HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160609Comment.pdfRE C E I V ED Idaho Public Utilities 2O[6 JUN —9 PM 11:Commission P0 Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 ‘r H !r:O1M!sSlON RE:Request from Packsaddle Water Systems, Inc.Packsaddle Creek Estates,Teton County, Idaho Case No.PKS-W-15-01 To the Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners and Legal Counsel for the same: My husband and I,Peggy and Charles Chandler,have been Packsaddle water customers for 16 years and we highly object to being removed from regulated status under IPUC.We do not wish to “opt out”of the commission’s oversight and request that the Commission continue its regulatory authority over Packsaddle Water System,Inc. The description:“Packsaddle Estates water —petition for name change under new ownership”fails to describe what appears to be its main intent —to remove the regulatory oversight of IPUC.Packsaddle homeowners had no prior knowledge of the new water company’s intent to remove the regulatory oversight of IPUC.At no time have homeowners of Packsaddle Creek Estates been polled as to their intent or wishes toward IPUC as it relates to oversight. Everything associated with this transaction has been done in secrecy by the incorporators without prior notification to the actual homeowners of Packsaddle Creek Estates.We were never advised regarding the original transfer from the prior owner of Packsaddle Water Corporation until legal paperwork had been completed and filed. Again we were not told that the new owners of Packsaddle Water Systems,Inc.were planning on requesting to be removed from IPUC until receiving the email from Chris Hecht dated May 23,2016. It is our understanding that not all land owners received this email informing them of the change in ownership,nor that the new ownership submitted an application to “Opt out”of IPUC’s oversight that has been requested of the commission.All land owners who have undeveloped parcels,will be required to utilize this water company.Therefore,they should be notified. It is also our understanding that the IPUC oversees both “for profit”and “non-profit”organizations and Packsaddle Water Systems,Inc.does not need to be removed from their oversight.IPUC has demonstrated that they will help our community from being over billed,unreasonable rate increases, and address health hazards. There are too many unanswered issues and concerns.No homeowners belong to any association or “like”association and no one has been approached for such membership.To be clear,we DO NOT belong to any homeowner’s association or any association “like”one and more specifically, Packsaddle Water Systems,INC.does not operate anything like a homeowners association. We request an investigation into the veracity of the application as it relates to the alleged 35 residents’intent.We also request that the Commission continue to regulate and oversee Packsaddle Water System,Inc.We require and request the full services of IPUC as they relate to financial audits, regulation over billing and rate increases,oversight of quality control,etc. Again we strongly object to the removal of Idaho Public Utilities Commissions oversight of the Packsaddle Estates Water system. Should the homeowners’concerns be insufficient to prevent the removal of IPUC’s oversight,please provide us the opportunity to attend a formal hearing on this matter. Sincerely, Peggy &Charles Chandler Packsaddle Creek Estates 3374 Valley Drive Tetonia,ID.,83452