HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210819Bossard Affidavit.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FORMAL COMPLAINT OF NICOLE BURBANK AGAINST ROCKY MOIINTAIN UTILITY COMPAIYY, INC. cAsE No. oc-d- af -ot) ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF JOLENE BOSSARI) STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada I, Jolene Bossard, being first duly sworn under oath, depose and state as follows: 1. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this affidavit. 2. The information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3. I am a Utilities Compliance lnvestigator at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. In my position I investigated Ms. Burbank's informal complaint and discussed the substance of it with her and Mr. Blake Schaat who Ms. Burbank gave consent for me to speak with. 5. After receiving Ms. Burbank's informal complaint I contacted a Company representative and advised that the Company not disconnect Ms. Burbank's water service while this matter was being investigated. It is my understanding that to the present, Ms. Burbank is still receiving water service from the Company. 6. True and correct copies of communications between the parties to the informal complaint and my notes are attached hereto as Confidential Exhibit A. 7. True and correct copies of Ms. Burbank's last bill at the time the informal complaint was registered with Staff, final notice, and paymenybilling history that I received from the Company are attached hereto as Exhibit B. 8. True and correct copies of new customer letters that I received from the Company which it asserted were sent to Ms. Burbank are attached hereto as Exhibit C. /// ) ss. ) IAFFIDAVIT OF JOLENE BOSSARD Dated thrs @dayofAugust 2021. Jolene Investigator Idaho Public Utilities Commission IM lsEALI SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of August202l Residing at: Commission expires: r?-4'%4 I:V*galV_LMEMOS\Burbel Cmplsitrt\Affi drvil-Joloe Bwddax 2AFFIDAVIT OF JOLENE BOSSARD EXHIBIT ,nA)) " G*Q.-d-t ^J+-l EXHIBIT 6(B)) Rocky Mountaiu Utility Company, INC 2N. kndmarkI:ne Suite#4 Rigby,ID83442 208-745-6443 BillTo Nicole lcc Burbank 3890 East Ash I-n Rigby,ID 83442 lnvoice Date lnvoice # 51312021 5894 P.O. No.Terms Project Duc by 25th Quantity Description Rate Amount Watcr Usagc forprior month Septio Usage for prior mondr 39.50 58.00 39.50 58.00 Total $9?.s0 )ayments are due by the 25th of the month NOTICE OF INTENT TO TERMINATE SERVICES Today's Date _1! 129 12021 Final Date _4R0n0U _We have sent multiple letters but have not received any response. If ttre balance is not paid, or arrangements made by tomonow you water will be disconnected. Name_Nicole Lee Burbank Service Address 3890 East Ash Ln Rigby, lD 83442- Account Balance $ 877.50 You are hereby notified that you are delinquent in the payment of charges for Water or Sewer Service provided to you by Rocky Mountain UtiliE Co,, Inc. The balance ofyour account, according to our records, is indicated above. In accordance with the rules and Regulations of ttre Idaho Public Utilities comrnission, if this balance is not paid, or if payrnent arangements are not made by the Final Date shown above, YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED after the Final Date. To avoid termination you must contact Rocky Mountain Utility co. before the Final Date to make a payment arrangement or pay in full. Please call on weekdays between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM and ask for billing/ collections. Termination may be delayed by:l. Providing a medicai ccrtificate advising us ofthe existence of a Medical Emergmcy. 2. Filing a complaint regarding the proposed temrination with tire Idaho Public Utilities Commission, P.O. Box 83720, Boise,ID 83720 (1-800-432-0369). Termination of semice in no way relieves yott of your obligation to payfor all services prior lo terntination. Should service be terminated, a charge for restoration of service ($?0.09-- during office hours, @Q[after hours) must be paid, plus the account balance prior to restoration of service. Rocky Mountain Utility Co. will, one time, assist you by making paymcnt arrangements not requiring immediate paymcnt in fuIl, if you contact us prior to the Final Date to arrange such a payment plan. Remember, your water will be turaed offafter the Final Date unless you act before the Final Date. StatementRocky Mountain Utility Company, INC 2 N. Iandmark Lane Suite # 4 Rigby, D 83442 208-745-6443 To: Nicole Lre Burbank 3890 East Ash Ln Rigby,ID 83442 Date 5lt0t202l Amount Due Amounl Enc. s975.00 Date Transaction Amount Balance 0212912020 0312012020 03120t2020 0312012020 0312012020 0312012020 04tot12020 0412v?020 0412u2020 0412t12020 0510112020 06/0tt2020 07t0U2020 0Et03t2020 0810412020 08t04t2020 08t0412020 081u12020 08/ut2020 0810412020 Balance forward n IV #42 7 I . Dve 031201202tt . -- I:look up fce $850.00 PMT#29924. PMT #29924. PMT #29924. fi\ff #29924. nIV #4272. Duc M/01i2020. -- Water $39.50 -- Scptic 358.00 PMT #667996. PMT#667996. PMT #667996. INV #4404. Due 05/0 I /2020. -- rJVatcr $39.50 -- Sqrtic $5E.00 II.IV #4517. Duc 06/01/2020. --- Water $39.50 -- Septic $58.00 I}W #463 I. Dw 0'l l0l 12020. -- Water $39.50 -- Septic $58.00 IIW #4748. Due 08/03/2020. --- Water $39.50 -- Scptic $5E.00 PMT f004288. PMT #004288. PMT #004288. PMT #004288. PMT #004288. PMT #004288. 850.00 -850.00 -39.50 43.00 -15.00 9'1.50 -39.50 -43.00 - 15.00 97 -50 97.50 97.50 97.50 -39.50 -43.00 - 15.00 -39.50 43.00 - r 5.00 0.00 850.00 0.00 -39.50 -82.50 -97.50 0.00 -39.50 -82.50 -97.50 0.00 97.50 195.00 292.50 253.00 210.00 195.00 t55.50 tl2.50 9',1.50 CURRENT 1.30 DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 0.00 97.50 97.50 97.50 6E2.50 $975.00 Page'l StatementRocky Mouutain Utility ComFany, INC 2 N. Iandmark Lane Suite # 4 Rigby, D83442 2A8-74s-U43 To: Nicolc Lre Burbank 3890 East Ash Ln Rigby,ID 83442 Date 5lt0l202t Amount Due Amount Enc. s97s.00 Date Transaction Amount Balance 0910112020 t0t0U2020 ut0212020 1210t12020 0tlo5l202t 0210v2021 03loU20?t 04t0t1202t 0510312021 IIW #4869. Due 09 l0 t 12020. - Watcr, I @ $39.50 = 39.50 -- Scptic, I @ $58.00 *58.00 NV #5095. Due I 0/0 l/2020. -- Water $39.50 -- Scptic $58.00 IIW #5212. Dte lll02l2020. -- Water, I @ $39.50 = 39.50 -- Scptic, I @ $58.00 = 5E.00 ItW #5323. Iluc l2l0l12020. -- Water $39.50 --- Septic $58.00 DM5437. Due 0l/05/2021. -- Water $39.50 -- Septic $58.00 NV #555 | . Due 02/0 1i202 I . -- Water $39.50 -- Septic 558.00 INV #5666. Due 03/0 I /202 I . -- Water 539.50 -- Septic $5t.00 II$/ #5779. Dte 04l0ll202l . -- Water, I @ S39.50 =39.50 - Septic, I @ S5E.00 - 58.00 IIW #5894. Dtte 05 103 12021. -- Water, I @ $39.50 :39.50 -- Scptic, I @ $58.00 : 58.00 97.50 97.50 97.s0 97.50 97.50 97.50 g'.t.50 97.50 97.50 195.00 292.50 390.00 487.50 585.00 682.50 780.00 877.50 975.00 CURRENT 1.30 DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST DUE 61.90 DAYS PAST DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 0.00 9'1.50 97.50 9?.50 682.50 s975.00 Page 2 EXHIBIT 65C)) RgtrKY MoUNTAIN U rt utrv E o pr PANY, ! N E.2 N Landrnark Ste 4,Rigby, ID a3442 8.745.6443 Fax: 2O8 .745.7979 rwwur.RockyMountainUtility.com Dear Customer: ln order to provide timelier future notification to all customers, please provide your name, email address, home address & phone number on this form and return with your next payment, drop it off in the RMUC drop box, or email your information to rockymou nta inuti I ity@gmai l.com. Your email address and phone number will be kept secure and will not be shared with anyone. lf you do not have any email address, please consider providing a family member email so that you can be reached in an expedient manner. Please note: ln a continuing effort to reduce environmental strain and conserve paper, email statements will be sent to all customers with email addresses on file unless you tell us otherwise. Sincerely, Rocky Mountain Utility Company Name: Address: Phone: Email: RotrKY MoUNTAIN Urtutrv troMPANY, lNE.2 N Landrnark Ste 4, Rigby, lD 83442 tili -com To Our New Customer, Invoices are sent out on the lst of each month for the previous month's usage for water and sewer. Your payment is due by the 25th of each month. A statement will be included if you have a past due balance. On the l0th of the month we will do a review of your account. If you have not made a payment from the previous invoice plus the new invoice, we will send out your first letter of disconnect with a date for disconnection If you have not made a payment by the 25th on the arrears, then we will send out a final disconnect notice. We understand that sometimes things happen, and we are willing to work with you during that time. For your convenience, we have additional options for payment. We are accepting Debit or Credit Card payments here in our office (can be called in over the phone) along with Cash or Check. We also offer reoccurring credit card payments. If you are interested, the form can be filled out in our office or if you would like one sent to you please let me know. For further convenience, you can contact your financial institution and have them mail a monthly check to our office. Also, we have placed a payment locked drop box on the front of our office building located at 2 N Landmark Ln, Ste 4 (East end of Prepared Pantry) to the right of the door that is marked Rocky Mountain Utility. As an added convenience, you can drop payments there during or after business hours. At this time, we do not have online bill pay option on our website. Please visit our website for more information at: http:/luu'rv.rock)'rnountainutilit)'.com We would like to send invoices and statements via e-mail if possible. If you are not already receiving your copies this way and would like to do so please call 208-745-6443 or email rock)'mountainutilit)'i4;gmail.com to make the change. You can also drop a note in with your next payment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours. Sincerely, Charlotte Lees Office Manager RotrKY MoUNTA,IN Urtutrv ETIMPANY, lNE.2 N Landrnark Ste 4, Rigby, lD 83442 2O8.7 45.6443 Fax: 2O8 .7 45.7979 www.RockyMountainUtility.com Dear Rocky Mountain Utility Customers We have had a couple of inquiries regarding the pumping of individual homeowner septic holding tanks when needed and provide the following reply: The Department of Environmental Quality determined the septic requirements for the subdivision based on lot size. lndividual septic systems were not allowed and the DEQ mandated each lot would be required to install and maintain a septic holding tank by the homeowner and the subdivision developer would be required to install and maintain a sewage and treatment system that would filter and dispose of all waste water. RMUC maintains the sewer system from the Utility Easement (lot boundary) to the treatment system and drain field to include pumps, wiring, piping, electrical, utilities, etc. RMUC is also responsible for testing and inspections as required by DEQ. This same is true for the Water System. The sewer system drains waste water (solids settle in each individuals holding tank) to a lift station 25 ft into the ground and then pumped 4 times through a filtration system where it is treated and filtered before safely putting back into the ground. This system is state-of-the-art and was designed to be environ mentally friendly. The septic holding tank located on each individual's building lot are the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and pump when necessary. The Protective Covenants clearly state the responsibility of the developer and homeowner as stated below from the Recorded copy of the Pepperwood Crossing Protective Covenants: 4.6 Well Woter And Septic Tonks: No individuol wells or septic systems ore ollowed on ony lot. Ail lots sholl have o centrol woter and sewer system provided by the Developer ond included os port of the lot. Rocky Mountoin Utilities Compony, lnc. will provide woter service to lot owner within 5' of propeny line ot o Public Utilities Commission monthly rote. Lot owner will be responsible to poy Rocky Mountoin Utilities Company, lnc. o monthly septic system rote. Rocky Mountoin Utilities Compony will Mointoin ond repoir all sewer ond woter systems up to Homeowners property line , Homeowners will be responsible for instolling septic tonk ond line on individuol lots. Rocky Mountoin lJtilities Compony will require proof of inspection or pumping of tank on their property every 5 yeors. Rocky Mountain Utility Company