HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060515_1547.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:HARRY HALL DATE:MAY 11, 2006 RE:FALLS WATER GENERAL RATE CASE CASE NO. FLS-05- On November 4 2005 , Falls Water Company, Inc. (Falls Water; Company) filed a general rate case with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) authority to increase its revenue requirement by $258 363 (48.2%). On November 28 2005 , the Commission issued Notices of Application and Intervention Deadline in Case No. FLS- W -05-1. The deadline for filing interventions was Friday, December 23 2005. No party requested intervention. On January 25 , 2006, Commission Staff conducted a public workshop for Falls Water customers in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The public workshop offered the public and customers of Falls Water an opportunity to meet with Commission Staff, ask questions and receive infonnation regarding Falls Water s Application. On March 15 , 2006, a public hearing was held in Idaho Falls to obtain public testimony. addition to the public workshop and hearing, the Commission also provided an opportunity to submit written comments. Comments were filed by Commission Staff and by customers of Falls Water. The Company was provided until March 24, 2006 to file reply comments. The Company filed reply (rebuttal) comments and filed a correction to its comments on March 29 2006. On April 27, 2006, the Commission issued Order No. 30027 approving a revenue requirement of $684 604, an increase of 14.39% in authorized annual revenues for Falls Water Company, Inc. In that Order the Commission also approved a $15 Field Collection Charge in lieu oftenninating service for non-payment. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -MAY 11 2006 Falls Water Company has submitted tariffs in response to that Order, which are attached and include: Schedule R-, Residential Metered service for all metered residential customers Schedule R- 2, Residential Flat Rate Schedule R-, Residential Multi-Family Metered Service Schedule RC-, Metered Commercial Service Schedule No. M, Non Recurring Charges Staff finds that the tariffs submitted are in compliance with Order No. 30027 and recommends that the tariffs be approved as submitted. ~t'U udmemos/Falls Water Dee Memo Tariff 05 1006 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -MAY 11 2006 lrariffNo. 1 P:U.L No. Canceling c.I. No. ,.,ame or Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R-1 RESIDENTIAL METERED SERVICE RATE:$11.53 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $0.48 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12.000 GALLONS PER BilLING CYCLE. AVAJLABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS EXCEPT THOSE QUALIFYING FOR RATE SCHEDULE R- Issued: April 28, 2006 Effective: April 1, 2006 ep,~MPANYJ I ~;~ MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Tariff No. 2 C.I. No. Canceling C.I. No. ~ameof Ptility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R-2 RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SERVICE RATE:$20.17 PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITHOUT METERS LOCATED IN THE SW114 OF SECTION 14. T. 2 N., R. 38 E. BONNEVilLE COUNTY; IDAHO (MOBILE HOME ESTATES SUBDIVlSION. MONTE ViSTA ESTATES; AND FIRST STREET MOBILE PARK). Planned metering of this area will move customers to the Schedule No. R.1 Residential Metered tariff as meters are installed for the homes. Issued: April 28,2006 Effective: April!) 2006 :' COMPANY, I ~;~ MANAGER K. Scott Bruce trariffNo. 3 t No. Canceling C.I. No. Name or Ut11ity Original Sheet No. FAllS WATER COMPANY. INC. SCHEDULE NO. R-3 RESIDENTIAL MUL TI-FAMll Y RATE:$11.53 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $0. PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR AlL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12.000 GALLONS PER BilLING CYCLE. METERS ARE READ YEAR ROUND. AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES, FOUR-PlEXES. AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS WHERE INDMDUAL UNITS IN A BUilDING ARE NOT METERED SEPERATElY OR UVING UNITS CANNOT BE SOLD SEPERATEl Y. RATES WILL BE BASED ON A PER BUILDING METERED BASIS. . . Issued: April 28, 2006 Effective: April 1, 2006 ~;U COMPANY, I ~~~ MANAGER K. Scott Bruce trariffNo. 4 C.I. No. Canceling u.C.I. No. Name '01 Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. C- METERED COMMERCIAL SERVICE READ YEAR--ROUND RATE:$11.53 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $0.48 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 12,000 GALLONS PER BILLING CYCLE. AVAILABLE TO ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. Issued: AprU 28, 2006 Effective: April!, 2006 ~~ If MPANYJ IN ~iae MANAGER K. Scott Bruce ariffNo. 5 L No. Canceling L No. Name of Utility FALLS WATER COMPANY. INC. Original Sheet No. SCHEDULE NO. M NON-RECURRING CHARGES: RE-CONNECT FEES: During office hours Afteroffice hours $ 20. $ 40. FIELD COLLECTION FEE: Fee assessed when a personal visit is made by a Company representative in order to terminate servfcefor non-payment of the account and the customer at such time makes a partial or full payment on the bill. Field Collection Fee $ 15. HOOKUP CHARGES: %" Meter 1" Meter 1 Yz" Meter 2" Meter $500 . $600. $825. $900. The Company shall follow the "Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Governing Customer Relations of Natural Gas, Electric and Water Public Utilities Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued: April 28~ 2006 Effective: Aprill~ 2006 ~;u ~COMPANYJ I ~~~ MANAGER K. Scott Bruce