HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211101Response to Burbank Complaint.pdf-;:'"'iIr,ttlril l-.i-.,,.-t ! LU :-,l tl:,'j - I [.li 9,: 53 Response to Case No. ROC-W-21-01 Burbank complaint 1. An explanation, to include documentation, of how Ms. Burbank's residence at 3890 East Ash Lane, Rigby, ldaho 83rM2 became connected to the Company's water system and service was provided thereto. Most title companies know about our hookup fees and can find that information on our website. Attached is a copy of the information I received from the title company (letter about fees, Warranty Deed, and a check for the hookup fee and first month's utilities. As is the practice of the title companies, I am either verbally or emailed an assessment for information. I was verbally contacted by First American Title Compa nV on 2|LO|2OZO with the questions about the hookup fee and monthly utility bill. As you can see from the date of 2l7l2O2O, Juliann (unknow to me) said it was okay to pay through escrow. 2 An itemized summary of the charges assessed on Ms Burbank beginning from the date service began to her residence that itemizes charges for water. This information should also clearly show what balance if any the Company contends Ms. Burbank owes for water service. I have attached her water history with balances 3. An explanation, to include any documentation, about what the 5850.00 "Hook-up fee" is for and who paid it as shown in the Exhibit B attached to the Affidavit of Jolene Bossard. Pertains to explanation in question 1. Also attached is a copy of our rates and fees found on our website: RockyMountainUtility.com 4. An explanation as to whether the Company can produce and send separate invoices to customers for water and sewer service. The company can separate invoices to customers for water and sewer service and was implemented on September L,2021- $5q,00 hh*-ta@ UresS8a.E0 tud${Itldmhtu ttrry ? flqr& taffiLma#|. fihE$. tQ 8,s*1U [*9,0A gatw#&.S0 WEffi] ?af7,Flrn,;e - W&{IU-lrtnn a 7'L7 t*t Ct5 \t*vc v* N fui-,-iefe u*t ffi;l ,t-e&"€, ob t^ Pfrt 'llr*Vi:l,t elA'*64 Z[ro[ze,?,o. & q-,??r*t.' .ffi*sp"* st' * SJ*erh-t-fu;' ( rrr$ wYtt4 + 1t'ng,' &' 9l 5-tu &" JA*i ) +,l.rl4n^l^rr Str.'ta'w cktfu tb*'ry' Y;(fu}#afJJ ftl I RECORDING REQUESTED BY First American TiUe Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAILTO: First American TiUe Company 110 N. Clark StreeVPO Box 405 Rigby, tD 83442 ' I '..:.: l\i'll.j ., , -::.. l. : r,ttiii'jitl-. ., ..., :i lr: :,,yteii.ii\Nr1 t,r This Line for Recorder3 Use WARRANTY DEED File No.: 881616-RI (ss)Date: FebruaryOTrZA2O For Value Received, Higley Developments LLC, an Idaho limited tiabllity company, hereinafter called the Grantor, hereby grants, bargains, selts and conveys unto Nicoldlee Burbank, single wornan, hereinafter called the Grantee, whose cunent addrss is 3890 East Ash l-ane, Rigby, ID 83442, fie following described premises, situated in Jefferson County, Idaho, to-wit: Lot 17, Block 4 Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision, Oivision No. & Jefferson County, Idaho, as shown on the plat recorded March 15, 2006, as fnstrument No. 347OO5. SUBJECT TO all easements, right of ways, covenants, restrictions, reservations, applicable building and zoning ordinances and use regulaUons and restrictions of record, and payment of accruing present year taxes and assessments as agreed to by parties above. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with its appurtenances, unto the said Granteg and to the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee, that the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises; that said premises are free from all encumbrances except crrrent years taxes, levies, and asse$ments, and except U.S. Patent reseruations, restrictions, easements of record and easements visibte upon the premises, and that Grantor will wanant and defend the same from all daims whatsoever. d Page ld 2 /A Aat€|oAO?lzoil)Wananty Deed - @trrnued Flle No.: 881516-BI (5s) Highy Developments LLC, an Idaho limiEd liabillty comparry By: Bryson K.Hpley Inc., Member Namel K. llUe: Presldent State of ldaho Ounty of Bonneville frr thts -\L oay of \t\ . - 20gg- bebre rne, a Notary tublic in and for said state, personally appeared Bryson K. Higley known or klenUfied to me to be the President of Bryson K Higtey Construction, Inc., a Corporation, one of the members of the llmited llabillty company known as Higley DevelopmenB, LLC, and the peron who slb ribed said corporation name to tfre foregoing ir$rumert and acknowledged to me ftat he exearted the rul'fiin instrument on behalf of said orporation and that s,rch orporaUon oecuted the same in said tlmited liablllty company name. IN WnNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this ertiftcate first above written. Ndary Public State of Idaho Resldirq in: Idaho Falls,ID Commission Exp.: Ll3l2L ss. ) ) ) SHANEYSYVANSON NOTAITY PUBTJC . S?ATE OF IOAFIO cqffiEstoN NTJUEER 27t{e MY C$m,flsSpfl E(FlREs 1.3.2021 Plge zof 2 IA sffiw e,or61ll : mEilo,8818tSRt,Rs:38908d1$Lm _ a. .. ..' Uoot&trr.IfiXilr0oot rTeOBqSailSrDtei4,"at DlbEr6E06 PAY Nlle hundrcd forty-sevcn and 50/Ifl)DOLLeRSg*..*.947.fl' OdmH.Stfrshan 4-/n#-TOilE0p8 0r RodqMffialtlrUfry 2tU{lLedmatl-ane fl &q, Daflz VOIDAFTEB 6[{ONTHS ESCBOT^'TRUSTACCOT NT rg ffi Flnt Anrglcar lltc ConFn,trS, PRffFonFoe.2a&r0 (r3rhl cHECrro. 8924 ':' BUIER fibfift ProprtyAddreu SSo(,EEtAdlt.gl' Rb!t, D80{42 llonrourrfnoddqtDtrr OrlcrD{rNh: A6rod*b*DrE$97.50 Hm*-lrp F!.! EEIfER HiXqr,Danlopnct&rc RG 38mtusAlhLilo grm Iha*yfl btdttittg hElEsE rd[t Fffi Atlubn Ti0a Conparry -a: J. .1.,: '. 'l +'itt.?s+ '.-I!'.rl .:rL1; (. t6 ROtrKY MOUNTAINUrtutrY EEMPANY, lNe.2 N Ste 4,Rigby, ID a3442 6443 Fax: 2O8 -7 45.7 97 9 vt wrw.R-ockylVlountainlJtilit5z.corn2o^8.74 October 1,2021 Service Wa{er (Water tlrage for prlor month) Charlotte Lees Office Manager Rocky Mountaln Utility Company 208-745-W3 BurbanK Nicole Lee BurbanK l'&ole Lee Burbank Ilcole L3e Burbank ificole Lee Burbanl( Ncde L€e Burbanl( trtrcole Lee BurbanK filcole Lee Burbanl( ltlcola Lee Burbank Nicoh Lee Burbank, t{col6 Lee Burban( Nlcole t e Burbanlq l&ole [.ee BurbanK l$cole Lee BurbanK Nbob Lee BurbanK ltlcole Lee Burbanh l{cole Lee Burbank Mcole Lee Burban( Nicoh t-ee Burbank lrlcole Lee hvobe hvoho hvobo hvoice hvobe hvoice hvobe kwoh6 hvobe hvobs lnvoice hvoice hvoice hvolce hvoha hvoice hvoice hvoice hvoice Fsid hid Fa'rd FaU tfipald UnpaH thpaid uhpaid unpakl LJnp€ld Lhpaii thpald l..hpait Unpail Lhpaid Lhpald Lhpaid thpakl thpak $:!9.50 $39.50 $3s.50 s39.50 $39.s0 $3s.50 $39.50 $39.50 $30.50 t3s.50 s39.50 s39.50 $39.50 s39.50 $39.S) $592.s0 0/,/o1/202O \rvlater (Water usage for prior rmnth) OSlOlllN2O llilater (l/t/hter tbage for prbr nmth) 06n1E0m Vttrater (Water ltage for prior nDnth) 07fi,l.12020 VlrEbr (Wbter tJsage for prior ronth) 0[ilfiJ,3[2O2O V.lhbr(V{Her tbage for prbr nDnth) O9fi1nUIO Wbter (\l\hter tlage for prbr nonth) 1010112020 \l\hter (t/Vater Usage for prior nEnth) 11n2lnm $trater (\ifater usage for prior nenth) 1?J01tZt20 Vthter ('UUder t bage for prior ronth) Mn5/€s21 \A/ater (Water lJsage for prlor nDnth) A2fi11N21 l/tffier (Wlter Usage for prbr rmnth) 03t01l1U21 lJ\hter (Wher llagefor prior rrnh) O4N12O21 ll\ffier (V\her u6age for prior rncnth) 05/032021 y\tster (WAer Usage for prior nDnlh) 6lvn2t \lhtar (Whter tbage for prior Imnth) lUnzL l,\hter (w*er Usage for prior nonth) UUN2I l/Vrter (l/Uater L.bage for prior nonlh) 9l{zo2l \Ahter ffiter tlage for trbr nDnth) il0IUZOZL Water (Water Lhage for prior ryonth) Unpaid Paid s39.50 $39.50 $3S.50 $39.50 s1s8.oo t Roclqf Mountain Utility ( https { lr oc}*1mou nta i n uti I ity.co nn . {HTTP}/,NOCNYMOUI{TAINUTTLITY.COMI } WATEN RATES/FEES Water Rates/Fees Rocky Mountaln Utllity Co., lnc (RMUC) is authorlzed by the ldaho Publlc Wlitks Commlsslon to provide water servlces to ltl rsldents. RMUCrate lsmandatcd bythe ldaho Pttbllc tltllltler Commlsslon.lt lsbased upon currentoperatlngcoststosupptyunterto oristlng resldents. Followlnt ls thc rat6 dd Termlnaflon ruks for Rlvtt c. Flat Rate tate Fee Restorafon of Servlce Durlng Office Hours Restoratlon of SeMcc After Off ce Hours Flhd Collcctlon Fee NSFFee Hod<-upFee 3950 1% (.39) $20 140 $1s $zo t150 Mmthlyfee charged on dellnquant hlance as of last date invoice ls created Buslness hours 8AM - sPM AfterSPM before 8AM lf payment on account is colhcted at custdner home whlleserviceman ls onsltc to dlsconnect scrvice. Charge for Check retumed for Non- sufficicntlunds Charge for nerv home bullds connectlnt to RMUCservlces Each lotomrer wlllfurqonslbbtortllcaillilorpl$T0/Jcmngl,1donfrrfor.woter otdsr*lrr;rforafrltolof $SSOlnltlolly. lrroices are sent out on the first of each month for the prcvlo.rs months usagc for uater and sewcr. Your paynent is due by the 25ft eacft montilAstat€mentwillbc included if pu have a pastdue bahncaThese paymenttrrmswill be appllcabla to hothwatcrand scwer f€es, Termlnation of Scnrices: Yoursenrlcescan bediscqrnectcdfor(1) nonpaymcntof delinquentbllb, (2) faifurctoabldcbythctcrr6of a paymentarrangemcn! (3) frandulent or unauthorlzed use ofservice or ({) viohtion ofutlllty ruhs. Notlceof termlnetlon wltlbesentonfli€ 1*of therpnth* hact2Odays prtorto proposcdtermlnatlondate. tf no paynrentlsrccelwd or payment anangement made $ the f5th of the month a final dlsconmct notlc€ wlll be senL Terminatlon of servicecan bcstopped ordelaycd hypaylEthedelimuency, makingreasonabl.peymentaranganrcnts, provldlnga medkal certlltcate of an exlstlng medlcal ernergency or lillng a cornphlnt wtth the ldaho Publlc Utllltles Commlsslon. Customers having dlfficulty paylng ttrelr blll strould contad ur to make payrnent arrargcmcnts, Followlrry a prymcnt plan wlll prcrrunl termlnatlon of scrvlces on dellnqu:rt accormts. 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION NICOLE BURBAI\K coMPLATNANIT,SUMMONS cAsE NO. ROC-W-21-01 ROCI(Y MOT]NTAIN UTILITY COMPAI\iY, INC. RESPONDENT Rocky Mountain Utility Company, [nc. ATTN: Jim Bernard 2 N. Landmark Lane, Suite 4 Rigby,lD 83442 THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; the answer or motion in defense should also respond to the following areas of inqurry in addition to the allegations raised by the Complaint: l. An explanation, to include documentation, of how and when the Complainant's residence at 3890 East Ash Lane, Rigby, Idatro 83442 became connected to the Respondent's water systern and water service was provided thereto. 2. An itemized sunmary of the charges assessed on Ms. Burbank beginning from the date service began to her residence that itemizes charges for water. This information should include all invoices for water service provided to the Complainant's residence at 3890 East Ash Lane, Rigby, Idaho 83442. The foregoing information should also clearly show what balance if any the Respondent contends Ms. Burbank owes for water service. 3. An explanation, to include any documentation of the $850 "Hook-up fee" when it was paid and who paid it as shown in Exhibit B attached to the Affdavit of Jolene Bossard. SUMMONS N:\ROCW2 I 0l _Summonsjh.doc vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I 4. An explanation as to whether the Respondent can produce and send separate invoices to customers for water and sewer senrice. YOU ARE FURTIIER NOTIFIED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 6l of the ldaho Code. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Complainant and the Commission Staff shall have 14 days from the filing of Responde,ntos Answer to file any reply comments. YOU ARE FURTIIER NOTIFIED that all persons and parties shall comply with the Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq, and specifically Rules 4l through 43, IDAPA 3 WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idatro Public Utilities Commission this 27ft day of September 2021. r %ttYan Noti:crti) Commission Secretary (sEAL) SUMMONS N:\ROCW2 I 0 l_Suomonsjh.doc 1