HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011Annual Report.pdfrv'o j64F4 C e, aoj _ob- 24015/.L R4PU4L cL46rr -c2a :25 - 7,..• C v-a FROM:PHONE HI Am. Oe 2012 04: 12PM P1 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER tmLmES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COMMISSION FOR ThYAR ENDING 1) 1 L COMPANY INFORMATION I Give full name of utility JPiôSd4 7,eie13 'E 05rfr1 1j,4ye. '/&TEM Telephone Area Code ( 3- ;L- -7 P. 0 R-mailaddress 24i)72E/¼). MC'T 2 Date of Organization / 3 Olgantzad under the We of the state of 4 Address of Principal Office (number & street) U-i 4SV C- 0 1-.6 0 f J, 5 P.O. Box (If applicabta) e city $#JQ p°o, rU r 7 State 84Code _______________ 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, corp.) -: Co i 10 Towns, Counties served /o UI - L Lj II Are there any affiliated companies? - A) 0 If yea attach a Hat with names, addresses & descrIptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 12 Contact Information Name -- Phone No. 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any addltlons/dsletIong made to the saMoa ares during the yar? - V iryi1, Itè,Jb a i,t JJ & Eiq,liju any VhAft provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? SfreetAddress a&gt6 W12ENo LaO des. City Søflôi 7- State Zip Rev 3102 Pagel I It. C Apr. 09 2012 04:14PM P1 AME P, TE 1%.) #1- T6- S Vs Tt/fl I j'Jc, COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont) For the Year Ended 9-5) I 1 181$ the system operated or maintained under a service contract? 18 Ky..: With whom Is the conb*ct? When does the contract expire? What seMces and rates are included? Water Purchassd 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the Idaho DIVISIOn of SWumunwital Quality? If yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? If yes, attach full explanation 71 tilnmhrr nf rnmnlintr rnnntunrl dlulnn unir nnnnnmirvr Quality of Service High Bills Disconnection 22 Number of Customers Involuntarily disconnected It Data customers last received a ew of the Of Rulas required by IDAPA 31.2101.701? A$aah a mv at fm tumnvwv 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? If yea, attach full explanation sno an upaatea system map JO 10 1'JO -J- Rev 32 Paso 2 FROM : PHONE NO. : Apr. 08 2012 04: 1EPM P1 NME e ,-r 111 REVENUE & EXPENSE DETAIL For the Yew Ended _____________ ACCT # DESCRIPTION - 460 499 REVENUES Unmetered Water Revenue U 2 464.1 Metered Sales-Residential 3 4612 Metered Sales - Commercial, Industrial 4 482 Fire Protection Revenue 5 484 Other Water Sates Revenue 8 465 IrrigatIon Sales Revenue 1 468 Sales for ROWS 8 400 TotaI Revenue (Add Unesl-7) (a%so enter result on Page 4, lIne 1) 9 • CEO Fees Billed aeperately to nustomere _________Booked to Acct #________ 10 ' Hookup or ConnectiOn Fees Collected _________Booked to Acct #_ 11 COmmiasiOn Approved Surchargas Collected Booked to Acct # jOPEMTlNG EXPENSE 12 801.1-S Labor - Operation &Maintenance 5OI 13 801.7 Labor -CustomerAccounts; 14 601.8 Labor - MmInIstratIv, & General 16 803 Ssledes Officers & Ofrectors L6-2 0,0 18 604 Empio. Pensions & Benefits 17 810 Purchased Water 18 615-16 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 57 3 19 618 ChemIcals j 8-01 4 20 820.14 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Malnt. V 21 ? 22 631-34 Contract Services - Professional 0 23 635 Contract Srvfces - Water Testing g 1/0 ,OO 24 836 Contract Services -Other 25 841-42 Rental. - Property & Equipment t / DU 28 650 TransportatIon Expense .?0 9 00 21 866-69 kiswinc 28 680 AdvertisIng 29 866 Rate Coos Eisn.e (i15*#in) 30 607 Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) 0 C) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 32 875 Mlscsllanous i- 577b. 7? 33 Total Operating Expanses (Add lines 12 .32, also enter on Pg 4 ling 2) Q 7 Rev 3102 Pages FROM PHONE NO. : Apr. 08 2012 04:20PM P1 Nne: z:- L'±E' INCOME STATEMENT For Yew Ended _' ACCT S - DE I Revenue (From Page 3. Una 8) 2 Opersting Expefl*e8(From Pop 3s line 33) 3 403 DeprecIation Expense 4 406 AmortiZation1 Utility Plant Aqulaltian P4. 5 407 AmoilizatiOn Exp. - Other 6 408,10 Regulatory Fees (PUC) 7 408,11 Property Taxes 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 9A 408.13 Other Taxes (list) DEQ Fees 98 ac 90 10 'II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 409.10 FederW Income Taxes 409.11 State Income Taxes -- 410.10 ProvIsion for Deferred Income Tax - Federal 410,11 Provision for Deferred Income Tax - 411 ProvIsion for Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits 412 Investment Tax Credits - Utility Total Expenses from operations before Interest (odd lines 245) VL t 6s I 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 414 Gains (Losses) From DisposItion of Utility Plant Net Operating Income (Add lines 1, 17 &18 less line 16) 418 Revenues, Merchandlzirç Jobbing and Ccntiect Work 418 Expenses. Merchandlzlng, Jobbing & Contracts 419 Interest & Dividend Income 420 Allowance for Funds used Owing Construction 421 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Income 426 Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense 408.20 Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operations 409-20 Income Taxes, Non-Utility Operations Net Nan-Utility Income (Add lines 20,22123 & 24 less lines 21,26.W. & 27) Gross Income (add lines 19 & 28) 427.3 Interest Exp. on Long-Term Debt wT 770, 7 T 427.8 Other Interest Charges NET INCOME (Una 29 lass Ones 3O&31) (AlsoEnteron PgO Line 2) c9IT3> I 1A Peg. 4 PI-OE NO. : Apr. 08 212 0422P11 P1 FROM : ama ti u-YElL ç ysE JAJ ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE OfTAL For Year Ended tO (i Balance Added Removed Balance SUB Beginning Owing During End of 62214 DESCRIPTION of Year Year - Year , Ysar i 301 Organization A-4 _______ <9106 2 302 Franchises and Consents 3 303 Land & Lend Rights 4 304 Structures and Improvements 5 305 Collactlng&knpoundlng Reservoirs 8 308 Lake, River & Other Intakes 7 $07 Waft 8 308 InfiltratIon Galleries & Tunnels 9 309 Supply Melne 10 310 Power Generation Equipment 11 311 Power Pumping Equipment 12 320 Purification Systems 13 330 DIstribution Reservoirs & Standpipes 14 331 Trans. & Dlstilb. Mains & Accessories 15 333 Services 1* 334 Meters and M*ter Inetaftaftons - 17 335 Hydrants - 18 338 SackSow Prevention Devices 19 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 20 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 21 341 TransportatIon Equipment 22 $42 Stores Equipment 23 343 Tools. Shop and Garage Equipment 34 344 Laboratory Equipment 25 345 Power Operated Equipment 26 345 CommunIcations Equipment 27 347 Mlacøllanous Equipment 28 348 Other Tangible Property 29 TOTAL PLANT fNSERV10E 9./b V - Rev 3102 pap S FROM : PHONE P11 Apr. 08 2012 04: 24PM P1 Na rne:eTa A7EZ S'/TEM INC. ACCUMUlATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 1081 DETAIL For Yew Ended (LOIl Depreciation Balance Balance SUB Rate Beginning End of ACOT # DESCRIPTION of Year Year - I 304 Suctures and Improvements 2 308 Collecting & ImPOUndktQ Reservoirs 3 308 Lake, River & Other intakes 4 307 Wails 3_% , 37o 3'_3 Za 5 308 infiltration Galleries a TUnnels 8 309 Supply Maine 7 310 Power Generation Equipment 8 311 Power Pumping Equipment 9 320 Purification Systems 10 330 DIstribution Reservoirs & Standpp.e 11 331 Trans. &Dlatiib. Maine &Accessories 12333 Services 13 334 Mat*rs and Meter Installations 14335 i4ydrants 15 338 Backflow Prevention Devices 18 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equipment 17 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 18 341 Transpo1atlon Equipment 19 342 Stores Equipment 20 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 21 344 Laboratory Equipment 22 345 Power Operated Equipment 23 346 Communications Equipment 24 347 MisusUaneous Equipment 25 345 Other Tangible operty 26 TOTALS (Add Lines 1-25) &576 V 5S % g',_s% Enter beginning & end of yàar totals on Pg 7, Rsv3!02 Pea* a Increase or 1ZWI! Name: PVT& SVsrmrll ,,'J BALANCE SHEET For Yew Ended MI Balance Balance Beginning End of mm 1 101 Utility Pk* in Service (From Pg5 1 Une29) 2 102 UftuityPantLeasadtoOthere 3 103 Plant Held for Future Use 4 105 Construction Work In Progress 5 114 Utility Plant Aqutaitlen Adjustment 8 Subtotal (Add Lines 1 -5) 7 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 8 Line 28) 8 108.2 Mourn. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others 9 108.3 Mourn. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use 10 110.1 Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant in Service 11 110.2 Mourn. Amort. - Utility Plant Lease to Othem 12 115 Accumulated Amortization - Aquleltion Adj. 13 Not Utility Plant (Line 6 low llneel-12) 14 123 Investment In Subsidiaries 15 125 Other Investments 16 Total Investments (Add Ones .14&IS) 17 131 Cash 18 135 Shot Term Investments 19 141 Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers 20 142 Other Receivables 21 145 Receivables from Associated Companies 22 151 Materials & Supplies hwentary 23 162 Prepaid Expenses 24 173 Unblfted (Accrued) Utility Revenue 25 143 ProvIsion for Uncoltactable Accounts 26 TOW Currsnt (Add Una l7-24 how line 25) 27 181 Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense 28 183 PrelIminary Survey & Investigation Charges 29 184 Deferred Rate Case Expenses 30 188 Other Deferred Chss 31 Total Meets (Add tInes 13,16526-30) 7S,7/o q3> Rev 3/02 Page 7 FROM PHONEOIE NQ- , : Apr. 88 2812 0428P11 P1. : Namw.11? r w ,-it sv- / BALANCE SHEET For VearEnded -t 1/ LCT6 sakvm = cE or 1 201-3 Common Stock 2 204-0 Preferred Stock 3 207-13 Miscellaneous Capital Accounts 4 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings 5 215 UnapproprIated Retained Earnings 6 218 ReacquIred Caplt*t Stock 7 218 ProprIetary Ceplt*1 8 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 lees lIne 8) 9 221-2 ponds 10 223 Advances from Associated Companies 11 224 Other Long - Term Debt 12 231 Accøunts Payable 13 232 Notes Payable 14 233 Accounts Payable -Associated Companies 15 235 Customer Deposits (Refundable) 16 236.11 AccvuodOUi.rT*xesPayaDie 17 23612 Accrued Income Taxes Payable. 18 2362 ACcrued Taxes - Non-Utility 19 237-40 Accrued Oebt Interest & Dividends Payable 20 241 MIsc. Current & Accrued Liabilities 21 251 UnamortIzed Debt Premium 22 252 Advanooa for Oonbutiuu 23 253 Other Deferred Lisbifitles 24 255.1 Accumulated tnvesbient Tax Credits- Utility 25 255.2 Accum. Investment Tx Credits - Non-Utility 26 261-5 Operating Reserves 27 271 ContrIbutions In Aid of Construction 28 272 Mcum.Amortof Contrib. }n Aid ofC0nst 29 281-3 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 30 Total LiabilitIes (Add lines 9-29 31 TOTAL 1.IAB & CAPITAL (Add itnes I & 30) ** Only If CQnwfllsslon Approved .,Al- 73! Ai; ./7lo ?77 FROM PHONE No. P4rne: ,q7E STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS For Year Ended ______________ I Retained Ew*igs Balance 0 Beginning of Year 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income (From Pg 4 Line 32) S Other Credits to Account 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Oiatñbutlons of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance a End of Year. CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No. Shares 7 OesIlon (ç,s. Per Value eg Interest Vearend interest Interest EJ Rev 3102 Psgeo FROM: P1-O.E 'O. . Apr. 08 2012 04:32R1 P1 Nam. t WhTEA SVS Y/')1 /NC, SYSTEM ENGiNEERING DATA For Year Ended H I Provide an updated system map If significant ch*nges bave been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply Type of Water Treatment Supply Rated (Nor* Chlorine Annual Source Capacity Fluoride Production (Well, Spring, Totst Usable Type of Capacity Capacity Reservoir Construction 000's owl tat iI..'.-i (Duplicat, form and attach If neceesary. Asterisk facilities added this year.) Rev 3/02 3 /M/Uy_yE,4 1es FROM: 3 Pr wrEL A)C 10 Name: __L --------- SYSTEM ENe1NEaNG DATA (0ontiftU*d) , For Year Ended__________________ 4 Pump hformaftofl for ALL system pumps, ndud1flg web and boosters. Rated Dtechalge paur. Energy Used ROW 3102 Pag.11 '4, FROM FHQE Mi: Name Ptt1 L)frTEfZ sysrEfl 1A)c, SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA flued) For Year Ended "Lo 1/ FEET OF MAINS In Use Installed Abandoned In Us. I Pipe Beginning During During End of CUSTOMER STATISTICS Rev 3/02 Pe 12 FROM Apr. 08 2012 04:37Pt1 P1 S 4. CERTIFICATE WE, the undsralgned,,_ F?o*ev CoLaft of utility, on our oath do severatiy say That the foregoIng report has been prepared under our dctton, from the otlginsi books, papers and records of said utility; that we have careMy examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the perIod covered by the report In respect to each and every matter and thing owin set forth. to the best of our knowledge, Information end belief, this_daYOf #rl/ -, _i NOTARY PUBLIC • ••.. • My Commission Eq*ee Doc Date: 'f-f)..- I;-. #Pages: Name: 7_/1' Circuit Doc. Desc ption:j1n4.t.--_I(€i't7éi' RevO 13 Signature Date NOTARY CERTIFICATION • .. • . S - . '. •5•5 IA