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chasselstrom (g)netscape. net
Thursday, April 26, 2007 7:55 AM
Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell
PUC Comment/Inquiry Form
A Comment from Carol Hasselstrom follows:
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Case Number: MNV-W-06-01
Name: Carol Hasselstrom
Address: 188 N 3950 E
City: Rigby
State: 10
Zip: 83442
Home Telephone: 208-745-0238Contact E-Mail: chasselstrom0netscape. net
Name of Utility com Orning View Water
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Please describe your question or comment briefly:
Thank you for the water workshop that you put on. It was very informative.
Unfortunately only a small fraction of the people involved were notified about theworkshop. The wells and equipment seem to be in even worse shape than they were 5 years
ago in 2002. I have a new concern. On the north side of 200N from us the Landmark
Developers are starting to develop the property. Are these homes going to be added toMorning View Water? The comment was made at the workshop that Mr. Gnei ting is selling
more water than he owns the rights to. The pumps are inadequate, there are probably
broken pipes that aren t being repaired, there is sand and now rust in our drinking water.
You know the long list of complaints against Morning View Water. Someone is going to have
to clean this mess up sometime in the near future. Is it going to be those of us who are
on the water system? When I purchased my home I knew about the problems that the six or
seven houses on the system were having with Nolan Gnei ting. I thought that you couldn
get away with such shoddy service in the United States where we have governmentregulations. I was wrong. I can t afford to sell and move. I can t afford to come up
wi th a large amount of cash for my share of the expense when the water system totally
crashes. How exactly does this work. Is Morning View Water responsible for all of the
repairs that will need to be made to the system or are we, the home owners, going to have
to come up with the capital to buy Mr. Gneiting out and repair the system? I am looking
forward to your answer.
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Jean Jewell
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cu rn utti nc(g)hotmail. com
Thursday, April 26, 2007 8: 11 AM
Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell
PUC Comment/Inquiry Form
A Comment from Donald H. Curnutt follows:
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Case Number:
Name: Donald
Address: 184
City: Rigby
State: 10
Zip: 83442
Home Telephone: 208-745-0180
Contact E-Mail: curnuttinc0hotmail. com
Name of Utility Compan~: Morning View Water Co.
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Please describe your question or comment briefly:
I have lived in Martin Meadows Subdivision since the Spring of 1994.
H. Curnutt
N 3950 E
When I bought the property from Nolan Gnei ting I inquired about irrigation water. He told
me at that time that he had sold the water right to all this property when he bought thisproperty. At that time he had only 1, 7 or 7 1/2 horse pump on the well to accommodate
our water usage. Some time later he drilled another well with a 20 horse pump. But due
to the expansion of this development, expansion of useage and depth of the well we are
experiencing a large abundance of sand at different times. In the summer of 2005 the sand
was so bad in the water that the toilets were filled with sand, the toilet in our shop was
so bad that the tank actually had 5 to 6 inches of sand standing. It plugged the washing
machine screens completely. We had to replace one toilet due to this problem. Because I
was out of town at that time, my wife and daughter had to manage this problem and Nolan
was not very willing to help. My daughter contacted the PUC and told them what washappening. She also took water samples in to have them checked, they did come back ok.
Upon returning from my out of town job, Nolan provided us with a flushing valve in the
main line to discharge the sand in the system at our location. Be that as it may, it has
not resolved the problem.
Last year when the well was shut down for repair, I was at the well house with Nolan,
there was a New 10 horse pump to replace the old 7 or 7 1/2 horse pump for a backupsystem. I asked him at the time why he didn t put that pump in. He told me, 'He could
not afford it because he was spending all of his money on a cabin in Island Park'
Consequently we have no backup system when there are problems with the main well. We are
now experienceing rust in our water, as all the lines are plastic the rust apparently is
coming from the pump or the pressure tank or piping in the well house. We have also
experienced this winter, times when we get up in the morning and there is NO water.
Donald H. Curnutt
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