HomeMy WebLinkAbout200810302nd Response to Order No 30628.pdf'-1 ", John R. Hammond, Jr., ISB No. 5470 Fisher Pusch & Alderman LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 Post Offce Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 RECEiVED .8 OCT 30 PH 12: 44 IOAHO PUBL'r"UTILITIES COMMIŠS/ON Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MAYFIELD SPRIGS WATER COMPAN, INC., FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY CASE NO. MSW-W-08-01 SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION ORDER NO. 30628 COMES NOW, Mayfield Springs Water Company, Inc. (the "Company"), by and through its counsel, Fisher Pusch & Alderman LLP, and fies its Second Response to Commission Order No. 30628, as required, concerning the ownership of certain water rights. On February 1, 2008, Arbor Ridge, LLC sold the assets of the water company, including water rights (Water Right No. 63-12260 and Water Right Nos. 63-31745 & 63-31881), to Idaho Springs Water Company which later changed its name to Mayfield Springs Water Company. See Exhibit 38. Attached hereto as Exhibit 40 are copies of the submittal letter and the following documents sent to the Idaho Deparment of Water Resources on October 22,2008: (1) the Assignent of Application 63-12260 to Mayfield Springs; (2) the Assignent of Permit 63-31745 to Mayfield Springs; and (3) the Notice of Change in Water Right Ownership for License 63-31881. SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION ORDER 30628 - 1 ORiGINAL ~ DATED THIS 29th day of October, 2008. MAYFIELD SPRINGS WATER COMPAN, INC. SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION ORDER 30628 - 2 'i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 30th day of October, 2008, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following individuals by the method indicated below: Jean Jewell IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITffS COMMISSION 472 W. Washington St. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-5983 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile (208) 342-3829 ( ) Overnight Delivery ( x) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email Don Howell Krstine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile (208) 342-3829 ( ) Overnight Delivery ( x) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email Gerald J. Corvino 11865 W. Tustin Lake Kuna ID 83634-5032 ( x) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Overnight Delivery ( ) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email SECOND RESPONSE TO COMMISSION ORDER 30628 - 3 Exhibit 40 Submittal Letter to the Idaho Department of Water Resources and Attachments thereto , , ~-SPF::~~~e~~~~~~_~~~~2~it~~~s October 22, 2008 John Westra 10WR Western Region Offce 2735 Airport Way Boise, 10 83705 Subject:Arbor Ridge Water Right Nos. 63-12260, 63-31745, 63-31881 Dear John, Enclosed on behalf of Greg Johnson are an Assignment of Application 63-12260, Assignment of Permit 63~31745 and Notice of Change in Water Right Ownership for License 63-31881. These actions will allow the rights to be changed into the name of Mayfield Springs Water Company, Inc. Currently the rights are listed in the name of Arbor Ridge, LLC. Greg Johnson is the Managing Member of Arbor Ridge, LLC and President of Mayfield Springs Water Company, Inc. The fee for the permit assignment and ownership change is $25 each; please find a check for $50 enclosed. There is not a fee associated with the application assignment. Please let me know if there are any questions. Thanks John. Sincerely,~-~~ Lori Graves Water Rights Specialist Cc: Greg Johnson, John Hammond, Jr. Enclosures Check No. 3067 SPF file number: 329.0030 RECEIVED ocr 2 ~ 2008 FISHER PUSCH & ALDERMAN lLP 600 East River Park Lane, Suite 105, Boise, Idaho 83706 Tel: 208-383-4140 Fax: 208-383-4156 . . 1I/99 For Offce Use Only$25 filing fee_ Receipt # Date STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ASSIGNMENT OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To change the ownership of an application I, Arbor Ridge, LLC, c/o Greg Johnson, hereby assign to Mayfield Springs Water Company, LLC, c/o Greg Johnson of, PO Box 344, Meridian, ID 83680 (Full Address) 208-888-9946 (phone) All my right, title, and interest in and to Application for Permit No.63-12260 to appropriate the public waters of the State ofIdaho. OR (for parial assignments) The following described portion of my right, title, and interest in and to for Permit No. to appropriate the public waters of the State ofIdaho. (Describe portion of the application for pennit assigned, listing the number of acres in each 40 acre subdivision, point of diversion location, and amount of the water in cubic feet per second.) Made this day of ,20_ State ofIdaho ) )ss County of(! ....."" "/)Æ Y ~6- ~ On this ~'v . .lit ~ ,20 l? ~ , personally appeared before me the signer(s) of the above inst.~t.~iio dUlY.!i¡moW%dged to me that he (she) (they) executed the same.:....i.. RY.. -::~.. A"I' e. ':.. -. Ò~ .::~ .'ú:O:: : , .....:.. v... .... uö. ._..- . n v ..,...-r .... r - L'', li~. .. .."' I:~ e. " '.. "'..~.. ....... ~ .... '"'''' Sr A TB 0",......'"",....,",' I ¡J ~. J/kiÆ -=~at Public residinl\atÒ~~ dJdJ) SEAL My commission expires: 1~!iølo1 waier Klgm KepOn nLlp:l I WWW.LUWf.iUanu.guv/appS/CXLè)l;aIClI l'¡gUI\C¡.UI LMJ .äS¡. !DäSL.. , I Cloe IDAHO DEPARTMNT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Application Report 09/2312008 WATER RIGHT NO. 63-12260 Owner TVDe Name and Addres Current Owner AROR RIDGE LLC C/O GREG JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN, ID 83680 (208)888-9946 OriginalOwne ANONY MILLER 10597 E KUNA MORA RD KUNA, ID 83634 (208)362-5388 Priority Date: 07/21/ t 995 Status: Active Source ITributary GROUN WATER¡ Location ofPoint(s) of Diversion: GROUN W A TERiNWNISec. 03ITownship 0 I NIRange 0 I EIADA County Place(s) of use: Place of Use Legal Description: IRRIGA nON ADA County Townshi RangelSectionlw Tract IAcres\w Tract ¡Acresl!& Tract Acres W Tract lAC res OIN OlE 3 3 INENW403 4 INW403 IS 40.3 ISENW40.3 Total Acres: 161.2 Conditions of Approval: 1.IIThee potential well sites are included on this application. Only one well will be driled after study and analysis of power availability. Dates: Date Application Received: 07/21/1 995 Date Application Denied: Last Date of Beneficial Use: Extension End Date: Protest Deadline Date: Number of Protests: 0 Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Other Informtion: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Aère: Generic Max Volume per Acre: i of2 9/23/2008 i i :55 ArI Water Right Report htt://www .idwr. idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ .asp?Basi.. I I Application Type: New Appropriation Applicant Remarks: Other Water Rights: Time to Complete Works: 5 Transfer Affected Description: Transfer Affected Contracts: Old Transfer Number: Transfer Reason: Transfer Retu Flows: Swan Falls Trust or Nontrst: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Close ?nf?9/21/200R 11 :55 Al\ h. . . . - " , . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ V . . . . . . . . - - , . - . . . . . . + - . . ' " ~ . - . . . . . ' . ì .. . 2. R e g i s e r e A g a n O f N O P O B O X GR E G J O H N S O N 66 E F R A K U N S T e 2 4 0 ME R I D l A N . 1 0 8 3 6 4 2 No .-Re t u r n t o : SE C R E T A R Y O F S T A T E 45 0 N O R T H F O U R T H S T R E E T PO B O X 8 3 1 2 0 . B O I S E , 1 0 8 3 7 2 Du e n o l a t e r t h a n D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 7 An n u a l R e D O r t F o r m AR B O R R I D G E , L L C PO BO X 34 ME R 1 D t A N , t o 8 3 6 8 . 3 . N e w Ae i s t e r e A g e n t S I n a t u r e NO F l U N G F E E I F RE C E I V E D B Y D U E D A T E , 4, . . . L i m i t e d l i a b i l t y C o m p a n i e s : E n t e r N a m e s a n d A d d r e s s e s o f M a n a g e r s . Q1 c e h e d N a m e S t t o r P . 0 , A d d r e s ~ mt l n A j í ß i b : w 3 0 Y i r : : o h n ~ ' + 0 "& . : S l Y . . t Y ( ' d ; O h . ~ g : . . "/ t ' " , . §t a e J: ' J ~ . ~s ( ' 8 0 5. O r g n i z e d U n d e r t h L a w s o f : ID A H O W 1 3 6 4 1 6.Si g n a t u r e J l Do N o t T a p e o r S t a p l e Tt e 1 20 0 7 1 2 0 0 6 8 9 3 .. . t _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . . I t - _ . . _ . . i . . l . . ~ . . AnnU~1J K.epon: fOr L i I Lj i 1 HllP:I! www.~u:s.iUällu.g.UV/~çiviev11a.u.)lUll1l/V.l.LU\.:Ul.--/UL.l U-I 1 .. I, No.e 172311 Due no later than Apr 30, 2008 i. Registered Agent and Addres (NO PO BOX) Retrn to:Annual Report Form GREGORY B JOHNSON SECREARY OF STATE 1. Mailing Addres: Correct in this box if needed.660 E FRNKlN RD STE 240 700 WEST JEFÆRSON MERIDIAN 10 8J642 PO BOX 83720 MA YAElD SPRINGS WATER COMPANY, INC. BOISE, ID 8372()0080 GREGORY B JOHNSON PO eox 34t¡ MERIDIAN ID 83680 3. ~ Registeed Agent Signature:. NO flUNG FEE IF RECEIVED BY DUE DATE 4. Corporations: Enter Names and Buiness Addres of President, Secretry, Directors and(optional) Treaurer. OffæHeld Name Street or PO Addres City State Country Postal Code SECREARY GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID USA 83680 TRESURER GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID USA 83680 PRESIDENT GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID USA 83680 S. Organize Under the laws of:6. Annual Reprt must be signed. * 10 Signature: Gregory B. Johnson Da"': 0511412008 C 172311 Name (type or print): Gregory B. Johnson Title: President Proc 05/14/2008 ,. Eleconically prvided signatures are accepted as original signawres. I of I 9/23/2008 12:03 Pli I. Form42-248/42-1409(6) July, 2000 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NOTICE OF CHANGE IN WATER RIGHT OWNERSHIP Pleae prit or tye. Attch pages with additional inonnation. Intrctions ar included at the end of ths fonn. Incomplete form will be returned. 1. Please list the water right number(s) and/or adjudication claim number(s) (if any) for each water right to be changed. List just the adjudication clai number if there is no corresponding water right record on file with the deparent. Indicate, by checkig in the space provided (under the "split" heading), if the change in ownership is limted to a portion of a water right in which case division of the existing water right or adjudication claim record will be required. Water Right No(s). Adjudication Clai No(s).Split Water Right No(s). Adjudication Claim No(s).Split 63-31881 63-31881 2. The followig REQUID inormation must be submitted with ths form: A. The appropriate FILING FEE. See intrctions for fee amounts. B. A copy of the most recent DEED, TITLE POLICY, CONTRCT OF SALE or other legal document indicatig your ownership of the propert and water right(s) or claim(s) in question, WIH ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRITION. C. Either of the followig (if necessar to clarfy division of water rights or other complex propert descriptions): PLAT OF PROPERTY or SURVEY MAP clearly showig the location of the point(s) of diversion and place of use of your water right(s) and/or adjudication claim(s) (these are usually attched to your deed or on fie with the county). OR If your water right(s) and/or adjudication claim(s) is for ten or more acres of irgation, you must submit a USDA Farm Servce Agency AERI PHOTO with the irgated acres outlined and point(s) of diversion clearly marked. The AERlAL PHOTO should be submitted in place of the PLAT OF PROPERTY or SURVEY MAP. 3.Name and Address of Former Owner/Claiant( s) Arbor Ridge, LLC c/o Greg Johnon PO Box 344, Meridian, il 83680 4.New Owner/Claimt(s)Mayfeld Sprigs Water Company, Inc. c/o Greg Johnon Name Connector (Check one): (J and, ( ) or, ( J and/or New Mailing Address No Change City, State and ZIP Code No Change New Telephone Number )No Change 5.Date you acquired the propert Febru 4, 2008 t, Fonn 42-248/42-1409(6) July, 2000 6. If the change in ownerslup affects the entie water right for each water right or adjudication claim number listed in item 1, THEN SKIP THIS ITEM AND GO TO ITEM 7. If the change in ownership divides the water right(s) among multiple owners, you must describe, in detail, your porton of each water right afer the change. Fil in the appropriate spaces in the box(es) below to describe your water right(s) after the change (one water right per box, you may copy ths page as necessar). If your quatity of water is greater than a proportonate split, you must attch documentation to show justification for a larger amount. If you are not sure how to identify your portion of the original water right or adjudication claim records, please contact the nearest IDWR offce for assistace. DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PORTION OF WATER RIGHT (If the right(s) will not be split, skip this area and proceed to item 7) Water Right and/or Adjudication Claim Number Water Use Diversion Rate or Volume (cubic fee per second or acre-feet per annum) Description (acres, number and tye of stock, homes, etc) Irrgation Stock Domestic Other Total DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PORTION OF WATER RIGHT (If the right(s) will not be split, skip this area and proceed to item 7) Water Right and/or Adjudication Claim Number Water Use Diversion Rate or Volume (cubic fee per secnd or acre-feet per annum) Descrption (acres, number and tye of stock, homes, etc) Irrigation Stock Domestic Other Total 7. Signatue of New Owner(s) or Claimant(s) (include title if applicable) For Snake River Basin Adjudication Claim: Please attch a Notice of Appearance completed by your attorney, if you wih IDWR to correspond with hier for all matters related to your claim. For Office Use Only Received by Receipted by - Processed by Fee Receipt No. WR Date Date AJ Date Date Water Ri'gtReport htt://www .idWLidaho.gov/appsl Ext~earch/ KlghtKepOrtJ .aspftsaSI.. , , Close IDAHO DEP ARTMNT OF WATER RESOURCES Adjudication Recommended Right Report 09/23/2008 WATER RIGHT NO. 63-3 I 881 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner AROR RIDGE LLC CIO GREG JOHNSON POBOX 344 MERIDIAN, ID 83680 (208)888-9946 Original Owne FRANK N HA OriginalOwne WYOMA HA 4415NLOCUSTGROVE MERIDIAN, ID 83642 (208)888-4263 Priority Date: 12/09/1983 Basis: License Status: Active Source ITributary GROUN WATERj Location ofPoint(s) of Diversion: GROUN W A TERINWW Lt 41Sec. 031TownshiP 0 I NIRange 0 I EIADA County GROUN WATERjNW Lt 4 Se. 03 Township OINRange OIEADA County Place(s) of use: Place of Use Legal Description: IRRGA nON ADA County Townshi Rangelsectionlw Tract IAcreslw Tract IAcresl1Q Tract IAcreslw Tract ¡Acres OIN OlE 3 3 INEO.3 4 INWN i ISWNWO.6 ISENWOI Total Acres: 2 Conditions of Approval: I. T07 The right holder shall accomplish the change authorizd by Transfer 71 181 within one (I) year of the date of the approval. 2. T08 Failure ofthe right holder to comply with the conditions of this transfer is cause for the Director to rescind approval of the transfer. 3.046 Right holder shall comply with the drilling permt requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Department. 4. TI 7 Prior to diversion of water under this approval, the right holder shall provide a means of measurement acceptable to the Department from all authorizd points of diversion which will allow determination of the total rate of diversion. 5. WB4 The total instantaneous diversion of water from all points of diversion under Right 63-3 I 88 I shall not exceed 0.04 cfs, nor a total combined annual volume of9.0 af. 6. X36 Right 63-3 i 745 is also diverted through the point(s) of diversion described above. 7. C i 8 This partial decree is subject to such general provisions necessary for the defmition of the rights or for the efficient administration of the water rights as may beultimately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry ofa fmal unified decree. Section 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 8. P21 This right is a split from former right 63-31790. The use of water for irigation under this right may begin as early as March I, provided other elements of the right are not exceeded. The use of water before March 15 9. S39 under this remark is subordinate to all water rights having no subordinated early or late irigation use and a priority date earlier than the date a partial decree is entered for this right. Dates: lof2 9/23/2008 I i :56 Al\ yvater Right Report htt://www .ídwr .ídaho.gov/apps/ ExtSearch/ KigttKeportJ .asp! tlasi... , . Other Information: State or Federal: S Owner Name Connector: OR Water District Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Swan Fans Trust or Nontrust: Swan Fans Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Car Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Close 2of2 9/23/2008 1l:56 At- . , . . . _ ~ . . . . _ " 9 V . . . . . . - ' . . . . . . ~ . . . - . . " " . . . . , . Du e n o l a t e r t h a n D e c e m b e r 3 1 J 2 0 0 7 An n u a l R e o o r t F o r m 2. R e g i s r e A g a n O f N O P O B O X GR E G J O H N S O N 66 E F R A K U N S T e 2 4 0 ME R I D I A N , 1 0 8 3 6 4 2 Re t u m t o : ' SE C R E T A R Y O F S T A T E 45 0 N O R T H F O U R T I S T R E E T PO BO X 83 7 2 0 , B O I S E i t o 8 3 7 2 AR B O R R I D G E 1 L L C PO B O X 34 ME R I D l A N , t o 8 3 6 8 3. N e w Re g i s t e r e d Ag e n t S I g n a t u r e NO F l U N G F E E I F RE C E I V E D B Y D U E D A T E 4. . ' l i m i t e d U a b t l t y C o m p a n i e s : E n t e r N a m e s a n d A d d r e s s e s o f M a n a g e r s . Of c e h e d N a m e S t t o r P . O . A d d r e s ~ fY ( Â n l Å j ~ l G : w ~ O Y i r : r o h n ~ " l o ~ . : S l Y . ( Y E ' ì d ; ø . . , ~ g : . ,, / ( ' " . , §t a t e .. L : J b ll ~s ~ 8 0 5. O r g n i z e d U n d e r t h l a w s o f : ID A H O W 1 3 6 4 1 6.Si g n a t u r e J l Do N o t T a p e o r S t a p l e Ti e L 20 0 7 1 2 0 0 6 8 9 3 . _ . . _ . _ _ _ ~ r b . . i = t - . . , . . . . . l ~ . . ~ . . , , No.C 172311 Due no later than Apr 30, 2008 2. Registered Ageot and Addres (NO PO BOX) Return to:Annual Report Form GREGORY B JOHNSON SECREARY OF STATE 1. Mailng Address: Correct in this box if needed.660 E FRNKUN RD STE 240 700 WEST JEFFERSON MERlDIAN ID 83642 PO BOX 83720 MA YAElD SPRINGS WATER COMPANY, INC. BOISE, ID 83720-000 GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID 83680 3. t! Registered Agent Signature:'" NO flUNG FEE IF RECEIVED BY DUE DATE 4. Corporations: Enter Names and Busines Addres of President: Secetary, Direcrs and(optional) Treasurer. Offce Held Name Street or PO Addres City State Country Postl Code SECRETARY GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID USA 83680 TREASURER GREGORY 8 JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERDIAN 10 USA 83680 PRESIOENT GREGORY B JOHNSON PO OOX 344 MERIDIAN ID USA 83680 S. Organize Under the Laws of:6. Annual Rert must be signed." 10 Signature: Gregor B. Johnson 0.""OS/14/2008 C 172311 Name (type or print): Gregory B. Johnson Title: President Proces 05/14/2008 .. Eleconically provided signatures are accpted as original signatures. 1 of 1 9/23/2008 12:03 Pl\ I I PURCHASE AGREEMENT February 1, 2008 BUYR: Idaho Springs Water Company Inc. (lSWCI) SELLER: Arbor Ridge LLC Property legal description: Lot 2 Block 1 Arowrock Ranch Subdivision NO.1 Puchase Price: Land: Wells: Pumps: Water Rights: Building: Total Puchase Prce: $ =-- 9 All distrbution lines, meter boxes, etc. - No Charge Terms of Sale: Buyer shall pay $ at closing. The balance of $ F shall be a note at 8% interest for twenty years and shall be paid at ~ per month fully amortizing in twenty years. Transfer of Title: By Deed and by Bil of Sale Closing: Lawyers Title - Kim Blasius (389-6936) Date: Daied/1jG , i i i I I i 1- . i' . i RECEIVED John R. Hamond, Jr., ISB No_ 5470 Fisher Pusch & Alderman LLP U.S. Ban Plaza, 5th Floor 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 500 Post Offce Box 1308 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 331-1000 Facsimile: (208) 331-2400 OSMAY -8 pjï 4: ! i IDAHO ?,joLiC UTILITIES COMMISSION Attorneys for Applicant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO SPRIGS WATER COMPAN, INC., FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVNIENCE AN NECESSITY CASE NO. ISW-W-08-01 NOTICE OF COMPAN NAM CHAGE COMES NOW Mayfield Springs Water Company, Inc., an Idaho corporation, formerly known as Idaho Springs Water Company, Inc. (the "Applicant" or the "Company") and provides this notice to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") and the paries that it has changed its name from Idaho Springs Water Company, Inc. to Mayfeld Springs Water Company, Inc., effective May 6, 2008. See attached Exhibit 27. The Company changed its name because the name "Idaho Springs Water Company, Inc." conflicts with the federally registered trademark "Idaho Springs" that is owned by Idaho Springs, LLC, a completely separate entity with no connection to the Applicant. In early May of 2008 Idaho Springs, LLC contacted the Company and stated that its former name conflcted and infrnged upon its mark. Accordingly, in order to avoid conflict with Idaho Springs, LLC the Company has changed its name_ The name change does not substantively change any request NOTICE OF COMPANY NAME CHANGE - 1 , , . 'Í made by the Company in previous pleadings in this docket. Furer, the Applicant's strcture, ownership and management have not changed. MAYFIELD SPRIGS WATER COMPAN, INC. By: R. Hamond, JI. tomey for Applicant r i NOTICE OF COMPAN NAME CHANGE - 2 , . . . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ~ day of May, 2008, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following individuals by the method indicated below: Jean Jewell IDAHO PUBLIC UTITJTIES COMMISSION 472 W. Washington S1. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-5983 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Overnght Delivery M Messenger Delivery ( ) Email Donald L. Howell, IT Krstine A. Sasser Deputy Attorneys General 472 W. Washington S1. POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-5983 ( ) U.S. Mail ( ) Facsimile r ) Overnight Delivery r XI Messenger Delivery ( t Email Gerald J. Corvino 11865 W. Tustin Lane Kuna, ID 83634-5032 Telephone: 619-549- 1402 E-mail: jerr(Ðapfpower.com (x' U.S. Mail C'1 Facsimile r ) Overnght Delivery ( ) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email ~ NOTICE Of COMPANY NAME CHANGE - 3 ~ ~ I , EXHIBIT 27 NOTICE OF COMPAN NAME CHANGE - 4 V,'o¡'UI/ZUUis Ul::J4 FAX 334 2080.. , . ..Idaho Secretary of State I4 001 FILED EFFECTIVE 210 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT (General Business) To the Secrry of Ste of the State of Idaho Pursuant1Q Tie 30. Chaptr i,ldaho Coe, the unerigne coporation amends its artcles of incorpraon as follow: 08 flAY -6 Pl.2::2i SECRE1ARY OF STAT STATE OF IDA 1. The name of the coration ;s: _'daho Sprgs Water Compan, Inc. If 1f. corpn1tlon i, be adnlstvoly dluolved an tt ~ rq ia no loavalale for use th iimendons) balow mus Inr;ud. _ c:iing. of coJ'røte nam. 2. Th text of eah amndment is as f(llcm: The name of the CorpOl is changed to Mayfeld Springs Water Company, Inc. 3. The date of adoptin of the amenderi(s) was: May 5, 2008 4. Manner of adoption (check one): o The amendment consists exclusively of mars which do not t&qulre shareholde action purst to seon 301~100, 301-1 OOSan 3()1-006, Ida Code, and wa i therfore. adoptedbythe bord ofdir. o None of the corpration's share have been Issed and was, therefo. adopted by the o incorporar 0 bord of dlTors. (2 Approval by the shareholders is reuire and the shareholders duly approved the amndment(s) as reuire by eithe Titl 30, Idaho Code or by the Arcles of Inoorportlon. Cume Ac #; (K us pl ecll selary i; Slal$ USll QT Capacity:Preident i.Æ ii ~lL Dated: Web_ B5~~:~ OF STÅ~ECI- _ CT 39 85.Be t i '38. _ : 368 ÐH: Ut3737i ~ 2B' Ø8: 38. øø AlIl PR 1/ ê· - 28. Ø8 EXlTE C lJ 3 (21 r¡ '2 3/1 ,.'. t 1199 For Offce Use Only$25 fiing fee_ Receipt # Dale STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ASSIGNMENT OF PERMIT To change the ownership of a permit I, Arbor Ridge, LLC, c/o Greg Johnson, hereby assign to Mayfield Springs Water Company, LLC, c/o Greg Johnson of,PO Box 344, Meridian, ID 83680 (Full Address) 208-888-9946 (phone) All my right, title, and interest in and to Permit No. 63-3 i 745 to appropriate the public waters ofthe State ofIdaho. OR (for parial assignments) The following described portion of my right, title, and interest in and to for Permit No. to appropriate the public waters of the State ofIdaho. (Describe portion of the application for permit assigned, listing the number of acres in each 40 acre subdivision, point of diversion location, and amount of the water in cubic feet per second.) Made this day of ,20 State of Idaho ) )ssCounty of Cvï~ ì , On this ..20 day of ()cf~ ,20 0 ~ , personally appeared before me the signer(s) of the above instr;ime!\..wh~'~p'cknowledged to me that he (she) (they) executed the same..' L "".' \.\L Y '#,'\ ", i,".J ....... "# ¡ J:'-..'\.y... -.. ~ F/1;:/ ..RY ... -;~ l/u; ... · O~~ \..:- : ~ :: .~ *"v. :: i ,. -. ,"0:". ..... ..~ . . .,~:v. ....-; .. pv .."'~ ~ ... .....~..$SEAL '" ........ ~ ~ ......'I" J'1' ATE 0 ",,,1111......"....' _My commission expires:/fJ /Zr;/O ti ¡ ,Water Right Report htt://www . i dwr.i daho .gOY / apps/ExtSearch/RightReportAJ .asp ?Bas i.., . . .. Close IDAHO DEPARTMNT OF WATER RESOURCES Water Pennit Report 09/23/2008 WATER RIGHT NO. 63-31745 Owner Type Name and Address Current Owner AROR RIDGE LLC CIO GREG JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN, ID 83680 (208)888-9946 Priority Date: 07/14/2003 Status: Active Source ¡Tributary GROUN WATER Beneficial Use DOMESTIC FIRE PROTECTIO Total Diversion From To Diversion Rate Volume 01/01 12/3 I 1.43 CFS 01/01 12/312.25 CFS 3.68 CFS Location ofPoint(s) of Diversion: GROUN WATERINWNW Lt4¡SeC. 031TownshiP OINjRangeOIEIADA County GROUN WATERlNW Lt 4 Sec. 03 Township OINjRange OIEADA County DOMESTIC Use: Number of homes: 100 Place(s) of use: Place of Use Legal Description: DOMESTIC ADA County Townshi RangelSection La Tract IAcreslw Tract ¡Acresl!& Tract IAcreslw Tract ¡AcresOIN OlE 3 3 NENW 4 INWW ISWNW ISENW Place of Use Legal Description: FIRE PROTECTION ADA County Townshi Rangeisectionlw Tract IAcreslw Tract IAcreslw Tract IAcreslw Tract ¡AcresOIN OlE 3 3 INENW 4 INWN ISWN ISENW Conditions of Approval: 1. 046 Right holder shall comply with the driling permt requirements of Section 42-235, Idaho Code and applicable Well Construction Rules of the Deparment. 2. Water bearing zone to be appropriated is from 200 to 500 feet. 3. 26A Project construction shall commence within one year from the date of penn it issuance and shall proceed diligently to completion unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Director of the Departent of Water Resources that delays were due to circumstances over which pennit holder had no control. 4. XO i Domestic use is for 100 homes. 5. 070 The irgation occurring under this domestic use shall not exceed lI2 acre within each platted subdivision lot upon which a home has been constructed. This right doesnot provide for irrigation of common areas or for irrgation of lots upon which homes have not been constructed. 6. X59 Points of diversion are located within Lot 2, Arrowrock Ranch Subdivision Phase i. 7 X60 Place of use is located within Lots 4-11,13-23,25-32,35-42,44-50 and 52-59, Arrowrock Ranch Subdivision Phase i; Lots 58-65, 66-84,87-94 and 96-110, . Arrowrock Ranch Subdivision Phase 2. 8. 077 Water shall not be diverted for fire protection use under this right except to fight or repel an existing fire. 9. 0 i After specific notification by the Department, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department todetennine the amount of water diverted from power records and shall annually report the infonntion to the Department. i of?9/2312008 11 :56 Af\ ,Water Right Report htt://www.idwr.idaho.gov/apps/t;xtsearcJV KightKeportAJ .asp!tsasi... , \ i ",. I ¡The Director retains jurisdiction to require the right holder to provide purchased or ieased. natural fl. o. w or stored water to offset depletion of Lower Snake River flows 10.121 if needed for salmon migration purpses. The amount of water required to be released into the Snake River or a tributary, if needed for this purpse, will be determined by the Director based upon the reduction in flow caused by the use of water pursuant to this permit Dates: Proof Due Date: 09/0112013 Proof Made Date: Approved Date: 09/04/2003 Moratorium Expiration Date: Enlargement Use Priority Date: Enlargement Statute Priority Date: Application Received Date: 07/14/2003 Protest Deadline Date: 08/25/2003 Number of Protests: 0 Field Exam Date:: Date Sent to State Off: Date Received at State Off: Other I nfomition: State or Federal: Owner Name Connector: Water Distrct Number: Generic Max Rate per Acre: Generic Max Volume per Acre: Swan Falls Trut or Nontrst: Swan Falls Dismissed: DLE Act Number: Cary Act Number: Mitigation Plan: False Close 20f2 9/23/2008 11 :56 Ar\ .. . . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . ~ . . . . . . . " _ _ . . . o l ' . . . No .-Re t u m t o : SE C R E T A R Y O F S T A T E ! 4 5 0 N O R T H F O U R l H S T R E E T PO B O X 8 3 7 2 0 . B O I S E , 1 0 8 3 7 2 Du e n o l a t e r t h a n D e c e m b e r 3 1 J 2 0 0 7 An n u a l R e o o r t F o r m 2. R e g i s r e A g a n O f N O P O B O X GR E G J O H N S O N 66 E F R A K U N S T e 2 4 0 ME R I D I A N , 1 0 8 3 6 4 2 AR B O R R I D G E , L L C PO BO X 34 ME R I D I A N , t o 8 3 6 8 . 3 . N e w Re i s t r e Ag n t S I n a t u r e NO F l U N G F E E I F RE C E I V E D . B Y D U e D A T E 4. . . . . L l m l t e d L i a b i l t y C o m p a n i e s : E n t e r N a m e s a n d A d d r e s s e s o f M a n a g e r s . 2! c e h f d N a m e S t t o r P . O . A d d r e s ~ fY t l n A j ~ ' G c w ~ O Y i r : r o h n ~ 1 ' 0 & x . : W Y . . r ' E ' d ; O h . ~ g ~ . "/ t ' " r §t a e -L - : ~ . ~s l / 8 0 ' ,. ' . 5. O r g n l z U n d e r t h l a w s o f : ID A H O W 1 3 6 4 1 6.Si g n a t u r e Do N o t T a p e o r S t a p l e Ti e L 20 0 7 1 2 0 0 6 8 9 3 .. . . . . t - a d " ' ~ _ . ~ I " " ' ' ~ ' ' .. Ai'tial Report for C 172311 htt://www .sos.idaho.gov/servlet/TranforrnDoc?URL=%2FOS i ... "".. I ,\.. 1 No.C 172311 Due no later thn Apr 30, 2008 2. Registered Agent and Addres (NO PO BOX) Return to:Annual Report Form GREGORY B JOHNSON SECREARY OF STATE 1. Mailng Addres: Correc in this box if neded.660 E FRNKlN RD STE 240 700 WEST JEFFRSON MERIDIAN lD 83642 PO BOX 83720 MA YRELO SPRINGS WATER COMPANY. INC. GREORY B JOHNSONBOISE, ID 83720-0080 PO BOX 344 MERIDIAN ID 83680 3. ~ Registeed Agent Signature:* NO RUNG FEE IF RECEIVED BY DUE DATE 4. Corporations: Ente Names and Busines Addres of President, Secetry, Direcrs and(optional) Treaurer. OffæHeld Name Stree or PO Addres City State Countr Posl Code SECREARY GREGORY B JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERiDIAN ID USA 83680 TREASURER GREGORY B JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERIOIAN ID USA 83680 PRESIDENT GREGORY B JOHNSON PO BOX 344 MERDIAN ID USA 83680 5. Organize Under the Laws of:6. Annual Reprt must be signed,* 10 Signature: Gregor B. Johnson Date: 05/14/2008 C 172311 Name (type or print): Gregory B. Johnson Title: President Proc 05/14/2008 * Elecronically provided signarures are acpte as original signarure. i of i 9/23/2008 12:03 Pl\