HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030418Reply.pdfFROM PHONE NO. ~7:;J./ Apr. 18 2003 01: 56PM P2 RECEIVED IT)FILED ZOD3 APR 18 PM 2: 52 P. T .E.. Water System Inc. 2626 Wreneo Loop Road ndpoint. Idaho S3 ~~. ,..--- UT IU/j,fiO PUbliC lIlESGOMMISSION ---....--.." Telephone 206-263-2720 April 16,2003 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the matter of P.C. involvement in P.E Water System Inc.. Failure to stand by the final order dated August 8,2002 ordered by P.C.. Page 18 under OEDER. P. lED and desided to (:bangc the SO called f"mal order a few months after its start period. Case No. P.W..03- c. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO ALL QUESTIONS TALKED ABOUT AND LISTED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Noti(:e of Hearing order No. 29212 In reference to your fint sentence in yonr Show Cause you make the statement that the Idaho Public UtUites Commission with the power and jurisdiction to supervise and regulate every public utility wjthin the State of Idabo. My Qnestion is why haven t the P.C. done what there ordered to do? Why is there only about 30 public water utilities under P.1J.C. control when there are probably hundreds in the state of Idaho? I was told by Bob Smith that P. has the right to control public water that sel'\'ices one unit or more. IfP.C.'s controHs good for one then it shonld be good for aD. Why are the 30 or so public water systems now under the control of P.C. being discriminated against and being made to comply when all the otber public water company do not have to comply? I have asked this question to the staff member Bob Smith and he told me that there is not enough personnel or money to take under control all of the public water utilities. HP.C. ean t supervise all the Public Water Uti lites then they should Dot supervise any. I was just at a meeting in March to get my water certification review and there were 3 different water company attending that sell water for profit, one having 400 units, none ofthese know anything about P.C. How (:oroe? I want the full disclosure of every bit of paper work that P.c. bas on all the Public Utilities that are now under tbeir controL I want tbe contact person s name and phone number. I also want a complete list of every public water utilitie in the state of Idaho. I suggust that P. contact D.Q"7 water testing agencies, water certification agendes, IWWOCB, INC. and the Idaho Tax Dcpt. to get the complete list of all the publk water utilities in the state of Idaho. I want this information 80 I can possibly start a class action law suit against P.C.. I was told by staff member Michael Fuse and Lisa Norbstrom that when the Commissions final order came out in August 8, 2002 it would be a done deel and it (:oold not be changed. I operated under this order for a few months until I was told by Michael Fuss that it looked like P.C. was going to change the order allowing part time landowners to only have to pay for 4 months of water per year. This is not what the final order dated August 8, 2002 indicated. The annual r~enue to be received by P.E. Water" was to be 526,600.00. Page 1 FROM PHONE NO. Apr. 18 2003 01:56PM P3 This was to be collected by resideDt owners ~ $ 48.00 per month and all other owners ~ 25. per month. These monthly amounts were based of a twelve month period to arrive at the $ 26 600.00 per year amount. This is spelled out in great detail in the P.s fmal order dated August 8, 2002. Attention to page 18 under the beading ORDER and also attachment 1 in the final orders from P.c. dated August 8t 2002. P.C. elected to break the agreement final order dated August 8, 2002 therefore P. T.E. is taking the stand that P. T .E. is not having to ~ommit to any orders ordered by P.C. because P.C- cannot be trusted and they have lied. Even Michael Fuss admitted to Ole at the last phone eoversation we had that yes indeed I had been lied to but there was nothing I or he could do. Because of the now even move -reduction in revenu~ beause ofP.s new change, I had to take matters into by own hand and try to save this company and my investment-Because of what I did I have regained about 6 customers that had pulled out of the water system. Most of these (:ustomers were being told by P.C. that they had to pay $48.00 per month for part time use. They are now paying $25.00 per month. I have re~lassed the landowners into 2-classes that I had before P. got involved with my company. Resident owners and NonmResident owners. Resident owners pay $48.00 per month and non-resident owners pay $25.00. I told the landowners this, If you want to help pay for the operation, maintenance, upkeep and repairs of tbis water system then you are going to have to pay for water for twelve months a year. In this small water system you can t expect to only pay for water when you want it and pot help pay for the yearly eJ:pencC$. If the landowners elect not to take ser'Vice from this water system then thcy will be withdrawn from the system. At present I have 12 residents and 21 non residents on the system. If everyone pays this amounts it is $1101.00 per month or $13,212.00 per year. One thing that really bothers me is I was required by D.Q. to update the water system by putting in a ~hloranation system and a second welL P.E. Water System lnc. did not have the money to do this so I refin.anced my home and loaned the money to P.T-E Water so that the system could be updated. This was done a short time before P.C. got involved with this water company. P.C. informed me that I could not get my money back that I bad loaned to P.E. to make the required repairs. Why doe s P.C. have the right to do this? This has pnt a severe hard ship on roe because I have to pay back the loan. My first meeting with P.C. was with Bob Smith in Sand point Idaho. Bob Smith told me that my company was worth nothing and he said I likely would never make a profit. He also said it wonld be next to impossible to sell the water company. His suggestion was for me to give it to the landowners or just walk away from it. I was also told this from Lisa Norbstrom and Michael Fnss. The Commission also stated that this company is a barely viable part-time business as stated on page 18 of the August 8, 2002 report. What right do you have to run down my business and try to make me give up my business that I have worked hard the last 17 years to improve. At this time no water has been shut off or disconnected to any landowners. Most of the landowner seem to accept the fact that if they want water to their property then they are going to have to help pay for the e~penses monthly. P. turned over the information that P.E. is a public water system to the Idaho Ta.1: agency. Idaho Tax accessed that the value of this company was $130,000.00. I was sent a tax bill for $1254.00 based on the $130,000. worth. Why is my (:ompany worth $130,000. when aU the staff members and commissioner say that the business b~ worthless. Why do state agency not confer with each other. page 2 FROM PHONE NO. Apr. 18 2003 01: 57PM P4 Why didn t the State Tax agency get the company information from P.1J.C. so that they could make an honest value. Why did the system fail? This is just another screw up caused by P.C.. P.E. does nt have the money to pay this tax at this time. Inclosed if; a breakdown of the expenses that were sent to the Idaho Tax agency and tbe cover letter sent them. P.E. Water System Inc. does nt own anyofthe property that the water system is located on. AU of the property is owned by Robaer Cobott and Zaderea Raphael. The complete chloranation system and second well is now owned by Robaer Cohort and Zaderea Raphael since P.E. is Dot able or allowed to pay back the amount loaned to P.E. by Robaer Cobott and Zaderea Raphael. ORDE.R TO SHOW CAUSE 1. I'm asking for damages for the downgrade of P.E. f..om a -viable business to a non- viable business since P.C. Involvement in the amount of $300 000.00. 2. I,m asking for $50,000.00 from the staff and commissioners making fun and telling me that my business is worth nothing. 3. I want to be reimbursed in the amount to $50,000.00 for all the time spent furnishing information to P.C. in their investigation army company, two trips to Boise, hearing, and many meeting in Sandpoint and on the property. I excepted the finding of the Commission in their letter dated August 8, 2002 but when they elected to change their fmding and lied to me then it mf!ot that I did all of tbis information gathering to DO avail 4. I want $3000.00 per day for every day since the changes where make. I do not know when these new changed went into effect as I ne-ver received phone calls or correspondence. These changes are uncalled for and it just further convinces me that '' only purpose is to put this company out of business one way or the other. S. I want answers to all the question in this letter and I want all the paper work requested. 6. I object to the Testimony of Michael Fuss. Michael Fuss is a staff member with P. and his comments are prejudice. 7. rm asking for $SOO,OOO.OO in damages for being discriminated against. Being selected out of many public water system to comply to P.C.'s (:ontroJs when there are many publi(: water company that don t have to comply simply be(:ause P.tLC. does nt ha-ve the personnel or money to do their job correctly. page 3 FROM PHONE NO. Apr. 18 2003 01:58PM P5 I have a great amount of difficulty desideing if I should attend this so (ailed hearing on Apri128! 2003. This hearing is going to be conducted by the P.C. which cannot be trusted because oftheir tieing. Why should I belie-ve anything that the P.C. says? Its obvious tbat the P.lT.C. has only one purpose in mind and tbat is to put thjs company out of business. It is not rigbt that the landowners have to worry if the water system is going to continue or not. Quite a few of these landowners have children aDd they are not faroilys of high income. These familys con not afford to put in their own wells. P. has told me that if this company goes ont of business than the landowners will have to have their water hauled in or they will have to put in their own wells and that this problem is of no concern to them. With my plan I am tryjng to save the system and provide water to the landowners that want water. Its very simple, if yon want water available to your property then you are going to have to pay for it. I want an independent arbitrator to hear this case, one that is not prejudice one way or the other. There are a lots of issued here and I want the issues heard in great detail and not skimed over like P.C does. Issues might not be importance to P.C but they are very importance to me. The...e are a few greedy landowner that like to cause trouble and they don't want to have to pay for water at all. P.C. listens to these landoWJIer and agrees with them without investigating both sides. Since P.C. involvement in this company and since the final order was issued on August 8, 2002 this company, according to P.c., was. to receive and annual revenue of $26 600.00. Since August 8, 2002 till April 2003 the annual revenue has dropped to $13,214.00. It wouldn t be this amount if it wasn t for the customers that came back after my letter was sent out io January 2003. Why is P .C. trying to put this company out of business? This company was doing just fine before P.s involvement and when P.tJ.C. set the rates is when the many customers desided to put in tbeir own wells. The customers did not like the rates and the fact that they were going to have to put up with P.lLC.. I have lost many customer since P. involvement and I want to be compensated from P.C for my loss. P.C. made mistakes with this water company trying to supervise it and the loss is to tbe company not P.lJ.C.. C. should step up to tbe bat and be made to pay for their mistakes. We live in this "United States of America that bas many freedoms ODe of which is freedom of spee(:b and we live in a Democracy not in a socialist form of government. My question is why does P.C. have the right to control every aspect or my company? THANK YOU Robae Cobott, President page 4 FROM PHONE NO. Apr. 18 2003 01: 59PM P6 Company Number:04'100,021 WATER DISTRIBUTION INDUSTRY OPERATOR'S STATEMENT PONDEROSA TERRACI= ESTATES WATER Under the penalties of perjury, I hereby certify that this statement h9S been prepared under my direction and supervision from the original books and records of said com~ny and that the facts statementS alKI schedules In this statement are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. -,- "'"" ,.., A /r~J 3-1?-~(J0.3 Ptl~tUMe Till. ~-- .,._- l~"pno"'Numb8t Rbdl+EI!.. Co /3tJ-rL" .._ ;:loB-;tk3- ~ 7~o FROM PHONE NO. Apr. 18 2003 01: 59PM P7 REVENtJE & EXPENSE DETAILDe~cri fion Accl No. REVENUE 1 Total Operating Revenue 2 DEQ Fees Billed Separately to Customers 3 Hookup or. Connection Fees Collected 4 Commission Approved Surcharges Collected OPERATING EXPENSES 5 labor - Operation & Maintenance 6 labor - Customer Accounts 7 Labor - Administr:1ltive & General Salaries, 00(:$1"$ & Directors 9 Employee Pensions & Benefits 10 Purchased Water 11 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 12 Chemicals (Includes Chemical Container Deposits) 13 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maintenance (Includes Postage) 14 Materials & Supplies - A&G, Customer Care (Includes Postage) 15 Contract Services - Professional (Accounting" Legal, & Management. Fees) 16 Contract Services - Water Testing 17 Contract Services - Other 18 Rentals. Property & Equipment 19 Transportation Expense 20 Insurance 21 Advertising zz Rate Case Expense 23 Regulatory Commission Expense 24 Bad Debt Expense 25 Miscellaneous 26 Total Operatin Ex 25) OTHER TAXES OR FEES List of Taxes or Fees Current Year 27 Real & Personal Property Tax 28 Idaho State Income Tax 29 Payroll Tax 30 State Corporation License Fees 31 Idaho Public Utilities Fees 32 Other Fees Water Distribution Industry (CA4) 601. 601,7.. 601. 603 604 610 615-16 618 620.1-6 620.8 ,. 631- 635 636 641- 650 656-59 660 666 667 670 675 401 .5~ .:t. s- 65': 5(,. .60' (p ;;i9.7;3 Amount of Increase or Decrease from Preceding Year Revised: 12/1/2001 FROM PHONE NO. ~pr. 18 2003 02:00PM P8 2626 Wrenc:o Loop Road Idaho 83864 Water System Inc. .. ,-" .. ,...... ""._n Tek!phQnE! 208-263-2720 March 16~ 2003 State Tax Commission 800 Park Blvd. Plaza 1 V Boise, Idaho 83722 Attention Pat Burch I filled Obt the tax forms that we had discussed 00 the phone.. The information given was only the expenses paid by the company with the revenue the company had. There are additional expenses that were not paid because no money to pay them. These additional expenses were about $4000.00 owed to myself for w;!ge due to all the extra work (:8used by P. involvement and also there was no moneys for profit or for a reserve tot' any problems in the water systero. J would like to know how the State Tax Commission came up with the value of 5130,000.00 for this water system. H P.C. ~ a state agency, gave the State Tn Commission, a state agency, the information that Ponderosa Terrace Estates Water System Inc.. was now a public water system then why wouldn t The State Tax Commission talk to P,C. and get the infonnation on tbis ~mpany to use for figuring the Tax. Before any company ~ome$ public there are many audits and a lot ofresearcb done by P.C. in their inyestigatioB or the water system. Who would know better the value of a company than P.C after all their research. I can t find any paper work showing I received paper work from the State Tax Commission prior to the Tax Packet sent out in December 2002. I knew nothing about this tax and was never informed by any agency of such a tax. You have assessed this company 51254.19 which I can t pay and something should be done to correct this unjust tax. This (:Ompany according to P.C. ba.,'I; no value and I have been told by staff members at C that I should find a way to get out of my involvement with this water company. Inclosed is a copy ofthe final report and decision dated August 8, 2002 from P. Please look at page 18. Also inclosed is the letter I delivered to the Bonner County Tax Commission asking for an extension and a tax reduction. Please do something to lower the impending tu. The 12 resident landowners on this system, most having children, are for the most part low income households and they would not be able to survive if the water system shut down. H you have any questions about the paper work please call me at 208-263-2720. I will be out of town starting March 19 for about a week. YOU Robaer Cohott, President