HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211013Reply Comments.pdfReply to Comments of Commission Staff Case No. NSW-W-21-01 :lJr-ilir/Ffi! ai- -. I * ." :CaT i3 PH tr:22 Hookup Fee & Reserve Fund , ,i .,. :^ ,.:-,lli!u,*n We have never constructed/repaired a water system for a developer before North Star. We called it a hookup fee and apparently we shouldn't have. What we called the hookup fee was actually our other company Black Water, LLC's profit for going through the engineering process, DEQ approval, and repairing the water system. We have since fixed this and sent the developer an invoice for work completed. See attachment 1 Invoice. Therefore, we will not have that reserve fund. When we started this project we thought it would be a good idea to have some reserves for the water system. However, it seems that we are basically being penalized for having reserves and not being able to charge the rates we feel appropriate because of it. Black Water LLC will have to loan North Star LLC some funds in the beginning because it will not be able to generate enough revenue to covers its expenses. Please see attachment 2 North Star Water Operation & Maintenance Expenses. Revenue Requirement and Rate Base Our revenue needs to be higher than $19,869 per year. When you adjust for the correct sampling schedule, and budget for reserves more revenue needs to be generated. I also added a few additional rows to the North Star Water Operation & Maintenance Expenses (attachment 2) that were previously missed these include Sanitary Survey (once every 3 years) $166.67 per year, WaterAssessment Fee $100 per year, Consumer Confidence Report $100 per year, and Public Utility Commission Regulatory Fee $50 per year. We budget $500 for every sanitary survey. This equates to $125 per hour for 4 hours. We prep for the sanitary survey, meet DEQ at the water system for the inspection, and turn in any paper work required. The water assessment fee is just a fee that DEQ charges us every year for the water system. The consumer confidence report covers office staff generating the report each year and sending it out to everybody on the system. Repairs The $500 for Repairs and Maintenance expenses should be added back into the budget. There will no longer be a reserve account. Lab Testing Fees Attachment No. B. Lab Testing Required by IDEQ has several errors. Total coliform & E. coli are required monthly not annually and the price is $17 for both. Nitrate & Nitrite both cost $19 a piece not $35. Volatile Organic Contaminants are not on the table and they are required quarterly the first year, then annually for 3 years, then every 3 years. A group called Semi Volatile Organic compounds was left out of the list of Synthetic Organic Contaminants. lt costs an additional $250 and is quarterly for at least 1 year then every 3 years. PIease see attachment 3 for emails from Brandon Lowder at IDEQ regarding the missed SemiVolatile Organic Compounds. I made a new spreadsheet for North Star's Sampling costs for 2022-2030. See attachment 4 North Star Sampling Costs. The average annual sampling costs over the 9 year time frame is $1702.89 per year. North Star first year of sample is going to cost $8,443.00. This is an average of $703.58 per month. We will have to start sampling when 10 homes are connected so we will only be receiving 41o/o of our revenue when we have this expense. See attachment 5 Sampling requirements at 10 home occupancy. How are we suppose to pay these costs when you state that under Reserve Fund, .Staff recommends that these funds should be placed in a separate account, and their usage be restricted to emergencies and major unplanned capital expenditures such as leak repairs and other unplanned replacements." The sampling costs are planned expenses that you are not allowing us to budget for. I am very confused on how the commission staff is estimating the sampting costs at $600.67 per year. There will no longer be a reserve account. !t is not fair to make a company charge less than what it actually costs to run a water system just because they have reserves. With the Public Utilities Commission recommendations the system would be bankrupt within a few years. Equipment and Spare Parts The $1,000 for inventory and spare parts should remain in the operation and maintenance expenses. The subdivision may take a few years to build out. lt doesn't make sense for us to have to carry these expenses for an extended period of time when as you can from above we wil! spend $8,443.00 on sampling in the first year. Rate Design We do not agree with merging the two and charging one flat rate. lt makes sense to have them as two different line items on the bill. We can adjust the following year if more expenses are the potable/irrigation vice versa. Late Payment Charge ls there a ldaho Code that actually states what we can charge for a late payment? With our previous experiences the less of late fee we charge the more often we get late payments. Reconnection Fee Our proposed rates of $35 for reconnection during normal business hours, and $70.00 when the request is after normalbusiness hours is completely reasonable. See attachment 6 Google Maps Office to North Star Water System The North Star Water System is 25.9 miles from our office. 51.8 miles roundtrip. This drive takes approximately t hours and 14 minutes. If you count our employees time at what it costs us including socialsecurity, medicare, unemployment tax, workers comp, for just the drive time, not time for reconnection, and the mileage we would pay our employee for driving the 51.8 miles it costs us $59.30. ls there an ldaho Code stating what I can charge for this? I appreciate the staffs recommendation but it is completely out of touch with reality. lt also doesn't make sense that municipalities are allowed to charge these kind of fees when they are generating much more revenue but you guys want to restrict small businesses from charging a completely reasonable fee. As you can see from above the $35 reconnection fee is being very generous. Black Water, LLC PO BOX 3723 Nampa,ID 83653 lnvoice Date lnvoice # l0t7/2021 7260 BillTo Elevation 2500 Partners LLC 10284 W. River Rock Lane Garden City, Idaho 83714 P.O. No.Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount Water system upgrades-labor and materials 75,000.00 75,000.00 Total $75,000.00 Payments/Gredits $0.00 Balance Due $75,ooo.oo Phone #Fax #E-mail 208-250-9275 208-461-3098 blackwaterllc. idaho@gmail.com Attachment 2 - North Star Water Operation & Maintenance Expenses North Star Water Svstem Oneration & Maintenanm F-xnenses Year I ).4 5 Ceteqoru IVlonthlv Cost Annual Cost Annual Cosf Annual Cosf Annrral Cosf Annrral Cosf Contract ODerator s450 00 ss 400 00 $5.400.00 $5-400.00 $s-400.00 $5.400.00 Sanitarv Surverv (once everv 3 vears)$ r 3.89 st66.67 $166.67 s166.67 $166.67 st66.67 Routine Maintenance (labor + Materials)$20.83 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 s250.00 $250.00 Renairs $41.67 $500.04 $s00.04 s500.04 s500.04 s500.04 Eauioment and Snare narts $83.33 $1.000.00 $1.000.00 $l_000.00 s1.000.00 s1_000 00 Power $445.00 s5-340.00 $s.340.00 $5-340.00 ss_340.00 s5.340.00 Lab fees $142.00 $l-704.00 $1 704.00 $t-704.00 sl-704.00 s1.704.00 Insurance $120.00 $l-440.00 $l-440.00 $l-440.00 $1.440.00 s1.440.00 Office and Billins $200.00 $2.400.00 s2-400.00 $2_400 00 s2.400.00 s2.400.00 Office Suonlies- Postape- Notifications s20.00 s240.00 $240.00 $240.00 s240 00 $240 00 Other utilities ss0.00 $600.00 s600.00 s600.00 s600 00 $600.00 Professional Services $200.00 $2.400.00 $2_400.00 s2.400.00 s2 400 00 $2.400.00 Water Assessnrent Fee fDEO)$8.33 $100.00 s100.00 st 00.00 st00 00 sl00 00 Consumer Confi dence Renort s8.33 s100.00 s100 00 st00 00 sl00 00 sl00 00 Puhlic Iltilties Commission Repulatow Fee s4.1 7 sso 00 s50 00 s50 00 $50 00 s50 00 [,andscane/ weed control sl00 00 sI,200 00 sl 200 00 $1 200 00 sl 200 00 sl 200 00 Suhtotal $1.907.55 s22_8S0 70 $22 890 70 s22 Rgo 70 s22 890 70 s22 8S0 70 Reserve l)eht seroice (Asfl 1?ss 4qq q6 $5 499 96 $5 49S 95 s5 4SS S5 $5 4SS 96 Total O&.lvl Emense with ?o/" inflation ??6( Rq (rR 100 66 s29 242 1R sio I ls 6s s3t 021 24 s1l SSi 9i Revemre s2 400 s28 800 00 s28 800 00 s28 800 00 s2R R00 00 $28 800 00 Profit $34 ll s409 34 -s442 38 -$1 ils 65 -s). ))1 ),4 -$? t5i 9? M Gmail Black Water LLC williams-black <blackwaterllc.idaho@gmail.com> North Star Water Monitoring Schedule 6 messages Black Water LLC<blackwaterllc. idaho@gmail.com> To: Brandon. Lorder@deq. idaho.gov Wed, Sep 22,2021at5:11 PM HiBrandon, I am looking for a sampling schedule for North Star Water so I can get an annual average price over to the public utilities commission. ls this something you could help with? Thanks, Taylor Black Water LLC PO BOX 3723 Nampa, lD 83653 Brandon.Lowder@deq.idaho.govcB randon. Lowder@deq. idaho. gov> To: blackwaterllc. idaho@gmail.com Thu, Sep 23,2021 at 6:48 AM Cc: Lisa.Bahr@phd3.idaho.gov Sure. l' m copying Lisa Bahr on this email. She is the drinking water compliance person at Southwest District Health that wil! have oversight of the system. She can correct anything I might get incorrect. I was contacted by Johan Kalala Kasanda from the PUC on September 3'd for this same information, so I would think they already have it. Below is the list I sent him. I assumed North Star will not have any disinfection or other treatment, but if that is incorrect, let me know and l' ll update the list. The distribution counts are based on population served, so I assumed a brand new system with a population less than 100 to start off. lf additional wells are added, they would follow the same requirements as I have listed for Well#1. Well#la Thanks, Brandon o lnorganlc Gontaminants (Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Fluoride, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Sodium, Thalium) - Every three years o Volatile Organic Gontaminants - Quarterly for at least 1 year, then annual for 3 years, then every 3 years o Synthetic Organic Contaminants (Carbamates, Chlorinated Herbicides, Diquat, EDB/DBCP, Endothall, Glyphosate, Chlorinated Pesticides/PCBs) - Quarterly for at Ieast 1 year, then every 3 years. o Nitrate - Annually o Nitrite - Every9years o Radionuclides (Gross Alpha, Uranium, Radium 226, Radium 228) - Quarterly for 1 year, then reduced anywhere from 3 years to 9 years depending on the results. Distribution Svstem o Lead and Copper - 5 samples every 6 months. After two six-month rounds, reduced to annual. Aftertwo annual rounds, reduce to every 3 years. o Total collform and E coli - l sample monthly Brandon lowder ] Drinking Water Compliance Supervisor ldaho Department of Environmental Quality 1445 N. Orchard, Boise, lD 83706 Office: (208) 373-0s68 http ://www.deq. idaho. gov/ Our mission is to proted humon heolth ond the quolity ol ldoho ' s oir, lond, ond woter. lQuoted text hidden] Black Water LLC<blackwaterllc. idaho@gmail.com> To: Brandon.Lorder@deq.idaho.gov Thu, Sep 23,2021at 9:29 AM Cc: "Bahr, Lisa" <Lisa.Bahr@phd3.idaho.gota Yes, you are correct, no disinfection. Thanks, !'ll let you know if I have any more questions. Thanks, Taylor lQuoted text hiddenj Black Water LlGcblachrtateilc.idaho@gmail.com> To: Brandon.Lortder@deq.idaho.gov Cc: "Bahr, Lisa" <Lisa.Bahr@phd3.idaho.gou> HiBrandon, Fri, Sep 24,2021 alll:42AM I saw that Semi Volatile Organic Compounds isnt included with the Synthetic Organic Contaminants. \Mren I called the lab they include this test with the SOCs package. Was this just missed in your Iist or should we not be having the Semi Volatile Organic Compounds ran when SOCs are due? Thanks, Taylor lQuoted text hiddenl Brandon.Lowdot@deq.ldaho.gov<tsrandon.Lorivde@deq.idaho.goa Fri' Sep 24' To: blackwaterlh. klaho@gmail.com Cc: Lisa.Bahr@phd3.idaho.gov Yes, sorry for the oversight. Semi-volatiles would be included in the SOC group and are required. Thanks, Brandon lQuoted tsxt hiddenl 1 at 11:57 A[{ Bhck Wabr LlGcbladnraterllc. Hat@gmail.cqn> To: Brandon.Lowder@deq.idaho.gov Cc: Lisa.Bah@phd3.idaho. gov Okry that' s what I thought. Thank youl Thanke, Taylor lQuoted text hiddsnl Fd, Sep 24,2@1at 11:59 AM North Star Sampling Costs ,M1 7na2024 l2 l0 1204 00 1340.00 t2 5 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 1760.00 '?(,0 ltq,m t560 00 '?00.0016m.00 3760.00 ll.00o.({ ffi 1360 00 t5:0.00 1120.00me1fl Attachment 5 - Sampling Requirements at 10 home occupancy Emails M Gmail Black Water LLC williams-black <blackwaterllc.idaho@gmail.com> First year water sampling lor 23lot sub Brandon. Lowde@deq.idaho.gov<Brandon. Lorder@deq. idaho. gov> To: blackwaterllc.idaho@gmail.com Fri, Apr 30,2021 al 6:4,4 AM That sounds about right. We typically average about 2.5 people per home, so at 10 homes, you' d have 25 people. Please make sure to reach out to either me or your other drinking water contact at DEQ. I can tell you exactly which compliance person if you let me know the system name or number. Brandon [Ouoted te]t hiddenl Attachment 6 -Google Maps Office to North Star Water System Google Maps n via l-84 W Fastest route, the usual traffic El via W Karcher Rd El via E Greenhurst Rd 2930 East Deer Flat Road, Kuna, lD to 16890 Long Meadow Dr Caldwell,lD 83607 Office to North Star Water System Drive 25.9 miles,37 min Map data @2021 Googlo 1 ml l--l 37 min 25.9 miles 43 min 26.3 miles 45 min 25.0 miles Explore 16890 Long Meadow Dr Restaurants Hotels Gas stations Parking Lots More