HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016Annual Report.pdfSEH-U A]YI{UAL REPORT OF SCHWEITZER BASIN WATER LLC NAME PO Box772 Sagle, lD 83860 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2016 l"5l '- --j'); i"fi =::=:D r"tC) @(oN FI G)oN F{ O t-{ caNo F{\o @toN (oN o oz !,L 3oE3oco (r\N =Noz @rf)so 6 Eoo Ero ula oN Uo(n =No @t..) oo)Ucq)poE lzo L o)N2 o)3 !(.,(n. @ a?oo.9, Ltsfi g .9('5dOL'=R 8 Eotro uJu EEL6v(EEg-oa EEa, !'EF=EE=_-E Et!:EEEE 5P* EB=eI EEE:6EE; ,88 \FOJtu,YC=Es#StqEE;SE EOoUF{N.o$lntoN@olFi sf\o@ro @ o)o = cn.9.=8EL-L=EgP H': E P E?*-EEPEs! H E E g E s g $ EeE P $ E 5 5 F E gE :H (u = = =(, o I,og. oiL.o. t.},oU EIUo co .s .E(LxJll, {i.troEo. Luoc,Edoruo6oLt[tr,:0 m,o.Eoc -cilI o=o E(,0 DiB u)tr) oC oc Lo o0) r\.o .9Coo. Eort E'oPg Eo cooLoc {uL F{Ft o\o@0/)@ oa ts)o(J $Or NoIUo)o IoN (JJJ cooo LoN!ql 3 (,(rl z Po2E ="eUooNuJ: F0,) Joii -o =EuS;Elo- (,r1 z oil H1E III 9urF-UtFgnFO5r! J d IJJ =&,oIL doo. IJJd E'z (u NNNxod)oo- o (!E o ro o (o F{oN Lo.ct(uE (!:,cc () =6 olo6(n @ F. o.G'JoE'LoUo,L EEo tt,fl:0o-e! _vl Coooo- o)EEOE' P 6 o:gEE-O-'tr&tJrhNr,6 OJLtl) =$rl o o19 Ed #a, tr N(Ylrn F{ =D,(,Eso EGg oL CLo(, .9t a,o c!l! El9ILHt! 6tr "9UCLLUo0,t6q ID,4'ICoEo o 11, ErocE;c ='.o=s -c(,tflE oo 0c (\.LoqJ. o.c, olc LfE oo)Llo o.9? "1DUIo voy E9oa =€oqUE(otnHE :1 -e.F|aF!'fb95 .o.L o-E -cgbuh -&0 P# EEt-L JE l-Eh, 0I d:5BT CF]- CJ)<(E =2fiE Fo6Ea. iEH: JE 2Eeg (n Fl (oN o(n rodo1r{{\l m\ N F{ (o FIoN r.{ N o O o o o PCfo E {+ LLUUoco 6(9 r\. E,OTrgEo =et\.UnE.E-cTfrHS EgJi'tt.E-g E gE o = H-UEL!9EoE9HPEi seEfrEggg E u 385'EEYO--l,9rts lstiE99.Eo)EggiEEsBHNog i,i Q t;tr3q, UlgiH 'oN@r{ F{ Fl oct,oE'c UJ t-o OJ o9 !{nu95 ElLEoUaLu E F:,(Ji(\.4Eo-EP8 HEuJ o,-oL',lt,OLFo,rnEru=Fo5u IHJ.=FJ(I,);2fr f; - E!:E;iEeset6E E*E q o.==ElU==c)inyE =!oz 2 5Enitr,e:= ZUt-i ococ PaEr. g .,,E& E EE(\.uEa EY+.tU:OJpEEoE-c -ofi7EcnEto YE =N. = >irFE -'i € E8*E U:E E €.ooEtF.>=P€g Eg g EgHEH EF E ;E-EGEcH.=c.9Ae d F e q d E E F : 9, E* $ -- E E E r E f ,fi E i EE= i s* = n e E : b e E : UA fi * t E E g E E :- ; t IIt E : t E : z d = 6 z 6E -BE(J; ts N ts N N NA € ot rDFIoN Lo CLod, 6 =c U3(n oc o ;*t9Eii'+ENVr0,j -c t toqqG:i ExE; -f;ss i E E *,H >E: E ;EEgE = dEE 3rs,E=!;bE8Eg=.cD<E^Ag:HEts:6it'lE1tdr ts zo U)a E =oUauJ 5 =r(,) lof6- o! o uJ ! o UluJF5 f duJ =dolr doclud fz2 (oN o u) oo +(\ltr;NN {r} oq f4oLO N oq ortr)d F{ s oq LO\oN oqooo\r oqtoN ood F{ ol olol ol+l dlu.) I mlLnl \ol\t \tNI NI -l-[ orn +++ P P P()(,UU(JU oooI I sE<tE@(u@.Y. -Y .y.ooocroo'0t}roco{nts'!ft. oc) +Nt no(\ N {a {r}s {*{f{+ E 5E S 8.3'trt/}.=Q)6 = =..1n E E e E b ' Ef EilE E - .A EE *glgE**gggtgg;lltggI* g ; , F = E i e E E E e " i t i ? it I E t E=P b bo b E s s E I g fi E 8 fi E E i ! ! f; H5 5 E E iB0).1cy ;E,5 I\q F i[;o d H Al sf rn @ O H a { d r d Gt rt o Yrt @ @ aJ10 ro ro (, 10 0 rD o * + e @ o o o H -t ry,ry=t $ * + + ii rf t * * * l.l, rD to \o (, It, (o ro {o {o& F, N -, st Ln .o N @ or 3 = : : S 3 I X P I R XH (o F{oN Fi(n N !-{ zo Fo- dUalIJo F(JU ,EO)m !,c,IttrIU Loo n0,6t2b =q-=ooolll J Ff ,(J o:)c oJ- o IJJ ! o .hIU Ffu FJfLd,guto <=J5;Eg'ol-,OElrrtLuOF RuJt2UtOqrzo.=uJllJ -E o-duxJ(,Li JluI )a =;zd (o Gt o r]o oo (rrvN oq ryt,'\o,lr)o {,} o(J CoL.a,an ,orxn \ol,n\o NN oq .,n4,o r\ {# crl.E,EEFE.cLAh'=*E6cl?qH Htr:olxooEuJuuoEE8bEEtsEtt,'"bPEri *P P P,EIE,E= O,D!Ji:uL,crF rYYtnloHo(rnitu)roroto(o oq oio,o o'{D +E ao EiN,ll) oiZNo o9* =Eouaur =U !o:)o-oJ- ,.D 4LtEFoFaHEi{odEL(u fro-g =c,d'=OLrrfi L'd. uotEo.EJllll .)E584 =sEE {+ oqo(\l$l N {+ roFloN oCLo,d, (E:tcc L) = {,o,x,!Eguo.o)(J-xbo)Ltse.NttoovE Gi. v lll E i fr$,5 [ oPT;'I d:E8.9-5.8t(Jl9x=9,e e; HE E lti ,tn --J o\oNo[nrO\OrlrNt\rol0(ororo N(f)$rr)\oNNNNN a{ tU,g st olAco LoPtro,op ID Nrrt Ni o(,c !,E o([ U}c(ucx:llt Ol .E oLo) CLo aoF @Orc'FrNmNNm0r)(l1 rt (I) r.,l sN ooqjooatJ! {r} (o F{oN 0.). N F{ olqlNImlml NI00I' :l ootN$ (Yl(\tNI I Oor; F{ln {a ood\o(o N t&d+ oor;\orf) oq (f)tq olnl {+ oq (n\r o'.$(\ tI EoECIU Lloo o9 (.,)e9bE II- =oU Ul UJ EJ F:: U Jto .L o I o UJ-t-oFar.rJ =LJF r,45u f,HJFJdfr(J o Lrlfi6 ^uk= u =EdrEool!L.oFNLg2\R gEP€fi.aF< flhfinH =urE4..Ed](ur=fE ,H {/r,z hfN1 6cr" ;ig G';E H EEEsE,\EoESEFhor:.=b>sbEE#E EE=s!5"PEei:bdilEh :;9 jeP',-,EnEH.EpiEE E A 3 F -9 -B; E SEEE, EE *3P9', I:;E o#i5e'ii Eq$EEsEgFEEE EEEsEEHEBE{q i i E E E $ * E ; e H I:! G o o o'E E,5 9 9,I*E'EdittSEEdZ&.d*9:3: *,d oi ,rj d il nt dl rt vr aP s \f !i t $ s rl !r sf (& O !-.1 N rn $ tO tD f\ @ Or O -3..1 il F{ r'{ i'{ r'{ r'{ Fl Fl r{ N N 66 a oEEO voT:EE!l :1 ticrl oo--PLLlJ;E Ed O cLr9!:9od5O: E 2 }, PB?8.=d=-re,f1,IHE g E-,EEE:EXg =EB,F'F6ts=FxIHEEE$:.8 o il 6l ft)diilHrm rE ri ci tl; !d odior ,(, o 'o 'o ,c, ,oS{-SS\l$rtr F{NnO$LOtoF\@OrorotOr (oN oI oodoo @ro & oq @oo @tt rg+{# to or! oo.q)&. 6 trc (J =rrl zoa)47,H'EEoUotu l-NF{NJd FbRa(.) ri Ici .EJi'J.oNoi JO-d,E8 O=c oOro. o.9$EP N I.IJruqdgi<L;lr-FEq]?c e $ :YoDlf{ts O 2..9d EE P8E€E} S 9E .EE'gqgE6'6 3 =edE,I^K9ElE P ;Hg==EEPU-ABE .H ; € E ? ? E g; E ET=i,izzg4.:sEuid,'5;.a.,,.z'rilqro*:- EsEEEgEFEfrEET:-EsEE'r**Efi-eg -HEE,g,gEEAEEgil =oo =rlTolul=ol()i\O@otNN=ic{NNooNNqsssts\t\tsrf, f\t 6.)' \f, u). (cl N 0o (Jl o F{ (N.fvf\lr{nrNag^r(\t(r}(f}(r} roN oo) {*{*{+ oq Ntnc1 Ntlr. {fr I {+ I {rt oor.NN l\v1' {*{*{* I {ft {+ Oq FINo {# oo NOltn FInlr\I @ Oq N F.{\r rf)F{ff) {*{ft oq F.loln F{ {f I & oq \oNo {r}{a oo cdo)o F{ {J+ oq \or{ (f) Orrn {* I {+ {r} oo .oNo {r}{ft UtL fiEs E'o c,'l:.s hF=cr d \o c)Al Fl!o NFi ()q rO Flm Oltn oq @Oto oq !io LO oq N F{ roFi ao !to,!cllJhE gh;€5e E plL oq NOl LO NN oq F{NOt oq NNN Ntn oq N LNtn o{'ro Fl {r} otOCLu'=Oc=olEL>F(E(,tEo30 zaa(n EEoUo LrJ EJ F =(J ofo- or o llJ IFoF(, IJJ f d uJ =d,olt doo-llJd J zz r{ * e ,fr.EE EgIEE, T E EU E nEE* EEE E +x ii T E:+EEqoE;co30_.=.tr6H€F:E g. :;+Hig : E;E=y FEgE5E fiEgaT:E g EiiiEE€gEEp; EESSEEg nE e_'-=P- EH= sE t ; fils E F$ H F E F ; E gfi E 8 E#E P, E H H H H H H H H $ 3 T fi fi S A $ fi H S S 5 $E Fr N no $ .,, \o N oo o 3 : I : : P I I 3 3 R F lH zo Fo- dUauJo JEsGgu.!o u=5cd'A uJrE Crlcoz NF =2.g5 -c cL(Ja5 Fz3uro ()GI oo ro F{oN LoCLod. 6fEE (,3 {, l 'F oro- oo IE!o! Loq) o.c, (D d ED.g .Eo)0)-o L6)cUJ ,@N o!,€oE' oq o @ uIU d.tuoz z, 5AJ FoF oo oiN Or E E.s J6llerrbPy, O,CE.L\EnDkoqP H E =3E 8.(rE,Illr'5P E$uEgE-U.l 6e3&D-.LA,h=#*BEEF €E 9 E HTP-s86=6 s$sHls rrJ \f Mn rO jN ,COfil l{ t\l n'I t\l N oo {* oq rn\otn zo (/)o EEoUalll f U J(Efo. oJ- o IU I oFaIU FJ Ff d UJF =.do!L Fdoo-uJd J =zz oq ro(otn @ {r} oqoo@ N {* oq @o@ roN {* Oo olNoN {#{#{#}{# oq a 'oolno {r} I th eodNco * Elrlll (o6l o dH oq N0orl {r} oq FIco!a N {r} oq F{(oo sr, {#}{#}{+ oq flNN F{ {A {*tft {+{f ood$ {# oq N0.)v-\r. @ oq @\o ryro {ft {#} ood@ {r}{+ oq FI\l {+{+ oq utlr} {+ oq\rr\q. @. {* I .(# oo+o(D gr oq rrl@N {+ oq t.r) t.l.l af) ui(o g oq ol\o@ GriNr+ q oq @@(o I oq r{+ {fr oq or(or\ + oo+Nsfq 1.* oq Nfrlrflui .ta- ooqi$N rft Oq rf)tno orFl {+ oq lftr-{t c.it * Oq ?.{No OrFl {+ {rh {r} oo+ F{N {rt I {# oq @NNs {r} oq F{ @tr} @ oq NN(f) ro F{ {fr oq $tn(f) @'(Y) e. Oqooao N F{ {4 oq N(f)N {a: oq rftNoo(o {t} oq F{()$ Na{ {+ oq No@ {a 0)oo EL) tig \Dl -{.loN (vl j Nt{ E'oE uJ o)L(UcLrE9.'=q.9 h Eg-6OlEOcD0ro'c'Dv olr- Lo sqoF.l sr\d sq N so+r-{ sq lr) sq tf) sNr; sq N sq N sq t, sFl r"; s4NCo.Fo (1)'- P -oEEo\o,(uo FlJ{-, !O =r,r J Eo qto e=JOLL)g(2 =z.tr93sg(JoluNd=cLouJs6_cuO(,ru 5f..EluE6 zo al(n EEoUaUJ f U ofo.oE oH uJ-,-oF UIuJ )duF =&oII doruJdJ fzz 9t&).Yu, E,E5 Eh EPi. T ? EH E ,EE =EE{g = PE n_t fi s=sE F EEpE E ip 6d s s':]=B€s d aE se E E,+BE $? E Egg 5 =g$fi: f gErE-E9s*ESE EeEE,f:E s il-d==EEE,tE s s' EEEFEEH un EE+Eafrfli$=; i i g t F E H f E E ; s E H 8 = E n F i EE * H H H H H H fi 3 fi fi fi H $ $ fi fi g s $ $ S SE r{ N r", $ rn ro N o o, 3 = I : I 3 I } 3 3 R F N; (oN o @HoNtoCL0,G, E =cc, (, =tt r\ocJ Ngto-co JAIEIo 0itt o E'codct .Ec .E Ctt 11,E! N ,Cug s\flt-{ o ! e tuI oF u}UJ F!u F EUf ts tr )-ad.sgtnul = E O '-Ecro.o.kr.rJ'5P: =9,9o-ud,.E;E5P E,H ^.FEESEE; qEgEE =z,1Ot\O =\f$\f<\mmm m!trnrDNGITYN zootn E =ouolu Ff oq N(r) (f) g {r}g oo fri+o (,\N a oodto+ N fr oo+tto moN # oq orFlFt N {+ oq r{ot(oN .c) {ft oori nl, @N, {r}{+{r}{r} oq rf)@ ryv, {+ I {+{*{r}{+ Oq FiOtng et oq rtJ)N@ {*{r}.{l}{+ I {+ Oo \oN@ {r} oo rri+a, Olr\1, {+{#}{+{r} I {+ oq Noro orto@ I oq No(o oiLN@ 4 oqttno I'r'orN 4.h oo(filn ro10ttt +{t ood(f)srt(\ {+ oo c";N(D+ F{ 4.b roN odtH eP3 ts&ofEi's gSgn:E pI H EEEEEE: : E rE# EE EiE;iEE : ,i ;E EE:EE?EgigEEgE g Ei H; EgE:Ig$;i;;EEEEF Eg#EF# r P : r E : 2: ." 1 E E E i E n 9 e € #.g g E E g € E E E E E E ; E C E fi E € i g EE & o o o o i o o'o d i i Y! fit frj sr) $ $ $ u): : : : " ; . : ; ; ; ; ; r ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ;g oo+N Fl to {r oq (f)tnr{or{ {r} oo c; o (nortn oq F{t+ @ N oq t+ @N oq rl@N 9tLLatro9.O Eo! lll cnsF{.c:HECiJ o, g Ebfrfo oIL zo FEL dU(,) tUo Lo o.AIU OJ.LiL) a hao rOr{o'f\l no N F{ UJJ Lo)yo =fi6.6 LoN#q) 3fiErX luIa UI{J.'-: zEJ zlo z,o (na E =oUouJ =U)o:)o- oI o uJ It-oF UlUJ f dBt =coIL doo- uJdJ fzz roN orfr{ toe{oNtoCLoE E =cc{L,3tn (,rNt'o g' h=.\ 0., l:orUli-ilttEcveEE$s ?Eg*.riiE FBExf E-E 6d o EEe IE=54=g.,o' =.iioYxoHqHPXd,UJPE nEiEEEHEEEISEEEEEEo=.Y!trEtrI- E'=EgsEEEg N(f)rrHaa$roroNrt@@@@ fa q u':r rD I\ 0o or o F{NNTNN'INNlYt('I oo ==ooatu F Ffa)H GA JA.o I o uJ J- oFq, UJ F F =d IJJF ='d.otL Fdoo.uJd J =zz {+ I {* I 4a oo r.i@ ({) G ,*1A I g I q oo ui(f!$tiN +n oo oitno Olm Ig} oo ci @to() rg} ooqjoqoln, {+ ooqioor 00Itt' {ft oor;rJtr{(ti @(o ta oo UirD @o(.I {rl (oN o an 6,,oIEoLL' gbLsrtltg9o LorOr{ohl or) Nr{ oo F{tN O!r\l\D oq N$N Olr\tr.i) Lo0) o t,o!,clu o)g9{c(EY'=oJ=='q, .H sfid) oll Gq)sfiE$sEFE + E 5A Hgs3= -i E :9 o E=5=E g : fi€#BlEEEcOLtU*frtH g gE EgfrfiEfiEEEFEgEEg y F. i,€Hez EE6E tEHeE$;n EITergfrEEIEEf E fi t H F g i; r E E d s ; E fl fl E E u e Es s E r ou s e E P E E E E , ! E ! ! ! l g S $E rn€* N :SN? * H H T X H H fi i il H fi fi ft H H fr H h E F ft! F{ N m $ Ln .o N o cD 3 = I I I 3 I } g 3 R R *H zo Fo- dUaIUo @l3m F o. UdollJ EJ @ J (JJJ Lo)po =c'6 @,d) LoNvo =TErX tlJIq, 'lltL,.'-: z.EJ zto zo ,ma E =oUolutrL f U @Do- o I o u,-t-oF (n lU =dIIJ =dolrFdoo. r.ud, Jzz (oN o ro I {4. oo atoo @tn {r/ & oq tntn 0r)oto {rt tD oN Loo.@G,tfcc (J3 rfN aEa T g u : P O=3 2 g rtA=& E E: H 3@1 ,oo8i, EnF Ix E ts ; P m'fntE E;E?3 EorCv(J'trE9,6kEE.Ed* E E E g E i E gE E:2, Eb.E:,qc'E fr EEegEEE;g E SEE"[sEgEE F zoa'tn iE€oUaIu F fo JIof,o- oJ- o UJ ! oF ,vt{,lI F J Ff dUIF =dol! 4oo.tud =zz r{NU)m ttnolJ)l,)HilNir,ornl.n\oNr\@NNNNNfTN (vX <. l,r1 (oi N @i (D q rirvr!rvNNrvrv.Ytaq (oN or\d EoPoo)! @ ooc0)p:o \odi C>'t\ Fl,(Yt i\.N F{ {+ Po E.o C o99.=oy6g 4d:25, o(J o !LoILIE4) Ffr r&1.o Ed,luFI(9zoJlro J 'ho (JPq) 0)f oo co oOJLo-ca dz. am a,cfd E'I.LL{tt t(ro soo,LPE P,$ L LLV'aL,9E,(t)oucd).qEcluJ-(uo(9Pi'/-c(9,/eE ''iEelHEEEgsEU d +kEdIEUt;roJ9E ^" b E fr *<.= jj 1= .= l!trU,'E=Fo6=r-dt.E:zEEgTs;H.E=g9u.Eirf;EE5E€i tr'{Nm$lf)\OU E0,t,cIU LIEo EEa.vsb = il{- =o(Jo Lu E F =U @fo- o- o IJJJ-FoF r,)IU 5uEi af-(!ld,g=tUo,t,=ai'a'fi d.(UOO dl l,lJLlLtZ,(ur-tE E fool!cL=duJ -cdLr=.a(JJ .-4 =ruiEaniHEFza tioroLPoroEd too.o& U =th L(Jo0,o @ {+ N (o oo toFIoNto CLoE 6tEc (,.}ttt ol rEl fJ zooo: =ou UlIUtr! 3 IJ @fE6 ! o UJ ! ot- ItttuF Ffdlu =do'IL Fd.oA.IUd fzz Eoc L(JcoU Eq,c L(J LoIJ (l, oLu oU (u u} ! (t,u' 14, ! o 151 a, ! ooooo oooot oooo F{r-{ oooo Or ooosfsl oooN(f) F{ (oN oor IJ 3rn -9EaEgEEU ag$BE (J. C co troEE'rrOiiiLO.EH=rh o(, beEE E$H.Ft 0.,(,loLoua E0) l, a (f) n)f\tNN il(flo. r$.6- + 7.,1o- iiPoz d, ov dd .s tOo- t o Fid .E tno- $ o3 .s $CL (n o3 .= (f,o- N (U =.E No- Fl o =.= F.lo- tn q, o co oUo Lo o0)o oEL>oEO=IJOtsE5(,)BAB-a 3 -o€i: c!<g q) .ii trcooo=!citr PEtrFOz. o9eoooG. tlU \o FIos\l F,l(fl NFl E0r;E9.ul c)L-tE-uogEn8.X 'r'E F)ulEt,g EE =-oahlr, o,l,-cuJvFo uc&F(trlE U*,4g^go.o,oe-Ee8.'UE!EFuotsF6(ngllt =CFErJUu,lrJFJ'-fLCLd, g PTU|UEE = E;;E#8 3 3 a LLrhE,oYo F ! fr s rtr E uJ a -cLd.uzccL.10=.E=5 HE; = EB* EUr Zl/)t-rN o)3 o3 o,B o = L'6 f; @UtG,! ovooL Lo:q)v)eo!' ulo)L (L| o {!.DUl o orl ooo tU.po 6!@o $\tN Fl L(u t,GloLu Lo, (r. .DLv rftN o' oE {D' :oE ,o'coE. ,lttEo !D,coc lllcoc' N$st(n srN 0.tN ulN rn@ (r)dNdFtd (oN oot:a @f{o toCL0,G t!5cc (,Brr! Loq, ,2E E4tE'E','au tlo ='oo Jo Lluvl, r rE.o6oIJoc E Euo E:E .E)E ELo o o.9 E.-o L oo tn +d zo U)o ==oo @tu 5tr5 tJ J1:lo'3 o-o ! o uJJ- oF- U} UJF5 f duJ =il,o,L IFdoo. ITJd f,2z t -Glo)vUI opg IaoaFI ooorl F{ tod (oN adN otooom (Y) oolr,(o$m LruIo E oc L{I, o Eoc EE;J0, Ol )G o:cE!tslI SEqdHP6 cr" rO F{orY (Yt N F{ ro| FloN oa0.)& E5 IJ =ttl j E i-ooOoc,i_:-€(oG.-ot.c8,,E9-ooE6E6QJ: lc-g-j^.sollo.E@qE u! aC-o F'iE-y.O=oootrE!'EorrEEs E[92._-d8 Eee e f,t4O'tr+rEEfrEAE|EUr_euuEStFbEEE+rclo5s g.gg9 i irbE EHEe E^;Ep aaa-;;'s=i+ EEEgEEE;H EEETiEHSooooEtsHbs' s r-.6=-E*Ei9 "d HA:rsssgHv-E;g EEEgfi'bgtEEEEEfreIoF@G =fHEnE::=iEE#p=33Eg.eEEtEtrEEEn9.EEtt*HEESEIS.E5E# ei,ilEAE E= ts8#tEE:E H}Ei6,fr8IIrn,oNoo E =Y Eo(J LOo- alir.l:. 6to- 'r.CL idvoc oP r-ld L;o- t oP rld .E lno- \f o =.E+CL (f) o =.E (no- N (lJ =.E No- r'{ o3 .= o- ** E)Lso d LocoIoctr'l {allj'o ot,cuJu*E EE oP(.}.HS,u't v2E =u-=oU mLH Ee# eE Es#rUor-{ Od: rlI, OoEg E'Ituc.L E'F:A(J E4l-E =eE a FJJe-tCEn # E {D=u',, >u-d.E<:oacI 6llLrhEFSZEtrEEEtr z, uJ Fi r fi € J JtlI o.'2 ,tr 1, ii E Fe- rUl Zlosl ooE (uoo o, o LI ooo o G ooo N 6 ) :{D oCL o)oo ->co U)l {1, Eo Eo o L oc o L (gc (o C oL +mN$\tN (f)N tnN tr)@ N 4 F{ lnj tf) !-.1 14 r-.,| LN (oN o ro(f) t-{ oNFI oc tlldc)NtoCLot r! =cc (,3gl e@9f,o Ee.uts1JOLEooc,>cnO(IrLLo.oER G.Ehs{D 'tr I tLP u 5 hs iE EI uE i-(g(JU'= ei 3vE ;E'HEL!'trOOH 13€;ts!EEEEfr:t;xPgE;;EE;ETEEfBtf,E-ro5EE.9xSaE;XEo;EEEE-:s = H;E 6.6 E:-'E6E>EIEfiE€#Hil=Eloh:edfS:eE(EiirEsEXEo o-c = ig}9L6- .o O\F{tsFr zo (,)o =EoooUJ E Ff, (,,,H lafo.o I o tuJ- o U}tu 5 =dllJ =,,dorlL doo. UJd =zz UlEo0,, ff,toFt c) 3E, N(o\t rn o or!ro c) N\t\t F{N .ehS o.) c\tsfsl c!N (oN o(r}N LgE fE, ,= uu EoE crrOC!r 'ECAEO E'o crl =.=(utlEE c,lgEss Ei.o(J .@g 4 r{ rO F{,o fil rn Nrt =,oaocsoo oLc) Eoo u o L z !,oEc IJJ Loo o9H-t:t1 us5E Dl- EoUollJ = =u5tofo- oJ- e IIJ ot- Ultu -1 (r !,Elsf..EdgElrJOot=gi E Eodlou' huFXzx H p.X ; r-rJg€Ye an1Jrt ) rlld ,3L'z tL =, in E 3z-ll,)b zaE EE?i'3|E'-|E'-UFYIo:j,tsOS?E P E 6 g E Es1' ! g -o : cl 0-oE E ! E 5 ! E!: d. u ; ai d u; ir3.E'Yil tr g,P,s ; 9E'II, tE tE N N N N m (A 0l) m $6 aU Fa Ful.dllr =orl-afU .= rJ, .Esfr) .E f,.{ Oto LNr! ()o(o otoo[n oo F{rnN oo(rr o o o o o o o o o o orntnN oorO oroOtt oot+(f,r\l ooOl roN osr,! 00ln F{ FI l\\osl(o (Y)\ot o o,o $\oto zoa)UD '€ =o(J a UJ L F:l U @ =4o ! o uJIFo UI T.IJ FJ Fld!u =do.IL doo-llJd. fzz @r-{oNtoeo)G. 6 cc (J}rrl @ E'I3o!ctr.tJ(I'*{-{ a Fl!,lCnL=6:gco{=9,E=EfEo-aO!:o EtoH-tsop'-Ji B: ESL-!LE 6 i 6P rntllNo (DN 9.tl (oFIoNtoCLo,& r!t U = il.- t "\ $ Eo R I(') ( E!-)iEo EH€;,=U'6LS:EEg ;EE9E 6 adEraEeOStuhb=g&H3;!vLEB(l}0(ufi.i,EE.ts;gE*=oEi E E E aIpEPE-EP oE!\ $.;E g e s i E+rtrhOeOYEEEEEEfi;9J|,ou-.-o);EPEEg, H8$E|btuo,rn-,=coI.6P.oUL-ooobE.cIUCL' ggHEE ieEfs.gEfiEE fs=!rUJo q.96LoEIa I ut = oUt \N s o E5{D(9 o ! aO 13 o 0,u4 ,1t) IUF () lrFIFdIU() zo -t,}(n E =oUouJ E F =(-l o:fq. o o u, L 'o (,) uJ 5 L5duJF =c,ottFdoo.tud uz2< I (o o r& roFIo G,c@:G, (u =c I3tn Pq!e)c.. IE =tle! =tro Log .{1,gsouxo -vEcrl fbocd \f\$s UloL CLxut E -str,,g E EoU E lJ-oJ:o; U Jo3G. d Foz o a. \E €,:fi ccj .9 +, {,EoEoEq) co o.*tcLo3 UT C'E,|E E(D .ct L(, Ul€f(.r, 6s'65ooHU =&IOEuc,yr. ,PHE+{U)ELro)u.9 iE6o =o.o o UJ.! o auJ E : d,IU =dolr doru,d, =zz " $eltwciEor Banin.Iffier LLe Original Sheet I \\ f,,Alto PuBLrc UTILIIIES Coilrf,ilSsnNApFroved Efibctive Aug 31t 20{E Jur* {, 201.6 Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Recurring Charges Ui*erSerrfle#e Single living unit 500 sq. ft. and under Single living unit over 500 sq.ft. $39/mo. ($117lqtr.) $41/mo. ($1zslqtr.1 Single living urr,it wlth additiond guesthouse or attached IMng unit (no kiHrem) which can be rented $65/mo. ($195/qtr.) Single living unit with second living area whlch can be rented $82/mo. ($246lqtr.) Customers are billed auarterly for serviceprovidd dunng the previous three (3)i rxmGhs" The minimum charge for service shall be the appropriate water seruice fee designated for one (1) month. lssued August 9, 2015 Elfscdve JulI li A(G Or*r}{o 33StI lseued by Schwe}tser Basln Water LLC I$d gdllrr,c $chweitzer Basin Water LLG Original Sheet 2 IDAHO PUELIC UTILITIES COilMISSIONApsnoved Efficdiive Aug 31,2016 July1,2416 Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. JewellSecretary Non.resrming Glmrgee lnffastrusture Con-trjbution Fee Each new single living unit Each additionalsingle living unit whbh can be rer$cdr(na kftclnen) Water Tao Fee Lots on Telemark Road (Formerly Fall Line Road) Al[ Schweitzer Village 2nd Addition Block (Bk) 3 Lot 3, Bk 4 Lot 7, Bk 4 Lot 8, Bk 4 Lot'9, Bk 4 Lot 1CI, Bk 4,[8t 1 1, Bk 4 Lot 12, Bk 4 Ld 13, Bk 4 Lot 15 Lots on Uttr Road All Schweitzer Village 2nd Addition Bk 8 Lot 7, Bk 8 Lot 9, Bk 8 Lot 11, Bk 8 Lot 238, Bk8 Lot 23C All,dler lllts $6950 $garzs $3000 $3500 $200CI lssued August 9, 20.l6 Effectlve July 1,20.l6 filerHo ffi{fr lssued by Schweitser Basln Water LLC MelBailev. Owner'-'-'--"-" wla";j*rr . thlfrrroitmm fuis ttldcr LLG Ortginal Sheet 3 \ \ lllAln, PUBr-rc uTltnEs cotiliilssloNApproved ffiectiveAttg'31,201& JulY 1' 20#1e Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. JewellSecretary t{onfiecuring Gharg?s GontinueC } Late PaJ-ment Fee: One percent (1%) . : Applies to any unpaid balance owed more than 15 days after the bill's due date. Reeonnection Fee: $300.00 Applies when a custorner requests disconnec'tbn of service and Euhsegusrtty regueets reconnection at the same location on a later date. Does not apdy to sifuatims wfierc the custornen reguests disconmpc{ibn to rnd<e nepairs on prorent water damagp to the customer's property. Also does not apply when service was disconnected by the Company for itrs convenience. Re-qonnectlon Fee: Actual cost of labor and equipment required to reconnect service. Affiies when a arstomer reguests reconnection fulowi4g discmnectim of service for nonpaymmt. Flre Hvdrant lnstallation Fee: $500.00 Applies when a fire hydrant is installed at a customer's request. lnsufilcient Funds Gharqg: $20.00 Applies when a customer tenders payment for utitity service with a diehonored check or makes an electronic payment on m aoooftIr:tr witfu insuffici.er* furitdb. lssued by Schweitrer Basin Water LLClssued August 9, 2015 Effec,tive July 1,2016 (mrJlo 33513 Mel SctqreSaar Easin Water LLC 'Odgind'$toGil 4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTTLITIES COMMISSION.Approved Effective Aug 31, 2016 July 1,2016 Per0,il.33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary General Rules and Regulations for SchweiEer Basin YUder, L3.G. 1. GENERAL 1-1 The customer, in receiving water service, and the Company, in providing water service, shall both agree to abide by these rules and regulations.rl.2 ln the event that there is a conflict betrrveen these rules and regulations mdfie Ufi'lirtySusilomerfitelations Rules ({.rCRR}, tfre Rules and Regulations of the ldaho PublicUfflities Commission (Commission) shall take precedence unless an exception has been granted. 1.3 All recuning and non-recuning charges shall be approved in advance by the Commission. 2. DEHHTTIOilS 2.1 Applicant - a potential customer (person, business or govemment agency) applying for service to the Company and subject to the Commission's rules and regulations. 2.2 Billing Period the period of time between bills from the Company for nffmal senries fiend€rpd. 2.3 Gorrrnission :lddho'Rjblic/lJ.{itities Cs$mission. 2.4 Commoditv Charge - a recurring charge based only on the quantity of water used. 2.5 Company - Schweitzer Basin Water, LLC. 2.6 ContrfbutilE-in Aid of Construction - a nonrecurring charge paid by a anstomer u dendoper to help defray the cost of system acpansibn. 2.7 Curstomer a pcrso{v, busiirc o0 gCIverrun€ntagpncy respurslble fior paying bills and complying with the rules and regulations of the Company. 2.8 Fixed or Flat Rate - a recurring charge of a fixed amount, usually in an unmetered system. 2.9 Franchise _TsX - the tax imposed on a Company by a governfilental entity for the privilege of doing business within itrs boundaries. lssued August 9, 2016 Effec{ive July l, 20{6 Order No 33543 lssued by Schweltzer Basin Water LLC MelBailey, Schreilzer Ersin tlrffir EEG Orlginal Sheet 5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveAqg}tr,20tr6 JUU t,2gIO Per O.N.33580 Jean D. .lewell Secretary 2.10 lnfrasJructure Contribution Fee - a nonrecurring charge paid by a crstorncr rcAuedtirig sonrlce fornecovery of the Csrpant's cost for prevtous'ly*netdl M infrasfi udure. 2.11 Late Payment Charqe - the non-recuwing charge levied against any delinquent balance. 2.12 Minimum Charoe - the minimum recurring charge for a billing period that may or may not include a specified quantity of water. 2.'13 Nonrecunino Charses - tlfle charges that are not assessed each bflfiing period. 2.14 Premises - the customer's property including out buildings whicfi are normally located on one lot or parcel of ground. 215 Rate Schedule the schedules of all recurring and nonrecurring charges of the Company. 2.{6 lRecmneotim Clnqrqs - 0he oharye pamd by a cusbmer to fthe Conpany to .rEstor€ serulce afbr dlismnneotrion. 2J7 Recurrinq Cha[ges - the charges that are assessed each billing period. 2.18 Tariff - the rate schedules and the rules and regulations which govern the Company's service. 2.19 Utility Custo.$er Relations Rules (UCRR) - Customer Relations Rules for Gas, Electric, and Water Pubffc tlttfties Regulated by the ldaho Public [Jti$ilbs Cornrn{ss*tr} ffhe Utilfty Customer Relations Ruhs} - ttrAPA et seq. 2.20 Water Tap Fee - a non-recurring charge paid by customers for recovery of the Company's previously-incurred cost of tapping the rnain lines and installing service lines and curb stop valves to certain lots. 3. SffiVrCCFmrffirUCUSTmtERS 3.1 The Company shallfurnish service to applicants within its certificated service area in accordance with rates and the rules and regulations approved by the Commission. 3.2 Applicants for water service may be required to sign a standard form of servlce applhatton. lssued August 9, 2016 EffectiveJuly 1,2016 (hrlrfilo 3trfl! lssued by Schweitser Basin Water LLC MelBailev. Owner''L:)il **rlrr SchweiEer Basin Water LLG Original Sheet 6 DAIIIO.PIUBLIC UTTUNES COilUITISSIONApproved Effective Aug 31,2016 July 1,2016 Per O.N.33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 4 5 3.3 The Cornpany shali nst he ohltlatedt.to puorridts ser\rioe af. aseryih location untitany required deposit has been received by the Company in accordance with the UCRR. 3.4 Special contracts may be required where large investments in special facilities are necessary to provide the requested service. The Company may require contrfuution toward such investment and establish such .rnftfi.rnum ctmrges as are dGcflmed neessary. Ail-sudr contrac{s shall be srrqlectto {he epprcvalof ste Cqnmissircn. 3.5 The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of water service it will supply and to refuse service if, in its opinion: a. the Company is required !o refuse or limit service by regulatory authorities hatring iurisdicthn orrer the Corrparry; b. ste neqtrested service hrystlllh$on ia ofi hgBr elie &ran 'b necessary to properly serve the premises; c. the permanency of the building, structure, or institution requesting to be served is such that the Company's investment in such service is jeopardized; d. the depth of tlre appfcant's service line is less than the minimum dryttr requlrcd for frost proterlion; e. the applicants' proposed seMce, main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet the standard specificaUons of the Company; or f . if the applicant refuses to agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Company. lf the Cor.r,rpany denbs ssvice to an appftmnt fem any Eeastrr, i,t shail lmmedhtdy prwide the applicant wilh a written explanatkrn of its decision in accordance with the UCRR. DEPOSITS 4.i Rtilles atd Reg{,rl6tions regarding depodts can Se found in the UCRR RATES lssued August 9, 2016 EfretlreJHY f;20IS Ord*itofifif3 lssued by SchwelEer Basin lttlater LLC Ud'Bhilffi,0rlrrm\/tufh,:L 0( Schweitser Basin Water LLC Original Sheet 7 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOiIfrIISiSMNApryroved Efiective Aug 31,2016 July 1, 2016 Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 5.{ Raies fiarged fror water setaice and ruuply shalllbe lhose puffilstred in ffie Gom'pant's tarltT and approved by the Comrnlsslon. 6. BILLING AND PAYMENT 6.1 All customers shall be billed on a regular basis as identified on the applicable rate sctredule. 6.2 Att bitr$ shafl cleaff hdicate the bafance dtre, and may be due and payable no less than 15 days after the date rendered. All bills not paid by due date rnay be considered delinquent and service may be disconnected subject to the provisions of the UCRR. 6.3 A Lata Payment Charge may be levied against any delinquent account. 6.4 ThB minirnurm .bi,ll,for one rnonlih's serrrice sfra$ epdy wtren service is provided for,less than sn€ rnom'th. 6.5 lf one or rnore condominiums, buildings, stores, apartments or any other divisions of like or similar character are served from one (1) service connectlon, the owner of the premises, Homeowners Association, or some other party will be responsible for all water charges. lf the designated party desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and deaires that the occupant of eacfi divisiofiuwill be n,eoponeible for kl€r or her respective hlH, sudr transter of respomsihfrity wl$ nofi be aceeffed or recognized by the Company untilthe plumbing anangernents of the building or premises are so changed to pennit the Company, to its satisfaction, to serve each division or occupant separately from the other ocanpants. 6.6 Accounts shall be continued and water bills rendered regularly until the OonXpamy,hm,boen duly unoffied fio dsoomtimre seruiice. 7. METERING 7.1 The Company recommends that customers install meters to allow for detection of leaks. The customer shall be responsible for installation and maintenance of the meter. 7.2 Meters will be installed at any reasonable bcation on the customeds premises that is mutually-agreed upon by the Comparry andthe customer. lssued August 9, 2016 Efrtilve Julg 7"2A$ 0r*r*o3g6{3 lssued by Schweitser Baain Water LLC ild Baihy,0rner- ..oardrl-Arr;* ilt- Schweitzer Basin Water LLC Origlnal $heet I [}Ar{oPt BLtc uiluflEs collurssloNApproved Effective Aug 31, 2016 July 1, 2016 Per O.N.33580 Jean D. JewellSecretary 7.3 The Cornpany wi&hawthe right te set nders or o&er dwbee wftfprrt ndice to the a.wffiner for flhedffibft a#ld pffiuentibn of umautlaor,laedr' usage or willful wasting of water. 8. CUSTOMER PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES 8,1 All plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances on the custome/s side of the service connection will be inetalled and maintained under the responsibility and at the emense of the Custonmr or owner of tlre premises. 8.2 The plumbing, piping, fixtures and appliances shall be maintained in conformity with all municipal, state and federal requirements. The nature and condiUon of this plumbing, piping and equipment will be such as not to endanger life or property, interfere with service to other customers or permit those with metered services to divert system water without meter reg$stratbn. 8.3 A etopandrasfie vake udlf be iastdlM ultte cns*orwer's plumbdngrih a place always accesslble and so located as to permit shuttlng o1T the water for the entire premises with the least possible delay. 8.4 All persons having boilers, water tanks or other equipment supplied by direct pressure from the Company's mains should install a pressure relief valve, or other device to serve the same purpose, so as to prevent excess pressure fuom forcing hot water and/or sleam back into the water meter md rndrns df lhs Gompany. AII darnqge to the Cunpant's property resulting from the failure to properly equip plumbing with a relief valve will be billed to the customer. 8.5 The Company is not obligated to perform any service whatever in locating leaks or other trouble with the customer's piping. 8.6 Whm the prernises served by tlrc Company re atrso served,in any lrreililrer frorn anotlrer. water $Jepry of any kind, an approved bacffiow prevention device shall be installed at the service connection, Water service for either standby or other purposes will not be furnished until piping and connections are inspected and approved by a representrative of the Company. 8.7 Property owners willnot be allowed to connect the water service of different properties togethe r. 8.8 All of the cusfiorre/s service ppes and fi*tures must be kept in repair and protected from freezing at his or her expense. When there are leaking or lssued August 9, 2016 Eftuctlve July 1,20{6 Order l{o 33,543 lssued by SchwelEer Basin Water LLC MelBailey, $chreitser Basin Water LLG 0riginalSheet I DAHO PUBTIC UTLMES' COffiIS'STOHApproued Efiective Aug 3t,20tC Juty 1,2016 Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. JewellSecretary I d#five pfipes r IiXtures, ,the urater may )be ltumed ofrf at [he @[on of the Company until the proper repatrs ate made. 8.9 The customer shall promptly repair all leaks inside the premises and in the customer's service line. Failure to repair leakage promptly may result in termination of service as allowed under the UCRR. INSTALLATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS g.t The seryice conneclion isthe property of frte Comp.any and as sucfi, the Company [s responsible for its installation and maintenance. lt consists of piping, curb stop and valve or meter box and a meter, if the system is metered. The service connection transmits water from the Company's water main to a valve or meter box generally located near the customefs propeff line. All piping, valves or appliances beyond this point shall be the property and responsibility of the customer. 9.2 Eacti custunersha$,besuppffed ffirangh s separatcservice fine" 9.3 The lnfrastructure Contribution Fee must be paid and an application submitted to the Company prior to construction on a lot. ln some cases this fee has been prepaid by lot owners. Contact the Company for the status of fees paid on lots. 9.4 The Water Tap Fee rnust be paid and an application submitted to the Company prior to constructon on a lst. lfi sofiIe cases, ttlis fue ktas been prepaid by lot owners. Contac-t the Company for the stdus of fees patd on lots. The Company installed the main line, tapped into the main line and installed the service line and curb stop valve at the property corner for some lots on Telemark Road (formerly Fall Line road)and Ullr road, which are identified on Sheet 2. 9.5 The Oorrpany rosorves ffre right to deslgrnate the size and location of the s€rv{ml{ne, c*r$s$, wrelter.{tTappfic*te} ard'{r'e[EY or vfrlve box and the e,mount ,sf ,spaGe whhh rnust ,he lefi unobsFucted for the insftallation and future maintenance and operation thereof. 9,6 Where a seruice connection is desired for premises on which there is no permanent structure, the Company will install a service connection to said premises only upon payment by the applicant of the estimated cost of said serviCe conneatiom [f withi,n a period oI frve (5] years from the installation of said'sewlce mmnectiom a pennanent stru€tlre-ils.erec'fed sn the premises, the Conpany will reftmd, with interest, the diifference betureen lssued by Schweitser Basin Water LLClssued August 9, 2015 Effedive July 1,2016 (hdcr\Itlo 335{3 ttlelBailey,t Schweitser Basin Water LLC Original Sheet 10 toAl{(o FUBLIG ffirru$lEs COfillWESmnApproved Effective Aug 31,20{6 July 1,2016 Per O.N.33580 Jean D. JewellSecretary my approved new trusfiorner cfiarges in effect atthe fime of connection, and the applicant's advance. 9.7 The Company has the right to inspect and test any newly-installed service line. The service line shall not be buried until it has been approved by the Company. 9.8 The extra oostsof any ou,tsfthmr.drhgry el'rcririffistafises r,quriEing,edUitiond equlprrefit or speciat constru€tion bcfmiques involved in the installation of a serviae oommeotiq* will boagmeed,to inadyanoeby the c*tetom€r md ffie Company. 10. REPLACEMENT OR ENLARGEMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION 10.1 Urdess oftc€n#ise,provided {mfie,in, tlm &r,npany Bhdl replace or enlar.ge service conneclions at lts own eleense as follows: a. wtreneverr't is necessary to change the location of any service connection due to relocation or abandonment of the Company's mains; and b, for commercial or industrial services where the type or volume of use has changed and the enlargenrent will result in sufficient increase in annural revenue td justi#y the entargens*. 10.2 The rdocation, enlargannent on redu&tbruof service comrrcctions ftor flae convenience of the customer will be at the expense of the customer. Prior to such relocation, enlargement or reduction, the customer will deposit the estimated cost thereof with the Company. Within fifleen (15) days, a refund will be made to the customer in the amount by which the estimated cost exceeds the actual cost. The amount by which the ac'tual cost exceeds the astimated cost wtIIbe due and payable within fifte,en (15) days after Uifllng for uuah defnjierrcy. 10.3 Enlargement of any servlce connection wlll be made only afrer such time as the custome/s plumbing inside his or her premises have been enlarged sufficiently to accommodate the additional capacity. 1 1. DISCOilNECfi(a{ AND RECONT{ECTTAI OF SEFVICE 11.1 When a customer desires to discontinue service, the customer shall give notice to the Company at least two (2) days in advance and be lssued August 9, 2016 Effecfve July t, !016 Ordrflo 33518 lssued by Schweltser Basin Water LLC HelBailev. Owner.'.-- ----'' LwilL iillq t I Sehweitser Basin Wder LLC Original Sheet 11 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMUISS1ONApproved Efiectlve Aug 31, 2016 July 1, 2016 PerO.l{.33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary rresponsible tu a{l waEr consumed fror the two (2} days dter fihe dale of sucfi notice. 11.2 The Company shall discontinue a customer's seruice on an involuntary basis only in accordance with UCRR. 11.3 When it becomes necessary for the Company to involuntarily discontinue water service to a customer, service shall be reconnected only afier all bills for service ttrcn duer have been paid or sdidac*ory paynrefit arrangements have Mn made. 11.4 A reconnection fee may be chargred each tiine a custorner is disconnected, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and reconnected at the same premises. The reconnection fee will be paid before service is restored. Reconnection fees shall not be charged for any situation or circumstance in which the customer's water supply is disconnected by the Oonn pany,for,lts oomvamfisnoe. 11,5 The Cornpany reserves the right at any time, upon notice, tio shut ofi the water formaintenrance ur expansion and, in emergencies, may do so without notice. The Company shall at alltimes use reasonable diligence and care to prevent interruption of said water service. 11.6 Except in the case of an emergency, no one, except an authorized Company representative, shallturn on or turn off the water on the Company's side of the seruice csnnectlorl. 12. EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS 12.1 The extension of system water mains for the purpose of providing new service shall be handled in accordance with the "Uniform Main Extension Rubs fior Small Water Cornpanles" wlrich is attached to,these Rtles and Rqutatbns ffi an Appervdix. 13. MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 No customer shall permit any person from another premises to take water from his or her water service or tap for more than (1) week without the wrftten permission and,consent of the Company. 13.2 No person actr\g either on his or her own behatf sr ail ager* of any person, firm, corporati'on or municipality not authorized by the Company lssued Augurt 9, 2016 Effective July {,20,16 Htr'lilo 3l!5ls lssued by Schwelter Basln Water LLC llelBalley, Owner.--'---'-" 't-,, t !- &ril-, {o Schweitser Basin VUater LLC Original Sheet 12 tBAtto PtrELtc uilLtnEs coitmtssloNApproved Effective Aug 31,2016 July 1,2016 Per O.N. 33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary sfiallit*e any wder frorn ary ffre hydrant,m the Cunpany's oys*crn except in the case of an emergency. 13.3 No one shall tamper or interfere with the Company's equipment or property, nor shall repairs, c.onnections or replacements be made without Company authorization, 13.4 Whenever an applicant desires service of a character for which lhere is no atraila{#e'serv$ce olassification, a cwltract rnaf ibe executed in lieu of a tariff. Any sucfi contracil'shallbe subject to the approval of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 13.5 Copies of the Company's rates and summary of rules and regulations shall be available at the Company's office and provided to customers upon commencement of service, and annually thereafter in accordance with the UCRR. 13.6 When water [s desired fur ftlling a swimmfrngi pooi, M tr"& or c*Frer sr.rctr uses whicfi reguire abnormalty large quantifies of water, arrangements shall be made with the Company prior to the taking of such water. 14 Special Provisions or Amendments 14.1 FIre Hydrants The Cunpany does not prsvide fne hydrants on Wte water system. Allfire hydrants are owned by individual property owners or h omeowners' associations. The water system was not designed to furnish fire protection; the Company's purpose is to fumish only domestic water service. Ther,efore, the Cornpamy sl.{lal} nst be respoosiUe fur loss or danmge dsinred to ksve offirr.rd d$e to lmlr ofr adeq.ue rrrailer supply, or water pressil.rre, and'merely agrces to ftrmhh such quantity of water at such pressure as are available in its general distribution system. lf a new installation or additionalflows and pressure are required, it is the responsibility of the fire hydrant owner and the fire hydr:ant owner's engineer to determine, with the eonryany and tsEQ's sp,pnorral, asystern des(p change that would provide such additional flows and/or pressuras. These system ,ohanges, if agffEed upon by [l']e Ocmpany, strell'be at the expense of the fire hydrant owner. The Schweitzer Fire District shall be a. b lssued August 9, 2016 Eftdiivs JUU 1,20*6 OdstloS$8*3 lssued by Schweitser Basln Water LLC ffiCEalls.Of,rlter\uf*r i,"rfr.t U $chweitser Eash Water t[C Original Sheet 13 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Aug 31, 2016 July t, Z*'i6 Fer O.N. 33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary 14,2 notified of the change and shall concur with the change prior to the stsrt of $,srk. c. An application for installing a new fire hydrant shall be completed by any customer desiring to install a new fire hydrant. d. The customer is responsible for payment of the cost of the engineering evaluation for flow, location, hydrant, fittings, insiallation road repair andlany fees, The pressure shall never drop bebw 20 psi rfirring fne flotv. The Gornpany's Flre Hydrant Fee, whicfi inc*.rdes rervlew of tr'n appt$cat&rn, ihspeetion," pressure testing, bacteria testing and maping, shall be paid prior to start of work by an approved contractor. The Schweitzer Fire District shall approve the fire hydrant location and calculated flow prior to start of work. e. The Company is not responsible for flre flows from hydrants ,rnsrHlhd iby crrtmmers. A?l mafurhmne and rqairs to fire hydrarlts are the responslHmy of ttle fse hydrant $fltrcr. l. No unauth0frzed persoR shall open any firc hydrant, attempt to draw water from it or in any way tamper with a fire hydrant. g. Fire hydrants are for fire emergencies only and not for temporary water supply. h. lf an owner desires to change the she, type, or location rfi an exist$rrg frre hydra*, the enrner shall;have ar englheering, evaluatisn eomplatcd and pay for all change cmts. No cfiange shall be made without the Company's approval. Cross Connections Control - Backflow Prevention Equipment a. he Corpany rery;iinesthait an appropr,irite bacilcffow prevention device''be installed on any cusftornar sen ie csnner*iom tuhenever an edtual or potenEal hazad is deerned ts exht. Any such device shall appear on the State's list of approved backflow prevention devices and shall be approved by the Company prior to installation. b. ln the event that a backflow prevention device is required, it shall be installed, maintiained and tested at the customer's expense. Failure to installi rnailntain or test the requhed'devhe shal.I resul( iln termination of service to the ctrstornen ln aeoordanoe with the UCRR. lssued August 9, 2016 Eftctive JulV 1,2016 Ilrdorilot3illS Itsued by Schweitzer Basin Water LLC MelBalley, Owner-fr-D^hrL^r Schweitser Basin Water LLC OriginalSheet t4 sAlito Pt Eu.}lc umrrEs cotmfisstoNAproved Effective Aug 31,2016 July l, 2016 Per O.N.33580 Jean D. Jewell Secretary c. d_ The Cornpary slial$ requ*re tM dl1 haddCIrr peuention dEvices connected to &e water s!$tomr lhe tesfied qpoffi instalfietiofii; and', annually thereafter or when relocated or repaired. All testing shall be completed by a State of ldaho certified backflow assembly tester (BAT). The test results shall be reported to the Company within 30 days of the test. The submittalform shall be preapproved by the Company. Itis the sole reryulsfuifty of ttre customer b instdl, orerate and maintiain at dl times their plumbing system in compliance with tl,re current edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. lssued August 9, 20i6 Effectlve July 1, 2016 0rder ilo-S35tfi lssued by Schweitser Basin Water LLC MelBailev. Oumer\,{*_&Jt- L { IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveAug3t,2016 Jury 1, Z&tG Per O.il.33580 UNIFoRM MAIN ExrENsIoN RULE FoR wATen urrfi?iaDareweil secretary Based on Order No. 7830 (Case No. U-1500-22) A. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1. Applilcdbi,lfty a. All eXtensions of di#fibufion mains from the utility's existing distribution system, to serve new customers, except for those specifically excluded below shall be made under the provisions of this Rule unless specific authority is first obtained from the Commission to deviate therefrom. A main extension contract shall be executed by the utility and the applicant or applicants for the main extension before the utility commences construction work on said extension or, if constructed by applicant or applicants, hefore the faciliti€s cornprising the rnalh extenslon are transferred to the utitity. b. Extensions solely for fire hydrant, private fire protection, resale, temporary, standby, or supplemental service shall not be made under this Rule. c. The utility may, but will not be required to, make extensions under this Rule in .easements or rights-of-way where final gmdes have not been estdUlished, cr rdtrer€ street grades'have nrit.been,brought to those established by public authority. If extensions are made when grades have not been established and there is a reasonable probability that the existing grade will be changed, the utility shall require that the applicant or applicants for the main extension deposit, at the time of execution of the main extension agreement, the estimated net cost of relocating, raising, or lowering facilities upon establishment of final grades. Adjustment of any difference between the arnount so deposited and the actual cost of relocating, railsin.E lowerinE facilities shalli be made within ten (10) days after the utility has ascertafned such actual cost. The net deposit representing actual cost is not subject to refund. The entire deposit related to the proposed relocation, raising or lowering shall be refunded when such displacements are determined by proper authority to be not required. 2. Definitions a. Eona Fide Customer, for the pu.r''lposes otf this Rutle, shail )be a customer (excluding any customer formerly served at the same location) who has given satisfactory evidence that service will be reasonably permanent to the property which has been improved with a building of permanent nature and to which service has commenced. The provision of service to a real estate developer or builder during the construction or development period shall not establish him as a bona fide customer. b. Real Estate Developer or Builder, for purposes of thls Rule, shall include any individuah, associiation olf individuab, partnershi,p, or corponation tlnat divides a parcel of land into two (2) or more portions. c. Adjusted Construction Cost, for the purposes of this Rule, shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs recorded in conformity with generally accepted water utility accounting and sound engineering practices, and as specifically defined in the, Uniform System of Accounts Uniform Main Extension Revised March 10, 2009 IBAH'$ FUEI IG U'IItsITIES G0lmfllf$Eli+"rApproved EffectiveAugr3t,2fi!6i, JoIy 1i 81G Per O.N. 33580 for water Utitities prescribed by the commission, of instaili*3%Bli{i".g,"llrsecretarY adequate capacity for the service requested. If the utility at its option should install facilities with'a larger capacity or resulting in a greater footage of extension than reguired for the service, the adjusted construction cost for the purposes of this Rule sha'l{ be determined by the applrication of an adjrestrnent.factor to acttral cons&uction oost of facilities installed. This factor shall be the ratio of estimated cost of required facilities to estimated cost of actual facilities installed. d. Commission shall mean the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 3. Ownership, Design and Construction of Facilities a. Any facilities installed hereunder shall be the sole property of the utility. In tfrose instances In whrictr title to aertain portiorvs of tkm installatiilnt, sttcrr' as ftre hyd.rantq wilL be hetd. by a politrcal subdivision, sucfk facitities shalt not be inclirded as a part of the main extension under thls Rurle. b. The size, type, quality of materials and their location shall be specified by the utility and the actual construction shall be done by the utility or by a constructing agency acceptable to it. c. Where the property of an applicant is located adjacent to a right-of-way, exceedfng 70 ,feetJn w{dth,^for a sheefi, 'hrighway or other public purpose, regardless of the width of the traveted way or rpavement; or a freeway, waterway or railroad right-of-way, the utility may elect to install a main extension on the same side thereof as the property of the applicant and the estimated and adjusted construction costs in such case shall be based upon such an extension. d. When an extension must comply with an ordinance, regulation, or speci(fication of ptr&iic aruGhonity, the estirma,ted a,nd adjusted.constructilum costs of said extension shall he b*ased upon the facitities required comply thenewith. 4. Estimates, Plans and Specifications a. Upon request by a potential applicant for a main extension, the utility shall prepare without charge a preliminary sketch and rough estimates of the cost of installation to be advanced by said applicant. b. Any applicant for a main extension requesting the utility to prepare delailed'plans, specifications and cost esU.rnates shall be required to deposit with the uti{ity an amount equal to the estimated cost of preparation of such material. The utility shall, upon request, make available within 45 days after receipt of the deposit referred to above, such plans, specifications and cost estimates of the proposed main extension. If the extension is to include oversizing of facilities to be done at the utility's expense appropriate details shalt be set forth in the plans, specifications and cost estimates. c. In the event a rnain exten'.slon contract wiGh the uttllfty ib exect*ted wiathin 180' days after the utility furnishes the detailed plans and specifications, the deposit shall become a part of the advance, and shall be refunded in accordance with the terms of the main extension contract. If such contract is not so executed the deposit to cover the cost of preparing plans, specifications and cost estimates shall be forfeited by the applicant for the rna,in extens;ion and the arnount of the forfeited deposit shdll 'be credfted lJniform Main Extension Revised March 10,2009 2 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective Aug 3?,2O16. Jtrfyr t,20t6 Per O.N. 33580 to the account or accounts to which the expense of prepari*3'3P,? Jewell secretary material was charged. d, When detailed plans, specifications and cost estimates are requested the applicant for a main extension shall furnish a map to a suitable scale showing the street a.ald lot layouts, and when requested by the utility, csntou{'s or other,ltrdication of the reiative elevation of ,the vanious pafts of the area to be developed. If changes are made subsequent to the presentation of this map by the applicant, and these changes require additional expense in revising plans, specifications and cost estimates this additional expense shall be borne by the applicant, not subject to refund, and the additional expense thus recovered shall be credited to the account or accounts to which the additional expense was charged. 5. Timing and Adjustment of Advances a. Unless the applicant for the main extension elects to arrange for the installation of the extension himself as permitted by Section C.1.c., the full amount of the required advance or an acceptable surety bond must be provided to the utility at the time of execution of the main extension agreement. b. If the applicant for a main extension posts a surety bond in lieu of cash, such surety bond must be replaced with cash not less than ten (10) cdlendan days hpfore csnsbnudtion is to aoryarnence; prcvided, rhowever, that if special facilities are required primarily for the service requested, the applicant for the extension may be required to deposit sufficient cash to cover the cost of such special facilities before they are ordered by the utilitY. c. An applicant for a main extension who advances funds shall be provided with a, statement of actual construction cost and adjusted construction cost showing in reasonable detailt ttre cost incurred(for matertal, lrabor, any other direct and indirect costs', overheads, and total costs; or unit costs" or eontraet eosts; whiehever are appropriate. d. Said statement shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the actual construction costs of the installation have been asceftained by the utility, In the event that the actual construction costs for the entire installation shall not have been determined within 120 days after completion of construction work, a preliminary detennination of actual and adjusted construchion,msts shdllbe su,bmitted, tbased upon the best available information at that time. e. Any differences between the adjusted construction costs and the amount advanced shall be shown as a revision of the amount of advance and shall be payable within thirty (30) days of submission of the statement. 6. Assignment of Main Extension Contracts - Any contract entered into under Sections B and C of tklis Rule, or under sirnilar Brrovisions of forrner rules, may be assigned after settlement of adlusted construction costs, after written notice to the utility by the holder of said contract as shown by the utility's records. Such assignment shall apply only to those refunds which become due more than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt by the utility of the notice of assignment. The utility shall not be required to make any one refund payment under such contract to more than a single assignee. Unifom Main Extension Revised March 10,2009 3 a TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSIOMApproved Effective Aug 31, ?016 July 1,2016 Per O.N. 33580 . Jean D. JewellSecretary7. Interpretations and Deviations - In case of disagreement or dispute regarding the application of any provision of this Rule, or in circumstances where the application of this Rule appears unreasonable to either Farty, the utility, applicant or applicants may refer the matter to the Commission for determination. B. EXTENStrOAffi Tq SERVE TNDIWDI.IAtS 1. Free-Footage Allowance - The utility shall extend its water distribution mains to serve new bona fide customers at its own expense, other than to serve subdivisions, tracts , housing projects , industrial developments or organized commercial districts, when the required total length of main extension from the nearest existing utility facility is not in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connection. 2. Advances - tf the total{enEth of main exterqsiorn is in excess of fifty (50) feet per service connection applied for, the applicant or applicants for such service shall be required to advance to the utility, before construction is commenced, that portion of the estimated reasonable cost of such extension which exceeds the estimated reasonable cost of 50 feet of the main extension per service connection, exclusive of the cost of service pipes, meter boxes and meters. Sueh estimated reassnabke esst strall he based uBon the eest of a main not in excess of six (6) inches in diarneter except where a larger main is required by the specia[ needs of the appHtant or applicanfis. The arinount of ttqe advance is subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Section A.5.e. of this Rule. 3. Refunds - The money so advanced shall be refunded by the utility, in cash without interest, in payments equal to the adjusted construction cost of fifty (50) feet of the main extension for which advance was made, for each additiona{ service connection made to said main extension exclusive of that of any custorner fa,rrneriy serve.d in a.reasonable manner at the sarne location. At the request of the appficant, refunds shall be made within 180 days after the date of first service to a bona fide customer. If no request is received from applicant the utility shall, initiate refunds on an annual basis. No refunds shall be made, after a period of ten (10) years from the date of completion of the main extension and, the total refund shall not exceed the amount advanced. 4. Exceptions - Where a group of five (5) or more individual applicants requests service from the same extension, or in uruusua,l.cases aften obtai,r*ng Commission authorization, the utility, at its option, may require that the individual or individuals advance the entire cost of the main extension as herein provided and the utility shall refund this advance as provided in Section C.2. of this Rule. C. EXTENSIONS TO SERVE SUBDIVISIONS, TRACTS, HOUSING PROJECTS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS OR ORGANIZED COltvl,MlERC'IAL D'ISTIR CT 1, Advances - a. Unless the procedure outlined in Section C.1.c. is followed, an applicant for a main extension to serve a new subdivision, tract, housing project or industrial development or organized commercial district shall be requiredtq ad.varlce to the utility, b,efore eorystructibr+ is cor,nrnencedi the Uniform Main Extension Revised March 10,2009 4 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveAug3t,2$?6 July 1,2&tO Pcr O.}{.33580 .Jean. P. Jqivefl Secretaryestimated reasonable cost of the extension to be actually installed, from the nearest utility facility at least equal in size or capacity to the main required to serve both the new customers and a reasonable estimate of the potential customers who might be served directly from the main extension without additional extension. The costs of the extension shall rimclude ineo€ss&rt serv,ice sbubs, or'sgrvice pi,pes,' fitbings, galtes and housing therefore, and meter boxes, but shall not indude meters. To this shali be added Ure eost of fire hydrants when requested by $e apptieant for the main extension or required by public authority, whenever such hydrants are to become the property of the utility. b. If, for any purpose, special facilities are required primarily for the service requested, the cost of such special facilities may be included in the advance, subject to refund, as hereinafter provided, along with refunds of the advance of the cost of the extension faciliUes described ln Secti.on C.1.a. above. c. In lieu of providing the advances in accordance with Sections C.1.a. and C.1.b., the applicant for a main extension shall be permitted, if qualified in the judgment of the utility, to construct and install the facilities himself, or arrange for their installation pursuant to competitive bidding procedures initiated by him and limited to qualified bidders. The cost, including the "or1 sf rinepedtion amd superutsion 'by lEhe uhlliity, stra{ be tpaid directly by applicant. The applicant shall provide the utility with a statement of actual esnstruetisn ees[ in rcassnable deEaril. The amsunt ts be treated as an advance subject to refund shall be the lesser of (1) the actual cost, or (2) the price quoted in the utility detailed cost estimate. The installation shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the utility pursuant to Section A.4.b. 2. Refunds a. The amount advanced under Sections C.l.a., C.Lb.; i and C.1.c. shall be subject to refund by the utilkty in cash, without interest, to the party or parties entitled thereto as set forth, in the following two paragraphs. The total amount so refunded shall not exceed the total of the amount advanced. Except as hereinafter provided, the refunds shall be made in annual, semiannual or quarterly payments at the election of the utility, and for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years after the date of the contrad. b. Whenever costs of main extensions have been advanced pursuant to Sections C.1.a. or C.1.c., the utility shall determine the revenue received from customers other than residential, including fire protection agencies, supplied by service pipes connected directly to the extension for which the cost was advanced. The refund shall be 22 percent of the revenue so received. For residential customers connected directly to the extension for which the cost was advanced, the utility sha,[ refund 22 percent of the averag€ revenue per resid€ntialr customer of the" entire system for the immediately preceding 12-month period. (See Section C.2.d. and 8.3.) c. Whenever costs of special facilities have been advanced pursuant to Sections C.1.b. or C.1.c., the amount so advanced shall be divided by the number of lots to be served by the special facilities. This advance per lot shall be refunded for each lot on which one or more bona fide customers are served by those facilities. uriifrym tla,n Eltension Revised March 10, 2009 5 I TT}AHO ruBLlc UTTLTTTES COMMISSION.Approved Effective Ang 31,2016 July {,2016 Per O.N.33580 d. with respect to a contract entered into on and after the effdS€i$"oa*iH?tlsecretary this Rule, if, at any time during the 2O-year refund period specified above 80 percent of the bona fide customers for which the extension or special facilities were designed are being served therefrom, the utility shall immediately notify the contract hol.der of tkrat fact, and at that time shall become obti,grated to Fay, in castr, ar*y batance wt'riqckt mary rernain unrefunded at the end of said Z0-yean peribd: Suckr baltxrce shakt'be refunded in five (5) equal annual installments, payable beginning 21 years after the date of the contract. e. Where a contract has been entered into under a former main extension rule, and where 80 percent of the bona fide customers for which the extension or special facilities were designed are being served therefrom, the uti,lity rnay negotiate and enter ii,nto a new and substitu.te contract, identicalin afl respects, wiith fihe originatr contract, inciudfrng the oniginal termination date, except that said substitute contract shall include the following provisions: "Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, any unrefunded balance remaining at the termination date of this contract shall be paid in five (5) equal annual , installments beginning one (1) year after, said termination date." 3. Termination of Main Extension Contracts a. Any contract entered into under Section C of tltris R.ufie, or unden sirnthr provisions of former rules may be purchased by the utility and terminated, after first obtaining the authorization of the Commission, at any time after the number of bona fide customers then receiving service from the extension for which the advance was made equals at least 50 percent of the total number of bona fide customers for which such extension was designed by the utility and the terms are otherwise mutuatly agreed to by 1'fp,p6rties or t.trcirassignees and ,tfiat, Section C.3-b. an Section C.3.c. hereof are comDlied v'liiffi. b. The utility, in requesting authorization for such termination shall furnish to the Commission the following information in writing by an advice letter in the event the termination is to be accomplished by payment in cash, or by a formal application: (1) A copy of the main extension contract, together with data adequately describirq ttrc d.evelopment f,er whicfr the"advance was nnade arld the totat adj,usted(constructionn eost of ttfle extension. (2)The balance unpaid on the contract, as above defined, as ofthe date of termination and terms under which the obligation is requested to be terminated. (3) The name of the holder of the contract when terminated. ( ) The total nurnher of bona fide customers for which the extension was designed and the nurnher of rbona ,ftide customers actua{,lv receiving service on said extension as of the proposed date of contract. c. Discounts obtained by the utility for contracts terminated under the provisions of this Section shall be accounted for by credits to Account 265 - Contributions in Aid of Construction. Uniform Main Extension Revised March 10,2009 6