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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090714Petition.pdf,l ..b C:.f ¡~¿sfanj~ ~v" Sljr'd S~ '1/'tÇ/09 ý1' AJ/.ø/-r ~. ~ 1- Idaho Public Utilties Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 REceIVED 2009 JUl. - 9 AM 8= ZS IDAHO PUB! ie UTILITIES COMMISSION June 27, 2009 REFERENCE: CASE NO: MN-W-09-1 To Whom it May Concern: It has come to our attention tht Nolan Gneitig, owner of the Morng View Water Company, has petitioned the Idao Public Utilities Commssion (lUC) for an imediä 25% rate increase. As home owners, who live in the Morng View Acres subdvisions, we respectfly request a public meetig be held before any incrase is considered or granted by your organzation. The last rate increase of 24.6%, which was approved by the IPUC in Augut of 2007, cites many of the same system/company deficiencies that still exist tody, i.e., failure to file requied report, poor or nonexistent rerd keeping, and misuse of water company contingency fuds. In addition, the IPUC requested that Mornng View Water Company submit a plan for meter inlation and acqui additional water nghts beond the 48 authonzed hook-ups allowed by water nght No. 25-7593 (pnonty date 10-10-1995). The water system in question is not curntly in compliance with Idaho Deparent of Environmental Quaity reguations, e.g., low pressur, failur to fie requied reports on time, etc. These deficiencies must be satisfactonly addressed or the owner will face pending legal action in Seventh Distct Cour. We sincerely believe that the above stated reasons wart a complete heanng of our concerns before any fuer actions, which could impact our water rates, are taen. Sincerely, See Attched SignatueSheet(s) '\ ... Propert Owners with the Morng View Acres Subdivisions: Page 1 Name: (Prnt)Sinare ..:: A "' e s ;lrel1 )l dek ZU4 M' 3.~~ ~Mj,/~ ~~Ntl~ 'U rJ;tlseh, Dq ();J rw ( Doll (l ~ Ad i B S ,J...¥6CO c;," ,, &31' /g'S IV r~l)1J E. ~I l .:D ~:i''¡ir2Æ'J! Y) IØL'í /l 397'0 &~ f ;;:'.,6 Tel ¿o ¡¿tit( It /t¥ I'J 1990 EASí ,t/qtJY Id¡1NiJ lJi¡Y'.! /B~ N 4600 e. 'Ri by J;ro t¿'3'-t.() 11Q lJ. 4000 6 . ti i ID ~ 644-:V \ì'ì N \ L\ooo i ~ ~ 10 l~~4d Iß(o. N. 3.9cro E R'9 b I' f3'1'1'L / pY d !Y¿?d 6" ;Mtm !I ¿.L JJ ~ hJ .i4v/ .~