HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060628_1608.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:CECELIA A. GASSNER DATE:JUNE 19, 2006 SUBJECT:IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMP ANY FOR APPROVAL OF A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH CKTV1 ENERGY, LLC, CASE NO. IPC-06- On April 28, 2006, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company ) filed an Application requesting approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement dated April 28, 2006 with CKTVI Energy, LLC ("CKTVI "). Under the Agreement, CKTVI would sell and Idaho Power would purchase electric energy generated by CKTVI's Treasure Valley 1 anaerobic digester gas- to-energy facility located near Caldwell, Idaho. The Company asks the Commission approve the Agreement and declare that all payments for purchases of energy under the Agreement be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. On May 26 , 2006, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Modified Procedure requesting any comments to the matter. See Order No. 30054. In addition to comments filed by Staff, the Commission received four comments from members of the general public. THE AGREEMENT According to the Application, CKTVI proposed to design, construct, install, own operate and maintain a 3.2 MW anaerobic digester gas-to-energy generating facility to be located near Caldwell, Idaho (the "Facility ). The Facility will be a qualified small power production facility under the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 PURP Under the terms of the Agreement, CKTVI has elected to enter into the Agreement with Idaho Power for a 20-year term. CKTVI further elected to contract with the Company DECISION MEMORANDUM using the non-Ievelized published avoided cost rates as currently established by the Commission for energy deliveries of less than 10 aMW. All applicable interconnection charges and monthly operation and maintenance charges under Schedule 72 will be assessed to CKTV CKTVI has elected November 2006 as the scheduled first energy date and March 2007 as the scheduled operation date for the Facility. Certain requirements have been placed on CKTVI for Idaho Power to accept energy deliveries from the Facility. Idaho Power will monitor compliance with these initial requirements, as well as ongoing requirements throughout the term of the Agreement. ST AFF COMMENTS Based on its review, Staff believes that the Agreement between CKTVI and Idaho Power comports with the terms and conditions of Commission Order No. 29632 (Us. Geothermal et al v. Idaho Power) and avoided cost Order No. 29646. Section 24 of the Agreement provides that the Agreement will not become effective until the Commission has approved all the Agreement's terms and conditions and declared that all payments that Idaho Power makes to CKTVI for purchases of energy will be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. The proposed effective date of the Agreement is April 28 , 2006. Staff recommends approval of the Agreement. PUBLIC COMMENTS The Commission received four comments from the general public. Each of these comments voiced support of the Application and using the biomass waste to generate electrical power. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI 0 N Does the Commission desire to approve the Application for the Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power and CKTVI? ~'- M:IPC-O6-cg2 DECISION MEMORANDUM