HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060515_1552.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DANIEL KLEIN DATE:MAY 12, 2006 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF CALDWELL CHIROPRACTIC CENTER On May 5 , 2006, the Commission received a fonnal complaint (attached) from Caldwell Chiropractic Center filed by John C. Downey, D.C. against Qwest Corporation. Dr. Downey objects to Qwest billing his business for a line that he was supposedly unaware of ordering in May 2001. Dr. Downey is unsatisfied with the outcome of the infonnal procedures to resolve his complaint so has filed this fonnal complaint. BACKGROUND On May 7 2001, Dr. Downey contacted Qwest to obtain Internet service that would not tie up his two existing telephone lines. Apparently Qwest provided him with a third business line. Dr. Downey ended up using his fax line for accessing the Internet, which did temporarily tie up that line when the Internet was being accessed. This suited his business needs at the time. He states he was unaware of the third line. In October 2005 , Dr. Downey contacted Qwest to upgrade the business service to DSL to free up both of his lines. The representative that was helping him asked if Dr. Downey wanted Qwest to be the long distance carrier on the business' third line, 208 454-7296. Dr. Downey says this is the first he knew about the third number. After hearing about the third line, he investigated his bills and discovered he had been billed for a third line since May 2001. Dr. Downey contacted Qwest about the third number and asked that the line be disconnected. He also asked that the charges for this line be credited back to the time it was first billed, because he was not using the line and did not even know of its existence. The rep that disconnected the line DECISION MEMORANDUM MAY 12 2006 agreed to issue one year worth of credit, and Caldwell Chiropractic received a credit of $598. on its December 2005 bill. Dr. Downey was not satisfied with one year worth of credit and contacted Commission Staff on December 17, 2005. Commission Staff contacted Qwest and was provided with the following infonnation. Qwest indicated that an order was placed on May 7, 2001 for the third line and the order was completed on May 10, 2001. Qwest indicated that notes on Dr. Downey account stated that the Company contact "Lisa" at 208459-4354, Dr. Downey s receptionist at his primary business number, when the line was connected at the network interface. Qwest also indicated that it sent a confinnation letter to the customer, confinning the order placed for the additional line. A copy of the actual confinnation letter was not provided because it may no longer exist. The Company also indicated that the Customer had been receiving monthly statements. The Company maintains that the third line was provisioned and ready for use. STAFF ANALYSIS Commission Staff has been in contact with both Caldwell Chiropractic and Qwest. Qwest has supplied copies of the Customer s bills. The Company did disconnect the third line and issue one year of credit after the customer disputed the legitimacy of the third line. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a summons to Qwest and direct the Company to file a response to the complaint? COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Caldwell Chiropractic s fonnal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons or proceed under Modified Procedure? udmemos/Caldwel1 Chiro dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM MAY 12, 2006 '" l"f:l:. IJwell!(j"iropracfic Center JOHN C. DOWNEY, D. 104 EAST PINE CALDWELL, IDAHO 83605 TELEPHONE: (208) 459-4354 5/2/06 , .,, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Commission Secretary Jean JewellPO Box 83720 Boise 10 83720-0074 , ,'. -' "": ", '., ,' j ':.. : ; C ~ '' ,' : ': ,; ' :, c ' : "" , RE: FORMAL COMPLAINT Dear Ms. Jewell HISTORY: m a 15+ years business customer of phone service (Owest Telecommunications) at 104 E Pine St., Caldwell. I have 2 phone numbers: 459-4354 , main number; 459- 9438 second fax/phone line. In May 2001 I contacted Qwest to establish an intemet phone connection that would allow my phone lines to be functional while receiving internet service. The internet connection was made through the 459-9438 fax/phone line 'Nhich disabled the fax/phone for the short times when the internet was in use. The main line, 459-4354 was always functional and this satisfied my business needs. This Wp.S true until we upgraded our internet service in 10/05 to DSL which freed both lines. , ', ,; I spoke with aOwest customer assistant in Qctober '05 during the DSL installation process. The Owest customer assistant asked ifOwest could be the long distance carrier for a phone number I had no knowledge of: 454-7296. I declined the offer. After talking with Owest I discovered that athird phone line (454-7296) had been installed in May '01 though it was not functional as a phone or an internet connection. When calling the dysfunctional number (454-7296) before it was "disconnected", it would ring as a working number without answer. There was no reaction by our phone system or any discoverable phone/wall jack that would make the number functional. Since I had paid for a "service" I did not receive I asked Owest for credit going back to May '01. Owest said that only one year credit was possible, at approximately $38. per month and gav~. me a $598.17 credit in December, 2005. PETITION: I would like to receive credit from Owest for the entire time I paid for a dysfunctional phone connection'from May, 2001-0ctober, 2005 less the credit already received. I have reviewed the phone bills from 2001 to present. The charges for the phone lines 459-4354, 459-9438 and 454-7296 are billed as one "monthly service" charge except on the February statement (until June '04); then the charges are itemized as 2 addl. line-pri bus flat = $65.02 and 1 private business line = $32.51. The phone .numbers are never published. If we had received a charge for a 454-7296 number we should have been instantly alerted to it's existence and the error. Had there been a functional 454-7296 phone , phone wall jack, phone number, or knowledge of these we would have known and therefore canceled the service. Indeed , the only way to have known about the unknown 454-7296 iine was by the bill which never published the number. In other words Owest failed to give us a functional phone connection (we would have canceled) and billed us for it. If it is possible to check line usage then it can be shown that the 454-7296 number was truly unused/dysfunctional beyond this testimony. I have copies of all the monthly statements if this would be helpful. Thank you for your time. Siilcei~JY,/)(//7 / /j;Y ,t/~7 .??Z----- John C. Downey, D.