HomeMy WebLinkAbout19551230Certificate No 220.pdf,,---, ~~,~~,~~~~= -r,- BEFORE THE ID.,HO PUBLIC UTILITI::!:S COivJ-1ISSION IN THE l-lATTER OF THE t.HLIC1.TION OF KILfH.TRICK BliOTHEh.) COhPJJ\Y CORPO.ti.ATION , FOR ThANSFER OF CERTIFICATE OF FUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO FICABO LIVESTOCK COKP~~Y. INC.. A CORPORATION. C).8E NO.I065- CERTIFICATE NO.220 -:HHH:"'HHc,:-!H:~HHH:-r.- IT IS HEHEBY CE1TIFIED that the present and future Public Convenience and Necessity require , and will require the Picabo Livestock Company, Inc., a corporation , its successors and assigns , to own , hold construct , or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a water system in , and supply water to , the residents of the unincorporated town or community of Picabo , Idaho. For such purposes to hold , construct , or otherwise acquire , and to maintain within said area , reservoirs , tanks , wells and other structures and also to lay, take-up, repair , replace , renew , extend , maintain and operate water mains , pipes , conduits , hydrants and other appliances and' equipment in , under , along and across all streets , avenues , alleys , highways and roads and other public places in said area.To exercis;e all rights and privileges which have been granted unto said Picabo Livestock Company, Inc. or which may hereafter be granted to said Picabo Livestock Company',Inc. its successors and assigns , by any franchise or permit conferred , or here- after conferred upon said Picabo Livestock Company, Inc., its successors and assigns by Blaine County, Idaho , or by any TIlunicipality created out of said or contiguous territo~, or any part the reof , or by the State of Idaho or by any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the Findings and Order of this Comruission , the same being Order No. 3615 in the above entitled matter, made and entered on this 30th day of December , 1955, to which said Order reference is hereby made. Done in the office of the Commission at Boise , Idaho , this 30th day , 'r" , ~~..,( ,,,," , :tJYi/Ji. ,~,:;, Y: ~~/'-"" / '-/ i LCRET, of December , 1955. rl TTEbT :