HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150213Application.pdfSchweiEer Basin Water LLC PO Box772 Sagle lD 83860 208-610-2318 Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise lD 83720-0074 :i, :i:i:.i'. I '1 ?jll: f [B l3 irll 9' 25 February 10, 2015,,.,,r,'i:1,-r".,,:. sLH-W4{-ol Subject: Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (cPcN) The Schweitzer Basin Water LLC (SBWLLC) is a privately owned, nontransient non@mmunity water system serving a residential area at the Schweitzer Ski resort with approximately 30-40 full time residents and transient population of 900. There are 431 hookups and 75 connections. The SBWLLC is regulated by ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Coeur d'Alene office. The SBWLLC has operated since 19il to support skier housing, with a weekend and holiday population during skiseason. The area served is in Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Section 20, SoutheastYt in Bonner County. The terrain is from 5070 feet to 4230 feet. There are 4 wells, 5 reservoirs, greater than 6 miles of distribution system with 7 pressure zones. All flow is by gravity. A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) application is enclosed, including the supporting documentation. We are requesting the Commission to authorize SBWLLC to operate as a public utility in the state of ldaho and to serye the geographical area described. The attachments are listed below. SBWLLC is owned by Mel Bailey, phone is 208-610-2318, email is mbsnowski@smail.com. The mailing address is PO Box772, Sagle lD 83860. The street address is 540 Mogul Hill Road, Sandpoint lD 828il. We appreciate your patience in this application process. ae,/6*+ Mel Bailey, Owner SchweiEer Basin Water LLC Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Application for CPCN Attachments 1. Aftachment 1: Schweitzer Basin Water LLC, latest amendment to Certificate of Limited Liability Company was June 13, 2014. Orlginally filed Sept 5, 2013. 2. Attachment 2 Blank. Organized in the state of ldaho. 3. Attachment 3: Company was registered with the State of ldaho Secretary of State Dec 20, 2OA2 and authorized to do business. 4. Attachment 4: Blank. There are no other documents on file with the ISOS 5. Attachment 5: Blank No other utilities share space. 6. Attachment 6: Attached is legal desoiption of the area served (Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Section 20, SoutheastYt in Bonner Coun$) and a map. 7. Attachment 7: Map of SBWLLC wells, reservoirs, water lines, and main valves. There are no booster pumps; all lines are fed by gravity. DEQ has designated this arca for SBWLLC since 19e1. There are no other competing uater companies/persons within the legally described area. 8. Attachment 8: DEQ SBWLLC (PWS 1090124) Source Water Assessment Report 9. Attachment 9: Mel Bailey Certified Water Slatem Operator, Certificate Number DWT1-10022 and Marsha Bell Certified Water System Operator, Certificate Number DWT1-10153.10. Attachment 10 Blank. SBWLLC is regulated and approved by DEQ Coeur d'Alene office, PWS 109124.11. Attachment 11: Water Rights 9G7032, 9G8il1, 9&8567, and 9&9219 are attached.12. Attachmenl 12 Blank The water system has existed since the 1960's. There is no anticipated schedule of construction.13. Attachment 13 Blank There is no estimated cost of construction or annual maintenance costs.14. Attachment 14 Blank There is no financing of new construction.15. Attachment 15 Blank There are 431 residential customers (living units) and no active commercia! accounts.16. Attachment 16: Attachment describing calculation of future number of customers ultimately served by SBWLLC. 17 . Attachment 17: Water production data by month 201311418. Attachment 18: Blank Flat rate, no meters for monthly consumption data. All residential customers.19. Attachment 19: Cunent rate schedule.20. Attachment 20: 2012,2013, 2014 Last three years financial statements 21 . Attachment 21: LisUaddresses of SBWLLC customers22. Attachment22: Notice to SBWLLC cnstomers of application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity included in July 2014 bill. No press release prepared because majority of our customers do not live in the local area and they received notice in their bill.23. Attachment 23 A: Typical bill23u- Attachment 23 B: Typical Reminder Notice23C Aftachment 23 C: Typical Fina! Notice NEVER USED23D Attachment 23 D: SBWLLC General Rules and Regulations23E Attachment 23 E: Company Main Extension Rules24. Selected Engineering Data 2014 Schweiher Basin Water LLG PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 1 Cefficate of LLC fa_,vvyu*L( fuen-t /tp*t"")*/r [; .- WtrW L"MTiET' LNB'UTYWNAMI ?0l3gg,o -S dff g;3,r Tlp nem d tE ffid fabAyqryary E .ScHw€ Z ThB oorflO *Bdad maftg adfrm dfte The nrrp and od# gtat dn* dfie lrlgtsH€d {Et 4. 'The rErD and addrcss of d be* me msrtsra nEragprdta ffid IffiycurFlF 5, Ufrg adilmfrrfifrra oare*arEr (ilrd qctnfrs! P.oR. t 11' ,C\le,-sit g?F Ge 6. tutre ryrdebdfrig (otrod} _ : Signr*ro d a r n{m manDer a anttortzedparsL Est*re Tyfd t{am Enmre,Gtfr-B Typed llam rrraa-crr^ t- R lt llf*-ti t_.P.ctl lffs ao? -G to- zzt h * r65tqq IDflO SCNET*T $ SIRIE69./tt5./P813 BS = 6OCt: 3813 CI: 165t99 Et: 1ttt8E51I t IE0,m = 1ffi.08 {nGffi I.LC I A wpwil7 tr'f{"ED AMENDMENT TO CERTI F I CATE OF ORGAN IZATIO N LI M ITED LIABI LITY COM PANY (lnstructions on back of application) 1. The name of the limited liability company is: tl{roeirzpr rFAsi,tt trrATr= lL LLZ" The name of the limited liability company is amended to read: 3. 4. Thedatethecertificateoforganizationwasoriginallyfiled, 5e?1 5, ?'a t3 The complete street and mailing addresses of the designated principal office is amended to: The mailing addressforfuture correspondence (annual reports) is amended to: The name and address of the managers/members shall be amended as follows:Name Address Add Delete Otrer ,fR 'ont E. Bn; )e, Pafl*-772 S\1., BfXe , El n trtl ir tl fnNras ir* L. B elu TypdName tsni te Socretary of State uso only IDEHO SECRETARY Of' BTETE D6lL3l2814 o5: o0 trE'-39?6 trT:16589? EH'. t4?9096te e0-00 = S0-0CI EEGAIT .ar,rrrl$ #z wbsqfl Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2A15 Attachment 2 Blank Organized in the SEte of ldaho Schweiher Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 3 Secretary of State Registration [ ],lew Search I I Back to Sunrmrv ] I Monitor SCHWEITZER BASIN WATERCOMPAITIY business filings ] PO WX 772 SAGIf, ID 83860 fYpe of Business: ASSUMED zuSINESS lt.lAME Statrs: CURRENT, CURRENT 20 Dec 2OOz Shte of Otigin: IDAHO Dateof20 Dec 2002 O rig ination/Aulfi orizatio n: File ltumben D60867 I l-blp Me PrintA/iew TIFF ] Filed 2O tlec 2fn2 ORIGIML View Inage (PDF fonrat) View Innoe (TIFF fornnt) Idaho Secrctary of State's Main Paoe State of ldaho ltnB Paoe Conrrents, questions or suggestions can be enniled to: sosinfo@sos.idaho.oov Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 4 Blank No other documents on file with the ldaho Secretary of State Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 5 Blank No other utilities share space Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 6 Legal Description Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Serves the following area: Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Section 20, Southeast th in Bonner County g e::' ' E Et t Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 7 Map of SBWLLC System —--- £I’ M Ij 4/j Wy Schweilaer Basin Water LLC Primary Valve List Valve Desiqnation Valve Location BULl UIIr near 2251283 Ullr bv creek MMHl Mooul Hill above Green Hornet ooino to PUL1 (Ullr) MMH2 Moqul Hill below Blue Beetle 2 to Schweitzer Mt rd MMH3 Mogul Hill at Granite Peaks to Red Cricket MNWl NW Passage in Die Schmitterling parking lot, controls water for Die Schmitterling, Alpine, and Comice Condos MSCl Schweitzer Mt Rd at Parallel (upper). Controls water to Cedar Ridge, Die SiEmark, Black Bear Condos MSC2 Schweitzer Mt rd at Parallel (lower) controls water to Schweitzer Mt rd homes , to 275 Snowplow, and properties below Schweitzer Mt Road. MSC3 Schweitzer Mt Rd at Snowplow , to 275 Snowplow and to first loVhome on Schweitzer Mt Rd MSLl Slalom at NW Passage, controls water on Slalom rd MSMl Sikmark, controls all water on Sitzmark except Green Hornet and 126 Sitzmark MSPl Snowplow at Parallel, controls water onto Snowplow MSP2 Snowplow near 146 Snowplow before creek, when closed stops water from Ullr towards Parallel MTMl Telemark below Wildflower B&C condos and 177 Telemark rd, controls water on Telemark and NW Passaqe MTM2 Telemark, before PTM1 at NW Passage intersection, controls water qoinq down Telemark rd MTM3 Telemark. at 512 Telemark switchback MULl Ullr below 58 Ullr (Ullr Lodge) from PULI towards end of Ullr MUL2 Ullr below 58 Ullr (Ullr Lodqe) from PULI to Parallel MUL3 Ullr 87 valve bv fire hvdrant downhill to Snowolow rd MUL4 Ullr near 2251283 Ullr near creek MUL5 Ullr at 325 Ullr, near PUL2 MUL6 Ullr end at 436 Ullr (Delanev) PPRl PRV at Parallel and SchweiEer Mt Rd (upper, North) near Caribou Ridqe. 6 in Cla PPR2 PRV at Parallel and Schwei2er Mt Rd (lower, South) near Telemark rd. 4 inch Cla PTMl PRV in Telemark at NW Passaqe, 3 inch Cla PULl PRV above 117 Ullr.2 inch Cla PU12 PRV near 325 Ullr, 4 inch Ames PUL3 PRV at Ullr and Parallel intersection (reduces pressure from Die Vier Moguls to Moose Haven), 2 inch Watts R1MH1 Reservoir 1 control valve at bottom of standoioe R23MH1 Reservoir 2 and 3, below R1 and R2 controls water from R2 and R3 R2MH1 Reservoir 2 between R1 and R2, controls water from R2 R3AP1 Reservoir 3, controls water from R3 R4UL1 Reservoir 4. controls water from R4 RsMH1 Reservoir 5, controls water from R5 Reservoir Reservoir Location R1 540 Mooul Hall. RIMHl R2 540 Mooul Hill. R2MH1 R3 540 Moqul Hill, R3AP1 R4 Past 126 SiEmark. R4UL1 R5 Above 1040 Mooul Hill. R5 MH1 Well Well Location W1 Between R1 and R2 w2 Bv R1 W3 Near R4 W4 Near R5 Sandfilter Sdf. Past 126 Sitzmark Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 8 DEQ Source Water Assessment Report SCEWEITZERBASIN WAITR COMPAITTY EWS r|xm124) SOI'RCE WATEN. ASSESSMEITTT REFORT December { 2000 State of ldaho Ilepartmcnt of Envirenucntrl Quality Dbcbircn fhis ptfliceioa b bm dcydopcd c putorfur inemdmol svice fothc sourcc u&ascssdcds of prblic uruer sysEms in Iffio ad b bosod on dOa amil&le d fu fnc od thc proftseiondi@t oftho sOfit Anturgb rconattle c,ftrt hve b6cn mdc b prtffi amr& inftrmdo& tro glrrnrces, hrlrditrg capnassod or implid ulrrmtlcs of ry tind, cc rnrdo wih respoct b mb F$licdim by the Stilc of Idaho or my of its agpocles, employces, 6 agsonS wto also Gilrrc m bgd t@Uitlty frr lhc rccrracy of pcscnffins, omcntg or other informaion iu &is publication Tho assessmcnt is atbjcct to modiEcdon if ncw d*a is pta&ccd. Under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996, all states are required by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) to assess every source of public drinking water for its relative sensitivity to contaminants regulated by the Act. The Idaho Departuent of Environmental Quatity is completing the assessments for all Idaho public drinking water systems. The assessment for your particular drinking water source is based on a land use inventory within a 1,000 foot radius of your &inking water source, sensitivity factors associated with the source and characteristics associated with either your aquifer or watershed in which you live. This report Source Water Assessmentfor Schweitzer Basin l(ater Company (1090124), located northwest of Sandpoing Idaho, describes the public drinking water system, the associated potential contaminant sources located within a 1,000' boundary around the ground water sources or within the umtershed for surface water sources, and the susceptibility (ris$ that may be associated with any potential contaminants. This assessment should be used as aplanning tool, taken into account with local knowledge and concerns, to develop and implement appropriate protection measures for this system. The results should not be used as an absolute measure of risk and are not intended to undemine the confidence of the users of yourwater system. The Schweitzer Basin Water Company drinking water system consists of three wells and one surface water intake. The surface water intake is located on Schweitzer Creek. Because Schweitzer Basin Water Company is a non-community transient system, source water areas for the wells were delineated using the 1000' fxed radius method in accordance with Idaho's Source Water Assessment Plan. The delineation for the surface water intake was refined to include the entire area upstream from the intake, resulting in an ellipse-like source water area extending upstream from the intake in a westerly direction. The wells and the surface water intake were assigned separate susceptibility rankings. Susceptibility analyses performed on ground water systems cannot be compared to susceptibility analyses for surface water systerns andvice versa. Grormd Water Sources Well #1 is ranked moderately susceptible to potential contamination. It is properly constructed with an intact strface seal, but the .250 inch thiclq six inch diameter well casing does not meet today's minimum thickness standards of .280 inches for six inch diameter steel well casings. While a PWS well may have been in compliance with constuction standards at the time it was drille{ current constnrction standards are morc sfiingent. The Idatro Deparfinent of WaGr Resources Well Consfuction Standards Rules (1993) require all PWSs to follow IDEQ standards as well as their ov,rn. IDAPA requires that PWS follow the Recommended Standards for Water Worlcs (1997) &uing consfiuction. Additionally, although the casing and annular seal are intact, they do not extend into a low permeability unit, which would act as aprotective barrier against contamination. This is detailed in Well #1's attached Ground Waler Susceptibilrty Report While Well #2's casing extends to a low permeability unit, its annular seal does not. It is ranked as moderately susceptible to potential contamination, also detailed in its attached Ground Water Susceptibility Report. Like wells #l and#Z, well #3 is ranked as moderately susceptible to potential contamination in all categories except for microbial contarnination for which it received a high susceptibility rating. The well automatically receives a high susceptibility rating in this category in accordance with Idatro's Source Water Assessment Plan because of the proximity of a potential source of contamination. [n this case, the well is located less than 50ft from a surface water source, Schweitzer Creek, which raises its cbances of being contaminated by microbes. Additionally, all three wells were detemdned to be potentially GWUDI (Ground Water Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water) in November 1999. Additional testing must be performed onthe wells to determine ifthe wells are directly influenced by sur ce water, which has not been determined at this time. Grorurd water that is under the direct influence of surface water may contain disease-causing organisms, which are normally found only in surface water and may require heatuent including filtation and disinfection. Surface Water Source The strface water intake has been assigned a susceptibility rating of low (when compared to other surface water intakes) in all categories because of its location (upstream of any sources of turbidity), the lack of potential contaminant sources wittrin the watershed and proper system construction. All surface water systems are subject to microbial contarnination and are required to undergo filtration and disinfection. Copies of the susceptibility analyses for your wells and surface water intake along with a map showing any potential contaminant sources are.included with this report. Infonnation regarding the potential contaminants within the 1,000'boundary forthe wells and within the watershed forthe surface water intake have been summarized and included in Table l. This assessment should be used as a basis for deterrrining appropriate new protection measunes or re-evaluating existing protection efforts. No matter what ranking a source receives, protection is always important. Whether the source is currently located in a "pristine" area or an area with numerous industrial and/or agriculfural land uses, the way to ensure good water quallty in the future is to act now to protect valuable water supply resources. As there are no documented potential contaminants of concern in the delineated source water areas for the three wells or the surface water intake, Schweitzer Basin Water Company's source water protection activities should focus on implementation of practices aimed at keeping the surrounding area free from potential sources of Teble 1. Schweitzer Basin Weter boundaries or in the watershed lll contamination. The public water system may also want to take steps to preve,nt corrosion of the distibution system, which may lead to increased levels of copper and/or tead in drinking waler. Corrosion is a possible concern because of the slightly low pH of the system's water. Levels of copper have been discovered above the action level, for copper within the distibution system as a result of the water's corrosiveness. The system operator has taken steps to notify water users of this situation. Consuming water containing copper in excess of the action level can result in gastrointestinal distress over a short period of time or liver or kidney damage over a pedod of many years. Drinking water may be treated to decrease its corrosive properties. Protection activities should also focus on keeping well #3, located near Schweitzer Creelg free from microbial contamination. This includes maintaining the current integnty of the casirg, surface seal and sanitary seal. Lastly, ifthe surface water intake is taken out of servic.e it should rlndergo " 5slergh inspection before being put back into use. You may contact IDEQ for more information regarding these recommendations. Source water protection activities should be aimed at long-term management strategies even though these stategies may not yield results in the near term. For assistance in developing source wate-r protection stategies please contact Alan Miller at the Coenr d'Alene regional fDEQ office at(208)769-1422. IV References Cited Great Lakes - Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers, 1997. Recommended Standards for Water Works. Policies for the Review and Approval of Plans and Specifications for Public Water Supplies, p.28. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Preparing Your Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report. Guidance for Water Suppliers. l.rH.tng l. \rvllwV!lzrvr rrO.itlll Yvo.Lvl \/t,rlrpq.uJ \rl\rlllllr yvouu Lrvurrvq,rllrll Legend @ welhead Delineation Boundary 4N Ihi]8 oq,uts rqiGscntatlon br' bendmloped bt DEQ from ${ItGs r,6h h.r! sWlH drtr or infmmrtba 6u hrs uot bcrE$cd bryDsq DEQ de mt aapct lB r fr curmrdalpEponi xithtrt rEtnadon by an irdqtrdcnt profctdoorl qurfficd b vcrify su& drtr orhlbiDtt6. DGQsh[ Dt ba hdd ltubL iot rsylm 08 hlry rGultbt from rdhrrc wo tlelnfomntbo*lrrm Caurd'Atcn RcSlond0ffite saarl.Dd strtc DmTcchdol Sqvkts starf rB!ia*rumntrl lndarcbplng tfl8 rrlp.ffi {trffirFlzfrrDoshdddlu0 250 500 750 1000 rlgurc z. Dunwcll.j/f.r E aslll waltrI l-uruP4uy Durraus warsr rrrtrulr; Lrt;lrurr.1,flull Legend @ Intake i Delineation Boundary I :f.-EffibL6*'{tcdll hfbac{ib.rrE ddaall iftffrlbdhEdtDEl, I IE&-cE-!c_ddI E-frE-ryI Fael?aJ-E6da-ar:t S,E EQIilhT&lE?I\ batE ErftatililreFc!I *.-rfa'halb.fctoaokgid9a.f T.8 Sffialf Ed5aa.d{Et*n. 0 zto YD 750 l0U) FCctffi---------l oIr0!ooo:T o 6! @oo 0)!o!o15o:t ou6!ooof o l!& 4o7 6c 9/ 6 o (,!ooo o(.,qaoq 4do Iooooaq d6c h - o oog, ruab tc6ia Ic6c{Ero!tro(J d 'EnIcru oo o (! aEao o ocoN I C'kooo oqD I,Eo"t 0,oHaoo c6cdEln tro(, 6.{ co o& 6poF oooooo oooooo oooooo 9 6"td6!aud o4@!rd o oo,. 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ICIoooao 6c ,r a; o!o(,q ooD Dc6rl oUIaoa, pcr!c G6,co() |!d!coIooI 6!oE{ !coDo{rooozuzzzo !oc &trl:E C<o AtitAo.l&ItnoozzD Bojt! a<J46d6 EtO'DI'glrAooaod660()E>COdq9ooo.orkooFooooo5!oQ!krooo6ood$l4ecc06!illlD!(rc!Ec.g,460pd9ECdG!ar<eI6cc4E{54trotEcoc eccc0990d6do60EidotO.t&6!{i !tc6e9 ll(,r.,ouoSs!Dd9c)5qHd9 dHrOoECHO'ctd!@ankH.co4('l00E<u 4s!HacHoa tt,co40E3oddoa!qo.O oo(,kaoCA Gdollr{ooqoost :E a(Jkooqroo o(Jqoo>orr! o(J!ooHO(a oo.D Eca{ o(,gaoaD Ic6c E6!co(, aucosoa a; oEoUo co u(,aguocoU eogo @ a.!uoti oztttGt dgE dOo o!4 t6OB,sk oo,o! trac !qo o!o d,4!t a tlgkooco. ooO dOg +rco 60!,o 04t{ dg, dCuc5 H9kouo-kodJa3UEcoH !ooc, tn&o(Jdl co{I(,5,ru,co() ea$a ut = o{ o?o oo V+o\N&d,lNl{Httfr(.,o oJ(6 c tsc&to(J &rrlkdBzH@s d$l,l NNdCrOH6BOlrd () @ ootl 6'2Zeeoo DO g, q, !koo!p66BB ooii .ooa,c& I!oo.6& u ,a ro(,o,v, go!6B o(,a !aG Gronnd Water Source Constnrction Ground Water Source X={ Well Construction Standards x+l Wellhead and Surface Maintained in Good Condition x+l Casing and Annular Seal Extend to a Low Permeability Unit x+2 on Interval at 100' Below Static Water Level x+l Well Located Outside 100 Year Flood Plain and Protected from Surface Runo x+1 System Constmction Score : Sum of Points 0 to I = Low System Constmction Score 2lo 4 = Moderate System Constnrction Score 5 to 6 = High System Consilruction Score Ground Water Hydrologic Sensitivity X=0 soil drainage class: poorly drained to moderately well drained t I yes I xo x+2 Vadose Zone predominately material other than gravcl, fracarcd rock, or rmknown matcrial J Yes J xo x+l Depth to First Ground Water >3fi) fect l Yes No x+1 Hydrologic S ensitivity Score: (Surn of Points) 0 or I = Low Hy&ologic Scnsitivity Score 2 to 4: Mo&rare Hydrologic Sensitivity Score 5 or 6 = High Hydrologic Sensitivity Score .l, J J .t JJ al,J .t xu Ground Wam Fuantial C.uraninant Source/I-and Use Agricutural Lard in Zonc lB orC*up t Priority SiEwifrinTlmIBt , High Susccptibility' X+2 fs dr sotrrlse up to four sources 2!50l6of lad rte X+2 Gnitrbd) a X+l (ruliriglrcd) >J0% of tad n X+0 (nrE*d) a X+2 (urinigcd) Intercepts ane lB X+l for rh s(rurpe up to four sources Cortrrilrrt Soartd Laad Urc Score= (Srn of PoirA) TnrsicutSy&us 0 o 7 - Lor Ccirrr Smgt U Usc Scac t o 15 = llod:rt Cmir Sme/ Lrd UsG Sco.G t5 o 22 - Itrfi Goo& Sorrccf f-rd Usc Scqc r Zcc fA il:r-y rdd iba e ta6c iltil rc*(rotur-),7m)aq*alta.a-c full r,c -3dr.d,..--&irrf-, *al(tttctc2-FtL.rdarr.d , Cq r tiriqrfild Cq t ftHt lbt rdlsr c rilc'Cituci-f fra *airb. { L*(rbrelbcH LCb trcI[.TilcE 3 I 7*la qrtlbldc3 blb 6rtuco(Erd r Zc E b rfr:rra 17 .. Irc tu llc lO, -.drrrd Yes 0 t l0 - Lil@ Soqrcr/Lad Usc Score I I r D - llodrrc Crb* SandLrd Uc. Scosc 2l b 30 = tqt ceir soodlrd usc scorr rangph4 forc*nroAfn4 bultfloq rudevclop€4 odrcr xlll Ser&oe Ydcr Sse C;rcrctiir $rrfae Warcr Source X:0 Iffike pnryerly @ostrucoed and tocded to minimi-re ilrryacts from Potdiat c@ioad sorses Yes l.Io X+l Infiltraim Gallery or Well Urder Dircct krflrrcrrce bf Srrfre Vatcrl Yes I.Io x+2 SI'ffi CmstructimScm : (sm of poins) 0 : I-ov Sy@ Custngkn SarcI or2: Mo&rarc SJrffi Cmstnrtion Score3: IfigLSfisnCmrcdmScce xlv LariJ L:;; urbeny'tan=1,*;;i;i: X-2 Srrffc t?ftcf fotcEtrxt q.r.rgur&r.r:.rE rG,,- - ir**q"{ r-x+sr-ut€ .,;-, i.-..i .,:. :.-"a :i- ::e+j 1*1-: *,t,.. ,..--- .- I i{ : :--.-USe i*igi:i&it{i, ftreSd : j:-r.: .:-;-ir ite:;j i fiOW, r-*-icicveii-gd otluX*l x+l X-O Ycs x+z Cisrii.; =-j _*; : S+:_;rg " ea{*.:E}r-.i -'-.--, ."-j-= ":!)- l.;;;}' -r--,,.i :r.=!F rd ii:-:;:. ' .,"-; .: :-. . - ". .3fy $llfiE ;::+-.: i-; r:i::.; -'r1;--r:.-::!Tl- X + 2 t-s xir pr, ry io fanrrm Costex{n-Brrt Sourccs . t{rce or :ncr* c+rgsr'is *sccs d-ufrcre fu drtirrear'-l s<x.g,cr sa6' gtr Ycr x+l Yrr X+ t O b 6 -Lo*,Codmias: Sorrcef-rcd llsc Sqc 7 b til = tffcric Coeirmt Sonrae ? rvl tBs S€cE 13 t lt= IftL Ccpfunr Sotrcdlrd IJrc Scce I{o N. hb nb ND Fsni {frg*;ai U:e hi$,ou rmhxrua C*l::::l'-::: S++rocs rcoria;nt:: ;-..-; ,-,,:I*- 11'l i:,:' 'i,:':=ir ':e'.efitd fq&x:r iiar +i :;,r . .:1"-:: j ;: 1 1 .1'-,1''':r flcod flo'w Eaords .tgrir::!r*;* ;,sad .ryi[da 5m tH ci.<e-i. -;:.; eai.l-lrixr tim of bgvE! !xs<;<,i .::i I ;;. *:':c-'f r=+ 1,":.'s regtds TurE*tliry Saurtlc . mccs ef *.*rc.rry r* $e *rtct*cd sct rs rxl hlfding c ofLlr tr*Uiaadiviticr C-ea*^s{r:*jir i=;*;, i ras::t! I"ls Sqc - (ftx.r +{Poi*ts) Schweitzer Basin Water LLG PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 9 Certifi ed Water Operators Certifi cates Burcau d Occtp#ond Lbrmea Departnentof Soff Gouemlq lg.nchs TL p.roo nn d lr. Ef &. iltrlffi rb. Lftf,f'r r.d b.rilfl.dl,tdt0l|lr'a d fl.l. dO.ho?I,atobo0.'.lrr {nl DfUlttXlNG WATER IREAIUEIIT OFERATORtftgg:;' fELT'Yil J BALET , P0EOX72,, SAGLE rDSrp00 aa''7,il; e-ag--Tnebry DUUTI-i0022Chlct,B.Ol- ltrntrr oi2na!2078Enkr. --tb; %.-T$@f CfTLGBOI- MELVYN rI BATIEY PO BOX 772 SAGLE ID 83860 :.': :: - ItTr-l0t5t1k Bunau of Occrmdoml Llcenaes OsprUncd of Sstl Gqtsrrtug AgeocissrL rE ilbnbrt*-bhrErdbfr.* b l- d rts ot-_=!. ot b 5 q- - *rl DRMST|G WATERiifuifi-Efr OPERATOR . '.'ctlSit'li'.: IAE9I$IE!!C*E,EE+ :,r9,EQp(..?i?:.a ,,i. Sl[iLEii!Cm.:' tgteiDt5ryr. Schweilzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2415 Attachment 10 Blank SBWLLC is regulated and approved by IDEQ Goeur d'Alene office PWS 109124 Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 11 Water Rights UhFrUgilRWt ' I cx*"] IDAIIO DEPARIMENT OF WATERRESOI]RCES Water Rigf Rsport $D8nU3 WATERRIGIITNO. 9G854I Omerfylr Nare erdAd&trs C\rrent BA.SINWATERCO INC SAGIE,ID 838m-A772 Priority Dat€: I 0/2011 98 8 Basis: Lbeose Stahs:ActivE Soree i ninutary SPRTNGSI SCnWnrUrn CREEK lncatbn of Poi{s) of Diyersbu SPRINGSlSWSwsrlsec. 20lTowrsh[ s8NlRarye ozwlnomrER Cortry Phce(s) ofuse: Laree POU Info Conditbns ofApproval: Vohm IU.8 AFA luntrdivertrd aod shllamrnllyreportfu ifrrmtixib trE Dcparffi. t" ,1 . tr-lrze I 2.1180 I 3.loM I 4.lolM I U/abr Rlglt Report \tR - gstll Phce ofise b wiftin fu rea served by the publh waEr srpply qrtem IDlWlz4 ofSchcrcirr Bash Wam Co Inc. Thc phre ofise is ge,neralty bcated wiftin Sectbn 20, Toumshir 58hI, Raryp 02W. Aq depi*iryfu phce ofise bormdary frr&b uaffirigft at fte tb offtfu appromlir afiacbd b ftb doctffi frr nhsfratbn puposes. Tb issuarc ofthb rigts do€s not grd auyrf,{t-oflway or easeretr acnocs trc hnd ofmiber. lAfter specific mti&dbnby &e Deparhed, the rigtr hoEer shal irch[ a sulabb reasrriqg devbe or shll€ilerifro aoagr€eredwlhfte DeparM b rse poq,Err€cords b determfu 6e amuil of &bs: Lbffidhb: 01n6n009 Decr€ed Dats: Permit ProofDr Dab: 3 I I 11996 Pormil ProofMade Dab: 3l4l 1996 Pe,rmft Approvd Date: Ul7ll989 Peudt Morabrirm Elpirafnn Date: fi&rgpmEil Use Prbrly hE: fiUrgmern Staute Prbrity Date: \Mater Sqpty Ba* fuolM Date Accepted: Water Sqply Bal& EmolM Date Rsm\ied: Appllatbn Received Date: l0ll7 11988 ProEst Deadlhe Dab: Nrder ofProrcsf: 0 Otb€rIffirmtbn staE mFedemat OumerNare Comecbn Wa&r Dbtb,t Nrrrl'c Gen€rb MaxRaEperAee: Cr€ne& Mu, Vohrzn per Acre: Civil Case Nufr€n OH Casc Nur$er: Dccrce Phrrtim Decr€c Deftmdafr SwanFalb TnstorNoffirst Sq/anFalb Dimbsed: DI,EActNld€n CaryActNurhec fv{itfuatirnPhil Fahe ffid5tfp D*eruntdffibolrec Water Right License mL g[i.&rr efrC Bomdrytr Schrtr Bdt k: Go IE L.gpnd o trdrFo' RtrFqr' ,*r IDAIIO DEPARIMENT OF WATER RESOT]RCES WaterRIPRsport rcn8r20t3 WATERRTGIITNO. 9G8567 OWerTyDe Nem edAd&rece Cun€d BASIN WAIERCO INC sAGIr,ID 83860-0772 Priorily Dat€: 08/09/1 989 Basb:Lime Stats:Active $ffiRigttRspdt Vohmc 2.4 AFA 130.3 AFA Sorree irrmry GROUNDWATERI Iocatbn ofPoi(s) ofDiveisiru GROLJND lvATERl swselso. zolToumsnp s SNlRarye ozwlnom,rm. Coury Lbe,nsed Diversin Capacly 0. I 8 {rAt>ofise: N Are it ptG tr tzePaRT 9tr-8sG7 Phce ofUse trealDescrlttbn COMMERCIAL BONNER Coudy Phce ofUse IrgdDescrbtbu DOMESTIC BONNER County Conditbre ofApprovat t .lOO+lffe i$$nrcG offrfu ri$t does not grad my r{$ofway ff easexrrnt across fu hnd ofmtrer. , I lm"" poiG ofdiw,rsbnarc bcaEd wifth SWSE S20, T58N, R02W. Corntrercirhse ir frr a 36-rmit-'l lmel md rcstamad. Dorestb rse i ftr 258 bmes. Dates: Lb€GedDate: finUl994 Deseed Date: Pcrmit ProofDE kr: lAy$90 Perrdt koofMade Date: rcNl9Sg Pemit Apgoved Dab: ll2lllg$9 Perrdt Moratorirn Epiatbn Dab: flrhrg"ment Use Priority Date: Frrhr5rnEd Stahrb Priorty Date: lVater SryptyBa* EmoM DaE Accepted: Tfater SryplyBank Emolhned Date Remyed: Apphtbn Receivpd Dte: 08/09/t 989 ProEstDeadfu h: NrderofPnotests:0 OtuIdrmtbn State orFedsat OumNare Comectuc WaterDsfibtNld€f, Cr€nerb lv{ax Rate per Acre: roztrl3 tiERbnRryt'l* Origioal Odgiml IDATIO DMARIMENT OF WATM. RESOT]RCES Water Rigts Report rcn8no,3 WAIERRIGITNO. 9G7032 QmerllUP Nam andAdftess Cumeut C\rred BASIN WATERCO INC YTN JBAITEY wx772 SAGI"E ID 8386G0772 F ffiOESBECK rt/A 9920I LFO}VLER 1 SPOKAI\TE WA Prbrnyefie:A4D411969 Basb: Li:eree Stats:Actirrc Souce i Trlbutary SPRTNGS[SCUWUrm. CREEK Bereficirl Use leod COMMERCNTJTMT i DoMEsrrc lrm I TotatDirusbn I I .Volrrrp 6.2 AFA 95.4 AFA 128110.1 CFS 128110.27 CFS U/ArRigfaRgt $ofPoin(s)ofDirrersbn: 1b.- 703'?- , " SPR[.IcSlswsesec. zolTovmsh[ SSNlRangp 0]w BoNNER Contry Licensed Diversim Capady 0.27 Phce(s) ofuse: Phce ofUsc trgelDcssbtirnCOMMERCIAL sam as Phce ofUsc Legll Descabtba DOMESfiC BONNER Cormy Coditims ofApprowt r.llz raorN swsn, s2o, T58hr, MW. Dabs: Licemed Date: 0 I B0ll 98 I Decreed Date: Pemit PrroofDrE Dab: glllln3 PemftPtoofivfadeDae: P€rml Apprord Datq AIA!969 Peffiit Moratorim Epinatbn Date : mhrggmetr Use Prbrty Date: Enlargsffi StaUb Prbrity Date: Water $pp!Ba* Bmohm Dare Accepted: Water SryplyBa* Emolbrhte Rsmwd: Appli:atitn Received Date: ProtestD€adlire Dme: Md€r ofPnotesc: 0 Ofrsrldrmtbn State orFede,rat r*t, I I o*," I YtERbtIRSTI IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOT'RCE.S WaErPennitReport rcn8nu3 WATER RIG}IT NO. 96'92 1 9 Qruerl!rye Nare adAdftess Cun€d BA,SIN WAIERCO PrbrilyDatE:06108D0o4 Stahs: Actiw Sornce iTrihary GROI.'NDll'ff3Rl Iocatitn ofPoi($ ofDiversba cRouND werm,lsnswlso. zolrourcmp stNln ry ozwlnomum. coumy cRoUND wermlswselSec. zolrourmp sSNlRanee ozwlnomrm. Coumy Place(s) ofise: $&r Rrgrr Rqat 4 to- ,1 Z I 1 ' ,Use lrgalDescritbu MLJNICIPAL MNNER Cortry Condtbr ofApprovat I p*:o constrrrtbn shll comrrrc wiftin ore yeu fiomfte dab ofperml isree and shllproceed I .126A [afigaUy to corrybtbn unhss it can be shoum to fte sarisectbn offte Diecbr oftre Deparffi of I lWater Resorrces fut dehp were drrc to ciumtamcs ovrr whbhthe pemithoHer hd m coffiol , ln* lRdt hoHer slsil senply wth &e drffig p€rmit rcqtirmm of Sectbn 42-235, Idabo Code and-'t" '- lapplirbh WellConstnrtimPrrbs offte Oeerret . l, ,o ffUr" ofise b \ilifth lbc rea send by fu prsfic wak srpply sJ,stEm ofSchwelrer Basin Water"'l^* ICory.n y. The phoe ofise fu gprcxaBrbcatcd wilhh SEI/4 Sectbn20, Torwmhir 58N, Rary 02W. +.|rcS lfom ofdirersbn ae bca&d wilhin t.ot lAb BIc 9, Schwelzr Bash mhgg 2nd Addtbn.ttI lAfter ryecific mtiftatim.bytrc OeprmA fte rigbhoHcrshallfustala sulabb reasrrirydwbe or 5.10ffi1fu[ emtsr imo an agrwrd wth ihs Oeprmm to deermb tbe amuil ofwam divEred fiompower I |tootdt md shllmnllyrcport the i6rffibnto the Oeparm. htes: hoofDrc DaE: Ml0l2:0l5 hooflvlade hte: AppovedDaE: 0/lngnffis MoratorirmBpiafbnhrc: faUrgsffi Use Prbrily Date: Entnrgs@ SAarc Prbrity Dab: Apphatirn Rmeircd Dae AOfIBDOC4; Pr,orcst Deadlhe Dats: $ Dln0}s Nun$er ofPrrotesB:0 FbH ExamDate:: flae S€ffito Stae Off DaE Rsceircd at State Ofr OftcrIffirmtbru State orFde,lat OumNare Comector: Water DsEist Nld€n Creretb lvlax Rate per Acre: Geoerb lvlax Volre per Acre: Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 12, 13, 14 Blank Existing water system, no new construction nor financing Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2415 Attachment 15 There are 431 residential customers (living units) and no active commercial accounts. Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 16 Future Number of Customers Attachment 16 CPCN Number of Future Customers for Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Future demands on the SBWLLC will depend upon future area served, growth, changes in per capita consumption rates and other frctors. The firture population is estimated based upon past growth rates. Estimates of future ERU's along with estimated firturc per ERU demands provides an estimate of future demands. Planning area Dr Fowler purchad Township 58 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Section 20, Souheast 7+ in Bonner County and constructed the SBWLLC water system in the 1960's to serve the lots in this arca. The area that SBWLLC serv6 is limited to the current area that it servs. Estimated Future Demand per ERU The estimated demand per ERU is not eDeected to change in the no<t 20 years. There will be a reduction in per capita use as more reduced water flow devices are retrcfitted into odsting homes and installed in new homes that are built to the Uniform Building @e requircments. The SBWLLC ruls and regulations also requirc these low flow deMce. Customers have become much more @ncemed about the environment and the conservation of limited resourcs. This awareness has been demonsffied by a reduction in the amount of water each home con$Jmes. It took 50 years br the number of full time residents to rcach 37. Because of the difficulff in managing snow (high snow lryels in drivomys, on rooB and around houses), shoft growing uson, v€ry low temperatures and lack of community activities and services, the area serued by SWLLC is o<pected to have a very slow increase in the number of full Ume rcsidents or retirees. ERU Projections Initially the water qystem was a transient, non-@mmunity system, with less than 25 full time, year round residents. In 2009 the water systern was reclassified as a community water system when there were approximately 37 fulltime residents with a transient population of 900 in the winter months. It took 45 years to change fiom a transient to a non-transient system. There is no homeowners associaUon controlling the density of housing on the lots. The Bonner County Planning and Zoning (P&Z) regulations apply to most lots within the area served by SBWLLC. The current P&Z regulations require 12,000 sq ft of land fur a home or the first condo to be built, and 3,000 additional sq ft for each subsequent unit to be built on a lot. Some lots are less than 12,000 sq ft. These are grand fathercd to one unit. There is an unceftainty about the number of units to be buik because it is based upon the square fuotage of a lot and how owners combined andlor divided lots to change the density. Because the SchweiEer homes are second and third homes fur the owners, construction is very dependent on the economy. Many lots were purchased as investments, never intending to be built on by the current owner. The remaining lots are the lots that are more difficult, and more oeensive, to build on because of their steeper tenain. From 1965 to 2013 only 430,6 of the lots were buift on, or 431 units. Only 139 lots remain b be built on. The actual number of living units can vary as owners combine or divide lots and obtain CondiUonal Use Permits fur multi unit dwellings. Cunent county building requirements require significantly more ground than was used in the 1960's and 1970's. This will limit the number of multi unit buildings, with most new buildings being single family. Prcjecting on the high side, between 2013 and total build out in 2050, between 1zl0 and 180 additional new living units will be built. This is a maximum tffil of 612. In the 1980t the Schweitzer Ski Resort developed the Crystal Springs area providing the first competition to Dr J Fowle/s housing lots. Schweitzer Ski Resort also develo@ the lots ne>G to the Musical Chairs ski lifts in the 1990's and Nortfr of the area served by SBWLLC. In the 2000's The Ridge, The Spires and The Trappers Landing developments all crcated competition with desirable building sites. The new developments opend new land area that offier better ski in-ski out, have flatter tenain, community amenities, etc. The dwelopment of lots served by SBWLLC is expected to strow a continued slow down in the next 50 years, certainly dower than the first 50 years. Table 1 Development Rate in Area Served by SBWLLC Years Units Built Homes buitVyear Bonner County Population Growth, 016 1955-1970 70 t2 1971-1980 151 16 s5.3 1981-1990 67 7 10.2 1991-2000 52 5 38.4 2001-2010 80 8 t2.2 2011-2013 0 0 11.0 (Population growth *atistics from the 2014 i.lorth Idaho Rsurce Guide printed by the Bonner County Daily Bee, June 2014) Based upon Table 1 and the slower home construction rates, the projection for 2014 to 2O2O is 7 homes per year or a total of 49 homes. Assuming the economy improves, the rate is projected to be t homes per year for 2021 to 2O3O, or a total of 90 homes. Beyond 2030, the rate is projected to decrease because the remaining few lots are very steep and very expensive to build on. There are too many other desirable, and cheaper lots to build on. The rate beyond 2030 is projected to be 3 homes per year, or 30 homes 2031 to 2o40. lf 2050 were considered as the year when tota! build out of the area served by SBWLLC occurs, then there uould be 612 ERU's. Table 2 Number of Projected Total Hookups !n Years Total Projected Hookups 2013 431 202A 480 2030 570 2040 600 20s0 612 The water souroes, minus the largest producing source, can provide water for 665 ERU's. This is greater than the projected number of 612 ERU's in 2050, build out. Thus allowing SBWLLC a safety factor of 1.3 for the uncertainty in the projection of future growth. SchweiEer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 17 Water Production by Month 2013 & 2014 Attachment 17 Monthly Water Production Data for Schweitzer Basin Water LLC 2013 and 2014 The area that SBWLLC serves is at a ski area. Water usage at Schweitzer differc from other resorts areas (summer) in that the homes/units are mosAy used in the winter. The only time that occupancy is high (approaching 90o/o) is between Christmas and New Year's. On holiday weekends (Martin Luther King, Presidenfs Day) occupancy may be 50o/o. The housing is built to support skiing. Condos are built as second or third homes with few people living in them year round. Use of the homes is very seasonal. Typically owners use the housing fewer than 20 days per year. The ski area is not a destination ski resort, but a regional resort with skiers primarily coming on weekends from Nofthern Idaho and Eastern Washington, including Spokane. In the 50 years since lots were first sold, only about 43 olo of the lots have been built on. Because of the transient nature of the SBWLLC customers (they are not here in the summer), the landscaping is normally left natural. Because of the shoft growing season, weather and rugged terrain, even most full time residents have no landscaping. The SBWLLC Rules and Regulations, that all customers sign, stipulate that water is not to be used for inigation. People come to SchweiEer to enjoy the skiing and other outdoor activities. Laundry facilities are not common in most of the smaller condos. Most people take their laundry home, so even with a weekend population, customers are not washing cars or using much water. The maximum monthly demands occur over winter, from November to March. The maximum daily demand, MDD, occurs from Christmas to New Yea/s. The least demand, in April, May June, September, and October is approximately 2500 gpd. Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Monthly Water Production From All Sources 2013 & 2014 ln Gallons Month 2013 2014 Januarv 3531 00 306400 February 3521 00 276000 March 320000 293300 April 409300 1 55000 May 587400 1 30800 June 429400 104100 Julv 431 000 93400 Auoust 1 96000 40800 Seotember 124400 51 600 October 1 06000 62300 November 1 03600 1 54800 December 224400 266200 Total 3,636,700 1,934,700 Notes: May 2013 stopped leak at 285 Parallel August 2013 fixed leak on Mogul Hill February 2014 fixed leak at 205 Parallel March 2014 fixed leak at8754 Schweitzer Mt Rd and 107 Parallel July 2014 fixed leak at 136 Slalom road August 2014 Wind and rain cancelled all events on the hill Energy usage Jan to Dec2014: 5024 Kw (source Northem Lights bill) Peak day (with leak) March 20,2014 36,200 gallons Peak day (w/o known leak) Dec 31 ,2013 27 340 gallons Dec 31 ,2014 25,000 gallons Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 18 Blank Flat rate, no meters for monthly consumption, all residential customers Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 19 Current Rate Schedule Schweitzer Basin Water Limited Liability Company (SBWIIC) Schedule of Current Rates for Water Service and @nnection Fees December 31, 20ll 1. Monthly water servke fee per unit/home 1.1 for each unit or home over 500 sq ft, the rate is $41.00/mn, $123/qtr For each unit or home under 500 sq ft, the rate is $39.00/mn, $lfilqtr 1.2 A single unit with a second living area (kitchen, bath) which can be rented, shall be 2 times1.3 A single unit with a guest house or attached living unit ( no kitchen) which can be rented shall be $82.00/mon $65.00/mon Billing is quarterly, for the previous quarter; single billlng for multi family buildings 2. If a one-time payment is preferred, single unit $492.(frlyt3. Late charges after 15 days are a minimum of $15.00 or I th % of the balance due. Interest will be 1 % percent per month there after, until paid.4. Disaonnection and connection fees If service is terminated due to non-payment a fee of $300.00 is required for connection. All past due amounts and interest are required to be paid in full, prior to reestablishment of water service. 5. Hmk-up fee per slngle-family resident, one kitchen $6950.00 Each additional unit, multifamily units,$69s0.00 Addltionalguest house or living area used as rental $3475.00 Note: No kitchen or laundry only bathroom. If kitchen/laundry, full hook-up applies. 6 Water tap fee6.1 Curb stop vafue at property corner provided by SBWC6.2 Water tap and line o<tension for lots on Fall Line Rd6.3 Water tap and line extension for loB on Ullr Dr Note: Multi family units pay only one tap fee per building $2000.00 $3000.00 $3s00.00 7I 9 Commercial connections shall be evaluated by SBWLLC for additionalcharges over the basic fee. Water services are considercd continual from the time of the connection. Back flow preventors, when required by code, shall be tested by a ceftlfied tester. The approved test rsults shall be sent to SBWLLC. Each year thereafter the device shall be tested and the approved test results shall be sent to SBWLLC. ff the test is not conducted, water service shall be terminated within 30 days. Fire hydrants shall be assessed a fee of $500.00 per installation (for application, inspection, pressure testing, bacteria testing and mapping by SBWLLC). If a project requires a "Will Serue lettef'and hook-up fees for the pCIect have not been paid, a non- refundable application fee of $500.00 is required prior to SBWLLC providing the letter. Water is for domestic use only; no inigation or lawn watering is permitted. Inspection and testing of new water installaUon which include mapping, pressure testing, inspection of service line installaUon and account set-up fee of $500.00 10 11 t2 13 Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 20 2012, 2013, 201 4 Financial Statements Gtall Etfilhraf SBUC Prollt& l.octJnry20ft [uqf hcr$rt0{tl .h.D.ofi lt-kf2 .h.blt .h-hoL Afirrhcr.&r.h tf.Q*fIrrr ldhm hrrrlhdtrEtrrfbnhrrnffiEtlrrJttsmritrIltElffiffir{imhmrarnfrR.(rtilFilathrDnrlt urt,TEnrfnmTffETclqrrTlrreoriloESrIttnfrC.. TdEgrr let@L0 |G.E0,O flt,|il.o U,mm Tf,{raot,trram tB,m,o tG,a[.m 20,m.0 ,ffrl.m ool,{t.0 .fl.!a.ou'tno o0 l,ar{00 r7.0tolrs t.5tg00 l.cra.00 7i3a@qicm ris7.00g?40 t.ttam q7fl.0 t.G7{00 taioqm.o ual.oGtfi.0 tu,ozqfia0 rJ2[0 rJ20,0G.O tilr.oqrtls qrrao i.lA0.0 1.120.0 .l.tm076.0 3.fil0a4ra0 t4ilo.oo0 0.0 0.o 4rt rc 4tra t.mco tm.o $.m.m 0,m,0 tc.mo utao lo.s.ot,,tn c.aol,ca.o l,lG.osra0 tTaofJalL0 l.tG.O q?rr.00 fan5.mnwD 2rlt00a,$e.O 4,lle.O2dl$.00 2$?.n2,Or0.o aEa00t,7al0 ar0g.og,rrfo 7:il.006Ptas 2.lB.O 2tl*mTSOO rt taml/$a00 a,gtitrmfl6J0 r,60.00r.&00 q,rto |aa.o g,r{(0na|m i,tmoqsaao rl2r+00aor.o lqmooio00 amm2ItC00 rq.0a07.m.olofrrsureoc,sfm tElo,o 2,5.@trefi.oa$om,!om *$4.007.m00rraoq2ls.oB!!Al0 B.38Ae S.3&.5e a.slAte $15e.,r l!4r0ls0 f$,fr.rte l$-pt8,Cg ?f[7&a.n 3li$L lr'tla.4l .65ffe {.as&te {t0arl, {3.m!lnOfrfhm aErrra&-ArAomoDryr.fthrhrr TdCrafrr ]ttfrfEn f,tim EiSrao ss,m a6.5t0 ra+ruo 3trr8.0 SaGIO ai,sao taa.rG,m €r$e.o €r,5laCI {q$0,s {.g.0 -il+7u,0 {llilfff {l,fz"A {il,!t {tEJ]? -lrl,tltaaE=E=r !-t- tEll!: tIIIItr t-lIlIIr EDt BI/lIT EflNt &cnf B 8BU5C Behnoe SheotAtllrr6r fril,lt O.otl,la Drtl,lt Drtl.L rarllQrld5 til.Hhtd fdCf..rhtlla,h0l ToIlArilht H5l0.hdldfgroSonl|f.Ilrt rdifmtnotUt.iru*ttl.hllti.lionorilfiCtL. 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E E E s s- E E=E g qH E 50# E gg E- EeE E EE cE E.frE € P: € H 938 H ET E n$=ggEaEgEtfiHF FEs*'pggg$EesE 'tti 'tti 'ot '{i 'ui 'ot ti ui 'ui Li 5 !P : -5 5 5 5 5 E E E E 5E gE g EEEE=€E=EE HEE oE E E E E E E E E E:9E E8.8.8.8,8.s8.8.ssH E H 8OOOOOOOOOOtiioTO tr SchweiEer Basin Water LLC Emergency Leak Repair typlcal o<amples:t. Slalom Road August 20L4: Slight amount of water visible, tumed off main, Intermittent isolation, evaluated over 1 mo,20 hours Dig hole, repair, obtain FdB, install pafts Outage notices, Disinfect, restore normal operations, naffic conhol 2. Red Cricket condo March 20t4 Loss of water in reservoir, L7 feet snow on ground, No water showing anywhere 6 dala, t2hrlday 2 operators 144 hr Estimate, obtain bids, contract, negoUate with condos, Engineer acceptable temporary fix, Repair by Lippert Fxcavation Superuise, obtain and operate pumps, cleaned Up after conEacbr, Outage notices, Disinfect, Restore normal operations, traffic control2 operators 16 hr Summer: engineer permanent fix, replace temporary fif stimate, 2 operators and back hoe Total obtain bid, contract Total Back hoe 32 hours 2 operators 15 hr/wk 4wVmo 2 operators 4 months SBWLLC back hoe 2 operators 16 hrs Total 32 hours 52 hr 16 hr 176 hr 64 hr 416 hr 32hr 512 hr 3. Mogul Hill Leak 2013 May to August Leak detection, hircd Leak Masters, Dug exploratory holes with backhoe, isolated, shut off vafues, found general area Contract Uppett FxcalaUon, obtained permits, Laid out cut area, continued leak detection, Divefted water, contacted residenB for water outage, Outage notices, Disinfiect, Resbrc normal openilions, traffic controlTraffic control, detould traffic, provided all Parts and piping, rcmoved damage valve and man hole, Provided backfill material, used SBWLLC back hoe during repair, Cleaned up after contractor 4. Typically lines arc buried 9 to 12 feet down because roads had new based placed when they were paved. Minimum depth of bury 5 feet 5. Average Ume to find leak (52 + L76 + 5L2) I 3 = 247 hr February 10,2015 $*3$H8$ 3u$st8s 3*$SH8s g*3i*8s $*$rE8$ $t3*sH s888RSS.rlCDoritF6ta$"$F,rt'$ ro? dG'or iDtao Ga6rltO i,t.agtnl rrl.l rrr'tl rohlct .ni tq q ff rt lOI Eo {a,td into Id*' rneGr'mcl-iloGtnarDor' Fl cl F n. a{ ttaaqa,\ F' C' U!Ga a! ttFri$ i=i i:li. ::,: !ll:- ii:l *g$s :-. atrlEel0oErn Ga' 6edtotntoFanl\t arrtdaa rl il,tOF6 GI otdtoairot*rnd ornltaF G"Nl|l t\ rDrr .rl lfdd tslti{e.tarltqrllt]\rottntG.d r"cf) ci.'t -il-r(C : rmr{ $fo rr.d!,i:>a(\il nthdd RGI ilJ\Ga r{ $i .. ca I\r{ raC) G'GI OFal GlRG' ha{deGriD cl N tl irlrt.\.I!tl BgN'Srt(trad B8trESt(larlrl BSNTS!t 6a rn rl BESSSaGalaca SNF tna6€I\naGI sNa TNfl eGa6...N 6€a{ Id IG' tGl tt! r,}Fn frfifr$$fr*HEr[$Hfrfr$frfr 22."2t6fit .,r5IlUrI\FhF**$* f,HHHH E $HH f, g BSBSFBFFEHF =$IJo E- JOrto L l-o€$ =.E6oalEgr-9E*'6 =coo otaold Ro $-at BeA ={lalrlG:tg G aa ii ' $$*F$E$ 2*2 e E E,EEifil =eEgssi e gEEEE g E EEEEE = i = 55iE=H==ig= arlallcaaGOt caI\ tCtaIFa Oal Gar{ arttotttlt SG. $l}.'r.o S S.r. il 6Ilr,tot888{.Qtt{tnddd$^ FF aaratIrlGE E fiEE gH =E?5dEgEG'G'6GIC' Ttrl arl t Ii !a(rt Gl tf\F F oaDaital,lroO6ar{cacl tl !a FCrEtatanrtnr|nF.!a-AOd-all c{ rl t{ eH-tr*s88fl* CDrlOFCDCnll.n.o0crH ^s3ol.5s R5a'trfi388fl8 h trtlA rlrrl rt lrtoor .?.i nataJ 9tH8Gl r1 erIt nn na Gl Fl ClGl ?a Clildrtm'm'l.l Ga ra Clcl cl(l?a mt rrl' nadora ?{c{ trar'an C' CD C' p E 2.2,e2 ?-s I $f,EF E apaaaaeH fi $HHH E PTPTFPT ()JJ o (E Ec 31,(oat-o!(l, =coa ge -tl ;EE=,EEsiEEgggEuHFE,E*E*uuus sB*8 s ssRFFsSs SSd H-eS*53SRshS ddC,G' rleGT?a go Eo o o. E =o ll tUtr l'L t\Co Er.l ot cthanGld R86t d' nlG'FG'... cro NJ 9(,Q.t't GIFrl liqt,lo rtlra Ilgt .ntl ylrn raUI grli -q ra 888S6nlFirr' idra E88otrt!\c' -l C' C' C'r,i anrloC 880q6t+ fl806('r+ q{' ot7lnl eaHqFT\IENot and!t to6 dcirrt taltna sN snl anlia a,t?a Jcl Gt!!t,l a,lrtnl ttrDoil -l 222ppp22232ee $ S I S E f I S S I E EH EEE$E$EE8BE E EEEE E ESSEEEB EB ESBhBBSBEEEs ssss s ssts$ss ss tssssssssssF >F<{f ^ ts'q{:>}>< F{g FFFF}>{!ts'B^FItD IDH ?acl+ F rl$ th;8fi88lANraclOUlOrrlJ tt6a888lO.\.rldtlO--adrrt ItggooolraSatFc{ ca ,arll\l elOGaaDanrlClttCCrOaadCla\aarlF!tdt.lC -l rrr'Fl dt ft{ Ga Ga cl nn,)rF..8t FhSEe$Gr$ H-BA FBSE qGt n' S'D8T EBSE 3lr.r.rG.rt3nt' 5e8[ EB3. $ oc'c,.FsBI F5S. j EHEEFEH' TESS' EJSuturJ ro' 5[ EgEEEEfiE flENEEHEdlrlsl ra-GtJ cr' nlGt +.} S'nt ..t -r h-d h-al 22,222 3, 222,p2222ITTqE I EITTTTTT ?*38*EEBEEE E 3B*B?fl8? P9g99SrrrDrnnrr ra 6646666o crcrGtcrcr.r{?tddd G{ d--dr{.{.{d ddd--l E$EEE e eg$$EEEE e$ETsE ^qSS>> S *FE".q}F FS F^ F FS> rlhOSAarl Gl [ra G,lra €h-?lGa rlF-clGl croc, C'OC' ocrG, B6r.l NT9SEdlnGlG.arlj C)JJ o tu =C U'6o os'6 =-coa r-g ,ErEr E E$EEgErl EE.ErE888 8E H*SSS8$t8 5-8?SE Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment22 Notice to SBWLLC customerc of application for a CPCN $crtruottaet Gasin h0aeu AAC Consumer Confidence RePort 2013 Issued June 2014 Each year we send a letter to our customers to inform them of the results of watertesting that has taken place in the past year. All required testing has been compteteO within the time schedule for the system to meet all Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requirements. 1. Total coliform bacteria samples showed an absence of bacteria. Z. Nitrate samples (NO3) were not detectable within the sensitivity of the instrument.3. The pH of your drinking water ranges from 6.7 to 6.9, with 7.0 being neutral. With the water being slightly acidic, we recommend that when you first get up to your place after being gone for a length of time, run your water one to two minutes prior to using it. The overatl systems water quality as demonstrated by these tests is very good. All backflow devices shall be test annually and the test results sent to us. Please contact us if you have a bacKlow device in your home or if you need help to determine if you have one or need one. Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity The Schweitzer Basin Water LLC (SBWLLC) will be applying to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for a Ceftificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. The SBWLLC serues the paft of the SchweiEer Resoft residential area within Township 58 N, Range 2 W, Boise Meridian, Section 20, Southeast 7+ in Bonner County. The Commission reviews and approves rate increases. Any future rate increases will. be reviewed by the PUC. This is not a request to change the current rates. If you have any questions for the PUC they can be reached at Commission Secretary, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83724, 208-33+0300. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We will see you this summer or on the slopes. Sincerely, Mel Bailey 208-265-8953, 208-263-7LL7 Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 21 List of Current Customers Schweitzer Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 23 A. Typical Bill B. Typical Reminder Notice C. Typical Final Notice (has never been used) D. SBWLLC General Rules and Regulations E. Company Main Extension Rules SCH.WBIIIZE'R BASIN WAIIIER LLC P OBoxTTz Sagle, lD 83880 ?0e,263.7117 2826S8053 SECOND QUARTER WATER BILL (for April, May, June 2014) A}ITAD Rana AHIIIAD 2131 S Crcatine St SPOKANE, WA992O3 SchwvTlage, Tax 01 Addres 81@ Scfnreitserlit Rd PREVIOUS BALANCE: NUMBER OF UNITS: 1 TOTALPERMONTH: = 1 +$41 = $ 41 TOTAL FOR THREE MONTHS; = g 41* (3 months) = LATE CHARGE INTEREST TOTAL DUE THIS QUARTER= Due dab b July 15,2014 $ 123 $ 123 After 15 days a hte charge will be added. After 30 days uebr will be tumed off. Please rnake payrnentb: SCTMIEITZER BASIN WATER LLC PO Box 772, Sagle, lD 83860 Please retum thb portion to Schweitzer Bmin Water LtC PO BoxTl2 Sagb !D 83860 From: AHMAD 5@53$23911 5(P86$4303 Rana AHIIIAD 2131 S Crcatline St SPOKANE, WA 99203 TOTAL DUE $ 123 Due By July 15,2014 Please note address changes and add a phone numberfor contac'ting you in case of an emergency. W do Ad7’kat-t oalp/1cn LJ IA/e.j,i7/S ,4,..c .ts ‘-i’s SCHWEITZER BASIN WATER COMPANY 7 P0 Box 712 á.1L Sagle,ID 83860 t 208-263-7117 ‘1’)?.208-265-8953 FIRST QUARTER WATER BILL (for January,February,March 2014) Thompson Zimmennan David &Gretchen ZIMMERMAN 4040 Marlowe St -. Spires Bk 1,lot6A Address PREVIOUS BALANCE:$t 2 (. NUMBER OF UNITS:I TOTAL PER MONTH:1 *$42 =$42 TOTAL FOR THREE MONTHS:=$42*(3 months)=$126 LATE CHARGE A/e eh t1 pad £oiA’,, INTEREST “ TOTAL DUE ThIS QUARTER=$126 —4 1 = Due date is April 15,2014 Afterl5daysa btechargewifl beadded.After3odayswaterwill bekimed off. Please make payment to:SCHWEITZER BASIN WATER COMPANY P0 Box 772,Sagle,ID 83860 Please return this portion to Schweitzer Basin Water Co P0 Box 772 Sagle ID 83860 From:Thompson ZImmerman 713-669-1263 218-7964281 David &Gretchen ZIMMERMAN 4040 Marlowe St HOUSTON,TX 77005. TOTALDUE $126+t7- Due ByApill 15,2014 Please note address changes and add a phone number for contacting you in case of an emergency. Our records do not show payment for the last Quarter.We may not have posted your payment in our database.Please check your records for your last payment and if the check has been cancelled by your bank.Ifyour record shows payment please send the check number and date of payment along with your current payment. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. The snow has melted and spring is turning into summer Sincerely Mel Bailey,Schweitzer Basin Water LEC 208-610-2318 ;t •:* r- VVVV •V4VIV V V V V •VV V VVV V ,V V V V SWC Company Office Address Mailing Address City, State Zip code Office phone number Emergency number NOTICE OF INTE}.IT TO TERMINATE SERVICES Customer Address Label Acct # FINAL DATE BATANCE DUE (Final Date) ($xx.xx) SERVICE ADDRESS (customer service address) You are hereby notified that you are delinquent in the payment of charges for Water Service provided you by (SWC) Company. The balance of your account, according to our records, is indicated above. In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commisslon, if thls balance is not paid, or lf payment arrangements are not made by the (Final Date) shown above, then YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED after the (Final Date). To avoid termination you must contact (SWC) Company before the Final Date to make a payment arrangement or pay in full. Please call on Weekdays between (TIME) AM and C[ME) pm and ask for billing/collectlons. Termination may be delayed by:1. Providing a medica! certiffcate advising us of the existence of a Medical Emetgency.2. Filing a complaint regarding the proposed termination with the Idaho Public Utllities Commlsslon, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0A74 (800-432-0369). Termination of seruice in no way relieves you of your obligation to pay for all seryices prior to termination. Should service be terminated, a charge for restoration of service of; ($xx.xx) during normal office hours, or ($xx.:o<) for other than normal business hours must be paid, plus the account balance prior to restoration of service. SWC Company may assist you by making payment arangements not requiring lmmediate payment ln full, if you contact us prior to the Final Date to arrange suctt a payment plan. (This statement must be in bold print. Remember, your water will be turned off after the Final Date unless you act before the Final Date. (other formats accepted) SCHWEMER BASIN WATER COMPANY RUT-ES AND REGI.,IATIONS REV 6, Novemberl4, 2010 Section Numbers01. DetrniUons0?. Purpose03. Ownership04. Exeptions05. Application for Water Connection06. Use of Water07. Fumished Water08. SeMe ConnecUons09. Separate Connections10. SpecialUserequirements11. Private Servie Lines12. Contracts13. Rates ard fiarges14. Payment for service15. teakage witht'n Premisesf6. Water Damages InJuries wt'thin PropertyL7. Tumirp on water Servhe18. Crws Connectlons or Physicalonnectbns19. Plumbing20. Servie InteruPtion2L. Maintenane and replaernent of Service Lines22. Water Maln Fr<temions23. Temporary Service24. Termination and Restoratbn of Service25. Inshllation and Use of Fire Hydnnts26. Private Pooland Tank27. Revisions and ltlodifications of Rules28. Consh'hrtionalitySavlngOause 01. DEFIT.INONS SBWC - shall nrean Schweitrer Basin water aornpany Orner - krcon - shall mean and irdude any person, flrm, o-partnership, association, or corporation. Customer - shall mean any operson" provided water service after application is approved and paid in tull.Sm - shall mean all or any part of the water systern, owned and operated by SBWC and shall include allservice lines to and irrcludlng al! service onnections valves (curb stops). Seryioe Unes - Servloc oonnecflons - shall mean the pipe, valves, stops and fiftings from a main b and induding fie oonnecUon valve. Gu$mer Une - shall mean the pipe, valves and ffttings leading ftorn fE property line inb the premises seryed. Maln - Water Maln - stell mean any plpe located in street, or right-of*vay, whiclr pipe is ovned and maintained by SBI/VC for the purpose of disfuibutirg water to customer. I 02. 2.L 03. 3.1 3.2 04. Sqrde atga - shall be that area induded wlthin the llmfrs at Bre first and seaord AddlUon d Sdnrueltrer Basln vlllagB fperty and sttdr otheronuguous or ndghborlng Eniton/r G SBUrc $a[ from tinrebU]ne detennirn b serye. ruRFOSE Sdnreltzer Badn Water Comparry (SB\rc) b authortsed to ptwlde unter withln SdueiEer Basin Vilhge Addlthn I ard 2, despnated as ttre servie area. Water servhe outskde the sen l@ arca can be orsHered lf lt b deHmlned apgoprlate by SBtlt C. OWNERS,}IP The enUre water systern, lndudlrg all malns, sen b @nnecdons, sen le @nrrcction rralves, resenrdrs, prrnplng sbUorls, treatrnst trdllE, urclb, all ffillEes and applrtenanoc are ovned bY SBlrlrC. nb person oBrerthan an emplqpe dS[3\lrC shall be perm[td b lnsall, ryoq ordtaqge arrysen ie omffins. In additbn, no person drer than an erndolree d SBttC $all be permrcO b operaE SSIIIC raahres or ofier egulptent withort tfie penntsdon d SBWC. DGEPTIONS 4.L mernbers d Bte flrc @artment shan be permfited b use frre ffirants or dnr ry&r $ures fur purpoes of unbffiry nrcs. When bsfirg and fltdllrB d sldl hdranB b requtred, SBrrc shall be ndfied seven (7) ddys ln advane and a waEr usage furm shall be fihd wlth SBtlrCwlhln seven (7) daYs.4.2 lb person $all tamper vyiEr, or in any rnanner lnbrfae wlUr, sen& @nnecfions, valves, flre hlprants, or any ffier prWerty of SBtfUC. 0$, rppu6m6x[ FoR WATER @NNECnONS 5.1 epptmon fur $raEr servB shall be rnade on apdhatbns furms prutided by SBWC. Upqr omple$on of tsE apflhaUon, the property o,vner orthe ovner's qenta authorhd ln wrlUng by Ure owner, stnll presert the appllcatbn b SBWC. tto lrxtalldon, snrdon or llne ottercUr shall be rnade untl sudt applhabn has been aG@ by SnyCand, when requircd, by Idaho Departrcnt d Healtlt, All ftes shall be paH in full prbr to &e start d r/uorlc5.2 By maklrp apfllcatlot fior water servlce, or by usirg water service zupplled by SE\a/C, atery applicanft/ter does tfprcby ghrc and gnant b SBWC, it s agents ard ernployees, the righ! at all rcasonabh Umes, b ener upot the gembes hr prpces of fspecflon fur ornpliane wlth Stese rules and reguHons. In the ae of anergendes, e.g. vraEr llrrc danrage, the user ah granB fie dght to enbr upon the prernbes b pennlt energerry acflors. 06. USE OFWATER 6.1 Wabr wlll be fumbhed fur ordinary &mesdc, busirress, commun[y, and fire proMon purposes a the q,sfiem may r€asonat{e supdy. WaEr is rd b be used fur lawns, irrlgnUon, waEn feafures, dtd ontnol or odrer nondonpsUc us€es, l.e. do rd run vuater b $ra#.6.2 R€sah of vv6H purdtred ftorn SBUrc may be psrnlrcd only under spedal aortract and saH 2 6.3 @ntract must be apprord bY SBWC. In the eraent that SBWC determines Utat @nditom ocist whhh require the restricUon or prohlbi$on of use of water ln order to protect the health, peace, sfety and welf,are of the patrons and customers of the SEWC, SBWC shall establlsh a scheduh d use restricUons and prohlbitions. The sdrcdule shall andhate the uses prohiblted or resfricted and the period d periods of prohitrired and/on restricted use. The scteduh of prohibibd and restrkhd uses shall be postcd in three (3) publlc and consphuous places withln the localarea no more than ten (10) days after the adoption of sald rhedule. Any person, flrm or orporation using water in viohfron of said adopted sdreduh shall be given nofre; the water servie to said premises shall be disonnected. The notirp of violaUon and disonnection shall be delivered to the occupant of the premlses at which the unauthorized use is occurring. If the company is unable for any reason to serve saH notie on the ocupant personally, than sald notice shall be posffi on the pernises, and sail pcting shallons0'hrte delivery of ndb. RJRNISHED WATER E<tensions to fumlsh water to areas wlthin the servkr area but not presenUy obtaining water froin the s)6tem, shall be made ry SBWC, or by ttrcse opressly authorized ry SB[i/C, at the expense of thooe persons requesting service. The company shall not, at its o<pens€, b€ obli'gted to extend the dlstribution system to fumish water for all proper$ within the senrice area. SERVICE CONNECTIONS Water servioe shall be prwided only ftorn dpes and mains ovned ry SBWC, to propeff or prenrises abutting sudt malns, and the serv'rce connectftrns shall be b@ted at srdr points as SBV\rC shall detennine. Unless authorlzed by SBWC a seMce connectbn shall provide water to onff one residential strudure. When a customer requests that a standad servie onnection be remorcd or relocated, srldr removal or relocatbn shall be at the oeense of the customer. The sbndard service connection shall be one (1) -lnch (slngle residential structure). Valve location ard defih shall be approred by SBWC. Allfittings, pipe and onnecUons shall be determlned by SBWC. Sen ie @nnediotr hrger than standard may be pennitEd only upon written applicaUon to SBWC. The ompany resen es the right to deny larger than standard serulce connections, whhh it determlns wlll be adequate fur the reasonable needs of the appllcant. The applicant in advane of the instalhtion, shall pay UE full amount of Ure servie lnstallation charge. All paving repalr and road cut permits are in additlon to the installatlon charges and are the responsibility of the custorner. The servle @nrrccUon lnstalled by the dweloper or @ntractor shall indude a SBWC approved shut off detrie at or near the property lire. The service line shall be installed perpendicular to the maln where practkal. It shall be located so that no porUon of the custome/s service line shall pass through hnds or buiHirps, whir$ are not the property of the applicant. Maintenance of servle oonnectbns vatrre (curb stops) shall be the responsibillty of the cusbmer. Soil, rccks, pavement or other obstacles shall not orrer the valve. Any osts inorred to un@ver valves shall be bilbd to the custoner. 7.2 08. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 07. 7.L 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 09. SEPARATECONNECNONS 9.1 A separate connection wlll be requircd fur each dwelling, place of business, institution, and premlse served. All aaessory building and premises used as a part of srch dwelling place, business or insUhrtion, may be served frorn sudr onnecfon; as wellas all buildingB on sudt prernlses operated under one rnanagernent.9.2 No user shall fumish water b any Famlry, business, institution or premlses other than those occupies by hlm. Howwer, SBWC may permlt a user to supply others through hb service @nrrccton, and ln this went, sudt user rnay be dtarged an addiUpnal monthly minimum brdt additiDnal user so zupplied. Sudt permlt rnay be revokd, and separate servioe connections required, at any tirne. If, in an emergency, SBWC requests that water be furnished to other premlses through a cusbme/s servie connectlon, no extra charge will be lmposed on the customer. 10.0 sPEcrAL usE REQUIREMENT 10.1 Water service b an apaffnent house, motel, ondominium, dupbx, or oUpr multipb sEuctrre, rnay be fumished only through one servhe @nrrection.f0.2 Specialontracts may be requircd where larye or special invesEnent ln facili$es is necessary to supply the requested service, and SBWC reserves Ute right to require ontribution toward sucfr investrnent and to establish sudt minimum dnrges as arc deemed neressary. 11.0 PRIVATE SERVICE UNES 11.1 The customer at his co6t shallonsffuct hls private servic line frorn sle location selected by SBWC to Ule premises at be served.tL.2 Priyate servie lines shall be installed in amrdarre with the Plumbing and applicable Specialty Codes approrcd by the State of ldaho and SBWC.11.3 No pump equipment shall be installed b Ure prtvaE servie lirre without prbr writbn approvalftorn SEWC. 12.0 CONTMCTS 12.1 When premlses of an applient for water seMce arc @nrrcctd as a result of an applkation made and aepted by SBWC, the written application shall be oonsidered a @ntract. Within sakJ contract the applicant agrees to abide by all rule and regulations in effect at the tirne of s[ning, or as may be adopted or modiFied thereafter ry SBWC, and to pay all bills prompUy. If or when Src premises arc sold or transfered b offircrs, thb ontact shall be fansfered to the nevv o^rner.12.2 Whenever the applicanfs requirernnts for water servie are subffi to fluctuation in dernand due to un@mmon or unlque actlvities, SBWC may require a special ontract for an extended peri,od of Ume. The ompany requircs reasonable security satisfiactory to the company and sufficient to proEct the ompany against loss, as well as guarantee performanoe under the terms of the contract.12.3 bcept as where othenrise provided by these rules and regulations, the company may reftrseb supply water to any premise, when the user fails, after writEn rrcfie, to ompty with the rules specifted in the wrltten ndiae. 4 13.0 RATES AND C}IARGES 13.1 Rate Schedule - SBWC shallfrom time b Ume, prescribe and amend the schedule of rates and chargres for water service. When the raE schedule is revised, 6 @py of the revised scheduh shal! be sent to the Hlllng address of all @nent custorners. Current rate sdredules will be available at the SBWC offie or by request. Water will be sots in amrdance with the schedule of rates and charges. 1.+.0 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 14.1 All bills fior water servlce are sue not later than fffteen (15) days after the billlng date and srch bills shall be delinquent if not paid within thirty (30) days of the billing date.14.2 SBWC may tum off water supdy to trte premises of whldr payrnent is delilquent and the servhe shall not be restored untilalldelirquent Hlls are paill (water ard serruer), togetrter with such other charges relaEd to delinquent bills as rnay be determined by SBWC. Note: To protect the heath of the publlc, SBWC has agreed to ng& restore water servirn to a property unUl all past due aounts (sover ftes) have also been resold with Recreation LJfility ompann Inc.14.3 All payrnents shall be made to SBWC, either by mailor ln person. 14.4 Water bills oryed by renters or onFact property owners are the rcponsibility of the owner on reord with Bonlrer County. 15.0 L.EAKAGE MIHIN PREMISES 15.1 All leal@ge oauning ftorn Ute cu$mer lirre bepnd the property line shall be at the el<pense of the customer. The custorrer shall be responsible for the proper rnaintenance and repair of such line.L5.2 Water furnlshed by SBWC shall not be permitted to run to waste unless SBWC and Resort Water Company agree Stat allowing water to run to waste is requlred. (WaEr running to waste uses a great deal of $e @padty of both the water qptem and the ser\rer systenr.) Persons running water to waste wil! give cause to dlsonrect their propefi from water and ser,rrer servioes. The cusftomer wlll also be responsible fur all water loss through bakage, frozen pipes and offrcr causes.15.3 Leaks in customer lines shall be repalrd as soon as deEctd. SBWC shall not allor any reduction in the rate charged for water servk, due to the servkr lirre belng tumed off unUl rcpairs are ompkted.15.4 SBWC is not obllgoted to pefform any servlce whatever in locating leaks or other bouble inside the custorne/s prcrnlses. It shall, lnr rever, endeavor to assist the custorner in finding the cause of trouble, whenerrer ondltlons permit. 16.0 WATER DAMAGE OR IN'URIES VVITHIN MOPERTY 16.1 SBWC shall not be liable fur any damage or injury whaboeyer for bakage or the running of water on the premiss from darnaged water line, plumbirg ffxtures, open faucets, valves, fn<hrres, derriaes, appurtenanc€s, or hoses, beyond the prope@ line. 17.O TURNING ON WATER SERVICES L7.L 17.2 18.0 18.r 18.2 18.3 Unless authorized ry SBEWC, no person offirer than an empbyee, or representative of SBWC shall tum on or off any of the servles or other SEWC vahre or equirynent. Customers deslring either disontinuance of seruhe, a netv servioe restoraUon of service, shall make anangements foe strch servls with SBWC. CROSS CONNECNONS OR PHYSICAL @NNECTIONS WIIH OIHER WATER SUPPTES Neither cro6s @nnecdons nor physhal oonnedbns of any kind shall be made to any other water supply, whether public or prhnte, wiBput the written onsent and approval of SBWC and the apprwal of the State Of ldaho Deparunent of Health and welhre. SBWC shall requlre back-f,orv prwentors or dreck valves in domesfic lines, if deemed appropriate. These requirernents must be stricfly observed as a rnatter of public health and b prwent oontaminaUon of the water qffiem. All cross connections or phpical connectiom with other waEr supplies or syffins shall be made in sfiid amrdarre with the requirenrents and rcommendations of the State of Idaho DeparUnent of Healft and Welfare. Additional Inbnnatlon: If a boiler is used brUle heating sl$ern ard onnected direcily to Ute servie line or if a need for a baddow preventor is determirred, i.e. fire sysfiem, pressure pump, only approrred back flow preventor (s) shall be installed. A certlfied teter shall test the bac{<flow prwentor (s) pfiq to the system start-up. Each year thereafter a ertified tester shall omplete a test of the baddovy pranmbr (s). This inbrmatirn shall be sent b SBWC after the device has sucessftrlly ornpleted $e test or been repaired ard rctes&d. If tesUng is not condtrcted, water servle shal! be terminated within thirty (30) days. 19.0 PLUMBING 19.1 All plurnbing wlthin buildings served by SBWC shall be installed and onstrucEd so as to prevent pollution of the water supply by back siphonage or cro6s ontamination. Lour flow usage plumbing ftxtures shall be used in all new @nstructbn and any rephaement of onent ftxtures.19.2 Water meters shall be Installed for all new construction and retro fitted when possible hr eistirg buildlngs at eth customer oeeflse. These rreters shal! have a rcrnote rmdout. This readout shall be pld near the ftont door in a location that b acsible during winter ondiUons.19.3 All persons having boilers, water tank or other equipment supplled by diret pressure ftom SBWC main shall install a pressure relief valve, or other d€!/ie to serve the same purpose whicfr are approved by the onent plumbiry ode.19.4 WaEr servb to any premises latown or fqmd b have defecG and hazards shall be disconnected ard not restored unUlsrrch defects have been eliminated.19.5 Authorized SBWC personnel may inspect such pipes and plumbing at the reasonable times ard with reasonable nofie. 2O.O SERVICE INTERRUPTION 20.1 As SE neessi$ may arise (e.9. in case of brealq errcryEncy, or odrer avclidabh 6use) SBWC rnay bmporarily ort offwater supply in order to make neaessary repairs, @nnecfions or the like.20.2 SBWC will use all reasonabb and practkal means to noUff the customer of any 6 disontinuance of service.20.3 SBWC shall not be liabh br arry damage to inonrreniene suffered by Ute ortorner, or br any clalm against it at any time, for lntenufiion in service, lessening of zupply, lnadequate pressure, poor qmlity of water, or for causes reasonable beyond SBWC on8ol, 2T.O MAINTERNANCE AND REPI.ACE}UIET{T OF SERVICE UNES 21.1 SBWC shall rnaintaln and repair water servkre ptpirg between the water main and the property line, when SBWC or its ontracbrs have installed this servkr piping. Exceptbn: SBWC is not responsibh for the repair or redaernent of improperly installed (property owner or otrners ontnctor) or substandard water servie llnes, (substandard is an installation that does not meet SBWC standards: material, depth, or installation). When suffindard servie piprng fails or ls disovered, the proper$ ouvners are responsible to replrc the substandard wabr servftE at the ortome/s ogense. If SBWC repairs or replaes a failed water servkr line and the lirre or installation is substandard, Ule o$mer is responsibh for the co6t of the repalr or rcplaernent. Note: When a substandard water servhe line disovered, it ls the cuSmer reponsibili$ b replae the line as soon m practkal. If the lirp ls not replaced, SBWC has the option of disconnecting the water service line untilthe line is replaced. There wlll be no reduction in water rated during the time period that the water is disconnected. 21.2 Cusbrners shall be responsible fur the maintenane and repair of servir:e paplrp betrreen ttre property lirrc and the premises.21.3 Customers shalltake all reasonable precautbns to protect service lines and servirr valve frorn damage of any kind; in default of whldt, such user shall pay to SBWC UE full amount of the resulUng damages. Z2.O WATER MNN DOENSIONS 22.1 SBWC prwides fiadlities br general dlstribution of water within the derfunated limits (see ruRPOSE itern a.), but it shall rd o<terd, at SBWC o(pense, fadliUes to serviE additircnal customerc, propertie, tracts, or subdivisions. Sucfr oGensions, when requested, shall be paH fir by Ete custo[Er requesting such extension, at actual total onstruction ost b SBWC. Total onstnrcUon osts shall induded, hrt not be llmibd b, direct and indirect o<penses fur materials, labor-, equipment, rental, phnnirg, erqineering, inspection of onstruction, dus a reasonabh perren@E for overhead and supervislon.22.2 Applications br main o<tensions shall be written and accompanied by four (4) opies of a map, drawn to scale, shoring the properties, whidr are b be served by the proposed extension.223 All main o<tensions shall be made by SBWC or by a ontactor approved by SBWC.22.4 All maeriill used in main erctenslons will be purchasd, or apprwed by BSWC, be of first qualrty, ard beorne a part of Ute pemxment sy#n of SBWC.22,5 In case d new daeloprnent, the phn or grid fur water rnains must be apprwed by StBVl/C prior b instalhtion.22,6 Slze of main ottensbm shall be urder SBWC specifications and subJect to SBWC approval. In general, the size of malns shall not be less than six (6) indres in diameter, buried at a minimum defit of six (5) ftet ln a sand bed, appropriate blocking, lald out to inter-onnect 7 with o<isting and future SNWC wabr lines; and thereby grid the system. 22,7 Water llnes larger Utat six (6) indrcs in diameEr shall be required when subdivisilrns are of sufficient size of onflguraEon to warant the hrge lines and such wananUng of large size shall be determlned bY SB\/C. 22.8 The @st of er<tension shall irdude, but is not limiEd b, pipe, fitirps, valve, vahre boxes, and fire hydrants. E<tensbm shall be nnde in Ure sUeet to Ure full fron@e of Ute property served with seryice onnections to each lot within the o<tension area, unless offierwise authorized by SBWC.22.9 Advance payment for o<Ettsions shall be made by Ere person requesting stdr ortensbn to the property for whidr servie is de;ired. After a written request br a rnaln o(hnsion, procedure shall be as folbws:' SBWC shall prepare an estimate of oost induding engineering, supelision, inspection of onstrucfion and a reasonabh percentage for werhead,' A opy of the estimate shall be prwidd to $e applicant.' The applicant shall make full payment of the estimated cost. Note: SBWC will not proceed with the work unUlstrch payrnent is recelved.' Work wlll take place and be canied to ompledon. After ornplefion of the worlq and tabulatbn of all coots of installation, any o(oess monles deposihd pnbr to tle work shall be refunded. The pemon rcquesting the o<tensbn to the property br whhh servlce was requested shall pay for arry cost o<eding the estimate. 23.0 TEMPOMRY SERVICE 23.1 For temporary water servhe, a custo{rrcr shall make written applicatbn to SBWC.23,t When the application is evaluated, SBWC will provide the custorner with a ost for ttre ternporary seMce. The @st will lndude: labor, onsiluction @6ts, rnaterials, oost of water.23.2 The customer $all pan in advane, fur the lnsilalhtion, esfirnated oost of water and retuhral costs of the ternporary $/stem. 24 TERI,IINATION AND RESIORATION 24,L Termination at Request of the Customer- When a customer notifies SBWC of sale of property or change of responsible persons for payment, the customer is requlred to pay for water seMce until the date d transfier or until SBWC in notifted, The cusbrner is responsible to inform SBWC of the narne, address ard phone number of Bre netv customer and provirle the new customer with these rules and regulatbns.24.2 TerminaUon of Servlce by SBWC- SBWC shall terminate water servioe to premise served by it upon ocurene of any of the bllowing:' Non-payment of Ctarges - SBWC shall brminah water servie upon delirquency of drarges for water seMce fumished to premises, or for other unpa'rd debts due SBWC.' Violation of Rules and Reguhtircns - SBWC shalltermlnate water servir:e to premise where such prernises, or the custorner, are in violatbn of any portlrn of ttrese Rules ard Regulat'rcns. 24.3 SBWC may charye each cusbmer for dlsonflnuing water servirr and an additbnal drarge for restoring waEr service. Sudr charges shall be establlshed in the water rate 56hedule. 25 INSTAII.ATION AND USE OF FIRE }IYDRANTS 25.f The cgstomer is responsible br payment of the ost of the ergineering waluatlon br flow, location, hydrant, fittngs, installation road repair and any fees or testing @6t. SBWC to determine fees and testing ost prior to start of work by approved ontractor. Engineering erraluation and Schweitzer Fire Department to determine if a suihble location of fire hydrant can be found.25.2 SBWC is not responsible fur fire flors frorn hydrants inshlled by ctrstorners. All maintenane and repalrs to fire hydrants are the responsibillty of the customer.25.3 No unauthorized person shall open any fire hydrant; atternpt to draw water from it or in any way tamper wlth it. 25.4 Any person who desires to use a firc hydrant foe temporary water supply must obtain permission from SBWC. The user will be charged a fee br hook-up, plus the applicable user rate as stablished hy SBWC.25.5 If a person desircs to change the size, Upe, or location, of an o<isting fire hydrant the person shall pay all osts of sudr ctange. No sridr dtange can be made without SIBEWC apprwa!.25.6 SNWC was not designed to fumish firc protection; SBWC purpos€ is to fumish only domestic water service. Therefore, SBWC shall not be responsible for loss or damage claimed to have been due b lact of adeqmte water supply, or water pressurc, and merely agrees to fumlsh such quantity of water at sudr pressure as are awilable in its general distribuUon rystern. If additional flows and pressurc are required, it is the responsibility of the customer, the customers engineer and the Fire Department to determine, with SBWC approval, a system design that uould provftle sudt addiUonalflouvs and/or pressure. These s16tern dnnges, if agreed upon ry SBWC, will be at the ogense of the custorner. 26 PRIVATEPOOLANDTANK 26.1 When water is desired foe fllling a swimming pool, tank or other uses, whir*r require abrnrmally hrge quantitft:s of wabr, anangernents must be made with SBWC prior to the bking of sudt water. 27 REVISTONS AND MODIFICATONS OF RULE$ REGULATTONS AND CI{ANGES 27.L SBWC may make such retrisions b the rules and regulaUons, as it deems necessary from time to time. All rates and charges for servie, installation of service valves, servie piping, main o<tension, and any offier Upe of servie shall be established by SBWC. 28 CONSnTUTTONALITY,SAVINGCTAUSE 28.1 If a ourt of om@nt jurlsdiction shall adjudge any clause, sentene, paragraph, secton, or portion of these RuB and Regulations fur any reason invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of these Rules and RegulaUons. APPROVED FOR SCHWETTZER BASIN WATER COMPANY By M J Bailey date- UiIIFORII ]'IAIN EffETISION RULE K)R WATER UTIUTIES Ba*d on Order No. 7830 (Case No. t -150G22) A. GEI{ERAL PROVI$OilS AttID DEFIilIIIONS 1. Apdicability a. All extenSons d dlstrihrUon malns frorn the utiliVs eds$ng disitrlbution slrtern, to senrc new orsrncrs, scePttbthase specmca[y exduded below $allbe made urder$e provldons of thts Rule unless spedflc authority ls first obbincd frorn fic Cornmlssion to deviate therefrom. A rnain o<tcnsbn contract shall bc exctuted by the uUllty and thc appllcant or applkants fur $c main ottenSon before tsre uUfry cqnmenccortructUr work on saH exHrsion or, if onstructed by apPlicant or apdlants, beforc the fadlttles omprtslng the maln extmslon are transftrted to tftc uU[ty. b. ExHrdons co|tdy furfire hydrant, fivate fire protection, r€sale, temporary, $andby, cu$emantal sende sftall nC be made underthis Rule. c. The utsllty rnay, but will nd be rcquired to, make oCensions underthis Rule ln easements or rights-of-wry where llnal grades hatrc not been establft$ed, or wilere strcet grades have not been brught to those esbbll$ed by publk auhority. If otEstms arc made when grades have nd been establl# and there ls a reasonabb probabillty that $e odsilng grade wlll be changcd, fte udlity Srall requlre that the appllont or applacanB forthe maln extendon depostt, at the Ume of o<eafion of the rnaln e)Censlon agreemot, tfie esffimated net co6t of relocating, Eldtrg, or lmuing facflttic upon esbUishrncnt of final gradcs. Adjusffnent of any dlftrence between the amount so depostted and the actual coct d rdoca6ng, EiCng, lowerirqg fadllties shall be made within ten (10) daVs afterthc ffillBy hre aertalncd suctr actual ost. The net derctt represnUng actral ost ls not subject to rdirnd. The enUre deposlt relaH b the propcea rebca0on, ralslng or lowerlrlg shall be refunded urhen srdr displaernents are detennined by propcr authorl$ to be n* rcguared. 2. Deltni6ms a. Bona Flde Olsbmer, for$e tnnDees of thb Rule, shall be a anstorner (exduding any orsftorner funnerly sarued at the same locaUon) who has ghrcn satlsfiEtory evldcne that ssvtce ml be resonaUy perrnanent to the property whadr has been improved wlth a bullding of pertnanent nahlle and to hrhldr senrlae has oommend. The provblon of servlce to a real e#te da@ or hdlder during the onstrucdon or devdopnent pertod shall not c#bllsh hlm as a bona fide customer. b. Real &te OevAoeer or Bullder, fur purposes of thb Rule, shall lndude any lndMdu!|, agso#tim of indMduals, parhershlp, or oormratjon that divides a parcel of land into two (2) or morc porlilons. c. Mrrrsted Cmstrucfron Cd, ftrthe rurpces of thls futle, shall bc. nEaconaHc ard shdl not aed tte coets rccorded ln confurrnlty witr gensally aoepteO rraEr tfiltf aoundng and sound engineerirg practies, and as seecrncily deEned in the, Unlbrrn Sllstern of AccounE SrUCLdtl&rrrl.h ffi2G.rbc for Water UtiliHes prescribed"by the Commission, of installing fucilities, of adequate capacity for the service requested. If the utility at lts option should install facilities with' a larger capacity or reulting in a greater footage of extension tian regulred for the service, the adtusted constructlon cost for the purposes of this Rule shall be determaned by the application of an adjustment ffior to actual construction cost of facilities installed. This factor shall be the ratio of estimated cost of required facitities to estirnated cost of achral faciliUes instalted. d. Commlsslon shalt mean the ldaho Public UtiliUes Commlsslon. Ownership, Design and Constnrction of Facilities a. Any facillUes lnstalled hereunder shall be the sole property of the utillty. In those lnstances ln which tifle to certain portions of the lnstallatlon, such as fire hydrants, will be held by a political srbdivision, such fiacilities shall not be induded as a part of the main extension under this Rule. b. The size, type, quality of materials and their location shall be specified by the utiliW and the actual construction shall be done by the utilrty or by a constructlng agency accepbble to lt. c. Where the property of an applicant is located adJacent to a right-of-way, exceeding 70 feet in width, for a street, highway or. other public purpose, regardless of Sre width of the traveled way or pavement; or a freeway, watenray or railroad right-of-way, the utility may elect to install a main octenslon on the same side thereof as the property of the appllcant and the estimated and adusted construction costs ln such case shall be based upon such an extension. d. \IVhen an extension must comply with in ordinance, regulation, or speclffcaUon of public authority, the estimated and adJusted construction costs of said extension shall be based upon the faciliUes required comply therewith. Estimates, Plans and Specifications a. Upon request by a potential apflicant for a main extension, the utility shall prepane without drarge a pri:liminary sketch and rough estimates of the cost of installaUon to be advanced by sald applicant. b. Any applicant for a main extension reguesting the utility to prepare detailed plans, specificaUons and cost estimates shall be required to deposit with the uUlity an amount equal to the estlmated cost of preparation of such materlal. fie utillty shall, upon request, make available within 45 days after receipt of the deposit referred to above, sucfi plans, specifications and cost estimates of the proposed main extension. If $e extension is to include oversizing of facilities to be done at the utilityt expense approprlate details shall be set forth in the plans, speclftcatlons and cost estlmates. c. In the event a main extension contract with the utility is executed within 180' days after the uHli$ furnishes the ddailed plans and specifications, the deposit shall become a part of the advance, and shall be refunded in accordance with the terms of the main extension contract. If such contract is not so executed the deposit to cover the cost of preparing ptans, speciffcaUons and cost esfimates shall be forfeited by the applicant for the main extension and the amount of the forfeited deposit shall be credited 3. SttC t{odd Unifomn ll*r ff.rlsion 2009.doc to the account or accounts to whictt the expense of preparing said materialwas charged. d. When detailed plans, speclficaUons and cost estimates are requested the applicant for a main extension shall furnish a map to a suitable scale showing the street and lot layouts, and when requested by the utility, contours or other indicaUon of the relative elevation of the various parts of the area to be developed. If cfianges are made subsequent to the presentatlon of thls map by the applicant, and these changes regulre additlonal expense ln revising plans, specifications and cost estimates this addiUonal expense shall be bome by the applicant, not subject to refund, and the additional expense thus recovered shall be credited to the account or accounts to which the additional cxpense was charged. Timing and Adjustment of Advances a. Unless the applicant for the main extension elects to arrange for the installation of the extension himself as permitted by Section C.1.c., the full amount of the required advance or an acceptable surety bond must be provided to the utility at the time of execution of the main extension agreement. b. If the applicant for a main extension posts a surety bond in lieu of cash, such surety bond must be replaced with cash not less than ten (10) calendar days before construction is to commence; provided, however, that if special facilities are required primarily for the serice requested, the applicant for the extension may be required to deposit sufficient cash to cover the cost of such spedal facilitles before they are ordered by the utlliW. c. An applicant for a main extension who advances funds shall be provided with a, statement of actual construcUon cost and adjusted construction cost showing in reasonable detail the cost incurred for material, labor, any other direct and indirect costs , ovedreads, and total costs; or unit costs or contract costs; whichever are approprlate. d. Said statement shall be submitted within six$ (60) days after the actual construction costs of the installation have been ascertained by the utility. In the event that the actual consbuction costs for the entire installaUon shall not have been determined within 120 days after completlon of construction work, a preliminary determination of actual and adjusted construction costs shall be submittcd, based upon the best available information at that time. e. Any differences between the adJusted construction costs and the amount advanced shall be shown as a revision of the amount of advance and shall be payable within $irty (30) days of submission of the statement. Assignment of Main Extension Contracts - Any contract entered into under Sectlons B and C of this Rule, or under simllar provisions of former rules, may be assigned after setUement of adJusted construction costs, after written notice to the utility by the holder of said contract as shown by the utility's rccords. Such assignment shalt apply only to those refunds which become due more than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt by the utility of the notice of assignment. The utility shall not be required to make any one refund payment under such aontract to more than a single assignee. 5. SWC Hodel Uniform ltlain 6<hn$m 2000.doc 7.Interpretations and Deviations - In case of disagreement or dispute rcgarding the application of any provision of this Rule, or in circtmstances where the applicatlon of this Rule appears unreasonable to either PaffY, the utility, appltcant or appllcants may refer the matter to the Commission for determlnation, EXTENSIONS TO SERVE INDTVIDUAIS Free-Footage Allowance - The utllity strall extend its water distribution mains to serve new bona fide anstomers at its own expense, other than to serve subdlvlslons, tracts , housing projects , industrlal developments or organized commercial disfficts, when the required total length of main entension from the nearest existing utility facility is not in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connection. Advances - If the total length of maln e:<tension is in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connedion applied for, the applicant or applicants for such service shall be required to advance to the utility, before construction is commenced, that portion of the estimated reasonable cost of such extension which e:<ceeds the estimated reasonable cost of 50 feet of the main extension per service connection, exclusive of the cost of seruice pipes, meter boxes and meters. Such estimated reasonable cost shall be based upon the cost of a main not in excess of six (6) in&es ln diameter o<cept where e larger main ls required by the special needs of the applicant or ap$icants. The amount of the advance is subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Section A.S.e. of this Rule. Refunds - The money so advanced shall be refunded by the utility, in cash wlthout interEst, ln payments equalto the adjusted construction cost of flfty (50) feet of the main extenslon for whldr advance was made, for each additional service connection made to said main extension exclusive of that of any customer formerly served in a reasonable manner at the same location. At the request of the applicant, rcfunds shall be made within 180 days after the date of ffrst service to a bona ffde customer. [f no request is received from applicant the utility shall, initiate refunds on an annual basis. No refunds shall be made, after a perlod of ten (1O) yearsftom the date of completion of the main extension and, the total refund shall not exceed the amount advanced. Exceptions - Where a group of five (5) or more individual applicants requests servlce from the same extenslon, or in unusual cases after obtainlng Commission authorization, the utility, at its optionr ffiity require that the individual or individuals advance the entire cost of the main extension as herein provided and the utility shatl refund this advance as provided in Section C.2. of this Rule. B. 1. 2. c. EXTENSIONS TO SERVE SUBDTVISIONS, TMCTS, HOUSING PROJ ECTS IN DUSTRIAL DEI/ELOPM ENTS OR ORGANIZED COMMERCTAL DISTRICT 1. Advances - a. Unless the procedure outlined in Section C.1.c. is followed, an applicant for a main extenslon to s€rve a new subdlvlslon, tract, housing project or industrial development or organized commercial district shall be required to advance to the utility, beforc construction is commenced, the SwC l{odd Uniturm Hdn B(tcnsion 2009-doc estimated reasonable cost of the extension to be actually installed, from the nearest utility facility at least egual in size or capacity to the main required to serve both the new customers and a reasonable estimate of the potential customers who might be serued directly ftom the maln extenslon without additional extension. The costs of the extension shall include necessary seryice stubs, or service pipes, fittings, gates and housing therefore, and meter boxes, but shall not include meters. To this shall be added the cost of fire hydrants when requested by the applicant for the main extension or rcquired by public authority, whenever sucft hydrants are to become the property of the utility. b. If, for any purpose, special facilities are required primarily for the service requested, the cost of such special facilities may be included in the advance, subJect to refund, as hereinafter provided, along with refunds of the advance of the cost of the extension facilities described in Section C.1.a. above. c, In lieu of providing the advances in accordance with Sections C.l.a. and C.1.b., the applicant for a main extension shall be permitted, if qualified in the Judgment of the utility, to constnrct and install the facilities himself, or arrange for their insbllation pursuant to compeUtive bidding procedures initiated by him and limited to qualified bidders. The cost, including the cost of anspecfion and supervision by the utility, shall be paid direcdy by applicant. The applicant shall provide the utility with a statement of actual construction cost in reasonable detait. The amount to be treated as an advance subject to refund shall be the lesser of (1) the actual cost, or (2) the price'quoted in the utility detailed cost estimate. The installation shall be in accordance with the plans and speclffcations submltted by the utillty pursuant to SecBon A.4.b. 2. Refunds The amount advanced under Sec0ons C.1.a., C.l.b.; i and C.l.c. shall be subJect to retund by the utillty in cash, without interest, to the party or parties entitled thercto as set forth, in the following two paragraphs. The total amount so refrnded shall not exceed the total of the amount advanced. Except as hereinafter provided, the refunds shall be made in annual, semiannual or quarterly payments at the election of the utilaty, and for a period not to exceed tlyenty (20) years after thc date of the contract. Wherever costs of main extensions have been advanced purcuant to Sections C.l.a. or C.1.c., the utility shall determlne the revenue recelved from customers other than residential, including fire protection agencies, supplied by service pipes conneGed directly to the extension for whlch the cost was advanced. The rcfund shall be 22 percent of the revenue so received. For residential customers conneded dlrectly to the extenslon for whlch the cost was advanced, the utility shall refund 22 percent of the averilge revenue per residential customer of the entire system for the immediately preceding l2-month period. (See Section C.2.d. and B.3.) Whenever costs of special fadllties have been advanced pursuant to Sections C.1.b. or C.l.c., the amount so advanced shall be divided by the number of lots to be served by the special faciliUes. This advance per lot shall be refunded for each lot on which one or more bona fide customerc are served by those facilities. a. b. c. SwC tilodd Uniform ili-n 6dE rsion 2oog.do. cl. With respect to a contract entered into on and after the effective date of this Rule, if, at any time during *. 2g-year refund period specifted above 80 percent of the bona fide oJstomerc for whicfr the extension or special facllities were designed are being served therel?om, the utility shall immediately notify the contract holder of that fact, and at that time shall become obligated to pay, in cash, any balance whicfr may remain unrefunded at the end of said 20-year period. Such balance shall be refunded in five (5) equal annual inshllments, payable beginning 21 years after the date of the contmct. e. Where a contract has been entered into under a former maln extension rule, and where 80 percent of the bona fide ctrstomers for which the extension or special faciliUes were designed are being served therefrom, the utility may negotiate and enter into a new and substitute contr?ct, identical in all respects, d$r the original contract, including the original termination date, except that said substihrte conhact shall include the following provisions: "Notwithstandlng any other provlslons hereof, any unrefunded balance remaining at the terminaUon date of this contract shall be paid in five (5) equal annual , installments beginning one (1) year after, said termination date." 3. Termination of Main Extension Contracts Any contract entered into under Section C of this Rule, or under similar provisions of former rules may be purchased by the utility and terminated, after ftrst obtaining the authorization of the Commission, at any time after the number of bona fide customers then receivlng selice from the extension for whlch the advance was made equals at least 60 percent of the total number of bona fide customers for whlch such extension was designed by the uHlity and the terms are otherwlse mutually agreed to by the parties or their assignees and that, Section C.3.b. and Section C.3.c. hereof are complied with. The utility, in requesting authorizaUon for such termination shall furnish to the Commission the following information in writing by an advice letter in the event the termination is to be accomplished by payment in cash, or by a formal application: (1) A copy of the main elftension contract, together with data adequately describing the development for whlch the advance was made and the total adJusted construction cost of the extension. (2) The balance unpaid on the contract, as aborre defined, as of the date of termination and terms under which the obllgation is requested to be terminated. (3) The name of the holder of the contract when terminated. (a) The total number of bona fide customers for which the extension was designed and the number of bona fide customers actually recelving service on said octension as of the proposed date of contract. Discounts obtained by the utility for confacts terminated under the provisions of this Section shall be accounted for by credits to Account 265 - Contributions ln Aid of Construction. b. SWC ltiodd l.rnitufrn ilain E(tclrsion 2ollll.doc Schweiher Basin Water LLC PUC Application February 2015 Attachment 24 Selected Engineering Data Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Engineering data Year Ended2014 1. No significant changes in 2014 2. Storage System, 5 reservoirs: 3. Water Supply and Pump lnformation No treatmen., Pumping rates are atter 24 hour pump tests. Energy used by P1, P2, P3, and P5 combined = 4083 Kw 4. Wells: Total pumped this year 1,934,700 gallons Tota! pumped peak month (January) 306,400 gallons Total pumped peak day with known leak (March 20,2014, Red Cricket condo line broke) 36,200 gallons Total pumped peak day (with normal operations Dec 31 ,2014) 25,000 gallons 5. Are customers metered? Not metered 6. Designed for fire flows: NO Current system fire rating: lnsurance rating 5 Designation Total cap 000's oal Usable Cap 000's oal Type Construction R1 90 80 Hillside Concrete. lined R2 44 40 Hillside Concrete, lined R3 137 110 Hillside Concrete R4 5.7 5.0 Hillside Poly R5 10.8 10.0 Hillside Steel cvlinder Designation Horsepower GPM Discharge Pressure (osi) Energy Used Pl in well 1 2 47 NA See note P2 in well2 1%u NA See note P3 in well 3 11t2 24 NA See note P4 in well4 11t2 23 NA 941 Kw P5 in R1 to R5 11t2 25 NA See note P6 in R1 to R5 5 85 NA Emergency use only. manual 7. 8. Flat rate, not metered Additional customers with no system improvements except service line 66$,431 = 234 Vacant lots with service lines: 123 lots (single unit lots that can be developed into multiple units per lot based upon county rules), with service lines to them Vacant lots without service lines: 16 lots (single unit lots that can be developed into multiple units per lot based upon county rules) (on NW Passage and Snowplow) without service lines Backbone plant additions planned this year: none !n what year do you expect system capacity (supply, storage, distribution) will have to be expanded? Unknown. Distribution system will be looped when the developed lots on NW Passage and Snowplow owner requests service. Feet in Mains 13. CustomerStatistics No water sold by the gallon. No metered customers (residential or commercial), no public fire hydrants, no street sprinkling, no municipal water usage, and no other water utilities. 10. 11. 12. Pipe size ln Use Beginning of Yr lnstalled during Yr Abandoned During Yr ln Use End of Yr 2 inch 2550 None None 2550 3 inch 600 None None 600 4 inch 5050 None None 50s0 6 inch 22650 450 None 23100 8 inch 900 None None 900 # Customers this Yr # Customers Iast Yr Flat Rate Residential 431 431 Flat Rate Commercial 0 0 Private Fire Protection, # Hvdrants 22 21 50 GPM CAPACITY UTERS PER TIINUTE50 100 150 200 250 o1020304f 506070 CAPAC]ITY GALLONS PER MlllUTE 3 BW LLC ula.tt 's I Z -FP 5TA Prcr 9 te /*{u rl5 vrl€S &{ J"uo Y " Subnersi ble 7AO aEulF UJ = =o -Et--IJ Fol- F H sooIL =o<rmtllEJ f,smF r20 r00 '-.1o.Il I) ----- f '.- *k! a \ \ JTJlt.t-a \ =.u.J \ \ --a E\ \\ \ ..9 5X*- I L \ \ \oattOr-4,l.lPr.... - I,. r...]1.lrzj E-= t IP -a - \ - \ \L \l}aa\ ( I)1t1rrtat)- !r - i.:ti 'j.'r:*tr..i;. ffi hts_sr_re_&_sf Qffi iltr--66 <. B U.l LLC 30 GPM woll LZ I.5 rf CAPACITY L]TEre PEN TTI.IIE080ta --- oElrtl-lll = =ElmfiEJ( bF I l-ltll[IL ieo( uI-J bF 10?o304r0 CAIIICITY GAL]OilS PER MS'TE 3-1a RtTf F[3 ?'(tis Stq/fA-tl;tlz&2o oCt STeal?;i\rlui eE9 4" >ub n era; b (e- HSS6- t0truSGPil 20 GPM ano 1&X) 1600 14{n FutullL 1AX) =ofi,*tJ f;amoF 6m 4{n 200 CAPACNTY UTERS PER TINUTE 5r015202530 CAPACNTY GALLONS PER IITNUTE Sfa ?ctE t-t 5 Se r trs S t64JA a b{w Lono L{ " St{b /n?(St 4"99 5L? S (}urt-tc t\ret\ 3tq \.9 YP ff ftrDs, ,aaaaa j Fe,,_ \\ I p,o,-.\\ \\ \\ -\\\\ \ \\r.,3 {P I I2HPItr-] -,\ \ \a \1 l-ilar-tr.-IJ -?ta 2HPiF-i: _T|- i I -i \ = \ \"' --l Nr]r Oiiii' ble I CustomerAccessForDisributors ProductReglstration HEIP CAPACITY LITERS PER IIINUTE 0 50 100 150 An 250 3(X) 350 40O /t50 600 5s0 .^^bUU 150 r00 80 100 120 CAPACNTY GALLONS PER MNUTE proiecti cn an c sta bi I i ty a nd exce! lent r6istance to sa nd 330 g;"ade crecision castsiainless steel rnotor bracket ju!) grade "i,'eai:d" strinless steel pump shaft is corrosion- resistant wlrmilfl l-Vcar limiH warranty 50'1 -lztt{ f*'iZ 5 Itt .arl 7Lt Seil*g 4 t' 9o ta,iet5, l2Q 0096 50% Ihc PENIEX It{rELLtDRtvEH water Pns3ure Control Center eutomaticallyadiusts motorrpecdJ to moot chanSes in water demand. lnstahtaneus f.edback iom an electronlc pfessure tnnsducer instrKts the drivc to chan8e thc submeBlble rrell pump motor speed to maintaln constant pr?ssure thrdghoutthc system. LEARN M(nE ABO'T THE ri 9tir LLC 5rP KI 400 oEtgt-ut = =o ul-J t-ot-50 FIUlll! soo o rur daml-oF M oz ema $ lLILut Nf" 6040 t SPECIFICATIONS RESOURCES HOnSBOWEn Avallable ln 2,3,5,7-U2, and 10 HP PETfIOiTIAf,CESCRES: 90 GPM iltll8n OF STAGEi: 5 - 23 (modd dcpcndent) VOTTAGE: 23Ov (l+hase or 3-phase) OR tl60v (3-phase) lllffiof lf,hES: 3{lre3 plus sround ' *i. t / -i.A ql\\t i^/r*". t a i t-t ri,;?u) )*a r9-Ietilr : l-:,--/**l\ tB \ \ !r.-, at.r -?Hp,rl-t_ 2!p s sro I r, rsB \\I\ \ :!\ t a"arf \i \ ..t\r f { i i ftI \, 1,1 100