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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050207Comment.pdfJean Jewell
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Ed Howell
Sunday, February 06 , 2005 12:42 PM
Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark
Comment acknowledgement
WWW Form Submission:
Sunday, February 06, 2005
12:42:16 PM
Case: RES-W-04-1
Name: Ron Armacost
Street Addres s: 111 N. Greene St
City: Spokane
State: WA
ZIP: 99202
Home Telephone: 509-255-9426E-Mail: cathya0asisna. com
Company: Resort Water Co., Incmailinglist _yes _no:
Comment description: In reviewing the utility (water) rates in Sandpoint and other
communities in the area, Resort Water Co., Inc. already has a higher rate than these
communi ties.
Our water usage is minimal as the maj ori ty of the customers are seasonal and only usewater 3-4 months of the year. The customer base has shown steady increase in growth and
a result should increase income for the utility company.
We feel the utility company has been sorely mismanaged and with proper management would
not require this rate increase.
We are opposed to any increase in water rates at this time.
Ron and Cathy Armacost
717 Crystal Springs Rd, Schweitzer MtnSandpoint, Id
Transaction 10: 261242.
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