HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030508Application Addendum.pdfFROM MI,(lr,-W-O3-0\ FAX NO. : ,,-, """""'- -iT Ar"j,~~.d" 01"rvJ I. Ma~, 1218 21211213 1217: 35AM Pl f 1/ tJY't11 W. ~~ GI'd;,L-" :) J'11fJ ~H'1-17'~ "fJ - ~ tJb.k5 ~~ ~~ i' ~g ~..b in If;~ 9 S17PI" :Qp./Q BJ$ J1 . . . . .i- .eG;;"~ues't'wNfIE tit 'fljV(J,'Ff'.. R.4J~ -to E//""I/'ATe lfJE cv 9W-.e AOo~ up cw/IJ ~'nE"rt ic$ ::;:: ,/J/'fO ~/rl ?IJ~ -ME cN.~C fi/Dm "'~ t-'~'S. ~~ h~, -fJ) R~D 8OP .,.1. 1$ wfJU It! k/;J /PJ'fI, -fit.. CPst of ,/up1tt-4 vp -SElGfI i~s ~K /jO't _1.J~7il " - J' .- , ,;, ', ':;:.. .' , . .., -' ,: .. . I, "'" ... .-.., :") l.i" FROM FAX NO. :Ma~, ,1218 ,21211213 ,12I7:~5AM P2" ,.. ', ' ..' ,. '.. ',: ,, :, :, ,. . ." ". , I , ' . Murray Water Wor~, I Box 117 Kingston, In 83839 Phhne 682-3588 Cell 660-2410 Date " IName Address (7) Day Notice!' !!!!! Our records show that your 'accoJt is more than Past due. If-we do not receive full payment of $ by the end of (7) days from this letter we will have to tenninate water service, The Idaho Public Utilirie~ Commis~ion prescribes these rules. Mwuy Water Works will delay t~narion of service to a residential customer for (30) days due to medical complications. A medi~a1 certificate from a licensed physician or Public Health Official will be accepted, It must ~tate that termination of water will aggravate an existing condition or create a medical emergency. The person diagnosing the medical condition must sign this certificate. Name the person affected and explain the medical condition. If you disagree with the terminatiQn, you may file complaint with our office in writing and request a meeting. The company ~ill review your complaint and send you written results. If you are not satisfied, you may ask the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to review the matter. Theaddress is IPUC Consumer Assistance, PO Box 83720, Boise, 10 83720.0074 or c3111-800-132-0369. Service will not be termina~ed while the dispute is under review by either Murray WaterWorks or the IPUC. Murray Water Works is willing ito make payment arr~ngements to help any customer having problems paying their w~ter bill. However, the customer will have to make paymentarrangements before the termination date on this Jetter. If service is terminated, payment i:iJ. full will be collected. , I . ! Thank you Murray Water Works Box 117 Kingston, ID 83839 Arlen Ush i ' : :" FROM FAX NO. :Ma~, 1218 21211213 1217: 36AM P3 , :, ," :, ' . . ,' ".' , Murray Water Works , Bo~ 117 Kingston, 83839 Phone 682-3588 Cell660-2410 Date Name Address (24) Hour Notice!!!!!! Our records show that your account is more than past due. Ifwe do not rCcclve full payment of $ by the end of (7) days nom this letter we will have to termina,te water service. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission prescribes these rules, Murray Water Works will delay termination of service to aresidentiaJ customer for (30) days due to medical complications, A medical certificate from a licensed physician or Public Health Official will be accepted. It must state that termination of water will aggravate an existing condition or create a medical emergency. The person diagnosing the medical condition must sign this certificate. Name the person affectA::d and explain the medical condition. If you disagree with the termination. you may file complaint with our office in writing and request a meeting. The company will review your complaint and send you written results. If you are not satisfied. you may ask the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to review the matter, The address is IPUC Consumer Assistance. PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074 or call 1-800-432- 0369, Service will not be tenninated while the dispute is under review by either MUITay Water Works or the IPUC. Murray Water Works is willing to make payment arrangements to help any customer having problems paying their water bill. However, the customer will have to make payment arrangements before the termination date on this letter If service is terminated, payment in full will be collected. Thank you, Munay Water Works ' Box 117 Kingston; ID 83839 , Arlen Lish FROM FAX NO, : /J1//rl-AJj !/J/du M 4fJ5 May. 08 ~~0307:36RM MURRAyWATER PAY LAST AMOUNT MURRAY. IDAHO 8!IIM (208) 682-8\IN BAlANCE COLUMN 86Je KlA9SfTJl1 cPt 6~I~ z;;WJo fj~ 3 :.., ". ,, ,. . ', " ,':' " FROM FAX NO, : 85/81/83 11 :Zl FRO":FAftlLIAK nORTHYEST Ma~, 1218 21211213 1217: 37AM P5 PAcE BB2 OF 882. LISH . EXCAVATING' CONSTRUC'fION . .. . FNW COEUR D ALENE #3061 PAGE, Onate Tn:6016409 MURRAY WATERWORKS Ouantity Descri~tion ROMAC 2025 4. SOXl IP SVC SDL lX3/4.~LV STEEL HEX BUSH FORD FBIIO1-3G 3/4 CORP STOP FORD C16-33G 3/4FlPX3/4PE PJ CPLG ~.etr .3/4 X 12 STD GALV NIPPLE FORD 211-333 CURB STOP 3/4 X 2 STD GAIN NIPPLE FORD 71 3/4 INS S'1'I' FORD B11-333SW CURB STOP WjWASTE 100 3/4 xlOOFT 200t BLK POLY PIPE NSF 3/4 SIMMONS 502-SB CHECK VLV SIL/B MID STATBS MSPC 1848B METER BOX MID STATES MSPC18RA FRAME AND LID Jlnjj;"ExtendedPricePrice 34 ~ OS . OS 735 19. 1.128 lS.538 949 6285 24. 18. Quote Total 202. fAje I.- ~O3 ~Cj ,t" j'~~ fJ1- 57, ~D.. 00 ;;'0.. ~o, Of;) - End of Quo~e - 2 Total paqes -I/.et:t: b/~/€ PIUbJ-, ~il IS at# RSP'i IIdt *t1t~ - 1'0 ~p M~t~ td1t~ ---,-_..__.. De,//v(Jt hZ(Jtt1J ~_..__. ,., '-'-_... ltnJT .. ,- CDJft~A. -- ,~ _.__.._'" ' f:D~l!~,..... . €::~=,~,~~ :!'t ::'7 ~;&;dD nt-D.! (!"S71/'AIJ$O ~~T - t;t~.. tl.Pt1I"R..J/;toJr. ULJ .. . .' ... qqs-.tb