HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018Annual Report.pdf/'{StJ-h, AI{IYUAL REPORT OF /tAn,r h d,l S, ^ ^ryL t") c*u*.(,nMwru,( -": I I(-'t :: ,. () m C)rrl ;< rn(f NAME nncr[.-.* - ( 'o 'Zq 3t{ ''{ /rl\oniol^u'^ ' ( p 83 utro fuyuc,J". Nd| 60,"!'-,'kJ# nA* '"^, to TO THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE J &lalz YEAR ENDED 2018 THE IDAHO P FOR THE YEAR ENDING 1 Give full name of utility Telephone Area Code ( ) E-mailaddress 2 Date of Organization 3 Organized under the laws of the state of 4 Address of Principal Office (number & street) 5 P.O. Box (if applicable) 6 City 7 State 8 Zip Code 9 Organization (proprietor, partnership, corp.) 10 Towns, Counties served ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO LITIES COMMISSION LA COMPANY INFORMATION 5€Sto 2b ID l(urq .(M^ , 4rno^rro cJr_ g.$dfui<-t a- ov^U 11 Are there any affiliated companies?lrio lf yes, attach a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 12 Contact lnformation Name President (Owner) Vice President Secretary General Manager Complaints or Billing Engineering Emergency Service Accounting '13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additionsidel to the service area during the year? s made lf yes, attach a list with names, addresses & descriptions. Explain any services provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records Street Address City State zip (.s c. e No. q,il-frft 5€ No 0i Rev 3/02 Page 1 t {(t 15 ls the system operated or maintained under a service contract? 16 lf yes: With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? Qc--br. COMPANY INFORMATION (Cont.) FortheYearEnded tflStIZO& r'W,t*tn 'ti, NAME: ,l* ro s A*'d 17 ls water purchased for resale through the system? 18 lf yes: Name of Organization Name of owner or operator Mailing Address City State zip Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s)been disapproved by the ldaho Division of Environmental Quality? !f yes, attach full explanation 20 Has the ldaho Division of Environmental Quality recommended any improvements? lf yes, attach full explanation 21 Number of Complaints received during year concerning Quality of Service High Bills Disconnection 22 Number of Customers involuntarily disconnected 23 Date customers last received a copy of the Summary of |DAPA Attach a copy of the Summary 24 rements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year? lf yes, attach full explanation and an updated system map r.-J o Gallons/CCF $Amount No /t/o P ,a * I tl (?((I r.lo Rev 3/02 Page2 Rules required by Mayfield Springs Water Company, lnc. PO Box 344, Meridian, lD 83680 208-888-9946 fax208-888-9947 SUMMARY OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GOVERNING CUSTOMER RELATIONS OF NATURAL GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER PUBLIC UTILITIES A utility may terminate service to a customer without his/her permission after adequate notice for the following reasons: 1. Failure to pay an undisputed past due bill, or when payment is made with a written check or electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds. 2. Failure to make security deposit where it is required. 3. Failure to abide by terms of a payment arrangement. 4. Customer or applicant misrepresented their identity for the purpose of obtaining utility service. 5. Customer or applicant denied or prevented the utility's access to the meter. 6. Willful waste of service through improper equipment or otherwise. 7. Customer or applicant is a minor not competent to contract as defined by ldaho Code. 8. Customer or applicant owes money on an existing account or from a previous account for service provided within the past four yea rs. A utility may deny or terminate service without prior notice to the customer or applicant and without his/her permission for one or more of the following reasons: 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to life, physical safety or property. 2. The utility is ordered to terminate service by any court, the Commission or other duly authorized public authority. 3. The service is obtained, diverted or used withoutthe authorization or knowledge of the utility. 4. The utility has made a diligent attempt to notify the customer of termination, but has been unable to make contact. NOTIFICATION 1. A billing may be considered past due fifteen (15) days after the billing date. A written notice of termination must be mailed at least seven (7) days before the proposed termination date. 2. At least twenty-four (24) hours before the service is terminated, another attempt shall be made to contact the customer in person or by telephone. 3. lf service is not terminated within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the proposed termination date, another seven (7) day and twenty-four (24) hour notice is required. 4. No additional notice is required if upon receipt of a termination notice the customer makes a payment arrangement and fails to keep it, or when payment is made with a written check or electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds WHEN TERMINATION IS NOTALLOWED 1. The unpaid bill totals less than fifty dollars (SSO) or two (2) months service, whichever is less. 2. The unpaid bill is for service to another customer. 3. The unpaid bill results from the purchase of non-utility goods or services. 4. Terminations are not allowed on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the State of ldaho, the day preceding legal holidays, or at any time when the company is not open for business. MEDICAL EMERGENCY lf the customer or a member of the customer's family is seriously ill or has a medical emergency, the utility will postpone termination of service for thirty (30) days if a written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public health official is received. An informal or formal complaint concerning the termination may be filed directly with the utility. lf the customer is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of the complaint, they may contact the Consumer Assistance staff by mail at the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, lD 8372O-OO74, or by telephone at 800-432-0369, or online at http://www.puc.idaho.gov/ A complete set of customer Rules and Regulations are on file with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and on the website. NAME: ACCT # t/t/h, 6eW eM"*. U(k- Cr*4Le*""., lnnt,Itl REVENUE & For the Year Ended { DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4OO REVENUES 460 Unmetered Water Revenue 461.1 Metered Sales - Residential 461.2 Metered Sales - Commercial, lndustrial 462 Fire Protection Revenue 464 Other Water Sales Revenue 465 lrrigation Sales Revenue 466 Sales for Resale 400 Total Revenue (Add Lines I - 7) (also enter result on Page 4, line 1) * DEQ Fees Billed separately to customers ** Hookup or Connection Fees Collected ***Commission Approved Surcharges Collected trr+ | \) a1z I 10 11 a0144 Booked to Acct # Booked to Acct # Booked to Acct # 401 OPERATING EXPENSES 12 601.1-6 Labor - Operation & Maintenance 13 601 .7 Labor - Customer Accounts 14 601.8 Labor - Administrative & General 15 603 Salaries, Officers & Directors 16 604 Employee Pensions & Benefits 17 610 Purchased Water 18 615-16 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 19 618 Chemicals 20 620.1-6 Materials & Supplies - Operation & Maint. 21 620.7-8 Materials & Supplies - Administrative & General 22 631-34 Contract Services - Professional 23 635 Contract Services - Water Testing 24 636 Contract Services - Other 25 641-42 Rentals - Property & Equipment 26 650 Transportation Expense 27 656-59 lnsurance 28 660 Advertising 29 666 Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 30 667 Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 32 675 Miscellaneous I 0?t0 \qqL\ 450) €t / tvtv 33 Total Operating Expenses (Add lines 12 - 32, also enter on Pg 4, line 2) \",0'/ Rev 3/02 Page 3 \lq zt \ (Vltu a fi el{ I t i *w|J,,ft,.a AwA.6-r% (t*uName ACCT # For DESCRIPTION f v INCOME Year Ended lL 1 Revenue (From Page 3, line 8) 2 Operating Expenses (From Page 3, line 33) 3 403 Depreciation Expense 4 406 Amortization, Utility Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp. - Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC) 7 408.11 Property Taxes 8 408.12 PayrollTaxes 9A 408.13 Other Taxes (list) DEQ Fees a04+'4 9B 9C 9D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 409.1 0 409.11 410.10 410.11 411 412 '))1 t +533 \2.34 Federal lncome Taxes State lncome Taxes Provision for Deferred lncome Tax - Federal Provision for Deferred lncome Tax - State Provision for Deferred Utility lncome Tax Credits lnvestment Tax Credits - Utility 2-O Total Expenses from operations before interest (add lines 2-15) lncome From Utility Plant Leased to Others Gains (Losses) From Disposition of Utility Plant Net Operating lncome (Add lines 1, 17 &18less line 16) Revenues, Merchandizing Jobbing and Contract Work Expenses, Merchandizing, Jobbing & Contracts lnterest & Dividend lncome Allowance for Funds used During Construction Miscellaneous Non-Utility lncome Miscellaneous Non-Utility Expense Other Taxes, Non-Utility Operations lncome Taxes, Non-Utility Operations Net Non-Utility lncome (Add lines 20,22,23 & 24less lines 21 ,25,26, &27) Gross lncome (add lines 19 & 28) lnterest Exp. on Long-Term Debt Other lnterest Charges NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 & 31) (Also Enter on Pg 9, Line 2) L< 413 414 415 416 419 420 421 426 408.20 409-20 {L 3tu-! 427.3 427.5 ),0 7 t1 l tvrrL6) Rev 3/02 Page 4 't-c fu."hdl eVn,,rw LJ"*w (*r,fn ^, . (waName: SUB ACCT # T v u ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended tL(Z t(Zc1g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 320 330 331 333 334 335 336 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 DESCRIPTION Organization Franchises and Consents Land & Land Rights Structures and lmprovements Collecting & lmpounding Reservoirs Lake, River & Other lntakes Wells Infiltration Galleries & Tunnels Supply Mains Power Generation Equipment Power Pumping Equipment Purification Systems Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories Services Meters and Meter lnstallations Hydrants Backflow Prevention Devices Other Plant & Misc. Equipment Office Furniture and Equipment Transportation Equipment Stores Equipment Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment Laboratory Equipment Power Operated Equipment Communications Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Other Tangible Property TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE (Add lines 1-28) Balance Beginning of Year 000 ao I ooo \,t b\ Added During Year Removed During Year Balance End of Year t?o ooo 5 ooo €r 3Ll 63 jLl Enter beginning & end of year totals on Pg 7, Line 1 a 7 Rev 3/02 Page 5 g bt-, ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended Lt z0 ( t/1Name: SUB ACCT # Balance Beginning of Year Balance End of Year lncrease or 1 304 2 305 3 306 4 307 5 308 6 309 7 310 8 311 9 320 10 330 11 331 12 333 13 334 14 335 15 336 16 339 17 340 18 341 19 342 20 343 21 344 22 345 23 346 24 347 25 348 zo DESCRIPTION Structures and lmprovements Collecting & lmpounding Reservoirs Lake, River & Other lntakes Wells lnfiltration Galleries & Tunnels Supply Mains Power Generation Equipment Power Pumping Equipment Purification Systems Distribution Reservoirs & Standpipes Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories Services Meters and Meter lnstallations Hydrants Backflow Prevention Devices Other Plant & Misc. Equipment Office Furniture and Equipment Transportation Equipment Stores Equipment Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment Laboratory Equipment Power Operated Equipment Communications Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Other Tangible Property TOTALS (Add Lines 1 - 25) Depreciation Rate % Enter oo "7O OO 353 7 3 ng end year totals on Pg 7, Line \1 oo tl J-t o oo trtrfoo 44sto u 3?z(/-Y) 58 ITTI,a5 HL.qx Rev 3/02 Page 6 U ACCT # For Year Ended ASSETS DESCRIPTION Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5, Line 29) Utility Plant Leased to Others Plant Held for Future Use Construction Work in Progress Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment Subtotal (Add Lines 1 - 5) Accumulated Depreciation (From Pg 6, Line 26) Accum. Depr. - Utility Plant Lease to Others Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Use Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant in Service Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant Lease to Others Accumulated Amortization - Aquisition Adj. Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 - 12) lnvestment in Subsidiaries Other lnvestments Total lnvestments (Add lines 14 & 15) Cash Short Term lnvestments Accts/Notes Receivable - Customers Other Receivables Receivables from Associated Companies Materials & Supplies lnventory Prepaid Expenses Unbilled (Accrued) Utility Revenue Provision for Uncollectable Accounts TotalCurrent (Add lines 17 -24less line 25) Unamortized Debt Discount & Expense Preliminary Survey & lnvestigation Charges Deferred Rate Case Expenses Other Deferred Charges Total Assets (Add lines 13, 16 & 26 - 30) BALANCE SHEET (wu Balance Beginning of Year / Balance End of Year Increase or ,b I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 101 102 103 105 114 181 183 184 186 3 108.1 108.2 108.3 1 10.1 110.2 115 123 125 131 135 141 142 145 151 162 173 143 x6 1 7ro 3o 3 .{z1 r{ 1.11 15*s r{Lt0 flt qr t 5jt Z> t t4 k4EK r 001?34€5u3 L-+q^ t 4 oa, )3ooct 6tk ?,2- qq7 3q5 o53 Rev 3/02 Page 7 Name: ,tt/ttu:&dd I p n * Otk4/ ( rn*r,r*,*, .,(,nuName: ACCT # U -,u BALANCE SHEET I 201-3 2 204-6 3 207-13 4 214 5 215 6 216 7 218 8 I 221-2 10 223 11 224 12 231 13 232 14 233 15 235 16 236.11 17 236.12 18 236.2 19 23740 20 241 21 251 22 252 23 253 24 255.1 25 255.2 26 261-5 27 271 28 272 29 281-3 30 31 TOTAL For Year Ended LIABILITIES & CAPITAL DESCRIPTION Common Stock Preferred Stock Miscellaneous Capital Accounts Appropriated Retained Earnings Unappropriated Retained Earnings Reacquired Capital Stock Proprietary Capital Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6) Bonds Advances from Associated Companies Other Long - Term Debt Accounts Payable Notes Payable Accounts Payable - Associated Companies Customer Deposits (Refundable) Accrued Other Taxes Payable Accrued lncome Taxes Payable Accrued Taxes - Non-Utility Accrued Debt, lnterest & Dividends Payable Misc. Current & Accrued Liabilities Unamortized Debt Premium Advances for Construction Other Deferred Liabilities Accumulated lnvestment Tax Credits - Utility Accum. lnvestment Tax Credits - Non-Utility Operating Reserves Contributions in Aid of Construction Accum. Amort. of Contrib. in Aid of Const. ** Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 - 29 LIAB & CAPITAL (Add lines 8 & 30) ** Only if Commission Approved Balance Beginning of Year oo 000 4qt) t03a (q0,L( YI sy, Balance End of Year lncrease or Decrease -er -u l7 2 o- 2-o 3?D , I 0 15' ? loo Ioqooo <<\4.dol) ( 2ro,ek() kz> 47olt( t7s1l( qi I 3 L?( I8..1 4eg,ta, Rev 3/02 Page 8 \ Name:OA6atu STATEMENT OF RET For Year Ended i>b t AINED lt",t EARN!NGS 1 Retained Earnings Balance @ Beginning of Year 2 Amount Added from Current Year lncome (From Pg 4, Line 32) 3 Other Credits to Account 4 Dividends Paid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributions of Retained Earnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance @ End of Year CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL Description (Class, Par Value etc.) &urrnnnon VDfi ( qg.au i7 < ta r78> 7 No. Shares Authorized No. Shares Outstandi lnterest Paid Dividends Paid lnterest Accrued Q.zut AO I ooo g DETAIL OF LONG.TERM DEBT 8 Descri lnterest Rate Year-end Balance llr"d Au - Gr,t ohrasoa-I tot:0 "t\ lt)o 4,{'t,3b x ,tl4 p' t-41,t^tqq)JZ Rev 3/02 Page 9 lzzl<t'() 2" Name rtrtt - 6tU et rt rcnr. tnutw Uv^1*u14, ( w)u,J SYSTEM For Year Ended or location U DATA 7o 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year 2 Water Supply:Type of Treatment: (None, Chlorine (oL ( Rated Capacity Fluoride Filter etc. Usable Capacity 000's Gal. Annual Production Type of Reservoir (Elevated,Pres- urized Gal.Surface ,-J L( Water Supply Source (Well, Spring, Construction (Wood, Steel Concrete S+ 3 System Storage ation or Location Total Capacity 000's Gal. (Duplicate form and attach if necessary. Asterisk facilities added this year.) r?(11 no n0 l\uEtt ,q15 Zoo t1-',d-^o^"ro,u +-,,-ti*< Rev 3/02 Page 10 Name: For Year Ended SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA (,? 7 4 Pump information for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. fll lvL r..Je +7 5 lf customers are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month? Was your system designed to supply fire flows? lf Yes: What is current system rating? How many times were meters read this year? During which months? Designation or Location Horse Power&of pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities th year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. lf Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? What was the total amount pumped during peak month? What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? Rated Capacity Discharge Pressure Energy Used This Year \\o,LaO PL6l A?-a1o ,,\q ,5i)'7 2, r*q pcrpftl rr,tq k rt Lu ora * lt- 6 7 8 Ja-,tu.D ecerr^tt e* i ncJ^.,,si w 9 How many additional customers could be served with no system improvements except a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? !f Yes, attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costsl 11 ln what year do you anticipate that the system capacity (supply, storage or distribution) will have to be expanded? r',/o r,r<, xlo Nd urparn*it^ )nwtCSfro +<5aD a5 )nnar5fi c.3o t5o U5 t"5 l0oo k5 Rev 3/02 Page '11 p(aA4 il/rfiuhdl \pn,,,qs c;rXw (n,rw,ot^a. (n.u \U v a(,1* MrtM 6"nU C,fl frLhs tlZ rw Q>u,l anut,( utUName: Pipe Size att V U'U SYSTEM ENGINEERING DATA For Year Ended FEET OF MAINS ln Use Beginning Of Year 1 lnstalled During Year Last Year Abandoned During Year This Year ln Use End of Year 4 E Last Year #St4 7 ksoo tl A53 lo'l8i 46 5 CUSTOMER STATISTICS This Year 0 Metered:2 2A 28 2C Residential Commercial lndustrial Flat Rate: Residential Commercial lndustrial 3 3A 3B 3C 6 7 8 4 Private Fire Protection 5 Public Fire Protection Street Sprinkling Municipal, Other Other Water Utilities 0( 1r,p va qtl I \tU?l 1?t \0 Zt*[ Rev 3/02 TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) Page 12 300 2.1 (continged)r lT(s a t{ GERTIFICATE State of ldaho Countv of WE, thE 6c, w of the utility,on our oath do severally say that the foregoing report been prepared under our direction, from the original books, papers and records of said utility; that we have carefully examined same, and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and every matter and thing therin set forth, to the best of our knowledge, information and belief. (Chief Officer) cer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me 11llll ltll, SS ) ) ) c tnir-4Lorv L011 \EA o,rlllttll NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires tt(;o{ LotT -a- 1roTafi foauro Rev 3/02 Page 13 gdUexcel/jnelson/anulrpts/Mrannual rpt