked together to minimize costs. No company was being reimbursed for the installation of services to vacant Iots. This effort by the utilities provided the lot owners a significant cost savings. Not needing to individually install utilities and, in many cases, cut roads made the property owners lots buildable or much more valuable for resale. The end result of the project provided a uniform utility system with paved roads and pavement with few cuts, which was in the best interest of the community. Attached is a letter to all property owners indicating the cost each utility was going to charge. No utility was making a profit, strictly recovering the expenses. There was a low lot owner participation rate. One utility, the gas company, did not participate on all the roads. Currently lot owners have to have separate propane tanks or, one lot owner at his own expense, is paying to run a gas line over 500 feet from another house that also paid to run the gas line to it. He will have to pay for cutting the pavement as well. The costs for tapping into the main line, running a service line to the lot corner and ending in a curb stop is charged to the lot owner as a tap fee. In some roads there was no main Iine. The cost for putting a main line in front of a lot is included in the tap fee. Water tap fees consist of our actual costs plus escalation. They are the only way we can recover our investment. ln 1994 SBW installed service lines lo 147 lots that were on existing main lines at an investment cost of $124,950. Or, a cost of $ASO (in 1994 dollars) per lot. At an interest rale of 5"h, compounded, the 201 5 (21 years) cost is approximately $ 2368 per lot (we charge $2000 per lot), (see attachment). This is called the tap fee. Water Tap fee and Line Extension for lots of Fall Line: LID-1-93 paved all secondary roads at Schweitzer and had a Tyear no cutting of pavement clause. This arca was only served by utility lines coming to the properties from the road above. To correct this problem the utilities worked together to install approximately 24OO feet of joint ditch along Telemark road. The cost for installing this main was reduced to $18 per foot for the water main due to the joint effort of all the utilities working together. The cost for the main was $43200 for 32lots or $1350 each plus the tap fee of $850 dollars per lot. The extension and tap fee to each lot was $2200 in 1994 dollars. Compounded at5"h interest rate, this is $6129 in 2015 dollars. See attachment). The lots on Telemark are charged $3000 instead of $6129 because it is felt by the SBW owner that the cost would be too high and restrict development. Water Tap fee and Line Extension for lots of Ullr Dr: This is a misnomer. There is no charge for the tap fee only the Iine extension. ln about 1999, a developer developed the lots on the end of Ullr. The developer extended a main line and put in the service lines to the lots. However, the extension had no water source (it was higher than R4 that serviced the rest of UIlr). SBW put in 900 feet of 8-inch main line in 2000 from R2 to the end of Ullr to provide water for 8 lots at an investment cost of $27000. The cost per lot was $3375 in 2000 dollars. (At 5% compounded to 2011that would be $5772, see attachment 8.4).) The lots on Ullr are charged $3500 instead of $ 5772 because it is felt by the SBW owner that the cost would be too high and restrict development. In 2005 the water company evaluated its capability to provide water for the build out of its service area. lt was determined that more water well capacity was needed along with greater storage capabilities. This would allow the system to meet its build-out needs (if all lots were built on). Property at the correct elevation to tie the water system together was available, new roads were built, a well (W3) was drilled and construction of a 137,000 gallon reservoir was completed. This construction, Iand, water mains, electrical, road and well installation project cost approximately $700,000. Dividing the cost of the project by the number of homes it could support; the hook- up fee is $6950.00. This hookup fee is more than afair price as it will take many years, if ever, for the company to be repaid. Cost for new 137K reservoir and well #3 in 2005 and 2006 Build road to well site $7980 Build road to reservoir site and for pipe installation 34022 lnsta!! I inch water main for reservoir 1 9590 Excavation of site and relocate dirt while buildino 51 382 Well number 3 drill and install pump + controls 1 9364 Testino of water lab work 1 690 300 + feet of 2 inch pipe and electrical back to control area 5375 Enoineerino PE for well and reservoir 2515 Hydro geological survey for water wel! location determination 3975 Pipinq, flow meter, valves and fittings 5725 Water meter for well #3 601 Riser for well '175 Storm water materials and orass seedinq 21 13 3 Blue orints 85 Reservoir proiect concrete tank 94796 Total work performed $249388 Work performed by SBWLLC and equipment furnished by SBWLLC include trucks, dump truck, backhoe, pressure washer, welding equipment, ladders, hand tools, surveying equipment and other items needed to complete project. The water company also performed engineering, storm water management, water samples, pressure cleaning of the tank, chlorination of piping and tank, operated all heavy equipment, environmental protection, reseeded land, burned slash and performed final as-built of project. $27,760 Land value in 2006 two small lots close to this site each less than 18000 sq feet sold for $209,000 each. The property that this project is on is made up of 2 lots with over three acres of ground and a building density of five (5) home sites. The value of this property is greater than the lots used for a comparison. $418,000 Total project cost using estimated value of property $695,1 48 The Idaho PUC, as shown on their web site, has issued tariffs to 28 water companies. For 18 of those companies, 63/", the PUC has approved hookup fees. These fees range from $tSO to $6000. Nine of the approved hook up fees, 50 "/o, have been issued since 2010. We installed these service connections for the lot owners, speculating that lot owners would appreciate having the service lines installed in an efficient, cost effective manner and be willing to pay us back. We recognize that the PUC works within the rules of IDAPA 31.36.01, Rules 103. Presumption of Contributed Capita! (Rule 103), which states: "ln issuing certificates for a small water company or in setting rates for a small water company, it will be presumed that the capital investment in plant associated with the system is contributed capital, i.e., that this capital investment will be excluded from the rate base. " We believe that this is referring to the purchase price of a water system. We argue that it does not apply to capital investments after a water system has been purchased. Nor are we asking for the tap fees to be put into the recurring fees. The cost of installing service connections to lots is a non-recurring fee only to be paid by the benefiting owner. ln a lPU Primer, MSU, Primer on Water Pricing by Dr Janice A Beecher, November 1 1 , 2011 , page 4, she states:. "Utilities must recover revenue requirements based upon the actual "cost of service" in order to sustain operations over time."o "Economic regulation of utilities in the US emphasizes full cost ratemaking in accordance with well established principles, namely that burdens should follow benefits, that pricing should not be unduly discriminatory, and that the rates charged and returns earned should be'Just and reasonable"."o "For utilities, the accounting cost of service includes all prudently incurred costs associated with capita! investment and operations, including financing costs (debt and owner equity), depreciation expenses, and reserves (as approved by the oversight bodies)." ldaho Statutes Title 61 Public Utility Regulations Chapter 3, Duties of Public Utilities, 61-316 PROFITS, states: "Nothing in this act shall be taken to prohibit any public utility from itself profiting, to the extent permitted by the commission, from any economies, efficiencies or improvements which it may make, and from distributing by way of dividends or otherwise disposing of the profits to which it may be so entitled, and the commission is authorized to make or permit such arrangement or arrangements with any public utility as it may deem wise for the purpose of encouraging economies, efficiencies, or improvements and securing to the public utility making the same such portion, if any, of the profits thereof, as the commission may determine. " Not having a hook up tariff would be denying us, a public utility, the opportunity to recoup our costs, let alone make a profit. We have anticipated growth by building capital improvements. We should not be penalized. Future customers that benefit from these investments should pay the cost of the improvements. New customers benefit because the utility is ready to support them when the demand occurs. Current customers may benefit from redundancy and increased reliability but they do not require the improvement. Having a tariff for hookups is a repayment for funds spent. Often years pass before the funds are repaid, with an associated monetary loss due to inflation. As shown above, 64% of other water utilities are granted tariffs for hookups. Dr Janice Beecher, et.a!., Meeting Water Utility Revenue Requirements: Financing and Ratemaking Alternatives, NRRI 93-13, November 1993 states on Page 151 , System Development Charges:. "Periodically, water utilities must incur expenditures for system improvements. These system improvements require the water utility to develop financing programs for the construction expenditures. Water utility mangers must decide which costs are more appropriately recovered by increasing water rates and which costs are more appropriately recovered by capital charges. lf the capital improvement expenditure is oriented toward serving demand growth via the addition of new customers rather than toward benefiting existing customers, it may be inequitable or inappropriate to recover these capital costs from existing customers. A financing option in this particular case is the use of a front-end capital payment (or capital contribution). The payment is provided by the new customer to recover a portion of the capital investment required to provide service to the new customer. The rationale for such a front-end charge is to require new customers to finance system improvements that directly benefit them and are largely a result of the demand growth by the new customers.". "One form of a front-end charge is the system-development charge, which is a one-time charge to new customers when they are connected to the water system." Attachments Letter JUB Engineering To Melvin Bailey, February 10, 1994, RE: Schweitzer Mountain Road Project - Utility Connections Compound lnterest Calculator $gSO for 21 years at 5 "/o interest 1. 2. a . $2200 for 21 years at 5"/o interest (dug) February 10,1994 MELVIN J. BAILEY 206 BROADMOOB ST. RICHI.AND, WA 99352 RE: SchweiEer Mountain Road Prcject - Utility Connections YOUR PROPERW: SGHWEITZER BASIN VILLAGE 2, BLK. 1 LOT 09, 1O LESS S 60' oF TAX 6, Dear Property Owner: The Bohnor County LID 93-1, Schweitzer Basin Road Projecl has progressed very well over the last year. Schweitzer Basin Boad was completed during the Fall of 1993. Much of the storm dralnage work was also completed. Utillty lines were started. The project is now in good shape for completion ln the Summer of 1994. The 1994 constructlon Schedule lot LID g3-1, Schweitzer Basin Road Project is currently being updated and linalized by lho contractor, lnterstate Concrete and Asphalt. The contractor must linalize his schedule by March 3't , 1994. Prior to that time several items must be resolved. One of the biggest issues is utilig connections required by the property owners. The utlllty 'stubs' or servioes must be extended to the property line from under the road surtace belore paving is comploted. lf not, the cost ol extending these seruicss may be much high€r due to lhe seven year norut pavement protection policy. Unfortunately, lhe cost of extending the servlce connections can not be pad of the LID because the utilities are privately owned. Therefore, lt is the responsibility of each property ownel to contact the utility to apply lor and pay the cost ol extending the seMce line to the properly. We have been working closely with the utility companies for the past year. We have sent several letters trying to det€rmine the needs and interost of the property owners who cunently do not have servic€, Through this process w6 have now arrived at a process for securing services for each property owner not currently served. The records show your property needs water, sewer, gas, electric ahd phone services. The main lines for these servlces are in the street or ars availabl€ to your property. You will only need to have the utility stub or service lines extended to your property. Based on commitmenb by the utility companies the following is availablo and required if you want services to your property; J.U.B ENGINEERS,lNC. ENGINEEBS. PLANNEBS. SUHVEYORS@ Co6urdAlone, lD 83814 n8.6f;t-1571 FN( 20&667-2176 7 {tg February 10, 1994, Page 2 Water: Water is provided by Schweitzer Basin Water Company. Water Service will be extended to the properly line for a $750.00 seMce stub fee. A connection fee will be charged at the time you actually connect and use the seryice. Please fill out the enclosed agreement and send your check to Schweitzer Basin Water Company. Sewel: Sewer is available from Recreation Utilities, lnc. A sewer service tap will be exlended from the main line to the proporty line for$750.00 . A oonnection fee will be charged at th,e timo you actually connect and use the service. Please contact Recreation Utilities, lnc., 208-263-3331, P.O. Box 815, Sandpoint, lD 83864. Electrlc: Electric service is available lrom Northem Lights, lnc. Electric service will be extended to the property line for a $500.00 service stub fee. Please fill out the enclosed agreement and send your check to Nonhem Lights. Natural Gas: Natural Gas is proMded by Washington Water Power Co. Natural gas service will be extended to your propefi line by Washington Water Power. Telephone: Telephone is provided by GTE. GTE can not exlend seruice to lots unless phone service is ordered and will be ln use due to PUC regulatlons. GTE will be putting in crossing conduils so they will be able to extend service in the future. It is very important you decide and get this lnformation and payment back to each utility company by March 10, 1994. We must be able lo determine where the sorvices will be installed so the road project can follow closely behind this work. lf you have any questions please call the utility company or contact Jim Coleman or Joel Petty at J-U-B ENGINEERS, lnc. al (208) 667-1574 or fax (208) 667-2176. Thank you for your patience and understanding in getting these utility problems worked out. We look lorward to hearing trom you. J.U.B ENGINEERS,INC. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS . SUBVEYOBS@ CoeurdAlene, lD 83814 2c6,ff,7-1574 FAX 208€67-2176 8 ryry2fis ^ Calculation results CdnFrd tuatcddtdr lltrcdefah. Sb (interest compounded yeady - added atthe end ofeach year) _".".,| I I Ii YeaE Year Deposits Yoar !:i:f:t $42:50 $44.63 ffi:89 $4e ?o . $51 69 w:24 $96:e5 $5!:80 $62 79 $65:?3 $69.23 $72:69 $1"9:32 $80.14 $8411! $88.35 1otalD6ry$i1s $851@... , $g5g gl .$850:09 $850:09 . $850 00. $850.00 $950 oo . $85o1oo $850 90 . $?50:90 -. $850.00 . .$8!0.90 9850:00 $850:00 $950:00 $850.00 Totalllcrest $4i 90 " $87 13 $1 33:98 $183.'18 $2vu $289:08 $?49:04 $49e84 $46&63 $534 56 $603 79 $6J9.49 $752.80 $832.94 $s1z9e . $1,005.44 Balance : 3 4 I q 7. I 9 10 I 1? 13 14- 15- t6 lo 00 lo09 $9:90 $o..oo $0.00 " lo:09 $0:00- $9 oo $0.90 $9:oo $0,00_ " $q:oo . t9roo $0 qq $0 00 $0.00 $8r 59 $937:13 $"e83 99 . !1,033.18 . $1,984:84 $1:139.08 tJ.,1e6:04 llfs:s $1:118'6! $1:3e4:!6 $11493:79 $1:s-26:18 $11602 89 $1,692 s4 $1,767 09 $1,855..14 11 . ?o.m ?llt 18* $! 00. ,19 $O00 ?? $o00 21 lo.oo lrt{ E?2:77 - $9241 $102.28 $101 49 t112.Tt $850.00 $850.00 $8s9.00 $850:00 $E50.00 $1to!8 22 $1,1S5.6s $1,-2e7.s1 $1,4O5 30 $1,5{8.07 f-' $1,e48:22 !-_2r045..63 !?,147.e1 $2r2!::39 $2,368.07 negulaiGpoJil : Calculation ; . **.. ..*.) Base amount: $850.00 lnterest Rate: 5% Effeclive Annual Rate: 5% Calculation period: 21 years llbr/w.hecdcddriib.crnritstalcdaldas/dnFrdnEctcdctler.ptp I 9t2tfr15 Calculation results 1 $1 10.00 2 $115.50 3 s121.28 1 $127.U 5 $133.71 6 $140.39 7 5147.41 8 9 t0 11 12 t3 11 l5 {6 17 18 ,9 20 21 $1#.78 $162.52 $170.65 $179.18 $188.14 $197.54 $207.42 $217.79 $228.68 $240.12 $252.12 $2U.73 $277.96 'lar( $291.86 Cdrpurd Intsrest Cdctt&r I TIE CddiaE S'te (interest compounded yearly - added at the end of each year) i!1ii iili;:t*'i $1 10.00 $225.50 s346.78 v74.11 $607.82 $748.21 $895.62 $1,050.40 $1,212.92 $'1.383.57 $1,562.75 $1,750.88 $1,948.43 $2,1 55.85 $2,373.64 $2,602.32 $2,842.44 $3,094.56 $3,359.29 $3,637.25 $3,929.1 2 rIr::,-.a $2,310.00 $2,425.50 $2,546.78 $2,674.11 $2,807.82 $2,948.21 $3.095.62 $3,250.40 $3,412.92 $3,583.57 $3,762.75 $3,950.88 $4,148.43 $4,355.85 $4,573.64 94,8V2.32 $5,M2.44 $5,294.56 $5,s59.29 $5,837.25 $6,129.r2 Standard CalculationBase arnount: $2,200.00 lnterest Rate: 5% Effective Annual Rale: 5% Calculation period: 21 years mF:/,tmrf, .tHcU ataslte.codtr€rEdcdcd€lrs/cdrpordirtretcdcdals.php 10 ru.g SCHEDULE OF FEES The following fees will be in effect beginning April 2, 2012. The following fee in bold has changed. Account closed within 6 months of opening 520.00 Account research .........520.00/hour ATM or debit card reissue fee ss.00 Cash machine fees: at any Mountain West Bank or Star- ATMS or Star'' Point of Sale terminals ..............,........,....... no chargefl Cashiers'checks sr.s0 Counter checl6, each Dormant account fee 53.00 per paqe (4/page) 512.00/month e-Statement5 Foreign currency orders (including FedEx shipping)s3s.00 52o.ooItems sent for collection Return ltem Fee - (each debit or check returned) -............................. S29.85 Overdraft(eachdebitorcheckpaid) -......................-...... $2985* Continuous Overdraft Fee 55.00 per day, beginning on day 5, until the account is back in good standing Orrerdraft transfer fee (per transfer) -.----............ 55.00 Quicken'/Money Download Access Fee ......................................-.............. FREE Safe deposit boxes ... Vislt your Mountain west branch forfees and availability Safe deposit key deposit s r 5.00 s30.00 sr 1.9s $21.00 Stop payments Travel card Outgoing Domestic Wire transfers Incoming WireTransfer --...........-...... $ I 0.00 Foreign wire transfers $42.00**When using a non-Mountain West ATM, you may be charged a surcharge, or convenlence fee by the ATM owner. The amount of the fee will be disclosed by the termlnal owner at the time of the transaction. "*Overdraft fees apply to overdrafts created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means. &Illtgunlain--:-::--'west BankE - uvtlon orcl&l.r &nk 800-641-5401 | MOUNTAIt{WESTBAIiIK.COM -ra 7