HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKSADDLE WATER.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Tariff No.APPROVED EFFECTIVEPage JUN 3 - 96 JUN 3 - . ~..J=t..D-fb~~501..f 7" ~tP- J2. ~ ~~~ SECRETARY C. No. Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER COMPANY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: packsaddle Creek Estates Subdivision , Tetonia, Idaho RATE: Flat Rate $34.24 per month or any portion thereof Metered Rate Issued 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER COMPANY By ~' (j ~'"+- Title 1f~ 5/~9'1 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Tariff No.Page APPROVED EFFECTIVE C. No. Cancelling JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - '96 Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION ~a. j2 ~SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 2 NON - RECURRING CHARGES Hook-up Fee:$430. Includes hook-up, meter box and meter base Seasonal Customer Reconnect Fee:$130. Applicable when customers are reconnected 45 days or more from date of disconnection. Reconnect Fee:$ 25. Related to involuntary disconnection. Applicable when customers are reconnected in less than 45 days from date of disconnection. Issued 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued ~: ?ACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION Title ~~- j- J:) J~' '1(, V~f.~f :1- Tariff No. IDAHO PU8UC UTjUTIES COMM\SStON, APPR4)VfO EffECTIVEPage JAN30'JAN9 - 'Cancelling Name of Utili ty - , PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION GENERAL 1.1 1. 2 1. 3 jl ~(.~~ SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS FOR SMALL WATER UTILITIES The Customer, in recel ving water serVlce, and the Company, in providing water service, both agree to abide by these Rules and Regulations. In the event that there is a conflict between the Company s Rules and Regulations and the Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gas,Electric, and Water Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commlssion , the Rules and Regulations of the Commission shall take precedence unless an exceptionhas been granted. Any additions, deletions or modifications to these General Rules and Regulations are to be made in the Special Provisions " section attached as Attachment1. Any such changes are subj ect to approval by the Commlssion prlor to becoming effective. DEFINITIONS Issued Issued Billin Period - the period of time between bills from the Company for normal services rendered. Commlssion - Idaho Public Utili ties Commisslon. Commodi t Char e - Recurring charge based only on the quanti ty of water used. Com - water company. Connection or Hook-Up Fee - non-recurring charge paid by a Customer requesting service for partial or full recovery of the Company s cost of providing a new service connection. .. - 1996 Effecti ve 1996by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER &-- c.R. &./ ~ CORPORATION Title ~~CJ-,:rPP~/r/p Tariff No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEPage JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION Issued ~~ j2. SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) Contribution in Aid of Construction - non-recurring charge paid by a Customer or Developer to help defray the cost of system expansion. Customer - a person, business or government agency responsible for paying bills and complying with the rules and regulations of the company. Customer Char e - mlnimum recurrlng charge that does not include any water. Fixed Rate - a recurring charge of a fixed amount, usually in an unmetered system. Franchise Tax - tax imposed on a Company by a governmental entity for the privilege of doingbusiness wi thin its boundaries. Minimum Char e - mlnimum recurrlng charge for billing period that may or may not include a specified quantity of water. Non-recurrin Char es - charges that are not assessed each billing period. Premises - a Customer s property including out buildings which are normally located on one lot or parcel of ground. Rate Structure - a schedule of all recurring andnon-recurring charges of the company. Reconnection Fee - charge paid by a Customer to the Company to restore service after its disconnection. Recurrin Char es - charges that are assessed each billing period. Tariff - rate schedules and Rules and Regulations which govern the Company s service. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADD ;:;R COR~ORATION By ~~ TlL-le ~-€4~~ ;,/ 'IK flip Tariff No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEPage JAN 3 JAN9 - 'Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION ~~ Jl. SECRET ARV (Approval Stamp) SERVICE FOR NEW CUSTOMERS Issued The Company shall furnlsh service to applicants wi thin its service area under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission in accordance with rates and Rules and Regulations approved by the Commisslon. Applicants for water service may be required to sign a standard form of service application. The Company shall not be obligated to provide service at a service location until any required deposit guarantee of payment has been received by the Company in accordance with the "Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gas, Electric, and Water Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of theIdaho Public Utili ties Commission " attached and referred to herein as Utility Customer RelationsRules (UCRR). Special contracts may be required where large investments in special facilities are necessary to provide the requested service. The Company may require contribution toward such investment and establish such minimum charges as are deemednecessary. All such contracts are subj ect to theapproval of the Commission. The Company reserves the right to place limitations on the amount and character of water service it will supply and to refuse service to new Customers if, in its oplnion: (a)The Company is required to refuse or limit service by regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company. (b)The requested service installation lS of larger size than is necessary to properly serve thepremises. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By &4'--e. o-t'~;-L'~~Tit 1 ~. ~A' ./ I/? Tariff No.Page IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION (c) ( d) (e) (f) ~,.,.a.. .J2 SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) The permanency of the building, structure, orinsti tution requested to be served is such that the Company s investment in such service lSjeopardized. The depth of the Customer s service line lS less than the minimum depth required for frostprotection. The Customer s proposed service, main or other appurtenance does not conform to good engineering design or meet the standard specifications of the Company. The Customer refuses to agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Company. If the Company denies service to a potential Customer for any reason, it will immediately provide the applicant with a written explanation of its decision in accordance with UCRR. DEPOSITS Rules and Regulations regarding deposits to guarantee payment of bills can be found in Rules 101-109 UCRR. RATES Rates charged for water serVlce and supply shall be those published in the Company s tariff and approved by the Idaho Public Utili ties Commisslon. BILLING AND PAYMENT All Customers will be billed on a regular basis as identified on the applicable rate schedule. If the system is metered, the Company shall try to read the meters prior to each billing unless specified differently on the applicable rate schedule. If the Company s meter reader is unable to Issued 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORA~ION By &'..." ~ah~~e itle ~~~, '/rjc;/p Tariff No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPageAPPROVEDEFFECTIVE JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION Issued Issued by ~na.J2 ~SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) gain access to the premises to read the meter , or inthe event the meter fails to register, the Company may estimate the Customer s water consumption for the current billing period based on known consumption for a prior similar period or average of several periods.Subsequent readings will automatically adjust for differences between estimated and actual. Estimated bills shall carry appropriate notice to that effect. All bills shall clearly indicate the balance due and shall be due and payable no less than 15 days afterthe date rendered. All bills not paid by due date shall be considered delinquent and service may be disconnected subject to the provisions of UCRR. The minimum bill or customer charge shall apply when service is provided for less than one month. Owners of premises with one or more condomlni ums,buildings, stores, apartments or any other divisionsof like or similar character, all of which are servedfrom one (1) service connection are responsible for the entire water charges. If the owner desires to cease being responsible for water bills for such places and desires that the occupant of each divisionshall be responsible for her or her respective bill, such trans fer of responsibility will not be accepted or recognized by the Company until the plumbing arrangements of the building or premises are so changed by the owner or his or her agent as to permit the Company, to its satisfaction , to serve each division or occupant separately from the other occupants in the same building. Accounts will be continued and water bills rendered regularly until the Company has been duly notified todiscontinue service. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 CORPORATION ~~~~ '/f/?Ti tle Tariff No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVEDPage EFFECTIVE JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION .?:1'~4t- f2. SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) METERING (If Applicable) Issued Meters will be installed by the Company near the Customer I s property line or at any other reasonable location on the Customer s premises that is mutually agreed upon. The Company s representative shall be given access to the Customer s premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of obtaining meter readings. In the event of recurring inaccessibility, the Company, atits option, may relocate its metering equlpment at the Customer I s expense. The Company is responsible for the maintenance of itsmetering equipment. Meters are considered to be sufficiently accurate if tests indicate that meteraccuracy is wi thin + 2 percent. When for any reason a meter fails to register within these limits accuracy, the Customer s use of water will be estimated on the basis of available data and charges will be adjusted accordingly. Corrected bills will then be sent out to the customer and additional payment or refund arrangements made in accordance wi th UCRR. The Company reserves the right to test and/or replace any meter. Upon deposit of a "Meter Testing Fee " bya Customer, the Company will test the Customermeter. If the test indicates that the meterover-registers by more than 2 percent, it will be replaced with an accurate meter at no cost to the Customer and the "Meter Testing Fee " will be refunded and water bills will be adjusted in accordance with UCRR. At the Company s discretion, unmetered Customers may be convertea to metered service if such transition occurs in a planned, systematic manner without unreasonable discriminations and if the Company has an approved metered rate. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By e~ ffitf'1 ~?eTitle ~q/ Ilf/r Tariff No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEPage JM30'JAN 9 - 'Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES ~,ATER CORPORATION (Approval Stamp) 7 . 6 The Company shall have the right to set meters or other devices without notice to the Customer for the detection and prevention of fraud. "7 j2. ~SECRETARY Iii aii~. B1iil€iiR! uhuu ~flf! A16 t.e!: lJS t.:. 1~ ':'00'-' L....ll~':'.1Uii Ju.IUl1.n1.I.J1& ~n.lA1iR~ ..atl!Sl: J:""J:"'~ .,,~,-,L --oo L---,- L1.lJl.!..Ul.U..:.L l__~L ~ ':'.. L~~oo (16) ':'00'-1.--,-, f""./L" LL,- .L l..., iJf1 ilfl IU '11.., I. 1l1'!H -_u 1- ~_~oo - L_~':'~~oo L.... r':'~ ~+-~ iR LR 8111 :i..ilIUJIU\1.. l\ll l!il!JJ.! ~- LL~!liijurll.' I-au,. Ii ..fl. JJ~il!liL~ L- !,U!_u J- ...__L 1__&~~~ +-1-.1 T ~ ~ JI r. ' Iii. iR. (1) ill. .:11...L~ ~lL_.. CUSTOMER PLUMBING AND APPLIANCES Issued All plumbing, piplng, fixtures Customer s side of the service lnstalled and maintained under at the expense of the Customerpremises. and appliances on the connection shall be the responsibility and or owner of the The plumbing, piplng, fixtures and appliances shall be malntalned in conformity with all municlpal, state and federal requirements. The nature and condition of this plumbing, piplng and equipment shall be such as not to endanger life or property, interfere with service to other Customers or permit those with metered services to divert system water without meterregistration. A stop-and-waste valve must be installed on the Customer s plumbing in a place always accessible and so located as to permit shutting off the water for the entire premises with the least possible delay. All persons having boilers, water tanks or other equipment supplied by direct pressure from the Company s mains should install a pressure relief valve, or other device to serve the same purpose, so as to prevent excess pressure from forcing hot water and/ or steam back into the water meter and mains 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ~~~ ~~~~e Title ~~~4 l!t/9 Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATIOl\T Tariff No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPageAPPROVEDEFFECTIVE JAM 30 JAN 9 - )2 SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) the Company. All damage to the Company s property resulting from failure to properly equip Customer plumbing with a relief valve shall be billed to the Customer. The Company is not obligated to perform any service" whatever in locating leaks or other trouble with the customer s piping. When the premises served by the Company is also served in any manner from another water supply of anykind, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed at the service connection. Water service for either stand-by or other purposes will not be furnished until piping and connections are inspected and approved by a representative of the Company. Property owners will not be allowed to connect the water service of different properties together. All of the Customer s serVlce pipes and fixtures must be kept in repair and protected from freezing at hisor her expense. When there are leaking or defective pipes or fixtures, the water may be turned off at the option of the Company until the proper repairs are made. INSTALLATION OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS Issued The service connection is the property of the Companyand as such, the Company is responsible for its installation and maintenance. It consists of piplng,curbstop and valve or meter box and a meter, if thesystem is metered. The service connection transmits water from the Company s water main to a valve or meter box generally located near the Customer property line. All plping, valves or appliances beyond this point are the property and responsibility of the Customer. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ~~ 6~~t'.~T2. tle ~A4'~/Ilf/P Tariff No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPageAPPROVEDEFFECTIVE JAN 3 0 JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION 10. ~~ J2. SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) The Company reserves the right to designate the size and location of the service line, curbstop, meter (ifapplicable) and meter or valve box and the amount of space which must be left unobstructed for the installation and future maintenance and operationthereof. Where a service connection is desired for a premlseson which there is no permanent structure, the Company will install a service connection to said premises only upon payment by the applicant of the estimated cost of said service connection. If wi thin a periodof five (5) years from the installation of said service connection a permanent structure is erected on the premises, the Company will refund, withinterest, the difference between any approved new Customer charges in effect at the time of connection, and the applicant's advance. The extra costs of any out-of-the-ordinarycircumstances requiring additional equipment or special construction techniques involved in the installation of a service connection will be agreed to in advance by the Customer and the Company. 10. REPLACEMENT OR ENLARGEMENT OF SERVICE CONNECTION Issued Unless otherwlse provided herein , the Company shallreplace or enlarge service connections at its own expense, as follows: (a)Whenever it is necessary to change the location of any service connection due to relocation or abandonment of the Company s mains; and (b)For commercial or industrlal services where the type or volume of use has changed and the enlargement will result In sufficient increase in annual revenue to justify the enlargement. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by By cl'::~;;:;':;: C ~~~~~A ~~d ~~;///f'/9 Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION Tariff No. 10. 10. 11. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEPage JAM 3 0 JAR 9 - ~n&L J2, SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) The relocation, enlargement or reduction of service connections for the convenience of the Customer will be at the expense of the Customer. Prior to suchrelocation, enlargement or reduction , the Customer will deposit the estimated cost thereof with the Company. Wi thinfifteen (15) days a refund will be made to the Customer in the amount by which the estimated cost exceeds the actual cost. The amount by which the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost shall be dueand payable wi thin fifteen (15) days after billing for such deficiency. Enlargement of any service connection will be made only after such time as the Customer s plumbinginside his or her premises shall have been enlarged sufficiently to accommodate the additional capacity. 11.1 DISCONNECTION AND RECONNECT ION OF SERVICE 11. 2 11. 3 Issued When a Customer desires to discontinue serVlce heshall give notice to the Company at least two (2)days in advance and shall be responsible for allwater consumed for the two (2) days after the date ofsuch notice. The Company may discontinue a Customer s service onan involuntary basis only in accordance with UCRR. When it becomes necessary for the Company to involuntarily discontinue water service to a Customer , service will be reconnected only after all bills for service then due have been paid or satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 I s sued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ep~ ' ~~/ ~~e Title ~~~~ 1/1'/9 Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION Tariff No. 11. 4 11. 5 11. 6 12. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEPage J\N 3 0 JAN 9 - J2. SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) A reconnect ion fee will be charged each time a Customer is disconnected, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and reconnected at the same premises. The reconnection fee shall be paid before service isrestored. Reconnection fees will not be charged for any situation or circumstance in which the Customer water supply is disconnected by the Company for itsconvenience. The Company reserves the right at any time, upon notice, to shut off the water for maintenance or expansion and, in emergencles, may do so withoutnotice. The Company shall at all times use reasonable diligence and care to prevent interruption of said water service. Except in the case of an emergency, no one, except an authorized Company representative, is allowed toturn-on or turn-off the water on the Company s sideof the service connection. 12. EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS 13. The extension of system water mains for the purpose of providing new service shall be done on a time andmaterial basis. 13. MI SCELLANEOUS 13. Issued No Customer shall permit any person from another premises to take water from his or her water service or tap for more than (1) week without the written permisslon and consent of the Company. No person acting either on his or her own behalf or an agent of any person , firm, corporation or municlpali ty, not authorized by the Company, shall take any water from any fire hydrant on the Company system except in the case of an emergency. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ~.P;tt~Title ~-ed.P~~l/f/9h Tariff No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Page APPROVED EFFECTIVE .30'JAN 9 - Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATI ?N (Approval Stamp) 13.No person shall place upon or about any hydrant, gate, box , meter , meter box or other property of the Company, any building material or other substance so as to prevent free access at all times to the same. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. Issued ~~ J2 ~..(~ SECRETARY Service will be maintained to domestic Customers on apreferential basis. Delivery of water under all schedules may be restricted, interrupted or curtailed at the discretion of the Company in case of shortage or threatened shortage of water. No rate contract or application is assignable from one user to another, except upon agreement of all parties concerned. The representative of the Company shall be given access to the premises of the Customer at all reasonable hours for obtaining meter readings, for turning on or shutting off the flow of water, for inspecting, removing, repairing or protecting from abuse or fraud any of the property of the Companyinstalled on the premises. Access shall be granted at all times for emergency purposes. No one, except an authorized agent of the Company, shall tamper with, interfere with, make repairs, connections or replacements of or to any of the Company s property. Whenever an applicant desires service of a character for which there is no available service classification, a contract may be executed in lieu of a tariff. Any such contract lS subj ect to theapproval of the Idaho Public Utili ties Commisslon. The Customer is held responsible for any violation of these Rules and Regulations even though the breach is commi tted by someone employed either directly, or indirectly, by the customer. 1996 Effecti ve 1996 I s sued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ~c~ #~~Title Iii Tariff No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPageAPPROVEDEFFECTIVE JAM 3 0 JAN9 -Cancelling Name of Utility PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION ~a. j2 '(4~SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) 13.Copies of the Company s rates and rules summary of regulations will be available at utility s office; will be provided to customers upon commencement ofservice; and, will be provided to customers annually in accordance with Utility Customer Relations Rules (UCRR) and Utility Customer Information Rules (UCIR). 13.The Company reserves the right to deny new hookups during the months November thru April due to frost levels. New hook-ups need scheduled in May thruOctober. Issued 1996 Effecti ve 1996 , ..... Issued by PACKSADDLE ESTATES WATER CORPORATION By ~~~ &~~~ Title ~J?~~1/?/9